IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2023-10-29
00:22:49 <dwfreed> goddess_ishtar: I must be a masochist, because I'm starting up MSC again
00:22:57 <goddess_ishtar> hey
00:23:02 <goddess_ishtar> I'm trying to install Arch
00:23:12 <dwfreed> same thing
00:23:17 <dwfreed> :D
00:23:21 <goddess_ishtar> you aren't hoarding all the masochism, is what I'm saying :p
00:33:40 <dwfreed> so I stopped for a police checkpoint and got rearended by the bus
00:34:12 <dwfreed> glad my save was 5 minutes ago
00:37:56 <bungus> you should check out the long drive
00:38:40 <bungus> kinda the same idea of my summer car but a lot less polished and funnier by extension
00:38:47 <bungus> if you can call MSC polished
00:39:04 <bungus> <>
00:40:36 <goddess_ishtar> MSC is not at all polished
00:40:46 <goddess_ishtar> I don't know how you could make something *less* polished
00:40:56 <goddess_ishtar> unless it's literally set in Poland
00:42:07 <goddess_ishtar> wait no
00:42:12 <dwfreed> lol
00:42:16 <goddess_ishtar> that would make it *more* Polished, not less
00:42:36 <dwfreed> if MSC is "polished" to you, then the long drive would be literally unplayable
00:42:54 <dwfreed> to MSC's credit, it *is* more polished than when I last played
00:43:14 <dwfreed> but 5% more than 0.01% is not a significant improvement
01:25:44 <Timberwolf> C'mon, 0.019% at least.
01:52:36 <goddess_ishtar> ???
01:53:14 <goddess_ishtar> the system is booted in BIOS mode, I'm pretty sure this doesn't have UEFI, but the disk is GPT formatted
01:53:54 <goddess_ishtar> and there's an EFI system partition
01:56:25 <goddess_ishtar> did I boot into BIOS mode instead of UEFI by mistake???
01:56:39 *** Wormnest has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
02:00:10 <goddess_ishtar> doesn't seem like it, it looks like this motherboard genuinely supports GPT but not UEFI
02:27:46 <debdog> that's an advantage, isn't it?
02:29:20 <goddess_ishtar> yeah, but it's so unexpected that I'm worried I've got it wrong
02:29:41 <goddess_ishtar> especially since there's a EFI System partion here
02:29:57 <goddess_ishtar> *partition
02:34:46 <dwfreed> classic bios doesn't care about partition scheme
02:35:03 <dwfreed> grub does need a bios-boot partition of a couple megabytes, though
02:36:56 <dwfreed> (but GPT also has a protective MBR partition table at the front to ensure that anything that doesn't speak GPT doesn't completely mess everything up)
02:37:52 <goddess_ishtar> eh, I'll just repartition everything
02:38:06 <goddess_ishtar> this is my testing laptop, so I don't care about anything on this HDD
02:39:18 <goddess_ishtar> oh I know why the weirdness might be
02:39:25 <goddess_ishtar> this computer has Bedrock Linux on it
02:40:22 <dwfreed> IT'S ALIVE
02:40:31 <dwfreed> (my car in MSC)
02:40:39 <goddess_ishtar> congrats!
03:16:29 <goddess_ishtar> after staring at parted for the past 35 minutes I have finally succeeded in creating... a single partition
03:23:50 *** bryjen has joined #openttd
03:29:52 <dwfreed> goddess_ishtar: I think I've decided now that the car *runs* that I'm not going to play the game unmodded anymore
03:30:13 <bungus> gparted exists
03:30:37 <bungus> i prefer fdisk and cfdisk for formatting hard drives
03:30:49 <goddess_ishtar> not when I don't have a window manager installed yet
03:30:53 <dwfreed> heh
03:31:03 <goddess_ishtar> fdisk seems to be easier in hindsight
03:31:22 <dwfreed> parted is hella confusing
03:31:51 <bungus> yes it is
03:32:02 <goddess_ishtar> I enjoy the struggle though
03:32:22 <bungus> well strugggling isnt always the best when there are better ways to do thinggs
03:32:47 <bungus> cfdisk is very good give it a try
03:32:58 <goddess_ishtar> I already partitioned out the disk :p
03:33:04 <goddess_ishtar> but next time, definitely
03:33:15 <bungus> did you add btrfs subvolumes
03:33:24 <goddess_ishtar> uh
03:33:25 <goddess_ishtar> noi
03:33:29 <goddess_ishtar> did I need to
03:33:44 <bungus> no but if you want to use snapper you should
03:33:59 <bungus>
03:33:59 <goddess_ishtar> I was just gonna make the whole fs ext4 and Not Worry About It
03:34:30 <bungus> i prefer btrfs because of file compression and snapshotting
03:34:33 <goddess_ishtar> except the partitions for GRUB and the swapfile
03:35:37 <bungus> right now i have it setup in arch to whenever i install a package, it creates a btrfs snapshot before and after it installs but excludes folders in the filesystem that are irrelevant to backups
03:36:16 <bungus> and it automatically generates a grub entry to boot into one of the snapshots into a read only filesystem if something goes wrong and i cant boot anymore
03:36:50 <bungus> <>
03:38:36 <bungus> heres a really good demo of how snapper works
03:40:50 <bungus> snapper is for any linux os but its a command line program so guis for it can vary between distros, and you need btrfs for it to work in the first plaace
03:44:58 *** Flygon has joined #openttd
03:45:23 *** D-HUND has joined #openttd
03:48:44 *** debdog has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
04:17:04 *** YungJudas[m] has joined #openttd
04:39:40 *** keikoz has joined #openttd
06:31:26 <dwfreed> goddess_ishtar: I cheated a bit, but the car has now passed inspection; I think I'm done with the game, though
06:49:51 *** bryjen has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
06:51:37 <LordAro> truebrain: does this affect us?
06:51:41 <LordAro> ( via )
07:01:50 *** Flygon_ has joined #openttd
07:07:37 <peter1138> truebrain, I am not totally against #11405, fwiw.
07:08:50 *** Flygon has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
07:09:25 <peter1138> Hmm, is it knee-warmers or bib-tights weather...
07:14:08 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
07:15:22 <alfagamma7> Depends who you ask tbh
07:27:41 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd
07:43:17 *** nielsm has joined #openttd
07:46:34 <truebrain> peter1138: In what cases do you see it being useful? (Honest question, as I am just not seeing it)
07:48:48 <truebrain> LordAro: Good question. Honestly can't remember how we currently sign 😛
08:16:21 <truebrain> And today is the dat my computer is like: I am not going to boot. So I can't even check 😦
09:03:32 <bungus> who originally developed nml?
09:04:53 *** peter1138[d] has quit IRC (Quit: User went offline on Discord a while ago)
09:08:38 <_pruple> Fred Nml
09:10:06 <_pruple> also Yexo, Hirundo, and Alberth, according to
09:16:56 <bungus> after creating something in nfo i have a very deep appreciation towards them
09:47:57 *** pemensik|home has joined #openttd
10:51:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #11404: Change: Try stopping extmidi player with SIGINT first.
11:05:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik opened pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
11:08:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
11:45:57 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
11:47:12 *** Tirili has joined #openttd
11:53:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik updated pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
11:58:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
11:59:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on issue #11403: [Bug]: Code contains 3rdparty software without simple opt-out
11:59:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11405: WIP: Allow using system provided libraries
11:59:43 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain closed pull request #11405: WIP: Allow using system provided libraries
12:04:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:07:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:13:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:15:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:23:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:24:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:30:47 <LordAro> popcorn.gif
12:34:03 <truebrain> why?
12:34:28 <_glx_> Adding a file without installing it is indeed useless
12:35:10 <truebrain> I can understand distros can use it; but it feels like we could do better 🙂
12:36:33 <_glx_> And I agree, the version stuff will most likely be forgotten on release
12:36:36 <truebrain> LordAro: I tried to look what certificate we use for our Windows binaries .. but I can't find anything about it 😛 Just that they were installed 2 years ago. Maybe orudge remembers how they came to be 🙂
12:37:04 <truebrain> I can't remember if we ended up buying a cert, or just use a self-certificate
12:37:15 <truebrain> I remember that it was more about training Microsoft that our binaries are from the same publisher, and that it really is okay
12:37:20 <truebrain> more than being actually an OV/EV cert
12:37:23 <_glx_> It's bought IIRC
12:37:46 <truebrain> I knew we had talks about it ... also the problem of hardware tokens
12:37:51 <truebrain> no clue what we ended up using 😛
12:38:53 <truebrain> also doesn't actually mention where it comes from 🙂
12:43:42 <truebrain> ah, on the binary itself it shows
12:43:50 <truebrain> LordAro: yes, we will have a similar issue. Ours expires in 2024
12:45:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:49:17 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:51:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ghisvail commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:52:27 <truebrain> ugh, what a useless discussion this has become ...
12:53:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:53:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:54:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ghisvail commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:57:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ghisvail commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
12:58:51 <truebrain> owh, also an actual answer to the question. But is he allowed to speak on behalve of the "Flathub maintainers"? 😄
12:58:56 <truebrain> let's not delve into that issue ...
13:00:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:00:21 <truebrain> I love the logic of those 2 comments .. I cannot call it silly, but the statement has no value? I am at a loss here 😛
13:03:06 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:03:38 <truebrain> meh; we keep coming back that they want to do something for a very small group of people, and we have to maintain it 😛 Don't know about you _glx_ , but I kinda learnt my leason with these things 😄
13:05:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ghisvail commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:10:25 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ghisvail commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:11:10 <truebrain> that sounds like a Flathub issue; not ours 😛
13:13:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ghisvail commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:14:12 <truebrain> and he just proofed the reason I think it is a terrible idea for us to announce any rating 🙂
13:14:19 <truebrain> we are not qualified to name one 😛
13:18:55 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:38:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik updated pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:39:10 <truebrain> I should just have not touched this PR. I regret it immensily.
13:39:26 <truebrain> I also had to reinstall my Windows machine.
13:39:29 <truebrain> Just one of these days 😛
13:40:42 <bungus> someone needs their coffee
13:48:57 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:50:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:52:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ghisvail commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:52:58 <truebrain> wow, that dude has a real habbit of mispresenting what people say ... amazing skill to have
13:54:03 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:54:07 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
13:54:51 <truebrain> nicely worded Rubidium; you did that a lot better than I did
13:58:59 <truebrain> the part about desecration was a bit too visual 😛
14:01:53 <Rubidium> what does that do with the rating of a braille reader, if text is too visual ;D
14:02:42 <bungus> i think everyone is getting too hung up on the rating, has anyone even visted the OARS page
14:02:47 <bungus>
14:03:28 <bungus> `OARS relies on honest answers from upstream projects and is purely informational.`
14:03:28 <bungus> `Creating the required AppStream XML markup is 100% free and no payment is required to any certification company. `
14:03:31 <_jgr_> At what point is it less hassle to just close the PR with "no thanks"?
14:03:47 <truebrain> _jgr_: I was being polite ... I do regret it 😦
14:03:50 <bungus> its a webpage that you fill out a form with and it gives you a string you copy and paste into a text file at the end
14:03:52 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] pemensik commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
14:05:24 <truebrain> bungus: that might be the case, but that is not how people will understand it, if it is "in the ofifical source code"
14:05:50 <truebrain> besides, there are many more rating systems .. how about those? When will someone add an entry to fill in that rating. It is such a slippery slope
14:07:14 <bungus> thats a very fair point to make and i think making that clear that its a factor when you close the pr might be good, but also if you make it seem like you closed the pr just because of the rating and not the other valid reasons thats pretty lame
14:07:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #11406: Include AppStream metadata info into source distribution
14:08:12 <truebrain> bungus: the first part is exactly what I did, I think? 😄
14:09:01 <bungus> yeah but the amount of text that went into that one comment chain might give the impression otherwise
14:09:28 <Rubidium> bungus: what would your rating be on nudity in OpenTTD?
14:09:28 <truebrain> currently it is a choice for the author .. remove the rating, or keep it knowing we won't accept it
14:09:54 <truebrain> but yeah ... the conversation was going well till the other dude came barging in 😛 Kinda made it more of a fuzz then it needed to be
14:10:01 <bungus> Rubidium: rule 34
14:10:50 <bungus> if people can create their own user content and put it in the game, and also publish it to other users can download, then yeah it can happen
14:11:12 <Rubidium> so, you agree that they forgot to add the rating tag for nudity?
14:11:17 <bungus> for a game like openttd hell no but you get my point
14:12:13 <bungus> its a very slippery slope rating any game, and official game rating certification companies for different countries vary wildly on what they rate games that other people think is completely fine
14:12:22 <bungus> its very subjective
14:12:42 <Rubidium> bungus: the point is that there *is* a NewGRF (on our content system) of which there are two variants because people were offended by graphics on the side of trucks that could be seen a nude people
14:13:21 <bungus> thats pretty funny but yeah see i doubted rule 34
14:13:36 <bungus> it happens with any game or media
14:14:50 <bungus> what some people might consider lewd or obscene for that might be completely tolerable and seen as childish for others
14:17:06 <bungus> rating is really like the smallest reason to get hung up on it though, there are plenty of other valid reasons to reject the pr that you guys talked about
14:18:41 <truebrain> like?
14:20:03 <bungus> maintaining it, it seems like something that should be suited for a specific package database or something
14:20:30 <truebrain> we also have a openttd.desktop; and the format is an open format, and seems to work for any GNOME desktop
14:20:46 <truebrain> so I am not against it as such; if it helps out people, why not. It just has to be low maintenance 😄
14:20:52 <truebrain> hence the: no releases in that file 😛
14:21:13 <bungus> arch has which i tried to find the source repo for and had no luck
14:22:02 <bungus> is just the pkgfile and the owner just maintains the package to run the script to unpack the files
14:23:41 <bungus> which makes me think that other distros might have similar package databases like that
14:23:51 <bungus> for the appstream metadata
14:24:22 <bungus> fedora doesnt but fedora likes to do things their way
14:26:44 <bungus> but if its not standardized, and the appstream metadata file instead installed ahead of time before you installed the program, you would have to download it as you browse the page, or have it installed already before you install it? im not sure how including it in the source repo would be that helpful unless it was also pulled from somewhere else and used as a source url
14:27:19 <truebrain> that, I don't have answer for 😄 Did not look at it that deep ..
14:28:13 <bungus> yeah, thats the big issue here i think over anything else
14:29:16 <bungus> how useful is that file being added to the source repo because appstream needs the xml file to real from on your computer
14:30:09 <truebrain> from how the PR sells it, it is about GNOME being able to show things about the game
14:30:38 <bungus> yeah, it gives you nice info in the software browser about the description and screenshots
14:31:09 <bungus>
14:31:36 <bungus> heres what it looks like with the arch package appstream xml from that package i linked
14:31:42 <truebrain> looks pretty 🙂
14:31:52 <truebrain> too bad of the Unknown author 😛
14:32:00 <bungus>
14:32:20 <bungus> heres what it looks like for the flatpak version that the person who replied to in that github issue maintains
14:32:52 <bungus> one is a very basic xml, the other is one pimped out
14:33:14 <truebrain> I guess that is also why the versions are in there, so you can download older versions easily, or something
14:33:17 <truebrain> but that really is a distribution issue
14:33:26 <truebrain> not a list that should be in our repo
14:33:29 <bungus>
14:33:33 <Rubidium> truebrain: yeah, it ought to be "Unknown authors" ;) As I couldn't name all the authors :D
14:33:41 <bungus> thats what the basic xml looks like for the arch repo
14:34:15 <truebrain> so the conclusion of the day, I shouldn't have touched that PR 😛 Fine!
14:34:16 <truebrain> 😄
14:35:09 <bungus> well id do a little more research before i would say its a distro issue
14:35:42 <bungus> all i know is arch cause thats what im using, and fedora cause what that guy is using, im not using anything else to go and find out
14:36:18 <bungus> but how useful is it in the source distro when you need the file installed ahead of time for it to be useful in the software package gui
14:36:53 <truebrain> but how you describe it, that file should really be maintained by the people distributing the game
14:36:54 <truebrain> not by us
14:36:59 <Rubidium> still remember we ditched the distro packaging in the repository as it was way more hassle to have all the distro stuff upstreamed than leaving it at the distros
14:37:01 <truebrain> as it will differ depending on the target
14:37:34 <truebrain> Rubidium: indeed; I kinda was under the assumption this file was like `openttd.desktop`, and generic .. but seems it is not
14:39:05 <bungus> maybe bring that up in the PR, those two might be more experienced than we are how things work like that work between distros and are standardized
14:39:42 <bungus> openttd.desktop is like, an extremely old x11/xdg spec right?
14:39:55 <truebrain> pretty sure one of the two dudes only has the flathub world in his vision 😄
14:40:15 <_glx_> we dropped .deb because it was starting to be annoying
14:40:28 <_glx_> (but it survived a very long time)
14:40:48 <bungus> well, hes maintaining the flathub version, and hes the one who made that one that looks very pretty. maybe including it in the source repo could be upstreamed to other distros like `openttd.desktop`
14:41:04 <bungus> so hes definitely biased lol
14:42:04 <bungus> either way its such a small thing at the end of the day compared to like actually doing things with the game
14:42:05 <truebrain> always the issue, that we are looking at the bigger picture, or try to 😉
14:42:47 <bungus> if you already had to reinstall windows today just leave a comment on it or something and come back to it another day, how long did that take
14:43:41 <truebrain> Putting a new pc together currently, also fun 😄
14:44:05 <bungus> i love building computers, i wish i could do it a lot more than i currently do
14:44:05 <truebrain> Mine is 6 years old ... compiling OpenTTD takes too long
14:44:11 <bungus> its like playing with legos
14:44:34 <_glx_> I'll be forced to do that soon, my pc freezed while watching a stream, I forced shutdown and it won't restart
14:45:07 <_glx_> a little more than 10 years old
14:45:33 <truebrain> mine is acting all weird lately ... so yeah .. same
14:45:40 <truebrain> and I have been completely out of touch with all recent developments
14:45:41 <bungus> definitely due for an upgrade if you are still on ddr3
14:45:47 <truebrain> so I am looking at CPUs like .... eeeeeeeuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh
14:45:57 <_glx_> they are expensive
14:46:04 *** Flygon_ is now known as Flygon
14:46:13 <Flygon> FWIW - I'd aim for the AM5 platform.
14:46:22 <Flygon> Easiest upgrade paths down the line.
14:46:46 <bungus> has amd overtaken intel on the single core performance end yet
14:46:56 <Flygon> Well
14:47:07 <Flygon> The answer to that iirc is "It depends on the game".
14:47:15 <Flygon> Also the whole 3D Cache angle if you care about those GPUs.
14:47:21 <Flygon> CPUs*
14:47:50 <truebrain> it will most likely be a 7950X, from what I can tell
14:47:55 <Rubidium> if/when you upgrade your computer once every 6-10 years, I doubt the platform will still be compatible so doubtful it'll do you much good
14:47:56 <truebrain> the 3D seems not worth it .. the 16 cores is nice
14:48:12 <Flygon> (except 3D cache mostly speeds up games, and the megahertz lost do lose performance in other things.)
14:48:16 <truebrain> but now a motherboard that fits with it 😛
14:48:19 <bungus> i absolutely hate the socket shit that intel does, but i emulate a lot and do other things that require strong single core performance over anything else
14:48:29 <Flygon> ...and I'm pretty sure 3D cache doesn't help compiling. :D
14:48:38 <_glx_> I'll stick to 6 cores
14:48:42 <truebrain> Flygon: exactly! 🙂
14:48:44 <_glx_> expensive enough
14:49:00 <Flygon> I've been using a 5900X, and I've had literally nothing bottleneck me on that.
14:49:09 <Flygon> So the 7950X is probably going to be an absolute chungus hahaha.
14:49:30 <bungus> 6-8 cores is really all you need for an average or above average desktop
14:49:31 <truebrain> for the next 6 years 🙂
14:50:01 <bungus> servers benefit a lot more than desktop computers with more cores
14:50:16 <Flygon> I mean, assuming AM5 has the longevity of AM4 (which is... up in the air), you might be able to keep the same motherboard in 6 years :D
14:50:21 <_glx_> when compiling more core is nice
14:50:34 <bungus> if the compiler can multithread though
14:50:46 <Flygon> You could look into the Threadripper line.
14:50:56 <Flygon> Except uh... RIP wallet hahaha
14:51:10 <bungus> yes, keeping the same motherboard for so long is something i envy AMD users about
14:51:20 <truebrain> Flygon: yeah, no 😛
14:51:38 <_glx_> my actual MB is AM3+ 🙂
14:51:38 <Flygon> Understandable :D
14:51:50 <Flygon> You're on a Bulldozer?
14:52:08 <_glx_> FX-6100 yes
14:52:15 <bungus> what, you dont have $5k to drop on a single piece of pc hardware?
14:52:29 <Flygon> As long as it works for you.
14:52:31 <bungus> 😔
14:52:47 <Flygon> I sat on a Xeon X5650 from around 2013 until the motherboard died in 2020 :P
14:52:50 <Flygon> So I do understand
14:52:59 <Flygon> That motherboard itself dating to around 2010 hahaha.
14:53:09 <Flygon> I expect my machines to last a decade :D
14:53:40 <truebrain> currently I have a i7-8700K, which is still performing rather well, for a 6 year old CPU 😛
14:53:47 <truebrain> did costs a lot, but surely delivered
14:54:27 <bungus> i had the i5-8600k for a while, very good processor for the price i paid
14:56:04 <Flygon> The people I've seen struggle most with their i7-8700K's are streamers.
14:56:29 <alfagamma7> I thought streamers use high end stuff
14:56:34 <Flygon> It's probably the first task (aside from what you're doing) I've seen obsolete that CPU.
14:56:38 <bungus> they need to
14:56:38 <_glx_> ideal setup from stream is 2 pc
14:56:45 <Flygon> They got the i7-8700K when it *was* new.
14:56:48 <Flygon> And high end. :P
14:57:10 *** michi_cc[d] has joined #openttd
14:57:10 <michi_cc[d]> The longevity of AM4 has been really nice. I could upgrade to a 5800X3D for not too much without needing to change any of the other stuff (except a BIOS update). The last several Intel platforms got junked much, much faster.
14:57:20 <bungus> streamers need to play a high quality game on good settings to not get ridiculed and also have the overhead to record and/or stream it at the same time
14:57:22 <alfagamma7> I use a processor riddled with security issues from 2018
14:57:39 <Flygon> Ironically the streamer coming to mind mostly wanders the "Retro" category.
14:57:41 <bungus> and also not suffer performance drops in any way because of the streaming software
14:57:43 <alfagamma7> not that I am complaining, it struggles a bit
14:57:49 <Flygon> It was running PCem that made them go "Okay my PC's not cutting it" hahaha.
14:58:02 <alfagamma7> I hope I will be able to extract 5 more years of use
14:58:23 <Rubidium> just upgraded to a i7-1360P. That's also a welcome improvement from an i5-3337U. And yes, it might be pricy, but if it works well for a decade again that's well worth it I'd say
14:58:36 <Flygon> Yeah.
14:58:43 <bungus> i think ram is way more important for pc longevity now than processor speed
14:59:01 <alfagamma7> I have to upgrade (or downgrade depending on whom you ask) a desktop
14:59:03 <_glx_> for now I'm stuck on i3-2310M laptop with only 4GB
14:59:10 <_glx_> it's a pain
14:59:14 <Flygon> Ooooooow.
14:59:17 <Flygon> That's pretty dreadful yeah.
14:59:18 <bungus> :(
14:59:34 <alfagamma7> I fortunately had an expansion slot for RAM in my laptop which was nice
14:59:35 <bungus> are you using linux on it?
14:59:48 <_glx_> no win10
14:59:56 <bungus> oh god, it even runs?
15:00:16 <alfagamma7> Mine's a i3-8130U
15:02:03 <bungus> ive repaired a lot of laptops before that had 4gb of ram and using a mechanical drive and they are literally unable to boot programs or function as a computer
15:02:04 <Rubidium> I don't think running describes glx's computer, I'd consider it a crawler ;D
15:02:42 <alfagamma7> I can run a VM on my laptop which in itself is an achievement
15:03:14 <alfagamma7> (It's a low end one)
15:03:27 <bungus> thats all you need for a vm a lot of the time
15:03:49 <truebrain> _glx_: wow ... and you actually manage to develop on that, a whole never level of respect you earnt
15:04:18 <_glx_> no I don't
15:04:30 <alfagamma7> 2011
15:04:30 <_glx_> it's the backup pc
15:04:34 <alfagamma7> That's old
15:08:11 <bungus> i bet if you put linux on that with lxde or i3 it would seem like a ferrari
15:10:16 <bungus> lightweight linux DEs or distros can make an extremely old laptop seem brand new in comparison
15:10:38 <Rubidium> nah, lxde doesn't improve the performance of compilation significantly I can tell from experience
15:10:39 <truebrain> still compiles for shit 😛
15:10:45 <truebrain> 😄 😄
15:11:38 <bungus> i mean for just general feel for the computer and snappiness of everything
15:12:00 <bungus> even thought it might not compile faster, it might *feel* light you are
15:14:14 <bungus> if it pegs your cpu in windows when you stress test it it probably wont help in linux or a lighter DE
15:14:47 <_zephyris> I bet you could run all of OpenTTD's web services using @glx 's laptop as the server.
15:15:58 <bungus> have you tried downloading more ram?
15:36:19 <truebrain> do you have a webaddress for me?
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15:45:08 <Rubidium> ?
16:05:08 <Eddi|zuHause> i need that!
16:05:49 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] dr-edwin opened issue #11407: [Bug]: dropdown menus close upon incoming message
16:07:40 <bungus> i just downloaded some more, cant have enough
16:17:19 <truebrain> Ugh, new PC is expensive
16:19:21 <Eddi|zuHause> the last time i clicked through something vaguely plausible, i ended at 1400€ (no monitor)
16:21:23 <_glx_> I will just do basic upgrade kit plus cooler and it's already near 800
16:22:01 <alfagamma7> truebrain: Facts
16:24:22 <Eddi|zuHause> with my current system i don't see much i can "upgrade" without just replacing everything
16:24:52 <Eddi|zuHause> mostly i see that there are no "cheap" motherboards anymore
16:24:55 <_glx_> I can keep my outdated GPU for now
16:25:33 <_glx_> yeah MB are way too expensive, and have less features
16:25:43 <Eddi|zuHause> my GPU might be "good enough" for now, yes.
16:25:58 <Eddi|zuHause> i have a RX580
16:26:15 <_glx_> I'll need an extra card just to be able to keep all my HDDs
16:26:42 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, i noticed that, too... my current mainboard has 8 SATA ports
16:27:04 <_glx_> I only have 6 sata ports, but same
16:27:04 <Eddi|zuHause> new ones seem to be at 4
16:28:01 <_glx_> hmm I may need a keyboard too
16:28:13 <_glx_> mine is ps/2
16:28:24 <alfagamma7> I need a new ssd
16:29:07 <alfagamma7> _glx_: Better than the "wireless" mouse with a 6 pin connector that I have
16:30:28 <Rubidium> _glx_: there used to be PS/2 to USB-A converters for a few euros, maybe they still exist?
16:31:08 <_glx_> I have some
16:31:16 <_glx_> totally forgot
16:31:24 <alfagamma7> Good for you
16:31:34 <michi_cc[d]> _glx_: PS/2 really is getting hard to find 🙂
16:32:02 <_glx_> but it works
16:32:11 <michi_cc[d]> But apparently some cheap AM5 mainboards (like the MSI PRO A620M-E) still oave it.
16:32:32 <michi_cc[d]> Cheap being relative for AM5 of course.
16:40:42 <_glx_> oh the ps/2 to usb adapter still works (just tested with an old mouse, with a ball)
16:41:41 <truebrain> Eddi|zuHause: Lol, 1400 ... I kinda went over that ... about doubled it 😦
16:41:51 <truebrain> But ot does include a fancy new GPU
16:41:52 <Eddi|zuHause> there is no upper limit
16:42:05 *** siciuvatiresubumbras has joined #openttd
16:42:05 <siciuvatiresubumbras>
16:42:05 <siciuvatiresubumbras> bungus: found this gem recently
16:42:28 <siciuvatiresubumbras>
16:42:48 <truebrain> GPUs are still silly expansive ..
16:44:34 <siciuvatiresubumbras> both cost-wise and space-wise
16:45:08 <_glx_> yeah I'll just keep my GTS450 for now (the integrated vega in the ryzen is probably better anyway)
16:46:23 <siciuvatiresubumbras> until this year the last time I handled a GPU was in 2013, and I was surprised to see that the new one is about twice the length and twice the thickness
16:46:48 <_glx_> and the weight is insane too
16:47:16 <siciuvatiresubumbras> ya I added a LEGO support
16:47:19 <_glx_> they use 2 slots to handle it
16:48:23 <siciuvatiresubumbras> yep
16:48:38 <siciuvatiresubumbras> mine also had an xfx z-bar come with it, but it didn't fit the case, hence LEGO 😆
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17:27:48 <LordAro> we use threadrippers for the build servers at work. they are indeed beasts
17:46:46 <wallabra> the coolest part about openttd for me is watching your doings leave a change in the world, particularly through city growth
17:46:59 <wallabra> it's even cooler that in my particular setup somehow towns love to have little shacks grow along my roadways
18:14:06 <pickpacket> wallabra: what settings do you use?
18:15:47 <wallabra> pickpacket, i use the city controller game script and itl houses
18:16:03 <pickpacket> what are they like?
18:16:12 <pickpacket> I haven't used any game scripts
18:17:15 <wallabra> they're fun!
18:18:15 <alfagamma7> I just use RVG
18:18:38 <alfagamma7> Kinda bored with the same set of newgrfs so busy making mine
18:25:52 <wallabra> ah
18:25:53 <wallabra> nice!
18:28:27 <wallabra> alfagamma7, i used to use RVG but I switched to City Controller for of a number of reasons, it is easier to setup (doesn't need selecting which cargo GRF manually in its config), also city growth is very fast (it doesn't go one tile at a time, which feels a bit unrealistic to me anyway, and is less satisfying too) BUT the max pop growth cap thing is also more balanced relative to the amount of cargo you deliver.
18:30:56 <wallabra> I just wonder if / wish cities could bridge & tunnel around uncrossable rail types (like metro).
18:37:57 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] eints-sync[bot] pushed 1 commits to master
18:37:58 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
18:55:31 *** peter1138[d] has joined #openttd
18:55:31 <peter1138[d]> Oh god flatpak crap in the PRs
18:57:25 <wallabra> peter1138[d]: Should we stay as far away from Flatpak as possible?
18:57:52 <wallabra> I think there's a bit of an excessive repulse about it in the Linux community. Snap, however, does suck.
18:59:51 <truebrain> it is much safer to let the flatpak / appimage / snap / ... battle being fought out outside of OpenTTD 😛
19:02:57 <michi_cc[d]> Cloud everything, problem solved 🤣
19:03:18 <goddess_ishtar> what's wrong with flatpak?
19:04:18 <peter1138> It's a shit show.
19:04:41 <peter1138> truebrain++
19:05:24 <truebrain> so I am just short of a shit show, or how do I read this? 😛
19:05:48 <peter1138> Only if you start dealing in them :p
19:05:54 <michi_cc[d]> truerbrain?
19:07:23 <truebrain> I am not sure I am liking this 😛
19:07:24 <truebrain> 😄
19:09:40 <peter1138> Okay, I was basically "+1" or "thumbs up" your comment about leaving the flatpak/appimage/snap battle out of OpenTTD.
19:09:43 <peter1138> So, er...
19:10:03 <peter1138> I bought batteries for my mouse, and... left them in the car.
19:10:26 <truebrain> well, instead you increased my value by one! 😛
19:10:47 <peter1138> Probably less than inflation, though.
19:11:05 <truebrain> My windows install was fucked, so I bought a new PC; guess batteries are cheaper 😛
19:11:25 <peter1138> "My windows install was fucked" is basically the default.
19:11:49 <truebrain> also bought a new Unifi router, as mine can't handle IPv6 over 100mbit/s ..
19:11:52 <truebrain> which is just silly ..
19:12:13 <peter1138> Oof, you're on the dark side.
19:12:36 <truebrain> You don't like Unifi?
19:12:40 <truebrain> or don't like IPv6?
19:12:48 <peter1138> Unifi.
19:12:58 <truebrain> never found anything better, honestly
19:13:00 <peter1138> Never used it though, but the separate controller thing is like... wtf?
19:13:22 <truebrain> the hardware controller is weird; but I have been running the controller on a VM / Container for years now
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19:19:27 <goddess_ishtar> peter1138: "My windows install isn't fucked" is extremely rare
19:19:36 <peter1138> Wait, I thought you wrote 1000mbps, i.e. 1gbps. 100mbps is... poor.
19:19:40 <goddess_ishtar> the difference is the degree to which it is fucked
19:21:13 <goddess_ishtar> Did you know that the Windows 11 Snipping Tool breaks if you have two monitors which are at different levels of API scaling?
19:21:19 <goddess_ishtar> *DPI
19:21:47 <goddess_ishtar> and that since they replaced the Print Screen functionality with said snipping tool, it makes screenshots basically impossible?
19:21:53 <peter1138> It breaks if you have GUI WSL2 stuff running too.
19:22:53 <wensimehrp> peter1138: I have no idea how to run gui wsl stuff on my laptop
19:23:01 <peter1138> Yikes
19:25:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened pull request #11408: Fix: allow same length server password in the UI, and show password warning
19:26:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #11408: Fix: allow same length server password in the UI, and show password warning
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19:33:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #11408: Fix: allow same length server password in the UI, and show password warning
19:35:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on pull request #11408: Fix: allow same length server password in the UI, and show password warning
19:36:21 <Rubidium> truebrain: since you seem to be a translator for Dutch, STR_WARNING_PASSWORD_SECURITY's translation needs to have the 'niet' removed I think
19:57:21 <truebrain> we have people for that 😛
19:58:51 <truebrain> that `niet` is very odd 😛
19:59:26 <truebrain> the sentence is very weird in general
19:59:32 <truebrain> this is why I don't participate in that stuff 😛
20:03:26 <truebrain> Rubidium: I fixed it; I feel dirty now. Will be in tomorrows update 🙂
20:04:16 <Rubidium> I'm sorry for making you feel dirty
20:04:53 <truebrain> that is okay 🙂
20:05:11 <truebrain> I just fixed more than just removing that word 😛
20:05:21 <truebrain> I always have that issue when I switch the game to Dutch .. so many odd sentences ..
20:05:27 <truebrain> must ... refrain .. from .. fixing ... all ....
20:12:33 <peter1138> Do it!
20:17:07 <truebrain> I have a new PC to assemble (soon)!
20:18:58 *** gelignite has quit IRC (Quit: Stay safe!)
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20:46:31 <truebrain> In fact, it arrives tomorrow. Always weird, that you can order stuff on a Sunday evening and have it in your hands Monday morning while never leaving your home.
20:52:56 <peter1138> I remember buying a video card from a shop :D
20:53:00 <peter1138> And a soundcard.
20:53:40 <peter1138> Card was a CL5429 VLB :D
20:59:34 <goddess_ishtar> I miss that
20:59:59 <goddess_ishtar> online shopping just doesn't feel the same as grabbing something off a shelf abd bringing it home
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21:09:45 <andythenorth> yo
21:23:03 <peter1138> Do Apple still have their physical stores these days?
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22:28:12 <goddess_ishtar> mwhahahaHAHAHAHA
22:28:20 <goddess_ishtar> IT LIVES
22:31:52 <goddess_ishtar> my Arch install boots up to a shell prompt
22:41:33 <goddess_ishtar> oh fuck
22:41:46 <peter1138> I remember when I used console-mode Linux too :)
22:41:49 <goddess_ishtar> I forgot to install iwctl while I still had internet
22:41:58 <peter1138> Back when it was 80x24 only.
22:42:08 <peter1138> Actually 80x25.
22:42:10 <peter1138> Uh oh.
22:42:23 <peter1138> Emergency cable hunt!
22:44:43 <goddess_ishtar> uhoh
22:45:27 <goddess_ishtar> I also forgot systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved
22:48:58 <goddess_ishtar> wait no those come standard
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22:54:26 <Eddi|zuHause> remember 40x25?
23:25:20 <peter1138> Yes, MODE 7 :)
23:25:34 <peter1138> But also 20x25 in MODE 2/5.
23:26:26 <goddess_ishtar> I have no idea what I did but it appears wired internet is working now
23:26:42 <peter1138> Actually no, that was 20x32.
23:26:57 <goddess_ishtar> it may literally have been "you didn't start the daemon or configure it"
23:26:59 <peter1138> 25 lines only in MODEs 3, 6 and 7.
23:27:38 <goddess_ishtar> well, gift horse, mouth, all that
23:30:14 <peter1138> "It works but I don't know why"
23:37:42 <Eddi|zuHause> jus the usual
23:37:45 <Eddi|zuHause> +t
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