IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2023-07-10
00:45:24 *** Soni has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
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08:18:09 <orudge> Hmm, sudden burst of donations yesterday, check web site, "ah!"
08:35:25 *** kamnet has joined #openttd
08:35:25 <kamnet> That'll do 'er.
08:40:00 *** peter1138 has joined #openttd
08:40:00 <peter1138> orudge is gonna get rich
08:42:45 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] ecolortest opened issue #436: [id_ID] Translator access request
08:49:10 *** Alkel_U3 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection timed out)
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09:20:30 <pickpacket> orudge: That’s great 👍 I got myself a liberapay account but then realised I have to preload it with a large transfer. Set up an account where I set aside SEK 50 a month to donate at the end of the year instead
09:21:05 <pickpacket> What’s the balance at now?
09:21:38 <orudge> I don't have our total donation balance to hand right now, but we'd had maybe £300 of donations yesterday (including one donation of $250!)
09:21:50 <orudge> so we're probably good at the new rates for at least 18 months now, anyway :)
09:23:38 <pickpacket> WOW!!!
09:24:36 <pickpacket> I thought I donated a lot with my £100 😂 if donations look like that I’m not even on the leaderboard
09:24:47 <pickpacket> #LifeGoal
09:24:56 <orudge> Well most don't, to be fair
09:25:33 <orudge> The majority are often $10, €5, $25, £20, that sort of thing. It's very rare to get a donation of €100 or $100 or similar!
09:25:38 <orudge> But certainly appreciated, as are all donations :)
09:25:50 <pickpacket> Pfft. Saying it like that doesn’t goad me into paying more to get in the lead
09:26:06 <orudge> We did once, several years ago, have a donation of €1000. That was... a surprise!
09:26:30 <pickpacket> 😲
09:26:36 <pickpacket> That’s amazing
09:30:01 <Heiki> next step: integrate donations into the game so that donators get faster vehicles, higher cargo payments, better station ratings, etc.
09:37:33 <kamnet> Honestly if we could send out messages in the game to everybody who downloaded it to send in $1, we'd be flush for life.
09:38:51 <orudge> We have had occasional donations for $1, or even less... the problem with that is that PayPal fees swallow up more than half of that, usually
10:11:41 <LordAro> ooh, i haven't actually read the finished articles yet
10:32:49 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] merni-ns opened pull request #11125: Fix #11115: Focus the abandon game/exit game windows
10:34:17 <pickpacket> kamnet: players would also be really annoyed at it.
10:35:03 <FLHerne> <- any idea what the 'known hiccup' is?
10:35:16 <FLHerne> some stupid thing the Android network stack does?
10:36:07 <FLHerne> "[...] OpenTTD for Android from Google Play. When I tap "check online content", only an empty list appears [...]" - "It's a known hiccup that has to do with the system that Online Content is hosted on. Close out the window and try again in a few minutes."
10:36:23 <LordAro> 'has to do with the system that Online Content is hosted on' seems like something we should be aware of..
10:36:34 <LordAro> by 'we', i of course mean 'tb'
10:37:57 *** alfagamma_0007 has joined #openttd
10:37:57 <alfagamma_0007> Hmm
10:37:57 <alfagamma_0007> I should definitely donate to two of my favourite open source projects once I get myself a job
10:40:27 <FLHerne> LordAro: that's why I mentioned it, but I suspect it isn't :p
10:41:17 <kamnet> LordAro: It's only happened to me twice, once on Android, once on Windows. I see it mentioned every couple of months by other users. So doesn't seem to be a huge issue to me, and how do you even go about diagnosing it if it happens at random and just magically works when you try again?
10:50:56 <LordAro> i seem to recall the last time this came up it precisely coincided with some actual downtime
10:51:00 <peter1138> Don't know, but saying "known issue" when whatever it is isn't a known issue probably isn't helpful?
10:51:50 <LordAro> or that it's definitely to do with the server infrastructure
10:51:56 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] bjornwarmedal updated pull request #11076: Changing exclusive transport rights
10:52:40 <LordAro> i'll grant you that it happening on two otherwise completely separate systems could indicate that, but there are *so* many other factors in play that it's impossible to say that it's the same problem
10:54:23 <pickpacket> I think that might be it for that code change... The tool tips for buying exclusive transport rights already look good to me. Any opinions are welcome
10:54:54 <peter1138> Shut up tummy, it's not lunch time yet.
10:55:53 <pickpacket> peter1138: not? I ate two hours ago and I'm an hour ahead of you...
11:00:56 <peter1138> It is now 😄
11:07:41 <peter1138> Well, I had an almond croissant, not exactly a healthy balanced lunch :p
11:17:50 <peter1138> No salad for a change as away all weekend, and now the fridge is full of non-salad food.
11:17:51 <kamnet> I just ate two peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast.
11:19:12 <peter1138> Mega riding again LordAro
11:20:01 <peter1138> Riding with my Dad & brother was nice but I've never seen so much zone 1 😄
11:37:06 <LordAro> peter1138: <3
11:37:31 <LordAro> sheltering from a thunderstorm is a first
11:38:12 <peter1138> We got hit on Saturday, absolutely soaked. Most annoyingly if it was 5 minutes earlier we'd have been able to stay dry in a long railway tunnel.
11:38:35 <LordAro> kept counting the seconds between lightning & thunder, when it got to ~5, dived into the nearest farmyard i could find
11:38:39 <peter1138> Still, advantage of wearing summer kit is that when it does eventually stop you dry out fairly quickly.
11:38:43 <LordAro> true
11:38:54 <peter1138> Except for shoes :/
11:39:18 <LordAro> oh yes, soggy feet for the remaining 2 hours
11:39:25 <LordAro> typically enough, if i'd been 5 miles further down the road there would have been the village of "Rainton"
11:39:29 <LordAro> which also had a pub
11:40:20 <pickpacket> a pub called The Ton of Rain?
11:40:26 <LordAro> alas not
11:41:41 <pickpacket> fail
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15:39:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler requested changes for pull request #11076: Changing exclusive transport rights
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16:04:11 *** belajalilija has joined #openttd
16:04:11 <belajalilija> You know what’d be cool
16:04:33 <belajalilija> Docktypes/through stations for boats
16:05:08 <belajalilija> Then you could have something akin to a canal system
16:05:21 <belajalilija> Like in Venice with the water busses
16:07:35 *** talltyler has joined #openttd
16:07:35 <talltyler> Flat dock? Andy talks about those every so often, where have you been? 😛
16:08:37 <belajalilija> I’m forgetful
16:09:05 <talltyler> No worries, I’m just joking around
16:09:14 <belajalilija> But it’d be nice if boosts could just stop without facing the land
16:09:29 <talltyler> It is a feature that’s been talked about a lot
16:09:46 <talltyler> More importantly, without needing sloped ground
16:10:48 <belajalilija>
16:10:48 <belajalilija>
16:10:51 <belajalilija> talltyler: Exactly
16:12:12 <belajalilija> Canals are something that always disappoints me in games
16:12:49 <belajalilija> Used to always use them heavily in my Minecraft builds even when boats were borderline unusable
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16:51:39 <kamnet> belajalilija: Water Way Roads, build canals as a roadtype, and use custom roadstops. 🙂
16:54:59 <kamnet>
16:56:52 <belajalilija> Yeah I’m aware of that and did consider it but felt the scale is a bit small
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16:58:10 <belajalilija> I’d do water busses maybes a tile long
16:59:03 <belajalilija> The road hack would be good for water taxis though
17:02:21 <kamnet> Man, that one-way station looks GREAT next to the hotel!
17:03:40 <belajalilija> It does
17:08:25 <belajalilija> If Andy stuff is gpl it might be worth looking at for the water behind the ship sprites
17:09:52 <kamnet> Andy requires signing away your oldest child. That's why he now has 9 kids.
17:10:05 <belajalilija> Xd
17:10:27 <belajalilija> What if i have none :Rly:
17:12:17 <kamnet> He will dispatch the capybaras to watch your home until you do.
17:12:35 <belajalilija> I plan to have none :NM_peepoCool:
17:12:52 <kamnet> The capybaras... are persuasive.
17:13:37 <belajalilija> I’m not a furry <a:monkaChrist:861896164227809292>
18:04:34 <peter1138> Using that emote is not a good look, tbh.
18:28:45 <belajalilija> peter1138: Which
18:29:04 <peter1138> Anything with Pepe the frog.
18:29:11 <belajalilija> Oh naw
18:29:34 <belajalilija> I know what you’re saying but no
18:29:59 <belajalilija> Others use the pepe who are not like that
18:32:29 <belajalilija> The circles i move in just use it like any other meme, i don’t think pepe has such a far right association anymore
18:33:07 <belajalilija> And i avoid politics so i also kinda don’t care
18:33:17 *** _jgr_ has joined #openttd
18:33:17 <_jgr_> Well, it's either far-right swivel-eyed loon, or edgy teenager
18:33:27 <belajalilija> Neither
18:33:40 *** truebrain has joined #openttd
18:33:40 <truebrain> belajalilija: You best avoid it by not using it 😉
18:33:51 <truebrain> it kinda removes the whole problem 🙂
18:34:08 <belajalilija> The servers i get most of them from are from a Simpsons hit and run speedrunner and my War thunder squad
18:34:22 <_jgr_> That sounds a lot like edgy teenager 😛
18:34:26 <belajalilija> truebrain: There’s no problem even as far as I’m concerned
18:35:28 <peter1138> The fact that at least 3 people here are aware it might be a problem means it is.
18:35:43 <truebrain> Saying you are not a racist doesn't mean there is no racism 🙂
18:36:10 <truebrain> it is a very silly approach, knowing it means something ... not-so-nice for a lot of people, but saying you don't see the problem .. that is a contradiction on its own 😄
18:36:10 <belajalilija> There’s nothing racist going on wtf?
18:36:42 <belajalilija> truebrain: In like 2016 i think it was considered far right by the media
18:36:44 <belajalilija> But who cares
18:36:49 <belajalilija> I don’t watch the news
18:37:03 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
18:37:03 <andythenorth> I looked into the pepe thing
18:37:07 <andythenorth> apparently pepe is just normal
18:37:16 <belajalilija> ^^
18:37:29 <andythenorth> or that's what the alt-right say
18:37:36 <andythenorth> there's a whole reclaim-pepe movement
18:37:45 <belajalilija> Iirc the creator of pepe has denounced how the right use it
18:37:45 <andythenorth> TBH, I can't be fucked with any of this
18:37:51 <belajalilija> Same
18:37:58 <belajalilija> I just like my funny green frog
18:38:00 <truebrain> Again, simple solution: don't use it 🙂
18:38:07 <andythenorth> was it lunch?
18:38:12 <belajalilija> Idk
18:38:35 <belajalilija> truebrain: Am i breaking a rule by using it?
18:38:50 <belajalilija> I don’t wanna break a rule but i also don’t see the point in continuing this
18:39:01 <truebrain> Don't be "that guy".
18:39:22 <belajalilija> Eh
18:39:25 <belajalilija> I like them
18:39:34 <belajalilija> And i get the impression a lot of people don’t like me anyway
18:39:55 <_jgr_> This is the dev channel after all
18:39:56 <belajalilija> For other reasons
18:39:59 <_jgr_> There is a memes channel
18:45:56 <belajalilija> belajalilija: Not that i want this
18:46:14 <belajalilija> It just seems like a odd thing to pick up on
18:47:10 <belajalilija> Idk I’ll try remember to not use them here i guess
18:48:05 <truebrain> That would be appreciated, yes.
18:49:17 <belajalilija> This caught me off guard honestly
18:49:30 <belajalilija> Is there anything else i shouldn’t be doing?
18:50:11 *** kuhnovic has joined #openttd
18:50:11 <kuhnovic> Worry about this too much 😉
18:50:13 <belajalilija> Because honestly i haven’t really paid attention much to internet culture, the media or politics in like 5 years
18:52:33 <truebrain> It is perfectly fine that you don't care. But if you are being pointed out that it isn't a good look, you clearly indicated you know exactly why. In any community it is always wise to try to be as inclusive as you can. And that is all 🙂
18:52:42 <truebrain> so yeah, what you shouldn't be doing is read more into this than that 🙂
18:56:19 <truebrain> orudge: haha, nice; I always like that those post are a subtle fundraiser 😄
18:56:47 <truebrain> well, was it really subtle? Dunno 😛
18:56:55 <belajalilija> truebrain: I’d got the impression that it was more normalised than it is but yeah with 3 people saying it’s not i guess I’m in the wrong
18:57:08 <belajalilija> Sorry i got defensive, it just really caught me off guard as i said
18:57:26 <truebrain> it's all good. nuff said about this 🙂
18:57:31 <belajalilija> Agreed
18:58:27 <truebrain> hihi, fun fact: The #3 user-agent on any of our website is the OpenTTD clients, when looking at requests
18:59:27 <truebrain> (it is the #1 when looking at bandwidth, ofc)
19:24:52 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] bjornwarmedal updated pull request #11076: Changing exclusive transport rights
19:43:52 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] JGRennison opened pull request #11126: Fix: Build road/tram stop windows did not set WindowDesc::ini_key
19:47:30 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler approved pull request #11126: Fix: Build road/tram stop windows did not set WindowDesc::ini_key
19:49:09 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #11126: Fix: Build road/tram stop windows did not set WindowDesc::ini_key
19:51:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] bjornwarmedal updated pull request #11076: Changing exclusive transport rights
19:54:30 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] bjornwarmedal commented on pull request #11076: Changing exclusive transport rights
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20:25:34 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler approved pull request #11076: Changing exclusive transport rights
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20:34:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #11126: Fix: Build road/tram stop windows did not set WindowDesc::ini_key
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23:38:06 <mrmber> belajalilija: Liquid wifi?
23:38:37 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] glx22 commented on issue #436: [id_ID] Translator access request
23:39:27 <belajalilija> mrmber: Yeah
23:40:05 <belajalilija>
23:40:05 <belajalilija> Brother spotted
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