IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2023-03-19
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01:00:43 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] James103 commented on pull request #10575: RFC: Change: Vehicle service uses reliability threshold, not time interval
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02:46:03 <TallTyler> JGR: How does it actually work?
02:46:21 <TallTyler> (No rush explaining, I’m about to go to bed)
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08:38:42 <andythenorth> o/
08:38:55 <andythenorth> simulate me a discord conversation about OpenTTD development
08:39:05 <andythenorth> oops, this isn't chatGPT
08:54:27 *** JGR has joined #openttd
08:54:27 <JGR> TallTyler: The threshold is (100% - N%) * the engine's (not vehicle's) current reliability value
08:54:35 <JGR> <>
08:56:04 <JGR> Therefore the two units do not scale in opposite directions with respect to that actual servicing interval, as mentioned in the PR
08:58:22 *** kamnet has joined #openttd
08:58:22 <kamnet> andythenorth: Are you paying for access to ChatGPT 4?
08:58:28 <andythenorth> yes
08:58:39 <andythenorth> well, not specifically, I'm paying for chatGPT
09:00:25 <JGR> TallTyler: Making this the only mode seems potentially problematic when there is widespread misunderstanding of what it actually does
09:58:57 <andythenorth> oof trying to retroactively make current Iron Horse compatible with OpenTTD 13.0
09:59:01 <andythenorth>
10:00:01 <andythenorth> Prop 0x31 I believe is "More callback flags"
10:00:12 <andythenorth> per
10:00:46 <andythenorth> grf spec status suggests that's documented for nfo
10:01:17 <andythenorth> but I can't see it (might just be looking in the wrong place). Is it there, or should I add it?
10:02:59 <andythenorth> and following from nml auto-adding prop 0x31?
10:03:21 <andythenorth> which would mean that nobody with current nml can compile 13.0 compatible grfs maybe?
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10:09:00 <michi_cc[d]> andythenorth: NML should only add the prop if the name callback is used (i.e. a bit in that prop has to be set).
10:09:20 <michi_cc[d]> andythenorth:
10:10:43 <michi_cc[d]> And the actual callback is (as all) at <>
10:13:00 <andythenorth> oh I see, it's just out of order in the train page, with 1E
10:13:12 <andythenorth> thanks
10:17:43 <andythenorth> hmm, name callback is not used, do I want to read the nfo? πŸ˜›
10:17:55 <andythenorth> I believe there was talk of an OpenTTD release πŸ˜›
10:23:36 <JGR> NML does not have any logic to set one callback property but not the other
10:24:56 <andythenorth> the fastest fix for me would be to use an older nmlc build I think
10:25:45 <michi_cc[d]> Then would be broken, that should only output non-zero props
10:26:43 <andythenorth> first step: am I diagnosing this correctly? The error says train prop 0x31
10:27:16 <andythenorth> the nfo is `17699 * 11 00 00 \b2 01 FF \wx2684
10:27:16 <andythenorth> 1E 48
10:27:16 <andythenorth> 31 00
10:27:16 <andythenorth> `
10:27:49 <michi_cc[d]> Okay, so that line does not work and whoever approved my PR was "bad" πŸ™‚
10:28:08 <andythenorth> no, I might still have bad nml
10:28:12 <JGR> Look two lines up
10:28:18 <JGR> `not isinstance(prop_info_list, list)`
10:28:19 <andythenorth> I might have a local build with patches
10:28:58 <JGR> Actually, never mind, I'm reading python wrong again
10:29:11 <michi_cc[d]> A `two_byte_property` should already be a list though, it is just wrapping the one byte props on one, too.
10:29:43 * andythenorth removes local patches
10:29:54 <michi_cc[d]> It would mean ` if parsed_value[0].value != 0:` is the wrong test, but my NMLC/Python knowledge is sketchy at best.
10:30:11 <andythenorth> ok PEBKAC
10:30:27 <andythenorth> I tested an early patch of name callback, but not the final PR version
10:31:06 <andythenorth> classic problem of testing development version πŸ˜›
10:32:52 <andythenorth> Horse now works in 13.0
10:32:54 <andythenorth> thanks
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11:11:16 <TallTyler> JGR: Good god, what a mess
11:11:46 <TallTyler> More investigation required
11:15:15 *** dP has joined #openttd
11:15:15 <dP> it kind of makes sense though with randomized reliability
11:15:36 <dP> if you have engine with 49% max reliability in would never drop 50%
11:56:29 *** JohnFranklin has joined #openttd
11:56:29 <JohnFranklin> What does reliability_decay mean?
11:56:38 <JohnFranklin> The default is 20
12:11:35 <Eddi|zuHause> changes how often you need to send the vehicles to depot to refresh them to max reliability
12:12:15 <JohnFranklin> What does β€œ20” mean? -20% for 30 days?
12:13:04 <Eddi|zuHause> dunno, most likely it's a countdown value that is deducted every few ticks
12:13:44 <JohnFranklin> Okay, so the larger the value is, the more reliable the vehicle will be?
12:13:57 <Eddi|zuHause> no, the larger the value, the quicker the reduction
12:14:12 <Eddi|zuHause> (probably)
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12:18:34 <petern> As an engine property, it's used to set the initial engine type reliability curve
12:26:36 <Eddi|zuHause> i should have bought a new computer like 5 years ago...
12:44:46 <petern> It would be 5 years out of date
12:45:14 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, but better than 12 years :p
12:56:34 <andythenorth> so...releasing multiple grfs from a monorepo
12:57:04 <andythenorth> major version is simple, and directly related to changing grfid, e.g. "Iron Horse 2" -> "Iron Horse 3" = grfid bump
12:57:42 <andythenorth> given bananas and players not really needing to manage downloading and instally, all other version numbers are meaningless to end user?
13:04:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler opened pull request #10576: Cleanup: Keep spacing saveload versions by groups of five
13:07:11 <Eddi|zuHause> the action14 version number is used by the game to pick the "newest" version of the same grf if multiple are installed
13:08:24 <andythenorth> yes
13:08:32 <andythenorth> that just uses a git rev count here
13:14:11 <petern> Infallible.
13:16:04 <andythenorth> works if all releases are from main
13:16:09 <andythenorth> less so in dev branches πŸ˜›
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13:29:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #10575: RFC: Change: Vehicle service uses reliability threshold, not time interval
13:29:53 <dP> hm, I have the config file, is there some way for server to download all the newgrfs involved?
13:30:46 <dP> I don't even see how can I tell it do download the specific version of newgrf
13:31:46 <Rubidium> no(t yet) AFAIK
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13:31:54 <glx> Grfid and md5 ?
13:32:04 <dP> glx: yeah, I have both
13:32:25 <glx> Check how saveload/server join does it
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13:37:08 <Eddi|zuHause> dP: it's generally easier if you have a savegame, not a config file
13:39:45 <dP> hm, I guess I can try that as quick workaround
13:43:22 <dP> nope, I don't support loading saves on citymania πŸ˜…
13:46:17 <dP> cool, I've made a server that crashes clients 🀣
13:47:13 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm sure that's illegal in some states :p
14:02:06 <FLHerne> probably a client bug, I can imagine that being remotely exploitable with a malicious server
14:02:32 <FLHerne> too many categories of C bugs allow arbitrary code execution
14:06:46 <dP> well, it kinda falls into corrupted save can of bugs
14:08:11 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but corrupted input data should be handled and errored, not crashing
14:08:13 <dP> some broken newgrf info and some pool blew up
14:09:40 <dP> yeah, but I don't recall any particular effort being put into protecting from corrupted saves
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14:32:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 approved pull request #10576: Cleanup: Keep spacing saveload versions by groups of five
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14:32:44 <dP> openttd doesn't even bother to print a message if configured newgrf is missing :/
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14:34:02 <JGR> You should get a message in the console if a GRF is missing on load?
14:34:31 <dP> on save yes, but on config no
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15:02:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #10576: Cleanup: Keep spacing saveload versions by groups of five
15:02:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler merged pull request #10576: Cleanup: Keep spacing saveload versions by groups of five
15:06:34 <Rubidium> hmm... I thought I had to update #10570, but apparantly I already added the extra line without knowing it was sort-of-required
15:22:21 <petern> Heh, there's no real need to tbh.
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15:48:42 <TonyPixel> which setting enables showing road-/tracktypes without available vehicles?
15:49:44 <andythenorth>
15:49:44 <andythenorth> goes it a setting for default 2nd company colour? πŸ™‚
15:51:22 <TonyPixel> Oh nvm, forgot intro date
16:07:43 *** Xarick has joined #openttd
16:07:43 <Xarick> i'm trying really hard to make my AI build 5000 trains...
16:08:23 <Xarick> most favourable conditions, super flat map, no industries, only towns that dont grow roads
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16:08:56 <Xarick> but as the years progress, faster engines come out, meaning less trains needed on older routes, more time pathfinding on newer routes
16:09:12 <Xarick> I just can't get 5000
16:09:25 <petern> But why
16:09:49 <Xarick> I like to test the limits
16:10:08 <andythenorth> can AIs buy each other?
16:10:13 <andythenorth> can GS start companies?
16:10:44 <andythenorth> hmm...what if 16 instances of the same AI collaborated
16:10:50 <petern> Can chatgpt be an openttd ai?
16:10:57 <andythenorth> I'll see
16:11:18 <petern> Company limit is 15 so...
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16:12:15 <EmperorJake> andythenorth: Good idea, be nice to have more colour randomisation by default, maybe also change the default company colour to choose from more than just 5 colours for the first company
16:15:49 <andythenorth> chatGPT had a go, but it doesn't really understand NoAI
16:16:26 <andythenorth> might be interesting to give it a feed from Admin port, with key metadata and see what it does
16:16:59 <andythenorth> write a small lib to provision metadata, then ask it "what is your next move" and do a mechanical turk thing
16:17:07 <andythenorth> like that thing on reddit currently
16:17:18 <andythenorth>
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18:34:49 <Xarick> I miss my cats!
18:35:05 <Xarick> oh gosh
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19:37:37 <Xarick> ChooChoo is very close to being the first AI to ever reach 5000 trains, let's hope it can make it
19:38:29 <Xarick>
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21:54:44 <Xarick>
21:54:44 <Xarick> I'm so happy for ChooChoo!
21:55:35 <Xarick> 5000 trains!
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22:18:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] frosch123 opened pull request #132: Change: migrate OpenTTD user hpfx to GitHub user primer97
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23:24:03 <dP> I suddenly understood why `content download all` was so popular ....
23:27:03 <JGR> It's much easier to get NewGRF stuff sorted out locally and then just upload to your remote server
23:28:15 <dP> I don't really want to be hunting and copying newgrfs every time I change the config
23:30:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LC-Zorg commented on pull request #10575: RFC: Change: Vehicle service uses reliability threshold, not time interval
23:31:36 <JGR> It should be fairly trivial to automate uploading everything that via rsync
23:34:38 <JGR> Hyperbole levels are off the scale in Zorg land, I see πŸ˜›
23:35:02 <dP> I don't want to copy all the junk I have to the server either
23:36:41 <dP> And I don't like how openttd silently starts a broken game anyway
23:37:18 <dP> So rn I'm trying to rewrite config loading logic to just auto-dowload everything it's missing
23:37:23 <dP> and stop the game if it fails
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23:46:00 <TallTyler> β€œTotal destruction of the game” would be impressive, I’d have to put that on my rΓ©sumΓ©
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23:47:21 <TallTyler> The most likely way forward is to close that PR and add real-time units to the existing system. It’s not hard, just annoying and makes a complex feature even harder to maintain in the future
23:49:16 <dP> TallTyler: arguably it's already there :p
23:49:28 <dP>
23:50:43 <JGR> Looks like a trivial ban decision, problem solved?
23:51:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #10575: RFC: Change: Vehicle service uses reliability threshold, not time interval
23:51:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler closed pull request #10575: RFC: Change: Vehicle service uses reliability threshold, not time interval
23:52:23 <TallTyler> Maybe the object burst setting should be more visible or we should have a Readme for server operators
23:52:37 <dP> average random server doesn't really have active moderators to ban ppl
23:52:57 <TallTyler> Setting object burst to 1 would fix this
23:53:21 <dP> would also "fix" other objects like hq :p
23:53:56 <dP> though I guess in hq case burst of 1 is kinda ok
23:55:31 <dP> but, yeah, having a low default may be an ok solution
23:55:51 <dP> though I'll probably just disable land bying altogether
23:57:52 <dP> "Your attempt at buying land was discovered and reported to moderators" 🀣