IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2020-08-15
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01:05:48 <Timberwolf> Timberwolf's is somewhere around that in terms of NML. Mostly repeated variations of spriteset_front, spriteset_mid, spriteset_turn_1, spriteset_hill...
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04:25:41 *** D-HUND is now known as debdog
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07:58:20 *** y2kboy23 has joined #openttd
08:37:30 *** Progman has joined #openttd
09:12:22 *** Guest5981 has joined #openttd
09:34:28 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
09:55:22 <andythenorth> that's only a 4-6-6-4, the UP Big Boy is 4-8-8-4 and the sprite just looks wrong at 20/8 :)
09:57:08 <andythenorth> that would be 20/8 if drawn 'realistic'
10:23:10 <andythenorth> 20/8 would really screw the buy menu and docs images :)
10:28:42 <Eddi|zuHause> does the 20/8 include the tender?
10:33:16 *** dihedral has joined #openttd
10:38:35 <andythenorth> US Set grf seems to have these engines at 20/8
10:38:40 <andythenorth> it has some length bugs so hard to tell
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12:41:17 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
13:02:48 <CornsMcGowan[m]> what does 8/8, 12/8, 20/8 etc. mean?
13:09:02 <nielsm> 8/8 is a regular half tile length, like all the default vehicles
13:09:20 <nielsm> 4/8 is half length, 16/8 is double length, and so on
13:09:44 <nielsm> fractions of 8 are also used when talking about cargo acceptance, but that's not as common a topic :)
13:11:29 <CornsMcGowan[m]> TIL, i always thought it was some float or smth
13:11:44 <CornsMcGowan[m]> so i'd just buy 10 wagons to get an estimate of their length to 2 decimal places
13:18:30 <b_jonas> CornsMcGowan[m]: well, it's technically more complicated because the length can change depending on what you couple it to in some NewGRFs
13:19:11 <b_jonas> in particular, the universal wagons in the vactrain newgrf change length (and capacity and power and weight) depending on the engine type
13:19:31 <b_jonas> the weight is what bothers me, it's annoying to test because the interface only displays the weight of the entire train, not of each wagon
13:21:37 <CornsMcGowan[m]> sounds like a yr 7 maths problem HAHA
13:22:11 <b_jonas> it's not that bad, you just have to take one engine and put a single powered wagon on, then put a single unpowered wagon on, and read the weight in both cases
13:22:16 <b_jonas> it's just a small annoyance
13:37:52 <_dp_> It's a huge annoyance when you're trying to code anything with trains actually
13:43:16 <andythenorth> I dropped anything about changing length or weight in vehicles
13:52:45 <CornsMcGowan[m]> my youtube recommended is full of Garratts now
14:29:18 <Eddi|zuHause> that's why i always watch random youtube videos in a private browsing window
15:29:31 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
16:33:58 *** b_jonas has joined #openttd
16:50:31 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
17:18:59 <b_jonas> I should learn how this autoreplace thing works
17:23:00 <b_jonas> oh nice, now even the last monorail engine is no longer supported, so I have to replace all other monorail lines too
17:34:47 <b_jonas> is there something that is like manual autorenew, where I pick a group of vehicles and give a command to replace its engines with the same type of engine *now* (when each train next visits a depot), like how autoreplace is manual, but to the same engine?
17:35:23 <b_jonas> but I want it for just one group of trains or road vehicles, not for everything any time like the autorenew option
17:49:14 *** ahmethelv has joined #openttd
18:01:55 <andythenorth> replace vehicles on a group
18:02:59 <b_jonas> andythenorth: can that replace to the same type of vehicle? it doesn't seem to show the same engine on the right side where I choose what to replace to
18:03:06 <b_jonas> but I'll experiment more later
18:06:07 <andythenorth> you can't force to same now
18:06:14 <andythenorth> just change the autorenew setting in game
18:08:17 <b_jonas> I'd also like an easy way to sell all vehicles in a group
18:08:31 <b_jonas> or even just tell one vehicle to go to a depot and sell itself
18:12:26 <andythenorth> why do you need to replace vehicles in a group to themselves?
18:12:32 <andythenorth> trying to win the high score table?
18:13:20 <nielsm> usually when they need replacement, you're playing with breakdowns enabled, and there's nothing better yet
18:13:48 <b_jonas> andythenorth: no, I want to replace them because they're old, but I don't want to replace every vehicle automatically when they're old, I want more manual control, because vehicles becoming old periodically is a good reminder so I don't forget about any line and sometimes look at it and see if it still works efficienctly
18:14:03 <b_jonas> yes, I am playing with breakdowns enabled
18:14:16 <b_jonas> and there's no better engine that I want to replace it with
18:17:17 <andythenorth> everyone has their own style I guess :)
18:23:45 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
18:41:49 <b_jonas> yeah. I like breakdowns enabled.
18:41:54 <b_jonas> I know most people disable them.
18:43:54 <andythenorth> they're an interesting mechanic in small maps
18:44:12 <andythenorth> with simple networks
18:44:24 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] zimbatm commented on issue #8029: Black screen on SDL2-enabled OpenTTD, Sway and SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland
19:18:10 <andythenorth> hmm, seems I favour DB Schenker livery for 2020 Horses
19:44:55 <andythenorth> there's also the ex Norwegian Di8 Maks at Scunthorpe (GBRF own them I think) too big for UK network but eh
19:45:13 <andythenorth> Corus have a thing called a Trojan, and there are some Hunslet bo-bos in steel works also
19:45:28 <andythenorth> there was a class 14 registered for mainline shunting also
19:45:34 <andythenorth> and there's the re-engined 73s
19:46:40 <andythenorth> Iron Horse kinda started because Pikka 'noped' me on 1000hp engine for 2020 or so
19:47:19 <andythenorth> there was also the CargoSprinter in Horse 1
19:47:52 <andythenorth> which is a Windhoff MPV (didn't add it to Horse 2, maybe I should)
19:48:47 <andythenorth> possibly the new Clayton CBD things can be mainline registered, we'll see
20:08:04 <FLHerne> andythenorth: Don't forget the Hope Cement locos
20:10:18 <andythenorth> they also had some YEC stuff
20:10:29 <FLHerne> They've also had a couple of 20s with interesting kit fitted
20:10:40 <FLHerne> (nose-end cameras and I think remote working on one of them)
20:11:35 <andythenorth> the steel mill ones are the most interesting I found
20:11:48 <FLHerne> Eastleigh's class 07 is mainline registered
20:11:58 <andythenorth> yeah wikipedia said so
20:12:02 <andythenorth> I nearly drew it
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20:14:15 <FLHerne> Yeah, I don't think any of the other private rail systems are as big as Scunthorpe
20:14:22 <FLHerne> The MoD used to have several
20:14:44 <FLHerne> But I think they're mostly redundant now (or used for stock storage only)
20:20:59 *** argoneus has joined #openttd
20:59:56 *** Progman has joined #openttd
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21:26:32 <andythenorth> I'm including a 59 and 66, but obvs. they look identical :x
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22:07:57 *** openttdguest has joined #openttd
22:10:47 <b_jonas> hmm, so in 2065, not even the SH-40 is supported, so I couldn't run electric trains even if I wanted to, nor monorails. it's all maglev and vactrain now.
22:11:15 <b_jonas> I like monorails, but I'd also like the choice
22:11:24 <b_jonas> I mean I like maglevs
22:13:26 <nielsm> yeah the original vehicle set just isn't designed for endless play
22:13:35 <nielsm> most of the vehicles have end of availability years
22:14:02 <nielsm> so eventually nobody will remember how to build a road vehicle or a ship
22:14:14 <b_jonas> oh, the road vehicles too? let me check
22:14:41 <b_jonas> road vehicles are still available it seems
22:14:42 <nielsm> there's some newgrf's that replace the original vehicles with identical models that just don't have end years
22:15:36 <b_jonas> I'll have to look for one of those for trains then
22:15:52 <nielsm> openttdguest: I'm not sure I understand what you're asking
22:16:08 <b_jonas> one that's compatible with opengfx+ trains to convert the wagons to FIRS then
22:16:13 <openttdguest> nielsm: Like '/download/{content_id}
22:16:24 <b_jonas> do you happen to know which newgrf does that?
22:17:02 <b_jonas> or perhaps I should try a different train set, but I'd like one that's simple and easy to learn, not the crazy unrealistic set with rainbow slugs
22:17:35 <b_jonas> also powerful, I don't want to have only slow trains
22:17:41 <b_jonas> I like these powerful fast trains in the base set
22:18:25 <b_jonas> I'm also fine with end years if there's something to replace it
22:18:27 <nielsm> most sets only bother with regular rail, and then there's a few that specialise in monorail or maglev
22:18:51 <nielsm> so if you want it all you'll have to mix multiple sets
22:19:05 * andythenorth should add slugs to horse
22:19:22 <b_jonas> but I just had to upgrade all my remaining monorails to maglev
22:19:22 <b_jonas> I can mix multiple sets, sure
22:19:22 <b_jonas> but I don't know which ones to look at
22:19:32 <nielsm> openttdguest: I'm not sure that issue requires a new route in the web app, but rather it needs to be described what the basis for asking for those download urls should be at all
22:19:45 <b_jonas> meanwhile, I should figure out what to do with this milk train line because it doesn't seem to work well
22:20:33 <openttdguest> nielsm: I believe for the bananas website, to have a download url instead of 'ingame'
22:21:20 <b_jonas> I'll probably need a double track most of the way
22:21:37 <andythenorth> here's a slug I made earlier :P
22:21:51 <nielsm> anyway you're better off pinging TrueBrain when he's here :) or really just writing in the issue to keep things documented
22:28:53 <andythenorth> hmm we need black CC for LoadHaul
22:29:00 <andythenorth> nvm, such realism another day
22:30:16 <nielsm> specialcase dark gray?
22:31:33 <andythenorth> recolour purple?
22:31:58 <andythenorth> purple is the only really unusable company colour
22:32:09 <andythenorth> I noticed there are weightings for company colour choices in the code somewhere :P
22:34:40 <andythenorth> Horse grf is quite big enough, doesn't need more spritesets :P
22:36:02 <b_jonas> andythenorth: there's a black company color newgrf
22:36:18 <andythenorth> there are a couple of grfs that mod colours
22:39:25 <andythenorth> eh I might need to redesign Horse
22:39:34 <andythenorth> OpenTTD has changed since it was designed
22:40:39 <b_jonas> in my current game I'm using 7 company colors for train groups. sometimes I use even more
22:40:58 <b_jonas> I wish I could set a company color that's used only for signs, and one that's used only for stations
22:41:24 <b_jonas> or maybe separately for different types of stations and their signs
22:41:39 <b_jonas> but the trains are the most important
22:42:45 <nielsm> it's certainly possible to change the general company colour remap in the baseset grf, by modifying the remap sprites, but can you override those by newgrf possibly?
22:42:55 <nielsm> with the baseset sprite override action
22:43:07 <nielsm> since those aren't normal sprites
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