IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2019-06-18
00:28:45 *** frosch123 has quit IRC
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12:27:12 <andythenorth> yo
12:27:22 <nakki> sup
12:31:05 <LordAro> is it lunchtime?
12:31:16 <nakki> it was 2½ hours ago
12:32:04 * andythenorth hunger
12:32:35 <LordAro> nakki: check yo +03:00 timezone privilege
12:32:59 <nakki> real eastern european gang hours
12:33:02 <nakki> whomst amongst us
12:38:39 *** ntsbmvnk has joined #openttd
12:39:20 <ntsbmvnk> Hi, just found this game. Joining the IRC for it to get in the loop on things.
12:39:42 <nakki> nice
12:39:44 <nakki> and welcome
12:48:22 <nielsm> feel free to ask any questions you have and we'll tgry to answer :)
13:26:31 *** Thedarkb has joined #openttd
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13:42:30 <peter1138> But is it lunchtime now?
13:42:48 <nakki> it's always lunchtime somewhere in the world
13:47:10 <Eddi|zuHause> is that what an alcoholic says when he needs an excuse for a drink?
13:52:24 <ntsbmvnk> It's beer o clock somewhere in the world
13:52:58 <ntsbmvnk> Can I just entirely ignore other types of transit and just use trains?
13:53:11 <nakki> yes
13:53:15 <ntsbmvnk> Hell yeah
13:53:24 <nakki> that's how me and my friends played on my server
13:53:40 <Eddi|zuHause> i thought that's how 90% of the people played
13:53:45 <nakki> just installed coll train sets and a fitting firs economy and generated a fitting map
13:53:51 <nakki> s/coll/cool
13:53:59 <nakki> wish i knew how to write
13:54:25 <ntsbmvnk> yeah, just wondered if there was any kind of catch where you had to use the other types
13:54:31 <nakki> not really
13:54:58 <ntsbmvnk> Is there a mod that adds Pacers?
13:55:05 <Eddi|zuHause> almost certainly
13:55:12 <ntsbmvnk> Or, more generally, British EMUs
13:55:23 <nakki> check out ukrs2
13:55:42 <nakki> or ukrs3
13:55:50 <andythenorth> or RUKTS
13:56:14 <andythenorth> ntsbmvnk: you want actual prototypes, or 'British-ish'?
13:57:44 <ntsbmvnk> Ooooooh, RUKTS is a good match.
13:57:46 <ntsbmvnk> Thanks all.
13:58:01 <nakki> personally i'm more a fan of the steam era
13:58:21 <nakki> usually the games of my friends group go from late-ish 19th to mid-20th
13:59:05 <ntsbmvnk> I like the ugly faces of modern DMU/EMUs myself
13:59:34 <nakki> heh
13:59:34 <ntsbmvnk> "modern" being a relative term - anywhere from early 1970s to now.
14:00:04 <nakki> it's pretty cool how productive the community has been - there's even a finnish set
14:00:17 <andythenorth> there is a pacers.grf somewhere
14:00:44 <nakki> pretty cool to use trains ingame that i actually ride... well, not daily, but maybe weekly
14:02:21 <peter1138> Ok, I'm having lunch now.
14:03:14 * andythenorth too
14:04:33 <FLHerne> ntsbmvnk: Train<->ship transfers can be fun
14:04:49 <nakki> ntsbmvnk: make sure to check the passenger and cargo distribution settings if you're going to be building a passenger network
14:04:54 <nakki>
14:04:56 <FLHerne> (/definitely/ enable Cargodist if you're trying to do realism)
14:05:03 <FLHerne> ^!
14:05:11 <nakki> heh
14:05:52 <FLHerne> nakki: Bob's British Buses has a Leyland National, which is the road variant of the Pacer ;-)
14:06:24 <nakki> check your nick autocompletions
14:07:17 <FLHerne> ntsbmvnk: Oops, ^
14:09:00 <Eddi|zuHause> there's only 142 nicks in this channel, who would assume that sometimes they start with the same letter? :p
14:13:45 <ntsbmvnk> I'd like to think my nick would rarely clash
14:13:54 <ntsbmvnk> considering it's a random string
14:14:11 <nakki> yeah but herne here only used 'n' as the basis for autocompletion
14:14:26 <nakki> and alphabetically i come first
14:14:28 <ntsbmvnk> I'm the only nt<Tab> here
14:14:32 <nakki> yep
14:14:38 <ntsbmvnk> fair
14:15:04 <Eddi|zuHause> i sometimes go n<tab> and hope it's the last person that spoke
14:15:22 <Eddi|zuHause> (because that person would be picked first)
14:15:35 <Eddi|zuHause> (then it cycles alphabetical)
14:18:42 <FLHerne> ntsbmvnk: Oh, and Dutch Stations [Addition] is great for modern stations
14:19:01 <zuzak> y'all need a client that cycles tab complete chronologically
14:19:10 <FLHerne> (e.g. this little one
14:20:57 <ntsbmvnk> irssi does alphabetical out of the box
14:21:10 <ntsbmvnk> so n<Tab> gets me nakki
14:21:12 <nakki> not sure how weechat does it
14:21:23 <nakki> at least it always has my nick as the last option
14:21:39 <nakki> hmmh apparently weechat looks at who last spoke
14:21:46 <FLHerne> ntsbmvnk: And ISR stations + newobjects for the industrial ones
14:23:11 <ntsbmvnk> FLHerne: thanks
14:23:35 <FLHerne> CHIPS stations + FIRS industries + UKRS2 :
14:25:33 *** Thedarkb has quit IRC
14:30:59 <andythenorth> needs moar Horse
14:31:17 <andythenorth> I like that port though
14:31:42 <FLHerne> There are some HEQS dumpers in the corner
14:32:20 <FLHerne> The port is almost 100% your pixels :D
14:34:37 <andythenorth> milk and biofuels
14:39:23 *** Thedarkb has joined #openttd
14:50:22 <planetmaker> nice screeny
14:52:17 <andythenorth> I should finish Iron Horse
14:52:23 <andythenorth> but...I am making NRT stuff :)
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15:10:33 <Eddi|zuHause> orudge: the "post" and "save draft" buttons are driving me seriously mad...
15:17:48 <planetmaker> are they swapped?
15:18:20 <planetmaker> I don't know how it was before. But I ended at "save draft" accidentially earlier today
15:19:23 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't remember how they were before either, but i checked with the german forum, and they are in opposite order there...
15:43:13 *** Thedarkb has quit IRC
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16:03:26 *** Flygon has quit IRC
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17:06:57 * andythenorth backs away from the code
17:07:28 <andythenorth> it looks mad, but it works, so it's probably fine :P
17:07:35 <andythenorth> sprite generation code
17:09:26 *** Gumle2 has joined #openttd
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18:08:44 <nakki> i don't understand people who write code that looks ugly
18:09:18 <nakki> incredibly frustrating when people at work don't format their code properly even though we have a nice style guide that you should follow
18:18:17 <Eddi|zuHause> just undo their commits and send them back
18:30:21 *** Gustavo6046 has joined #openttd
18:34:55 <SpComb> we're slowly adding some lint checks to our CI
18:53:25 <dihedral> greetings
18:55:26 <Eddi|zuHause> greetings, what brings you here?
18:59:18 <dihedral> nothing really
19:01:13 *** tycoondemon has quit IRC
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19:08:56 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd
19:09:23 <Wolf01> o/
19:09:59 <andythenorth> hi
19:26:09 <peter1138> Hi
19:26:12 <peter1138> That was a bit soggy.
19:35:10 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
19:47:13 <andythenorth> was it outside?
19:51:08 *** Eddi|zuHause2 has joined #openttd
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20:09:03 <andythenorth> do we need roads?
20:09:05 <andythenorth> where we're going?
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20:12:17 <Markk> No, I've bought an electric helicopter with submarine properties.
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20:23:47 <Wolf01> <andythenorth> where we're going? <- not where, but WHEN we are going!
20:24:07 <Wolf01> Also, saturday I'll be in Billund
20:24:30 <Markk> Oh, vising Legoland?
20:24:31 <andythenorth> oof
20:25:37 <Wolf01> Just a bit, we have a convention at the LEGO house, in the spare time we might visit the park
20:26:23 <Markk> Neat!
20:47:19 *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
20:55:16 *** glx has joined #openttd
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22:29:59 <Samu__> hi
22:34:11 <nnyby> hi
23:14:16 *** gelignite has quit IRC
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