IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2018-01-01
00:01:41 *** Arveen2 has joined #openttd
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01:02:55 <Samu> it's 2018, :) happy new year
01:03:57 <LordAro> merry year change
01:08:29 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
01:17:45 <Samu> openttd 1.8 when ?
01:18:06 <LordAro> april
01:18:10 <LordAro> :p
01:18:21 <Samu> :)
01:33:00 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd
01:33:13 <Wolf01> o/
01:33:30 <supermop> hi wolf
01:34:25 <Wolf01> Happy :D
01:35:04 <Wolf01> And now, F until I collapse XD
01:50:49 *** Progman has quit IRC
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03:45:05 <Wolf01> 'night
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09:50:46 <andythenorth> o/
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11:07:17 <Wolf01> Moin
11:07:34 <RafiX> \m/
11:07:37 * RafiX NP: Sword Of The Witcher by Vader - from The Witcher Inspired Music
11:07:42 * RafiX headbangs
11:07:59 <andythenorth> lo Wolf01
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11:22:23 <Borg> moin
11:22:29 <Borg> hmm Cargo Flow tool needs improvements
11:22:38 <Borg> first, color change... from green to blue -> red range
11:22:41 <Borg> will be much more readable
11:22:53 <Borg> second... draw only single line when cargo flow is unidirectional
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11:24:09 <andythenorth> interesting idea
11:24:16 <andythenorth> got a patch? o_O
11:24:19 <andythenorth> I could test
11:25:01 <Borg> hmm :) im reading linkgraph_gui.cpp atm :)
11:25:16 <andythenorth> green / red is bad for colour blindness
11:25:22 <andythenorth> as well as hard to see in temperate
11:25:27 <Borg> yep
11:25:42 <Borg> also range black, blue -> red have nice palete transition
11:25:54 <Borg> imo best one
11:26:18 <andythenorth> does direction matter? probably not
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11:26:32 <Borg> andythenorth: what do you mean?
11:26:33 * andythenorth wondered about arrows, but not needed
11:26:41 <Borg> hmm
11:26:54 <andythenorth> direction isn't useful information, just utilisation
11:27:08 <Borg> I think so too
11:27:29 <Borg> also white need to be changed to black and all stuff become much more readable imo
11:27:52 <Borg> and red dot.. to white dot? or light green dot? on station?
11:28:25 <andythenorth> the station dot is company colour
11:28:31 <Borg> aah
11:28:34 <Borg> ok
11:28:57 <Borg> okey, color change is trivial
11:29:02 <Borg> const uint8 LinkGraphOverlay::LINK_COLOURS[]
11:29:10 <Borg> lets see uni/bi-directional stuff
11:29:13 <Wolf01> Try some mockup screenshots, it's hard to tell what could work well with text :P
11:30:28 <RafiX> damn, The Witcher Soundtrack is nice
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11:37:15 <Borg> ahhh its based on road_side
11:37:30 <Borg> okey.. so lets leave it bidirictional..
11:37:53 <Borg> changing colors would make it much more readable.. so not used link will not bother u so much
11:38:04 <Borg> white was terrible choice here :)
11:42:19 <Borg> okey, time to hexedit openttd binary
11:42:28 <Borg> to see if I can adjust palete right now ;)
11:49:55 <Wolf01> That scares me... you have sources available to do the same thing easily
11:52:12 <Borg> nah..
11:52:17 <Borg> never done binary patching?
11:52:22 <Borg> it was popular in DOS times ;)
11:52:25 <Borg> done.. lets see
11:52:27 <Borg> openttd runs
11:52:50 <Borg> jaj it works :D
11:52:54 <Borg> muuuuch better colors
11:52:59 <RafiX> lmao
11:53:13 <Borg> C8 CA CB CC AC AD AE AF BC BB BA B9
11:53:18 <Borg> this is palette I use :)
11:53:25 <Wolf01> "much better colors... everything is in 50 shades of brown"
11:53:31 <Borg> pfft
11:53:36 <RafiX> better than 50 shades of gray
11:53:38 <Borg> I used blue, purple and red
11:53:47 <Borg> 4 shades of each
12:06:04 <__ln__> Happy 2018th birthday, Earth!
12:06:12 <Wolf01> Yes
12:07:51 <RafiX> well it's not happy in Iran
12:07:58 <RafiX> and North Korea
12:12:10 <__ln__> RafiX: It's also not 2018 in Iran or North Korea.
12:12:15 <andythenorth> __ln__: that presumes a certain start date also :P
12:12:20 <RafiX> not?
12:12:23 <andythenorth> for the birthday
12:13:50 <__ln__> RafiX: it's 1396 in iran, and 108 in north korea.
12:16:26 *** Maraxus has joined #openttd
12:16:30 <RafiX> TIL I learned that it's not 2018 in Iran and North Korea
12:24:14 <andythenorth>
12:24:51 <Wolf01> \o/
12:30:09 <V453000> andythenorth: what new compared to latest alpha?
12:34:57 <andythenorth> fixes
12:35:09 <andythenorth>
12:35:28 <andythenorth> V453000: also I changed all cargos
12:36:18 <V453000> was just wondering, we are using the latest alpha on our server atm
12:37:52 <andythenorth> you didn't bite on cargos troll :(
12:40:07 <V453000> :)
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13:17:05 <Borg> damn.. now w/ changed colors.. I love Cargo flow tool
13:48:27 <Borg> andythenorth: direction is there.. :) based on roadside
13:48:37 <Borg> I would rather made it independed setting :)
13:50:26 <Borg> or base it on signal_side ?
13:51:02 <Borg> something client side consistent
14:11:52 <andythenorth> dunno :)
14:12:01 <andythenorth> I never paid much attention to direction
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17:03:37 <Samu> hi 2018
17:03:53 <Samu> who's happy about the new year?
17:03:56 <Samu> seriously...
17:04:16 <Samu> what's there to be so happy about :(
17:04:29 <Wolf01> I was writing the same
17:09:02 <Rubidium> that the year can be factored again?
17:09:02 <Wolf01> Here they raised taxes, gas and energy prices, highway toll (in some places even 67%, here only 1.78%), VAT, decontributed contracts for jobs (the fucking apprentice ones) are expiring this month (they plan about 80k people to lose their job), they seem to have plenty of reasons to be happy, the rest of the people not so many
17:11:38 <Wolf01> Mmmh, this electric pole cable thing in F should really be fixed, I'm tired to place blueprints on the other side of the world and then have to go by myself to fix 2 cables connected on the wrong place
17:23:11 <__ln__> how much is your VAT now?
17:23:56 <Wolf01> 22%
17:24:57 <__ln__> that's low
17:25:13 <Wolf01> 4 years ago it was 19%
17:26:20 <__ln__> that's even lower
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17:35:29 <Eddi|zuHause> here we still have 19%
17:35:52 <Eddi|zuHause> but that might change once we have a new government
17:36:23 <Eddi|zuHause> (it's still uncertain how and when that might happen)
17:42:24 <V453000> omg I coded a dropdown gui for blender :D G_G
17:42:29 <V453000> custom stuff as fuck
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17:55:24 <Eddi|zuHause> you are a blender god!
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18:44:33 <Samu> the first 6 ais have reached 2051
18:45:44 <Samu> i mean 2151 in this case
19:05:06 <Samu> another one reaches 2151
19:05:18 <Samu> testing 7 next AIs
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19:40:17 <Samu> chopper bankrupted
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20:15:51 <Samu> wrightai is doing well with aircraft
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22:04:33 <glx> hello
22:04:57 <LordAro> say, all the copyrights are a year out
22:05:43 <heffer> has anything copyrightable been added this year, so far? :P
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22:29:27 <V453000> uhh python people, how do I import another python file so that I can use functions and classes from it? both in the same folder?
22:29:35 <V453000> import -filename- doesn't seem to do it
22:44:17 <LordAro> V453000: with py3, not easily
22:44:35 <LordAro> py2 can do "import .module"
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23:20:07 <Eddi|zuHause> why is that different in py3?
23:21:00 <Eddi|zuHause> do "import filename" and use "filename.class"
23:21:08 <Eddi|zuHause> or "from filename import class"
23:21:17 <Eddi|zuHause> then you can use "class"
23:22:08 <Eddi|zuHause> make sure that both files are in the current working directory
23:22:20 <Eddi|zuHause> otherwise you need to do some CLASSPATH magic
23:22:29 <Eddi|zuHause> PYTHONPATH
23:22:33 <Eddi|zuHause> or whatever it's called
23:23:16 <Samu> wrightai is doing bad now :(
23:23:20 <Samu> t.t
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23:38:51 <Wolf01> 'night
23:38:59 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC