IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-12-14
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00:01:38 *** SgtStroopwafel_ has quit IRC
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00:29:33 *** drac_boy has joined #openttd
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00:43:02 <drac_boy> hi sim-al2 been quite a while
00:44:09 *** Mahjong1 has joined #openttd
00:56:01 <drac_boy> so am I correct that action D & 9 would be what one would use to have a certain vehicle not show up with the use of a parameter bit right?
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01:12:32 <drac_boy> hows flygon tonight?
01:27:02 <drac_boy> thats a funny answer? :-p
01:33:29 <drac_boy> so..just being lazy tonight or I'm wrong about that?
01:45:19 <Eddi|zuHause> drac_boy: you could also action6 the climate availability bits
01:47:01 <drac_boy> hmm good one...only this is an all-climates set tho but thanks still :)
02:00:04 *** smoke_fumus has joined #openttd
02:16:23 <drac_boy> anyway going off for tonight...ty tho
02:21:51 *** Mahjong2 has joined #openttd
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14:37:21 <Borg> haha ;) this GRF is fun,..
14:37:27 <Borg> factory output: 10k goods ;D
14:39:25 *** Gustavo6046 has joined #openttd
15:33:31 *** Breckett has joined #openttd
15:58:10 <RafiX> why this game must be so addicting
16:02:14 <Borg> yeah.. cant stop play now ;) w/ my cool newGRF I made
16:04:13 <RafiX> well I have my save running while I do other stuff
16:04:24 <RafiX> because no new connections to make
16:05:14 <Borg> I run server.. more fun to play w/ friends
16:05:42 <RafiX> well I have no friends that would play with me
16:06:08 <Borg> 1.6.1 tho.. but its not a problem I think
16:06:27 <Borg> u can have many versions side by side
16:06:31 <RafiX> so I can't play on maps bigger than 128x128 or something like that
16:06:38 <Borg> cyfrowy polsat.. I know that ISP..
16:07:16 <RafiX> well I tried some 512x512 server and connection got dropped after downloading like 20% of the map
16:08:41 <Borg> dude? what kind of connection u have?
16:09:23 <RafiX> it's fucking worse than dialup
16:09:44 <LordAro> LTE should be multiMB/s
16:09:46 <Borg> no local ISPs around? with WiFi?
16:10:18 <RafiX> LordAro: it is fucking lying
16:11:20 <RafiX> I wanted to switch to local ISP
16:11:26 <Borg> RafiX: ROFL.. they home page cannot load...
16:11:48 <Borg> no wonder its piece of shit
16:12:03 <Borg> this is very bad news for me..
16:12:17 <Borg> because my ISP is probably going to be bought up by them....
16:12:23 <Borg> lucky.. im dual homed :D
16:13:00 <RafiX> but as fucking always my mother thinks it's worse than our current connection and agreement (idk if that's a correct term, maybe it was contract) have to end first
16:13:38 <Borg> well, I cant ping your endpoint at all
16:13:45 <Borg> traceroute dies somewhere in
16:13:55 <Borg> 9 10 ms 10 ms 10 ms
16:13:59 <Borg> last home isnt that bad :)
16:14:10 <RafiX> well it was SOMETIMES okay
16:14:20 <RafiX> like 50Mbps dl and 25Mbps up
16:15:07 <Borg> well.. its still radio...
16:16:14 <RafiX> it's funny that they say it's good for watching HD movies online and playing online games..
16:16:31 <Borg> well.. on specs.. it looks not bad...
16:16:41 <RafiX> I wonder if that celebrite from advert ever used that shit
16:16:50 <Borg> but.. as always... in practice it doesnt look good
16:17:48 <Borg> still... OpenTTD uses like 20Kbit/s per client
16:17:58 <Borg> and doesnt need bleeding edge rtt
16:18:03 <Borg> so.. its weird u cannon connect
16:18:09 <Borg> maybe u used so crappy severs? ;)
16:18:15 <RafiX> it's more about downloading map
16:18:27 <Borg> if u want.. I can give u IP + GRF
16:18:40 <Borg> but first.. get OpenTTD 1.6.1 if u want to try
16:18:53 <RafiX> well I could download it from debian repo
16:19:22 <RafiX> I can't work on windows for too long
16:19:34 <Borg> im fine w/ windows.. but only specific version.. ;)
16:19:53 <LordAro> Borg: if you're on windows, you have 0 excuse for not upgrading to 1.7 :p
16:20:08 <RafiX> well maybe he's running server on linux
16:20:20 <Borg> I had to compile gcc-4.9 first! to compile openttd
16:20:23 <LordAro> RafiX: eh, that traceroute isn't necessarily bad
16:20:41 <LordAro> but you can't take much into account from the hops being missing
16:20:45 <Borg> LordAro: oh? u can ping him?
16:21:07 <LordAro> Borg: no, it's in the txt file :p
16:21:43 <Borg> RafiX: try traceroute -I
16:21:51 <Borg> it sends ICMP packets instead of UDP.. u might get better result
16:21:56 <RafiX> Borg: hmm, I can ping you
16:22:31 <RafiX> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 41.951/41.951/41.951/0.000 ms
16:22:49 <Borg> u should join my server just fine...
16:23:00 <Borg> but.. u might have big packet loss on link...
16:23:09 <Borg> thats why U might experiencing problem joining servers
16:23:19 <Borg> today ISPs.. doesnt care about QoS... :( shit shit shit
16:23:52 <RafiX> well I have some packet loss
16:24:45 <LordAro> RafiX: there's no packet loss shown on that output
16:25:01 <LordAro> it's like traceroute, but with ping
16:25:02 <Borg> mtr is bad for checking packetloss
16:25:14 <LordAro> Borg: i mean, anything is
16:25:24 <Borg> best tool is using fping or similar.. and generate 100pps at least to well know target..
16:25:39 <LordAro> that's... a ping storm
16:25:50 <LordAro> and is liable to just get you dropped
16:26:10 <Borg> ping storm is when we have k prefix before pps ;)
16:26:16 <Borg> I said.. well know target..
16:26:17 <LordAro> servers are quite within their rights to say "i've got better things to do than respond to this ICMP packet, i'm going to ignore it"
16:26:23 <Borg> some BSD or Linux server.. it will not drop
16:26:25 <LordAro> Borg: well, it's unnecessary, at least
16:27:08 <Borg> routers usually drop ICMPs (limit)
16:27:14 <Borg> but not servers.. unless configured
16:27:40 <LordAro> eh, routers are servers :p
16:27:53 <Borg> routers are routers.. servers are servers.. and servers can be routers..
16:28:09 <RafiX> and some routers can be servers
16:28:20 <Borg> routers are more specialized hardware... for routing packets.. they have ASICs.. TCAMs.. etc
16:28:35 <Borg> ahh.. u speak about SOHO market.
16:28:41 <Borg> that doesnt count dude :)
16:28:56 <LordAro> i've seen plenty of consumer level stuff that you can connect a drive to
16:29:12 <Borg> Im speaking about big L3 switches or routers...
16:29:36 <Borg> try run anything on Cisco 6807-XL ;)
16:30:26 <LordAro> it's just not always as clear as "omg it dropped a packet"
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19:11:07 <Borg> hehe../ around 10k production at factory.. still rating >90% :D
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19:45:49 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27944 trunk/src/lang/spanish_MX.txt (2017-12-14 19:45:41 +0100 )
19:45:51 <DorpsGek> spanish (mexican): 1 change by Absay
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20:08:08 <drac_boy> sunny-but-cold winter hi from me
20:09:37 <drac_boy> rafix umm sorry but there IS a thick layer of slight hard snow on the ground all around here? :-)
20:09:50 <drac_boy> either way rafix hows your health compared to yesterday?
20:10:14 <RafiX> I visited my doctor today
20:10:23 <RafiX> got some meds, but will buy them tommorow :/
20:10:31 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
20:11:26 <drac_boy> well hope things will be ok soon anyhow rafix
20:11:54 <RafiX> at least I have rest of the week off
20:18:36 <drac_boy> so is there any limit to the vehicle name (for in buy list) or just anything goes as long as its not a reserved value name?
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21:02:40 <andythenorth> tank win rate static
21:20:40 <Borg> I dont really get why ppl put semaphores every 2-3 tiles...
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