IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-12-13
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00:46:52 <drac_boy> hi
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01:03:01 * drac_boy stares at flygon
01:09:11 <drac_boy> so anyway any road vehicle drawers in here?
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02:10:21 <drac_boy> mm going off for tonight here :)
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15:42:30 <V453000> MF?
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15:57:20 <Samu> omg they changed the invisible heroes in hots, best change ever
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17:00:50 *** Borg has joined #openttd
17:00:51 <Borg> hii
17:01:17 <Borg>
17:01:28 <Borg> yet I cant see Inspect window here at all..
17:01:43 <Borg> I have very small grf that is adding callback to default industries...
17:01:48 <Borg> and it doesnt work...
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17:05:11 <Borg> how to activate that inspect window?
17:05:18 <Borg> or how to check/debug callbacks?
17:08:43 <Alberth> enable newgrf_developer setting in the config file iirc
17:09:21 <Borg> yeah I enabled it
17:09:32 <Borg> still when click on tile information on industry. nothing
17:09:47 <Borg> its because I dont make new whole industry?
17:09:51 <Borg> Im just altering callbacks
17:10:25 <Alberth> no idea, never experimented with it
17:10:35 <Alberth> isn't it in the "?" menu or so?
17:10:56 <Alberth> just random guesses ^
17:13:57 <Borg> nope... nothing
17:14:05 <Borg> anyway. I found a bug new newgrf anyway.. fixing it
17:14:11 <Borg> maybe this time will work ;)
17:19:25 <Borg> okey. running new game.. lets see
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17:22:15 <Borg> and nothing....
17:22:17 <Borg> geez..
17:24:26 <Alberth>
17:24:42 <Alberth> you checked the setting is actually enabled through the console?
17:24:54 <Borg> yes
17:25:03 <Borg> GRF is loaded too
17:25:30 <Borg> Alberth: I see other options
17:25:35 <Borg> like bounding boxes.. sprite aligment
17:25:40 <Borg> but no inspect window...
17:25:44 <Alberth> ok
17:26:06 <Alberth> isn't it a button on the title bar of the industry window or such?
17:26:28 <Borg> yeah I found a post that shows a weird button...
17:26:37 <Borg> but no such button here too :(
17:26:58 <Borg> maybe I should run nightly build or sth?
17:27:00 <Borg>
17:27:13 <Borg> so.. those IDs.. are Industry IDs I can use for Action3?
17:27:47 <Alberth> I think the button is old enough to be in a release too
17:28:03 <Alberth> actions are pure black magic to me
17:28:12 <Borg> aaaaah shit
17:28:16 <Borg> its in 1.7.0
17:28:21 <Borg> Im running 1.6.1
17:28:27 <Alberth> :O
17:28:29 <Borg> and post about it was from 2012....
17:28:50 <Alberth> well, 1.6 is newer than 2013
17:29:03 <LordAro> debug window is ancient
17:29:07 <Borg> yeah.. but well.. maybe they pushed it to 1.7.x instead
17:29:11 <Borg> LordAro: NewGRF debug window?
17:29:12 <LordAro> as you say, 2012ish
17:29:13 <Alberth> nope
17:29:15 <Borg> u sure?
17:29:20 <LordAro> 1.6 is 2016
17:29:32 <Borg> im reading 1.7.0 relase and they say it brings new features for newGRF debugging
17:29:35 <Borg> so it must be it
17:29:38 <Alberth> read the changelog, but we're not in the habit of keeping changes in trunk only
17:29:54 <LordAro> Borg: i wrote that line, definitely doesn't refer to the debug window
17:30:03 <Borg> ahh ;)
17:30:13 <LordAro> (assuming you're on the wiki page, anyway)
17:30:39 <Borg>
17:31:04 <Borg> anyway.. lets run 1.7.0 on side.. to see if its there
17:33:50 <Borg> fuck. still nothing
17:33:58 <LordAro> i'm gonna bet you haven't actually set the config
17:34:05 <LordAro> or it's reading the wrong config file
17:34:15 <LordAro> s/wrong/a different/
17:34:42 <Borg> LordAro: I see other tools
17:34:48 <Borg> like Sprite Aligner
17:35:22 <LordAro> oh, right
17:35:27 <LordAro> i thought that's what you were looking for
17:35:42 <Borg> they appeard after I set gui.newgrf_developer_tools
17:35:48 <Borg> also I checked settings.. and its on
17:35:58 <LordAro> ok yeah, it's not the config
17:36:03 <Borg> no.. im looking for NewGRF inspect window...
17:36:09 <Borg> okey
17:36:12 <Borg> I have idea how to check it
17:36:14 <Borg> do you have it?
17:36:30 <LordAro> i'm at work :p
17:36:34 <Borg> ah shit..
17:36:38 <Borg> anyone else?
17:36:50 <LordAro> iirc it only appears when the newgrf actually has some values to display
17:36:59 <LordAro> are you sure the newgrf is loaded?
17:37:53 <Borg> yeah
17:37:58 <Borg> but.. it contains only 2 thing
17:38:09 <Borg> new little loco.. and setting of CB for Coal Mine
17:38:17 <Borg> nothing more.. soo.. maybe its not enough?
17:40:38 <Borg> 14 * 703 0A 01 00 00 01 00
17:40:38 <Borg> 15 * 7 00 0A 01 01 00 21 10
17:40:40 <Borg> ;)
17:40:41 <Borg> aa shit
17:40:49 <Borg> 14 * 7 03 0A 01 00 00 01 00
17:40:50 <Borg> 15 * 7 00 0A 01 01 00 21 10
17:40:51 <Borg> better
17:40:58 <Borg> it loads correctly...
17:41:03 <Borg> earlier I had some errors
17:41:20 <Borg> also.. Loco is there.. working
17:41:32 <Borg> or..
17:41:42 <Borg> I should not mix GRF of vehicles w/ GRF of industries?
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17:47:00 <Borg> okey got it
17:47:14 <Borg> NewGRF debug window is only displayed for.... new GRF defined industry
17:47:22 <Borg> for default ones... its not :(
17:47:37 <Borg> so... U cant debug it.. altering callbacks for standard industries.. damn
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17:50:23 <Borg> so now the question is.. can u actually set callbacks for default industries?
17:52:51 <Borg> yeah.. and my train...
17:52:56 <Borg> have inspect window
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18:22:12 <Borg> jaj
18:22:14 <Borg> it works.. finally ;D
18:22:20 <Borg> geez.. NewGRF is complicated
18:26:53 *** drac_boy has joined #openttd
18:27:11 <drac_boy> hi from a very snowy country here :->
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18:29:47 <LordAro> Borg: it's marginally less complicated if you write NML instead of NFO
18:30:23 <drac_boy> lordaro is this his first grf?
18:31:21 <LordAro> drac_boy: why don't you ask him
18:31:55 <LordAro> drac_boy: incidentally, tab-completing usernames usually does the capitalisation for you
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18:39:53 <drac_boy> wb rafix
18:39:56 <Borg> da fuck.. still doesnt work
18:40:09 <Borg> if callback is called? I should see some debug info in console?
18:40:21 <Borg> at least...
18:40:41 <Borg> property is set.. I see it in Inspect window: Callbacks 035
18:41:36 <drac_boy> what kind of thing you coding if you don't mind me asking borg? (like is it a vehicle or..)
18:41:43 <Borg> too bad u can tell what vars u want to actually being displayed.. in inspect window.. doh
18:41:59 <Borg> drac_boy: im coding a better industry handling..
18:42:09 <Borg> I want them to slowly grow when rating is good...
18:42:23 <Borg> and slowly reduce production when bad.. or stay like this. in medium
18:42:55 <Borg> also, random events (big changes, I play with smooth_economy=off) are biased too.. excelent rating: big prod up
18:43:03 <Borg> bad rating.. big prod down.. medium stuff.. do random
18:44:23 <drac_boy> ohh mm well guess I can't help as only really looked into vehicle coding for the major part here
18:44:35 <Borg> yeah I added my first vehicle too.. it works fine
18:44:35 <drac_boy> hopefully you can get it figured out with others in here :)
18:44:58 <Borg> well.. bad luck. I need to access variable 9C and 9D
18:45:04 <Borg> they arent in Inspect window....
18:45:35 <Borg> time to do RTFS I guess
18:50:09 <drac_boy> borg so if I read that right eg if a coal mine info window was at 10% then it would perhaps just output only 32 tonnes but at 85% it'll happily do 640 tonnes?
18:51:18 <RafiX> hi drac_boy
18:51:32 <RafiX> sorry for delay, I was afk
18:55:19 <Borg> drac_boy: something like that.. but it will change slowly.. not instantly
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18:55:25 <Borg> there is callback to adjust production every month..
18:55:40 <Borg> and I usee it.. and if rating is good.. I just slighty increase production there..
18:55:55 <Borg> so it will take around 100 months to reach max.. if no other events happen
18:55:59 <Borg> but.... it doesnt work for now :(
18:56:17 <Borg> Im not even sure if callback is called at all
18:56:18 <drac_boy> heh sounds like an interesting request if you do get it working still :-)
18:56:47 <drac_boy> so what were you doing rafix?
18:56:50 <Borg> yeah.. I like maxing up productions.. on vanilla I get around 5k-6k production of goods
18:56:56 <Borg> but I want more :)
18:57:16 <Borg> drac_boy: hmm? doing rafix?
18:57:21 <RafiX> drac_boy: well I'm a little sick, I played some OpenTTD and did nearly nothing productive
18:57:37 <Borg> I need someone who knows callback in and out :(
18:57:37 <drac_boy> rafix oh ok :-s hope you get better ok?
18:57:46 <Borg> it seems there is no debug messages when callbacks are resolved
18:58:02 <drac_boy> borg heh I'm not the kind that likes huge outputs but if it works for you then so let that be :-)
18:58:30 <Borg> drac_boy: sure... its a test for now :) I like building big trains.. 2x X2001 + 26 wagons
18:58:36 <Borg> I need big output to feed it
18:58:56 <Borg> drac_boy: I have running server (vanilla right now)..
18:59:01 <Borg> 1.6.1
18:59:15 <Borg> I have 5k+ goods production.. but.. im reaching limit :)
18:59:35 <drac_boy> borg ah I basically prefer 2-10 wagons for most so :-)
18:59:42 <RafiX> drac_boy: also my yesterday chalenge went fine, it's 2051 ingame, I have like 3 milion pounds yearly income, and 100 milion pounds value of my company
18:59:59 <drac_boy> x2001, thats the newest non-passenger...uhh...monorail right?
19:00:29 * drac_boy wonders if rafix likes chicken soups
19:00:40 <RafiX> I'm vegetarian
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19:02:11 <Wolf01> o/
19:02:18 <RafiX> o/
19:02:28 <drac_boy> rafix hmm a lot of certain herbs then I guess?
19:02:36 <Borg> drac_boy: yeah.. monorail
19:03:06 <Borg> shit.. no luck w/ that callback
19:04:27 <Borg> To activate the debugger, use the sign cheat "Cht: grfdebug 1 [<feature> [<id> [<callback>]]]".
19:04:31 <Borg> lol
19:04:33 <Borg> nice hacks...
19:04:39 <Borg> why this is not in console..
19:04:50 <Borg> ahh only TTDPatch
19:04:51 <RafiX> lol
19:06:03 * drac_boy wishes me could figure out the lorry length issue here :p
19:06:17 <drac_boy> rafix I hope you haven't been playing for ten hours straight or have you?
19:06:22 <RafiX> drac_boy: no
19:06:24 <Borg> okey, RTFS again.. lets see what that vars actually are
19:06:28 <RafiX> only five hours straight
19:06:42 <drac_boy> good rafix I didn't meant to sound silly but the way you mentioned about being addicted before I had to check :-)
19:06:49 <RafiX> drac_boy: haha
19:06:58 <RafiX> well it's nice that someone cares
19:08:08 <Borg> okey.. as expected.. range 00 FF
19:08:18 <Borg> so it should work.... arghh
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19:12:34 <Borg> aha!!!
19:12:37 <Borg> something happens ;)
19:12:46 <Borg> no error about non-existant IDs
19:12:58 <Borg> so... like in programing... declare before use.. note taken
19:14:00 <Borg> still there is error for 0x0000 group does not exist...
19:14:10 <drac_boy> hm know what..maybe just going to write a note "don't ask about buses overhanging the load dock" and leave it at that...lets see what else to work out instead
19:14:12 <Borg> I tought 0x0000 id is default but seems its not
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19:20:17 <drac_boy> do hm does anyone here still know the name of that other non-release ottd build that used to have a lot of functional extras that never ever were made into <1.5 (and neither 1.7 yet it would seem)
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19:26:37 <drac_boy> oh hm I just soemwhat remember had some queer diagonal road crossing .. but they never worked well for the AI builders tho
19:31:20 <Borg> it works!!!!!!!
19:31:22 <Borg> finaly ;D
19:31:34 <Borg> coal mine.. production 144t
19:31:39 <Borg> lets see if it will go up
19:31:42 <Borg> next month
19:32:21 <Borg> yeaaaah :)
19:32:22 <Borg> 153t
19:32:28 <Borg> great... :D
19:32:31 <drac_boy> 153 isn't bad, my sort of number
19:32:32 <drac_boy> :)
19:33:42 <Borg> hmm
19:33:45 <Borg> it went down to 144 now
19:33:49 <Borg> weird.. should still go up
19:34:05 <RafiX> damn.. please don't say I have a fever
19:34:10 <drac_boy> by any chance do you have one train just sitting with 'wait for full load' order?
19:34:17 <Borg> nah.. 2 trains
19:34:30 <Borg> rating is 71%
19:34:34 <drac_boy> hm might be a possible relationship with your station but I could be wrong tho so :)
19:34:41 <Borg> for now.. it needs to be at least 50% so it will go up
19:34:45 <Borg> 171t!!!!!
19:34:49 <Borg> so its going up..
19:34:53 <Borg> ahh wait
19:34:57 <Borg> its productio last month
19:34:59 <Borg> not current :D
19:35:24 <Borg> so... :) it can vary a bit..
19:35:53 <Borg> well.... I will tripple check everything now again :)
19:35:58 <Borg> and test it on some game.
19:36:01 <Borg> should be interesting
19:36:49 * drac_boy gives rafix a nice lumpy ginger to eventually dice into tiny chunks?
19:36:58 <RafiX> how nice
19:38:47 <Borg> im still worried by one error..
19:39:11 <Borg> GetGroupFromGroupID: Groupid 0x0000 does not exist, leaving empty
19:40:10 <Borg> The default case of the VarAction2 must point to the regular graphics chain, so that unknown/future callbacks results in a "callback failure" result.
19:40:13 <Borg> this part I dont get....
19:41:18 * RafiX is looking at source code of game he found online
19:43:28 <Borg> ;)
19:43:49 <Borg> haa! error vanished
19:43:53 <Borg> FF FF took it away :)
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19:46:42 <drac_boy> rafix that sounds like someone too drunk with big mug of coffee at 3:00 :-p
19:47:11 <RafiX> drac_boy: well he probably did that to not forget about debug variable in code :P
19:47:22 <RafiX> also, there's file called "anal.lua"
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19:48:34 <Wolf01> V, F?
19:49:28 <drac_boy> anyway quick question, I was looking at the grfwiki page on recommended railtype schemes and I presume that 'axle load class' could let you basically make it that theres two identical same-gauge tracks but a certain locomotive would only could run on one and not other if coded to just one single loading right?
19:50:11 <Wolf01> Aaaand I'm stoopid, I needed to select the version manually
19:52:05 <Eddi|zuHause> drac_boy: yes, that's basically it
19:52:30 <drac_boy> thanks..wanted be sure I did read it right :)
19:52:52 <Eddi|zuHause> drac_boy: a locomotive you specify as one of the higher weight classes (like D) would not run on tracks for lower weight classes (A-C)
19:54:25 <Eddi|zuHause> it would run on both D and E weight classes
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19:55:32 <Eddi|zuHause> note that the track set is not required to offer a unique track for each class, but can map multiple classes to one track via "alternate label"
19:56:29 <drac_boy> yeah I'll have to see how I want to eventually organize my railtype compatibility tho .. might take a while :)
19:57:00 <Wolf01> Mmmh no frog
19:57:06 <Wolf01> No cat too
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19:57:50 <Eddi|zuHause> maybe they're scared of wolves?
19:57:59 <drac_boy> dunno if I should let the locos 'know' nutrack too? as unless I'm wrong it looks like it still uses its own schemes instead
19:58:33 <Eddi|zuHause> drac_boy: i don't think they need to
19:58:35 <Wolf01> Maybe they are addicted to tanks
19:58:48 <drac_boy> ok that would be nice not having to code that as well .. cheers
19:58:56 <Borg> damn.. Now I have different problem..
19:59:02 <Borg> not all industries are replaced... wtf
19:59:10 <Borg> I started random map game
19:59:13 <Borg> and I have 3 forsts
19:59:17 <Borg> 2 of them are from newgrf
19:59:19 <Borg> 3th not
19:59:35 <drac_boy> at least being allowed up to 16 types for ottd-only is..a bit wild in a funny way :-)
19:59:37 <Eddi|zuHause> Borg: you loaded two industry newgrfs
19:59:38 <Wolf01> 3th
19:59:43 <Borg> there is just one forst type..
20:00:08 <Borg> Eddi|zuHause: well... one newgrf that changes.. all basic temprate industries (raw)
20:00:53 <Eddi|zuHause> Borg: you loaded two industry newgrfs
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20:01:04 <Wolf01> Quak
20:01:37 <Borg> Eddi|zuHause: huh? can u elaborate? I have *ONE* newgrf loaded.. just checked..
20:02:16 <frosch123> moi
20:02:22 <drac_boy> hi frosch hows you?
20:02:32 <Borg> its same for coal mines..
20:02:41 <Borg> 2 generated.. one is newgrf.. other one not..
20:02:54 <Eddi|zuHause> Borg: so can you show us your complete newgrf list?
20:03:28 <Borg> screenshot? from Options->newgrf?
20:03:30 <Wolf01> I bet: some industry grf and opengfx+ industries
20:03:45 <Borg> Active NewGRF Files?
20:03:56 <Eddi|zuHause> yes
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20:06:12 <Borg>
20:07:47 <Eddi|zuHause> where did you get the newgrf from?
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20:08:27 <Borg> Eddi|zuHause: heh.. im making it myself
20:08:29 <andythenorth> hi
20:08:40 <drac_boy> hi andy how it going?
20:08:48 <Wolf01> The cat too
20:08:54 <andythenorth> tanks
20:09:20 <Eddi|zuHause> Borg: then probably you made a new coal mine, without disabling the old one
20:09:35 <Borg> oh...
20:09:41 <Borg> this could be it.. thx..
20:09:44 <Borg> its damn complicated
20:09:53 <Borg> I tought I just overwrote it
20:09:58 <Borg> lets read
20:10:15 <Borg> or maybe you know
20:10:24 <Borg> all I want.. is to set callback on all raw industries.. thats it
20:10:30 <Borg> doing that directly.. didnt worked
20:11:04 <Borg> Defining industries follows the same schema as houses do: to start using an ID, you first need to define it by setting property 8 for it.
20:11:17 <Borg> I used same IDs...
20:11:31 <drac_boy> hm ok looks like I just want 8 railtypes for the ottd side of the grf .. not as bad as I thought
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20:12:59 <Borg> complicated..
20:13:05 <Borg> lets use FF ;) it solved problem here and there
20:15:06 <Borg> didnt worked
20:15:08 <Borg> more errors
20:16:36 <Borg> okey.. 08 -> 09.. lets try
20:17:58 <Borg> even more errors
20:19:53 <drac_boy> anyway going off for now but ty eddi ;)
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20:31:35 <Borg> okey
20:31:36 <Borg> worked...
20:31:42 <Borg> complicated stuff
20:31:47 <Borg> WIKI needs to be updated I think :)
20:32:07 <Borg> because.... order matter a lot
20:32:17 <Borg> if u touch one id.. of whatever.. u need to change it in one run
20:33:27 <Borg> Eddi|zuHause: thx for hint :)
20:33:37 <Borg> u need to use combo.. 08 + 09 property to replace
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20:47:27 <Borg> testing it on save :)
20:47:32 <Borg> works pefectly
20:47:41 <Borg> that stuff is going to be crazy :D
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22:31:28 <Borg> holy moly ;)
22:31:32 <Borg> my newgrf is crazy :D
22:31:45 <Borg> 2 years of playing.. and I hit 8.3k goods production
22:31:56 <Borg> raiting.. 81% :) neeeeed to upgrade station
22:32:06 <Borg> 5 platforms, 14 tiles each.. not enough
22:32:21 <Borg> anyone want to join my server ? ;)
22:32:25 <Borg> 1.6.1 tho.. for now
22:39:38 <RafiX> I wonder how multiplayer on 64x64 map would like
22:51:08 <Wolf01> 'night
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22:54:58 <Thedarkb> Competitive.
22:55:06 <Thedarkb> Very, very competitive.
22:55:24 <Thedarkb> You'd literally need to resort to dirty tactics.
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23:13:42 <glx> <-- nice
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