IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-12-12
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00:15:08 *** drac_boy has joined #openttd
00:15:22 <drac_boy> any interesting topic atm?
00:17:43 <drac_boy> I meant beside game version releases? :-P
00:18:30 <ST2> drac_boy: guess you're not on the W10 FCU angry team
00:18:47 <ST2> because 1.7.2-RC2 includes it
00:19:42 <ST2> Fall Creators Update (Windows 10 specific)
00:20:48 <ST2> the fix michi_cc made seems to work, and with retro compatibility
00:21:01 <ST2> creating a test server now for it ^^
00:22:12 <drac_boy> oh well st2 I'm not much of a windows person so ty for explaining what that 'w10 fcu' line was
00:22:19 <drac_boy> and angry = angry birds? :P
00:23:55 <ST2> drac_boy: guess you're not many around on biggest OpenTTD communities: ttdcoop, btpro, n-ice, reddit and so on
00:25:26 <drac_boy> I'll have to say that online my biggest place probably is just tt-forums as thats seemingly the only one place for both games to be talked at
00:25:35 <ST2> I'll assume drac_boy, that you use some linux distro
00:25:47 <drac_boy> (excluding that the forum has several other unrelated games mentioned near bottom too I know)
00:26:06 <drac_boy> st2 part of the time .. pcdos equally as much other times
00:26:12 <ST2> but I'm an OpenTTD guy :P
00:27:10 <drac_boy> (actually yes I had wondered about 'lan' networking the two computers together for a funny 1-with-1 serial gameplay but so far not ever been really in the mood yet
00:27:13 *** quiznilo has joined #openttd
00:27:27 <drac_boy> st2 yeah np..the gameplay is very similar anyway so not too much to nitpick about
00:28:16 <drac_boy> interesting site anyhow :)
00:28:50 <ST2> and I'll start a test server soon with 1.7.2-RC1
00:29:40 <drac_boy> just asking st2 but this btpro .. is it generic or newgrf gameplay?
00:30:25 <ST2> BTPro have 27 regular servers (some with newgrf's, others dnt use any)
00:30:53 <ST2> 28th server is an admin testing a different server controller
00:31:13 <ST2> the 29th, will come up soon, to test 1.7.2-RC1 ^^
00:31:19 <drac_boy> and umm st2 just asking but let me take a wild guess..these 'some with' probably has these for the trainset? ukrs2/2cc/nars/nuts
00:32:26 <ST2> not on regular ones... now
00:33:07 <drac_boy> oh ok I kinda recall these for some reason were always picked out a lot .. but no comment :)
00:33:16 <ST2> we have some with road hog and night horse
00:33:45 * drac_boy never liked 2cc due to the weird choices (especially as some steam locomotives suddenly had a lot of hp for cheap at early online dates) aside to too-long buy menu etc .. but wouldn't say anything
00:34:04 <drac_boy> night horse? hmm night horse...haven't I heard of that before when it was just a paper idea...
00:34:10 * drac_boy goes to check what that was again
00:34:39 <ST2> drac_boy: just filter MP list for BTPro
00:35:07 <drac_boy> weird I thought there was a grf by that name..or it never progrssed...
00:35:47 <drac_boy> oh well road hog I do know what that is :)
00:36:14 <ST2> and don't know Iron Horse?
00:37:16 <drac_boy> ohhh .. iron not night horse .. meeeh :p
00:38:23 <ST2> drac_boy: how frequently you play online?
00:39:36 <drac_boy> not at all for quite a good part of 2017 tbh
00:40:16 <ST2> so, if I may ask, what OS you have/use?
00:43:48 <drac_boy> for quite a long time its been freebsd, macos, pcdos-2001, proteus in their own ratios
00:44:37 <ST2> and, you been playing SP games only or some MP games too?
00:45:09 <ST2> (of OpenTTD, I mean... and which version ^^)
00:45:49 <drac_boy> hm can't recall what openttd wa son but I recall it was usually someone else's computer tho tbh
00:46:34 <ST2> drac_boy: openttd version it's shown on the title
00:47:04 * peter1138 ponders ... playing...
00:47:30 <ST2> peter1138: I advise you too
00:48:27 <drac_boy> st2 well like I said I haven't ever played for most of 2017 .. so whatever I may still recall from rather early in year isn't good anymore sorry
00:49:19 <ST2> drac_boy: I played 1 OpenTTD game in 2017 - rest was admin working and preparing servers for players
00:51:06 <ST2> well, most of the people here can use my words - since are on same grounds ^^
00:52:32 <drac_boy> st2 ah ok well tbh I still play a good amount of ttpatch months-wise tho so thats why I don't mind talking about most of the gameplay things (excluding the ones that aren't 'crossplatform' such as being able to program a signal to refuse to turn green on any trains with steel cargo)
00:52:38 <drac_boy> st2 yeah I believe you annyhow
00:52:42 <drac_boy> and which of hi flygon anything new?
00:54:19 <ST2> drac_boy: because I never seen you on reddit servers, BTPro servers, n-ice servers or CM servers
00:54:34 <ST2> if you ttdcoop only, fine by me
00:54:56 <ST2> but there's a whole new world around xD
00:55:44 <drac_boy> I'm not talking about coop :P
00:56:15 <ST2> so, grab 1.7.1 and explore the online servers
00:56:36 <drac_boy> I doubt it'll ever build but ty still :-p
00:59:56 <ST2> <drac_boy> I doubt it'll ever build <<-- why?
01:02:38 <ST2> drac_boy: it even works on my Kali machine
01:02:45 <drac_boy> st2 to bluntly answer your question: has anyone ever written the instructions on how to compile ottd with MPW under macos?
01:06:08 <ST2> sorry drac_boy, guess there you're on your own and with Apple Servive
01:07:18 <drac_boy> np..mind you pcdos-2001 runs very nicely on top tho .. thats how I play tt on that computer too (with a 'cloned' folder from the freebsd hd so the only thing different is the savegame list)
01:07:40 <drac_boy> but anyway st2...we'll see but ottd somewhere next year might be a small possibility .. depending .. will have to wait to see first
01:08:29 <ST2> well drac_boy: can you compile and rum 1.7.1 now?
01:08:57 <drac_boy> st2 anyway I dunno why I still recall it (probably because it was too much unique fun) .. I still wonder about the infrastructure sharing thing ever being included in a release version (rather than that special non-release thing I can't remember the name of now)
01:09:12 <drac_boy> I said...if anyone can mention how to compile ottd in MPW I would had been happy to run it .. sorry? :-p
01:09:38 <Flygon> drac_boy: You're still missing out on the Telegram room. I can guarantee it's in your demographic interest!
01:10:09 <ST2> drac_boy: would help saying what's a MPW
01:10:22 * drac_boy pokes flygon .. just because
01:10:33 <drac_boy> st2 hm sorry give me a moment to find the link
01:16:13 <ST2> I have an Apple VM, being updated as needed
01:16:53 <ST2> I use it to test if BTPro clients compile on it, or not
01:17:22 <ST2> and, till now, all is good
01:17:39 <ST2> so drac_boy, what's your problem?
01:18:15 <drac_boy> st2 wheres the instructions? :)
01:18:55 <drac_boy> either way just asking if anyone here know the name of that other kind of build of ttd .. not the beta/release one but that one that had unusual features added in that were never in the release version
01:19:04 <drac_boy> ttd=ottd* stupid key
01:19:34 <drac_boy> st2 theres no macos in there or even any non-visual either
01:19:57 <drac_boy> umm osx is not the same
01:20:11 <drac_boy> (maybe thats what confused you sorry?)
01:20:43 <ST2> well, I followed those instructions and it compiled
01:21:23 <ST2> maybe youhave an outdated ot overdated MacOS
01:21:50 <ST2> for that, I'm not the person who can help you, sorry
01:26:13 <drac_boy> anyway lets just ignore os confusions for now st2 .. I'm just curious but is there any particular train grf you like or its just a "meh whatever the game has"?
01:27:03 <ST2> drac_boy: if you knew me... you wouldn't make that question
01:28:10 <ST2> and you can check all players that hate/love me in
01:29:15 <ST2> I'm still preparing a 1.7.2-RC1 server, that work with our server controller
01:29:36 <ST2> the both testings, it's what matters for me
01:31:02 <drac_boy> mm well specifically in temperate I kinda have a big like for dbsetxl but also have canset too...and some (I think)older polish trainset
01:31:11 <drac_boy> wouldn't bore you with more details ;)
01:31:45 <ST2> test server I'm gonna start... no newgrf's
01:32:12 <ST2> I'm just setting the plugins loaded on server controller ^^
01:33:53 *** SgtStroopwafel_ has quit IRC
01:34:49 <drac_boy> btw st2 kinda nice to see theres actually some servers that don't want planes at all
01:35:15 <drac_boy> I recall being fed up with lazy silyl players who destroy and reserve a lot of next-to-city land for nothing but to keep sending a hoard of freight-only planes
01:35:20 <ST2> drac_boy: you only noticed that now?
01:35:40 <drac_boy> well st2 I was just browsing the 'all servers' list on that site and only thought to mention it now :P
01:36:44 *** SgtStroopwafel_ has joined #openttd
01:37:00 <ST2> we (BTPro) have some servers that allow Air
01:38:22 <ST2> drac_boy: maybe you never tried to join a BTPro server with name ST2
01:39:37 <ST2> well, you can do it - but have 2 minutes to identify - or will be named to Unregistered****
01:39:43 <drac_boy> also heh it was sometimes a little queer seeing a red small airport right next to a blue intercontinental airport on the same side of large city yet the small one (which was me) can happily push several hundred passengers without issue
01:39:55 <drac_boy> different players = different ideas
01:40:10 <ST2> drac_boy: had you read my lines above?
01:40:33 <drac_boy> yeah I did..was a bit busy typing sorry
01:41:03 <drac_boy> and nah I wouldn't like naming myself to anything ST* anyhow :-p
01:41:28 <ST2> had you tried to join a BTPro server?
01:41:32 <drac_boy> although someone going by the name Atari ST could be a funny one to screencap tho
01:41:42 <ST2> had you tried to join a BTPro server?
01:41:48 <drac_boy> st2..I might had a long time ago..don't recall sorry
01:42:52 <ST2> drac_boy: guess you only play OpenTTD SP mode - not that I mind
01:43:12 <ST2> but many stuff I can say here it's related to MP games
01:44:07 <drac_boy> np hm well st2 I kinda need to afk re some for-20:00 things here sorry .. talk about grfs or something more simple another day ok? ;)
01:44:11 <drac_boy> and bye to you too flygon
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14:47:41 *** Gustavo6046 has joined #openttd
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16:13:36 *** drac_boy has joined #openttd
16:13:56 <drac_boy> hi .. and not to be silly but, as usual any interesting grf related news atm? ;)
16:39:26 *** Breckett has joined #openttd
16:43:06 <drac_boy> hallo breckett. hows your weather in germany?
16:50:00 <drac_boy> its totally cloudy here today anyhow..can't even see any sign of sun
16:53:27 <RafiX> what the heck, it's 8*C here
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16:58:07 <Breckett_> drac_boy: yes, a little snow
17:00:12 <drac_boy> mm no but I can tell you almost everything except well-salted road/sidewalk are covered in 1-3inch of snow and/or slush ... talk about a crazy first-day winter thing here
17:01:22 <RafiX> hmm, let's try to do company with cars only
17:02:02 <drac_boy> (or lorries, whatever your language would be)
17:11:44 * drac_boy pokes rafix with an empty mug just for humour
17:12:39 <RafiX> drac_boy: I have a full mug of coffee now
17:13:02 <drac_boy> rafix so are you basically talking about a railless game right?
17:14:03 <drac_boy> rafix mm which grf or you haven't decided how to start such game for the first time yet?
17:14:54 <RafiX> I have Polish Road Set v5
17:16:43 <drac_boy> mm don't recognize that one but if it has lorry and tractor included .. maybe some bendy buses too .. sounds like you'll probably have a good time :-)
17:18:09 <drac_boy> rafix just one optional thought if you are actually making the map .. go with something rectangular shaped (like eg 1024x256 or you know?) and not too much mountains or deep water
17:18:33 <drac_boy> thats one easy way to have just one or two "highways" with the branches off it having just a few easy curves if any at all
17:19:12 <drac_boy> (nothing like 8+ curves in one single trip making a truck somewhat depressing to use with its constant loss of top speed heh)
17:20:35 <drac_boy> rafix but anyhow have fun with whatever you do with your game ok? ;)
17:22:18 *** TheMask96 has joined #openttd
17:24:07 <RafiX> drac_boy: well I'm doing that for fun
17:24:38 <drac_boy> btw have you heard of HEQS? the tramful grf yes
17:25:03 <RafiX> I haven't tried much grfs
17:25:18 <RafiX> only this Polish Road Set and Polish PKP Trains
17:28:03 *** Thedarkb has joined #openttd
17:28:16 <drac_boy> rafix ah ok well there was that one or few (I can't recall as its been a long time ago) times I was in an online gmae and as it was a relatively smooth map (no heavy mountains) with one of the few grfs being HEQS I end up doing something a little silly.. run a 100%-trams-only company ;)
17:28:34 <drac_boy> you had to see these many trams slowly running past the farm, etca heh
17:30:46 <drac_boy> of course the one slight problem was...trams are not easy to route so had to carefully lay dedicated lines with no interaction to avoid 20 coal trams mashing up into a jam with 20 farm trams tho
17:32:12 <drac_boy> either way rafix it was interesting talking but I have to go now re lunch and more sorry .. hopefully you're around another time to talk about polish grfs if you don't mind that ok? :)
17:32:52 <drac_boy> ty and bye for now ;)
17:34:10 <LordAro> drac_boy should learn what tab-complete is
17:35:18 <RafiX> well some people don't know about it
17:35:46 <LordAro> hence why they should learn :p
17:39:59 <RafiX> well I tried to teach one entire channel how to use tab-complete
17:40:28 <RafiX> they decided that it's better to not use it
17:41:13 <Thedarkb> Do you think OpenTTD will run in 128mb ram?
17:41:18 <Thedarkb> I impulse bought a cheap thinkpad.
17:41:41 <Thedarkb> I'm going to install BunsenLabs on it.
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17:42:56 <RafiX> Thedarkb: on linux OpenTTD 1.7.1 uses 171MB of RAM with 128x256 map, so I don't think it will
17:43:02 <RafiX> maybe the win9x version
17:43:31 <peter1138> You bought something with only 128MB on it?
17:43:49 <RafiX> well there are people that like old laptops
17:43:50 <LordAro> there's "cheap thinkpad" and there's "cheap thinkpad from the 90s"
17:44:35 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
17:44:37 <RafiX> tfw my friend used Thinkpad with P3 and 512MB till 2015
17:44:53 <Thedarkb> I'm still on an X200
17:45:00 <Thedarkb> I have 8GB RAM though.
17:45:22 <Thedarkb> The mobo claims it only supports 4, but the docs are lying.
17:45:41 <Thedarkb> I wonder how much I could put in that X40
17:46:04 <Thedarkb> I do plan on dual booting BunsenLabs and Windows 98 so the 9x version will probably be the best bet.
17:46:07 <LordAro> with 128MB, i'd be surprised if it's even DDR
17:46:13 <LordAro> let alone anything remotely modern
17:46:26 <RafiX> I actually use HP desktop, because I'm broke
17:46:51 <Thedarkb> 1.25GB max supported.
17:47:00 <RafiX> I have a laptop with SDRAM still
17:47:09 <RafiX> Pentium II based Celeron, 333MHz
17:47:38 <Thedarkb> It only has one RAM slot though.
17:47:48 <Thedarkb> It's empty on mine, but there's some on the Mobo
17:48:12 <Thedarkb> It's also got WiFi and a thinklight.
17:48:26 <Thedarkb> I can't use it at the moment because I broke the charger.
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17:49:51 <RafiX> will road vehicle refit when replacing?
17:50:05 <Thedarkb> Yeah, I think they do.
17:50:35 <RafiX> hmm, I have money but it says that replace failed because of money limit
17:51:02 <Thedarkb> There's a lower cash limit you have to set.
17:51:17 <Thedarkb> It might be in the options, I'm not sure.
17:51:21 <Thedarkb> I haven't played in a while.
17:52:34 <RafiX> that's why I got problems before..
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18:00:35 *** Stimrol has joined #openttd
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19:08:24 *** RafiX2 is now known as RafiX
19:10:43 <RafiX> damn, I made nearly 10 millions of pounds
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20:00:20 *** drac_boy has joined #openttd
20:02:37 <drac_boy> sorry but while doing some notes I was just wondering (seeing I never did get deep into roadvehicle's that much) .. does cargo refit also handle livery changes too?
20:16:46 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
20:17:05 <drac_boy> hi frosch anything interesting for you as usual? ;-) heh
20:22:38 <frosch123> friday is usually interesting
20:22:57 <drac_boy> sadly its not even wednesday yet here either (mid-week) :-s
20:23:26 <frosch123> wed is also 3.5 hours away here
20:23:39 <frosch123> though wed noon may be more middleish
20:23:43 <drac_boy> mm its only 14:26 here :-/
20:24:14 <drac_boy> so anyway interesting or not interesting what're you doing aside to irc tho?
20:25:40 <frosch123> pondering between sweet coffee and sweet whippet cookies
20:26:30 <drac_boy> heh I would had taken the cookie but I think you'll have to decide for yourself tho :-)
20:26:55 <RafiX> tfw playing openTTD all day
20:27:23 <frosch123> it's a local factory
20:28:10 <RafiX> playing nonstop for 3 hours rn
20:29:07 * drac_boy has always started 1920 for as long as I can ever remember?
20:29:30 <drac_boy> heh fair enough yeah theres that
20:30:53 <RafiX> also I don't think there are road vehicles in grf I use in 1920
20:31:47 <drac_boy> ah hm good point .. I've never really noticed any omission in 1920 here .. other than for tiny choice of planes
20:33:06 <drac_boy> anyway frosch and rafix have fun one way or another..I need to afk for a few hours again
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21:24:29 <Wolf01> I heard you can use it as a scale
21:24:41 <V453000> It’s amazing I must admit
21:25:02 <RafiX> can you run openttd on it
21:31:16 <V453000> But you can draw newgrfs on it!
21:36:03 <V453000> frosch123: I wanted to go to the party but it’s already fulll which saved me :D
21:36:03 <Wolf01> You can draw F too on it?
21:36:39 <V453000> Theoretically yes but practically not so sure, the results might be too different ... or I just need to learn working with it better
21:37:06 <V453000> I have it mostly just for newgrfs being drawn in places where I don’t have desktop
21:37:31 <V453000> Already downloading monument valley for scientific purposes though
21:39:14 <Wolf01> The bad part about a different ecosystem is to purchase again almost all the things
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21:40:10 <Wolf01> That's why I won't switch to android/apple if my phone will die in the future
21:40:29 <V453000> Well what would you need to repurchase?
21:40:51 <Wolf01> Games, some softwares I use
21:41:27 <Wolf01> For example I won't buy minecraft again, I already purchased it twice
21:41:33 <V453000> Well that’s always a problem yes :) I’m just curious to learn to work with this simply because the hardware is so nice
21:42:10 <V453000> The pencil with the screen, procreate, battery life and weight of the whole thing are just incredible
21:46:26 <RafiX> I heard that some iPads are great for drawing with some pen
21:53:29 <Eddi|zuHause> why would you need to buy minecraft twice? it's java...
21:54:00 <Wolf01> Eh, try to run java on a phone
21:55:31 <Wolf01> Yes, try to run java minecraft on a phone... it's already difficult to run it fine on a pc
21:56:18 <Eddi|zuHause> why even play anything?
21:56:44 <RafiX> jk openttd is best game
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