IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-10-28
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00:00:08 <Samu> do you know of any grf with water industries that don't have a neutral station? that might be a problem
00:08:40 <FLHerne> Samu: I don't think that can happen
00:10:41 <FLHerne> And yes, this would break many existing savegames, but I still like it :-)
00:11:39 <Samu> i failed to understand how exclusive transport rights work,
00:13:03 <TT_> Is there any progress toward fixing the RMB in viewport?
00:15:17 <FLHerne> What's the problem with it?
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00:16:20 <TT_> It doesn't allow to move the viewport with the RMB after windows 10 update
00:16:39 <ST2> it stutters... a loooot xD
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00:16:55 <TT_> Yup, I'm unable to play with that
00:18:02 <ST2> but you need to compile it yourself :S
00:18:09 <TT_> I've seen them so far, but still waiting for the patch to come out
00:19:03 <Samu> nevermind, i bought exclusive transport rights in the wrong town lol
00:22:37 <Samu> a minor nuisance though, the message "company x has bought exclusive transport rights on this town" still being displayed, on the neutral station
00:26:59 <Samu> alright, need to create some settings
00:27:14 <Samu> make this feature more configurable
00:27:57 <Samu> rip savegame compatibility
00:31:04 <supermop> Wolf01: when the rig is as close to land as in the picture, it seems weirder to use boats than to not.
00:31:50 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... i have this mission to test an engine at 13km altitude at 1000m/s speed... any (cheap) ideas?
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00:37:31 <Samu> just removed the exclusivity message from being displayed on oilrig stations
00:59:11 <Wolf01> supermop: yes, but meh, a rig shouldn't be so close to land
00:59:57 <Wolf01> Also bed, need to do 150km in the morning to get some lego
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02:30:17 <supermop_home> Eddi|zuHause: go up a tall mountain and shoot a rocket?
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03:09:55 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_home: thing is, any rocket i come up with is way too high by the time it reaches that speed
03:10:19 <Eddi|zuHause> so, i need a supersonic plane
03:10:42 <supermop_home> that's why you need to find a 13km tall mountain and shoot it horizontally
03:11:13 <Eddi|zuHause> sure, if you find me one of those... :p
03:13:04 <supermop_home> so I have a three track terminus with some double headed electric expresses that leave every 48 days, and two other branches to serve
03:13:43 <supermop_home> not sure if I want one of them going twice as frequently as the express
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03:19:54 <supermop_home> celadon color line doesn't run at all yet, trying to figure out how orange will relate to the blue express to create a slot for the new line
03:26:37 <Eddi|zuHause> wtf is a celadon color?
03:26:53 <supermop_home> color of celadon?
03:27:19 <supermop_home> although I guess that shade is bit too vibrant
03:27:52 <supermop_home> 'light cyan-ish green'?
03:28:06 <Eddi|zuHause> +5 most helpful answer.
03:29:07 <supermop_home> idk I thought 'celadon' would be more common across languages than some marketing bullshit like 'seafoam'
03:32:20 <supermop_home> based on sounds from other room suddenly everyone in the cowboy show my wife is watching now has SMGs
03:38:45 <Eddi|zuHause> Sarah Michell Gellars?
04:00:38 <supermop_home> turns out it was P90s
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08:03:21 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
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08:42:10 <andythenorth> I need fewer ports
08:52:30 <Alberth> that would need connecting chains
08:52:53 <Alberth> how does extreme do that, it has a zillion ports?
08:54:37 <Alberth> tbh I am not sure you should make each economy the same-ish, so the same game-play is useful for each economy
08:55:27 <andythenorth> extreme uses ports to provide free ENSP and FMSP
08:55:48 <andythenorth> otherwise the gameplay is very dominated by generating those cargos
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08:56:06 <andythenorth> extreme is better played as a sandbox, or with BB
08:57:48 <Alberth> so it has enough chains to avoid ports
08:58:41 <andythenorth> well it has enough chains that it's easy to dump arbitrary cargos into ports
08:58:46 <andythenorth> generating ENSP and FMSP
08:59:12 <andythenorth> ports function to get cargos produced from inputs that make no sense IRL
08:59:27 <andythenorth> trading, rather than processing
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11:40:01 <Samu> i need a proper way to identify an oil rig station at an industry, for newgrf purposes
11:41:15 <Samu> there's an industry that is built on water but doesn't have an oilrig station near
11:42:36 <Alberth> andythenorth: "Larger cargoflow" doesn't quite work, but the farms seem out of place to me
11:43:50 <Samu> Port, Bulk Terminal, Fishing Harbour, more than 1 actually
11:47:39 <Samu> then, there's Fishing Grounds and Dredging Site which built oilrigs, firs calls it sandbanks
11:49:16 <Alberth> ports are not water industries
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11:52:21 <Samu> i'm confused, i need to build them at coasts
11:52:52 <Samu> coastal tiles are water tiles
11:53:39 <Alberth> yes, it requires coast tiles but it's a normal lang industry
11:53:59 <Alberth> you cannot use the industry without building a station next to it
11:54:33 <Alberth> andy just added a requirement to the tiles that some must be watery
11:54:55 <Alberth> looks better, given the name :)
11:55:20 <Samu> i need to investigate the Port industry better
11:55:36 <Samu> what behaviour does it have and such
11:56:37 <Alberth> you can look up in the code what type iof industry it i
11:56:53 <Samu> so apparently, i can't identify an oil rig by the industry behavioir
11:57:09 <Samu> when i say oil rig, I mean the station near the industry
12:07:00 <V453000> do I go to jail if I have openttd in the background just playing the original ttd music?
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12:10:43 <Eddi|zuHause> if it's the old title game, you surely go insane from the *dingdingding* :p
12:11:16 <V453000> no it's a multiplayer map scrolled to the corner :D
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14:34:17 <andythenorth> so how much should the grapviz layout dictate FIRS gameplay?
14:34:44 <Eddi|zuHause> as grahpviz layout is generally terrible: not too much
14:38:35 <andythenorth> because the economy plays fine
14:38:46 <andythenorth> 'mess' is a relative concept in graphviz output
14:39:27 <Eddi|zuHause> that seems fine to me, why?
14:40:00 <andythenorth> triangulating what 'mess' means to other people
14:42:01 <Eddi|zuHause> not sure if i'm a reliable authority on that :p
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14:55:51 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
14:57:58 <andythenorth> this chart is somewhat neat
14:58:11 <andythenorth> but Pipe doesn't go to Liquids Terminal, and I want it to
14:58:17 <andythenorth> it's play-tested already and works fine
14:58:30 <andythenorth> adding that edge ruins the graph
14:58:51 <andythenorth> also sending Vehicles to port ruins the graph
14:59:12 <Eddi|zuHause> can't help you on that
15:00:03 <frosch123> sulphur goes to liquids terminal?
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15:02:22 <frosch123> just add the pipe->liquid terminal
15:02:31 <frosch123> i think you are overrating the graphs
15:02:50 <frosch123> port is like a town
15:03:13 <Eddi|zuHause> i think you can add a property to a -> so it doesn't induce a layout change
15:03:14 <frosch123> can the general store produce gold?
15:03:15 <andythenorth> that's kind of what I want to hear
15:03:26 <Eddi|zuHause> but instead is drawn whatever way fits
15:03:43 <Samu> STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NONIND_ACCEPT_AT_SELF :Allow industry stations to accept cargo of other sources: {STRING2}
15:04:00 <Samu> STR_CONFIG_SETTING_IND_ACCEPT_AT_NONSELF :Allow non-industry stations to accept cargo accepted by the industry: {STRING2}
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15:04:06 <Samu> STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NONIND_SUPPLY_AT_SELF :Allow industry stations to supply cargo of other sources: {STRING2}
15:04:14 <Samu> STR_CONFIG_SETTING_IND_SUPPLY_AT_NONSELF :Allow non-industry stations to be supplied with cargo supplied by the industry: {STRING2}
15:05:09 <frosch123> vehicle dealer should output scrap metal
15:05:31 <frosch123> hmm, oh there is a separate scrap yard
15:05:48 <andythenorth> at a fixed rate?
15:05:56 <andythenorth> or more if vehicles are delivered?
15:06:15 <Eddi|zuHause> cash for clunkers (or what was that called?)
15:06:23 <frosch123> conversation is hard :)
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15:06:39 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: tooth gold
15:07:22 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... 45 minutes to download Civ VI (and then i probably hate it)
15:14:57 <Alberth> towns produce scrap :p
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15:25:01 <Samu> i figured better variable names
15:25:30 <supermop_home> Eddi|zuHause: that was the colloquial name used in the news, the actual law/program had some stupid law name no one remembers
15:25:49 <Samu> hope they're clear enough
15:25:56 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_home: we had a similar program called "Abwrackprämie"
15:26:11 <supermop_home> sometimes American laws have the most boring uninformative names,
15:26:31 <Samu> oh, supermop_home, if you have time, are these string names easy to understand?
15:26:50 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_home: german law names are also boring, but also occasionally monstrous :p
15:27:03 <Samu> they are strings for settings
15:27:11 <supermop_home> and sometimes some congressman tries to be clever and shoehorn a ridiculous name into a lame acronym that makes you roll your eyes like a bad dad joke
15:27:35 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm not sure the concept of a "dad joke" exists here
15:27:42 <supermop_home> samu, make sense to me
15:28:25 <supermop_home> Eddi|zuHause I could make a bad dad joke about how all german jokes are bad....
15:28:56 <supermop_home> I do know many germans who are pretty funny though
15:28:56 <Samu> Alberth: i might have some trouble identifying industries which build stations
15:30:48 <Samu> i'm not too sure what tile_are_loop do
15:30:49 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_home: well, my understanding of "dad jokes" is that they're meant to be bad
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15:31:18 <supermop_home> Eddi|zuHause I think it depends on if the joke is being told as a meta joke or not
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15:31:56 <supermop_home> in the most straightforward case I believe it is just a bad joke from a dad who things its kind of funny
15:33:00 <supermop_home> some dads of course are aware of how embarassing the bad jokes are to their teenage kids and as a meta joke, then tell intentionally bad jokes in the style of a clueless dad
15:33:53 <Samu> are there newgrf industries that build train stations, i think i saw some newgrf that do this... can't recall
15:34:01 <supermop_home> my dad seemed to pass into this 2nd phase around 8 or so years ago (when I was already in my 20s)
15:34:33 <supermop_home> also before he became aware of this trope he actually told pretty good jokes
15:35:36 <supermop_home> after having a few jokes fall flat with my wife, over the past couple years, I have prematurely moved to the dad joke phase with her
15:37:35 <andythenorth> if I delete the Pipe cargo, the graph likely improves
15:37:58 <supermop_home> what is the UK dad joke paradigm andythenorth?
15:38:44 <andythenorth> on a par with dad dancing
15:39:07 <supermop_home> hmm that is not an established trope here
15:39:34 <supermop_home> my dad generally avoids dancing as much as possible
15:40:03 <supermop_home> my mom had to force him to at my wedding
15:40:56 <frosch123> also at his own wedding?
15:40:58 <andythenorth> ok so FIRS graphs are poor when an end-of-chain output cargo loops back to near the start of a chain
15:41:13 <andythenorth> the graphs are set up to avoid that for ENSP and FMSP
15:41:19 <frosch123> andythenorth: it's called "supplies"
15:41:29 <frosch123> replace pipe with engsup?
15:41:33 <supermop_home> frosch123 based on the photos of him in an all white tuxedo with flared pants, I assume he was a bit more eager then
15:41:54 <andythenorth> frosch123: tried that, works
15:42:01 <andythenorth> doesn't give me interesting cargo sprites though :)
15:42:24 <supermop_home> andy's lament "it works, must fix it"
15:42:38 <supermop_home> you could tattoo that across your chest
15:48:09 <andythenorth> supermop_home: should <button> and <input> tags in html stop showing hand cursor on hover? o_O
15:48:16 <andythenorth> oops, wrong obsession :P
15:49:42 <andythenorth> frosch123: is it wrong to group more cargos in with ENSP/FMSP? o_O
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15:51:25 <frosch123> i would rather look at the amount of industries producing/requireing them
15:51:52 <frosch123> supplies are not supposed to be a mass cargo, right?
15:52:17 <frosch123> they add production bonuses but are not directly processed
15:52:32 <andythenorth> ports are unusual
15:52:38 <andythenorth> and are causing me trouble in Steeltown
15:52:47 <frosch123> i actually would cut down on the ports in steeltown
15:52:54 <andythenorth> I'm trying to :)
15:52:57 <frosch123> merge port and trading post
15:53:11 <supermop_home> i'd cut down on ports in general in most cases
15:53:12 <frosch123> merge pipe into ensp
15:53:20 <frosch123> and remove ensp from trading post
15:53:37 <supermop_home> seems like port should be a niche helper, not the focus of chains
15:53:47 <andythenorth> depends on economy
15:54:06 <andythenorth> if the only source of ENSP is the steel chain, Steeltown is unplayable :)
15:54:29 <andythenorth> needs to be some almost-free sources
15:54:42 <supermop_home> port is bootstrap helper
15:55:32 <supermop_home> when game starts its like you are on some undeveloped frontier, of course you need a little bit from outside to start up
15:55:48 <frosch123> i do not quite like "zinc"
15:56:08 <frosch123> is there a good term for "additive metals" or something?
15:56:12 <supermop_home> but some portal where you dump hundreds of tons of x and get hundreds of tons of y doesn't quite fit
15:56:16 <frosch123> something that could be delivered to multiple sources
15:56:32 <supermop_home> something like fine metals?
15:56:47 <frosch123> or some tools workshop: steel + additive metals -> goods
15:56:54 <supermop_home> idk if that is the word, but thats the analogous term for chemical industry
15:57:13 <andythenorth> frosch123: I had 'non-ferrous metals' previously
15:57:19 <andythenorth> deleted it in an earlier version
15:57:26 <andythenorth> I am 100% not convinced by zinc
15:57:35 <supermop_home> i wonder if grouping all the alloying metals together is weird tho
15:57:36 <andythenorth> it was better as chemicals
15:57:44 <supermop_home> zinc is a chemical
15:58:00 <andythenorth> let's try dropping zinc
15:58:03 <frosch123> chemicals are liquids to me :)
15:58:20 <frosch123> "fine metals" sound fine to me
15:58:29 <frosch123> zinc -> fine metals
15:58:37 <frosch123> fine metals -> foundry
15:58:51 <frosch123> steel + fine metals -> tools workshop -> goods + ensp
15:59:07 <supermop_home> frosch123 i feel like people might think fine metals are things for jewelry though, platinum, silver, gold, iridium
15:59:38 <andythenorth> I think just deleting zinc is cleanest
15:59:50 <andythenorth> can't expect a clean graph if there's too much stuff
16:00:12 <frosch123> weird priorities again :)
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16:01:02 <andythenorth> the graphs do seem to match up with playability
16:01:23 * supermop_home fails to find simpsons zinc gif
16:01:42 <andythenorth> the gameplay is fun, there are lots of almost-separate mini-chains
16:01:46 <andythenorth> as per the graph
16:01:53 <andythenorth> might be post-hoc rationalisation though :P
16:02:38 <Alberth> you change "in a hot country" lately?
16:04:43 <frosch123> andythenorth: about chains: i prefer asymmetric chains with either more producers than demanders or more demanders than producers. 1:1 cargos are weird
16:04:44 <Alberth> I tried it some time ago, and it didn't appeal to me, quite like default play
16:05:06 <frosch123> that's why i would like to have zinc/fine metal/special metals to have mulitple destinations
16:05:15 <andythenorth> yes, it IAHC is quite like default play
16:06:43 <Alberth> steeltown forces me to decide where to bring the cargo
16:07:00 <Alberth> (if I have something to say about it :p )
16:08:21 <andythenorth> interesting feedback
16:08:26 <andythenorth> I thought the choices would be annoying
16:08:29 <andythenorth> I've been removing them
16:09:24 <frosch123> mind, it's only a choice if there are few destinations (2 or 3)
16:09:33 <andythenorth> it has an upside too
16:09:36 <frosch123> not if it's "everyone wants it"
16:09:50 <frosch123> so, different to supplies
16:09:50 <andythenorth> when there are 2 destinations, there is possibly more chance of one of them being nearby :P
16:09:56 <andythenorth> this is a serious factor
16:10:24 <andythenorth> I think it's better without any secondary metals, just steel
16:10:44 <andythenorth> logic says I should delete Pipe too
16:11:32 <andythenorth> I think that is a legit concern
16:14:13 <Alberth> clearly, pipe cargo must be yellow
16:14:41 <andythenorth> or blue or green :D
16:15:27 <Alberth> I don't understand why you have farms and food in there
16:15:52 <andythenorth> food isn't optional
16:16:00 <andythenorth> required for arctic and tropic
16:16:02 <Alberth> maybe you try to have alcohol in there? :p
16:16:49 <frosch123> rename the economy to robot town
16:16:56 <frosch123> replace food with batteries
16:17:33 <andythenorth> are vehicles exportable? o_O
16:17:37 <andythenorth> or just to towns?
16:17:42 <andythenorth> there's something weird either way
16:17:51 <andythenorth> vehicles -> port -> more stuff in the chain
16:18:03 <andythenorth> vehicles -> towns, but everyone knows vehicles are a global export?
16:18:39 <frosch123> i think ports should not accept the exact same as towns
16:18:47 <frosch123> a port is not a town without inhabitants
16:19:17 <frosch123> delivering goods or food to ports would be "wrong"
16:19:58 <frosch123> vehicles may be acceptable
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16:50:42 <andythenorth> sand for glass isn't from the sea
16:50:48 <andythenorth> should I add dredging site anyway?
16:50:59 <andythenorth> there are zero sea-based industries in Steeltown
16:51:45 <frosch123> i don't think that is bad
16:52:01 <frosch123> keep the out-of-scope cargos to the ports :)
16:53:37 <andythenorth> could add a black hole for Pipe
16:53:43 <andythenorth> pipe-laying barge :P
16:54:05 <andythenorth> could add wind turbines?
16:54:11 <andythenorth> could add electrical machines?
16:59:53 <frosch123> andythenorth: can you rename one of the ports to "shipyard"?
17:00:09 <andythenorth> I played a game with shipyard :)
17:00:10 <frosch123> or actually another shore-based industry "shipyard"
17:00:18 <frosch123> accepting steel and pipe and stuff
17:00:26 <andythenorth> had the 'sea supplies' concept
17:00:29 <andythenorth> was kind of ... odd
17:00:34 <andythenorth> sea supplies went to ports
17:01:08 <frosch123> i imagine a shipyard to be visually interesting
17:01:23 <supermop_home> hmm city is outpacing the cute jitneys
17:01:46 <andythenorth> oil rig construction yard
17:01:48 <andythenorth> no oil though :D
17:01:56 <supermop_home> could replace with trams or proper buses but I like seeing the little guys run around
17:02:09 <frosch123> andythenorth: ofc, they are under construction
17:02:26 <andythenorth> maybe I should add train factory
17:03:05 <frosch123> i would stay away from that rabbit hole
17:03:15 <frosch123> people will demand effect on gameplay
17:04:07 <frosch123> (somehow that does not hold for shipyards :p )
17:05:48 <Samu> dayum, i was having trouble creating settings
17:06:16 <Samu> turns out a damn typo was affecting it all
17:08:19 <frosch123> shipyard could boost nearby ports?
17:10:31 <andythenorth> it was a cute concept, but the chains just got way too long
17:11:36 <Samu> that Cargo Distribution just above... so misleading
17:12:57 <Samu> is it in good english? i have yet to come with _HELPTEXTs
17:14:17 <andythenorth> what else can I deliver to liquids terminal? o_O
17:19:54 <frosch123> you could shift cement from bulk terminal to liquids terminal
17:21:33 <frosch123> when you move cement to liquids, you can merge bulk terminal and port
17:21:58 <andythenorth> nah, I'm one cargo over
17:22:07 <andythenorth> 3 into 2 doesn't go
17:22:21 * andythenorth might lose wifi any minute :|
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17:44:27 <andythenorth> gas -> lime kiln
17:44:32 <andythenorth> pipe -> gas field
17:44:55 <andythenorth> port -> chemicals
17:44:59 <andythenorth> sulphur -> bulk terminal
17:45:09 <andythenorth> delete liquids terminal
17:56:01 <andythenorth> probably just time to start play-testing
17:56:11 <andythenorth> enough armchair design :P
18:02:40 <Samu> question, are there town buildings built on water?
18:03:02 <Samu> well, nevermind, even if they are, they don't have a neutral station
18:03:39 <supermop_home> samu, no I'm not sure how that would work
18:04:05 <supermop_home> something like a Vietnamese or Cambodian 'floating village' would be neat
18:04:42 <supermop_home> but in practice it would probably be more like a FIRS fishing grounds with different sprites
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18:36:34 <andythenorth> how did I break 2nd CC in Horse? :o
18:38:14 <frosch123> removed the flag to enable it?
18:38:27 <frosch123> added the cb for recoloring?
18:39:48 <andythenorth> added the cb for recolouring
18:39:58 <andythenorth> maybe the flag got mangled
18:40:30 <frosch123> if the cb is used, the flag likely does not matter
18:40:32 <frosch123> only the cb results
18:43:17 <andythenorth> I get 2cc as blue only
18:43:35 <frosch123> so the cb returns 2cc_base or something
18:43:43 <andythenorth> recolour sprite might be wrong
18:45:27 <frosch123> 1: return base_sprite_2cc; <!--! no change --> <- that sets both to dark blue
18:46:06 <frosch123> make it the same as the line below, but swap 1 and 2
18:53:34 <supermop_home> maybe i'll electrify all this freight
18:54:19 <supermop_home> theft by low station rating
18:54:41 <supermop_home> because i can't fit the slow steam freight into the schedule for the mainline
18:56:23 <andythenorth> ok 2CC works now frosch :)
18:56:28 <andythenorth> but 1CC is broken :)
18:57:44 <andythenorth> looks to me like the compile has failed
18:59:23 <frosch123> switch looks fine to me
19:02:47 <andythenorth> compiling FIRS :P
19:17:58 <supermop_home> hmm where to cascade all these old tiny buses
19:22:04 <andythenorth> starting a steeltown game is very hard
19:22:21 <andythenorth> everything connects, so if the map is short of some industry types, game will be fail
19:26:14 <supermop_home> andythenorth I usually end up missing some big harbor type industry in firs games
19:26:36 <andythenorth> you have to have water > 40% in my experience
19:27:28 <supermop_home> sometimes i try to roll with it and make enough to buy one
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19:45:18 <Samu> i had a bug with town cargo acceptance :(
19:48:40 <Samu> it's so easy to get confused, i'm dealing with 4 behaviours, each one can be on and off now
19:49:14 <Samu> alright, think this is now working
19:49:33 <Samu> oh wait, i'm not posting, need to add descriptions
19:49:55 <Samu> looking for an expert in english
19:50:27 <Samu> Allow industry stations to accept cargo of other sources: {STRING2}
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19:54:45 <Samu> When disabled, stations attached to industries, such as Oil Rigs, won't accept cargo that is not accepted by the industry this station serves.
19:56:32 <Samu> When disabled, stations attached to industries, such as Oil Rigs, won't accept cargo that is not accepted by the industry this station is attached to.
19:56:52 <Samu> these stations are attached to?
19:57:14 <Samu> I'm terrible at describing stuff, a little help plz
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20:41:35 <peter1138> That's terrible wording, indeed.
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21:20:55 <Samu> thx in advance, dinner time, be back later
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21:39:09 <andythenorth> liquids terminal needs another input
21:41:05 * V453000 is just peacefully proceeding to make a train model :>
21:50:45 <andythenorth> what can soda ash be converted to?
21:57:13 <frosch123> is that related to metal?
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21:57:55 <andythenorth> it's a free cargo
21:58:03 <andythenorth> produced from soda ash and limestone
21:58:13 <andythenorth> makes caustic soda and quicklime
21:58:34 <andythenorth> which is all very clever, but I would just make it a second cargo from soda ash mine
21:58:39 <andythenorth> to liquids terminal
21:59:04 <andythenorth> or some other arbitrary chemicals
22:00:42 <andythenorth> ammonia from Haber Process?
22:00:48 <frosch123> what about sending fmsp to liquids terminal?
22:01:19 <frosch123> what's the fmsp level in your game? too much? too little?
22:01:36 <andythenorth> it only comes from slag grinding plant
22:01:43 <frosch123> hmm, i thought it would be too much with only one destination
22:02:22 <frosch123> does any other economy export supplies?
22:02:36 <frosch123> i mean most ports supply some supplies, so some economy should export them :p
22:03:17 <andythenorth> the ports aggregate :D
22:03:30 <andythenorth> all the other cargos that get delivered to ports are combined to be supplies
22:03:31 <frosch123> i wonder, is it possibly to turn the ports into some late-game thing
22:03:50 <frosch123> imagine you have mines in the early game, but they never increase production
22:04:20 <frosch123> while there are some hard to reach conditions for ports to import a ton of ore
22:04:39 <frosch123> like, export lots of vehicles, get lots of ore
22:04:45 <frosch123> export few things, get nothing
22:10:19 <andythenorth> think it would need to be designed for that gameplay
22:12:35 <andythenorth> ports would produce zero unless delivered to?
22:20:25 <frosch123> i just wonder how the reverse to iahc would look like
22:22:41 <andythenorth> there has long been planned an arctic economy
22:22:46 <andythenorth> but I never got inspired to make it :)
22:23:15 <frosch123> but arctic is not exactly a colonial empire
22:23:56 <andythenorth> depends on your views about indigineous reinder herders
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22:28:13 <andythenorth> salt from soda ash mine?
22:28:30 <andythenorth> salt -> chemicals plant -> chemicals
22:33:19 <Samu> who wants to test it out?
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22:56:32 <andythenorth> steeltown seems to mostly be chemicals :P
22:58:14 <supermop_home> this brickworks is located in such a way there is no natural way to branch off the mainline to bring it clay
22:58:26 <supermop_home> may have to just use trucks
23:03:29 <supermop_home> how would you guys go about that
23:04:51 <supermop_home> truck or branch line?
23:06:05 <frosch123> huh? there is plenty of space for a branch
23:12:32 <supermop_home> seems like it would look odd crossing over the other branch
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23:39:30 <FLHerne> supermop_home: Extend the river, build some of the little squid barges
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23:39:49 <supermop_home> FLHerne forgot to load a ship set this game
23:40:03 <FLHerne> Meh, adding vehicle sets is usually safe-ish
23:40:22 <FLHerne> Oh, maybe not if you have existing default ships that would be disabled
23:41:19 <FLHerne> Crossing the branch would be ugly, yes
23:43:06 <supermop_home> might build a yard just past west edge of the screenshot
23:43:08 <FLHerne> You could move the existing branch to the north, so it crosses the lake and joins the mainline between the claypit and Yen Dung
23:44:25 <supermop_home> I was thinking make the branch cross the river further south, so it swings by the brickyard
23:46:56 <FLHerne> Does the branch have to join the mainline where it does, or could it go via the brickworks and then at a nicer angle?
23:53:32 <supermop_home> and then dump clay and sand in a yard off the edge to the west, where another train will take it down the branch
23:54:29 <supermop_home> coal comes from the branch to a steelmill to the west, so a realignment would allow some coal to get dropped at the brick yard
continue to next day ⏵