IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-10-26
00:01:10 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
00:07:43 <LordAro> frosch123: i pushed a couple of things
00:07:50 <LordAro> ...and now it's getting built
00:07:51 <LordAro> lol.
00:10:31 <Samu> i don't know how to sort :(
00:10:41 <LordAro> Samu: what is missing?
00:11:43 <LordAro> (for OTTD, you should nearly always use QSortT, although the invokations are identical regardless)
00:12:04 <Samu> StationList used_stations;
00:12:16 <Samu> so i got this list of stations
00:12:23 <Samu> it got let's say, 6 items
00:12:58 <Samu> now i wanna sort these 6 items by rating
00:13:06 <Samu> but there's also CargoID messing things up
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00:13:31 <LordAro> messing things up how?
00:13:46 <Samu> trying QsortT
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00:13:53 <LordAro> specifics, please
00:14:36 <Samu> GSortT(used_stations.Begin(), used_stations.Length(), &StationRatingSorter);
00:14:43 <Samu> this doesn't work
00:15:08 <Samu> StationRatingSorter needs to know the cargo id, and i dunno how to pass that
00:15:08 <LordAro> the error messages, please
00:15:22 <LordAro> right
00:16:37 <LordAro> what is StationRatingSorter ?
00:16:44 <LordAro> its signature, at least
00:17:35 <Samu> no idea
00:17:40 <Samu> i tried static int CDECL StationRatingSorter(const Station * const *a, const Station * const *b)
00:17:57 <Samu> but CargoID isn't there :(
00:18:28 <LordAro> well that seems reasonable
00:18:32 <LordAro> where are you getting CargoID from?
00:19:16 <Samu> from here: uint MoveGoodsToStation(CargoID type, uint amount, SourceType source_type, SourceID source_id, const StationList *all_stations)
00:19:26 <Samu> CargoID type
00:19:55 <LordAro> ok, why do you need CargoID to sort a list of functions?
00:20:08 <LordAro> s/functions/stations/
00:20:36 <Samu> st1->goods[type].rating - st2->goods[type].rating
00:20:46 <Samu> that type is the CargoID
00:21:13 <ST2> damn, that moment a line of code highlights my nickname <3
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00:21:29 <LordAro> ST2: o/
00:21:32 <ST2> o/
00:22:12 <Samu> i dunno why i'm sorting, i really don't know what i need to do, i thought I had to sort the list by rating
00:22:33 <LordAro> working out what you want to be doing is probably a good start
00:22:40 <LordAro> flailing madly never works out too well
00:23:00 <LordAro> but i'm still not seeing your issue
00:23:00 <Samu> well, i got a list of stations
00:23:16 <LordAro> which function call requires a CargoID, that doesn't already have it?
00:23:46 <Samu> i think i better copy paste my code?
00:24:09 <LordAro> maybe
00:24:28 <Samu>
00:25:00 <Samu> i was like... why use st1, etc... st6, why not make the code find out how many stations are there
00:25:23 <LordAro> arrays do seem like the better choice here
00:26:00 <LordAro> i'm not seeing any QSortT in that
00:26:13 <Samu> it's not there
00:26:49 <LordAro> did you not want it?
00:28:02 <Samu>
00:28:12 <Samu> there, doesn't even compile
00:29:29 <LordAro> what is the error message?
00:29:43 <Samu> i tried return stb->goods[0].rating - sta->goods[0].rating;
00:29:57 <Samu> 0 instead of type, just trying to see if i could get it to compile, it doesn't
00:30:09 <LordAro> ERROR MESSAGE.
00:30:20 <Samu> Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error (active) no instance of function template "GSortT" matches the argument list openttd d:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\station_cmd.cpp 3914
00:30:43 <Samu> line 3914 is GSortT(used_stations.Begin(), used_stations.Length(), &StationRatingSorter);
00:31:20 <LordAro> oh, right
00:31:28 <LordAro> G/QSortT is a templated function
00:31:37 <LordAro> you have to specify the type the sort function is operating on
00:32:45 <Samu> uh, what?
00:33:14 <LordAro> look at some existing examples of G/QSortT usage
00:42:25 <Samu> i don't know what to do
00:42:46 <Gustavo6046> I have an area A pertaining to a grid G, and I need to predict a shape in order to break this area into convex parts. How do I do this? And how will I make these convex afterwards? It's necessary for an efficient pathfinder, you see.
00:48:39 <Samu> Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2672 'QSortT': no matching overloaded function found openttd D:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\station_cmd.cpp 3914
00:49:06 <Samu> Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2782 'void QSortT(T *,uint,int (__cdecl *)(const T *,const T *),bool)': template parameter 'T' is ambiguous openttd D:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\station_cmd.cpp 3914
00:49:20 <LordAro> Samu: you need to provide the template parameter
00:49:33 <Samu> what is that ?
00:50:35 <LordAro> look at other usages
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00:50:59 <LordAro> or for a more generic answer, google what template parameters are
00:55:35 <Wolf01> 'night
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01:11:14 <Samu> Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2664 'void QSortT<Station>(T *,uint,int (__cdecl *)(const T *,const T *),bool)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'Station **' to 'Station *' openttd D:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\station_cmd.cpp 3914
01:11:36 <Samu> QSortT<Station>(used_stations.Begin(), no_stations, &StationRatingSorter);
01:11:44 <Samu> it still doesn't like it
01:14:30 <Samu> ah, got something, but still...
01:17:25 <Samu> holy crap it compiled... wtf
01:26:53 <Samu> LordAro: what now
01:27:11 <Samu> how do I pass the CargoID?
01:27:42 <Samu> if (no_stations > 1) GSortT<Station>(*used_stations.Begin(), no_stations, StationRatingSorter);
01:30:32 <LordAro> i'm not actually sure you can, in the current format
01:31:41 <LordAro> regardless, maybe try the existing StationRatingMax/MinSorter in station_gui.cpp
01:32:32 <Samu> i looked at that one, it's not the same rating
01:32:37 <Samu> it's another kind of sorting
01:33:28 <LordAro> well maybe, but it might help give you some more ideas
01:33:47 <Samu> that one picks all CargoIDs
01:34:10 <Samu> doesn't need to be specified any CargoID, I actually have to specify the CargoID
01:34:59 <Samu> example, Coal
01:35:13 <Samu> a coal mine produces cargo and wants to put it in the near stations
01:35:56 <Samu> it needs to look at each station and look at the rating for the Coal cargo only
01:36:06 <Samu> not all types of cargo
01:46:03 <Samu> i give up, it's not working
01:46:21 <Samu> crashes on Swap
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09:17:17 <V453000>
09:43:54 <andythenorth> V453000: how about draw VTrains to match Horse 2?
09:44:02 <andythenorth> then we can hide easter eggs in the sets
09:44:14 <andythenorth> total WTF madness
09:44:45 <V453000> what
09:47:45 <V453000> I won't even be pushing pixels :P
09:48:47 <andythenorth> just teach the 8bpp python script to look like horse
09:48:49 <andythenorth> simples
09:49:02 <andythenorth> then we could make a hidden third set
09:49:16 <andythenorth> vehicles you can only get by combining Horse and VTrains in certain ways
09:49:19 <andythenorth> total metagame
09:51:15 <V453000> :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
09:51:29 <V453000> interesting
09:51:50 <V453000> yesterday I got an idea where if I combine vehicles in new set in a very specific way, vehicle becomes slug
09:51:58 <V453000> there could be such a cheat code for andyvehicle
09:53:58 <V453000> cause I don't feel like adding slug as a vehicle on it's own in 2 sets
09:54:07 <andythenorth> easter slug
10:00:50 <V453000> also I realized I have some serious WTF in terms of vehicle scaling and shit
10:00:52 <V453000> need figuring out
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10:25:11 <andythenorth> make stuff
10:25:13 <andythenorth> delete
10:25:14 <andythenorth> repeat
10:25:32 <andythenorth> or you could do it Properly
10:25:39 <andythenorth> and make a comprehensive Plan
10:25:49 <andythenorth> with has all Problems Worked Out in Advance
10:26:02 <andythenorth> then you Can Never Be Wrong
10:30:12 <V453000> I don't think I can do that
10:30:17 <V453000> there's so much shit combined
10:30:18 <V453000> thing is
10:30:25 <V453000> I have a model which is 24/8
10:30:28 <V453000> but the model is scaling
10:30:35 <V453000> then I need to scale from each center of each unit
10:30:39 <V453000> and render accordingly
10:30:44 <V453000> shitballs m8
10:32:02 <andythenorth> total wtf
10:32:11 <andythenorth> you will break the internet
10:33:04 <V453000> in theory if I scale from the correct pivot points, it should work fine
10:34:31 <andythenorth> think Horse 2 is done
10:34:40 <andythenorth> people only look at – angle, right?
10:34:45 <V453000> :D
10:34:52 <V453000> yeah sure
10:34:55 <V453000> ..
10:35:07 <andythenorth> all done then
10:35:32 <V453000> that's a lot of things
10:35:57 <V453000> next up engines :)
10:36:04 <V453000> the wagons are higher standard now
10:37:28 <andythenorth> engines need work
10:37:31 <andythenorth> not done then
10:37:34 <andythenorth> can't ship
10:37:37 <andythenorth> :|
10:38:04 <andythenorth> ok work
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10:38:07 <V453000> :D
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12:25:54 <Samu> @calc (10+1+10)*(10+1+10)
12:25:54 <DorpsGek> Samu: 441
12:29:17 <Samu> @calc (10+1+10)*(10+1+10)-1
12:29:17 <DorpsGek> Samu: 440
12:29:28 <Samu> that's a lot of stations
12:48:41 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd
12:49:38 <Wolf01> o/
12:50:54 <crem1> \o
13:09:53 <Wolf01> lol
13:15:48 <__ln__> Wolf01: here's the same thing explained by a more trustworthy authority:
13:22:15 <Wolf01> :D
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13:36:16 <Samu> I still don't know how to sort
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13:37:14 <Samu> how do i create variable names? construct a name of a variable?
13:37:46 <andythenorth> this is, like, the most depressing most in months
13:38:08 <andythenorth> adding a feature that needs changes in a feature, that needs changes in a feature
13:38:42 <Samu> uint no_stations = used_stations.Length();
13:39:13 <Samu> Station station"no_station"
13:39:20 <Samu> :(
13:39:23 <Samu> i fail
13:40:21 <Samu> while no_stations != 0, no_stations -=1; Station station"no_station"
13:41:52 <V453000> andythenorth: your generated docs of newgrfs are just fucking amazing.
13:42:04 <V453000> it's nothing new but it's worth mentioning
13:47:27 <Samu> how do i name a certain number of variables?
13:47:38 <Samu> is this sounding like a stupid question?
13:48:57 <Samu> if i have 10 stations, i want to create 10 variables, all with different names
13:49:12 <Samu> if i have 5, i want 5 variables
13:49:15 <Samu> halp
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13:50:28 <Samu> I think i'm gonna give up, this is becoming an impossible task for my skills
13:59:10 <Wolf01> Samu, that's what lists are for
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14:24:35 <crem1> What do you use for backup, on a file level? (ideally the same thing to backup from linux, windows and mac)
14:24:46 <crem1> hm, why am I 1..
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14:26:24 <andythenorth> backup what? o_O
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14:28:44 <crem> files.
14:29:27 <andythenorth> dropbox?
14:29:29 <crem> Like... Photos, sources, audio recodrings, etc.
14:29:53 <crem> Hm.. Something that I'd set up once and forget would be nice.
14:30:51 <andythenorth> if you manage that, you can sell it and make $$$ :)
14:32:30 <crem> Crashplan was like that, but they don't support private customers starting from 2018, and also their client was huge java monster that constantly ate 2G of RAM.
14:35:24 <Samu> i have no idea what references are, what pointers are, what items are :(
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14:36:50 <Samu> when i use Swap, I get a crash, cannot access memory
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14:52:14 <Wolf01> mmmh, manually changing lines is a PITA
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15:03:56 <Samu> i can't do this, i feel bad
15:04:14 <Wolf01> 16 minutes of train passing in stations XD
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15:06:12 <Samu> can't use lists
15:06:49 <Samu> so i Include(s) to the StationList
15:06:57 <Samu> but then i have no idea what to do
15:07:01 <Samu> can't manage
15:07:09 <Samu> don't know how to move, swap items
15:07:46 <Samu> or swap references
15:07:51 <Samu> or swap consts, i have no idea
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15:23:15 <Samu> Wolf01: do you know how to use lists, cus i dont
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15:32:09 <supermop> yo
15:35:01 <crem> yo indeed.
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16:04:00 <Wolf01> ISP my fuck
16:05:19 <V453000> IFP my shit
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16:10:38 <Samu> what's a vector, what's an array
16:11:12 <Samu> who would like to help a poor programmer? i've been on this for 2 days
16:11:26 <Samu> erm, not-even-a-programmer* typo
16:11:44 <Wolf01> Try with something easier
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16:16:26 <Samu> ok
16:16:44 <Samu> the easy way out is to manually do it
16:16:57 <Samu> st1, etc... st440
16:17:17 <supermop> ugh
16:17:48 <supermop> so construction on this restaurant is like 1 third of the way through, and just today the contractor is like asking what a neon sign is
16:17:59 <supermop> and where to get it
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16:18:57 <supermop> this is the type of thing you should figure out before you bid for a job, let alone accept it and start work on it
16:19:00 <Samu> there can be (10+1+10)^2 - 1 tiles, if each tile is a station, this is how many stations can take that cargo
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16:21:17 <crem> guess a wikihow article by image. :) Pretty fun.
16:21:44 <Samu> no thx
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16:22:55 <Alberth> o/
16:23:02 <crem> \o
16:36:50 <Samu> meanwhile, in russia
16:49:08 <Wolf01> o/
16:50:28 <Samu> o|
16:57:35 <Samu> help me simplify this, to avoid repetition.
16:57:41 <Samu> i insist
16:59:49 <Alberth> use arrays
17:00:34 <Alberth> or more modern, std::vector
17:01:37 <crem> std::vector is so 90s..
17:01:59 <Alberth> :p
17:03:53 <Samu> there's small vector?
17:04:55 <Samu> I think i tried
17:04:59 <Alberth> if you like that, sure
17:05:33 <Samu> i used StationList, it's a SmallVector isn't it?
17:05:48 <Samu> typedef SmallVector<Station *, 2> StationList;
17:05:57 <Alberth> in general, when you end up in variables v1, v2, ... with number suffixes that do the same thing, you really want v[i]
17:09:50 <Samu> ok, how do i start with v[i]
17:10:12 <Samu> first, i count how many stations I gathered
17:11:41 <Alberth> isn't it just struct StationRating { Station *st; uint rating; }; StationRating ratings[6]; ?
17:12:53 <Samu> there can be more than 6
17:12:59 <Alberth> ok
17:13:02 <Samu> theoretical maximum is 440
17:13:17 <Alberth> std::vector<StationRating> ratings;
17:13:41 <Alberth> ratings.clear();
17:13:47 <Alberth> then add stations
17:16:26 <Samu> it can range from 0 to 440
17:16:44 <Samu> well, it only matters once there's at least 2
17:16:47 <Samu> so 2 to 440
17:16:53 <Alberth> yeah
17:17:42 <Samu> identifier StationRating is undefined
17:17:55 <Alberth> look 6 minutes up
17:19:11 <Samu> struct StationRating { Station *st; uint rating; }; StationRating ratings; ?
17:19:40 <Alberth> just the struct definition
17:30:20 <Samu> how do i add :(
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17:38:19 <Alberth> you don't actually believe you're the first person that adds an element to a std::vector, right?
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17:43:15 <Samu> StationRating ratings; ratings.rating = st->goods[type].rating; = st;
17:44:47 <Samu>
17:57:52 <Samu> I can't make it work
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17:59:13 <Wolf01> Samu, you are redeclaring a variable
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18:08:39 <Samu> fine, i give up
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18:47:29 <LordAro> Samu: there's something to be said about "diving head first" into something you don't understand, but you also need to be able to go back up several levels and work out how a programming language works, how to make things with it, and most importantly of all, how to read and fix error messages
18:47:36 <LordAro> relying on other people is just unfair
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19:30:18 <Samu> sorry about that
19:30:46 <Samu> figured it's more complex than I thought
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19:46:52 <andythenorth> blah
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19:51:42 <Alberth> bleh
19:55:53 <ATMunn> bloh
20:00:59 <frosch123> is 2500 sprites okay for a single vehicle without cargo types or loading?
20:01:40 <supermop> ha
20:14:05 <andythenorth> is any cats?
20:14:14 <andythenorth> no cats?
20:18:46 <Samu> how to nerf aircraft properly?
20:20:34 <andythenorth> newgrf
20:22:21 <frosch123> i have to look up nml syntax every time i use it :/
20:24:10 <Alberth> it's not very intuitive indeed
20:25:17 <andythenorth> I have to look up nml syntax every time I use it
20:25:39 <andythenorth> I even have a long convo saved with Alberth where we designed 50% of a new syntax
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20:36:32 <frosch123> hmm, i may have rendered too few sprites
20:37:54 <V453000> heyo :D
20:38:29 <frosch123> V453000: are 2625 sprites enough for a slug?
20:38:39 <V453000> why would it be that many?
20:38:54 <frosch123> continous bending without any gaps
20:38:59 <V453000> :D
20:39:09 <frosch123> at least i hope so
20:39:24 <V453000> do you need some test sprites from me? Would just be boxes
20:39:42 <V453000> I will just try to focus on making graphics stuff, and have the 3D scenes ready for more rotations
20:39:49 <V453000> I will even render 24 for now
20:40:10 <frosch123> i already rendered the sprites
20:40:19 <frosch123> currently wondering how to make nml switches for so many sprites
20:40:49 <V453000> right
20:40:54 <V453000> running out of switch IDs or whatnot?
20:41:08 <V453000> I guess not, NUTS wagons probably use more than 2500
20:41:21 <frosch123> nah, i feel like andy... should i use pnml, or go to pynml :p
20:41:59 <andythenorth> just rewrite nml :P
20:42:14 <frosch123> i have 50% of a spec for nml2
20:42:20 <frosch123> but likely not worth it
20:42:42 <andythenorth> people seem to do fine with current nml
20:43:54 <V453000> ok I go model a big boy then :)
20:46:09 <V453000> wow it fits 24/8 almost exactly :D
20:46:32 <andythenorth> winning
20:46:39 <andythenorth> is there beer here?
20:47:07 <V453000> not here
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21:17:28 <V453000> rocking 0 replies on brix or the 32bpp converter so far on tt-f
21:17:31 <V453000> good shit
21:18:38 <V453000> is there such low activity lately or simply nobody gives a fuck?
21:18:47 <V453000> or both
21:19:14 <V453000> I was even thinking if we reached a point in the Graphics Development section that everybody basically has their own thread and writes there
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21:23:26 <frosch123> i have not read forums in like 2 months
21:23:29 <frosch123> unless linked here
21:23:44 <Wolf01> <V453000> rocking 0 replies on brix or the 32bpp converter so far on tt-f <- do you want me to reply "first"
21:23:46 <Wolf01> ?
21:26:39 <andythenorth> V453000: what frosch said
21:26:53 <andythenorth> there is activity, but mostly from people creating their own stuff
21:27:06 <andythenorth> or total numpties, of which there are few right now
21:29:45 <V453000> yeah
21:29:53 <V453000> in short fuck forums \o/
21:30:26 <V453000> I kind of started using it as a diary lately, vomitting my progress basically just for myself
21:30:30 <V453000> might end up doing it just locally
21:30:38 <V453000> or even to a notepad pysically
21:31:15 <Gustavo6046> Madcat,
21:31:21 <Gustavo6046> I mean
21:31:23 <Gustavo6046>
21:31:24 <Gustavo6046> sorry
21:31:53 <Gustavo6046> I pasted it in another channel too (very, very far away...) to a friend of mine. I decided, "it's a MIDI, so why not in #openttd too?".
21:33:40 <V453000> I think I'm just spoilt with factorio, I post anything on factorio and people lose their shit ... I even like the fact that here people don't care so much which lets there be no real stress "RELEASE ASAP OR RIOT", maybe I'm just frustrated that coop is very quiet :) all is fine in the end
21:34:04 <V453000> and the main people I care about already told me their opinions, so :)
21:34:16 <V453000> can't really complain
21:34:39 <Gustavo6046> >Can't really complain
21:34:43 <Gustavo6046> >Posts a huge wall of text
21:35:42 <Gustavo6046> >it's all rantin
21:35:43 <Gustavo6046> g
21:36:04 <frosch123> Syntax error, unexpected token "[" <- if the line just had less than 10k chars
21:36:49 <V453000> ut wot m8
21:37:35 <Gustavo6046> >ut
21:38:03 <Gustavo6046> Just kidding bro
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21:39:15 <V453000> I know
21:39:47 <V453000> well the conclusion is that I'm modelling trains so can't get much better
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21:41:23 * andythenorth wonders how long before JGR gets bored of being sole maintainer
21:41:34 <andythenorth> * sole maintainer of people's hopes, dreams and wishes :)
21:42:27 <V453000> when andythenorth and V453000 are bored of forever catching the perfect newgrf
21:44:56 <frosch123> now i need RGBA EATER
21:45:44 <V453000> :D
21:46:04 <V453000> let me know if it was user friendly enough :D
21:46:19 <V453000> I think currently you need to use it in the specific folder setup it has in the zip
21:46:26 <V453000> unless you edit the py
21:46:57 <frosch123> uppercase stuff always sucks
21:48:30 <V453000> :D WHAT
21:51:42 <frosch123> it reminds me of the python wiki bot
21:52:05 <frosch123> it's also python, and it's also written by window people
21:52:28 <frosch123> 50% of the source is fighting with windows or so
21:52:48 <Alberth> lol
21:53:54 <frosch123> they always need to invent stuff like /tmp
21:54:00 <frosch123> or input/output directories
21:54:05 <V453000> :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
21:54:13 <V453000> fucking scum
21:54:19 <V453000> ban windows
21:55:58 <frosch123> V453000: do you have an example of how to run it
21:56:20 <frosch123> the readme floods me with 50+ options to tune stuff i don't understand, but there is no example
21:56:21 <V453000> like the command?
21:56:29 <V453000>
21:56:31 <frosch123> do i need to copy my input into the 32bpp folder?
21:56:48 <V453000> yes put input into 32bpp folder
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21:57:07 <V453000> -n TRACKS_OUTPUT_0000 -e ALL CC1 CC2
21:57:13 <V453000> basic command to run it
21:57:17 <V453000> -n for filename
21:57:31 <V453000> -e allowed colour types
21:57:40 <V453000> don't put CC1 and CC2 there if you don't want those :P
21:57:51 <V453000> I guess not using -n should just take all files in the directory
21:57:58 <V453000> but eh :P is why version 2 eventually
21:58:12 <V453000> a straight forward how to would be useful I see :) makes sense
21:58:54 <frosch123> it mentions the input/output directories nowhere, i only guessed that :)
22:01:04 <V453000> I guess :)
22:01:44 <frosch123> hmm, 1:30 for 5kx3k image, mostly transparent
22:01:58 <frosch123> but, worked :)
22:02:15 <V453000> 5k x 3k is big as fuck
22:02:33 <V453000> admittedly brix has bigger spritesheets but yeah
22:02:42 <frosch123> i have 25 sprite sheets of that size
22:02:47 <frosch123> for a single slug :p
22:02:48 <V453000> with some cuda python or shaders it would be faster yeah
22:02:50 <V453000> :D
22:02:51 <V453000> k
22:04:14 <frosch123> does it decide the resulting color based on the rgb value of a single pixel?
22:04:21 <frosch123> or does it combine multiple pixels?
22:04:29 <V453000> single of course
22:04:42 <frosch123> ok, i might write a faster version then :p
22:05:11 <Gustavo6046>
22:05:38 <V453000> I'm sure you would write a much faster version
22:05:51 <V453000> but wouldn't combining multiple pixels just mean worse results?
22:06:09 <frosch123> i only asked that to guess the complexity of the task
22:07:06 <frosch123> but if it is essentially a table lookup (r,g,b)->index for each pixel, it shouldn't take that long
22:07:42 <V453000> well I'm sure as hell that you can write it faster
22:07:56 <frosch123> i wondered about integrating it into nml directly
22:08:13 <frosch123> just that i have no idea whether every artist would have their own opinion about the RIGHT CONVERSION
22:08:41 <V453000> for comparison my first version would do such a thing in 50 minutes, Alberth's simplifications and what to me seemed just stylistic changes managed to drop to to about 15 minutes
22:08:55 <V453000> and this is again my code so I am sure you can make it a lot faster since you know what you are doing :P
22:09:14 <V453000> idk about RIGHT CONVERSION but you can always disallow indexes
22:09:34 <V453000> regarding different comparing mechanism, I think this algorithm is correct
22:09:45 <V453000> it's exactly what photoshop does seemingly, and it makes sense
22:10:02 <frosch123> how long does photoshop take?
22:10:08 <V453000> seconds :)
22:10:14 <V453000> if even that, not sure
22:10:18 <V453000> it's fast
22:10:25 <frosch123> ok, so my expectations are not that far off :p
22:10:31 <V453000> probably
22:10:43 <V453000> my aim wasn't to make it as optimized as possible, I can't do that with my knowledge :)
22:10:57 <V453000> I just needed something automatable and controllable
22:11:02 <V453000> the multithreading helps a lot already
22:11:08 <frosch123> well, you started with threading, and then wanted to throw CUDA at it :p
22:11:19 <V453000> sure, faster to some degree
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22:11:35 <V453000> I learned how to throw 16 threads at it, didn't learn how to optimize code to make it faster
22:13:03 <frosch123> as usual, opposite to andy :)
22:13:11 <V453000> :D
22:13:45 <andythenorth> well
22:14:16 <andythenorth> I threw multiprocessing pool and partial compiling at my slow compiles
22:14:41 <andythenorth> then I got bored of the headaches, and made the actual compile faster :P
22:15:00 * andythenorth trod a well-trodden path :P
22:15:32 <frosch123> you didn't buy a bigger machine though
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22:17:05 <V453000> :D
22:17:10 <V453000> :(
22:17:27 <frosch123> 10/25
22:18:03 <V453000> see, fast :P
22:18:25 <frosch123> faster than working to make it faster :)
22:18:32 <Wolf01> /me is trying BRIX now.. it's like playing on a moquette
22:18:52 <V453000> haha
22:19:11 <Wolf01> The tile noise is driving me mad :D
22:19:14 <V453000> interesting comparison Wolf01 :D can't say it's wrong
22:20:05 <milek7> hmm, for 5kx5k image gimp takes 60 seconds
22:20:07 <milek7> surprisingly slow
22:20:32 <milek7> (single threaded)
22:20:33 <Wolf01> My eyes try to cross like when you look at those stereogram pictures
22:23:27 <V453000> milek7: :0
22:23:41 <V453000> Wolf01: :D wow
22:23:48 <V453000> is just noise
22:24:34 <Wolf01> My brain interpretes it as random dot stereogram and it's not a pleasure to stare at it continuously :D
22:24:50 <Wolf01> I need to avoid to zoom in
22:24:54 <V453000> interesting
22:25:24 <V453000> the 8bpp graphics are also noisy though?
22:25:37 <Wolf01> I'm using the 8bpp ones
22:25:52 <Wolf01> You could generate slugs stereograms in tiles
22:26:06 <V453000> did you try 32bpp first? :D
22:26:12 <Wolf01> Mmmh, no
22:26:25 <V453000> the tiles are basically identical in 8bpp though
22:26:39 <V453000> :D k
22:29:44 <frosch123> V453000: any reason you went for YES/NO dropdowns, instead of the red/green buttons?
22:29:45 <Wolf01> try this, and then stare at BRIX
22:30:17 <Wolf01> (better results with sea)
22:32:17 <frosch123> i have no issue with the terrain
22:32:29 <frosch123> 2x looks a bit weird, but 1x and 4x are fine
22:36:35 <Samu> what did I just watch?
22:36:49 <Samu> was searching how to sort :(
22:37:12 <Wolf01> That's how sorting algorithms work
22:37:18 <frosch123> it's amazing how little glitches BRIX has at 4x zoom compared to zbase
22:40:26 <LordAro> frosch123: i'm not actually sure how to go further with the Layouter splitting
22:40:58 <frosch123> did you succeed in splitting it?
22:41:25 <LordAro> all except in the Layouter constructor
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22:41:40 <frosch123> i remember there was some template magic
22:41:48 <LordAro> and the icu stuff doesn't compile :p
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22:42:37 <Wolf01> Bogo sort...
22:46:12 <frosch123> 25/25
22:46:26 <andythenorth> so how do I fix FIRS then?
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22:51:35 <Wolf01> What do you need to fix?
22:53:27 <andythenorth> Steeltown
22:53:32 <andythenorth> is totally borked
22:53:38 <andythenorth> all users hate it
22:54:12 <frosch123> does that include you?
22:54:48 <andythenorth> good q
22:54:52 <andythenorth> I don't hate it
22:55:08 <Wolf01> I should try it first
22:55:10 <frosch123> switch users?
22:55:13 <andythenorth> but I agree with their diagnosis of problem
22:55:36 <andythenorth> also FIRS is way more fun when supplies don't get 4x production
22:56:01 <andythenorth> I am playing a game with 1.5x and 2x (gung ho)
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22:57:23 <andythenorth> not sure if it's fun because better, or fun because different
23:00:09 <Eddi|zuHause> make it a setting
23:00:15 <andythenorth> it is :)
23:00:41 <andythenorth> I just never used it before
23:00:48 <andythenorth> I assumed 4x was some winning value
23:00:55 <Eddi|zuHause> change the (default) settings in incompatible ways during versions, to make updating "fun" :p
23:01:33 <Eddi|zuHause> also, if you make it x1.5, you should make it x2.25
23:01:38 <Wolf01>
23:07:41 <andythenorth> steeltown
23:07:52 <andythenorth> general feedback
23:07:59 <andythenorth> - vehicles should go to towns
23:08:03 <andythenorth> - should be a goods chain
23:08:36 <Eddi|zuHause> i can't read anything in this graph
23:08:48 <andythenorth> that's usually a sign of a bad economy
23:09:04 <andythenorth> I've started refactoring FIRS gameplay to suit the dot algorithm in graphviz :P
23:09:17 * andythenorth not even joking
23:09:26 <frosch123> [23:07] <andythenorth> - vehicles should go to towns <- sin't that the case?
23:09:34 <andythenorth> no
23:09:44 <frosch123> supply yard is not in towns?
23:09:45 <andythenorth> vehicles -> ports, vehicles -> supply yard
23:09:48 <andythenorth> no
23:09:59 <andythenorth> need a vehicle dealer industry I think
23:11:01 <frosch123> there are goods
23:11:08 <frosch123> or do they mean that vehicles should be goods?
23:11:35 <andythenorth> they want vehicles -> vehicle dealer
23:11:41 <andythenorth> and steel -> goods
23:11:43 <andythenorth> both
23:11:51 <Eddi|zuHause> vehicles with TE_GOODS?
23:12:37 <frosch123> steel -> goods feels wrong in steeltown context
23:13:05 <frosch123> there are all these detailed vehicle related cargos produced from steel
23:13:10 <frosch123> just goods is stupid
23:13:16 <andythenorth> that's why it's not there
23:13:40 <andythenorth> I have a split of user opinion on the goods question
23:13:50 <andythenorth> vehicles, they are united :P
23:14:22 <frosch123> well, i don't know who would want less engsup
23:14:29 <Eddi|zuHause> if the opinion is split, means you can ignore it :p
23:14:34 <frosch123> but other than that a vehicle dealer does not hurt
23:14:46 <andythenorth> there is quite enough ensp
23:14:52 <frosch123> about goods: there are already two sources
23:14:58 <andythenorth> the only way to get enough vehicles is to put enough ensp into the chain
23:15:15 <andythenorth> the amounts of raw materials to make 1 vehicle are so high
23:15:26 <andythenorth> ensp is a pre-requisite, rather than a useful output
23:16:01 <frosch123> so you have complains that it is too hard :p
23:16:08 <frosch123> definitely ignore those
23:21:08 * andythenorth moves everything around
23:21:13 <andythenorth> to see if dot looks good
23:33:36 <andythenorth> hmm
23:33:45 <andythenorth> maybe tomorrow is better :D
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23:35:39 <frosch123> down to 18 seconds
23:39:13 <frosch123> somehow V's spritesheets must be different
23:39:21 <frosch123> single thread is way faster for me
23:44:44 <Eddi|zuHause> when i split CETS into multiple compiles, i ended up with so many files that the overhead of starting up nmlc instances and reading in the files totally ate up most of the benefits of multithreading
23:45:17 <frosch123> yes, andy had the same effect
23:45:53 <Eddi|zuHause> well, i had the original problem that full CETS would kill nmlc with OOM
23:46:48 <Eddi|zuHause> which was an actual problem, not just one of andy's mild annoyances :p