IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-10-24
00:00:43 <_dp_> omg, brix evolved to something crazy since last time I checked it xD
00:04:02 <_dp_> 80 megs tho *sigh*
00:04:12 <Wolf01> 'night
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00:08:51 <_dp_> V453000, how do I get both snow and sand in game like on reddit picture?
00:12:13 <_dp_> oh, yeah, toyland replacement doesn't go well with it :(
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00:12:29 <_dp_> and not just on toyland
00:13:18 *** Breckett_ has quit IRC
00:15:28 <_dp_> signal selection is goofy
00:16:57 <Eddi|zuHause> what reddit picture?
00:17:19 <_dp_> Eddi|zuHause,
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00:21:42 <_dp_> disabling tracks in grf settings also disables ground sprite for tracks and rivers
00:22:05 <_dp_> am I mumbling too much?)
00:34:49 <Gustavo6046> GUYS
00:34:50 <Gustavo6046> IT WORKS
00:34:50 <Gustavo6046>
00:34:57 <Samu> i'm trying to fix something
00:35:27 <Samu> when an aircraft breaks down, it currently goes from 2000 whatever km/h to 321 km/h instantly
00:35:45 <Samu> i'm trying to make it gradually lose speed towards 321 km/h
00:35:58 <Samu> smooth it
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00:52:22 <frosch123> ads for ad blockers are weird
01:05:24 <Samu> looks like i did it, but... unsure if it's done the right way for implementation purposes
01:15:08 <Samu>
01:15:12 <Samu> what u think
01:15:31 <Samu> lines 24-28 are added
01:15:41 <Samu> and i removed some, hmm let me post patch too
01:16:15 <Samu>
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02:00:36 <Samu> - new patch, discuss :p
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02:26:40 <Supercheese> Oho
02:26:42 <Supercheese> there be brix
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03:24:03 <Supercheese> water not animated :(
03:24:11 <Supercheese> trees are sexy though
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04:56:25 <joseph222> Hello world
04:57:49 <supermop> yo
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10:06:39 <V453000> _dp_: it's a collage of screenshots :P I was considering doing it properly and make a collage of sprites to create a perfect "screenshot" but eh
10:23:54 <__ln__> have some cats
10:26:28 <V453000> solid
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10:32:25 <Samu> hi
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10:40:32 <Wolf01> Moin
10:44:06 <V453000> yo
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11:23:58 <_dp_> o/
11:24:08 <crem> \o
11:24:12 <_dp_> V453000, yeah, I noticed already
11:24:24 <_dp_> V453000, do it properly and make it available in game :p
11:24:54 <V453000> no I mean I would do it properly in photoshop :P
11:25:23 <_dp_> I don't play photoshop :/
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11:42:02 <Wolf01> it was a slug for the entire time O_O
11:43:01 <__ln__> photoshopped®
11:44:43 <V453000> ._.
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12:40:37 <Wolf01> found V's home :P :D:D:D:D
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13:18:36 <V453000> SICK
13:18:40 <V453000> moving in now
13:31:37 <Wolf01> Mmmh, Genoa aquarium asking for a name for the newborn seal... Slippy McSealface?
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14:43:16 <Samu> hi
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15:36:16 <debdog> is there a way to change the year for when the rating is happening? 2050 I think it is by default.
15:36:30 <debdog> on a local game, not server
15:37:31 <debdog> or is it hardcode and I'd neet to recompile?
15:38:05 <debdog> version 1.7.0
15:39:08 <supermop_> debdog: no
15:39:37 <debdog> ok
15:39:38 <crem> 2050 is a pretty balanced year anyway!
15:40:09 <supermop_> of course it's a little weird if you start in 2040
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15:40:54 <crem> I think I never reached 2050. (always started at 1930 or 1950)
15:41:05 <supermop_> i guess someone could patch it to be just 100 years from game start or some configurable amount, but the rating, like most legacy artifacts is kind of neglected these days
15:41:23 <crem> too impatient.
15:41:36 <supermop_> because it only kind of makes sense for 256x256, 1950 start, original vehicles,
15:41:42 <supermop_> just like inflation
15:42:15 <V453000> but that's the only correct way to play the game supermop_ , everything else is crime
15:42:25 <V453000> using NewGRFs is heresy
15:42:48 <crem> Also noone should play in resolution higher than 640x480.
15:42:55 <supermop_> criteria like 'have 80 stations' is sort of meaningless on a 2048x2048 map
15:43:08 <V453000> hehe
15:43:20 <debdog> just trying to adopt to my prefered mode of playing OTTD
15:43:31 <supermop_> V453000: ive been meaning to try bricks but have been too busy since yesterday
15:43:35 <V453000> just ignore ratings in tha case debdog :)
15:43:51 <V453000> supermop_: no rush, it only took almost 3 years so now you don't have to hurry :D
15:44:01 <supermop_> debdog: its the kind of thing that a GS could do much more flexibly
15:44:04 <V453000> already scheming new train set
15:44:16 <V453000> I will show andythenorth how shit's not done
15:44:33 <supermop_> GS could take different start dates, map sizes, cheaper or more expensive vehicles into account
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15:55:28 <Montana> Hi everybody. I would like to collaborate on a project. How must I start?
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16:02:32 <_dp_> 80 stations is completely meaningless on any size of map
16:03:13 <_dp_> as most of other rest of perf rating criterias
16:05:47 <supermop_> _dp_ in 1994 before anyone had spent much time with the game i am sure it seemed like something
16:05:54 <_dp_> and btw, starting year doesn't rly matter as you can max it in like 6-8 years
16:06:16 <_dp_> supermop_, everything seemed like something without the internet :p
16:06:31 <supermop_> they had to throw something together to make it feel 'game like' to the game magazines
16:07:45 <_dp_> well, I get why it could be a good idea back then
16:08:01 <_dp_> it's just now it's like hey, it's 2050, time to show that stupid message
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16:09:56 <debdog> oopsie, was not my intention to start a discussion over this
16:10:42 <_dp_> imagine if irl in 2050 everyone gets huge message like hey, you're a looser, you only have 1 cat out of 80 xD
16:11:07 <supermop_> _dp_: i am fully expecting that msg if i am still alive
16:15:33 <V453000> omg 80 cats
16:15:36 <V453000> life meaning found
16:16:11 <V453000> where is mr south to explain to me how wrong brix is
16:16:14 <V453000> :(
16:16:50 <_dp_> V453000, yeah, and make sure they make at least 20k$/year each :p
16:17:10 <V453000> cats make $?
16:17:45 <_dp_> sure, who else?
16:20:04 <_dp_> well, I guess slugs will do too
16:22:18 <_dp_> somehow I like brix the most on 0.5x %)
16:23:26 <_dp_> 1x is ok, but 2 and 4 not so much... though mb I'm not used to having 2 and 4 in general
16:23:46 <_dp_> or mb it's too much noise
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16:31:41 <Wolf01> Quak
16:32:20 <frosch123> hoi
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16:33:58 <LordAro> quak
16:34:04 <LordAro> insufficient commits :(
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16:36:08 <frosch123> LordAro: did ms start to use "^" to declare pointer variables, like delphi did?
16:39:10 <frosch123> <- or more explicitly: what are those "MouseDevice^" things otherwise?
16:41:33 <ST2> <<-- I bet it's V453000 making tests trying to acomplishing the 80 cats for the 2050 message xD
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16:41:41 <V453000> ._.
16:41:59 <V453000> already saw that one earlier today :P
16:42:23 <ST2> well, I wake up a bit later ^^
16:42:30 <V453000> lazy shit :P
16:42:49 <V453000> no timezone excuses
16:43:14 <ST2> lazyness it's a culture thing and I'l a very cultural person :P
16:43:19 <ST2> I'm*
16:44:07 <V453000> :D damn straight
16:44:13 <LordAro> frosch123: managed C++ smart pointers, i believe
16:44:22 <V453000> I gtfo
16:44:23 <V453000> cya later
16:44:29 <LordAro> only ever seen them used in ancient scary codebases no one wanted to touch
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16:49:17 <frosch123> <- LordAro: found it
16:49:46 <LordAro> yup
16:49:57 <LordAro> terrifying ancient thing
16:50:00 <LordAro> avoid.
16:51:15 <frosch123> not even ten years old :p
16:51:30 <frosch123> sure, COM is ancient, but the "^" thingie is from msvc 2008
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16:54:34 <frosch123> LordAro: anyway, i discovered that i do not need to learn harfbuzz, but pango
16:54:43 <frosch123> harfbuzz is too low-level
16:56:10 <LordAro> ooh, lovely
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17:43:13 <planetmaker> wow, V453000 , nice BRIX and nice blog article on it :) kudos. And thanks for it :)
17:44:07 <Samu> only 2 stations get cargo? :(
17:44:24 <Samu> if there's 1 coal mine and 5 stations, only 2 get cargo? :(
17:44:44 <Samu> sounds unfair
17:49:37 <Samu> Station *st1 = NULL; // Station with best rating Station *st2 = NULL; // Second best station
17:49:44 <Samu> why :(
17:50:17 <Samu> i remember TTD, it would deliver cargo to at least 3 stations
17:54:19 <Wolf01> "but the "^" thingie"... ugly as shit :(
17:54:58 <Wolf01> I remember I've seen it somewhere and I said "how do I read this code?"
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18:20:02 <andythenorth> V453000: sick blog post
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19:20:24 <supermop_> Samu: ttd only did 2 stations
19:20:41 <supermop_> so did tto
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19:42:03 <Samu> u sure about that? i remember cargo being into 3 stations
19:42:32 <Samu> the 2 best stations were getting the biggest sum, the 3rd would only get a tiny fraction
19:45:06 <Samu> when i was playing vs competitors, they would get cargo
19:45:13 <Samu> ais
19:50:43 <Samu> so, how many stations would get the cargo, then?
19:51:16 <Samu> i've thought of an infinite number
19:51:23 <Samu> but that's impossible lol
19:51:35 <Samu> so, there's 15 companies, why not 15 stations
19:54:56 <Samu> i've made code for up to 3 best stations, but if I'm increasing to 15, i need to come up with a better code :(
19:55:27 <Samu> i also wonder what are desyncs and callbacks, i see some notes advertising about desyncs
19:55:37 <Samu> /* These two UpdateStationWaiting's can't be in the statement as then the order * of execution would be undefined and that could cause desyncs with callbacks. */
19:56:59 <Samu> what's a statement :(
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20:05:38 <supermop_> yo andythenorth
20:05:41 <andythenorth> yo
20:10:48 <Wolf01> o/
20:15:12 <Samu> someone explain me
20:15:25 <Samu> what the comment warns about
20:15:47 <Samu> I am trying to update several stations
20:16:38 <Samu> it only got 2, but i'm currently editing the code so it updates up to 3 stations
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20:25:01 <Samu> halp anyone
20:27:37 <Wolf01> It says the order must be always the same or it desyncs with callbacks
20:29:03 <Samu> the two Updates... can't be in the statement... where exactly? :(
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20:29:59 <Samu> what if I have 3 stations :( wut can i dew
20:30:13 <Gustavo6046> dew?
20:30:17 <Gustavo6046> did you mean do
20:30:19 <Gustavo6046> or mountain dew?
20:30:25 <Samu> do
20:35:44 <Samu> haallp
20:35:48 <Samu>
20:35:56 <Samu> line 101
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20:45:18 <V453000> evening gentlemen
20:45:30 <V453000> planetmaker: andythenorth fuck yeah
20:45:35 <V453000> :)
20:45:43 <V453000> onwards to moar newgrfs
20:51:05 <frosch123> the trees were quite a surprise
20:51:18 <frosch123> did i miss them before, or did you not showcase them here before?
20:51:51 <V453000> I'm pretty sure I did
20:51:53 <V453000> many times
20:52:11 <V453000> I was working on them for like 2-3 months so definitely
20:52:15 <frosch123> i knew the hugging trees, but not the more flowery ones
20:52:36 <V453000> yeah I was making arctic, temperate, tropic in that order
20:52:40 <V453000> and each of them took weeks
20:52:54 <frosch123> so, i missed the tropic ones :)
20:53:16 <V453000> yeah
20:54:20 <frosch123> i liked the idea "make trees smaller so people do not set them to transparent" :p
20:54:58 <V453000> yeah ... from personal experience I'm not sure it works as intended
20:55:02 <V453000> I still tend to hide them
20:55:21 <V453000> might be habit, might be the fact that when building I simply don't want to see anything else than terrain and tracks
20:55:40 <frosch123> also, yay for gridlines :)
20:55:48 <frosch123> i always prefered gridlines
20:57:16 <V453000> I agree at this point
20:57:18 <andythenorth> sometimes I turn trees on for a bit
20:57:22 <andythenorth> but not for long
20:57:23 <V453000> it really improves readability
20:59:12 * andythenorth hasn't written any blog posts
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21:26:17 <andythenorth> :(
21:26:21 <andythenorth> I've angered Jenkins
21:29:32 <frosch123> you are only doing it for the yippee later on
21:33:15 * andythenorth should join coop channel for that
21:33:20 <andythenorth> trains
21:33:24 <andythenorth> needs work
21:33:31 <andythenorth> should I include wagons? o_O
21:35:05 <frosch123> add them at the end, like a separate roster
21:35:27 <frosch123> but docs need to include them, otherwise you cannot link them and argue about stats
21:36:24 <frosch123> there is some encoding issue with names
21:36:32 <frosch123> look at the engine between universal and roca
21:38:41 <andythenorth> so there is
21:38:46 <andythenorth> that caused trouble before
21:38:58 * andythenorth is really bad at solving encoding issues
21:43:17 <Wolf01> The 2-8-2- Collett looks too short
21:43:40 <Wolf01> It looks like a 2-6-0 or a 2-6-2
21:44:38 <Wolf01> Did you swap it with the 2-6-2 above?
21:45:04 <Wolf01> That even looks like the real Collett
21:46:18 <andythenorth> no engine sprites are finished
21:46:22 <andythenorth> they're all placeholder :)
21:46:55 <Wolf01> Oh, k then
21:47:17 <Wolf01> I have troubles making arches with lego instead
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21:57:32 <andythenorth> wagons
21:57:55 <andythenorth> the many errors are known about :)
22:00:25 <frosch123> hmm, ok, the number of wagons dwarf the engines
22:01:24 <andythenorth> yup
22:02:59 <frosch123> hmm, wagons would show other stats than engines
22:03:28 <frosch123> separate table? generations in columns?
22:07:41 <andythenorth> possibly yes
22:11:33 <frosch123> have you decided whether to use the same wagons for all track types?
22:11:37 <frosch123> specifically ng
22:14:07 <andythenorth> ng gets its own wagons
22:14:13 <andythenorth> in pony, a much smaller set
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22:27:49 <andythenorth>
22:27:55 <andythenorth> split the wagon table
22:28:14 <andythenorth> hmm, it's out of order :P
22:28:16 <andythenorth> faff
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22:48:44 <supermop_> purchase sprites for trams done
22:50:44 <andythenorth> what about online docs? o_O
22:51:31 <V453000> rocking 0 forum replies per 24 hours at this point
22:51:38 <V453000> shit's getting real
22:51:41 <V453000> :D
22:58:57 <andythenorth> 0 forum replies is most winning
22:59:10 <andythenorth> [crickets]
23:00:02 <andythenorth> V453000 also tbh if you weren't hanging out here pushing self forward, I think I'd lose interest in grfs
23:00:12 <andythenorth> although we have supermop now too :P
23:00:48 <supermop_> V453000: no replies = perfect grf
23:01:20 <andythenorth> bring back Pikka and Dan I say
23:01:24 <Samu> back
23:02:13 <supermop_> should have just paid pikka 10 grand to make that grf
23:03:05 <Samu> where is the statement located
23:03:09 <Samu> Wolf01:
23:04:02 <Samu> the statement order
23:04:12 <Wolf01> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
23:05:32 <Samu> do you understand what you have to do if you were to Update 3 times?
23:07:41 <Samu> These two UpdateStationWaiting's can't be in "the" statement
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23:07:59 <Samu> where is that statement at, explain me like i'm a 5 years old
23:09:53 <Samu> plzzz... :(
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23:16:19 <Samu> i need a personal code teacher :(
23:16:43 <supermop_> sounds expensive
23:17:04 <Samu> supermop_: do you know what statements are?
23:17:21 <supermop_> in terms of the source code, no
23:17:35 <supermop_> i don't know anything about C or programming
23:17:37 <Samu> t.t
23:17:46 <supermop_> i barely understand nml
23:19:53 <Samu> how am i testing for desyncs... what are callbacks :(
23:20:00 <Samu> i'm a bit lost here :(
23:20:31 <Wolf01> I think that comment is just missing a "same", but I should actually read and understand what the code does and what are the implications, but I just want to netflix now
23:22:01 <Samu> that code dumps cargo on a station
23:22:11 <Samu> from an industry, or house or so
23:22:40 <Samu> if there are various stations, it dumps to the 2 best rated stations
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23:22:56 <Samu> oh well, i'll see if i can cause desyncs
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23:57:35 <supermop_> tram list here:
23:59:04 <frosch123> yarra lrv is duplicated
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23:59:31 <supermop_> wrong string ugh