IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-10-02
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01:30:43 <Wolf01> 'night
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10:25:48 <Wolf01> Moin
10:26:38 <Wolf01> Shit, I found a huge problem in my app :(
10:36:46 <crem> What is the volume of the problem?
10:36:50 <crem> Moin.
10:36:53 <crem> In litres.
10:38:00 <Wolf01> 350 litres of tears
10:43:09 <Wolf01> Waiting for the app to explode
10:45:48 <Wolf01> It didn't, but now I have to revert like 5 commits
10:45:57 <Wolf01> :(
10:47:20 <Wolf01> And I bet the shelved changes won't apply without conflicts
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13:26:51 <peter1138> Uh oh.
13:39:04 <Wolf01> I was lucky, I just finished and seem to work now
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13:44:24 <Wolf01> Mmmmh, how do I load my temporary key to build the app on
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14:01:53 <Wolf01> Ok, it can't load the certificate since is password protected :(
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15:48:09 <supermop_> yo
16:01:59 <Wolf01> o/
16:06:14 <supermop_> how's it going
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16:20:05 <Alberth> o/
16:20:45 <supermop_> hi Alberth
16:26:12 <Wolf01> <supermop_> how's it going <- out for a walk since my connection is TFU again
16:30:57 <supermop_> nice
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17:21:27 <supermop_> need to follow up on an interview i did friday
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18:12:03 <Wolf01> they should connect self driving cars to Twitch, the Twitch-plays-Pokémon challenge was a success
18:22:24 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
18:23:27 * andythenorth ponders livestock wagons
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18:27:44 <Alberth> boxcars with holes :p
18:27:59 <andythenorth> isn’t it
18:28:16 <andythenorth> there’s no RL reference for ‘modern’ livestock cars
18:28:18 <andythenorth> have to invent some
18:28:28 <andythenorth> but shape is pretty non-variable
18:28:49 <Alberth> number of livestock layers may vary, mostly
18:29:14 <Alberth> probably depending on stock height
18:30:27 <Alberth> livestock ship could be an inspiration?
18:30:42 <Alberth> scale is way off though :)
18:30:48 <Wolf01> Stop providing cattle wagons after 1990^
18:30:50 <Wolf01> ?
18:31:06 <Wolf01> Too much realism?
18:31:15 <andythenorth> too much
18:31:20 <andythenorth> is annoying
18:31:40 <andythenorth> UK cattle wagons look like this
18:31:41 <andythenorth> forever
18:31:52 <andythenorth> can only really vary doors, and make it longer
18:32:01 <Wolf01> make modern ones like this?
18:32:26 <andythenorth> could do a well between the wheels
18:32:31 <andythenorth> low-height cattle wagon :P
18:33:45 <Alberth> don't provide new livestock wagons after 1990?
18:34:33 <Alberth> ie current design works
18:37:06 <Wolf01> Just draw intermodal cattle containers and forget cattle wagons
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18:37:45 <Wolf01> Quak
18:37:50 <Wolf01> <-
18:38:32 <Wolf01> After 1990 make everything intermodal
18:38:32 <frosch123> hoi
18:39:23 <andythenorth> Warrigal: that’s legit :)
18:39:25 <andythenorth> actually
18:39:36 <andythenorth> oops
18:39:38 <andythenorth> Wolf01: ^
18:40:16 <andythenorth> Wolf01: picture of cattle containers is good find
18:41:19 <frosch123> oi... it's a container?
18:41:23 <andythenorth> yup
18:41:37 <andythenorth> also there are horseboxes which look ‘modern’ for 1960
18:41:42 <andythenorth> also used for prize cattle :P
18:42:12 <frosch123> that looks like it is for a single horse
18:42:25 <frosch123> does the royal train have wagons like that?
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18:46:01 <andythenorth> probably should
18:46:52 <Wolf01> Even intermodal pax, lego already tried it:
18:46:54 <supermop_> horse thing is for valuable racehourses
18:46:57 <supermop_> horses
18:47:51 <supermop_> Wolf01: i remember that train from catalogues of my youth
18:48:09 <andythenorth> also prize cow
18:48:19 <Wolf01> I always wanted a lego train and I never got one :(
18:48:28 <andythenorth> Wolf01: I could sell you some
18:48:33 <andythenorth> overwhelmed by Lego here
18:48:35 <supermop_> me neither
18:48:36 <andythenorth> some has to go
18:48:45 <supermop_> i wanted the airport monorail
18:48:47 <andythenorth> I never had a lego train when I was a kid
18:48:49 <supermop_> the red one
18:48:53 <andythenorth> have over-compensated :P
18:49:05 <Wolf01> I don't have money or space to start with trains now
18:49:21 * andythenorth thinks everyone must have too much Lego
18:49:25 <supermop_> also remember the jets with the clam-shell passenger cabin?
18:49:27 <andythenorth> probably why Lego sales are down
18:49:56 <andythenorth> supermop_: and the baggage conveyor in the terminal
18:50:02 <Wolf01> I have too few work, not too much lego
18:50:36 <Wolf01> Space isn't really a problem when you have money
18:50:37 <andythenorth> there is a weird imbalance between number of people unemployed in EU
18:50:49 <andythenorth> and number of companies in EU who can’t hire skilled staff
18:50:51 <supermop_> lego town must have been very balmy
18:51:28 <supermop_> as most public buildings are just a small half enclosed glass wall
18:51:37 <andythenorth> yup
18:51:39 * andythenorth biab
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18:51:52 <Wolf01> And number of companies who need to hire but can't afford it
18:52:06 <supermop_> and most cars don't have side windows
18:52:23 <Wolf01> supermop_: this also was one of my dreams
18:52:45 <supermop_> also even blacktron asteroid bases just had a neon green glass quarter-dome
18:53:02 <supermop_> no pressurized spaces
18:53:15 <Wolf01> :D
18:53:25 <supermop_> probably fine as the space suits are printed on and can't be taken off anyway
18:54:06 <supermop_> ooh yeah
18:54:27 <supermop_> i remember the big spreads of train scenes in the big catalog
18:55:19 <Wolf01> I still have the catalogs
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19:43:54 <andythenorth>
19:54:43 <Alberth> looks a bit fake, imho
19:58:10 <andythenorth> I was in a dry storm once
19:58:13 <andythenorth> in Freiburg
19:58:18 <andythenorth> we don’t get them much in UK
19:58:35 <andythenorth> anyone been to Freiburg? o_O
19:59:13 <V453000> evening
20:00:03 <Wolf01> interesting
20:00:05 <andythenorth> lo V
20:00:11 <V453000> how are we doing?
20:00:13 <Wolf01> o/ V
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20:01:09 <andythenorth> we walked up a random hill in Freiburg and found some kind of massive cross on a viewpoint
20:01:13 <Wolf01> "I don't indent my code. I type it in one line in uglify form. That way people will notice I am a pro coder." Win
20:01:18 <andythenorth> which was probably this
20:01:29 <andythenorth> steel cross on a hill, in a lightning storm :P
20:06:18 <Alberth> :)
20:07:02 <V453000> this brix shit is starting to be come self torture
20:07:06 <V453000> need to finish asap
20:08:30 <andythenorth>
20:08:38 <andythenorth> hard to make generations different there
20:08:53 <andythenorth> and stick to golden rule that livestock car is black horizontal gaps
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20:09:27 * andythenorth will have to piss around with rearranging 15 pixels in doors
20:09:43 <andythenorth> I have to do an extra generation for 2020 also :P
20:09:44 <V453000> what are the two wagons which are the same length and look the same?
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20:10:19 <andythenorth> different generations :(
20:10:31 <andythenorth> trains 64 and 66
20:10:38 <andythenorth> and 65 and 67
20:10:45 <andythenorth> same sprites currently, different generations
20:11:10 <andythenorth> I really want to keep look of original TTD livestock van
20:11:25 <andythenorth> but this limits variety horribly
20:11:54 <Wolf01> Change roofs color
20:12:14 <andythenorth> considered it
20:12:15 <Wolf01> Brown for the older ones and dark grey for the new ones
20:12:18 <andythenorth> but really nice to keep all same
20:12:29 <andythenorth> I tried light grey yesterday
20:12:31 <andythenorth> and CC
20:12:35 <andythenorth> but dark grey is best look
20:12:54 <Wolf01> It looks boring, all the same
20:13:00 <andythenorth> I could do ‘luxury’ for newer generations, and add windows for people who look after cows
20:13:12 <andythenorth> but eh, seems stupid
20:13:33 <andythenorth> if I just do the black gaps at top of car, it looks like prison wagon
20:13:37 <andythenorth> cow prison :P
20:13:57 <supermop_> apt
20:14:09 <andythenorth> I can move doors around, make doors bigger etc
20:14:10 <andythenorth> maybe
20:15:24 <V453000> andythenorth: original TTD van was quite a bit different :) your vans are great though
20:15:47 <V453000> well quite a bit
20:15:47 <andythenorth> original was taller
20:15:49 <V453000> not that much
20:16:06 <V453000> I guess for me it was mainly the X in the middle which defined the livestock car
20:16:13 <V453000> the texture was secondary
20:17:02 <andythenorth> first gen has x
20:17:44 <V453000> yeah but kind of small and inverted compared to the originals right
20:17:55 <andythenorth> could go bigger on it
20:18:04 <andythenorth> pretty distinctive
20:18:11 <supermop_> original had no wheels
20:18:18 <andythenorth> is true
20:18:37 <Wolf01> Somebody knows where to make the google search filters static? I mean, "All | Images | Videos", they scramble at every search I do, usually I get shopping or news in place of images
20:18:45 <andythenorth> nope
20:18:50 <andythenorth> they rearrange seemingly random
20:18:59 <Wolf01> It's really irritating
20:19:23 <andythenorth> yes
20:19:33 <andythenorth> I looked for a way to give google feedback about it
20:19:35 <andythenorth> but no
20:19:51 <andythenorth> probably the only feedback they care about is whether you click ads
20:19:59 <andythenorth> so click ads when you like the layout, and not when you don’t
20:20:00 <Wolf01> <- could be of your interest?
20:20:56 <Wolf01>
20:21:32 <andythenorth> sheeps
20:21:54 <andythenorth> is possible to do variety in small pixels
20:21:55 <andythenorth> but eh
20:22:05 <Wolf01> "we don't have sheeps" ... "who cares?"
20:24:50 <V453000> the wagons are amzing andythenorth, but the engines are starting to be really far behind them in terms of quality :)
20:24:51 <__ln__> and the plural of sheep is ...
20:24:53 <V453000> awesome work
20:25:16 <Wolf01> <__ln__> and the plural of sheep is ... <- sheep
20:25:22 <__ln__> correctomundo
20:26:55 <andythenorth> V453000: engines aren’t matttering so much eh
20:27:31 <supermop_> oh god these faceless armless minifigs from the 70s are creepy
20:27:41 <V453000> XD well well
20:29:01 <andythenorth> eh generations only need to alternate eh
20:30:47 <andythenorth> V453000: more X
20:30:47 <V453000> omg he's getting ideas again
20:30:55 <andythenorth> can alternate X, no X
20:31:08 <andythenorth> anyone with ‘never expire’ on can suck it :)
20:31:13 <V453000> I would move X 1 pixel up and make it rather fatter instead of super brighter
20:31:27 <andythenorth> yeah, X sucks a bit
20:31:42 <andythenorth> could just have one door and do super fat X
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20:43:33 <andythenorth> V453000:
20:45:19 <Alberth> you can make one without a clear door
20:45:35 <Alberth> or door without holes
20:46:54 <V453000> nice
20:47:08 <andythenorth> V453000: sucks a bit, but might keep the idea
20:48:24 <Alberth> or door not in the middle
20:58:56 <andythenorth> it’s quite a big X :)
20:59:06 <andythenorth> door at one end?
20:59:09 <andythenorth> asymmetry :P
20:59:24 <Wolf01>$_35.JPG
20:59:30 <Wolf01> ^ win
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21:00:34 <Wolf01> and something like this? More uniform plates instead of a grid?
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21:01:09 <andythenorth> lego one is winning
21:02:36 <andythenorth> slavish dedictation to original is limiting options :D
21:02:38 <andythenorth>
21:02:50 * andythenorth might have to adjust goals
21:03:43 <supermop_> try a / or V instead of X
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21:13:17 <V453000> :D slave
21:16:00 <andythenorth> V won’t work
21:17:26 <V453000> obviously
21:17:34 <V453000> V never works
21:20:03 <V453000> I'm experimenting with using a HDRI environment for orthographic rendering
21:20:10 <V453000> seems to help quite a bit with reflective materials
21:24:47 <V453000> I think I realized a stupid but probably working idea for toylandz
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21:25:45 <andythenorth> such landz
21:35:04 <V453000> so
21:35:10 <V453000> I posted text in some forums
21:35:34 <V453000> I said it would be idea if toyland was hostily environment with crystals ... dude wrote me PM that it's basically starcraft
21:35:36 <V453000> asshole is right
21:35:38 <V453000> so
21:35:45 <V453000> instead of hostile environment it's ultra unhostile
21:36:00 <V453000> -> there will be money growing from the ground
21:36:35 <Wolf01> Then is C&C
21:37:02 <V453000> LMFAO
21:37:03 <V453000> :D
21:37:04 <V453000> no escape
21:38:29 <Wolf01> They can rain from the sky... no wait, it's Dragonshard
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21:43:00 <Wolf01> opengfx+ road vehicles has trams too?
21:48:30 <supermop_> yep
21:48:33 <supermop_> only 3
21:48:50 <supermop_> my set arose as an attempt to improve them
21:51:17 <andythenorth> is it bedtime?
21:51:23 <supermop_> c&c economy?
21:54:52 <V453000> just $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
21:55:29 <supermop_> must build silos to hold the $
21:57:23 <V453000> :D trees have 2 millions of polygons :D
21:57:24 <V453000> :D
21:58:30 <andythenorth> errr
21:58:42 <andythenorth> log cars (only wood), or stake cars (many refits)?
21:58:54 <andythenorth> Hog has log truck, wood only
21:59:01 <andythenorth> Sam will have log tug, wood only
21:59:17 <andythenorth> original TTD has wood truck, wood only
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22:09:46 <Wolf01> Mmmh, the automated timetables in JGRpp is really good
22:11:38 <andythenorth> rly?
22:12:02 <Wolf01> Yes, autoseparation works and vehicles are on time
22:12:30 <andythenorth> for ships?
22:12:35 <Wolf01> Not tried
22:12:48 <Wolf01> I'm just browsing the features of JGRpp
22:12:52 <andythenorth> does it automatically set everything up for you?
22:12:58 <Wolf01> Yes
22:13:06 * andythenorth hasn’t tried that feature
22:13:13 <andythenorth> I tried a few others
22:13:20 <V453000> interesting
22:13:24 <Wolf01> I just purchased vehicles, added a route, started all and let them separate automatically
22:13:29 <andythenorth> if timetables was just ‘distribute vehicles’ I might be convinced
22:14:21 <V453000> would sound reasonable even to me
22:14:35 <Wolf01> Now one or two are just 1 minute late... eh, daylength enabled too because yes
22:14:45 <V453000> assuming the current method of defining exact stopping times would still work
22:15:55 <Wolf01> Yes, you can toggle the "automate" button
22:16:11 <V453000> automation is always on in my world
22:16:20 <Wolf01> I would play only with automate active and glued in place
22:16:56 <andythenorth> that is quite compelling if it works
22:16:57 <Wolf01> Mmmh slaves aren't making enough money
22:17:06 <andythenorth> setting up timetables sounds like worst gameplay idea ever
22:17:16 <andythenorth> automatically preventing vehicles from bunching is fine
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22:18:19 <Wolf01> Also the polyline for tracks
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22:19:34 <V453000> :D
22:19:34 <V453000>
22:19:39 <V453000> will need some more love but well :D
22:19:45 <V453000> concept iz
22:19:46 <andythenorth> polyline irritated me a lot
22:19:58 <andythenorth> V453000: so very Micro Machines
22:20:23 <Wolf01> Polyline coule be handled a bit differently
22:20:39 <V453000> you mean 2.5 stars out of 5, mostly negative reviews at 26% positive?
22:20:42 <V453000> THANKS I GUESS
22:20:44 <V453000> :D :D
22:21:10 <andythenorth> whatever concept you have now, we find a game to match
22:21:10 <V453000>
22:21:13 <andythenorth> winning
22:21:22 <V453000> yeah I'll just go with this
22:21:25 <V453000> money everywhere
22:21:30 <V453000> tycoon $$$$$
22:21:35 <andythenorth> are they chocolate coins?
22:21:45 <V453000> no it's just wrong shaders
22:21:49 <andythenorth> should be chocolate
22:21:57 <V453000> eh
22:21:57 <andythenorth> but wrapped in that gold foil stuff
22:22:06 <V453000> can be left to player's imagination what's inside :P
22:22:09 <V453000> yes I understand
22:22:17 <andythenorth>
22:22:18 <andythenorth> Z_SWanyA-aVgAaZ_Z-oDA
22:22:26 <V453000> arr
22:22:26 <andythenorth> no you can do seasons and stuff
22:22:28 <V453000> we have that here as well
22:22:29 <andythenorth> gold falls off
22:22:37 <V453000> :D I am not sure
22:22:45 <andythenorth> I keep talking you get sure
22:22:51 <V453000> currently the pile just grows,I guess it could decrease instead
22:22:52 <andythenorth> probably sure not
22:22:54 <V453000> :D
22:23:01 <V453000> well, enough for today
22:23:05 <V453000> gnight
22:23:08 <andythenorth> nom nom
22:26:17 <Wolf01> Now I want chocolate
22:28:18 <Wolf01> Is just me or windmills (replacing transmitters in opengfx+ landscape) wobble a lot?
22:28:45 <Wolf01> Zoom >= 4x
22:29:03 * andythenorth bed
22:29:05 <andythenorth> bye :)
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22:30:16 <Wolf01> Other 2 things I love: zoning to show catchement areas and signs when you click on vehicles to show the orders in map
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