IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-09-01
00:00:29 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: horse, mare, stallion all have meanings, but different
00:02:38 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: anyway, "ox" is used the same way as "cow"; but the gender-neutral "snail" is only used for women
00:03:24 <andythenorth>
00:03:32 * _dp_ read "osx" at first
00:05:10 <andythenorth> such bed time
00:05:17 <andythenorth> nobody open any FS overnight :P
00:05:27 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: i'm not sure how genders work with snails
00:05:41 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: also, snails are female in german :p
00:06:04 <andythenorth> aren’t snails hermaphrodites?
00:08:00 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: i have no idea why some animals have neutral and gender-specific terms, while other animals only have one term
00:08:11 <frosch123> maybe it's about domestic animals
00:09:18 <Eddi|zuHause> lots of wild animals have gender-specific terms
00:09:55 <andythenorth> bye
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00:10:11 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: hedgehogs do not
00:11:01 <Eddi|zuHause> but deer
00:11:27 <frosch123> well, stags are dangeour
00:14:16 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: maybe gender is just less obvious for hedgehogs
00:15:13 <frosch123> it's pretty obvious for lions
00:15:30 <frosch123> yet you do not use the male cat term
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00:25:10 <Eddi|zuHause> there's still a female term
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00:27:26 <Eddi|zuHause> also, old germans (as in > 2000 years ago) probably didn't encounter lots of lions
00:28:00 <frosch123> ducks may be the solution
00:28:18 <planetmaker> Ente, Enterich?
00:28:32 <frosch123> we should just apply the duck-approach of using the postfix for the male term
00:28:38 <frosch123> planetmaker: putze, putzerich :p
00:28:45 <planetmaker> :D
00:28:57 <planetmaker> der/die/das Putze :P
00:29:35 <frosch123> i always wondered about hebammerich
00:29:51 <frosch123> are there any males doing that job?
00:31:45 <frosch123> anyway, i wrote the dockerfiles for source and documentation bundles, and for the generic linux binary
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00:32:16 <Eddi|zuHause> duckerichfiles?
00:32:29 <frosch123> let's hope that the win part was magically already finished
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00:32:52 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: rich text format
00:33:19 <Eddi|zuHause> is this the word association game now? :p
00:33:37 <frosch123> sounds appropiate for 0:33
00:45:04 <planetmaker> I think there's no male word for Hebamme
00:45:09 <planetmaker> Also not for Amme
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01:01:05 <Eddi|zuHause> i feel like there probably was one, but it's fallen into disuse over the centuries
01:01:44 <frosch123> in the original meaning, i doubt there was one :p
01:02:24 <frosch123> like godfather is the closest match
01:02:57 <frosch123> +ly
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01:19:59 <Wolf01> Nice, this lightning strike was close
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01:33:35 <Eddi|zuHause> what happened to unplugging all devices during thunderstorms?
01:33:46 <Wolf01> Lol
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01:36:29 <Wolf01> Since it's already finished (about 5 minutes) it's more the time I take to shutdown and unplug everything than the thunderstorm duration, and I choose to take a risk
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01:42:01 <Wolf01> BTW I estimate the risk by looking at, if it seem too bad I'll take time to unplug my stuff
02:00:20 <Eddi|zuHause> there are actually devices you can put into your main house power supply that mitigate the effects of nearby lightning hits (be sure to include all copper lines from the outside, e.g. phone/tv/...
02:00:35 <Eddi|zuHause> )
02:01:32 <Eddi|zuHause> just don't rely on those plug-in thingies, they do practically nothing
02:01:34 <Wolf01> I know, I have one, but I'm not sure it works
02:02:01 <Wolf01> I have one at the main switch
02:03:01 <Eddi|zuHause> there's usually 3 layers, one for high peaks, one for medium ones that the high one lets through, and one for small ones that the high and medium ones let through
02:03:27 <Eddi|zuHause> the plug-in ones are usually for the 3rd layer
02:03:51 <Eddi|zuHause> which is fairly useless if the other two layers are missing
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02:15:42 <Wolf01> 'night
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08:15:58 <risajef> anyone online?
08:21:41 <Flygon> Nothing here but us 'strayans.
08:21:46 <Flygon> Unless you enjoy shitposting, that is.
08:21:47 <Flygon> :3
08:22:04 <Flygon> But unfortunately, thanks to channel rules, I'm probably not allowed to speak 'strayan English.
08:28:41 *** Celestar has quit IRC
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08:39:56 <andythenorth> moin
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08:53:00 <peter1138> good morning everyone
08:54:32 <Celestar> mowning :D
09:00:14 <andythenorth> how have some people broken their volume settings then? :D
09:00:17 <andythenorth> mine work
09:00:26 <andythenorth> and I’m on a mac, so that’s…unusual
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09:49:29 <risajef> Does someone know what the criterium is for bankruptcy?
10:02:19 <andythenorth> can’t find it in wiki :P
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10:32:37 <Wolf01> Moin
10:33:29 <crem> Morge.
10:34:14 <andythenorth> 358 FS Wolf01 ;)
10:34:19 <Wolf01> Wow
10:34:23 * andythenorth expects cookies
10:34:34 <andythenorth> I’m into ‘disappointing people’ territory now
10:36:18 <Wolf01> If you give them good reasons while closing, I don't think they get more disappointed than ignoring their feature request for 5-8 years
10:37:08 <andythenorth> I figured that too
10:37:26 <andythenorth> in my job, we find that ‘no’ is acceptable if polite and reasoned
10:37:50 <andythenorth> generally, the people who won’t accept ‘no’ are themselves, not polite nor reasoned
10:37:54 <andythenorth> and can be discounted
10:38:28 <Wolf01> A polite and reasoned "no" is always preferable than silence
10:44:53 <andythenorth> bah, 132 bugs though still
10:45:00 <andythenorth> repro-ing them, meh
10:45:23 <andythenorth> I don’t even have a 4K screen
10:45:39 <andythenorth> ok bbl
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10:53:48 <Wolf01> Is possible to enable the "make OTTD crash" hotkey in release?
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12:05:49 <planetmaker> Wolf01, that's tied to the debug build via compiler switches
12:06:00 <planetmaker> s/switches/defines/
12:06:05 <Wolf01> Yeah, I noticed that
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12:07:29 <andythenorth> planetmaker: this still seems relevant:
12:07:37 <andythenorth> assuming I should keep it open?
12:08:25 <Wolf01> I was browsing the bugs list, 6599 could be marked "with patch" imo
12:09:07 <Wolf01> There are still too many "new" bugs even with comments and patches
12:09:14 <planetmaker> andythenorth, I think it's a valid feature request. However quite low priority, I guess
12:09:16 <andythenorth> Wolf01: marked it with patch
12:09:24 <andythenorth> Wolf01: have you tested that patch? o_O
12:09:40 <Wolf01> Nope, but adf should have
12:10:03 <andythenorth> oh yeah, it’s an adf patch - he said I can ignore his FS, he will manage them
12:11:22 <Wolf01> Assign them to him
12:11:51 <andythenorth> nah, admin overkill :D
12:11:58 <andythenorth> he asked me to leave them alone
12:12:07 <andythenorth>
12:12:15 <andythenorth> ^ yes, but eh, does a ticket help with that?
12:12:36 <Wolf01> Lol?
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12:16:18 <andythenorth> anyone second closing this?
12:20:07 <Wolf01> It's still applyable on 1.7.1?
12:20:30 <andythenorth> I didn’t try to repro
12:20:40 <andythenorth> requires downloading an unreleased grf
12:20:41 <andythenorth> fuck that
12:20:51 <andythenorth> to be crude :)
12:21:17 <andythenorth> grfs not on bananas -> no repro from andythenorth
12:21:22 <Wolf01> It's a bug of an old version and a pita to reproduce, close it
12:24:51 <andythenorth> done
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12:27:31 <Wolf01> Mmmh, $friend ottd hangs when scanning grfs, and he has just some lightweight ones (no 32bpp etc)
12:29:16 <Wolf01> The first time he noticed it is when he tried to run the game with -n, while -e and normal worked fine, now he is trying a self compiled version and it hangs always
12:33:54 <andythenorth> 2nd opinions on this?
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12:53:15 <andythenorth> 32 bit squirrel overflow - possibly fixed?
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13:05:20 <andythenorth> wouldn’t this be insanely annoying when clients persistently can’t keep up?
13:13:21 <blocage> hello, I saw -std=gnu++0x, is it mean I can use "auto" keywords ?
13:13:57 <LordAro> blocage: i'd imagine the version of the compilers (currently) on the CF isn't new enough for that
13:14:29 <LordAro> you should still assume C++03, unfortunately
13:14:49 <LordAro> it's being worked on, slowly
13:14:54 <blocage> ok
13:16:18 <blocage> just for your knowledge I working on new orders_list_list GUI
13:19:25 <andythenorth> good luck :)
13:19:29 <andythenorth> orders are a mess :)
13:19:57 <blocage> in which way ?
13:20:16 <andythenorth> (1) they have evolved organically, standard
13:20:22 <andythenorth> (2) players have many desires for them
13:20:31 <andythenorth> (3) they’re tending to complexity, where simplicity is wanted
13:20:44 <andythenorth> (4) some of the complexity added, doesn’t entirely work
13:20:57 <blocage> currently the plan is to show all orders list
13:21:06 <andythenorth> all in the game?
13:21:16 <blocage> yes
13:21:21 <andythenorth> interesting concept
13:21:44 <blocage> filtered by your compagny at the end
13:21:46 <andythenorth> nobody thought of that yet
13:21:47 <andythenorth>
13:21:59 <andythenorth> many wishes for orders, but you found a new one :)
13:22:03 <Wolf01> Do you want to show "lines"?
13:22:12 <blocage> at the end yes
13:22:50 <blocage> I would like have a orders list management instead of current vehicle management
13:22:59 <blocage> I mean line centric
13:23:14 <blocage> Both can coexists
13:23:37 <Wolf01> Yes, shared orders is one line
13:24:04 <andythenorth> worth a poke imho
13:24:08 <andythenorth> to see if the concept has legs
13:24:12 <blocage> once I have the list of orders, I would like highlight lines orders on the map
13:24:28 <blocage> then afteward the path
13:25:01 <Wolf01> Make the lines UI and allow to manage them there first
13:25:06 <blocage> I think visual orders on the map would be good enough to figure out the line
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13:25:42 <blocage> Wolf01, this my plans
13:26:01 <blocage> but currently I make a draft
13:26:13 <blocage> I will probably need some help ^^
13:26:30 <Wolf01> I had some ideas on how to implement that back in time, but never had the courage to do it
13:27:01 <blocage> at the moment I implement the list of lines (orders list)
13:27:37 <blocage> I get used to the Widget by the way
13:27:59 <blocage> but I will have question about how to add some map elements
13:28:03 <Wolf01> The problem is how to create a new line without a vehicle
13:28:21 <blocage> Wolf01, currently I do not solve this issue
13:28:36 <blocage> may I would create a virtual vehicle
13:28:43 <blocage> that have no cost
13:28:46 <Wolf01> I thought about making a virtual vehicle based on the first station type clicked for the order
13:29:15 <blocage> but on my plan at the moment this issue it the last one
13:29:39 <blocage> if you can manage lines that already existing is very convenient
13:31:32 <blocage> as I thought making line from no vehicle, would change the game data, while other change are mainly view changes and do not touch game data
13:32:57 <blocage> how can I compile openttd with debug and not stripped ?
13:34:42 <Wolf01> andythenorth: I think something is starting to get insane
13:38:48 <blocage> make run gdb, interresting
13:39:35 <LordAro> blocage: configure has lots of options
13:39:58 <blocage> I exported CXXFLAGS="-Og -gdb" out of success
13:40:08 <blocage> -ggdb *
13:40:49 <LordAro> guess that works too :p
13:44:51 <blocage> ok with "make run-gdb" do work :)
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14:41:06 <Wolf01> Ok, the log parser seem to work, now I need to complete the parser rules
14:43:09 <andythenorth> awesome :)
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14:57:49 <Wolf01>
14:59:52 <andythenorth> now we need a VM for it :)
15:00:06 <Wolf01> Now, just put it over an ORM and save the stuff on DB
15:00:10 <Wolf01> :P
15:08:06 <andythenorth> “Can we run it on heroku” :P
15:09:09 <andythenorth> Wolf01: ‘free’
15:09:43 <Wolf01> What does it do?
15:10:21 <andythenorth> pre-built postgres etc
15:10:31 <Wolf01> Ah, just like my pc
15:11:38 <andythenorth> can also auto-deploy branches from github
15:11:43 <andythenorth> so continuous deployment
15:11:53 <andythenorth> might be ideal for a log parser tbh
15:11:57 <Wolf01> I could put that shit on github
15:15:11 <Wolf01> Or somebody could finish that, is free, public domain
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15:19:59 <Wolf01> Quak
15:20:22 <frosch123> hoi
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15:23:57 <andythenorth> hi
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15:43:25 <crem> Do you have any estimation of how many people play openttd? Like "monthly active users" or alike.
15:44:21 <frosch123> there are about 70k downloads of stable per month
15:44:55 <frosch123> compare that to about 200 players on public servers every evening
15:45:08 <frosch123> no idea what percentage of those who download stuff actually make it past the intro screen :p
15:45:23 <crem> Wolf01: btw a friendly open source project pioneerspacesim uses something called "google breakpad" for crash reporting and analysis.
15:45:51 <Wolf01> I really don't want to use google services different than google search and youtube
15:46:48 <andythenorth> frosch123: 32 bit squirrel overflow - possibly fixed?
15:48:43 <crem> why? It seems that that breakpad is not a service but something that you can install on your server.
15:48:48 <crem> 70k downloads is a lot!
15:49:14 <frosch123> andythenorth: according to comment in 5410, i think so
15:49:52 <Wolf01> crem: I don't like google
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15:50:17 <Alberth> o/
15:50:20 <Wolf01> At least I don't like what it is now
15:50:21 <Wolf01> o/
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15:50:31 <Alberth> it can only get better?
15:50:52 <frosch123> crem: there are 52M downloads of egrvts from bananas (since 2010?)
15:51:07 <andythenorth> that’s a *lot*
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15:51:17 <frosch123> no idea how often people kill their ottd installation, but at least some poeple made it to the content download
15:51:34 <frosch123> oops, wrong column :p
15:51:40 <frosch123> it's only 480k
15:51:48 <frosch123> i looked at the grfid :)
15:52:32 <andythenorth> ha
15:52:40 <frosch123> so, about 5% of people who download stable make it to the content download?
15:53:27 <andythenorth> the first-run experience could likely be better, but eh
15:53:54 * andythenorth wonders how many Mac users make it past Gatekeeper
15:54:08 <andythenorth> you can’t just open the binary on a Mac because we’re not signed by Apple
15:54:52 <frosch123> andythenorth: does it require more than clicking "ok"?
15:54:58 <andythenorth> yeah
15:55:12 <andythenorth> you have to authorise an exception with admin user creds
15:55:29 <andythenorth> I am wondering if we can just get a signed cert
15:55:31 <frosch123> if it can't be solved by clicking windows away, i doubt many manage it
15:55:48 <frosch123> anyway, doesn't the same apply to win?
15:55:57 <andythenorth> NFI :)
15:56:05 <frosch123> me neither :)
15:56:05 <andythenorth> I could start a VM, but not right now
15:56:18 <andythenorth> the Modern IE VMs are actually really good
15:56:32 <andythenorth>
15:57:02 <frosch123> how does the amount of webdevs testing with edge compare to the actual amount of edge users?
15:57:09 * andythenorth looks
15:57:22 <Alberth> 42
15:58:53 <andythenorth> frosch123: average across our public fleet is 1.59% for Edge
15:58:58 <andythenorth> and some more for Edge Mobile
15:59:39 <frosch123> really? i thought there are no win phones for two years
16:00:48 <andythenorth> highest number in the fleet is 0.60% for Edge Mobile
16:01:05 <andythenorth> almost all of the results are < 0.1%
16:01:18 <andythenorth> fleet size is ~100
16:02:12 <andythenorth> 355 FS left
16:09:28 <Wolf01> <andythenorth> and some more for Edge Mobile <- strange, I thought I was the only one
16:14:14 <peter1138> nah, windows doesn't need permissions just to run openttd
16:33:24 <blocage> for those interrested in orders list the draft is here :
16:35:22 <blocage> I have a basic implementation the do not add characters string nor sprites
16:36:10 <frosch123> what does it do?
16:38:03 <blocage> it add a button to the toolbar at right, on button click it show a new window that list all orders list
16:38:20 <frosch123> so similar to group gui?
16:38:27 <blocage> on click on orders list item, show the order list
16:39:10 <blocage> similar to vehicle list ?
16:41:52 <blocage> where can I upload a screenshot ?
16:41:59 <Alberth> imgur
16:43:16 <blocage>
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16:45:14 <blocage> the button on right of help button, show the window in the middle
16:45:23 <blocage> the current state is a draft
16:46:59 <Alberth> why would you need this?
16:47:04 <blocage> now I would like to add a button to the order list to show it on map
16:47:11 <Alberth> or rather how would you use it?
16:47:19 <Alberth> ah, ok
16:47:35 <blocage> Alberth, to implement a lines centric GUI
16:47:53 <Alberth> shouldn't it be a dropdown from the minimap then?
16:47:54 <blocage> instead of vehicle centric GUI
16:48:46 <blocage> Alberth, maybe, but at the moment I need to know how to add an overlay on the map (or objects or I do not know things :D0
16:49:38 <Alberth> /me doesn't know either, but have a look at how cargodist adds a map overlay
16:52:53 <blocage> the term cargo, is used for goods or for a kind of vehicle ?
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16:58:50 <Alberth> cargo is stuff you transport
16:59:16 <Alberth> ie goods, coals, food, etc etc
16:59:21 <Alberth> *coal
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16:59:43 <Alberth> but also passengers and mail
17:02:05 <blocage> ok good I will dig into that topic :)
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17:18:04 <Wolf01> Iz it end of boredom yet?
17:27:11 <blocage> on linux which video driver is used ? SDL ?
17:27:29 <Alberth> yes, sdl1.2
17:28:35 <Alberth> you can ask used libraries using ldd: ldd ./openttd
17:34:20 <blocage> technically severals can be linked ?
17:34:44 <blocage> but it's sdl in my case :)
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17:36:52 <Alberth> you can have several different libraries referenced from one executable
17:37:19 <Alberth> eg clib and sdl, for example
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18:01:49 <blocage> actually the scene graph is a stack of windows
18:10:28 <blocage> I found the main GUI :D
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19:45:48 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27910 /trunk/src/lang (dutch.txt spanish_MX.txt) (2017-09-01 19:45:42 +0200 )
19:45:49 <DorpsGek> -Update from Eints:
19:45:50 <DorpsGek> spanish (mexican): 10 changes by Absay
19:45:51 <DorpsGek> dutch: 145 changes by mrLeopold
19:48:04 <_dp_> o/
19:49:12 <_dp_> FWIW last time openttd had 200 mp players was on May 6 and it was that chinese championship
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20:18:11 * peter1138 git pulls
20:18:26 <peter1138> if only my patches were on the nas
20:21:20 <Wolf01> Thunderstorm again...
20:22:35 <peter1138> uh oh
20:30:42 <Wolf01> It seem to be all around my town, and here does nothing O_o
20:32:47 <peter1138> oh 1.6.0
20:32:50 <peter1138> that's a bit old :p
20:33:02 <__ln__> we haven't had a single thunderstorm this summer :/
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20:39:04 <LordAro> peter1138: not that old :p
20:45:22 <peter1138> Package: openttd
20:45:23 <peter1138> Version: 1.4.4-2
20:45:24 <peter1138> that is ;(
20:46:17 <LordAro> :(
20:46:21 <LordAro> such debian
20:46:45 <LordAro> such debian oldstable, even
20:46:47 <LordAro> you should upgrade
20:47:10 <peter1138> yeah but it's raspbian
20:47:14 <LordAro> ah
20:47:15 <LordAro> rip
20:47:43 <peter1138> wants to install tons of new packages to upgrade to 9
20:48:02 <LordAro> funny that
20:48:03 <LordAro> :p
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20:50:05 <peter1138> i guess i'll use my vps instead :p
20:51:38 <peter1138> oh of course, our deb packages don't work on stretch
20:52:55 <LordAro> ICU?
20:53:29 <glx> probably ICU yes
20:53:36 <LordAro> should probably fix that
20:53:50 <peter1138> no, libpng12-0
20:53:55 <LordAro> olol
20:54:02 <peter1138> stretch has libpng16-16
20:54:24 <glx> libpng has been upgraded ?
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20:56:01 <frosch123> <- peter1138: that has a strech deb from some trunk this week
21:00:06 <andythenorth> o/
21:01:00 <peter1138> is it 1.7.1?
21:01:14 <frosch123> no, some random trunk
21:07:23 <andythenorth> iz cat?
21:07:43 <LordAro> zcat
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21:13:55 <andythenorth> isn’t this intensely irritating if there’s a persistently lagging client?
21:13:57 <Wolf01> Ok, finished to upgrade the server apache and php
21:14:13 <Wolf01> And the latest xdebug is nice
21:14:16 <andythenorth> doesn’t 2264 aid DoS-oing servers by accident?
21:14:30 <andythenorth> “pausing to connect client” :P
21:15:18 <frosch123> you can disable that
21:15:33 <frosch123> client needs to be fast enough to catch up afterwards though
21:15:56 <andythenorth> so it’s a valid feature request?
21:16:31 <frosch123> the last server is already selected or something
21:16:35 <frosch123> so it safes two clicks?
21:16:39 <frosch123> tmwftlb
21:16:53 <andythenorth> reject
21:17:07 <andythenorth> I had a terrible connection when I was playing MP
21:17:19 <andythenorth> I don’t remember thinking “I wish it would auto-reconnect"
21:17:28 <andythenorth> the solution is “get a better connection"
21:22:14 <_dp_> 2264 mb useful for players that like to sit afk on servers
21:22:42 <frosch123> are they welcome? :p
21:22:56 <frosch123> andythenorth: also, reconnect on kick :p
21:23:06 <_dp_> I don't mind
21:24:32 <_dp_> though I don't rly understand people that do big goals like 1bil by building some crap and just afking for 30 hours
21:25:36 <_dp_> if goal is too much for you to do in one go than pick a smaller one :p
21:26:03 <frosch123> well, no imagine that afk person has a unstable connection
21:26:15 <frosch123> like here, when people leave and join every minute sometimes
21:26:17 <Wolf01> Imagine me...
21:26:23 <frosch123> *now
21:26:58 <frosch123> then they will again have to mail info@ to ask for unban :p
21:27:34 <andythenorth> I sacked 2664
21:27:40 <_dp_> frosch123, idk, usually when people can connect that means they already have decent connection
21:27:41 <andythenorth> 354 FS left
21:27:57 <andythenorth> peter1138 went on some patch spree in March or so
21:28:01 <andythenorth> loads of patches
21:28:07 <andythenorth> all labelled ‘hacky'
21:28:34 <frosch123> make a patchpack :)
21:28:45 <andythenorth> true idea
21:28:55 <andythenorth> not me though
21:29:01 <andythenorth> my patchpack will only remove features
21:29:23 <peter1138> hi
21:30:06 <_dp_> frosch123, patchpack as a mass grave for patches?
21:30:18 <andythenorth> also, like 50% of FS is newgrf requests
21:30:23 <andythenorth> wondering if they can be consolidated :P
21:30:53 <andythenorth>
21:31:48 <frosch123> 4582 and 5006 are the same
21:32:05 <frosch123> 4573 is newlandscape, not railtypes
21:32:20 <frosch123> well, actually neither
21:32:30 <frosch123> can already be done now, no newgrf addition needed
21:32:36 <andythenorth> well it’s a request have equivalent of industry var 60
21:32:39 <andythenorth> imho
21:33:09 <frosch123> isn't it about the grass around the track?
21:33:18 <andythenorth> snow and stuff
21:33:42 <frosch123> it would only affect the railtype if the underlay shall be affected
21:33:51 <frosch123> but the "sidewalks" are not part of railtypes
21:35:21 <andythenorth> is it rejected?
21:35:54 * andythenorth has drunk half a bottle of wine
21:36:01 <frosch123> no, it's just not "railtypes" :)
21:36:04 <andythenorth> probably not time to go an a FS rejection spree
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21:43:12 <Wolf01> So, we are at risk of flood now... and it didn't even rained too much
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21:45:35 <frosch123> flood and lightning?
21:45:47 <frosch123> would be dangerous in a movie :)
21:47:12 <Wolf01> Usually we get flooded in spring, on summer is more common the hail
21:47:56 <andythenorth> frosch123: are 5006 and 4582 the same? o_O
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21:48:16 <andythenorth> one is a request to turn the spec upside tdown
21:48:24 <andythenorth> the other is hax
21:48:42 <frosch123> upside down won't happen
21:48:46 <frosch123> it breaks yapf cache
21:49:11 <andythenorth> close?
21:49:15 <frosch123> hmm, actually, does it?
21:49:20 <frosch123> maybe not
21:49:48 <frosch123> andythenorth: i can't tell, it would actually require thinking about it, which i am not very much interested in
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21:50:53 <andythenorth> ha
21:54:07 <andythenorth> Wolf01: got a new crashlog for your parser
21:54:15 <andythenorth> when it’s finished crashing
21:54:19 <andythenorth> 2 mins of crashing so far :P
21:54:23 <Wolf01> Lol
21:54:53 <andythenorth>
21:55:00 <Wolf01> I'm still trying to get rid of my friend... ehm, I meant, understand what it is his problem with scanning grfs
21:58:21 <frosch123> Wolf01: if you install ottd in / and put openttd.cfg there, it scans the whole filesystem
21:58:39 <Wolf01> No, it's on windows
21:59:04 <Wolf01> And it hangs at 8/19 ~42%
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22:00:22 <andythenorth> which grf is that?
22:00:50 <andythenorth> Wolf01: what does your crashlog parser say I did wrong? o_O
22:01:24 <Wolf01> andythenorth: the parser just parses, it can't tell what's wrong
22:01:57 <andythenorth> shame :)
22:02:02 <Wolf01> BTW, he uses firs, egrvts, sailing ships, and other standard things
22:02:48 <Wolf01> What is strange it's that depending on the way he runs it, the game hangs at a different point
22:03:02 <Wolf01> openttd -n IP hangs at 0%
22:03:30 <Wolf01> Running normally does not hang
22:03:46 <Wolf01> Running the self compiled version hangs at 42%
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22:10:24 <Wolf01> andythenorth: reading the stack trace seem that music made it to crash
22:11:54 <andythenorth> hmm
22:12:31 <Wolf01> (SequencePlayer::CleanupPlayState() + 32) <- after this a ??? happened and then crashed :P
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22:28:28 <andythenorth> maybe my Flyspray holiday is ending
22:28:38 <andythenorth> might be time to do work on FIRS
22:29:31 <frosch123> shall we open some firs issues?
22:33:06 <andythenorth> in FS?
22:33:17 <andythenorth>
22:33:25 <frosch123> redmine
22:34:04 <frosch123> oi, i expected there to be zero
22:34:06 <andythenorth> they might…get closed ;)
22:34:11 <frosch123> i thought you closed all
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22:34:30 <andythenorth> not quite :P
22:37:16 <andythenorth> Wolf01: shall we patch buoys to be stations?
22:37:17 <andythenorth> o_O
22:37:37 <Wolf01> Why that monstruosity?
22:37:38 <frosch123> make the ttdp fanboys happy :p
22:37:48 <frosch123> andythenorth: that was rejected long time ago :)
22:38:14 <andythenorth> for reasons?
22:39:12 <Wolf01> Ship NRT?
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22:42:02 <andythenorth> is it done? o_O
22:46:30 <Wolf01> It works
22:47:07 <andythenorth> :)
22:47:14 <andythenorth> also… I might ship my bed
22:47:22 <andythenorth> tomorrow is another day
22:47:26 <andythenorth> bye
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23:12:00 <LordAro> hmmmm
23:14:15 <frosch123> aw, tb's sandbox page is no longer up
23:14:36 <frosch123> at some point tb made the navigation into two levels
23:15:11 <LordAro> interesting
23:15:32 <LordAro> (i'm basically just recreating the site with html5 & css3)
23:15:33 <frosch123> goal was to reduce the number of labels in the bar
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23:19:11 <frosch123> LordAro: i guess it would make sense to reduce the amount of stuff on the website
23:19:22 <frosch123> like "screenshots" shoudl just be a link into the wiki
23:19:43 <LordAro> that's probably fair
23:19:48 <frosch123> imho everything that is not dynamic context should be wiki
23:20:09 <frosch123> possibly with exception of the very frontpage
23:20:34 <Eddi|zuHause> i always found it funny that the phrase "newest screenshots" always showed one of the oldest screenshots :p
23:21:17 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: what do you mean, it always shows the latest release
23:21:18 <frosch123> :p
23:21:41 <Eddi|zuHause> yes.
23:29:03 <planetmaker> <frosch123> imho everything that is not dynamic context should be wiki <-- I concur
23:29:11 <frosch123> LordAro: i can also forward you 31 items from the mail folder "unhandled screenshots" :)
23:29:18 <LordAro> haha
23:29:22 <LordAro> nothing i can do with them from here ;)
23:29:26 <frosch123> should i send them to andy?
23:30:24 <LordAro> looks like they need to be put in a folder on the webserver
23:30:33 <LordAro> "SCREENSHOTS_ROOT"
23:31:00 <LordAro> with some _thumb.png & _caption.nfo (??) additional files with it
23:31:20 <frosch123> yes, stuff which people could do themself on the wiki
23:31:28 <LordAro> aye
23:31:33 <frosch123> and deleting some if they get too many :)
23:31:37 <frosch123> +andy
23:32:18 <LordAro> :D
23:39:29 <Eddi|zuHause> <frosch123> should i send them to andy? <- he'd probably delete them :p
23:39:57 <frosch123> i don't know how to send them, andy does not read mail
23:40:13 <Eddi|zuHause> open an fs task :p
23:40:47 <frosch123> 31 new tasks over night, what would he do?
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