IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-03-24
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00:21:12 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
00:25:34 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 has joined #openttd
01:57:43 <peter1138> oo i found some old savegames :D
02:05:45 <peter1138> Passenger Production at x Oil Rig decreases 50%!
03:05:40 *** smoke_fumus has joined #openttd
03:09:56 <supermop_home> really I should hope the roughnecks on the rig aren't producing too many people to begin with
04:27:41 *** Cybertinus has joined #openttd
06:34:02 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
08:03:55 *** chomwitt has joined #openttd
08:28:17 *** Maarten has joined #openttd
08:33:37 <DorpsGek> Commit by peter1138 :: r27822 /trunk/src (6 files in 4 dirs) (2017-03-24 08:33:31 +0100 )
08:33:38 <DorpsGek> -Feature: Vehicle Group Info: Add profits and occupancy display to group vehicle list (mtm, JGR)
10:01:48 <Wolf01> Refunded astroneer, purchased again on steam
10:03:56 <Wolf01> Fuck UWP games, no savegames because they are self-contained and no app file is exposed, also I closed the game 4 times yesterday by clicking on the X button which appear when you move the pointer to the top border
10:08:00 <Wolf01> I'll keep on xbox live only the exclusives, like halo wars
10:09:26 <Wolf01> Yeah, the apps purchased on microsoft store
10:09:49 <peter1138> Well you better add me on Steam and then you can show me how to play :p
10:09:51 <Wolf01> It's a cool thing when they are well done
10:10:17 <Wolf01> But if I want full screen I want full screen
10:10:54 <peter1138> Sad that I couldn't help but touch that patch ;(
10:11:31 <Wolf01> Minecraft doesn't have this problem, the pointer is captured in the window, the "problem" happens only when you open the inventory and release the captured pointer
10:13:32 <Wolf01> Also I was stuck with a "the demo version of astroneer is expired" every time I booted the pc
10:13:55 <crem> Why astroneer not pioneer?
10:14:28 <crem> pioneersim is very similar to openttd. Both are remakes of old game. Probably it's good idea to merge those projects!
10:14:46 <Wolf01> Because it's a totally different game
10:15:15 <crem> It's almost the same! Open ended, about transport.
10:15:29 <Wolf01> Astroneer is like lego worlds
10:16:03 <crem> Is astroneer is one of gazilion survival games?
10:20:43 <Wolf01> peter1138, what's your steam name?
10:22:02 <Wolf01> Better if you add me, wolf01_wdd
10:22:02 <peter1138> there's a tt-forums group which i'm in
10:22:43 <Wolf01> I'm in the group too, now XD
10:23:24 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
10:26:21 <Wolf01> Eh, it works really better in steam, at least I can see the loading screens
10:57:32 <Wolf01> I could automate my death
11:00:00 <Wolf01> Mmmh, no resin... lot of compound but no resin
11:10:11 *** orudge` has joined #openttd
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11:11:53 *** chomwitt has joined #openttd
11:30:01 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
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11:30:17 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
11:33:56 <Wolf01> Ha! Found 2 dead astroneers, free air tanks and batteries
11:34:31 <Wolf01> Getting lost in caves might be a risk but is rewarding
11:43:16 *** silentcontrib has joined #openttd
11:43:43 *** zeknurn has joined #openttd
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11:43:43 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttd
11:43:43 *** sets mode: +vvov tokai michi_cc orudge orudge
11:48:54 <peter1138> Your own dead bodies?
11:49:02 <peter1138> I've not played enough to die :D
11:49:27 <Wolf01> Nope, random astroneers which died exploring
11:50:18 <Wolf01> Trust me, you will die often, specially if you are far from the habitat and shit... ehm a storm happens
11:51:55 <Wolf01> Or you want to know how it feel when you try to feed a sarlacc
11:52:42 <Wolf01> Or you want to pick up flowers but flowers sting you with spikes, or acid gas, or explosions
12:00:13 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
12:06:10 <Wolf01> Mmmh, I need solar power, and big batteries
12:33:35 *** orudge` has joined #openttd
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13:00:59 <DorpsGek> Commit by peter1138 :: r27823 trunk/src/vehicle_gui.cpp (2017-03-24 13:00:52 +0100 )
13:01:00 <DorpsGek> -Fix: Vehicle viewport is not user scrollable so flag window as such.
14:06:28 *** Lejving has joined #openttd
14:40:16 <supermop> i hope that's the abbreviation for italy,
14:40:50 <Wolf01> I thought you meant Information Technology XD
14:41:06 <crem> Does't abbreviation exist only for things which consist of more than 1 word?
14:41:18 <Wolf01> BTW, same shit, everyday :(
14:42:37 <Wolf01> Today news are "more jobs! but not fixed positions... also more unemployment compensation requested
14:43:14 <peter1138> You can abbreviate a single word.
14:43:52 <peter1138> You might be thinking of initialisms.
15:11:18 <supermop> only task on agenda at work that must be done today is very unpleasant
15:11:36 <supermop> and fast running out of other tasks to stall with
15:12:19 <andythenorth> get it out the way
15:12:41 <supermop> entails arguing with a client over a budget
15:14:12 <andythenorth> if it’s ‘bugs’ in the subdomain, can we delete all the feature requests? o_O
15:14:39 <supermop> truly the most game breaking of experiences
15:20:32 <peter1138> andythenorth, I'm working on it :D
15:21:07 <andythenorth> how many were there a few months ago, 900 or so?
15:22:40 <peter1138> Wolf01, what was fs#1167 meant to be? :p
15:22:48 <peter1138> (It's slightly out of date)
15:31:01 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
15:57:05 *** Maarten has joined #openttd
16:15:11 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
16:15:11 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth
16:20:28 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
16:30:17 <Wolf01> peter1138: do you know those UI which appear around your mouse pointer? I don't remember how they are called, but it's widely used in console games (where you don't really gave a pointer) so you can select the action with a movement of the stick
16:31:34 <Wolf01> Which I already use for OTTD :P
16:33:01 <Wolf01> The problem is that you won't see it as it's handled by the OS, I wanted to pop up a classic OTTD UI with the buttons all around
16:33:05 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
16:36:53 <Wolf01> I only handle key modifiers with that, ctrl and shift, also del to close all the other windows, you can't really use it to change the building tool as OTTD has too many functions
16:37:39 <Alberth> just 3 or 4 items thus
16:37:52 <Alberth> isn't it called "pie-menu" ?
16:37:54 <Wolf01> And the problem is that since is system wide, I usually end up with the ctrl key stuck and write garbage all around
16:38:28 <Wolf01> Yeah, it might be "pie menu"
16:39:31 <Alberth> I don't know how you want to open it, but if that's a click, you're doubling the number of clicks
16:40:53 <Wolf01> Yes, you do one more click, or in case of windows you can keep pressed the button in a single place and then drag, the action is selected "on mouse button released"
16:41:34 <Alberth> that would be the other option indeed
16:41:57 <Alberth> but map drag is likely more relevant :)
16:42:45 <Wolf01> You can still drag the map, if you move the pointer before it opens the popup
16:43:21 <Alberth> hmm, and you add a delay as well, thus
16:44:18 <Wolf01> Maybe a visual timer will help to know the right time to do the actions
16:44:28 <Alberth> we have all kinds of options to express what you want, and we compress it all into one button :p
16:51:15 <Wolf01> The main objective was to remove the need of the keyboard
16:52:12 <Wolf01> As currently the keyboard is really useful only for A, S, D, B, ctrl, shift, del
16:52:26 <Alberth> having all buttons in the game helps in finding all the 'hidden' functionality :)
16:53:21 <Alberth> I think I have a key for the road toolbar too, but not sure :p
16:53:56 <Wolf01> Expanding all the UI buttons, so having toolbars with 500 buttons and even a button for every single function in all the UIs would be better, but can you fit them to a screen then? XD
16:53:57 <Alberth> oh, and f1 for pause, I use a lot
16:54:10 <Alberth> likely other use the other function keys too
16:54:44 <Wolf01> Maybe in future I'll bring back that patch
16:54:46 <Alberth> the game isn't really designed for non-keyboard play
16:55:23 <Alberth> I do like the more interactive guis of the newer transport games
16:55:46 <Alberth> where things pop up balloons and icons when they want something
16:56:22 <Alberth> but it may not really fit in openttd retro look and feel
16:58:14 <Wolf01> And it will change a lot of the UI as we are used now
17:13:48 <peter1138> Wolf01, I suspect that UI design would be a bit tricky with the current system.
17:14:57 <Wolf01> Yes, I noticed it, that is the reason because I've never updated/finished the patch
17:15:58 <Wolf01> Maybe some alternatives like the android port ones could be ported back to trunk
17:16:05 <peter1138> That and it's 10 years old...
17:16:23 <Wolf01> I think you can happily close that task :P
17:16:38 <Wolf01> It should be re coded from scratch
17:17:28 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
17:28:18 <Eddi|zuHause> <Wolf01> Trust me, you will die often, specially if you are far from the habitat and shit... ehm a storm happens <-- get a vehicle? you're safe in vehicles
17:33:47 <Samu_> woah, there's still players that don't know how to loan money
17:34:27 <Samu_> they run out of money and then leave the game :(
17:37:14 <Samu_> what is that current usage in the group vehicle
17:38:23 <supermop> ok the unpleasant client task is complete
17:38:50 <frosch123> which unpleasant task is next?
17:40:01 <supermop> no remaining tasks between now and Wednesday are unpleasant, until client emails back
17:49:16 <Samu_> i'd like to do what pyoro is asking, but my skills...
17:49:27 <Samu_> without help i doubt i can do what he asks
17:50:43 <supermop> i don't recall seeing him on irc
17:50:45 <Alberth> looks like pyoro is just making a suggestion, to me
17:50:50 <supermop> doubt he is on regularly
17:51:42 <Alberth> if he knew how to do it, he would not have added the disclaimer at the end
17:57:06 *** TheMask96 has joined #openttd
18:00:28 <Wolf01> Eddi|zuHause: "get a vehicle? you're safe in vehicles" <- almost, not completely safe :P
18:01:31 <Wolf01> <Samu_> they run out of money and then leave the game :( <- just like me, if I can't work it out with the initial loan and repay it in 4-6 years then the game is doomed
18:03:39 <Samu_> i think what he's asking is what I was hoping to do as well
18:09:44 <Samu_> that river feels unnatural
18:09:44 <Wolf01> Never seen a river like that
18:10:35 <Samu_> i'm forcing the pathfinder to get 3 flat tiles at the upper part
18:10:55 <Samu_> sec, let me show you what i mean
18:12:57 <Wolf01> Lol V the new FFF is wonderful XD
18:12:58 <Samu_> nope, something else failed
18:13:55 <Samu_> ah, right, nothing failed, it's how i am forcing it, but looks weird indeed
18:14:48 *** smoke_fumus has joined #openttd
18:16:28 <Wolf01> "The graphics can be integrated just before the release, as it shouldn't introduce new bugs." we are all counting on V for this ;)
18:17:43 <Eddi|zuHause> "what could possibly go wrong"
18:19:03 <Samu_> it asks those tiles at x if they're flat
18:20:10 <Samu_> the pathfinder decides to go left instead
18:20:21 <Wolf01> I think it should just ask and not effectively make a river in all of those, also just 2 of them are really required to be flat
18:20:23 <Samu_> but i see that in this case it would be correct to go straight
18:23:05 <Samu_> the problem i have is that I don't know which direction the river is going to
18:23:32 <Samu_> where it comes from and where it goes to
18:23:40 <Wolf01> Make first pass, cache the final path, cycle the path and make the river
18:25:46 <Samu_> hmm actually, i might now where the river goes to
18:26:09 <Samu_> pathfinder is a weird dude, it starts planning from the spring
18:26:25 <Samu_> but then it starts building the river at the end and does it backwards from the mouth to the spring
18:27:11 <Samu_> I can ask if there is water at the lower parts
18:27:34 <Samu_> but it's unknown at the upper parts, no idea which direction the pathfinder goes next
18:30:04 *** Progman has joined #openttd
18:34:44 <Alberth> only when you reach the destination, you know what the shortest path is
18:35:24 <Alberth> going back from the destination to the source is easiest
18:36:03 <Alberth> sort-of breadcrumbs always point to the previous tile (ie nearer to the source)
18:50:07 <Samu_> nope, i dont know how to do this
18:53:28 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
18:57:09 <peter1138> mouse click events are strange in ottd
18:58:08 <peter1138> in most uis button down activates the highlight
18:58:15 <peter1138> and then button up activates the action
18:58:20 <peter1138> ottd does the action on button down
18:58:31 <Wolf01> Yeah, I noticed that too
18:58:54 <peter1138> (except tabs, they activate on button down)
18:59:08 <peter1138> (and drop downs but in that case it's more like a drag)
18:59:51 <peter1138> i wanted something to happen on mouse up, then i realised that ottd always does it on mouse down
18:59:52 <Wolf01> The odd is that you can't cancel the action if you click on the wrong button and then move the pointer outside the button
19:00:03 <peter1138> it's done, instantly
19:01:20 <Wolf01> Like selling trains, blowing up things :P
19:02:04 <peter1138> blowing up land at least does it on button up
19:02:09 <peter1138> but that's because it's doing it after a drag
19:03:03 *** Darksecond has joined #openttd
19:31:31 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
19:35:56 *** chomwitt has joined #openttd
19:45:56 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: Commit by translators :: r27824 /trunk/src/lang (63 files in 2 dirs) (2017-03-24 19:45:45 +0100 )
19:45:57 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: -Update from Eints:
19:45:58 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: catalan: 7 changes by juanjo
19:45:59 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: croatian: 4 changes by VoyagerOne
19:46:00 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: korean: 15 changes by telk5093
19:55:22 <DorpsGek> Commit by peter1138 :: r27825 /trunk/src (5 files in 3 dirs) (2017-03-24 19:55:16 +0100 )
19:55:23 <DorpsGek> -Feature [FS#4950]: Add option to close windows with right click (Flamefire)
19:57:57 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
19:58:16 <peter1138> (Damn sight quicker than hunting for the tiny X)
20:06:15 <andythenorth> merge of trunk to NRT conflicts
20:06:23 <andythenorth> that never happened before :P
20:06:59 <andythenorth> are there some kind of project files for windows?
20:07:28 <frosch123> projects/ or something
20:07:41 <andythenorth> hmm, actually there are a shitload of conflicts :)
20:07:57 <andythenorth> we don’t normally have many upstream commits to bring in :)
20:08:01 <andythenorth> $someone has been busy
20:08:27 <LordAro> peter1138: bad coding style on that if statement :p
20:15:21 <Samu_> damn this is so complex for me, i dunno how to do this
20:16:28 <peter1138> LordAro, oops, work-style!
20:19:10 <Samu_> i can not do what pyoro asks, I also wanted to do it, but i'm failing
20:20:29 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
20:21:07 <Samu_> Wolf01: only 2 needed to be connected, but the pathfinder goes the other way, gg
20:21:49 <LordAro> peter1138: so many wasted lines! :p
20:24:18 <peter1138> LordAro, put a patch on flyspray so we can look at it in 10 years
20:25:07 <DorpsGek> Commit by peter1138 :: r27826 trunk/src/window.cpp (2017-03-24 20:25:01 +0100 )
20:25:09 <DorpsGek> -Fix (r27825): Wrong code style
20:26:43 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd
20:27:30 <andythenorth> so are rivers fixed then? o_O
20:27:40 <peter1138> Yes. I removed them.
20:28:44 <peter1138> I always removed NewGRF.
20:32:10 <peter1138> "sizes bigger than 1024x1024 (1048576 tiles) should be disabled (or maybe 524288 tiles max, because 1024x1024 will be a hell to play for dial-up players"
20:32:15 <peter1138> gotta love the reasoning
20:32:35 <peter1138> 10 years ago, of course. but who was using dialup even then?
20:33:45 <andythenorth> nice to be considerate
20:34:02 <andythenorth> given that my ADSL couldn’t maintain a stable ottd connection...
20:34:46 <Samu_> i just noticed that towns can ruin building of locks
20:35:08 <andythenorth> towns also block ship routes sometimes....
20:35:22 <Samu_> i have a patch that solves that
20:35:39 <Alberth> /me discovered Chinooks
20:35:46 <Samu_> ppl shown interest in that, but then nothing happened
20:36:52 <Wolf01> <peter1138> 10 years ago, of course. but who was using dialup even then? <- I had just switched to 512Kbps ADSL
20:38:21 <LordAro> Alberth: Chinooks are best helicopters
20:38:31 <LordAro> closely followed by Apaches
20:39:03 <Wolf01> Astroneer... need to discover again trucks
20:43:00 <LordAro> peter1138: why am i now trying to come up with a reasonable approximation of a clang-format file
20:48:02 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd
20:50:52 <frosch123> the clang formatter seems surprisingly advances
20:50:57 <LordAro> peter1138: for code style enforcement :p
20:51:27 <Alberth> LordAro: nah, they're diesel engines!
20:51:46 <Wolf01> I tried an extension for VS... had to uninstall it because even if told to not change the style it tried to change everything
20:52:06 <Wolf01> I was too used to PSR for PHP :|
20:52:14 <LordAro> (just running on src/core/ )
20:52:37 <frosch123> need to disable max line width :)
20:52:51 <LordAro> (now with the clangformat file)
20:53:10 <LordAro> i do feel there should be some upper limit though
20:54:21 <LordAro> setting it to 200 just for the copyright header causes other weirdness in the rest of the code
20:55:06 <frosch123> some differences are valid fixes :)
20:55:53 <LordAro> OTTD source isn't rigid enough ;)
20:56:30 <frosch123> it doesn't do doxygen, does it?
20:56:57 <LordAro> don't think it touches comments beyond prepending with a '*'
20:57:49 <frosch123> ReflowComments = false
20:58:04 <Samu_> but you clearly notice those I and H forms
20:58:42 <LordAro> frosch123: that looks useful
20:59:00 <Wolf01> Make rivers 3 to 1 tile wide (3 near the mouth and 1 in the mountains)
20:59:41 <frosch123> DerivePointerAlignment <- lol
20:59:50 <frosch123> in case you cannot decide yourself :)
21:00:05 <frosch123> or you just want to adjust to others
21:00:56 <frosch123> ColumnLimit = 0 read as if it would not delete existing line breaks
21:03:34 <frosch123> ctor list indent seems to use spaces
21:04:53 <frosch123> ofc it has a hard time with our "space between * const"
21:06:00 <frosch123> lots of weird exceptions :)
21:07:12 <frosch123> the include grouping is also an interesting thing
21:07:30 <frosch123> s/grouping/categories/
21:08:03 <frosch123> that's what my apprentices always have trouble with for some reason
21:11:53 <andythenorth> can we have ottd apprentices? o_O
21:12:52 <LordAro> frosch123: seems to me that there's a fair number of classes in the core files that could be replaced with an STL implementation
21:13:09 <peter1138> we had that aversion to them originally
21:13:13 <frosch123> LordAro: c++1 should deprecate all of it :)
21:13:38 <frosch123> most of our custom containers exist because there was no emplace
21:14:04 <LordAro> i'm looking at src/core/multimap.hpp currently
21:14:36 <LordAro> which apparently is only used in one place anyway
21:14:48 <LordAro> various sort functions are probably redundant as well
21:15:17 <frosch123> multimap is rarely useful
21:15:24 <LordAro> fairly sure i saw some sort of autoptr in there as well
21:15:59 <frosch123> we have a shared_ptr in the script api
21:16:09 <frosch123> i don't think we have unique_ptr
21:17:12 <frosch123> anyway, i mean to say: whenever i used multimap i later replaced it with map<vector>
21:17:45 <LordAro> typedef MultiMap<StationID, CargoPacket *> StationCargoPacketMap;
21:18:18 <LordAro> i'm perfectly willing to get you some diffs, if you want :)
21:18:40 <LordAro> (he says, having no time for this already)
21:19:03 <frosch123> well, maybe in december :p before the next branch :)
21:19:23 <frosch123> i don't think we could pick a worse time for reformatting all code than now
21:19:47 <LordAro> more on removing the redundant stuff in core/, rather than reformatting
21:19:50 <frosch123> also fun for patchpacks :)
21:20:07 <frosch123> ah, core, well... we need a new compile farm :)
21:20:42 <LordAro> just move everything to travis-ci, clearly
21:21:09 <frosch123> when it comes to single core things, i have a bit of an allergy for removing stuff there :p
21:21:26 <LordAro> but that technical debt
21:21:44 <frosch123> some years ago we had some guy who removed dozen of function from the kudr templates, if ottd still compiled after that
21:22:01 <frosch123> unfortunately that also included removing dozen of copy constructors and assignment operators
21:22:13 <frosch123> which were then implicitly added,
21:22:31 <frosch123> i.e. it took hours to debug and readd them :p
21:22:42 <LordAro> well, you can do `... = delete;` nowadays :p
21:23:10 <LordAro> but that would mean dropping pre-C++11 support
21:23:23 <frosch123> there is also boost::not_copyable and stuff :p
21:23:45 <LordAro> i'm not advocating adding boost, don't worry :p
21:24:13 <frosch123> well, everything that looked important about boost went into c++17
21:24:46 <frosch123> though possibly i just did not notice the usefulness of other stuff :p
21:25:35 <frosch123> but so far the filesystem stuff was the last annoyance that was missing
21:26:10 <LordAro> mm, that's in std::experimental::, rather than std:: tho
21:29:09 <frosch123> no idea, search results hit for both std::filesystem and std::experimental::filesystem
21:29:38 <LordAro> i think "officially" filesystem isn't part of c++17, only a TS
21:29:44 <LordAro> but i suspect in practice both will work
21:31:45 <Eddi|zuHause> wiki is always right about everything.
21:32:06 <LordAro> maybe i got it mixed up with C++14 or something
21:32:20 <LordAro> regardless, i'd presume OTTD won't target C++17 for a while yet :p
21:32:46 <frosch123> at least it compiles with c++11
21:32:46 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't know enough C++ to really care...
21:33:04 <frosch123> isn't c++17 the one where they remove the trigraphs?
21:33:15 <frosch123> i wonder whether some standard also removes the octal thing
21:34:47 <frosch123> i wonder who fell over them
21:35:04 <frosch123> i completely forgot there were trigraphs on the attic
21:35:15 <Eddi|zuHause> i've never seen a use for octal numbers outside chmod
21:35:28 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: exactly
21:36:47 <Eddi|zuHause> in PLC languages you specify number bases with 2#xxx 16#xxx etc
21:37:09 <frosch123> oh, btw. did i read it correctly that there are now some standard attributes?
21:37:10 <LordAro> Eddi|zuHause: i read something about that the other day, how it's a thing because the PDP-8(?) had 12bits, so the 3 octal values made sense
21:37:20 <frosch123> i.e. no longer compiler specific #pragma stuff
21:37:39 <LordAro> and that they (Kernighan & Ritchie) added the 0 prefix because of that computer
21:38:22 <Eddi|zuHause> but 12 bit are 4 octal digits
21:39:20 <__ln__> but please remember that even if c++17 "removes" some feature, it doesn't mean compilers are required to remove the said feature.
21:39:27 <Samu_> hmm gonna try fat rivers
21:39:35 <Samu_> let's see if I can do that
21:39:40 <peter1138> Samu_, make them carve
21:39:56 <LordAro> Eddi|zuHause: er, yeah
21:39:58 <Samu_> carve? what's carve, my english sucks
21:40:15 <Wolf01> Samu_: dig hole in terrain
21:40:50 <Samu_> i was thinking this: make rivers 3-tiles wide
21:41:03 <Samu_> i think i can do this, have to experiment with the code
21:43:19 * andythenorth tried 2 tiles onece
21:43:23 <andythenorth> got an assert :)
21:43:42 <andythenorth> ha child #2 learnt his first trigraph today
21:43:50 <andythenorth> not a C++ trigraph though
21:45:55 <frosch123> someone showed me a language today, which used "if (a,b) #labelsmaller #labelequal #labelbigger;"
21:46:42 <frosch123> we do not know what name it had though, it was some example snippet, and he gueesed the meaning
21:47:05 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: yes, but combined with a quaterny operator
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22:23:29 <Eddi|zuHause> well, it sorta does make sense if you have a low-level platform that sets both the equal and the smaller/bigger flag in one comparison operation
22:25:55 <Eddi|zuHause> that must have totally thrown him off...
22:35:01 <Wolf01> It seem there is some room for automation in astroneer, as soon as you discover the trade station you might want to trade (free) energy for rare materials
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22:44:35 <peter1138> When do we get LINQ in C++?
22:51:35 <Samu_> fat rivers don't look as impressive as I first though
22:52:32 <Wolf01> I've never used it in c#, never had the real necessity
22:53:12 <Samu_> i can't seem to make rivers with a width lower than 4 :(
22:53:54 <Samu_> CircularTileSearch(&t, 1, 0, 0, RiverModifyWidth, &tileh);
22:54:16 <Samu_> i'm fattening the river with the circulartilesearch
22:54:30 <Samu_> sec, let me take a screenshot
22:57:15 <Samu_> didn't make it build river on inclined slopes, perhaps i should
22:57:16 <Wolf01> Mmmh, it's a start, too bad they need straight slopes
22:57:46 <Samu_> brb, i can make it do that
22:59:44 <Samu_> if (IsValidTile(tile) && !IsWaterTile(tile) && (IsTileFlat(tile) || IsInclinedSlope(slope_tile)) && height == height_tile) {
23:00:08 <Samu_> unsure about the height == height_tile, but let's see what happens
23:00:22 <Wolf01> Try not to break graphics, ships pathfinder...
23:00:54 <Wolf01> I love this one "IsTileFlat(tile) || IsInclinedSlope(slope_tile)"
23:03:36 <Samu_> rivers on inclined slopes
23:04:51 <Wolf01> Some artifacts which need to be addressed but I like large rivers
23:04:53 <Samu_> height == height_tile doesn't seem to be doing what I want
23:05:31 <Samu_> i guess I need to look for the max_height
23:06:06 <peter1138> LordAro, eww, no. I mean the linq functions. I can't stand that stupid syntax
23:12:36 <Samu_> looks like i can't use circular tile search, hmm
23:13:14 <Samu_> i will try to make a function on my own, which is diagdirection search based
23:13:41 <Wolf01> 4 is right near the mouth
23:14:00 <peter1138> That's what she said.
23:15:47 <peter1138> That's "about" a serving...
23:15:58 <supermop> bourbon, scotch, or japanese?
23:16:07 <peter1138> single malt scotch yar
23:16:31 <supermop> islands, highlands ?
23:17:54 <supermop> actually our house is all bourbon and rye now
23:17:57 <peter1138> talisker skye. not particulary posh.
23:18:21 <supermop> talisker always a crowd favorite
23:18:38 <peter1138> i find bourbon works better with coke ;(
23:20:31 <peter1138> then again i didn't like scotch for ages either
23:24:14 <supermop> i actually liked scotch first
23:24:38 <supermop> and didn't drink boubon or rye until i got into to cocktails with bitters
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23:25:29 <supermop> rye i generally would never drink on its own or with just water
23:25:38 <supermop> alright subway home time
23:25:45 <supermop> to where the whiskey is
23:26:52 <Samu_> i gotta work on the inclined slopes a bit better :(
23:27:23 <Samu_> seems that the idea of fat rivers is good after all
23:27:50 <Samu_> i see potential for forbidden 90 degrees with them
23:52:44 <Wolf01> You should limit the width with height ant is might be perfect
23:55:03 <supermop_home> maybe mezcal instead
23:57:00 <peter1138> needs to split up into smaller sources
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23:58:46 <supermop_home> the source of this mescal is pretty small
continue to next day ⏵