IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-01-05
00:00:52 <supermop> bridge newgrf with cheap infinite speed bridges
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00:19:54 <supermop> ok going to go buy a surface
00:20:14 <supermop> later
00:20:54 <Eddi|zuHause> poor you
00:24:06 <Supercheese> Welllll then
00:24:14 <Supercheese> might have to recode Fake Subways for NotRoadTypes
00:26:36 <Supercheese> can use "current_tramtype" to transition between underground & aboveground
00:27:02 <Supercheese> although making the actual transition tiles might be tough
00:27:38 <Supercheese> I'll have to rename it to "NotFake Subways"
00:33:16 <Eddi|zuHause> you need state machines for transition tiles
00:33:32 <Eddi|zuHause> i.e. it will never(TM) happen
00:36:10 <Supercheese> I'm sure I can hack something up
00:36:22 <Supercheese> it'll still be rather fake
00:36:32 <Supercheese> just some graphics switching
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00:40:38 <Eddi|zuHause> it'll still be "fake" because "subway" vehicles still can't pass surface vehicles
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01:00:08 <Supercheese> yep
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09:38:56 <OpenTTd> hey dont spam
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10:07:55 <peter1139> who
10:08:25 <OpenTTd> v
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10:09:26 <V453000> wat
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12:29:26 <SpComb> spam
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12:53:40 <Wolf01> o/
12:55:33 <frosch123> o/
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15:36:32 <supermop> yo
15:36:40 <Alberth> oy
15:37:51 <supermop> so it turns out the monitor i bought in anticipation of getting a new computer has a screen like twice as big but half the resolution of my surface
15:38:11 <supermop> and now its too late to return monitor i think
15:42:06 <peter1139> resolution would be a primary factor in buying a monitor, i'd've though
15:42:08 <peter1139> +t
15:42:45 <LordAro> ooh, double contraction, nice
15:42:47 <supermop> it was pretty cheap and looked nice
15:42:53 <LordAro> so rarely see them in the wild
15:43:15 <supermop> i'd've'th't
15:44:27 <frosch123> <- added some spritesheets
15:44:40 <frosch123> though the test sprites have some rough borders
15:45:00 <peter1139> hmm
15:45:35 <frosch123> supermop: how do you pronounce ' ?
15:45:43 <SpComb> 24" 4k is an appropriate monitor size
15:45:45 <supermop> you dont
15:45:55 <peter1139> bit small at my age :p
15:46:06 <LordAro> bit small generally
15:46:28 <frosch123> the optimal screen size depends on the size of your table
15:46:30 <SpComb> hmm, incorrect, 26-28"
15:48:19 <peter1139> i nearly got a 22" 4K, as it was IPS and cheap
15:48:23 <peter1139> but... too small i reckon
15:49:06 <LordAro> frosch123: not with that attitude (and a big enough monitor mount)
15:49:52 <LordAro> i should take a newer photo, that one's awful
15:50:16 <peter1139> hmm, what about a dell up2715k... 27" 5120x2880
15:50:26 <peter1139> oh. £830 :(
15:51:03 <supermop> that ratio of monitor to desk would make me feel claustophobic
15:51:05 <frosch123> LordAro: i see my argument confirmed
15:51:43 <LordAro> you never specified that you had to be able to use the desk for anything else :p
15:51:52 <LordAro> i should really get a bigger one..
15:52:27 <peter1139> my triple screens are all landscape
15:52:30 <SpComb> bigger desk?
15:52:32 <peter1139> also, only 22" each
15:53:47 <peter1139>
15:54:10 <LordAro> wat
15:54:32 <frosch123> can they do the same thing with the keyboard?
15:55:36 <LordAro> one of these, perhaps?
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15:57:14 <_dp_> or
15:58:17 <frosch123> does that have a scroll lock key?
15:59:30 <LordAro> probably
15:59:34 <_dp_> No idea, but it's programmable I think
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17:03:07 <supermop> snow sprites for roads part of the roadtype grf?
17:04:13 <frosch123> the terrain_type variable gives you information on the snow state
17:06:26 <__ln__> did i mention i upgraded my internet connection a while ago...
17:06:54 <supermop> but i should include snowy sprites? its not like base set has any idea how to put snow on a weird new road or tramway
17:07:11 <frosch123> yes, snow is your trask
17:07:15 <frosch123> *task
17:09:16 <frosch123> baseset will only put snow on the grass road side
17:11:54 <supermop> ok
17:12:39 <supermop> well for now i am ok, as i am drawing roads that look like chips tiles, and chips has no snow
17:12:52 <supermop> but ill leave room for future snow
17:13:00 <Alberth> edible tiles!
17:18:14 <supermop> can stations have snow yet?
17:19:27 <frosch123> quite sure they can
17:20:06 <frosch123> i clearly remember the bare-land stations having snow
17:21:22 <supermop> i guess i need to draw snow for chips too then
17:25:07 <supermop> someone should go though and give 2cc tram set real world, incompatible track guages
17:25:22 <supermop> to make it absolutely miserable to play with
17:26:17 <supermop> "sorry, wrong voltage on the trolley wire - this is a 600V tram, 750V supply blew all of its fuses"
17:30:45 <Alberth> good fuse test
17:31:35 <Eddi|zuHause> that doesn't make a lot of sense, though, as you can order almost any tram type for almost any gauge or voltage
17:32:48 <supermop> Eddi|zuHause: yeah, the very prototypical vehicle sets have a more subtle version of that problem, in that most manufacturers would build trams specific to the order
17:34:03 <supermop> likewise, if i wanted to, i am sure i could have ordered a metro train with sleeping compartments if i was running a metro of any reasonable size
17:35:28 <supermop> and if i was building a railway from scratch on a small square shaped island, I could order trains from both asia and europe, and specify the gauge i wanted
17:36:06 <supermop> i could order a 3rd rail emu of grain hoppers
17:37:43 <supermop> lets make it a 3 phase AC 3rd rail while we are at it
17:41:32 <Eddi|zuHause> would that not be easier with a 4th rail?
17:41:55 <Eddi|zuHause> also, most modern trams are 3 phase AC internally, and have a converter installed
17:42:03 <supermop> and maybe a 5th rail
17:43:38 <supermop> and power for the driver's cab air conditioner will be from a small steam engine
17:44:44 <supermop> i guess its kind of silly to have a tram set that so finely subdivides by city is what i am getting at
17:45:20 <supermop> to say, well the sapporo trams are smaller and have less capacity than the tokyo trams
17:46:08 <supermop> unless you are building a model of japan, why use those other ones? my fictional sapporo could order whatever type of tram it needed
17:49:03 <Rubidium> that one definitely needs a snow overlay though
17:51:17 <supermop> snow on the tram roof
17:52:33 <supermop> i am turning into my mom
17:52:35 <Eddi|zuHause> snowy tram needs higher chance of sparks
17:53:11 <frosch123> starting with a certain snow level you can use the same sprite for all models
17:53:52 <supermop> wife is in cuba so i've had no communication with her at all since her plane took off from Newark, and now i am full of worry and anxeity
17:54:14 <Rubidium> <- nice!
17:54:40 <Eddi|zuHause> they don't have phones in cuba?
17:55:01 <supermop> snowy tramway needs plowing every x ticks?
17:55:21 <supermop> Eddi|zuHause: no internet and her phone wont work there
17:55:32 <supermop> at least not without expensive roaming
17:55:35 <Rubidium>
17:56:07 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop: there's this brand new invention called a payphone
17:56:21 <supermop> Rubidium: don't want to be on the street when that goes by
17:56:52 <Rubidium> then avoid Sapporo ;)
17:56:56 <supermop> Eddi|zuHause: she wouldn't take time out of a vacation to waste on a payphone
17:58:16 <Eddi|zuHause> you know, there's also this practice of writing post cards from places you visited. they conveniently have the sights printed on them
17:58:35 <supermop> this is what i mean by turning into my mom, i fret about stuff like this now, whereas a normal person would just have fun
17:58:41 <Alberth> they just sell them at the wrong place :)
17:58:45 <Eddi|zuHause> (although, those might arrive when you're already back home)
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18:58:00 <debdog> is there a feature for global warming or any other environmental disaster in ottd?
18:58:58 <debdog> because our map is decaying. we're in the year 2534 now
18:59:23 <debdog> lots of water in one corner suddenly
18:59:52 <peter1139> that's just the inevitable thrust of mankind
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19:00:04 <peter1139> destroying the environment because they're bored
19:00:22 <debdog> hehe, true. just, is it implemented in ottd?
19:00:28 <peter1139> no
19:00:34 <debdog> ah
19:00:38 <peter1139> it's literally someone messing with the map
19:00:39 <debdog> sao might be a bug then?
19:00:45 <debdog> hmm
19:00:52 <debdog> checking clients...
19:01:51 <debdog> that's cost a lot of money. and none of the players seem to have spent that ammount lately
19:02:01 <debdog> *d
19:02:39 <peter1139> doesn't need to, lowering land to sealevel is quite cheap. raising it again isn't...
19:03:42 <debdog> the area is huge
19:04:15 <debdog> if you want to have a look, the server is
19:04:25 <supermop> debdog: you can lower a huge area of dry land to level 0, then just lower one tile to connect it to the ocean
19:04:31 <supermop> then it will all flood
19:07:14 <debdog> hmm, IDK, it just looks ver random
19:07:19 <debdog> *very
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19:16:48 <debdog> OTOH, after having a close look, sabotage might have happended
19:16:54 <debdog> intended or not
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20:26:19 <andythenorth> o/
20:27:02 <frosch123> lo
20:31:04 <supermop> yo andy
20:31:10 <Wolf01> o/
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20:54:01 <supermop>
20:54:10 <supermop> stone curbs/gutters
20:54:20 <andythenorth> can’t see any cats there
20:57:24 <andythenorth> supermop: you might darken the road area or the pavements? o_O
20:57:26 <andythenorth> dunno
20:57:33 <supermop> those are waiting for street furniture support in nrt
20:58:43 <andythenorth> there are some additional shades from the flour mill you could lift
20:58:46 <supermop> andythenorth: its meant to look similar to the yard tiles, so conceivably the ocassional truck or forklift could be envisiond driving off the 'road' into a stack of crates
20:59:12 <supermop> extra dinginess from tires could help though
21:00:36 <supermop> white stripes, yellow stripes, or none on chips asphalt?
21:00:49 <andythenorth> probably white
21:00:52 <andythenorth> eh also
21:00:52 <andythenorth>
21:01:00 <supermop> i've drawn both
21:01:02 <andythenorth> ^ I need a colour scheme for fruit boats
21:01:05 <supermop> layers
21:01:14 <andythenorth> it will use same gestalt as Reefer, Piece Goods ship
21:01:22 <andythenorth> not sure the olive green will fly here :)
21:01:28 <supermop> i think a wood slatted ship is getting a bit silly tho
21:01:33 <supermop> haha
21:01:47 <supermop> a few bits of olive greeble then
21:01:47 <andythenorth> although I did find these :P
21:02:06 <frosch123> banana ship
21:02:12 <supermop> nice and tropic looking
21:02:29 <andythenorth>
21:02:42 <andythenorth> needs to be consistent-ish across RH, IH, Sam
21:03:01 <andythenorth> could change the other two sets if needed, there are only 5 or 6 fruit vehicles so far
21:03:23 <supermop> 1cc hull with olive stripe
21:03:43 <supermop> vents or greeble on top of the big deck hatches in olive
21:07:12 * andythenorth wonders about olive hull
21:07:14 <andythenorth> let’s see
21:12:41 <andythenorth> probably not?
21:12:46 <andythenorth> looks more like a poo ship? o_O
21:13:29 <supermop>
21:13:49 <supermop> not real just a test
21:14:03 <andythenorth> yeah I wondered about the house
21:14:11 <andythenorth> I wonder about white hull, with solid olive slab
21:14:14 <andythenorth> like the juice tankers
21:14:35 <andythenorth>
21:14:39 <supermop> olive stripe
21:14:55 <supermop> damn thats a hot ship
21:15:03 <andythenorth>
21:16:09 <supermop> that swoosh will be your nightmare drawing in \_/|
21:16:21 <supermop> well only in ?|
21:16:25 <Eddi|zuHause> how is "damn that's a hot ship" a sentence anyone could say with a straight face?
21:16:46 <supermop> who said i had a straight face
21:17:13 <supermop> it was contoured in ecstasy at seeing such a hot ship
21:18:05 <supermop> andythenorth: chips mud tiles: 1 or two lanes of ruts in the mud
21:18:08 <supermop> ?
21:18:13 <andythenorth> might work
21:18:33 <andythenorth> fruit ship…
21:18:35 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop: must be where the vehicles actually go
21:20:58 <supermop> what about a generally torn up wide band of dirt?
21:21:21 <supermop> the mud tiles are so dark as is, not that much room to go darker
21:22:09 <supermop> if arrs is gpl i might take his dirt roads and remap to chips mud shades
21:22:45 <supermop> andythenorth: what is the deprecated sand tile in chips sources for? and do you have a non greyed out version?
21:23:26 <andythenorth> it went with the quarry, but it was meh
21:24:10 <andythenorth> supermop: somewhere in these will be an ealier rev.
21:24:55 <supermop> would it be worth reviving to see dump trucks drive on it?
21:25:15 <andythenorth> not on my account :)
21:25:22 <andythenorth> but do what you find interesting eh :)
21:26:56 <supermop> well i can add a layer in my psd for it, but no need to have it as a roadway with no matching chips station
21:27:47 <supermop> andrew350 roads not on dev zone must go look in fora for sprites
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21:34:58 <supermop> andythenorth: i ended up buying the surface book
21:35:35 <supermop> the build quality is kind of obnoxious, wrt to the box, pen, charger
21:35:43 <andythenorth> really?
21:35:49 <supermop> mini-dp adaptor
21:35:56 <andythenorth> I had the impression they were rock solid
21:36:05 <supermop> like now i feel like i have to save this super nice box forever
21:36:10 <andythenorth> I read the ifixit teardown of the surface pro
21:36:16 <andythenorth> seemed solid, everything is glued
21:36:27 <andythenorth> oh you mean the peripherals :P
21:36:38 <supermop> saving an apple box is one thing, saving a microsoft branded box feels so dorky
21:36:53 <supermop> andythenorth: I mean they are too nice
21:37:37 <supermop> the power adaptor is now one of the nicest design objects in my apartment, usurping much of my furniture
21:38:12 <supermop> but it is fated to sit on the floor, and now i will feel guilty about it getting gross and dusty down there
21:38:39 <andythenorth> ach, just kick it around a bit
21:38:43 <andythenorth> you’ll be fine after that
21:38:52 <andythenorth> things are meant to be used
21:39:51 <supermop> also i bought a 2nd pen bc i forgot it came with one, and the 2nd one has interchangeable nibs in a case made to look like a case for 2mm drafting leads
21:40:20 <supermop> so now i need to overcome my urge not to return the 2nd pen for the sake of those stupid nibs
21:40:48 <supermop> anyway all i've used it for so far is play open ttd
21:40:51 <andythenorth> winning
21:41:28 <supermop> idk how to get cs5 on there as it has no cd drive. avoiding moving to creative cloud
21:42:17 <andythenorth> USB CD drive, about $10
21:42:23 <andythenorth> return the pen :P
21:42:25 <andythenorth> get the drive
21:42:32 <andythenorth> return the drive after use, get the pen back :P
21:42:34 <supermop> drawing mud noise would be easier with that pen
21:42:38 <supermop> haha
21:43:06 <supermop> V453000: you are drawing sprites with a stylus now?
21:43:29 <supermop> i also want that damn surface dial
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21:50:59 * andythenorth ships
21:51:22 <andythenorth> aiming for 2017 Christmas present
21:51:27 <andythenorth> might not be enough time :P
21:51:35 <supermop> shipping ship beta?
21:52:21 <andythenorth> nah, a ways off
21:52:29 <andythenorth> although someone should try it with broken graphics
21:52:33 <andythenorth> for gameplay purposes
21:53:50 <supermop> i dont want to play a game until i can have RH or HEQs running about my steelworks
21:54:08 <andythenorth> well you just need to code your grf then :)
21:54:11 <supermop> mud sprites are last to do i think
21:54:33 <supermop> then depots and crossings, but going to stick to defaults there first
21:55:16 <supermop> lastly snow sprites, but that means trying to relearn station nfo to update chips
21:55:48 <supermop> also i decided that trams need snow on roof
21:56:03 <supermop> thanks to rb
21:58:17 <V453000> supermop: yeah
21:58:19 <V453000> wacom ftw
21:58:36 <andythenorth> snow trams :o
21:58:45 <supermop> sapporo
21:58:48 <andythenorth> vehicles detect ground tile? o_O
21:58:54 <andythenorth> crazy talk
21:58:59 <V453000> anus
22:00:51 <V453000> supermop: I basically just render the template for drawing and then I finalize it by adding light/darkness to it
22:00:55 <V453000> and currently the noise
22:02:28 <andythenorth> clip holds?
22:02:35 <andythenorth> or upper works?
22:02:59 <andythenorth> i.e. is it better to see more hull, or more house, for ships that don’t fit
22:03:06 <supermop> ideally tram would get snowier each day above snowline, and then meltier each day below
22:03:33 <supermop> less hull
22:03:49 <andythenorth> that’s what I thought
22:03:52 <supermop> draw a fake water line as if heavily laden
22:03:55 <andythenorth> and it’s much harder to code :)
22:04:08 <andythenorth> harder / I can’t be bothered :
22:04:13 <andythenorth> it’s trivial :P
22:04:41 <supermop> ARRS dirt is like totally different hue than chips mud
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22:19:22 * andythenorth automates almost all the things :P
22:34:24 <supermop> andythenorth:
22:34:43 <andythenorth> not bad eh?
22:34:53 <supermop> yeah might leave it
22:34:59 <andythenorth> it’s hard to get a crisp original TTD style with this stuff
22:35:06 <andythenorth> but that’s as close as you’ll get for that
22:35:39 <supermop> adjusting the hue to better match the mud might not be worth it
22:35:55 <andythenorth> I don’t think you’ll gain much
22:36:29 <supermop> i lucked out and andrew had an extra unused set of slightly darker roads in his source
22:36:39 <supermop> good enough for me
22:38:07 <supermop> i might steal chips sheds for depots
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22:42:07 <supermop> will need to hack doors a bit
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22:48:18 <andythenorth> supermop: do you want Pikka’s hacks for UKRS rails?
22:48:22 <andythenorth> I have them here
22:48:37 <supermop> rails?
22:48:45 <andythenorth> he used CHIPS and FIRS sheds
22:48:59 <supermop> i need a chips shed with big enough door to be RV depot
22:50:12 <andythenorth> supermop: DM-ed
22:50:39 * andythenorth needs sheds for Road Hog roads also
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22:53:10 <andythenorth> supermop: take GarryG’s rail depots also? o_O
22:54:07 <supermop> want to keep it chips style on the chips tiles
22:54:50 <Wolf01> Bed feature
22:54:54 <Wolf01> 'night
22:54:56 <andythenorth> Bed Feature exactly
22:54:58 * andythenorth also
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22:55:06 <andythenorth> bye
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23:25:16 <supermop> i wonder if the australian or canadian economy will recover more first
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