IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2016-12-13
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01:35:46 <Wolf01> 'night
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12:13:09 <Wolf01> Moin
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12:39:39 <__ln__> 'qapla Wolf01
12:47:20 <Wolf01> Is that IKEA?
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12:59:56 <Wolf01> & ... seem these are the only valid uses of the touch bar
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13:27:00 <Eddi|zuHause> how about pong?
13:27:21 <Wolf01> Maybe there's that too
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15:13:55 <supermop> hello
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16:20:55 <Wolf01> o/
16:20:58 <Alberth> hi hi
16:21:24 <Wolf01> I might need your help to change a translation used by noai squirrel scripts
16:23:59 <Wolf01> I'm changing the STR_ERROR_CROSSING_DISALLOWED to STR_ERROR_CROSSING_DISALLOWED_RAIL/_ROAD because I need 2 different messages
16:31:07 * Wolf01 is going to take it's daily tea :P
16:41:19 <Alberth> how do squirrel scripts use such a string?
16:41:32 <Alberth> you can test on particular strings or so?
16:57:25 <Wolf01>
16:58:18 <Wolf01> Tried the but works only for functions
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17:09:22 <Alberth> script/api/script_rail.hpp
17:09:22 <Alberth> 39: ERR_RAILTYPE_DISALLOWS_CROSSING, // [STR_ERROR_CROSSING_DISALLOWED] <-- that seems like the place to change things
17:10:27 <Alberth> I guess No* should also distinguish between rail and road, so that would be 2 entries
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17:11:04 <Alberth> and then you get a compatibility thingie somewhere, I'll try to find that
17:12:32 <Alberth> ah bin/ai has compatibility nuts, and bin/game likely too
17:15:40 <Alberth> and there is a changelog for the API, eg script/api/ai_changelog.hpp (line 238 has the previous error)
17:16:12 <Wolf01> Yes
17:30:53 <Wolf01> So how could I fix the thing?
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17:32:16 <Wolf01> Quak
17:33:12 <Wolf01> I would provide some compatibility like one tries to use ERR_RAILTYPE_DISALLOWS_CROSSING will be redirected to ERR_RAILTYPE_DISALLOWS_CROSSING_RAIL, and introduce a brand new ERR_RAILTYPE_DISALLOWS_CROSSING_ROAD
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17:39:44 <frosch123> hoi
17:40:02 <frosch123> first change the constants so that it compiles
17:40:34 <frosch123> then you can add compatibility stuff to bin/game/compat* and bin/ai/compat*
17:42:40 <Alberth> hola
17:43:56 <Wolf01> Uhm, I can do the first step, but I don't know how to do the nut part
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17:51:05 <frosch123> you add stuff like "AIRoad.STR_ERROR_OLD <- AIRoad.STR_ERROR_NEW" to all files
17:51:25 <frosch123> in the ai/compat with prefix AI, in game/compat with prefix GS
17:52:26 <frosch123> s/STR_ERROR/ERR_ROAD/
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17:57:11 <Wolf01> Uhm, is it really necessary? I'm not changing "ERR_RAILTYPE_DISALLOWS_CROSSING", I changed the STR and I'm adding a "ScriptError::RegisterErrorMap(STR_ERROR_CROSSING_DISALLOWED_ROAD, ScriptRail::ERR_ROADTYPE_DISALLOWS_CROSSING);" for roads, which is new
17:57:59 <frosch123> ah, ok, yeah, in that case just adjust the [STR_ERROR] part
17:58:09 <frosch123> the script api does not change
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18:06:59 <Wolf01> like this?
18:08:31 <frosch123> minus the ai_changelog thing
18:08:35 <frosch123> there is nothing new
18:08:44 <Wolf01> The road one
18:09:10 <frosch123> hmm, is that diff complete?
18:09:29 <Wolf01> It should be
18:11:14 <frosch123> where is the ERR_ROADTYPE_DISALLOWS_CROSSING from?
18:11:32 <frosch123> there is no change to any script* file
18:11:41 <frosch123> and it also does not match any naming shema
18:12:05 <Alberth> we don't want to differentiate between these errors at NoAi/NoGame level?
18:12:10 <Wolf01> I replaced "RAILTYPE" with "ROADTYPE"
18:12:35 <frosch123> Wolf01: did you write the .sq files by hand?
18:12:40 <frosch123> they are supposed to be generated
18:12:49 <frosch123> you changed the generated files, but not the source
18:12:57 <Wolf01> Eh, that is what I asked for... how to change them
18:13:13 <frosch123> there is script_rail.hpp and script_road.hpp
18:13:27 <frosch123> depending on whether it is an error message triggered by road or rail construction
18:13:37 <frosch123> you change those files, then you run squirrel_export
18:16:01 <Alberth> (05:09:22 PM) Alberth: script/api/script_rail.hpp
18:16:01 <Alberth> (05:09:22 PM) Alberth: 39: ERR_RAILTYPE_DISALLOWS_CROSSING, // [STR_ERROR_CROSSING_DISALLOWED] <-- that seems like the place to change things
18:18:45 <Wolf01> I've tried that before, but nothing changed after export
18:18:57 <Wolf01> Maybe I'm missing something required to run it
18:22:20 <Wolf01> Ok, I get errors on the script
18:22:21 <Wolf01> wolfolo@WOLF01:/mnt/e/progetti/OpenTTD/notroadtypes/src/script/api$ sh
18:22:22 <Wolf01> : not 2:
18:22:22 <Wolf01> : not 4:
18:22:22 <Wolf01> : not 9:
18:22:22 <Wolf01> : bad variable name 12: export: LC_ALL
18:23:40 <Alberth> not working?
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18:24:21 <Wolf01> This is the only output I get
18:24:59 <Wolf01> With ./ I get the same in italian
18:25:00 <Alberth> likely your "sh" is not compatible with the script
18:25:12 <Wolf01> Probably
18:25:27 <Alberth> what is sh exactly? may sh --version gives a clue
18:26:25 <Rubidium> try bash instead of sh
18:27:26 <Wolf01> ./ is bash
18:27:36 <Rubidium> not necessarily
18:27:59 <Wolf01> In my case it is :P
18:28:06 <Alberth> "./" is just a way to avoid path resolving
18:28:21 <Wolf01> Btw, I'm not able to provide a version, --version does not work
18:28:37 <Alberth> -v ?
18:28:43 <Wolf01> Nope
18:28:44 <Alberth> -h ?
18:28:47 <Rubidium> if --version doesn't work, it ain't bash
18:28:50 <Wolf01> Illegal option --
18:28:57 <Alberth> definitely not bash
18:29:03 <Rubidium> ls -alh /bin/sh
18:29:14 <Wolf01> Bash instead: GNU bash, versione 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
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18:38:04 <Wolf01> Meh, I need to wait for the creator update to upgrade to 16.04 D:
18:38:25 <Rubidium> so, you have ubuntu?
18:38:47 <Wolf01> Yes, 14.04
18:38:56 <Rubidium> thus a debian derivative and as such /bin/sh defaults to Dash not Bash
18:39:22 <Wolf01> One or the other, all give the same error
18:39:44 <Rubidium> bash ./ does?
18:40:05 <Wolf01> Same
18:40:53 <Rubidium> lines 2,4 and 9 are empty lines. Something is fudged up
18:41:16 <Wolf01> Creator update will add more support to ubuntu, maybe this version is missing something critical
18:42:15 <Rubidium> that script is from 2011, and existed way before. It's not that Ubuntu 14.04 is too old for it
18:42:43 <Wolf01> Maybe real Ubuntu not, mangled Ubuntu could be
18:42:44 <Rubidium> also the is weird
18:43:02 <Wolf01> I only have the ubuntu shell
18:43:29 <Wolf01> Or I must start the virtual machine, hoping it still work
18:43:54 <Rubidium> even google has no idea about
18:44:10 <Rubidium> so it's gone bonkers
18:44:30 <Wolf01> Maybe its "not found" ""
18:45:05 <Wolf01> s/its/it's
18:45:34 <Rubidium> could you tell me what hexdump -C | head -n 1 yields?
18:45:58 <Rubidium> you did not copy the error message but typed it in IRC?
18:46:06 <Wolf01> Or maybe even used a commandcode and overwrote some "" part
18:46:11 <Wolf01> I copied it
18:46:37 <Wolf01> 00000000 23 21 2f 62 69 6e 2f 62 61 73 68 0d 0a 0d 0a 23 |#!/bin/bash....#|
18:46:46 <Rubidium> Windows newlines...
18:46:55 <Rubidium> try dos2unix on
18:47:43 <Wolf01> Installing...
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18:48:17 <Wolf01> Ok, works now
18:49:48 <Wolf01> I broke badly the squirrel scripts...
18:50:41 <Wolf01>
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19:05:59 <andythenorth> frosch123 eh? o_O
19:06:44 <Wolf01> o/
19:06:48 <frosch123> does it work?
19:07:10 <andythenorth> haven’t tried yet :)
19:07:13 <andythenorth> it was late last night
19:07:26 <andythenorth> truebr*in disabled the docs because they wouldn’t build
19:07:37 * andythenorth downloading it
19:09:32 <Wolf01> He should disable even me because I'm breaking things D:
19:11:16 <frosch123> tomorrow is full moon
19:11:27 <Alberth> :)
19:11:31 <Wolf01> :P
19:14:02 <andythenorth> frosch123: mac build works :D
19:14:35 <andythenorth> we need a grf, then we can have at least eye candy road + tram
19:16:35 <frosch123> add a warning that vehicles may get stuck if we add poweredness
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19:26:23 <andythenorth> does the vehicle routing stuff look ‘big’
19:26:24 <andythenorth> ?
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19:29:23 <Wolf01> frosch123, could you finish the edit about the added translation please? It seem I'm not able to do it succesfully
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19:37:06 <frosch123> Wolf01: i think there are some construction checks missing
19:37:20 <frosch123> i only see checks when creating a level crossing the first time
19:37:26 <frosch123> but not when adding roadtypes to an existing one
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19:38:57 <Wolf01> Going to dinner, I'll look at it later
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19:44:12 <frosch123> Wolf01: pushed
19:45:44 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27694 trunk/src/lang/spanish.txt (2016-12-13 19:45:35 +0100 )
19:45:45 <DorpsGek> -Update from Eints:
19:45:46 <DorpsGek> spanish: 4 changes by SilverSurferZzZ
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20:04:05 <Wolf01> Pulling
20:13:23 <Wolf01> Pushed the missing check
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20:19:13 <frosch123> andythenorth: what is the road compatibility in the testgrf?
20:29:04 <Wolf01> The road compatibility has gone rogue :P
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20:33:09 <frosch123> we need to disable the toolbar buttons, if no road/tram type is available
20:33:16 <frosch123> currently it asserts on an empty dropdown :)
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20:38:08 <frosch123> looks like the normal road vehicle is only compatible with normal road
20:38:24 <frosch123> and blue and yellow road vehicle are only compatible with blue (not yellow)
20:38:35 <frosch123> there is no inter-type compatibility
20:38:52 <Wolf01> :o
20:39:29 <Wolf01> Yes about the button I was thinking the same
20:41:46 <frosch123> i pushed the basic compatibility checks for road vehicle driving
20:42:22 <frosch123> the pathfinder is missing though, so it will keep on sending roadvehicles down routes, where it will have to reverse eventually due to incompatible type
20:42:32 <Wolf01> Let's see in which astounding way it breaks my test savegame :P
20:43:23 <Wolf01> Uhm, my last commit failed to sync
20:43:40 <Wolf01> Let's try again
20:44:05 <Wolf01> Or maybe I just committed instead of sync
20:44:05 <andythenorth> frosch123: there is one of each type of vehicle for ROAD, BLUE, YELL
20:44:33 <frosch123> the yellow one behaves like blue
20:44:37 <andythenorth> hmm
20:44:40 <andythenorth> there is no intertype compatibility - the roadtype grf needs to do that?
20:44:53 <Wolf01> It would be good
20:45:22 <andythenorth> ok the behaviour of YELL is expected, per code
20:45:28 <andythenorth> but not what I said it was :P
20:46:02 * andythenorth will fix
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20:46:36 * frosch123 is fixing purchase list next
20:49:45 <andythenorth> frosch123: pushed
20:49:47 <andythenorth> now 4 trucks
20:50:09 <andythenorth> ROAD, BLUE, YELL, and one that is nominally [RED, BLUE, ROAD]
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20:58:12 <Wolf01> Roadstops seem to be compatible with any vehicle regardless of the type
20:58:31 <Wolf01> Mmmh, maybe not
20:59:11 <Wolf01> Just trams acting weird because they need an extra tile to turn around
21:05:50 <andythenorth> ha ha
21:05:55 <andythenorth> the blue truck won’t go on the yellow road :D
21:09:06 <glx> but yellow and blue can go on green road ?
21:09:23 <andythenorth> nope
21:09:25 <andythenorth> :)
21:11:48 <andythenorth> I might have not implemented compatible_roadtype_list
21:11:50 <frosch123> hmm, how should the autoreplace gui work?
21:11:56 <frosch123> one combobox to select from both road and tram types?
21:12:04 <frosch123> or one combobox for road/tram, and one for the subtype?
21:12:41 <andythenorth> try one
21:12:48 <andythenorth> for both
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21:14:19 <Rubidium> be happy there's no "wagon" support yet for RVs
21:15:39 <andythenorth> frosch123: any idea why I didn’t implement ‘compatible_roadtype_list’? :P
21:15:50 <andythenorth> seems an odd omission from the action0 definitions
21:16:01 <frosch123> it is called powered
21:16:24 <andythenorth> so compatible is dropped
21:16:27 <frosch123> i removed the "compatible" stuff somewhen, because it has no meaning
21:16:43 <andythenorth> I never understood it :)
21:16:49 <frosch123> compatible only exists for consists, single vehicles only have powered
21:16:57 <andythenorth> the spec is clear enough, but between powered, compatible, alternative
21:17:07 <andythenorth> and then the lists of fallbacks for vehicles in the table :P
21:17:11 <frosch123> powered means vehicle can run on the type
21:17:13 <andythenorth> ok
21:17:26 <frosch123> compatible means it some other engine has to pull it
21:17:34 <frosch123> but for roadvehicles there is only one engine
21:17:37 <andythenorth> right
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21:30:22 <frosch123> night
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21:35:22 <andythenorth> Wolf01: have you got up-to-date grfs? o_O
21:36:20 <Wolf01> Nope
21:36:36 <andythenorth> I will post them
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21:38:26 <lorran78> hello :)
21:38:31 <andythenorth> Wolf01:
21:38:39 <andythenorth> and
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22:06:53 <andythenorth> bed also
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22:58:43 <Kutagh> Okay, having a very weird issue with my openttd... It just doesn't grab any modifier keys when pressing hotkeys (like ctrl-clicking for adjacent stations etc). Tried the recent 16 RC1, JGR patchpack and Spring patchpack. Tried removing the .cfg files in the shared folder and removing the whole shared folder, no dice
22:59:19 <Kutagh> I'm assuming there must be some outside program interfering, since ages ago it did work
22:59:41 <Kutagh> but in all my other programs the modifier keys work just fine
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23:38:42 <lorran78> i am here for the second time
23:39:39 <lorran78> i managed to modify introduction date from all trains in opengfx+ trains but it seems i can't compile the nml because i need to use make program but how?
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23:53:25 <lorran78> noone?
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