IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2016-10-14
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00:06:02 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
00:55:17 *** markjones has joined #openttd
01:16:59 *** argoneus_ has joined #openttd
01:21:35 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
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02:34:20 *** Lejving has joined #openttd
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05:10:25 *** zeknurn has joined #openttd
05:17:14 *** lastmikoi has joined #openttd
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06:13:44 *** Keridos has joined #openttd
06:16:29 *** THERetroGamerNY has quit IRC
08:12:02 *** supermop_ has joined #openttd
08:30:58 *** Ethereal_Shiver has joined #openttd
08:36:15 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
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09:23:57 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
09:34:18 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
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10:35:37 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
10:51:30 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
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12:28:12 <Samu_> trying to build this
12:28:16 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd
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14:19:55 <argoneus_> good morning train friends
14:19:58 *** argoneus_ is now known as argoneus
15:30:54 <Wolf01> Meh, I have 2 lego bucket wheel excavators and I can't even find a place for one box. I'm lucky that the other one is for a friend.
15:34:26 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
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17:23:58 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
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18:01:42 <Wolf01> Mmmh, I can't understand why bridges don't work with road sub types
18:02:19 <Wolf01> I'm setting the start and end tile subtypes but heh... no trace of those values
18:11:14 <Eddi|zuHause> things get overwritten somewhere?
18:11:57 <Wolf01> I don't think so it's just another case of the TileType
18:12:07 <Wolf01> All the other code is shared
18:13:10 <Wolf01> RoadTypeIdentifiers(RoadTypeIdentifiers(other_end), rtid) <- btw this looks like shit
18:14:34 <Eddi|zuHause> what does that do?
18:15:21 <Wolf01> It does this: GetRoadTypes(other_end) | RoadTypeToRoadTypes(rt), bith with 2 structures
18:18:30 <Wolf01> For road/trams it works
18:18:49 <Wolf01> Bridges don't give a fuck.. always plain road or plain tram, no subtype
18:19:19 <Wolf01> Maybe the widget doesn't pass the right value
18:20:36 <Wolf01> Ok, it still pass only the roadtype, my bad
18:21:35 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd
18:22:17 <Wolf01> Meh, shared with rail...
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18:55:15 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd
18:55:21 <Wolf01> A(ROADTYPE_ROAD) -> A(byte stuff) { type = stuff << 8 | morestuff << 15; B(type); } -> B(uint32 type) { if(GB(15, 2) == TRANSPORT_ROAD)... } -> from ROADTYPE_ROAD to TRANSPORT_ROAD... isn't a bit confusing?
18:55:57 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
19:00:01 <Wolf01> andythenorth, I'm sorry about that, but is not possible to overbuild a roadtype, as it is not possible to overbuild a railtype, it simply adds the missing bits to connect the 2 roads
19:01:26 <Wolf01> I'm trying to "fix" bridges now, but they are weird enough
19:01:45 <andythenorth> Wolf01: I think maybe I discovered that already when patching
19:01:50 <andythenorth> have to dynamite then overbuild?
19:02:07 <Wolf01> Samu, the same behaviour as before
19:03:08 <Wolf01> Exactly the same as what happen with rails, I tried with compatible railtypes
19:03:29 <andythenorth> yeah ok, compatible types cross
19:03:34 <andythenorth> incompatible just can't
19:03:42 <andythenorth> and convert tool is needed to overbuild
19:03:45 <Wolf01> But! If the road is yours, you will be able to convert ti
19:04:01 <andythenorth> totally maes sense
19:04:23 <Samu> when i was working with water stuff, the only thing that was annoying me was rails too
19:04:43 <Wolf01> Samu, we *don't* have problems with rails
19:04:53 <Wolf01> We are talking about roads
19:05:57 <Samu> nevermind, wasn't paying much attention
19:06:25 *** JacobD88 has joined #openttd
19:06:49 <Wolf01> Also, I have a lot of occurrencies of this weird stuff RoadTypeIdentifiers(RoadTypeIdentifiers(tile), rtid), which is a replacement for "GetRoadType(tile) | rt"
19:07:23 <Wolf01> I don't know how to call a function which does that
19:08:31 <Wolf01> Mmh, to be more specific it was "GetRoadTypes(tile) | RoadTypeToRoadTypes(rt)"
19:18:30 <andythenorth> Wolf01: needs someone better than me :)
19:22:55 *** Progman has joined #openttd
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19:33:06 *** Progman_ has joined #openttd
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20:50:45 *** supermop_ has joined #openttd
21:08:33 <supermop_> we need open log flume tycoon
21:11:36 <supermop_> for some reason i hate roller coasters of any size, but love to ride log flumes
21:45:04 <Milek7_> GetTownDeliveryAmount also return delivery to industries?
22:10:15 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
22:25:28 <Wolf01> How do I create a patch with git? I got empty files O_o
22:29:54 <Wolf01> "git format-patch master" does absolutely nothing
22:31:37 <Wolf01> Mmmh, seems that there are 32532463 ways to create a stupid patch with git
22:32:19 <Wolf01> With show seem to work
22:33:11 <Wolf01> And it does the opposite of what I'm trying to do
22:33:55 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd
22:35:19 <Milek7_> git diff <branch> should work
22:36:48 <Wolf01> Ok, seem good this time
22:38:40 <Alberth> git show <commit> would display all info about commit
22:39:14 <Wolf01> Nex time I directly ask here
22:39:36 <Alberth> format-patch is for emailing patches afaik (never used it)
22:40:39 <Alberth> there are a lot of subtleties in commit range naming, I don't know them very well
22:41:16 <Wolf01> And I'm using git only because the project uses git submodules which won't work with a svn checkout
22:41:52 <Alberth> wasn't it svn externals?
22:42:01 <Alberth> never used those either
22:42:21 <Wolf01> They should be mapped to the svn externals, but github seem to be too stupid to do that
22:42:53 <Alberth> github doesn't do much, it just add git-svn modules
22:43:12 <Alberth> you can do the same at home, mostly :)
22:43:35 <Alberth> good luck with your git-foo, nn
22:52:23 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd
22:57:39 <Wolf01> Nice that diff left out added files and renamed files
23:09:02 <Samu> if the limit was not 5000 vehicles, i wonder how many vehicles would the AIs do
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23:23:16 <Milek7_> Samu: 5000 doesn't sound like sensible number
23:23:31 <Milek7_> probably arbitrary number that you can change without problems
23:23:57 <Milek7_> in src/table/settings.ini, i guess
23:24:49 <Wolf01> You can change it in game settings
23:26:09 <Wolf01> Yes, table/settings.ini
23:26:27 <Milek7_> it looks like GSCargoMonitor::GetTownDeliveryAmount includes cargos deliveried to industries
23:26:48 <Milek7_> but GSCargoMonitor::GetTownPickupAmount not includes cargo picked up from industries
23:27:03 <Wolf01> I remembered the other way, but settings.ini is the "master"
23:50:55 <LordAro> Wolf01: `git diff --staged` is likely what you want if you've already `git add`ed the files
23:51:39 <Wolf01> I had to install tortoise git
23:52:01 <Wolf01> And manually add/remove files from changelist
23:52:11 <Wolf01> And make the patch from there
23:52:40 <Eddi|zuHause> that's one of the weirdness things from git "git add" actually COMMITS the files, and "git commit" only gives a name to that commit
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