IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2016-08-26
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00:01:58 <supermop_> i feel like buying this file:
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00:07:20 <Samu> i'm bored :(
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00:11:06 <Samu> GetTrackBits is returning rail tracks, right?
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00:11:32 <Samu> what about the water equivalent? :(
00:13:00 <Samu> bah asserts...
00:17:53 <Samu> GetTileTrackStatus_Water
00:18:05 <Samu> this function hmm uhmmm :(
00:18:54 <Samu> im so confused :(
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00:38:06 <Samu> tb = TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile + (axis == AXIS_X ? TileDiffXY(0, -1) : TileDiffXY(-1, 0)), TRANSPORT_WATER, 0));
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00:40:07 <NGC3982>
00:40:13 <NGC3982> This game is actually quite nice.
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00:43:15 <Eddi|zuHause> seems you don't quite have enough money :p
00:44:13 <Samu> erm, too many conversions taking place
00:45:49 <Samu> trackstatus to trackbits to trackdirbits, so confusing, when in the end it works with trackbits which is what i want
00:46:34 <Samu> whatever, I got the trackbits equal to TRACK_BIT_ALL
00:49:06 <Samu> now how do I check if the trackbits that I found have at least one of these tracks in it: TRACK_BIT_LOWER, TRACK_BIT_RIGHT, TRACK_BIT_Y
00:49:33 <Samu> I know TRACK_BIT_ALL have all three, but how exactly to i make the comparison
00:51:32 <Samu> if (TRACK_BIT_ALL & TRACK_BIT_RIGHT != 0)? what operators am i supposed to use grrr
00:51:47 <Wolf01> 'night
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02:23:38 <Samu> yes! I did it!
02:23:58 <Samu> code is a bit repeating, but meh, it gets the job done
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02:25:59 <Samu> i'm just a bit sad I can't specify a vehicle type, maybe I can, needs to investigate better
02:26:51 <Samu> CommandCost EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(TileIndex tile)
02:27:47 <Samu> i'd like to specify vehicle of type Ship
02:27:54 <Samu> any hint?
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02:41:10 <Samu> EnsureNoShipOnWater; just invented, a fork of EnsureNoVehicleOnGround
02:41:19 <Samu> let's see if it works
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02:51:52 <Samu> looks like i don't actually need to create such function, :)
02:51:55 <Samu> removed it
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12:14:02 <Samu> hi
12:14:07 <Samu> @logs
12:14:07 <DorpsGek> Samu:
12:14:46 <Samu> oh, new website for logs, nice~
12:18:04 <argoneus> good morning train friends
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12:22:07 <Nitrodev> hi all
12:32:46 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd
12:32:54 <Wolf01> o/
12:37:15 <Nitrodev> o/
12:42:44 <Nitrodev> how you doing?
12:43:30 <Wolf01> Bad, packing up lego for tomorrow
12:44:43 <Nitrodev> oh?
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12:51:02 <Samu> grr, how do I extract the axis of a lock that is to be placed?
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12:54:22 <Samu> static inline Axis DiagDirToAxis(DiagDirection d)
12:54:28 <Nitrodev> eh?
12:54:30 <Samu> nice, i think this will do
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13:23:14 <Wolf01> I really can't understand how to replicate the grf info for a new roadtype, for railtype it looks like it reads only the label and some lengths and then skips all the other informations
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13:30:11 <andythenorth> Wolf01 AIUI, the properties will be read from the grf when needed
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13:30:32 <Wolf01> Yeah, but I have to try without a grf now
13:30:43 <andythenorth> callbacks definitely are read from the grf
13:31:06 <andythenorth> Ok, you're trying to create a stub/mock for testing?
13:31:13 <Wolf01> Yes
13:31:16 <andythenorth> Hmm
13:31:35 * andythenorth reads newgrf spec, brb
13:32:01 <Samu>
13:33:03 <andythenorth> Hmm, i
13:33:16 <andythenorth> Need to read ottd src on tablet
13:33:18 <andythenorth> Brb
13:33:19 <Samu> i always get confused with tilediff
13:33:21 <andythenorth> :p
13:37:32 <andythenorth> readin src through the web is blah :p
13:37:52 <andythenorth> RailTypeInfo, where is that class defined?
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13:38:45 <Wolf01> rail.h
13:39:37 <andythenorth> Yair
13:39:45 <Wolf01> I could put in the array _roadtypes[] another roadtype, but I need to know *when* to do it
13:40:04 <Wolf01> For rails is when it reads the newgrf
13:40:34 <andythenorth> Ach ok
13:40:45 <Samu> done it for the lock
13:40:51 <Samu> now the hardest part... the dock
13:41:11 <Samu> dock is a station, a boring mess of a code station_cmd.cpp
13:42:21 <andythenorth> Wolf01 I have nothing :|
13:44:09 <Samu> who's a code expert? - any idea to avoid repetition?
13:44:26 <Samu> the part with ret = if red failed stuff
13:44:34 <Samu> ret*
13:45:24 <Wolf01> Put it in a function, return ret and call it 2 times?
13:46:29 <Wolf01> There you just change it to "ret = MyCheckFunction(); if (ret.Failed()) return ret;"
13:47:14 <Samu> oh i see
13:49:25 <Wolf01> It could be CommandCost EnsureNoVehicleOnAxis(TrackBits tb, Tile t, Axis axis) { ... }
13:50:21 <Wolf01> And you can even use a loop to cycle the TileIndex "tc"
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13:52:24 <APTX> there is std::all_of for that kind of thing
13:54:01 <Wolf01> Nice, now I removed the ROAD roadtype...
13:54:25 <Wolf01> Just the opposite of what I want to do
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14:15:16 <Wolf01> I just noticed the problem is on line 1138
14:15:20 <Wolf01> :*
14:16:15 <Wolf01> I might have forgot to add the roadtype definition to vehicles
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14:37:04 <Wolf01> How does the newgrf identifies a road vehicle as a tram?
14:37:40 <Wolf01> Callback?
14:38:06 <Wolf01> Misc flags?
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14:43:10 <Wolf01> what am I missing?
14:44:21 <Wolf01> roadtype is always "m_val = 0"
14:46:11 <Wolf01> Which might be even right, but the GetRoadTypeInfo(e->u.road.roadtype) doesn't find it
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14:48:16 <Wolf01> Mmmh, seem there's a problem with roadtype definition
14:55:27 <Wolf01> The roadtypes table looks fine
14:56:45 <Samu> DARN reversed directions
14:57:05 <Samu> it would make no sense to re-reverse it again
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15:03:13 <Wolf01> Oh, got it, needed to reset and init the roadtypes, for railtypes it was done by the newgrfs
15:07:23 <Samu>
15:07:33 <Samu> manual reversed the direction
15:07:38 <Samu> so I don't re-reverse it
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15:15:37 <Samu> if (((direction == DIAGDIR_SW && (tb & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_NE) != 0) || (direction == DIAGDIR_NW && (tb & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_SE) != 0) || (direction == DIAGDIR_SE && (tb & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_NW) != 0) || (direction == DIAGDIR_NE && (tb & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_SW) != 0) && !IsShipDepotTile(tile_cur) && IsTileType(tile_cur, MP_WATER) && !IsLock(tile_cur))) {
15:15:44 <Samu> readability... RIP
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15:19:50 <Samu> sorry to bother you again Wolf01 , docks change the rules a bit...
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15:20:07 <Samu> CommandCost EnsureNoVehicleOnAxis(TrackBits tb, Tile t, Axis axis) { ... } would be a nice function otherwise
15:20:58 <Wolf01> Nobody stops you to do the function AND the station_cmd piece of code indipendently
15:22:58 <Samu> axis to direction... direction to axis, let me see if there's a function that does the conversion
15:23:53 <Samu> derp... DiagDirToAxis, i used it for the lock part,
15:24:24 <Samu> so instead of Axis, maybe EnsureNoVehicleOnDiagDir
15:24:54 <APTX> Samu: what are you trying to fix with that change?
15:27:08 <Samu> prevent lock, dock, ship depot placement if there are ships on those tracks (to avoid possible ship lockup
15:27:20 <Samu> AIs are prone to it
15:27:21 <Wolf01> A grf expert plz
15:29:02 <Wolf01> If I want to introduce a new Rail Type, I must define it as "RAIL" label and then "NEWR" as alternate label or what?
15:39:36 <Eddi|zuHause> Wolf01: if you define it as RAIL label, it will overwrite the original railtype
15:39:47 <Samu> i can't really convert Axis to DiagDir apparently, must investigate
15:39:50 <Wolf01> Ok
15:39:52 <Samu> only the other way
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15:41:27 <Samu> oh, i can...
15:41:38 <Samu> AxisToDiagDir(Axis a) * @return The direction pointed to south
15:41:51 <Samu> must take that into consideration
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15:44:22 <Wolf01> So I need to 1. reset the roadtypes, 2. add the new roadtype to the _roadtypes[], 3. Init the roadtypes and 4. Allocate the roadtype
15:45:55 <Wolf01> And I still need how to recognize tram from grf
15:46:08 <Wolf01> Because I have only road now
15:47:53 <Eddi|zuHause> why do you need to allocate anything? the array should be fixed size
15:47:56 <andythenorth> Fake the tram bit?
15:48:34 <Wolf01> Eddi|zuHause, that's what I can't understand on how it works
15:48:44 <Wolf01> How do rails allow 12 types?
15:48:52 * andythenorth assumes tram is just a single bit flag, as for vehicles
15:49:15 <Eddi|zuHause> you know how many bits you have in the map array to represent railtypes, the railtype array must have exactly that number of entries
15:49:36 <Wolf01> Ok
15:49:51 <Eddi|zuHause> so if you have 4 bits, you need 16 entries
15:50:21 <Wolf01> I have ROAD and TRAM, and 16 subtypes for each one (4+4 bits)
15:50:40 <Wolf01> But the subtypes are variations of ROAD or TRAM
15:51:27 <Eddi|zuHause> the idea was to separate road and tram, so you need an array for each of them
15:51:46 <Samu> there is a EnsureNoTrainOnTrackBits(TileIndex tile, TrackBits track_bits);
15:52:07 <Samu> EnsureNoShipOnDiagDir(TileIndex tile, Direction diag_dir); hmm... the naming seems off
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15:53:07 <Wolf01> Ok, so I could make 2 arrays
15:53:13 <Wolf01> Not a problem
15:53:40 <Wolf01> But I still can't get the idea to make it work
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15:57:22 <Eddi|zuHause> so here's what i think the railtype code does (i have never actually looked at it): 1) create the table, 2) fill it with the original railtypes, and some "invalid" initialization for the unused one, 3) go through the newgrfs, whether they define any railytpes. if found, overwrite the entry in the table.
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15:57:44 <andythenorth> I think alberth proposed an array with offsets per tram / road
15:57:56 <andythenorth> But I need to see if I kept notes
15:59:57 <andythenorth> Hmm, kind of had notes
16:00:13 <Wolf01> Ok, that's the same I'm doing, table, orig roadtypes (road and tram, the tram should be marked as invalid until a proper grf is loaded), initialization, figuring out how to add a new entry to the railtypes
16:00:14 <andythenorth> But the link to Alberth's paste expired
16:02:24 <Eddi|zuHause> Wolf01: no, the tram should be valid, it has a label, and graphics to display. it's just hidden by other code if there are no vehicles for it
16:02:50 <Wolf01> Right
16:03:39 <Eddi|zuHause> so you have two different values here. invalid/valid and hidden/available
16:04:20 <andythenorth> Meh, google doesn't find much in irc logs, and logs' own search is broken :(
16:04:35 <andythenorth> This was somewhat discussed by frosch and alberth
16:05:17 <Eddi|zuHause> for railtypes, there are three ways to define availability: 1) if a vehicle is for this type, it's available, 2) it can define another type as reference, and copy that one's availability, or 3) it can be available after a certain date
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16:14:13 <Samu> oh, DiagDirection...
16:15:08 <Samu> CommandCost EnsureNoShipOnDiagDir(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection diag_dir)
16:16:19 <Samu> how do I rotate a DiagDir 90 degrees, or actually minus 90 degrees
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16:27:15 <Wolf01> Ok, so I only have the used_roadtypes |= GetRoadTypeInfo(e->u.road.roadtype)->introduces_roadtypes; which now hides the TRAM because all vehicles are default to ROAD
16:27:33 <Wolf01> If I remove the check in the other loop, the tram is shown
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16:48:18 <Alberth> hi hi
16:48:58 <Wolf01> o/
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17:34:17 <Alberth> hola
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17:43:08 <frosch123> hoi
17:43:19 <Wolf01> quak
17:43:25 <Wolf01> FOR_ALL_ENGINES_OF_TYPE(e, VEH_ROAD) {
17:43:25 <Wolf01> if (!HasBit(e->info.climates, _settings_game.game_creation.landscape)) continue;
17:43:25 <Wolf01> used_roadtypes |= GetRoadTypeInfo(HasBit(e->info.misc_flags, EF_ROAD_TRAM) ? ROADTYPE_TRAM : ROADTYPE_ROAD)->introduces_roadtypes;
17:43:33 <Wolf01> Wtf I'm doing wrong?
17:43:50 <Wolf01> I have both a tram and a bus running in the map
17:44:10 <Wolf01> FOR_ALL_ENGINE_OF_TYPE -> 1 vehicle
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17:49:04 <Rubidium> you pass vehicle type instead of engine type?
17:49:36 <Wolf01> It's the same loop used to build the dropdown list in toolbar_gui
17:49:55 <Rubidium> oh, then ignore my comment ;)
17:54:59 <keoz> Out of curiosity, what are you coding ?
17:55:06 <Wolf01> RoadTypes
17:55:15 <Alberth> NotRoadTypes
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18:01:28 <Samu> Wolf01:
18:01:53 <Samu> how to improve it further
18:01:58 <Samu> i forgot
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18:03:16 <Wolf01> It's ok
18:04:13 <Samu> the function name and explanation are a bit unclear
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18:05:14 <Samu> those 3way tracks
18:05:21 <Samu> must have no ship
18:07:17 <Samu> EnsureNoShipOn3WayTrackBits ? lol
18:08:32 <Wolf01> Isn't track bits for trains only?
18:08:54 <Samu> nop
18:09:13 <Wolf01> Water has tracks too?
18:09:15 <Samu> they're water bits
18:09:22 <Samu> yes
18:10:31 <Samu> TrackBits tb = TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_WATER, 0));
18:11:20 <Samu> then it goes deep into that function chain and finds static TrackStatus GetTileTrackStatus_Water(TileIndex tile, TransportType mode, uint sub_mode, DiagDirection side)
18:12:32 <Samu> it converts and re-converts and it's kinda messed, a bit sub-optimal but it gets the job done
18:12:51 <Wolf01> All this for?
18:13:03 <Samu> avoid ships getting blocked
18:13:43 <Wolf01> Why not doing a tile loop around the dock and just chesk if a water tile has a ship on?
18:13:50 <Wolf01> *check
18:14:08 <Wolf01> All this track bits on water is confusing
18:14:49 <Samu> because not all tiles need to check for a ship, and not all water tracks need to be checked for a ship presence
18:15:35 <Samu> a paralel ship depot being placed to a ship doesn't need to error out that there's a ship there
18:16:19 <Samu> let me find that screenshot of yesterday
18:16:31 <Alberth> @logs
18:16:31 <DorpsGek> Alberth:
18:17:02 <Samu> ah, here, thx
18:17:54 <Samu> those are the places a ship cannot be
18:17:59 <Samu> those tracks
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18:20:34 <Samu> it will help AIs mostly, not really important for human players, but I was still concerned about the amount of times it would trigger the error
18:21:07 <Samu> trackbits was a way I found to minimize the number of errors
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18:23:34 <Samu> i'm also wondering if I can do this for the oil rig as well
18:23:45 <Samu> but oil rig is a bit more complex structure
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18:25:15 <Samu> i got nonocab saves that show the problem
18:29:45 <Samu> got it
18:29:46 <Samu>
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18:31:49 <Samu> hmm may need further checks for the dock?
18:31:59 <Samu> i got to investigate this further t.t
18:33:31 <Samu> yeh... it needs more checks... t.t
18:33:43 <Samu> back to fixing it t.t
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18:39:09 <Wolf01> I give up until monday
18:40:39 <Alberth> fresh look often helps
18:46:08 <Samu>
18:46:12 <Samu> moar checks incoming t.t
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19:03:14 <Eddi|zuHause> "Track Bit" is just a way of describing which entrance to a tile is connected to which exit
19:03:50 <Eddi|zuHause> on water, all (valid) exits are also connected, so lots of track bits
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19:12:35 <andythenorth> Samu are 90 degree turns disabled for ships in your test game?
19:13:17 <Samu> nop
19:13:24 <Samu> they can make 90 degrees
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19:16:30 <Samu> - better checkings for docks, i believe
19:17:01 <Samu> now i need to test those rotations, tile differences and crap are not wrong
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19:23:49 <Eddi|zuHause> why have we not removed the 90° setting for ships yet? it's totally pointless
19:24:02 <Eddi|zuHause> it's not even based on "realism"
19:24:40 <Wolf01> At least ships don't make 180° turns
19:26:21 <Eddi|zuHause> they do, when they run into a dead end
19:26:26 <Samu> they reverse direction
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19:27:21 <Wolf01> Pfff movement direction and graphics orientation should not read from the same variable :(
19:28:20 <Eddi|zuHause> most ships are not designed to run backwards :p
19:28:45 <Wolf01> And then let them stuck forever
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19:32:01 <Samu> dauym, a parenthesis bug, fixing, brb
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19:53:33 <Samu> alright, ship depot placement just tested, it is doing the correct checks
19:53:46 <Samu> testing lock now
20:15:15 <SpComb> frosch123: did you manage to load in the old irclogs?
20:16:00 <Samu> i just thought of a better name for the function
20:16:16 <Samu> EnsureNoVehicleFromDiagDir
20:17:04 <Samu> what you thnk?
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20:31:26 <frosch123> yes
20:31:33 <frosch123> i even converted the timezones
20:31:36 <SpComb> frosch123: I added a deprecation notice to
20:31:51 <frosch123> @logs
20:31:51 <DorpsGek> frosch123:
20:32:28 <frosch123> well, except for 2a and 2b o'clock :)
20:32:30 <Samu> strange finding
20:32:43 <frosch123> they are both mapped to 2a, that can only be sorted manually, if someone really cares :p
20:32:48 <Samu> some half-slope tiles have water, some don't
20:32:53 <frosch123> but the rest did python for me :)
20:35:25 <SpComb> good
20:35:45 <SpComb> you should have used the irclogs LogParser code, it has full timezone support etc :P
20:36:10 <frosch123> i speak regex fluently :)
20:36:44 <SpComb>
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20:38:07 <Samu> funny
20:38:18 <Samu> if there are trees, the tiletype no longer has waterclass
20:38:37 <Samu> if there are no trees, it's a coast and now the tile has waterclass
20:39:02 <Samu> trees are evil
20:39:57 <Samu> regardless, it doesn't ruin my function
20:43:35 <Samu> lock tested, it's doing the correct checks
20:43:42 <Samu> next is dock, but now dinner time
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21:23:22 <Samu> ship depot is correct!
21:24:10 <Samu> i could perhaps improve ship depot a bit further
21:24:22 <Samu> crap, I mean ship dock
21:24:55 <Samu> when trying to place a ship dock, it wants a flat tile with water
21:25:13 <Samu> doesn't care about half-slope tiles
21:25:18 <Samu> gonna try improve this
21:25:20 <Samu> brb
21:35:11 <Samu> if (!IsTileType(tile_cur, MP_WATER) || !IsTileFlat(tile_cur) && !IsSlopeWithOneCornerRaised(GetTileSlope(tile_cur))) {
21:35:37 <Samu> better imo
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21:37:25 <Samu> * Ensure there is no ship coming from or going to the given diagonal direction.
21:37:32 <Samu> good english?
21:37:40 <Wolf01> Some parenthesis? "a || b && c" or "a || (b && C)"?
21:38:00 <Eddi|zuHause> i'd put them
21:38:36 <Samu> EnsureNoShipFromDiagDir is a more fitting name
21:38:44 <Eddi|zuHause> they might be redundant, but it's not immediately obvious like with + and *
21:38:56 <Wolf01> ^
21:39:02 <frosch123> every decent compiler will yell at you if you do a || b && c
21:39:25 <frosch123> oh, i remember something horrible...
21:40:10 <Samu> ah, you talking to me?
21:40:13 <Samu> ok let me fix
21:40:34 <frosch123> some infamous guy figured out a trick to detect "if (a = b)" at compile time
21:40:47 <frosch123> so that assignement inside if does not compile
21:41:32 <frosch123> the trick was to define a macro "#define if(a) if (true && a)"
21:41:44 <frosch123> since "true && a = b" does not compile
21:42:14 <Wolf01> I'm amazed
21:42:17 <frosch123> until eventually a new compiler came around that printed warning to put parentheses around &&
21:42:36 <frosch123> but noone could see the && in "if (a || b)" :)
21:43:09 <Samu> if (!IsTileType(tile_cur, MP_WATER) || (!IsTileFlat(tile_cur) && !IsSlopeWithOneCornerRaised(GetTileSlope(tile_cur)))) {
21:43:53 <frosch123> the macro was long forgotten in some weird header file, which noone remembered, so everyone was puzzled about the weird warnings :p
21:47:03 <Samu> just finished coding
21:47:04 <Samu>
21:47:08 <Samu> what do u think?
21:53:36 <Samu> the first change at line 10 should make it easier to place docks on tight passages now
21:54:26 <Samu> now, onto my next task, about towns and the way they build
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21:54:43 <Samu> where in the code does a town build a house? must find
21:55:41 <Samu> i want to negate building on some certain tile with a given slope configuration (to prevent closing narrow water passages)
21:55:59 <Samu> do not want ships to be blocked
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22:02:21 <Samu> AIAI bankrupted with Easy profile, that was strange
22:02:37 <Samu> he usually crashes
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22:13:03 <Eddi|zuHause> need a compiler that also shows the macro expansion for that line
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22:15:59 <Samu> bah windows updated ruined my testing servers
22:16:03 <Samu> updates*
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22:48:47 <Samu> strange, my system crashed twice
22:49:02 <Samu> i'm wondering why
22:51:30 <Milek7_> Eddi|zuHause: gcc -E
22:51:59 <Eddi|zuHause> Milek7_: yes, but if it doesn't show it on error message directly, you're unlikely to try that
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23:22:47 <Samu> started all servers again, let's see if it happens again
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23:26:30 <_dp_> hm, just got another random idea for fair payments...
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23:27:20 <_dp_> calculate distance as 3 * min(dx, dy) + 2 * |dx-dy| (train time)
23:27:38 <_dp_> but increase all rv speed for 50% xD
23:27:58 <Eddi|zuHause> uhm, how is that "fair"?
23:29:05 <_dp_> ok, nvm, it's not))
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23:37:47 <Samu> where in the code do I deny where town houses can be built at?
23:41:21 <_dp_> hm, you know what... don't increase rv speed, just using that distance will make it fair for all vehicle types except rv and won't change anything in train/rv balance anyway
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23:49:34 <_dp_> apparently it's now even a new idea...
23:51:08 <Eddi|zuHause> you know how rare it is for an idea to be actually "new"?
23:55:27 <_dp_> that patch is wierd, it seems it tries to use sqrt(2) which is useless here as vehicles don't travel on diagonals with euclidean speed.
23:55:45 <Eddi|zuHause> the above propsed formula is indeed closer to the way vehicles travel as "shortest" distance, but it has two flaws... 1) 3/2 is a rather poor approximation of sqrt(2), and 2) the way vehicles travel on diagonals (speed vs. length) is not "balanced"
23:57:06 <Eddi|zuHause> well, euclidean distance is the diagonal of a rectangle, the way vehicles travel is a straight bit, and a diagonal of a square
23:57:43 <Eddi|zuHause> with some adjustments to rounding so you can do integer maths gets you to something like your formula
23:58:53 <_dp_> yeah, but it travels of 150% speed (using manhattan distance), not 141% or whatever it is for euclidean
23:59:20 <Eddi|zuHause> you sure? movement on diagonals is totally wonky