IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2013-07-12
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00:54:17 *** Djohaal has joined #openttd
01:16:34 *** Kurimus has joined #openttd
02:50:30 *** kais58__1 has joined #openttd
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04:56:16 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
05:01:18 *** kais58|AFK has joined #openttd
06:13:17 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
06:18:58 <SamanthaD> Is there a good way to ensure that a town gets food and water in Cargodist?
06:19:29 <SamanthaD> I know in trunk you can transfer to a nearby station and then use a bus that goes back and fourth incessantly to make sure food and water are delivered every month
06:27:32 <abchirk_> what do u mean with Cargodist?
06:27:45 <abchirk_> You can also use small trains from your transfer station or as u said buses
06:28:20 <abchirk_> But transfer is good so you can ensure constant delivery as much u need
06:33:11 <planetmaker> SamanthaD, cargodist only distributes cargo among available destinations
06:33:30 <planetmaker> thus tailor your network such that it can be delivered to where it's needed
06:34:02 <planetmaker> and cargodist and trunk... that's the same thing ;-)
06:41:17 <SamanthaD> wait... cargodist got merged into trunk?! O.O
06:41:49 <SamanthaD> I figured out my problem
06:42:13 <SamanthaD> I need to set the line that feeds the "counting" bus to "transfer" so that it won't just unload into the water tower
06:52:29 *** kais58|AFK has joined #openttd
06:53:51 <planetmaker> you don't need unload orders at all
06:54:00 <planetmaker> I don't even know why they're there
07:01:36 <Xaroth|Work> got another FS# for you, pm :P
07:02:13 <planetmaker> yes. I saw that. I nearly committed it
07:02:29 <planetmaker> But then thought that the constant definitely should keep the comment which you removed ;-)
07:02:53 <planetmaker> And then I thought one could define the constant right away so that it is ensured in the first place
07:02:57 <planetmaker> and then I had to go to work
07:04:08 <SamanthaD> planetmaker: I found "transfer" forces the cargo to not go to the industry/city and instead linger in the station
07:04:23 <planetmaker> that's the purpose, you know
07:04:51 <planetmaker> and cargo will unload, if accepted
07:04:55 <planetmaker> nothing fancy required
07:05:13 <planetmaker> no special load or unload orders
07:05:28 <SamanthaD> planetmaker: Yes, but for what I'm doing I don't want it to get used up in B. I want to transfer it to C by a truck that's scheduled to run once a month ;)
07:05:32 <planetmaker> and with cargodist the 'transfer' order is pointless, too
07:06:48 <SamanthaD> oh... I get it... cargodist will make sure that there's enough to transfer
07:06:56 <SamanthaD> >.< (me facepalming)
07:07:40 <SamanthaD> as you can probably tell, I'm not used to the patch
07:10:39 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
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08:21:09 <Xaroth|Work> you can usually sum it up in one line though
08:21:24 <planetmaker> be fair and resepectful?
08:21:49 <planetmaker> yeah. But that text explains what "dick" means ;-)
08:21:55 <Xaroth|Work> that's irrelevant
08:21:58 <planetmaker> dicks usually don't know that :-P
08:22:14 <Xaroth|Work> dicks don't get to argue about the definition of dicks either ;)
08:22:27 <Xaroth|Work> if a mod tells you you're being a dick, you're being a dick
08:24:15 <planetmaker> then it's too late already
08:24:39 <Xaroth|Work> but they wouldn't be stopped by a wall of 'how to behave' text anyhow
08:25:26 <Xaroth|Work> I'd be amazed if >50% of forum visitors actually read a 'how to behave' post
08:28:11 <planetmaker> anyway I'm only searching for terrain textures :-P
08:29:07 <planetmaker> no point in not "stealing" from other open source games who do that well
08:29:18 <__ln__> the freenode channel guidelines can be summarized as "don't say anything that could cause any emotions in anyone", and i don't think that's a good way either.
08:29:33 <Xaroth|Work> and too restrictive
08:29:49 <planetmaker> like "don't make me happy?" Sad then
08:35:46 <juzza1> some people tend to take every single criticism as a personal attack
08:43:30 *** kais58|AFK is now known as kais58__1
08:49:33 <Xaroth|Work> planetmaker: added you to AUTHORS as contributor, so you know.
08:49:47 <planetmaker> but... I didn't do anything?
08:49:55 <Xaroth|Work> you helped test the setup script?
08:50:14 <planetmaker> as a plain, dumb user :-P
08:50:31 <Xaroth|Work> every developer needs a plain, dumb user to test things properly :)
08:50:34 <planetmaker> I don't mind, but I don't feel that I really contributed to warrant that :-)
08:52:15 <Xaroth|Work> peter1139: do you have a working patch for head-2-head? :P
08:52:28 <planetmaker> why him? It's yexo's patch
08:52:38 <Xaroth|Work> well, he has patches for everything
08:55:27 <Xaroth|Work> would be cool to have that patch alive again
08:56:05 <dihedral> i have a patch for head2desk
08:56:45 <planetmaker> I prefer a cushion for that
08:57:08 <Xaroth|Work> hm, h2h is updated to r24502
08:57:16 <Xaroth|Work> Yexo has been busy since that last post on the forum :p
08:57:38 <planetmaker> we played it like a year a go or so
09:12:13 *** ntoskrnl has joined #openttd
09:59:21 *** TrueBrain has joined #openttd
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10:33:48 <Eddi|zuHause> it's really great that the ancient romans had words for "the internet service is available" :p
10:38:32 <juzza1> they really thought of everything
10:48:08 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
10:54:16 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
12:26:05 *** Midnightmyth has joined #openttd
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15:15:30 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
15:21:28 <peter1139> dihedral, remember my vpn question
15:41:53 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
15:45:42 <NCG3982> Didn't there used to be a Russian trainset in the online content?
16:07:15 <NCG3982> Under what name? I can't seem to find it. :)
16:09:52 <planetmaker> if it's not available, the authors restricted the version(s) it is available for
16:11:20 <planetmaker> but actually it's available just fine for me as xUSSR Railway Set
16:22:38 <Eddi|zuHause> "Un train Corail a déraillé cet après-midi en gare de Brétigny-sur-Orge, dans l'Essonne. L'accident a fait de nombreuses victimes."
16:23:13 <Eddi|zuHause> doesn't sound good at all
16:23:25 <planetmaker> accidents rarely do
16:25:18 <Eddi|zuHause> something about train arrived at high speed, separated, and one part went over the platform
16:25:24 <Eddi|zuHause> but my french is a bit rusty
16:36:49 *** Progman has joined #openttd
16:47:26 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
16:53:45 *** kais58|A1K has joined #openttd
16:54:30 *** LordAro has joined #openttd
16:58:41 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
16:58:58 <andythenorth> planetmaker: going to put the kids to bed, should be back online by 8pm
17:00:06 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
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17:11:23 <DorpsGek> Commit by planetmaker :: r25589 /trunk/src/network (core/config.h network_admin.cpp) (2013-07-12 17:11:16 UTC)
17:11:24 <DorpsGek> -Fix [FS#5646]: Ensure that sent and received length of json strings are the same (based on patch by Xaroth)
17:11:40 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
17:11:40 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth
17:12:49 <planetmaker> frosch123, Alberth andy just announced his presence for 8pm UK time ;-)
17:15:19 <DorpsGek> Commit by planetmaker :: r25590 trunk/src/network/core/config.h (2013-07-12 17:15:13 UTC)
17:15:20 <DorpsGek> -Codechange: Align doxygen comments again
17:20:27 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
17:22:54 *** Chruker has joined #openttd
17:45:14 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r25591 trunk/src/lang/japanese.txt (2013-07-12 17:45:08 UTC)
17:45:15 <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:16 <DorpsGek> japanese - 73 changes by guppy
17:49:01 <planetmaker> so... which trainset do we play with tonight?
17:54:29 <planetmaker> doesn't work well with FIRS
17:55:24 <frosch123> ogfx+trains or nuts imho
17:56:42 <frosch123> does nuts already support coffee graphics?
17:57:03 <planetmaker> may I also add nightly opengfx+landscape?
17:57:16 <frosch123> if you turn on the grid :p
17:57:51 <planetmaker> might be interesting test nontheless
18:01:54 <planetmaker> but you don't like gridless landscape?
18:06:29 <Xaroth|Work> what are you guys going to test anyhow?
18:08:00 <planetmaker> Xaroth, the ominous game 'OpenTTD' :-P
18:08:27 <planetmaker> NoCarGoal, 7 years, 25k transported?
18:08:52 <planetmaker> 256x512 tropical map, NUTS, FIRS nightly
18:09:44 <frosch123> planetmaker: yes, gridless landscape is damn ugly
18:10:00 <planetmaker> Xaroth, nothing special really... setup we like. And a new untested FIRS economy
18:10:01 <frosch123> i loved your grid transparency patch, because it enforced that i could always enable the grid :)
18:10:18 <planetmaker> I still like it... the issue was with some tiles...
18:10:29 <planetmaker> I should probably update it
18:10:31 <frosch123> basically gridless landscape is completely repetitive, while the grid obfuscates the repetiveness
18:10:32 <planetmaker> and work more on it
18:10:57 <planetmaker> that's another thing I want to change :-P
18:11:09 <planetmaker> but that's entirely different thing :-)
18:12:52 <planetmaker> hm, cargodist or not? Let's try with...?
18:19:07 <frosch123> so, should ottd link the excel api to export interesting commercial data into a proper spreadsheet?
18:26:43 <peter1139> i have a patch for that
18:28:24 <Rubidium> frosch123: no, it should link libreoffice
18:28:39 <Rubidium> all few hundred MiB of it
18:28:58 <frosch123> Rubidium: include libreoffice into the ottd package? or make ottd a libreoffice plugin?
18:29:53 <frosch123> we should totally turn ottd into a spreadsheet game
18:30:24 <Rubidium> frosch123: into the ottd package
18:30:25 <frosch123> every employee will be happy if the spreadsheet guys draw less spreadsheets, but play instead
18:30:31 <Rubidium> after all, it should also include a web browser
18:30:39 <Rubidium> then we can sell ottd as its own operating system
18:31:27 <frosch123> yeah, os and browsers are completely blending into each other
18:31:33 <frosch123> quite hard to distinguish them
18:33:06 *** Pensacola has joined #openttd
18:42:47 *** ntoskrnl has joined #openttd
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18:52:28 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
18:53:04 <planetmaker> hey ho andythenorth #openttdcoop.nightly
18:53:31 <SkeedR> Quick question for devs or andythenorth... Is there a reason industries seem to cluster (FIRS 1.2.0/OTTD 1.3.1/Tropical)?
18:54:13 <planetmaker> yes. It's made to cluster
18:54:33 <DorpsGek> Commit by rubidium :: r25592 /trunk/src (4 files in 3 dirs) (2013-07-12 18:54:27 UTC)
18:54:34 <DorpsGek> -Fix [FS#5644]: Changing the script difficulty level in-game would also change the settings using the default even though they were not allowed to change in-game
18:59:21 <frosch123> SkeedR: farms cluster intentionally
18:59:46 <frosch123> which adds variety to the game as you have different transport requirements for them than for other industries
19:00:42 <SkeedR> I just find it a bit annoying
19:01:51 <planetmaker> play with a less annoying NewGRF. I consider it an awesome feature
19:02:04 <andythenorth> other grfs are available
19:02:14 <SkeedR> I like the rest of the GRF...
19:02:16 <andythenorth> or it can be disabled if you compile
19:02:19 <Rubidium> and it's merely a setting
19:02:29 <andythenorth> it's a setting in the codebase :P
19:02:32 <andythenorth> there's no parameter
19:03:26 <SkeedR> I'm not even going to bother asking for one ;)
19:25:30 *** MrShell has joined #openttd
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19:48:40 *** wolfmitchell has joined #openttd
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20:38:12 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
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23:35:58 <Thetoy> Am I in the wrong place for such a question?
23:38:09 <Elukka> no, but i have no idea
23:38:20 <Elukka> i've found everything but path signals to be of such marginal usefulness i haven't used anything else for a good while
23:39:16 <Thetoy> Well, this setup, if it worked, would allow me to only have two tracks, one for each direction
23:39:33 <Thetoy> and it should be able to put trains in all the slots on that station
23:39:44 <Thetoy> But obviously, it's pretty shit right now
23:41:51 <Elukka> someone else can probably tell you exactly what is wrong with yout presignals but in the meantime you could just plop down a bunch of one way path signals and get it running
23:43:11 <Thetoy> Would that be able to handle a lot of traffic?
23:43:47 <Thetoy> I've only been playing this game for the past 12 hours, so I know nothing :P
23:44:06 <Dr_Tan> path signals are the master race
23:44:13 <Elukka> i've played way too many hours but i'm a little rusty
23:44:20 <Elukka>, sorry, pathsignals
23:44:23 <Elukka> path signals everywhere
23:44:46 <Dr_Tan> I can't play with normal signals
23:44:50 <Elukka> the only real rule is only place them where a train however long yours are can wait without blocking off a junction
23:45:04 <Dr_Tan> when I play Simutrans or Locomotion
23:45:11 <Dr_Tan> I don't know how to build layouts
23:45:16 <Elukka> there are niche use cases where you need the other types of signal but path signals are the newest development that are pretty good for almost every case
23:46:10 <Elukka> i'm not exactly sure why but for some reason path signals seem to do what presignals are supposed to do
23:46:13 <Elukka> so they should work in your case
23:47:02 <Thetoy> I'll give it a try then, thanks!
23:48:07 <Elukka> the way i recommend learning signaling is just to use path signals everywhere and then look into the other types if you really manage to run into a situation where they don't do the job
23:48:32 <Thetoy> But the other signals sound so simple to use
23:48:49 <Thetoy> "Is green if one or more is green"
23:49:00 <Thetoy> Clearly, I over estimated my abilities :P
23:49:35 <Elukka> path signals are actually easier to use besides being better :P
23:49:41 <Thetoy> But yeah, I replace them all with path signals, and it works just the was I want it to now
23:52:01 <Thetoy> I had to remove the ones that used to be combo signals though
23:52:18 <Thetoy> Otherwise trains would go forward to one of those and wait
23:52:41 <Elukka> i think just the one signal on the line before all the junctions might be enough
23:52:46 <Elukka> ...but lemme actually try this out first
23:53:23 <Xaroth|Work> the train might be slightly too long for the station
23:53:34 <Elukka> i'm thinking you might not need the signals before the platforms at all
23:53:36 <Xaroth|Work> seeing the end engine is sticking out like that
23:53:42 <Xaroth|Work> could be messing with the exit signs
23:53:50 <Thetoy> Yeah, it could look that way
23:54:01 <Xaroth|Work> shorten the train by 1 carriage
23:55:23 <Thetoy> Is there a quick way to remove 1 carriage from the millions of trains I have on that track? :D
23:55:52 <Elukka> i'd just add a tile to the station :P
23:58:04 <Thetoy> Ah well, that's what I get for making a mess of it and spamming clone afterwards :P
23:59:12 <Xaroth|Work> i always fit my trains to the station
23:59:20 <Xaroth|Work> making them 1 carriage short if it's a single-head engine
23:59:32 <Xaroth|Work> so that when i upgrade to a dual-head, they still don't stick out
23:59:47 <Thetoy> That's what happened here
23:59:49 <Xaroth|Work> not 100% efficient, but i'm too lazy to figure out how the replace thing works :P
23:59:56 <Thetoy> They started out as single engined
continue to next day ⏵