IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2013-06-04
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00:30:45 *** DarkAceZ has joined #openttd
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04:04:19 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
04:25:54 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
04:38:41 *** snorre_ has joined #openttd
05:05:47 <SineTheCreator> hey guys, i forget - how do i get industries to drastically increase their output?
05:06:04 <SineTheCreator> i remember back in the day having coal mines and such that put out 900+ tons of coal per month
05:06:05 <Supercheese> Are you using any industry newgrfs?
05:06:21 <SineTheCreator> i'm using FIRS, but let's assume i'm talking defaults
05:06:37 <Supercheese> default industries, you need high station ratings for them to increase output
05:06:39 <SineTheCreator> i'm playing a multiplayer game with defaults
05:06:44 <Supercheese> FIRS is different of course
05:06:54 <SineTheCreator> yeah, with FIRS it's out input/output
05:07:07 <SineTheCreator> how do i increase (or even view) station ratings?
05:07:29 <SineTheCreator> nevermind, found it
05:07:35 <SineTheCreator> okay... so how do i increase the rating?
05:09:23 <SineTheCreator> so basically, i should always keep a train on the station platform loading?
05:09:35 <SineTheCreator> and those trains should always be new?
05:09:44 <Supercheese> That's one method
05:10:01 <Supercheese> Very fast vehicles is another
05:10:11 <Supercheese> building status in the relevant towns is another
05:10:15 <SineTheCreator> okay... any way to switch it to the old model? i seem to recall it being "the more trains you send, the more they output" after a little while
05:10:38 <Supercheese> There is no "old model"
05:10:44 <Supercheese> this is the way it's always been
05:11:16 <Supercheese> but essentially, the more trains you send the better bonus for "days since last cargo pickup"
05:11:37 <Supercheese> and less cargo waiting = bonus to rating
05:12:06 *** snorre_ has joined #openttd
05:12:20 <Supercheese> There are a couple "easy" things you can do to "hack" yourself higher station ratings
05:12:51 <SineTheCreator> blargh, gotcha*
05:13:02 <Supercheese> 1) write a newgrf that changes station rating mechanics
05:14:06 <Supercheese> 2) write a newgrf that adds really fast vehicles -- you can make them invisible, have very little cargo capacity or whatnot as well
05:15:12 <Supercheese> that'll permanently get the +17% speed bonus and the +51% days since last pickup bonus, meaning minimum 68% ratings all the time
05:15:46 <SineTheCreator> i'll give the default rating mechanics a shot
05:15:54 <SineTheCreator> if i could figure it out back in the day i can figure it out again :D
05:15:57 <Supercheese> if you always have enough transport waiting so cargo never builds up, then you can always have 84% minimum ratings
05:16:20 <SineTheCreator> so basically if there's always a train loading at the station 84% is the minium, regardless of age?
05:16:30 <Supercheese> no, that's with the speed bonus too
05:16:57 <SineTheCreator> does that translate to (roughly) 55mph?
05:17:11 <Supercheese> well, the formula is actually (Speed (km/h) - 85) / 4
05:17:20 <Supercheese> so you need quite a bit more than 55 mph
05:17:58 <Supercheese> FIRS is much nicer, none of this ratings-influencing-production-changes wizardry
05:18:21 <SineTheCreator> yeah, but with FIRS there basically is no primary industry
05:18:27 <SineTheCreator> each industry is both primary and secondary
05:18:28 <Supercheese> Fishing grounds :P
05:18:35 <SineTheCreator> ahh, yeah i didn't think of those :D
05:18:47 <SineTheCreator> with fishing grounds is it even possible to bump up production
05:18:51 <Supercheese> you can deliver pax to them but it doesn't affect anything
05:18:55 <Supercheese> they have fixed prod levels
05:19:08 <SineTheCreator> i wish they didn't :/
05:19:14 <Supercheese> random at generation
05:19:24 <Supercheese> you can always prospect more :P
05:19:25 <SineTheCreator> i want to build a FIRS ro-ro station with 20 trains arriving and leaving every minute
05:19:30 <SineTheCreator> i guess that's kind of impossible
05:19:48 <Supercheese> FIRS industries can reach insane production levels
05:19:54 <SineTheCreator> eh, you'd need a 2048x2048 map with every industry tapped going to one place
05:19:55 <Supercheese> secondary and tertiary ones anyway
05:21:43 <SineTheCreator> hmm... this forest is actually dropping production rates, although my rating is still very good
05:21:51 <Supercheese> yeah, it's still random
05:22:06 <Supercheese> just you have a much better chance for increases with high station ratings
05:22:25 <Supercheese> I often get some FIRS steel mills generating so much metal I have to switch over to using ships, because no other method of transport has enough capacity
05:23:25 <Supercheese> Well, I start late-19th-century
05:23:36 <SineTheCreator> you use NARS or UKR?
05:23:37 <Supercheese> so the trains aren't quite able to handle the levels of production
05:23:59 <Supercheese> I like NARS but it has no autorefit
05:24:01 <SineTheCreator> are the UKRS trains less powerful?
05:24:03 <Supercheese> autorefit is mandatory
05:24:17 <SineTheCreator> or just too slow?
05:24:43 <SineTheCreator> also are you sure about NARS? i've seen autorefit options when putting a depot in orders
05:24:51 <SineTheCreator> or do you mean autorefit at the station?
05:24:55 <Supercheese> autorefit ≠ refit-in-depot
05:25:00 <Supercheese> autorefit is refit-in-station
05:25:10 <SineTheCreator> hrm i'll have to try that
05:25:14 <SineTheCreator> that's interesting!
05:25:39 <SineTheCreator> so you could use one train to transfer steel and then it autorefits itself to goods after unloading
05:25:49 <SineTheCreator> so you could have one train that can run the entire A-B-C pipeline
05:26:30 <SineTheCreator> i will definitely need to experiment with this
05:37:34 <Supercheese> Yeah, autorefit is awesome
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06:16:48 <SineTheCreator> how do i share orders between already-exiting trains? or is ctrl+clone the only way?
06:17:12 <planetmaker> ctrl+click goto order
06:17:21 <planetmaker> onto the train you want to share with
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06:37:04 <DorpsGek> Commit by matthijs :: r25318 /trunk/src/video (sdl_v.cpp sdl_v.h) (2013-06-04 06:36:59 UTC)
06:37:05 <DorpsGek> -Fix: [SDL, FS#5580] Keyboard input stopped working after fullscreen toggle
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07:06:50 <SineTheCreator> planetmaker: thank you
07:11:35 *** ZxBiohazardZx has joined #openttd
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13:12:51 <SineTheCreator> okay so something really bad is going on in my game
13:14:56 <SineTheCreator> for reasons i cannot explain, the little train right there can't go the correct way for some reason
13:15:00 <SineTheCreator> it's supposed to go northeast
13:15:17 <SineTheCreator> instead, it somehow manages to act like it's gonna go northeast and goes southeast instead
13:15:35 <SineTheCreator> it goes to the wrong stations, turns around, and just keeps on going
13:15:46 <SineTheCreator> the orders are one station load -> another station unload. repeat.
13:15:55 <SineTheCreator> all other trains using the junction seem unaffected
13:17:21 <samu> 90 degrees? electric vs non-electric rail?
13:18:03 <SineTheCreator> electric. all electric.
13:18:17 <SineTheCreator> electric signals too, i went through and manually switched each one over just incase
13:18:55 <Pinkbeast> Electric vs semaphore signals is pure eye candy.
13:19:46 <Pinkbeast> ... it's not clear to me _how_ it would go north-east.
13:19:47 <SineTheCreator> i prefer the semaphores personally
13:20:03 <SineTheCreator> Pinkbeast: easy. it would cross the bridge going southeast, then hit the cloverleaf
13:20:12 <SineTheCreator> the one on the bottom of the screenshot
13:20:13 <Pinkbeast> I don't mind which you prefer, I am just saying, there is no game-mechanical difference
13:20:16 <SineTheCreator> which would send it northeast
13:20:23 <SineTheCreator> i thought so too
13:20:28 <SineTheCreator> apparently it's not the source of the problem
13:20:36 <samu> i guess 90 degrees is turned off then
13:21:05 <SineTheCreator> i don't use it, but it's on
13:21:10 <Pinkbeast> I don't see any 90 degree turns in there...
13:21:15 <SineTheCreator> there are no 90 turns anyways
13:21:29 <SineTheCreator> the only ones i added is at the termination points
13:21:38 <planetmaker> electric engine with non-electrified track piece anywhere?
13:21:47 <planetmaker> Or somewhere a block signal facing wrong way?
13:22:07 <samu> of 90 degrees when chosing a route?
13:22:11 <SineTheCreator> samu: ? no ai here, singleplayer with me only
13:22:20 <SineTheCreator> oh, i see what you're saying
13:22:25 <SineTheCreator> yes, these junctions have worked for years
13:22:32 <SineTheCreator> it's not a problem with the pathing unless it's a new bug
13:22:43 <Pinkbeast> Is there no route from the SE rails to where it's meant to be going?
13:22:50 <SineTheCreator> planetmaker: i tried to check everything. it's all electrified, i couldn't find a bad signal
13:23:01 <SineTheCreator> Pinkbeast: nope, not that i can tell. not unless there are 'ghost
13:23:05 <SineTheCreator> ' orders somewhere
13:23:08 <samu> I see 2 possible routes in the image, one needs 90 degrees on
13:23:09 <planetmaker> the bad tile may be outside the junction
13:23:15 <planetmaker> just convert the whole map to electrical
13:23:17 <SineTheCreator> i checked the orders and it had an 'implicit' entry, i removed it
13:23:20 <SineTheCreator> planetmaker: i did
13:23:25 <SineTheCreator> my entire network is electric
13:23:32 <SineTheCreator> my company status even confirms
13:24:00 <SineTheCreator> samu: none of those routes need 90 degree turns
13:24:27 <SineTheCreator> a 90 degree turn is when you have a 90 degree bend in one grid square
13:24:30 <SineTheCreator> i have none of those :D
13:24:32 <Pinkbeast> Sine: It could also turn right and go around the 90 degree turn at the terminated line.
13:24:44 <SineTheCreator> Pinkbeast: yeah. it does do that when it gets hung up
13:24:46 <Pinkbeast> So, yes you do, we can see it very clearly.
13:24:57 <SineTheCreator> i only added that to get the train unstuck
13:24:58 <Pinkbeast> I thought you said it went off to the SE?
13:25:07 <SineTheCreator> nah, i want it to go north east
13:25:11 <SineTheCreator> it's coming from NW
13:25:14 <SineTheCreator> it should go NE
13:25:18 <SineTheCreator> nothing is SE yet
13:25:24 <SineTheCreator> er, i mean it's going SE
13:25:27 <SineTheCreator> nothing is SW yet
13:25:34 <Pinkbeast> "and goes southeast instead"
13:25:40 <SineTheCreator> there is only one station on SE direction
13:25:46 <SineTheCreator> it's a coal station
13:26:04 <SineTheCreator> samu: i checked, the track is all there. other trains use it fine
13:26:06 <Pinkbeast> Sine: It's hard to diagnose this if you cannot describe the behaviour accurately.
13:26:08 <samu> the train aproaches the first circle and turns towards bottom
13:26:09 <SineTheCreator> it's just these two with shared orders
13:26:19 <SineTheCreator> Pinkbeast: i described it accurately the first time!
13:26:33 <Pinkbeast> Sine: So the train doesn't take the 90 degree turn route?
13:26:44 <SineTheCreator> it does but it shouldn't ever need to
13:26:56 <SineTheCreator> i only put that there because the train got stuck at that termination point
13:26:58 <Pinkbeast> So you did not describe it accurately the first time.
13:27:01 <SineTheCreator> i needed to get it out
13:27:09 <Pinkbeast> You said the train goes south-east.
13:27:12 <SineTheCreator> *sigh* THE TERMINATION POINT ISN'T RELEVANT!
13:27:23 <SineTheCreator> yes, it does. there is no termination point there. just a station.
13:27:31 <SineTheCreator> the termination point on the shot is SW
13:27:53 <Pinkbeast> Because the whole reason planet suspected there's a bad tile outside the diagram is that you told us something that isn't actually true!
13:28:18 <SineTheCreator> maybe this will help -> the train is coming from upper left. it should go to upper right, but it goes lower right instead. sometimes it gets trapped in the cloverleaf junction.
13:28:22 <SineTheCreator> does that make more sense?
13:28:38 <Pinkbeast> "it goes lower right" - so it _doesn't_ go around the 90 degree turn?
13:29:16 <SineTheCreator> Pinkbeast: other trains make the same route this one should make just fine
13:29:28 <Pinkbeast> Sine: Great. But please answer the question I asked.
13:29:33 <SineTheCreator> Pinkbeast: which 90 degree turn?
13:29:37 <SineTheCreator> the one in the lower left, yes?
13:29:50 <SineTheCreator> yes, these trains for some reason do go there and make that turn
13:29:53 <SineTheCreator> they shouldn't but they do
13:30:04 <SineTheCreator> but THEN, instead of going straight, they cut right again and go southeast
13:30:30 <Pinkbeast> See, this is much easier when you describe the behaviour that actually occurs!
13:31:26 <Pinkbeast> Can _any_ train use the side-line - suppose you delete a tile of the SW->NE main line then try and run a train through SW->NE (just place a depot in the SW), what happens?
13:31:43 <SineTheCreator> i deleted a signal and re-added it. same signal, same direction.
13:31:49 <SineTheCreator> suddenly it works no
13:31:58 <SineTheCreator> should i file a bug here?
13:32:09 <Pinkbeast> Do you have a savegame from beforehand?
13:32:32 <SineTheCreator> yes, but it's loaded with newgrfs. all of them are available on banannas though
13:32:38 <SineTheCreator> one-way path electric
13:33:07 <Pinkbeast> _If_ you ask, post before and after savegames; don't post a bug, just ask.
13:33:34 <SineTheCreator> okay, will do. thanks.
13:33:58 <SineTheCreator> i wonder if that signal i magically randomly selected was somehow facing the wrong way even though the sprite showed it facing the correct way
13:34:06 <SineTheCreator> although that would stop other trains
13:34:10 <SineTheCreator> oh wells... i dunno. odd stuff.
13:34:27 <planetmaker> do you still have a savegame from before?
13:35:21 <SineTheCreator> do you want it planetmaker ?
13:35:49 <SineTheCreator> i know what it is! the damn signal WAS facing the wrong way.
13:36:00 <planetmaker> :-) good. then I don't want it
13:36:01 <SineTheCreator> i just loaded up the old game and looked real close at the signal i swapped
13:36:22 <SineTheCreator> but somehow it was also letting other trains through. i guess it was a two-way path signal
13:36:25 <planetmaker> one of the most common mistakes with "why doesn't it work"
13:36:53 <SineTheCreator> i must have hit ctrl or something when placing it?
13:37:10 <Pinkbeast> Sine: is the signal in the screenshot? I'm not quite clear on which one it is.
13:37:48 <samu> the darkish yellow line should be green
13:40:08 <SineTheCreator> Pinkbeast: nah, it was further up a bit
13:40:34 <SineTheCreator> near the edge of the screenshot but just outside of it
13:45:35 <SineTheCreator> im glad this got fixed, thanks for the help :D
13:45:41 <SineTheCreator> i was banging my head against the wall
13:47:35 <SineTheCreator> samu: that's exactly how it works, yeah
13:47:47 <SineTheCreator> now that the problem is fixed it works properly
13:48:13 <SineTheCreator> the trains in question take the yellow line for reference
13:48:16 <SineTheCreator> or should have been
13:49:18 <SineTheCreator> one thing i don't like about UK renewal ... the mineral hopper is limited to 50mph
13:50:36 <SineTheCreator> it makes it hard to use engines with a good mix of power and reliability that aren't also rated for a much higher speed
13:50:49 <SineTheCreator> and obviously a higher running cost
13:54:10 <alluke> firstly because i see 90° turns
13:54:23 <alluke> secondly because you saved it as jpg
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14:04:46 <samu> the jpg file is smaller anyway
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14:29:23 <samu> battlefield 4 coming already?... I smell EA is behind this franchise... wasn't 3 released a few months ago?
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15:05:05 <DorpsGek> Commit by rubidium :: r25319 /trunk/src (3 files) (2013-06-04 15:04:59 UTC)
15:05:06 <DorpsGek> -Fix [FS#5570]: crash when train with reserved cargo vanishes
15:06:28 <DorpsGek> Commit by rubidium :: r25320 /trunk/src (4 files in 2 dirs) (2013-06-04 15:06:22 UTC)
15:06:29 <DorpsGek> -Fix [FS#5577]: link graph start time was not accounted for when cheating dates
16:01:34 <samu> hi, i am observing something wrong going on my game
16:01:40 <samu> i have smooth economy disabled
16:02:04 <samu> but some coal mines are already producing 1080 tonne a month
16:02:18 <samu> and there was no one transporting it
16:02:43 <samu> coal was being delivered to one of my stations only, but I wasn't transporting that
16:03:31 <samu> even worse, there's a gold mine producing 506 bags a month
16:03:41 <samu> not even a station is around
16:05:37 *** ZxBiohazardZx has joined #openttd
16:05:53 <samu> i counted 7 primary industrues with increased production , 2 industries with base production and 5 with decreased production
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16:08:49 <samu> out of those 7, 2 are at max production, according to wiki
16:09:04 <samu> the coal mine and the gold mine I referred
16:13:09 <samu> 2 out of those 5 at min production
16:13:12 <V453000> so, enable smooth economy? :D
16:13:36 <samu> what is so wrongwith my questions...
16:13:45 <samu> if i wanted smooth economy it would be enabled already
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16:14:44 <V453000> and reason why smooth economy is not an option are
16:15:01 <samu> it diplays 5000 news a month
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16:17:46 <samu> ok simple question, which one is harder? smooth or this?
16:17:57 <samu> despite the annoying news
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16:18:15 <Pinkbeast> And, as V453 says, disable industry production change news
16:18:57 <samu> i like to take care of what's being produced
16:20:34 <samu> the original issue was why's a gold mine and coal mine were already at max production
16:20:42 <samu> if no one was transporing them
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16:44:00 <SineTheCreator> samu: btw when you export openttd PNGs for upload, try using to do it and select 8pbit
16:44:22 <SineTheCreator> openttd runs in 8-bit anyways so nothing of value is lost :D
16:44:33 <SineTheCreator> well... unless you use a 32-bit tileset
16:47:24 <samu> 2H5wSal - it's 8-bit PNG format
16:47:59 <samu> the original image I edited
16:48:42 <samu> my awesome paint skills - 32-bit PNG format
16:50:10 <samu> I'm confused, I tryin again
16:50:54 <samu> 2H5wSal - your image, 8-bit PNG 189 KB (194.078 bytes)
16:51:34 <samu> my awesome paint skills - my image, 32-bit PNG 865 KB (886.155 bytes)
16:52:17 <samu> bs0sTsC - imgur image - 24-bit JPG 249 KB (255.019 bytes)
16:54:39 <samu> openttd images are sometimes 32-bit, sometimes 8-bit
16:58:18 <samu> oh, also found one 24-bit
16:58:29 <szaman> 32 bit image is a 24 bit image with transparency
16:59:34 <szaman> jpeg has no transparency at all so it is only 24 bit
16:59:39 <samu> crash - 716 KB (733.726 bytes) - 24-bit
17:01:38 <samu> out of 23 images, 2 are 24-bit, 21 are 8-bit
17:02:18 <samu> there's no 32-bit image atm
17:02:29 <samu> maybe i mistaken it with paint
17:03:38 <samu> what is the bit in full screen?
17:04:34 <glx> blitter usually don't change when going to fullscreen
17:05:14 <samu> sometimes I get 24-bit - or apparently, very rarely
17:05:55 <glx> 24bit is 32bit without transparency
17:06:51 <samu> Samu Transport, 2016-06-26
17:07:02 <samu> doesn't seem anything special
17:07:30 <szaman> 24 bit = RGB = 8bit red, 9bit green, 8bit blue
17:07:46 <szaman> 32 bit = RGBA = 8bit red, 9bit green, 8bit blue, 8bit alpha (transparency)
17:08:14 <samu> but openttd makes 8-bit images
17:08:26 <glx> when 8bpp blitter is used
17:08:41 <samu> ah, no idea what that is
17:08:44 <glx> when running 32bpp blitter then screenshot are 32bit
17:09:24 <samu> it's a screenshot generated by openttd, it's 24-bit, i look at it, it looks original_windows, desert game
17:10:20 <glx> there are no differences visually between 8bpp and 32bpp screenshot using original files
17:10:53 <glx> but if you use a 32bpp set it will have more colors
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17:12:32 <szaman> glx: but when images use different 8bpp palettes on their own, then 8bpp screenshot can look a little worse than original files?
17:13:15 <glx> of course if the palette is modified everything changes :)
17:14:52 <samu> i'm uploading this image, maybe you can see something i don't
17:18:07 <samu> the other 24-bit image is corrupt
17:20:23 <samu> didn't notice it was looking like crap when i sent the report
17:45:14 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r25321 trunk/src/lang/tamil.txt (2013-06-04 17:45:07 UTC)
17:45:15 <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:16 <DorpsGek> tamil - 18 changes by aswn
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20:11:32 <samu> zu, did you make clueless ai?
20:13:19 * samu slaps Yexo around a bit with a large fishbot
20:16:58 <samu> AdmiralAI v25 Thijs Marinussen
20:20:29 <samu> AdmiralAI is one of the most stable AIs
20:21:36 <samu> but it risks way too much with bankrupt warnings
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20:26:01 <samu> should make a battle of the stables
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21:55:03 <samu> how many audio devices should my system have? 1? 3?
21:56:58 <samu> Realtek Digital Output(Optical)
21:57:57 <samu> Started a 2nd instance of OpenTTD and it was playing on Realtek Digital Output(Optical)...
21:58:52 <samu> this annoys me, i can never get sound working without problems for once...
21:59:04 <samu> every once in a while, sound gets messed up
21:59:58 <Eddi|zuHause> that is probably a problem of your own making
22:00:12 <samu> i don't do anything, it just happens
22:00:30 <Eddi|zuHause> that's what they all say
22:00:55 <Eddi|zuHause> how should i know?
22:02:15 <glx> you have usual outputs on modern pc (graphic card + sound card (jack, cinch, optical))
22:03:11 <glx> and openttd uses the one set as system default
22:03:11 <samu> was playing music on windows media player
22:03:19 <samu> and just now it messes up
22:03:52 <glx> just kill audiodg like the other time
22:04:21 <glx> I really think your drivers are the problem
22:04:57 <samu> system default is speakers
22:05:08 <samu> that's where I hear sound
22:05:37 <samu> deactivated for the other 3
22:05:52 <samu> amd hdmi output says turned off on top of deactivated
22:06:24 <samu> the sound mixers shows me 3 sound devices
22:06:33 <samu> the 2 realtek ones and the speakers
22:08:08 <glx> the 3 are on the same hardware
22:09:46 <samu> downloading realtek 2.71
22:18:09 <samu> but i have serious doubts
22:19:30 <samu> now i dont know if i have to uninstall creative x-fi
22:20:38 <juzza1> you are using integrated and x-fi?
22:22:54 <juzza1> but why do you use the integrated one if you have a dedicated sound card
22:23:20 <samu> no, the x-fi is integrated into ... the integrated
22:23:46 <samu> the real hardware is realtek
22:23:57 <samu> then there's a x-fi chip nearby
22:24:02 <glx> like all integrated soundchip ;)
22:32:40 *** Djohaal has joined #openttd
22:36:32 <samu> Manufacturers want to market their Motherboard in the best way so they buy a “X-Fi 2 SupremeFx” sticker”
22:36:43 *** snorre_ has joined #openttd
22:37:11 <samu> This chip (Realtek ALC889 @ ATI SB800 - High Definition Audio Controller) needs a driver from Realtek.
22:43:16 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
22:48:16 <glx> this high end motherboard seems crappy when reading this topic
22:55:47 <samu> microsoft blogs blames these similar issues on audio drivers
22:56:36 <glx> the procedure to get working sound is very complicated
22:57:38 <glx> install driver for hardware, install software to enable some feature of the hardware, activate the software, ...
22:58:11 <glx> when a basic realtek HD just works :)
22:58:36 <samu> asus motherboards are disappointing
22:59:25 <samu> they work, but the way they support it SUCKS
22:59:46 <samu> just listing drivers out of their site is ridiculous
23:03:33 <samu> to downloa chipset drivers out asus i need 845 MB!!!
23:04:20 <samu> if i download them from amd site i need only 27 MB
23:05:51 <samu> asus also lists 3 "AMD Chipset Driver"s
23:06:22 <samu> they don't direct me to the most recent one, they don't even know what's the most recent
23:09:30 <glx> in the utility section it's funny too
23:09:55 <glx> cpu-z 1.57.2 is more recent than cpu-z 1.58
23:10:03 <glx> when looking at the dates
23:11:11 <glx> oh there are 2 different 1.57.2
23:37:50 <samu> reading those articles, "please check out with your mobo, or... maybe your jacks suck" - that's how i feel
23:41:34 <samu> bounce-customer-around support... i hate it
23:42:48 <samu> he goes dizzy and gives up... "our partnership is a success!"
continue to next day ⏵