IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2013-06-03
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00:04:23 *** permagreen has joined #openttd
00:17:05 <samu> the most interesting thing out of bbv are the graphs
00:40:48 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
00:46:50 <samu> someone joined my game and left immediately with desync error, anything I can do about it?
00:47:41 <samu> maybe i shouldn't worry too much :/
01:17:16 <opr> thanks for playing on my server :p
01:17:31 <samu> i learned a few things too
01:27:42 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
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05:50:59 *** Pensacola has joined #openttd
06:09:16 *** Extrems1 has joined #openttd
06:24:22 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
07:12:15 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
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07:47:23 *** valhallasw has joined #openttd
08:31:13 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
08:36:18 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
08:53:25 *** DarkAce-Z has joined #openttd
09:02:01 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
09:09:31 <bolli> Has anybody got any idea whats causing this issue? "dbg: [net] [tcp/game] received illegal packet type 0 from client 17"
09:09:51 <bolli> I'm not sending packet type 0, so I don't know why its thinking I am
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09:17:46 <peter1138> not sure if that affects tcp though
09:19:37 <Ristovski> Hmm, can you change GFX set while playing a game?
09:20:05 <bolli> I'm sending it as 1 packet, so I can't see why tehre would be any MTU involved..
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09:26:26 <peter1138> oh you're sending custom packets
09:26:37 <peter1138> sending too much data?
09:27:19 <peter1138> like sending the whole of your packet buffer instead of just the amount needed
09:28:57 <bolli> Sorry, I should have said, I'm using the admin interface from a custom client
10:07:58 <perk11> Ristovski: yes, but it's potentially unstable
10:08:33 <Ristovski> also, how can it be done?
10:08:40 <perk11> becaus some grf are not mad for this
10:08:57 <perk11> oh wait you mean GFX set like open GFX?
10:09:19 <perk11> no that's not possible AFAIK
10:10:06 <perk11> you can just save game and change it in main menu, what's the problem
10:11:02 <Ristovski> perk11: I play on a server that has a 2048x2048 map, and I can't disconnect and reconnect since my connection is really bad
10:11:39 <Ristovski> and sometimes I want to play with OpenGFX and simetimes with zBase :D
10:19:57 <planetmaker> Ristovski, connect with two clients ;-)
10:20:35 <planetmaker> btw, Ristovski, zBase contains the whole of OpenGFX. Just force to use 8bpp mode with zBase... and you got OpenGFX ;-)
10:20:52 <planetmaker> but you'd need to quit for that, too :D
10:22:17 <planetmaker> and you can't swap base grfs as it has similar effect as changing grfs... it changes all sprite numbers
10:22:22 <planetmaker> thus all would be jumbled
10:26:26 *** Polleke has joined #openttd
10:30:24 <Ristovski> planetmaker: also, why if you shutdown a server, it doesnt load the latest autosave?
10:30:24 <Ristovski> so I end up manually saving & loading
10:46:01 *** Polleke has joined #openttd
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10:56:20 *** HellTiger has joined #openttd
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12:47:36 *** Polleke has joined #openttd
13:44:24 <samu> do diamonds help a town with city label grow?
13:44:59 <samu> normal game, not a citybuilder game
14:06:48 <adit> I wanna report some strange issue with openttd nightly r25300.
14:07:47 <samu> if I deliver water to a water tower that is part of a town placed on a jungle tile, the town doesn't seem to grow
14:08:44 <adit> when playing openttd in fullscreen mode, and then go out to full window mode, suddenly typing in any input doesn work.
14:09:45 <adit> although keyboard shortcut still work
14:11:06 <adit> output in terminal shows this line:
14:11:12 <adit> dbg: [driver] SDL: Restarting SDL video subsystem, to force hwpalette change
14:11:44 <samu> if the station tile receiving water is placed on the desert, the town doesn't grow
14:11:58 <samu> but if the station tile is placed on the jungle
14:12:25 <samu> this is quite odd, i have to repeat this for all tiles
14:13:05 <samu> sorry adit, i don't know how to help you, devs might be afk
14:13:10 <planetmaker> what you mean with "typing in any input" when shortcuts still work?
14:13:39 <planetmaker> is it reproducable, adit ?
14:14:44 <adit> planetmaker: yes, i've try it in r25303 and r25300 and the problem still exist.
14:14:57 <adit> but it doesn't exist in 1.2.3
14:15:33 <planetmaker> yes... can you open an issue in the bug tracker about it? Describing in detail what works and what not?
14:15:46 <adit> "typing in any input" for example typing in console, rename sign box, rename vehicle box, etc.
14:16:21 <planetmaker> There was a code change between 1.2 and 1.3 in that part, so... might be... dunno SDL's details there by heart or what exactly the palette change affects in its periphery
14:16:52 <planetmaker> adit, are other programmes affected?
14:17:14 <planetmaker> or do only keyboard handling within OpenTTD cease working?
14:17:30 <adit> planetmaker: keyboard still working.
14:17:56 <adit> planetmaker: to open terminal i type ~, so there no issue with keyboard.
14:18:41 <adit> any keyboard shortcut work as expected
14:19:14 <planetmaker> does it help, if you click explicity the input area where you want to type?
14:20:01 <planetmaker> I get a feeling as of what you mean
14:20:23 <adit> planetmaker: i've try that, at first i though the input are unfocused, so i try to click the area.
14:20:39 <planetmaker> yeah. No effect. Please open a bug report
14:21:23 <planetmaker> I can confirm your observation
14:21:34 <adit> i wanna confirm this in r2536 and the stable 1.3.1 first.
14:21:44 <planetmaker> it will affect both
14:21:51 <planetmaker> no need to try, adit
14:22:02 <planetmaker> well. r2536 won't be affected :D
14:22:14 <planetmaker> But I doubt you'll manage to get that version running
14:22:29 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: Commit by Darkvater :: r2536 trunk/spritecache.c (2005-07-09 00:14:40 UTC)
14:22:30 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: - Fix: [ 1215999 ] Segmentation fault in main menu - corrupted Flush the output buffer to print the error message before the game crashes. (mcmohr)
14:23:02 <samu> may I? not sure if it's related, I have had openttd scroll up,down,left,right with the arrow keys when its window is not focused
14:23:11 <samu> but sometimes it doesn't
14:23:39 <samu> doesn't bother me much, but it's quite funny to see
14:24:06 <samu> i press those arrow keys for another application, namely NFSW
14:29:16 *** ntoskrnl has joined #openttd
14:53:04 <planetmaker> adit, yes, that'll be the place to report it
14:54:22 <planetmaker> do you prepare the report?
14:58:35 <adit> the bug also exist in r25316 and 1.3.1
15:01:47 <planetmaker> anything since ~December will have that bug
15:01:55 <planetmaker> which runs with SDL
15:04:16 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttd
15:05:20 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: Commit by matthijs :: r24993 /trunk/src (sdl.h video/sdl_v.cpp) (2013-02-14 11:06:12 UTC)
15:05:21 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: -Fix: [SDL] Improve 8bpp hardware palette support. Instead of always requesting SDL_HWPALETTE, it is now only done for 8bp blitters in fullscreen mode.
15:05:22 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: - This fixes 32bpp blitters on 8bpp X11, which would only render garbage with SDL_HWPALETTE.
15:05:23 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: - This prevents the colors of other applications from being messed up when running a 8bpp blitter on a 8bpp system.
15:05:24 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: - When running a 8bpp blitter on an 8bpp system without SDL_HWPALETTE (e.g., in windowed mode), this uses a new shadow surface with color approximation.
15:05:55 <blathijs> Oh boy, did I break it?
15:06:07 <planetmaker> dunno. Maybe. Maybe not
15:06:44 <planetmaker> blathijs, as adit just reported here (and will in the tracker :D ), all text input areas become unfocus-able after going back from full screen to windowed mode
15:06:51 <planetmaker> I can confirm that behaviour
15:07:03 <blathijs> I just read back, quite probably caused by my commit
15:08:03 *** snorre_ has joined #openttd
15:08:26 <planetmaker> it's a bit of a strange consequence, though
15:08:31 <adit> planetmaker: the reverse also true, going in from windowed to fullscreen also trigger it
15:09:17 <blathijs> Either one will restart SDL, so probably SDL does not get reinitialized properly
15:13:50 <blathijs> Yup, it's that commit. If I prevent the SDL restart by running openttd -v sdl:hw_palette=1 then the keyboard input keeps working
15:14:54 <blathijs> I'll have a look at it soon, unless someone beats me to it
15:15:45 <planetmaker> I'll soonish start looking at peeling asperagus instead :D
15:19:27 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
15:20:18 <adit> BTW, why I keep getting "dbg: [grf] OpenTTD GUI graphics sprites are missing
15:20:38 <adit> although i've installed opengfx
15:22:35 <planetmaker> I haven't gotten around to releasing that updated one yet
15:22:55 <planetmaker> bad me, I know :D
15:23:04 <planetmaker> gotta run. Catch you later. Thanks for the report, adit
15:23:05 <adit> well, there are no README or so anywhere that explain that.
15:44:51 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
16:07:26 *** Prof_Frink has joined #openttd
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16:28:40 *** TheMask96 has joined #openttd
16:33:39 <samu> on the console, the script command doesn't work for me
16:34:19 <samu> I type script spyonretards.txt
16:34:33 <samu> it errors - cannot open file
16:35:25 <samu> actually it says that it starts logging, then shows that error
16:36:59 <samu> i tried to enter a pathname
16:37:18 <samu> c:\something\somthing... but as I press \, it closes console
16:40:03 <Zuu_> Try using forward slash instead.
16:45:06 <samu> killed someone elses buses and blocked my ships
16:45:28 <samu> will this log IP addresses?
16:45:32 <samu> or do i need something else?
16:46:22 <Zuu_> Running a stable server?
16:47:14 <Zuu_> So it is not your server?
16:47:38 <samu> yes, i'm server but playing
16:50:07 <samu> i don't get the question?
16:50:37 <Zuu_> With rcon or admin port you can remotely admin the server.
16:51:13 <Zuu_> If you run a trunj server people tend to play nicer.
16:56:43 *** Progman has joined #openttd
16:58:58 <samu> notepad doesn't place enters between lines
17:03:37 <samu> there's no way to know who was playing yesterday?
17:07:10 <Eddi|zuHause> only if you create a logfile from the output
17:11:17 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
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17:29:44 <Eddi|zuHause> do you like metaquestions?
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17:43:06 <samu> why can I build canal on water?
17:45:21 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r25317 /trunk/src/lang (finnish.txt galician.txt) (2013-06-03 17:45:13 UTC)
17:45:22 <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:23 <DorpsGek> finnish - 1 changes by jpx_
17:45:24 <DorpsGek> galician - 106 changes by Michi
17:46:32 <V453000> not like your question has any sense at all
17:46:43 <V453000> why, because you fucking can :)
17:47:03 <frosch123> did you ever consider that shaun the sheep could be a unicorn?
17:48:26 <V453000> oh my god, or that fate mate of his
17:48:36 <V453000> certainly an option frosch123
17:49:46 <frosch123> how could a unicorn be redundant?
17:50:04 <samu> im talking about building a canal on water
17:50:49 <frosch123> offer your bathtub then
17:50:54 <frosch123> it also holds water
17:50:57 <V453000> I think the rainbow is a bit extra but yeah
17:51:28 <juzza1> samu: you can fence water-level ground tiles with canals
17:51:34 <frosch123> extra to the sheep? or to the unicorn?
17:51:34 <juzza1> so they wont get flooded
17:52:47 <V453000> I mean extra like a bonus, where the bonus is actually like the main thing
18:22:34 <V453000> I usually dont give two shits about the real train links around here, but the caster is great Wolf01 :) thanks for that
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18:48:49 <samu> could openttd stop playing sounds/music if the window is minimized?
18:49:03 <samu> then come back with them when restored
18:50:44 <blathijs> Sounds like a useful feature, I wonder if it's already implemented
18:50:51 <blathijs> samu: Did you have a look around the options
18:51:43 <samu> game options or advanced settings?
18:51:50 <blathijs> advanced settings, I'd say
18:52:29 <samu> advanced settings lets me change sound effects for a specific sound category, like beeps, ambient
18:53:32 <Rubidium> only caveat is that you can't quite implement is without completely aborting the music playback
18:53:59 <Rubidium> and it adds only more cases where sound doesn't work (which are even harder to reproduce)
18:55:04 <samu> maybe music not based on .mid
18:55:19 <Rubidium> so it's not going to happen "soon"
18:55:44 <Rubidium> yay for listing all kinds of patent encumbered file formats
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18:57:08 <samu> ogg, yeah I heard of it too, but I don't see them as often
18:57:08 <Alberth> Wolf01: just watched a few snow plough trains at YT, much more impressive :p
18:57:43 <Alberth> samu: unfortunately, many people don't care about not having free access to their data
18:58:07 <Wolf01> and... hello Alberth :P
18:59:16 <samu> aborting music playback also seems fine to me
19:00:34 <Alberth> yay for adobe support of 64bit linuces :p
19:01:12 <Alberth> but I found some nice snow ploughing trains instead :)
19:06:54 <Wolf01> at first I was "a diesel engine just cold started" then "oh wait, that's not diesel"
19:07:17 <Alberth> nope, it's wood or coal :)
19:07:37 <Alberth> nice they use a steam engine for it :)
19:11:17 <Wolf01> btw, on the video I linked I learnt that the Shinkansen is a EMU
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19:13:59 <Alberth> you're welcome anyway :)
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19:14:38 <Alberth> clearly wrong channel :)
19:16:18 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
19:16:53 <alluke> accidentally swiped my magic mouse
19:21:34 <alluke> why arent there any public mp servers with good taste in grfs
19:26:20 *** Djohaal has joined #openttd
19:27:15 <samu> disaster suggestion: ships sin
19:28:21 <Alberth> people already have major trouble with aircraft crashing at airports
19:28:39 <Ristovski> samu: why not tornadoes and thunderstorms :D
19:28:53 <samu> or ship crashes into a dock
19:30:30 <samu> it's the only vehicle without disasters, isn't it?
19:31:03 <Ristovski> samu: doesnt submarines sink boats?
19:31:48 <samu> but i've never seen anything about ships disastering
19:32:59 <samu> a ship is lost - activate chance that the ship will sink
19:38:33 <alluke> i just found out that ogfx+ trains are 32bpp by default
19:41:07 <samu> ships are quite imba when infrastructure maintenance costs are on
19:42:31 *** chester_ has joined #openttd
19:43:04 <samu> 2 ships since 1950, breakdowns normal, 100k loan, inflation, disasters, 4% interest, high build costs, high running costs, hostile towns, anything that adds difficulty
19:43:29 <samu> and now by the year 2039 i'm the only company suriving
19:44:07 <samu> my profit graph line is increasing instead of decreasing, albeit slightly
19:44:23 <samu> nearly everyone else bankrupted
19:46:11 <samu> i see mauve with broken train lines
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20:17:13 <Markk> We had 25 degrees here yesterday.
20:18:04 <samu> that red in finland close to a green in denmark
20:18:11 <__ln__> last week the very northernmost corner of finland was the warmest place in europe, or something like that.
20:18:45 <Markk> Finland isn't supposed to be warm.
20:19:43 <__ln__> 30 degrees in the very north last week.
20:19:57 <Markk> samu: That's because of the mountain tops. :)
20:20:25 <Markk> samu: The northwestern part of Sweden and northen parts of Norway has quite a lot of mountains.
20:21:17 <samu> it's affecting water temperatures too?
20:21:54 <Markk> That's the northen sea.
20:22:27 <Markk> Check the gulf of bothnia.
20:22:35 <Markk> Also not as warn as Finland.
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20:26:22 <samu> those -14ºc seem quite low for a place that was supposed to be the coldest
20:31:42 <samu> sometimes when I access Client list, the window doesn't appear
20:33:31 <samu> I am forced to press Delete to make it reappear
20:46:56 *** TheMask96 has joined #openttd
20:59:20 <samu> someone played here, lasted 5 years and went bankrupt
21:01:50 <samu> skydrive image links are ridiculously long
21:06:06 <samu> it doesn't suck, i can upload by selecting right click file - send to skydrive folder, pretty much
21:07:29 <alluke> dropbox should have the send feature too
21:07:39 <alluke> though you can get it more
21:08:46 <Markk> I got 25GB dropbox free as well.
21:13:22 <alluke> whats the point of that screenshot
21:13:57 <samu> it was someone with all profitable vehicles
21:14:08 <samu> but infrastructure + loan kills him
21:15:31 <samu> property maintenance for my company, only ships, is £19k
21:17:29 <samu> well, £22k right now, inflation is on
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21:20:40 <samu> the game needs something that hurts ships more harder
21:22:48 <alluke> ships arent really competitive when compared to trains
21:23:56 <samu> hmm i think i have to compete against myself next game, at least there will be no different player, but some bias perhaps
21:24:00 <SineTheCreator> if you're using them to move oil they do pretty good
21:24:09 <samu> one company trains, the other ships
21:24:41 <planetmaker> let's see, blathijs
21:25:04 <samu> pink made 1 train, then many buses
21:25:20 <SineTheCreator> eh, nobody said ships should be used exclusively :F
21:25:32 <planetmaker> hehe, blathijs /home/ingo/ottd/trunk/src/video/sdl_v.cpp:660:6: error: ‘VideDriver_SDL’ has not been declared
21:26:09 <samu> he was barely above the profitable line
21:26:20 <alluke> samu, are you playing on some mp server?
21:26:51 <blathijs> planetmaker: Wth, I just compiled and tested this
21:26:54 <samu> the running costs or something drag down the profit over time
21:27:18 <samu> maybe loan + running costs + infrastructure
21:27:29 <blathijs> planetmaker: Oh wait, then I moved a bit of code and messed up :-S
21:27:53 <samu> but for me, using only ships
21:28:00 <samu> my profit actually increases over time
21:28:31 <planetmaker> that typo fixed it compiles
21:28:38 <samu> Not so impossible settings
21:28:47 <samu> name: Not so impossible settings
21:29:25 <blathijs> planetmaker: And it works again as well here
21:29:51 <blathijs> I also attached the patch on FS#5580, if adit confirms it also works for him, I'll commit it
21:31:28 <planetmaker> meh... fullscreen made all my windows on the rhs monitor go to the left one :S
21:31:39 <Rubidium> blathijs: did you notice the new release?
21:44:36 <planetmaker> blathijs, I do not believe that the bug reporter is interested in compiling himself
21:46:49 <adit> did someone say compiling something?
21:47:02 <planetmaker> yes, I did, I guess. And was even referring to you :-P
21:47:35 <planetmaker> Thus you could test, if you self-compile
21:47:44 <planetmaker> if not: works for me
21:51:39 <adit> planetmaker: ok, downloading the source now. will report later.
22:28:27 <blathijs> Rubidium: Yeah, I noticed your message and than forgot about it during the day. I'll try again tomorrow :-)
22:29:03 * blathijs is off to bed now, though
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23:15:27 <adit> blathijs: the patch works for me.
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