IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2013-03-03
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03:20:29 *** Biolunar_ has joined #openttd
05:36:39 *** RavingManiac has joined #openttd
05:46:32 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
05:56:16 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
07:07:12 *** RavingManiac has joined #openttd
07:37:30 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
07:41:06 <Supercheese> andy, silly gas stations problem was due to patchpack, and not FIRS
07:41:13 <Supercheese> couldn't replicate with trunk
07:51:00 <andythenorth> Supercheese: found anything else?
08:15:16 <andythenorth> someone should make a UK economy for FIRS
08:20:26 <Pikka> andythenorth, largely broken? ho ho.
08:22:13 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
08:22:13 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth
08:26:13 <andythenorth> Pikka: I need a sprite for 'shop', 1 tile, not same as the ones I have already
08:26:23 <andythenorth> GPL-compatible :P
08:26:42 <Pikka> don't think so, nothing that's not modified TTD graphics :o
08:27:06 <Pikka> and UK economy, largely broken, see?
08:29:43 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: turn the TTD shopping center into an industry?
09:03:53 *** chester_ has joined #openttd
09:07:44 *** RavingManiac has joined #openttd
09:08:33 *** lofejndif has joined #openttd
09:10:52 <planetmaker> Hello andythenorth :-)
09:15:09 *** |Jeroen| has joined #openttd
09:16:20 *** Progman has joined #openttd
09:42:27 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
09:47:23 *** swissfan91 has joined #openttd
09:53:21 <andythenorth> Alberth: considering a bottle-based app for configuring + building a newgrf
09:53:48 <Alberth> you are somewhat hooked to web-frontends, eh? :)
09:53:50 <andythenorth> FISH and BANDIT are configured using a web CMS (Zope - python based), running on my server
09:54:06 <andythenorth> but moving it locally means that code would be in the rep
09:54:16 <andythenorth> and anybody could re-configure the grf and compile
09:55:45 <Alberth> the usual approach is to use a) code in a normal programming language, b) some data file that you read, or c) a definition in your own specification language
09:56:58 <andythenorth> so making a browser app provides a GUI to write (b)
09:57:09 <andythenorth> and constrains the available options, to limit accidental breakage
09:58:16 <Alberth> actually, code generator is more complicated than interpreting data, which is what you can do in c
10:09:16 *** valhallasw has joined #openttd
10:17:40 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
10:20:29 *** DorpsGek has joined #openttd
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10:27:48 *** RavingManiac has joined #openttd
10:38:31 <andythenorth> third accepted cargo for general store: fruit or beer?
10:40:24 <Alberth> or did you fly to another climate?
10:41:56 <Alberth> but it somewhat depends on what industry chain you want in front of it, I guess
10:43:51 <andythenorth> could make it conditional on the economy
10:43:58 <andythenorth> fruit / beer not available in all
10:45:00 <andythenorth> some economies are restrained :P
10:45:08 <andythenorth> beer is only availale in the black market :P
10:46:05 <andythenorth> FIRS lang updates needed for all languages btw
10:46:40 <Alberth> indians raided your train, and stole the gold :p
10:51:24 <Terkhen> should I start now or are you going to make more changes?
10:51:56 <andythenorth> actually one is uncommitted
10:53:32 <andythenorth> small changes mostly
10:55:31 <Alberth> small changes are the most difficult to get right :)
10:55:44 <andythenorth> two of them split one string into substrings
10:55:52 <andythenorth> the other adds General Store
11:04:49 <andythenorth> reduced the number of industries in basic economies :)
11:05:18 <Terkhen> oh, you have ranchs now?
11:05:52 <andythenorth> it's just a sheep farm renamed :)
11:05:59 <andythenorth> looks better in tropic basic
11:06:18 * Terkhen ponders moving strings around to avoid the bogus "string changed" reports
11:06:29 <andythenorth> I nearly called it hacienda in english.lng, I like the word
11:07:19 <Terkhen> what's more heard now is "rancho", anyways
11:07:27 <Terkhen> we have anglicisms everywhere
11:08:31 *** RavingManiac has joined #openttd
11:12:18 *** TinoDidriksen has joined #openttd
11:22:03 *** dihedral has joined #openttd
11:32:12 <andythenorth> Temperate economy is vegetarian :P
11:32:18 <andythenorth> mostly eats bread
11:45:07 <andythenorth> making economies makes my head hurt
11:47:45 <__ln__> is there a newgrf for building a big airport that takes years after years to complete building?
11:47:45 <Alberth> nice andy! "to get started, please upload a base language"
11:48:23 <Alberth> do airports even have building stages?
11:48:36 <__ln__> i don't know, maybe they should
11:49:21 <Alberth> I only know OpenGFX+airports, but that newgrf does not do what you ask
11:49:50 <andythenorth> Alberth: small things :)
11:49:55 <andythenorth> 'empty state design'
11:50:42 <Alberth> for a newgrf to exist, it needs building stages. Thus if the spec doesn't say they exist, don't bother looking for one :)
11:51:00 <Alberth> andythenorth: yeah, but it's very nice
11:51:12 <Alberth> I'll request a few more :)
11:51:58 <andythenorth> so temperate is uk?
11:52:59 <Alberth> neither is vegetarian afaik :)
11:53:58 <andythenorth> so I could import petrol and iron ore?
11:54:05 <andythenorth> cutting the oil chain out
11:54:39 <Alberth> would be nice to get rid of the standard chains, imho
11:54:54 <andythenorth> I am keeping some resemblance, but not same
11:55:31 <Alberth> europe is also Spain and Italy
11:55:56 <Alberth> oh, my I is really that small :)
11:56:26 <Alberth> so uk is perhaps easier to 'cover'
12:03:06 *** dotwaffle has joined #openttd
12:07:03 *** goodger has joined #openttd
12:13:55 <frosch123> __ln__: use the fake airports
12:14:15 <frosch123> you can increase the size as long as you do not run out of object ids
12:14:21 <frosch123> and it will never become operational
12:37:08 *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttd
12:39:56 *** zeknurn has joined #openttd
12:40:56 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 has joined #openttd
12:48:50 *** ntoskrnl has joined #openttd
12:54:21 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
13:00:12 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r25061 /trunk/src (lang/english.txt spritecache.cpp) (2013-03-03 13:00:06 UTC)
13:00:13 <DorpsGek> -Fix: When allocation of the sprite cache fails, try to allocate less memory and display an error message later on.
13:09:18 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
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14:33:57 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttd
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15:27:34 <NGC3982> I have multiple trains, with different type of wagons
15:27:50 <NGC3982> Carrying different things, and not being able to refit to each others purpose cargo
15:28:25 <NGC3982> If i autoreplace break vans with one of the wagon, will only the ones autoreplace:able to "purposed cargo" autoreplace the brake wagon?
15:30:28 * NGC3982 has a couple of hours work ahead.
15:34:40 <NGC3982> Though, i can't seem to replace a Mineral Truck > Timber Truck?
15:35:13 <Alberth> same truck, different refit?
15:36:27 <NGC3982> I accidently autoreplaces the brake wagon > Mineral truck on all my trains
15:36:45 <NGC3982> I then grouped the ones carrying timber, trying to change the Mineral truck back to the timber wagon.
15:36:54 <Alberth> interesting "Truck" concept :p
15:37:26 <NGC3982> I just used the words from the game.
15:37:42 <NGC3982> But yeah, i guess i have to replace them manually?
15:38:19 <Alberth> I usually don't bother, and just make new consists with cloning, while deleting the old ones
15:38:47 <NGC3982> With different orders
15:40:41 <NGC3982> Seriosly, like 650 trains.
15:43:43 <Alberth> that's a lot, I have about 230 in my current game
15:51:09 <planetmaker> uh... good question
15:51:12 <kRush> hey, I'm running ubuntu 12.10. will one of the precise/raring .debs provided for 1.3.0 work for me?
15:53:21 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttd
15:54:57 <frosch123> ntoskrnl: wt3 sometimes messes up
15:55:00 <frosch123> nothing to worry about
15:55:17 <frosch123> happens every few months with some language
15:58:31 <ntoskrnl> can't you, like, fix wt3 then? =P
16:01:10 <planetmaker> can you write a web translation service?
16:01:56 <planetmaker> I know that you can ;-)
16:04:22 <heffer> but i guess that won't work with our current translation files
16:33:23 *** scuffell has joined #openttd
16:33:24 * fonsinchen likes to invent container classes
16:33:48 <fonsinchen> We're getting a SmallMatrix ...
16:40:38 <NGC3982> With a tiny Keanu Reeves?
16:41:47 <fonsinchen> sure, he's hiding somewhere in there. You won't find him, though.
16:49:35 <peter1138> we are the coders who say NIH!
16:50:51 <fonsinchen> I wanted a matrix which gets allocated in one consecutive piece of address space
16:51:10 <fonsinchen> Saves some pointer dereferencing and reallocation overhead.
16:53:42 <TinoDidriksen> Why reinvent that? Surely that exists...
16:54:56 <fonsinchen> Another dependency for such a short piece of code? Probably not worth it. Also, we already have SmallVector and SmallMap. It fits in nicely.
16:55:26 <fonsinchen> Dependencies are a pain because you have to get them to compile on all supported platforms.
16:55:44 <TinoDidriksen> ...or just use Boost.
16:56:33 <fonsinchen> why is boost a pain?
16:57:08 <TinoDidriksen> Boost is one of the easiest dependencies since most is header-only.
16:59:38 <fonsinchen> boost doesn't have an equivalent for smallmatrix, though.
17:00:34 <fonsinchen> This is probably a very specific thing. You only get to benefit from it if you're using rectangular matrixes that rarely change their height.
17:01:01 <fonsinchen> For all other cases vectors of vectors are better.
17:01:41 <Alberth> just a vector works fine too, if you have a fixed height or width
17:01:49 <TinoDidriksen> uBLAS or Multi_array don't fit the criteria?
17:04:37 <fonsinchen> I want to access elements with matrix[x][y]
17:04:52 <fonsinchen> so I needed an operator[] that returns a pointer.
17:05:20 *** goodger has joined #openttd
17:05:34 <TinoDidriksen> Multi_array can do that...
17:06:30 <fonsinchen> True. They don't like boost, around here, though... I heard.
17:07:08 <fonsinchen> And my SmallMatrix has the benefit of being really simple, much smaller than that stuff.
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17:30:06 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
18:15:15 <Eddi|zuHause> err, is 05.sav supposed to be the trunk title game? :p
18:19:35 <frosch123> with two games each (second and third place) from 3 years of competetions, you end up with 7 games :)
18:24:52 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
18:31:38 <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause, psst!
18:33:59 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
18:34:32 *** ZxBiohazardZx has joined #openttd
18:37:29 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
18:38:01 <andythenorth> is it weird to transport oil from port to refinery?
18:38:07 <andythenorth> irl it would be pipelined
18:39:40 <goodger> not this can of worms
18:39:46 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
18:39:56 <andythenorth> it's a simple question
18:40:04 <andythenorth> port -> oil refinery
18:40:09 <andythenorth> or oil wells -> oil refinery
18:40:24 <andythenorth> within a FIRS 'basic' economy
18:41:13 <goodger> it would make more sense to be able to build pipelines
18:41:25 <andythenorth> that's a side issue ;)
18:42:55 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: i'm pretty sure there are cases where there's no pipeline
18:43:05 <andythenorth> is it weird for gameplay?
18:45:52 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r25062 /trunk/src/lang (4 files) (2013-03-03 18:45:41 UTC)
18:45:53 <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
18:45:54 <DorpsGek> german - 2 changes by planetmaker
18:45:55 <DorpsGek> greek - 1 changes by Evropi
18:45:56 <DorpsGek> italian - 1 changes by lorenzodv
18:45:57 <DorpsGek> spanish - 2 changes by Terkhen
18:46:46 <Eddi|zuHause> i've done ship->train lots of times
18:52:24 <Eddi|zuHause> i think you need to provide flags if you add a language there
18:52:42 <avdg> yeah, I already thought it wouldn't be fixed by just adding these languages
18:56:27 *** TrueBrain has joined #openttd
18:57:33 <Alberth> what good is it to add languages that have no translation?
19:00:22 <frosch123> i think there was a flamewar about flags not representing languages :)
19:01:23 <avdg> do you mean the country flags which are used to represent a language? :-)
19:01:52 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, for every language we should pick a random country that has this language as primary language, that is not the "main" country that gives the language its name
19:02:19 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: was it you who had that banner in the forum signature, which advertised becoming a translator
19:02:27 <frosch123> there was an eu flag in there
19:02:38 <frosch123> or was it dihedral?
19:02:52 <Eddi|zuHause> the EU has more languages than member states :p
19:02:53 <planetmaker> might have been dihedral
19:03:01 <planetmaker> sure, Eddi|zuHause ?
19:03:20 <frosch123> i guess it depends on what you consider a language
19:04:02 <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: well almost :p
19:04:02 <planetmaker> Belgium adds none, Austria adds none, Ireland... not sure
19:04:09 <Eddi|zuHause> 27 member states and 23 official languages
19:04:11 <avdg> don't say anything about belgium :p
19:04:12 <Alberth> Frisian is in Europe, but is not a member state :)
19:04:13 <planetmaker> Luxemburg neither
19:04:33 <planetmaker> avdg, yes, I'll come get you on Wednesday ;-)
19:04:37 <frosch123> planetmaker: we have luxemburgian in ottd
19:05:03 <frosch123> Luxembourgish is the spelling
19:05:16 <planetmaker> but you might escape by avoiding Brussels ;-)
19:05:18 <Alberth> nu use hiding avdg, we know where you live :p
19:05:51 <avdg> no worries: I'll use proxies ;-)
19:06:01 <avdg> meh, I'm just kidding :p
19:08:13 <frosch123> hmm, so, does ottd feature all those 23 languages of the eu?
19:08:13 <avdg> and I think I can start by making a list of languages to add
19:09:17 <avdg> Alberth: I think it might be a good idea to skip the unfinished languages for now, unless someone doesn't agree with that
19:09:25 <Alberth> you don't have enough room to add all
19:10:37 <frosch123> otherweise we would have all official and semi-offical languages
19:10:49 <frosch123> oh, scottish Gaelic is not finished either
19:11:00 <avdg> Alberth: to add all unlisted languages, have fun with that :D
19:12:02 <Alberth> you seem interested in adding them
19:12:05 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
19:13:18 <frosch123> if we remove the server language thingie... what would we do with the saved byte(s) ?
19:13:39 <frosch123> i think it is safe to assume that noone uses the language thingie
19:13:54 <avdg> you would change the protocol
19:13:58 <frosch123> and if someone would use it, (s)he would likely add some [bla] tag to the server name
19:16:45 <avdg> and I think the language thingy can be used for the admin connection thingy (or whatever its called), but I'm not sure of that
19:16:49 *** goodger has joined #openttd
19:21:46 <andythenorth> so people in Temperate now survive on Beer and Cheese
19:22:20 <goodger> OTTD grows more realistic with every new version
19:22:57 <Alberth> It does? That should not happen!
19:36:53 <peter1138> the language indicates the primary language spoken by people on the server
19:37:14 <frosch123> it's "any" in most cases
19:37:29 <peter1138> variants of english aren't needed
19:37:41 <frosch123> and most of the servers which do not have "any", have a language tag in the server name as well
19:37:55 <peter1138> welsh... well, not to be rude but nobody seriously speaks welsh these days :p
19:38:25 <avdg> its just a language list :p
19:39:02 <Alberth> just use some standard definition
19:42:36 <avdg> Alberth: for network_internal.h? I wonder if there is one
19:43:04 <andythenorth> there is a welsh FIRS translation
19:45:08 <Alberth> make it 4 letters 'abcd', so people can make 'ab_cd'
19:46:04 <Alberth> but I totally not understand what you're doing, or why you think it is useful to change network_install.h
19:47:18 <avdg> Because I'm trying to write an api for the admin port connection and I thought it was lacking some languages
19:47:53 <Eddi|zuHause> avdg: bokmal and nynorsk are two separate languages. bokmal is more closely related to danish and swedish, while nynorsk is more closely related to icelandic and faroic
19:49:59 <frosch123> is it? i thought they are only about spelling not about talking
19:51:11 <Eddi|zuHause> last time i searched, bokmal was the language spoken by the "elite" while nynorsk is the (reconstructed) language of the "common people"
19:52:06 <terjesc> I can try to explain.
19:52:21 <avdg> Eddi|zuHause: I'm more wondered if NetworkLanguage is just a total separated list, so NETLANG_NORWEGIAN and NETLANG_CHINESE don't have a match with a language file
19:52:29 <terjesc> Norway was in a union with Denmark for 400 years, and the written language was Danish.
19:53:09 <frosch123> avdg: yes, it is completely separate
19:53:14 <frosch123> there is no relation to any language files
19:53:39 <frosch123> but i would rather trash it than extend it :p
19:54:00 <avdg> yeah, I understand it now
19:54:09 <avdg> its kinda hard to maintain as well
19:54:59 <andythenorth> temperate basic: fish, or goods?
19:55:00 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
19:55:18 <terjesc> After the union with Denmark, there were two possible ways to get an own Norwegian language. We could change the Danish, or we could make a new language based on Norwegian dialects. Some people went for the first solution, others for the second. And still today we have not settled on which language to use.
19:55:24 <frosch123> andythenorth: primary versus tertiary?
19:55:53 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: why "or"?
19:56:11 <andythenorth> limited number of cargos
19:56:19 <andythenorth> goods is 'core' to TTD
19:56:33 <frosch123> how many primary, secondary and tertiary cargos do you already hve?
19:56:36 <Eddi|zuHause> fish is somewhat of an odd cargo
19:56:52 <Supercheese> add more cargo types
19:56:56 <frosch123> and fish feels more like arctic to me
19:57:21 <Supercheese> more cargo type support* rather
19:57:37 <Eddi|zuHause> remove fish, let ports produce food instead :)
19:57:44 <frosch123> Supercheese: i guess andy has the onion disease again
19:57:50 <frosch123> he does not want more than 10 cargos or so
19:58:03 <andythenorth> 18 is enough for basic
19:58:19 <andythenorth> arctic is fine with 16
19:58:21 <Eddi|zuHause> how many cargos does original have?
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19:58:31 <andythenorth> more than you think :P
19:58:32 <Supercheese> Original is zzzzzz
19:58:35 <__ln__> terjesc: so does one hear the difference in spoken language?
19:58:45 <Alberth> terjesc: thanks for your explanation
19:58:59 <frosch123> temperate it the only one with a secondary cargo (steel)
19:59:04 <frosch123> toyland has the most tertiary cargos
19:59:47 <andythenorth> bananas tagging is lame
19:59:57 <andythenorth> firs in the newgrf window produces CHIPS
20:00:03 <andythenorth> Alberth: bottle it :P
20:00:10 <terjesc> __ln__: The question of spoken language doesn't make sense... In Norway everyone speak a dialect, even on national television. But some dialects are closer to one of the two written languages than others.
20:00:13 <Supercheese> someone™ should write better tagging guidelines
20:01:11 <terjesc> __ln__: But yes, one would definately hear the difference when reading out loud.
20:01:28 <Alberth> adding some form of categories is more useful perhaps
20:01:28 * andythenorth cleans up some tags
20:02:13 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: i don't think this layout is any good at all
20:02:54 <frosch123> i abandoned it anyway
20:03:09 <frosch123> i did not see any useful tags, even when filtering for content type first
20:03:43 <frosch123> maybe we should autogenerate tags from the descriptions
20:03:52 <frosch123> while dropping common short words
20:04:28 <__ln__> terjesc: bokmål has three genders?
20:05:56 <Eddi|zuHause> as do most germanic languages, just sometimes they detoriated and merged
20:06:07 <__ln__> nice. i have a textbook of norwegian in my bookshelf, gotta start reading it.
20:06:30 <__ln__> Eddi|zuHause: swedes have only two
20:06:39 <Eddi|zuHause> english also has three genders, but the only place where they still appear is he/she/it
20:06:51 <terjesc> __ln__: Only two? Are you sure?
20:09:13 *** ZxBiohazardZx has left #openttd
20:09:15 <__ln__> which is why i was surprised when i first heard norwegian has three.
20:16:01 <terjesc> I'm not quite sure, but I think the initial versions of bokmål had only masculine and neuter. At least at some point feminine could be used as if masculine, and many words still can be either.
20:17:20 <terjesc> I have never really thought of Swedish and Danish lacking feminine.
20:17:38 <terjesc> But now that you mention it, I don't think they have it. q:
20:18:31 <NGC3982> My little water incident will be most profitable, for me at least.
20:19:01 <NGC3982> They will probably have to replace the entire wooden floor, a full wall (thus, putting up new wallpaper in the entire room).
20:19:07 <NGC3982> peter1138: What kind?
20:24:15 <__ln__> wooden floor? wasn't it laminate yesterday.
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20:26:56 <NGC3982> You do not concider laminate wood?
20:29:06 <NGC3982> I guess it's "lame wood" or something.
20:29:20 <NGC3982> Crap tightly pressed together.
20:30:06 <__ln__> i think the wood texture in laminate is somehow printed, it's not from actual wood.
20:31:07 <blathijs> laminate is basically compressed wood powder (like MDF) with layer of plastic "laminated" on top with a print
20:31:21 <NGC3982> Well, at least it will be a good thing for me. The laminate floor here is awful and partialy broken everywhere.
20:31:32 <NGC3982> And this will give fruit to the fact that it needs to be changed.
20:31:49 <blathijs> But laminate is a lot easier and cheaper that a proper wooden floor, usually :-)
20:32:20 <NGC3982> I guess laminate would be more suitable for me, in my small (rented) apartment.
20:45:16 <wolfmitchell> What is the default conf dir for linux when compiling from source?
20:48:08 <wolfmitchell> also, "Error: Failed to find a graphics set. Please acquire a graphics set for OpenTTD. See section 4.1 of readme.txt.
20:48:08 <wolfmitchell> ", for a dedicated server, how would I start without a graphics set?
20:48:30 <frosch123> even the dedicated server needs a graphics set
20:48:39 <wolfmitchell> would I need an X server?
20:49:00 <frosch123> well, if you compile it specifically for dedicated that is
20:49:16 <wolfmitchell> since I'm running it on a VPS
20:51:21 <frosch123> the dedicated server needs some 1% from the basegraphics, which are actually no graphics but old crap
20:51:39 <frosch123> and noone made it live without that yet
20:55:07 <wolfmitchell> so I use openttd -D (myip):(someavailableport) -v opengfc.obg #?
20:55:58 <glx> graphic set != graphic driver :)
20:56:29 <frosch123> just put the opengfx files in ~/.openttd/baseset
20:56:42 <frosch123> it should pick it itself
20:57:56 <wolfmitchell> how would I set up rcon from within the console?
20:58:34 <frosch123> i don't think you can
20:58:47 <frosch123> yuo need to edit ~/.openttd/openttd.cfg for the rcon_password
20:59:04 <frosch123> (mind that ottd saves the config on exit by default)
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21:42:36 <Ristovski> how much does the server use with 3 clients connected?
21:44:19 <Eddi|zuHause> megabytes of what?
21:45:58 *** kormer622 has joined #openttd
21:46:02 <TinoDidriksen> Bandwidth, I presume.
21:46:25 <andythenorth> FIRS basic temperate, turns out to be Welsh
21:47:27 <avdg> so around 15GB for 3 players (if assumptions are right)
21:47:40 <TinoDidriksen> Per month. That's nothing.
21:48:38 <Eddi|zuHause> Ristovski: about 3kb/s
21:48:54 <Ristovski> Eddi|zuHause: yeah, I read on the wiki
21:49:14 <Ristovski> you can like play for days or watch a single 2 min youtube vid :D
21:49:34 <Eddi|zuHause> you can reduce that by carefully tweaking settings
21:50:08 <Ristovski> Eddi|zuHause: really? which settings?
21:50:19 <Eddi|zuHause> net_frame_freq or so
21:51:04 <Eddi|zuHause> be careful, if you increase that too far, game may feel laggy and unresponsive
21:51:35 <Ristovski> I wont, the bandwidth is low enough :D
21:55:01 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
22:26:16 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
23:05:55 <wolfmitchell> Ona dedicated server, would I be able to set how much money a company has?
23:14:07 *** kormer622 is now known as kormer
23:43:30 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
23:59:06 *** Celestar_ has joined #openttd
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