IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2011-04-21
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00:15:55 <Eddi|zuHause> something doesn't compute with this turntable:
00:19:09 <DanMacK> :/ Interesting
00:19:58 <Eddi|zuHause> location is given as "Bw Kreuzberg im Ahrtal"
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04:49:18 <ccfreak2k> Eddi|zuHause, is it because tracks run under it?
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07:17:28 <Terkhen> good morning
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10:01:22 <dihedral> morning
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10:12:27 <SmatZ> hello dih
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11:04:00 <planetmaker> Hei dih ;-)
11:17:17 <dihedral> :-)
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11:22:14 <dihedral> orudge, got any further wirh your idea of a single sign on server?
11:22:18 <dihedral> or auth server?
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12:15:12 <Wolf01> hello
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12:33:28 <Belugas> hey lo
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13:08:40 <Belugas> ho.. I forgot to mention: when I took the bus to work this morning, it was snowing
13:08:52 <planetmaker> :-D
13:08:54 <Belugas> though you might find it interesting to to know ;)
13:09:07 <planetmaker> Is it unfair, if I tell you that I considered wearing shorts today?
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13:10:34 <Belugas> what can i say? apart fucking country?
13:12:26 <Wolf01> is it you which choose to live near the north pole, your country existed before you :D
13:16:30 <Belugas> wasn't me, but my father
13:17:07 <Belugas> and you know what's the joke? When he decided to move out of belgium, he had the choice: canada or guadeloup
13:17:23 <Belugas> imagine... my life by the beach
13:19:15 <Wolf01> :o
13:19:30 <__ln__> and you'd be dreaming of snow
13:19:57 <Wolf01> Italy is better, winter->snow, summer->beach :D
13:20:33 <__ln__> and english->/dev/null
13:22:51 <Wolf01> not only that :P
13:23:33 <Belugas> :)
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14:53:19 <yorick> orudge: the ads on tt-forums actually get me a "slow flash script" warning
14:56:46 <orudge> yorick: there's a page on Google somewhere you can complain about them
14:56:55 * orudge cannot particularly do anything about the specific adverts that appear
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17:42:30 <Belugas> BOOOM!!!
17:42:34 <Belugas> No more current!
17:42:39 <Belugas> we are on batteries :D
17:43:45 <Belugas> must turn off computers now
17:43:55 *** Belugas has quit IRC
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17:45:44 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r22355 /trunk/src/lang/ (belarusian.txt croatian.txt):
17:45:44 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:44 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: belarusian - 1 changes by KorneySan
17:45:44 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: croatian - 1 changes by VoyagerOne
17:45:46 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: slovenian - 32 changes by
17:47:24 *** lasershock has joined #openttd
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18:21:45 <yorick> why is there ai/ai.hpp.sq?
18:21:50 <yorick> (empty file)
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18:31:53 <Eddi|zuHause> hopefully Belugas has a long weekend now ;)
18:34:27 <Alberth> no radio to listen to ;)
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19:08:18 *** Belugas has joined #openttd
19:08:18 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Belugas
19:10:31 <Alberth> Belugas, welcome back
19:15:17 <Belugas> hey Alberth :)
19:15:19 <Belugas> thanks
19:15:36 <Belugas> but... i wish we were still underpowered ;)
19:15:45 <Alberth> we guessed as much :)
19:16:31 <Belugas> well... quite obvious hehehe
19:16:42 <planetmaker> wb, Belugas :-)
19:16:52 <Belugas> there is a new sky scrapper being built just the other side of the street
19:16:55 <planetmaker> We already hoped it'd last and you'd be (already) off for a long weekend
19:16:57 <Belugas> since it started,
19:17:04 <Belugas> we have much power fluctuations
19:17:14 <Belugas> long weeked...
19:17:16 <Belugas> yeah.
19:17:16 <planetmaker> sounds pretty bad ;-)
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19:18:17 <Belugas> at least, we can say Yeah for our backup batteries...
19:21:14 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: glx * r22356 /trunk/src/ai/ (7 files): -Fix (r22342): somehow empty and useless new files were added
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19:25:54 <Belugas> not all of us can, however ;)
19:26:03 <Belugas> one of us had a faulty battery
19:26:11 <Belugas> he lost 4 hours of dev work
19:26:16 <Belugas> hooon...
19:27:29 <planetmaker> he... I'd have assumed you have a central UPS?
19:28:04 <Belugas> are you kidding????
19:28:17 <Alberth> Belugas: I once lost 3 hours of work due to use of a RAM disk and a power cut :)
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19:28:36 <Belugas> ooops :)
19:28:36 <Alberth> planetmaker: with windows desktops? (educated guess)
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19:29:32 <Belugas> quite right
19:29:49 <Belugas> the only linux machine we have is the one dealing with internet access
19:35:29 <planetmaker> Alberth: at my university, the computers are attached to a separate power circuit which has separate connections and special measures to ensure continued power
19:35:45 <planetmaker> (whatever they are in detail, I don't know)
19:36:21 <Alberth> we only have that for 19" rack systems, and the file server :)
19:36:51 <Alberth> which is fine, as my $HOME is at the file server :)
19:42:55 <Belugas> that looks like organisation. tel me about it!
19:43:59 <Alberth> it's called NFS :)
19:45:30 <planetmaker> :-)
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19:50:39 <Belugas> we're using OAP system here
19:50:43 <Belugas> oops..
19:50:45 <Belugas> HAP
19:53:18 <Alberth> haha, 'High speed Arithmetic Processor' according to Google :)
19:55:48 <Belugas> so far from the truth ;)
19:55:53 <Belugas> Hope And Pray
19:56:34 <SmatZ> :D
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20:14:42 <Eddi|zuHause> [21.04.2011 21:17] <Belugas> long weeked... <-- well, in germany, this friday and monday are holidays
20:15:29 <Eddi|zuHause> 1st may would also be a holiday, but it falls on a sunday this year
20:16:36 <SmatZ> we have holidays only on Monday
20:16:36 <glx> and 8th may ?
20:16:41 <SmatZ> but both 1st and 8th May :)
20:17:37 <Eddi|zuHause> glx: i believe that was a holiday in east germany, but it is not anymore.
20:17:39 <Belugas> we're just off tomorrow, sadly
20:17:56 <SmatZ> they could have surrendered 1 day earlier
20:18:15 <SmatZ> it makes problems at school, when two same days of a week are missing
20:18:27 <Eddi|zuHause> haha :p
20:18:58 <glx> november is better for that
20:19:03 <glx> 1st and 11th
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20:19:31 * Alberth would consider the whole of november as being satisfactory too :)
20:19:47 <Eddi|zuHause> i believe the surrender agreement was actually signed on the 7th, but it had a 24 hour period until it took effect
20:19:56 <SmatZ> we have only 17th November - as "day of fight for freedom and democracy"
20:20:02 <SmatZ> :)
20:20:34 <SmatZ> and we have 5th and 6th July as holidays :)
20:21:04 <glx> 14th july here
20:21:07 <Eddi|zuHause> we have the 3rd and 31st october. they're on the same weekday as well
20:21:08 <glx> and 15th august
20:21:14 <SmatZ> (one from year ~981, second from 1415...)
20:22:11 <Eddi|zuHause> and we have the (mostly meaningless) 3rd october, because they were too scared to pick the 9th november as holiday...
20:22:30 <Eddi|zuHause> because of some unpleasant historical collisions...
20:23:10 <SmatZ> :/
20:23:55 <SmatZ> history is a nice tool to find reasons why hate someone :p
20:25:28 <glx> with all the war we had, I think it should be possible to have holidays more often :)
20:25:38 <SmatZ> :D
20:26:50 <__ln__> i want more wars to get more holidays
20:27:32 <SmatZ> hehe
20:27:56 <glx> only WW are holidays
20:28:03 <Eddi|zuHause> 9th november 1918 was originally the day that democracy and surrender was proclaimed. for the (openly) antidemocratic nazis this date was abused to do some unpleasant things later
20:28:52 <Eddi|zuHause> the fall of the wall on 9th november 1989 was a coincidence, but they didn't want to declare that the national holiday
20:29:07 <glx> hehe
20:29:11 <SmatZ> :)
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20:29:25 <SmatZ> another good thing should happen on that date
20:29:32 <Eddi|zuHause> although that would be the "natural" date for the "day of reunification"
20:29:33 <glx> 71 years were not enough
20:29:37 <SmatZ> so the "good" things are in majority :)
20:30:42 <__ln__> come to think of it, i don't think we have any holiday directly related to a war
20:34:52 <Eddi|zuHause> the majority of holidays are of religious nature
20:35:37 <__ln__> yes, except chrismas which is dedicated to santa claus
20:35:44 <__ln__> +t
20:40:57 <supermop> chismas celebrates chris sawyer, not to be confused with christmas
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20:43:22 <__ln__> and easter is for celebrating bunnies
20:45:01 <glx> and chocolate
20:49:39 <aber> chocolate-bunnies
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20:58:31 <Eddi|zuHause> and what exactly is not religious about _santa_ claus?
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21:03:40 <__ln__> "claus"
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21:38:19 <Eddi|zuHause> if beer doesn't work, he should try Stroh 80.
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21:40:46 <SmatZ> octopodes!
21:45:13 <Eddi|zuHause> octopussy
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23:05:49 <pikka> hum
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23:13:57 <Terkhen> good night
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23:36:48 <SmatZ> there was a nitrotoluene explosion in an areal of chemical company "Explosia"
23:36:56 <SmatZ> the irony :p
23:38:46 * SmatZ expects someone to say "that is not 'irony'"
23:40:03 <Lachie> that isn't irony.
23:40:38 <SmatZ> thanks :)
23:42:32 <Lachie> you dick.
23:43:39 <SmatZ> :(
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