IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2010-02-20
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00:27:04 <Wolf01> 'night
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00:28:13 <mib_uqmy8f> Hello, is petert here ?
00:28:22 <PeterT> Yes
00:28:25 <PeterT> hello
00:28:46 <PeterT> You might want to change your nick: /nick <newname>
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00:28:51 <mib_uqmy8f> hello, you have a pm.
00:29:03 <mib_uqmy8f> I never do that sorry.
00:29:08 <PeterT> ChillCore?
00:29:12 <PeterT> I've already replied
00:30:36 <mib_uqmy8f> Yep ChillCore.Ok, will read. Sorry once more. Goodnight all.
00:30:50 <PeterT> It is fine, don't sweat it
00:30:52 <PeterT> Night
00:31:02 <mib_uqmy8f> Night
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00:33:21 <Sacro> <- learn to pick fights
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01:21:41 <Eddi|zuHause> "After carefully reviewing this bug report with our board of directors on 4chan" <-- great ;)
01:23:53 <kd5pbo> Or, just don't use PHP.
01:23:55 <kd5pbo> Simple.
01:25:16 <__ln__> Am I mistaken or is the famous gambling city of The Plains in a state called Snowfall?
01:27:29 <Eddi|zuHause> that's the only thing that caught you as odd?
01:29:36 <Eddi|zuHause> not that there's a Kansas City (Missouri) and a Kansas City (Kansas) right next to each other
01:29:55 <kd5pbo> Nevada == snowy, not snowfall.
01:30:01 <Eddi|zuHause> or that there's a town called "Brotherlove" in a state called "Penn's forest"
01:30:18 <kd5pbo> That one makes sense, actually.
01:30:23 <kd5pbo> Penn was a quaker.
01:30:27 <kd5pbo> Original peaceniks.
01:33:28 <__ln__> My dictionary says nevada is snowfall, but well, it's known to be wrong before.
01:34:13 <kd5pbo> It might be, as a nown.
01:34:15 <kd5pbo> noun*
01:34:23 <__ln__> But another thing is whether Nevada is spanish or just happens to sound like it.
01:34:32 <kd5pbo> It's Spanish.
01:35:45 <Eddi|zuHause> lots of names around there are spanish
01:36:59 <kd5pbo> Yep.
01:37:03 <kd5pbo> Like, most of California.
01:37:08 <kd5pbo> And a good chunk of Texas.
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01:37:55 <__ln__> I was just thinking about the possibility that it's one of those three-syllable names that originate from a native language.
01:38:05 <__ln__> But nevermind, that's not the case.
01:38:24 <kd5pbo> Nah.
01:38:25 <kd5pbo> Not Nevada
01:38:47 <Eddi|zuHause> that kinda implies that there were actually people living there :p
01:40:06 <kd5pbo> In Nevada?
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01:42:16 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, that's what we're speaking about... if the natives had a name for this place, that would require actual natives living in the region (before european settlers arrived)
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01:43:09 <Eddi|zuHause> besides, seeing that large parts of nevada are mountains, there's a good chance of snow being found there...
01:44:15 <kd5pbo> Well, if I had to guess, it was probably just a mountain that was named, but when it came time to decide borders and whatnot, the name was applied to a massive chunk of nothing.
01:45:34 <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds likely... considering the number of "sierra nevada"s out there...
01:47:21 <Eddi|zuHause> speaking of which, the snow around here is starting to melt...
01:47:46 <__ln__> the snow around here not
01:48:05 <Eddi|zuHause> it was lieing there for about one and a half months now... i don't remember ever snow staying that long...
01:48:44 <__ln__> snowed some more today, and now it's -18 °C
01:48:58 <kd5pbo> __ln__: Where do you like?
01:49:01 <kd5pbo> live*
01:49:33 <__ln__> southern finland
01:49:41 <kd5pbo> Ah.
01:49:42 <kd5pbo> Cold.
01:50:16 <PeterT> is there a [net] debug setting to stop the "queries" but enable other debugs?
01:50:26 <Eddi|zuHause> the only place during this winter that doesn't have snow is vancouver :p
01:50:34 <Eddi|zuHause> what irony :)
01:50:36 <glx> hehe
01:50:51 <glx> and washington go a lot
01:50:55 <glx> *got
01:51:13 <Eddi|zuHause> washington state?
01:51:17 <kd5pbo> DC
01:51:20 <kd5pbo> Other side of the country.
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01:52:50 <__ln__> we've also had an exceptionally cold and snowy winter. the snow has been on the ground for more than two months now.
01:53:04 <Eddi|zuHause> well... would be weird if washington state had snow and vancouver, which is right outside of washington state had not...
01:55:00 <Eddi|zuHause> a friend of mine came back from vancouver about a month ago, and he complained about a temperature drop of 20°C
01:55:24 <Eddi|zuHause> (like from +10°C to -10°C)
01:55:49 <kd5pbo> That's really cold.
01:56:07 <kd5pbo> 'Course, I'm in Texas.
01:56:28 <Eddi|zuHause> he whined about that the whole time he was here...
01:56:47 <Eddi|zuHause> he's now back in vancouver :p
01:57:33 <Eddi|zuHause> kd5pbo: so what's the temperature over at your place?
01:58:03 <kd5pbo> Hm.
01:58:07 <kd5pbo> 60's today, I think.
01:58:15 <kd5pbo> 15 and a half C
01:59:03 <Eddi|zuHause> ähä... and you wear sweaters and ponchos at that temperature? :p
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01:59:15 <kd5pbo> Nah.
01:59:18 <kd5pbo> A light jacket.
01:59:25 <kd5pbo> I've not worn a poncho in a good long time.
01:59:49 <Eddi|zuHause> i suppose you don't have rain either :p
01:59:58 <kd5pbo> We do, every so often.
02:00:16 <kd5pbo> Had some last week.
02:00:26 <kd5pbo> Texas isn't all desert, contrary to popular belief.
02:01:29 <Eddi|zuHause> wait... i thought america's speciality was fulfilling prejudices and cliches?!
02:01:41 <kd5pbo> There's desert in Texas, just not my part.
02:01:42 <kd5pbo> Texas is big.
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02:02:59 <kd5pbo> It's about two Germanies.
02:03:07 <Eddi|zuHause> texas is like bavaria
02:03:52 <Eddi|zuHause> it's fairly large, very religious, the people speak a weird dialect and people from there are generally not liked in the rest of the country and vice versa
02:03:59 <kd5pbo> Lol.
02:04:14 <kd5pbo> There's a big difference between cities in Texas and the country.
02:04:22 <kd5pbo> Country as in non-urban areas.
02:04:43 <Eddi|zuHause> there's a big difference between munich and the rest of bavaria, too ;)
02:04:57 <Eddi|zuHause> oh, i forgot "they dress weird"
02:05:11 <kd5pbo> We dress the same as the rest of the countyr.
02:05:13 <kd5pbo> country.
02:05:17 <kd5pbo> City folk don't have silly accents.
02:05:26 <kd5pbo> I don't ride a horse, own a gun, or shoot indians.
02:06:49 <Eddi|zuHause> something i don't understand: how do you people tell apart if you're speaking about indians as in native americans or indians as in people from india...
02:06:59 <Eddi|zuHause> in german, those are two different words...
02:06:59 <kd5pbo> Sometimes it's ambiguous.
02:07:16 <kd5pbo> Actually, Indians == Native Americans isn't politically correct, anyways.
02:07:21 <kd5pbo> But, the short answer is, we don't.
02:07:23 <Eddi|zuHause> "Indianer" vs. "Inder"
02:07:47 <kd5pbo> Yeah, for us it's just Indian and Indian.
02:09:54 <kd5pbo> Just for the record, nobody shoots them any more.
02:10:45 <Eddi|zuHause> the only way germans know about indians are from western movies...
02:10:58 <Eddi|zuHause> which is a very... limited... picture
02:11:10 <kd5pbo> Uh, yeah.
02:11:38 <Eddi|zuHause> especially if you consider that half of these movies were based on stories by a person who never set foot on american soil :p
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02:15:46 <kd5pbo> Who?
02:16:56 <Ammler> but not the Winnetou guy?
02:17:10 <Ammler> Karl May or so...
02:18:05 <Eddi|zuHause>
02:19:38 <kd5pbo> Oh.
02:28:10 <Eddi|zuHause> if i skim this correctly, only his last book (Winnetou IV) was written after he actually visited america
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02:53:56 <Bluelight> Ok how do I demand that people make a password before they start playing?
02:54:17 <Bluelight> Is it able to be set from the config file?
02:54:40 <PeterT> No
02:55:20 <Bluelight> Ok
02:55:26 <Bluelight> Script?
02:55:40 <PeterT> No, don't think so
02:55:47 <PeterT> You could try AutoPilot or Avignon
02:55:50 <PeterT> do you have linux?
02:56:04 <Bluelight> No..
02:56:12 <Bluelight> But I will maybe have it later..
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02:56:35 <PeterT> ok
02:56:45 <PeterT> AutoPilot/Avignon only works on linux
02:56:59 <Bluelight> ok
02:57:04 <Bluelight> On FreeBSD?
02:57:15 <PeterT> maybe
02:58:18 <Bluelight> Most linux based software works I think..
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02:58:59 <Bluelight> But I have something to share.. :) My router finally stays stable and I don't know why, but now it's working..
02:59:10 <Bluelight> Even hosting a game works well too..
02:59:35 <Bluelight> There is light in the tunnel..
02:59:53 <Bluelight> But now I'm going to bed.. It's very late.. :p
03:00:14 <PeterT> night
03:00:27 <Bluelight> Night.. :)
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05:29:44 <ccfreak2k> Sacro, they seem to have forgot that Maxathon is just a wrapper for IE.
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11:05:04 <Zuu> Yexo: Have you seen my last update (a few weeks ago) to the break string patch? I understand that for now the focus is more to what is in 1.0 as stable as possible rather than working on new stuff.
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11:11:25 <frosch123> hmm, hmm, btw. has there been any topic about why there are a lot less industries on the map when using ecs in 1.0?
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12:23:41 <Yexo> Zuu: I don't think I've seen that update yet
12:23:52 <Yexo> but adding features now is fine, they just won't end up in 1.0
12:24:00 <Zuu> Ok, its on FS.
12:24:33 <Zuu> IIRC I added a static var to make it remember the state.
12:24:49 <Yexo> ok, I'll take a look later
12:25:04 <Zuu> The toggle button to toggle if breaking should be enabled/disabled as well as the match case button are probably new as well.
12:25:08 <Zuu> Sure, no rush.
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12:52:31 <Belugas> wow... shoping fora slr was fun. doing the same for an ink jet printer is... HELL
12:52:54 <Belugas> "shopping for a slr"
12:53:40 <jonty-comp> heh
12:53:49 <jonty-comp> there aren't many good printers nowadays :/
12:54:01 <jonty-comp> a friend had an Epson somethingorother that was good
12:55:31 <Belugas> noted
12:55:54 <Belugas> we wanted to stick to hp due to head replacing with new cartridge,
12:56:12 <Belugas> but are attracted by canon's quality
12:56:19 <jonty-comp> I have a HP printer now
12:56:27 <Belugas> but are woried about cleaning heads on canon
12:56:32 <Belugas> so do i, jonty-comp
12:56:35 <jonty-comp> despite putting a new colour cartridge in, it still prints the wrong colours
12:56:37 <Belugas> but its an old one
12:56:45 <Belugas> ho?
12:56:48 <jonty-comp> and the cartridges are more expensive than buying a new printer, as usual
12:56:50 <Belugas> which model?
12:56:56 <jonty-comp> it did work alright for the first year I had it, though
12:57:03 <Belugas> mmh
12:57:07 <jonty-comp> I can't remember offhand, it's at home and I'm at work :/
12:57:19 <Belugas> ho... sincere condoleances
12:57:20 <jonty-comp> the Samsung laser printers we have here at work are brilliant though
12:57:38 <Belugas> ooops... wife of shower... my time to go
12:57:43 <Belugas> ciao
12:57:48 <Belugas> off
12:57:49 <jonty-comp> bonjour
12:57:51 <PeterT> bye
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13:20:09 <mjk> Morning ... (or whatever TOD it is for you)
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13:29:08 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: yexo * r19166 /trunk/src/3rdparty/squirrel/sqstdlib/sqstdaux.cpp: -Change: don't print the absolute path to AI script files in the AI debug window, use the relative path from /ai/ instead
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13:34:36 <MoW|SwitchCOD> Hello :)
13:35:13 <Rubidium> hi
13:35:18 <Zuu> Yexo: Nice change, should give us better bug reports. :-)
13:35:36 <Rubidium> Zuu: and less manual manipulation of the screenshots!
13:35:41 <Rubidium> (it started to annoy me)
13:37:29 <MoW|SwitchCOD> I am new to openTTD and own Transport Tycoon Deluxe, is it better to use Transport Tycoon Deluxe textures on openTTD ?
13:38:31 <Rubidium> the choice between Transport Tycoon Deluxe and OpenGFX is mostly a taste issue
13:39:20 <Rubidium> (at least if you own a Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD, otherwise it's better to use OpenGFX due to legal issues and finding a 'right' version)
13:39:31 <roboboy> I personally prefer the TTD files but can't find my disc
13:40:28 <MoW|SwitchCOD> what is your taste Rubidium ?
13:40:53 <Rubidium> personal :)
13:41:01 <Eddi|zuHause> it's probably less a matter of taste and more a matter of getting used to...
13:43:42 <MoW|SwitchCOD> ill go for that orignal files
13:43:44 <MoW|SwitchCOD> :p
13:44:18 <SpComb^> embed the AI debug state in the sctreenshot pixel data
13:44:29 <SpComb^> ad tehn extract it from there
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13:47:17 <PeterT> any ideas?
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13:49:24 <mjk> PeterT: I don't know about the details of your problem, but could it be the wrong she-bang in
13:49:45 <mjk> PeterT: Like: #!/bin/executable_that_does_not_exist
13:50:10 <PeterT> hold on
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13:51:31 <Eddi|zuHause> on mingw, /bin/bash does not exist, but /bin/sh is actually bash...
13:51:33 <mjk> PeterT: Hm, wrong she-bang works here (created a simple script for testing) ... thought that could be the source of the error. I had such an error before (outside the openttd scope) ...
13:52:03 <Oddysee> hi again PeterT :)
13:52:07 <PeterT> Hi Oddysee
13:52:14 <PeterT> #!/bin/bash
13:52:14 <PeterT> sed "/---/ s|a/||;/+++/ s|b/||;"
13:52:19 <PeterT> that is the content of the file
13:52:25 <mjk> PeterT: Try /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash
13:52:27 <PeterT> I will change it to #!/bin/sh
13:52:54 <PeterT> Working now
13:52:58 <PeterT> thanks mjk, Eddi|zuHause
13:53:03 <mjk> no sweat =)
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13:55:16 <PeterT> this is an hg2svn bas
13:55:18 <PeterT> *bash
13:55:24 <PeterT> taking forever
13:56:06 <Oddysee> well the fact that you can't convert depots with trains in them is really putting me off converting to MagLev, it was bad enough converting to monorail...
13:58:08 <PeterT> mjk: Is there any reason it would take this long?
13:58:10 <PeterT> it's still going
14:00:31 * MoW|SwitchCOD sends some DDoS in Rubidium's direction
14:00:52 <MoW|SwitchCOD> what version do you have installed ? 1.0.0 rc1 ?
14:01:45 <PeterT> MoW|SwitchCOD: You can install multiple versions
14:02:16 <MoW|SwitchCOD> i hate installs :p
14:02:54 <PeterT> i have 20 installations atm
14:02:57 <PeterT> ~20
14:02:59 <MoW|SwitchCOD> lol
14:03:16 <MoW|SwitchCOD> wich one is most played online
14:03:36 <PeterT> stable
14:03:40 <PeterT> == 0.7.5
14:04:52 <MoW|SwitchCOD> okey
14:05:13 <Zuu> Hmm, an I can't get the maintenance cost of a station.
14:05:15 <MoW|SwitchCOD> powered by leaseweb :o
14:05:20 <Zuu> an AI*
14:05:52 <Zuu> IIRC it is $500 / year per station function at 1950.
14:06:00 <roboboy> I also have multiple copies lying around
14:06:40 <Zuu> MoW|SwitchCOD: I wrote a tool to keep track of my installs. :-)
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14:07:03 <MoW|SwitchCOD> haha
14:07:13 <Zuu> Just a single icon on my desktop to reach / update them.
14:07:33 <Oddysee> with NARS, you can start in 1830 right?
14:08:11 <MoW|SwitchCOD> the installer wants to install openTTD and Copy game graphics
14:08:14 <PeterT> If a patch fails to patch saveload.cpp, how should that be fixed?
14:08:31 <MoW|SwitchCOD> do i need the Copy game graphics ?
14:08:35 <Zuu> Yes
14:08:45 <PeterT> MoW|SwitchCOD: To your shared directory
14:08:59 * roboboy is tired
14:09:05 <Zuu> Depending on OpenTTD version you need the TTD graphics or you can use OpenGFX.
14:09:58 <MoW|SwitchCOD> i want to use the originals
14:09:59 <MoW|SwitchCOD> :p
14:10:17 <Oddysee> yep, i use the dos graphics :)
14:10:44 <PeterT> Where is fonsinchen when I need him
14:10:53 <roboboy> I used to until I lost the disk
14:11:14 <Zuu> Rubidium: Lols, the last manual edit by Kogut is rather ugly.
14:11:30 <Zuu> (manual edit of AI debug screenshot)
14:11:55 <jonty-comp> Zuu: hmm, that sounds like a useful tool
14:12:21 <roboboy> lol
14:12:25 <Zuu> jonty-comp: (win32 only)
14:12:31 <MoW|SwitchCOD> i did found the original files
14:12:35 <PeterT> jonty-comp: It's extremely
14:12:38 <PeterT> useful
14:12:44 <PeterT> I use it all the time
14:13:00 <PeterT> for latest nightly, #openttdcoop public server, newgrf airports
14:13:32 <MoW|SwitchCOD> itw works :p
14:13:53 <Zuu> Its me in a nutshell, I was to lasy to keep all installations up to date, so I spent a lot of time to make a tool that does it for me. :-p
14:14:55 <jonty-comp> I do that sort of thing
14:15:15 <jonty-comp> I doubt anyone will ever need this PDF2SWF program I'm writing at the moment, but I'll spend ages making it nice anyway
14:15:35 <Oddysee> ok, how does everyone, upgrade from normal/electric to monorail/maglev? because now its really annying me
14:15:41 <jonty-comp> although now it seems I need to learn flash as well, to put a preloader animation in ;_;
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14:15:57 <PeterT> ashb; You there?
14:16:01 <PeterT> i need your help
14:16:10 <PeterT> ashb: I'm merging IS2 and CargoDist again
14:16:33 <PeterT> I'm trying to commit this, but I can't give a fake message and get out of VIM
14:17:12 <jonty-comp> hmm, I don't appear to have anything to do for the next two hours
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14:19:05 * roboboy prepares to get into bed
14:22:03 <MoW|SwitchCOD> i have 0ms lag :p
14:22:15 <MoW|SwitchCOD> is this irc server running on leaseweb ?
14:23:01 <peter1138> no
14:23:08 <Xaroth> 0ms lag is impossible
14:23:24 <Zuu> Oddysee: I usually don't upgrade.
14:23:42 <jonty-comp> interesting
14:23:43 <jonty-comp> 14:23 [OFTC] CTCP PING reply from MoW|SwitchCOD: -3.-79 seconds
14:23:52 <MoW|SwitchCOD> whats that :p
14:23:54 <Zuu> Either I stay at the pre-monorail eral or start in mono/maglev-era.
14:24:12 <jonty-comp> apparently I have -3 seconds lag to you :p
14:24:15 <MoW|SwitchCOD> i am running my bnc server on leaseweb
14:24:17 <jonty-comp> *-4
14:24:26 <Xaroth> (MoW|SwitchCOD) (PING) Reply 249 ms
14:24:30 <Zuu> Oddysee: The other option is to not play, but make an AI that play for you that can do the tedius upgrade work.
14:24:41 <MoW|SwitchCOD> i see 0ms in the lag bar
14:24:43 <MoW|SwitchCOD> :p
14:24:49 <Xaroth> maybe your lag bar is being filtered ;)
14:25:14 <jonty-comp> 0ms lag to!
14:25:31 <jonty-comp> actually, 0.026ms apparently
14:27:01 <MoW|SwitchCOD> it jumps from 0 to 15
14:27:07 <PeterT> * Ping reply from MoW|SwitchCOD: 235.89 second(s)
14:27:11 <jonty-comp> ha
14:28:34 <MoW|SwitchCOD> all that pinging on me
14:28:37 <MoW|SwitchCOD> rrr
14:28:48 <PeterT> MoW|SwitchCOD: type /ping #openttd
14:28:57 <PeterT> No, don't
14:29:03 <MoW|SwitchCOD> :o
14:29:18 <roboboy> why?
14:30:08 <PeterT> roboboy: It will ping #openttd
14:30:11 <PeterT> I thought that was obvious
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14:33:04 <MoW|SwitchCOD> here is my bnc :p
14:33:22 * PeterT wishes he had a bnc
14:34:15 <Xaroth> why use a bnc if you can have a proper irc client :/
14:34:45 <MoW|SwitchCOD> depends
14:34:58 <MoW|SwitchCOD> people can pm you when your pc is off :p
14:35:13 <Xaroth> same here
14:35:18 <MoW|SwitchCOD> :o
14:35:46 <MoW|SwitchCOD> so if you pull your plug
14:35:52 <MoW|SwitchCOD> your still here
14:35:55 <Xaroth> I can still IRC.
14:36:24 <Xaroth> I can even log on from my phone from anywhere in the country.. and IRC from that.
14:36:32 <MoW|SwitchCOD> yeah me to
14:36:40 <MoW|SwitchCOD> thats not the same :p
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14:40:56 <PeterT> how do you remove all *.orig files from a working copy?
14:41:27 <glx> del /s *.orig
14:41:34 <glx> (on windows)
14:41:44 <glx> same for *.rej
14:41:50 <PeterT> thanks
14:42:07 <PeterT> thank would only work in cmd?
14:42:17 <PeterT> is there a same option for rm.exe?
14:42:37 <roboboy> gnight
14:42:41 <glx> del is a windows command, rm uses different option but should be able to do the same
14:43:06 <MoW|SwitchCOD> hmm i am not even on my bnc :p
14:43:12 <MoW|SwitchCOD> lol
14:43:19 <PeterT> I'll try rm -Rv *.orig
14:43:38 <PeterT> rm: cannot remove `*.orig': No such file or directory
14:48:15 <frosch123> rm -i `svn st --no-ignore | grep '\.orig$'`
14:49:10 <PeterT> that only works for svn?
14:49:12 <Eddi|zuHause> "find -iname blah -exec rm {} \;" or something
14:49:19 <frosch123> (stupid idea, better use something with find)
14:49:43 <Eddi|zuHause> or "find -iname blah | xargs -d'\n' rm"
14:50:01 <PeterT> invalid option -d
14:50:24 <Eddi|zuHause> you have an inferior xargs...
14:50:39 <Eddi|zuHause> without -d should be fine, if you have no spaces in the names
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14:55:52 <MoW|SwitchCOD> RAM: Used: 1867/8191MB (22% Load)
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15:07:18 *** dutchlisa has joined #openttd
15:07:37 <dutchlisa> Hi ^^
15:07:39 <MoW|SwitchCOD> openttd also uses the orignal music :o
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15:08:13 <PeterT> Hell dutchlisa
15:08:16 <PeterT> *hello
15:08:49 <dutchlisa> Hi Peter
15:09:02 <Eddi|zuHause> MoW|SwitchCOD: yes, but only from the windows version, not from the dos version
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15:09:22 <MoW|SwitchCOD> i copy the originals over it
15:09:28 <MoW|SwitchCOD> same size file
15:09:36 <dutchlisa> Guess if I want to play TTD with someone I need to go to that other room no? ^^
15:09:43 <dutchlisa> openttdcoop? :)
15:10:02 <PeterT> #openttdcoop
15:10:04 <Eddi|zuHause> dutchlisa: this channel is mainly for development
15:10:09 <dutchlisa> Oh!
15:10:09 <dutchlisa> ^^
15:10:15 <MoW|SwitchCOD> gvd :p
15:10:24 <Eddi|zuHause> dutchlisa: some multiplayer servers have their own channels
15:10:27 <dutchlisa> Wat is er Switch? :p
15:10:33 <dutchlisa> Oke ^^
15:10:49 <PeterT> dutchlisa: I know of some channels, #jonty, #OpenTTDMegaClan, #ottd-rcon
15:11:06 <MoW|SwitchCOD> welke versie heb jij lisa
15:11:21 <dutchlisa> Emm
15:11:22 <dutchlisa> Ehh
15:11:26 <dutchlisa> How can I see that ^^?
15:11:29 <MoW|SwitchCOD> :o
15:11:45 <Eddi|zuHause> dutchlisa: when you start the game, the title bar in the main menu
15:11:51 <MoW|SwitchCOD> at main screen
15:12:00 <dutchlisa> Hmm
15:12:09 <MoW|SwitchCOD> mine says 0.7.5
15:12:11 <dutchlisa> Had a lot of trouble of letting that OpenTTD work :p
15:12:13 <Eddi|zuHause> should say something like "0.7.5", "1.0.0-beta4" or "r12345"
15:12:17 <dutchlisa> But its working
15:12:19 <dutchlisa> ill look
15:12:36 <Eddi|zuHause> or "g12456abcM" ;)
15:12:39 <dutchlisa> 1.0.0-beta3? :)
15:12:44 <MoW|SwitchCOD> my resolution is a bit high i think
15:12:51 <MoW|SwitchCOD> Video: SyncMaster T220/T220G,SyncMaster Magic T220/T220G(Digital) on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 (1680x1050x32bpp 60Hz)
15:13:02 <Eddi|zuHause> dutchlisa: in that case, you should update to 1.0.0-RC1
15:13:02 <PeterT> dutchlisa: #openttdcoop uses a "private" revision
15:13:06 <MoW|SwitchCOD> is it always windowed ?
15:13:12 <PeterT> exclusive, rather
15:13:27 <dutchlisa> Is that better?
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15:13:49 <Eddi|zuHause> MoW|SwitchCOD: you can switch between windowed and fullscreen (Alt+Enter)
15:14:13 <MoW|SwitchCOD> yeah
15:14:19 <Eddi|zuHause> and there is no such thing as a too high resolution :p
15:15:03 <Eddi|zuHause> er... the americans want to produce their own version of "Skins"... i can't see that working out :p
15:15:11 <MoW|SwitchCOD> everything look small
15:15:13 <MoW|SwitchCOD> :p
15:15:17 <dutchlisa> But emm
15:15:18 <MoW|SwitchCOD> but nice
15:15:26 <dutchlisa> Why must i do the other update
15:15:37 <Eddi|zuHause> they'll just show a continuous "beeep" :p
15:15:50 <MoW|SwitchCOD> is there some zoom patch ? :p
15:16:00 <Eddi|zuHause> dutchlisa: you must have the same version as everybody else for multiplayer
15:16:19 <dutchlisa> Oh
15:16:21 <dutchlisa> Emm
15:16:23 <dutchlisa> Oke
15:16:27 <Eddi|zuHause> that's why 0.7.5 (latest stable) is the most common, 1.0.0-RC1 (latest testing) is less common
15:16:30 <MoW|SwitchCOD> look lisa
15:16:31 <MoW|SwitchCOD>
15:16:32 <Eddi|zuHause> other versions are very rare
15:16:55 <MoW|SwitchCOD> 0.7.5 is most played
15:16:57 <dutchlisa> I just had it working :(
15:17:03 <dutchlisa> Now I have to do over again
15:17:14 <Eddi|zuHause> dutchlisa: updating is simple ;)
15:17:18 <MoW|SwitchCOD> installing was really fast here
15:17:30 <MoW|SwitchCOD> installed it today :p
15:17:31 <dutchlisa> Where can I read about updateing ^^?
15:17:31 <Eddi|zuHause> dutchlisa: it'll keep all settings and stuff
15:17:45 <Eddi|zuHause> dutchlisa: you just run the installer again
15:18:28 <dutchlisa> Ah oke
15:18:47 <dutchlisa> So I need to download the 0.7.5
15:18:51 <dutchlisa> and then install
15:18:52 <dutchlisa> it
15:19:02 <MoW|SwitchCOD> yeah
15:19:11 <MoW|SwitchCOD> just click
15:19:12 <MoW|SwitchCOD> :p
15:19:56 <MoW|SwitchCOD> is it recommended to use the "32-bit Graphics Development" ?
15:20:23 <MoW|SwitchCOD> there are some packs i see
15:20:30 <dutchlisa> it says you already have newer version
15:20:31 <dutchlisa> :(
15:20:38 <MoW|SwitchCOD> :o
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15:21:15 <MoW|SwitchCOD> no option to overwrite it ?
15:23:40 <dutchlisa> I got it working now! :)
15:26:56 <PeterT> uninstall new version, then install old one
15:27:05 <dutchlisa> Yeps did that :D
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16:17:57 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: frosch * r19167 /trunk/src/industry_cmd.cpp: -Fix [FS#3631](r19120): Industry 0 could be choosen even if not available.
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16:57:05 <luckz> SpComb^: your patch pack needs , and
16:57:29 <PeterT> how does that have anything to do with CargoDist?
16:58:02 <luckz> how does daily autosave or vehicle name length?
16:58:31 <PeterT> daily autosave is for...
16:58:32 <PeterT> hmm
16:58:38 <Eddi|zuHause> daily autosave is for long daylengths
16:58:39 <PeterT> I know it's something to do with cargodist-ness
16:58:42 <PeterT> ^^
16:59:04 <PeterT> "This trivial patch raises the effective limit on vehicle names from 150px to 250px, or 30 bytes, whichever is greater. Note that long vehicle names with wide glyphs may cause the vehicle window to stretch."
17:00:30 <Zuu> That is because the text edit buffers have a dual limit, both in characters and screen width.
17:01:14 <SpComb^> luckz: and a little cherry on top as well?
17:01:45 <Zuu> Now someone has to make that cherry patch ;-)
17:04:20 <luckz> if you're that perverted, I nominate for the cherry ;(
17:08:45 <Rubidium> luckz: if SpComb^ takes that as cherry... then... well, then I don't know what to say
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17:09:17 * SpComb^ patches out airports in his build
17:09:23 <SpComb^> never use them anyways
17:09:27 <Rubidium> but, the 'why' question I leave to those who have any knowledge of OpenTTD and C(++)
17:10:07 <Eddi|zuHause> someone could update the snow-in-temperate patch ;)
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17:30:35 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r19168 /trunk/src/ (driver.h music/extmidi.cpp):
17:30:35 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Fix: under some circumstances timidity (via extmidi) would not shut down
17:30:35 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: properly causing all kinds of trouble (e.g. blocked audio output). Try harder to
17:30:35 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: shut down timidity and first shut down the music so shut down order is the
17:30:35 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: inverse of initialisation order. Based on a patch by Jind?\197?\153ich
17:30:35 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: Makovi?\196?\141ka.
17:30:52 <PeterT> Jind?ich Makovi?ka. ?
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17:39:57 <PeterT> when adding strings, (if they are in the right place), does the orer matter?
17:40:03 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: terkhen * r19169 /trunk/src/station_cmd.cpp: -Codechange: Move buildable tile checks outside of CheckFlatLandBelow.
17:40:29 <PeterT> *order
17:41:20 <frosch123> some stuff expects consecutive texts, e.g. dropdowns
17:41:28 <PeterT> Oh
17:41:53 <frosch123> other places use STR_(first text) + offset
17:42:41 <PeterT> because the order of the patch's added strings is messed up because somebody removed STR_NETWORK_CHAT_ALL_CAPTION
17:43:38 <frosch123> if the texts are unrelated, the order does not matter
17:43:57 <frosch123> except you are talking about hillarious patches
17:44:57 <PeterT> frosch123: Does this look correct to you?
17:45:09 <PeterT> added to console_cmds.cpp
17:45:25 <frosch123> i have no idea about the console
17:45:28 <PeterT> Ok
17:45:38 <PeterT> are there any "specialist" developers for console?
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17:48:21 <PeterT> Anyone know where I can find uint32 GetValidAirports()
17:48:32 <SpComb^> rgrep
17:49:15 <PeterT> grep "uint32 GetValidAirports()"?
17:49:45 <PeterT> Also, what would this mean?: "+ if (i_e || _cur_year < 1960 || _settings_game.station.always_small_airport) SetBit(mask, 0); // small airport"
17:50:17 <SpComb^> something about airport construction?
17:50:23 <PeterT> Ok
17:50:41 <PeterT> any idea about (i_e ...) ?
17:50:50 <SpComb^> sounds like the contents of GetValidAirports :)
17:50:57 <PeterT> yeah :-)
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17:52:18 <PeterT>
17:52:26 <PeterT> Perhaps that gives you any more information?
17:52:56 <PeterT> So, "bool i_e = _game_mode == GM_EDITOR;" sets a bool called 'i_e', and when it is called, then airports can be used in GM_EDITOR?
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17:53:38 <SpComb^> apparently
17:55:02 <PeterT> thanks
17:56:18 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: terkhen * r19170 /trunk/src/ (station_cmd.cpp unmovable_cmd.cpp): -Codechange: Make CheckFlatLandBelow use TileArea.
17:58:07 <PeterT> Does this look strange to you, SpComb^ ? if (GetTileSlope(tile, NULL) != SLOPE_FLAT) return_cmd_error(STR_304B_SITE_UNSUITABLE);
17:58:23 <PeterT> I couldn't find a "STR_304B_SITE_UNSUITABLE" in english.txt
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18:00:13 <SpComb^> how woiu[Bhow would I know
18:00:28 <frosch123> i guess those numbers in STR_ were removed more than a year ago
18:00:34 <PeterT> Hmm
18:01:25 <Rubidium> more like 10 months :)
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18:02:42 <PeterT> <SpComb^> rgrep <-- Still grepping
18:02:48 <PeterT> does it always take this long?
18:03:09 <SpComb^> you need to give it a path as an argument
18:03:09 <frosch123> maybe it greps yout stdin
18:03:15 <SpComb^> otherwise it defaults to readin g from stdin
18:03:19 <Eddi|zuHause> <PeterT> Anyone know where I can find uint32 GetValidAirports() <-- in your IDE, right click on the name and choose "jump to definition" [or declaration, whichever you want]
18:03:56 <PeterT> Eddi|zuHause: Sorry, but that will jump to definition in all files?
18:04:29 <Eddi|zuHause> PeterT: that heavily depends on your IDE
18:04:36 <PeterT> MSVC
18:04:53 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: i would be impressed of an ide, that can jump to its definition in trunk
18:05:04 <Rubidium> internet dummy educator?
18:05:45 <PeterT> What does this do? + if (GetNumTowns() == 0) {
18:05:46 <PeterT> + return_cmd_error(STR_0286_MUST_BUILD_TOWN_FIRST);
18:05:46 <PeterT> + }
18:05:48 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: in that case, PeterT should have a checkout of the patch's original revision...
18:05:53 <SpComb^> PeterT: guess
18:06:13 <PeterT> If there are zero towns, it will give a little error popup?
18:06:22 <SpComb^> more or less
18:06:26 <Eddi|zuHause> PeterT: was that so difficult? ;)
18:06:40 <Rubidium> oh... you lot are feeding someone (again)?
18:07:42 <frosch123> sure, we try to turn everyone into an osx maintainer
18:07:43 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: but this would be a quite cool IDE, e.g. if you had a mercurial checkout, it would scan the history and tell you in which revision this was removed ;)
18:08:27 <PeterT> like a more advanced version of svn blame
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18:09:42 <Eddi|zuHause> well, you have to embed the versioning in the IDE somehow
18:10:11 <frosch123> "praise" does not help wrt. removed code
18:10:15 <Eddi|zuHause> and possibly transform the diffs scope-based instead of file based
18:10:46 <Eddi|zuHause> it should be possible to do, but fairly complex
18:11:30 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: checkout r1, run ctags to build tags1, update to r2, run ctags to build tags2, and fill your disk like that
18:11:58 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: well, that would be the thing to avoid ;)
18:13:02 <frosch123> well, you can also drop big parts of tags1 after creating tags2
18:13:08 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: terkhen * r19171 /trunk/src/ (station_cmd.cpp unmovable_cmd.cpp): -Codechange: Split CheckFlatLandBelow into different functions.
18:13:08 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: but you could parse each diff if it contains scope changes, and record the added and removed (named) scopes
18:13:17 <Eddi|zuHause> and that way get a history of the functions
18:14:09 <Eddi|zuHause> you need to transform a textual diff into a parse-tree diff
18:14:56 <Eddi|zuHause> so you can keep the parse tree in memory, and apply diffs directly on that
18:15:30 <Eddi|zuHause> of course you can throw all parse trees away on the cpp and makefile merges ;)
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18:16:15 <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, this is only reasonable if you have the whole history locally
18:16:25 <Eddi|zuHause> so hg or git, but not svn
18:16:55 <PeterT> does this translate to: "click on this specific toolbar and show STR_..." (
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18:28:33 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: terkhen * r19172 /trunk/src/station_cmd.cpp: -Codechange: Move road checks from CmdBuildRoadStop to CheckFlatLandRoadStop.
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18:45:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r19173 /trunk/src/lang/ (esperanto.txt traditional_chinese.txt turkish.txt):
18:45:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
18:45:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: traditional_chinese - 1 changes by josesun
18:45:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: esperanto - 170 changes by Ailanto
18:45:25 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: turkish - 8 changes by niw3
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19:05:42 <PeterT> Can someone please outlaw "http://" on paste? It would certainly limit the spam
19:06:22 <Xaroth> normally you don't need to browse pastebin
19:06:25 <Xaroth> just the ones you get linked :)
19:06:55 <PeterT> Well, the old ones that I pasted are now gone
19:06:59 <PeterT> from the main menu at least
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19:28:20 <Xaroth> note down the numbers :P
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19:58:29 <frosch123> is there already a function for ctrl+clicking on the vehicle statusbar (start/stop without ctrl)
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19:59:06 <Rubidium> good question :)
19:59:13 <Rubidium> tried looking at the source? :)
19:59:19 <frosch123> how about scrolling to current destination?
19:59:41 <frosch123> i tried it in game, but it only stopped the train
19:59:43 <frosch123> :)
19:59:51 <Rubidium> that's what the location button does, doesn't it?
20:00:08 <frosch123> that scrolls to the location of the train, not the destination
20:00:42 <Rubidium> ah :)
20:00:57 <frosch123> i mean ctrl+clicking on "heading for one of douzands of identical named depots"
20:01:11 <Rubidium> ah :)
20:01:18 <frosch123> :p
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20:02:49 <planetmaker> [20:59] <frosch123> how about scrolling to current destination? <-- but that button is visible, if that window is open...
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20:03:14 <planetmaker> so that function would be tied to two places in the window.
20:03:29 <frosch123> hmm?
20:03:47 <planetmaker> oh... destination != location :-P
20:04:07 <frosch123> i can do it from the order window, if the depot is part of the orders :)
20:04:18 <Eddi|zuHause> ctrl+eye already follows the vehicle, i believe, so that is taken...
20:05:37 <PeterT> What happened to make?
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20:07:52 <Terkhen> frosch123: I like that feature
20:07:53 <frosch123> so, would that function look at least somewhat intuitive? or would you rather expect some emergency halt?
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20:09:50 <planetmaker> well... stop is an emergency halt right now, is it?
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20:10:32 <frosch123> hmm, i remember some "explode this vehicle"
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20:11:34 <planetmaker> lol
20:11:46 <Rubidium> manually control this vehicle?
20:12:47 <frosch123> planetmaker: i guess it was suggested in context of stuck trams in front of transmitters or so
20:13:05 <planetmaker> hm... there it does make somewhat sense.
20:13:24 <frosch123> but now they reverse in such cases
20:13:34 <planetmaker> :-)
20:20:52 <Terkhen> good night
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20:28:08 <Rubidium> planetmaker: could you add the string for nosound to your translation too? I forgot to add it to the 'template'
20:28:29 <planetmaker> oh, yes, no problem
20:29:33 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: i think it's a good idea
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20:31:25 <planetmaker> changed
20:32:57 <Rubidium> thanks
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20:40:13 <planetmaker> votes for the title game competition will also be valid tomorrow still, yes?
20:41:57 <Rubidium> what did I say?
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20:42:25 <Rubidium> ... till 21-02-2010 (23:59 UTC)
20:42:46 <Rubidium> furthermore
20:42:54 <ccfreak2k> Tomorrow, according to my clock.
20:42:57 <Rubidium> ... anything received after that might not be taken into account
20:45:07 <Eddi|zuHause> "might", so it's not an exact deadline
20:46:46 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: true, though it's quite likely that at 22-02-2010 00:01 UTC I check the mail for the last time and everything coming after that will be ignored
20:47:05 <Rubidium> also be aware of any graylisting and stuff
20:47:23 <Eddi|zuHause> well, i already sent in my votes, i hope ;)
20:48:55 <Rubidium> seem to remember an Eddi
20:50:23 <Rubidium> or at least a
20:50:34 <Rubidium> with a familiar name
20:52:39 <Eddi|zuHause> that's probably me ;)
20:58:51 * Ammler hopes, Zuu made just a joke about title game in trunk...
21:00:32 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: frosch * r19174 /trunk/src/order_gui.cpp: -Fix: Buoys are no Stations, only BaseStations.
21:01:10 <planetmaker> might or might not be.
21:01:56 <planetmaker> The current title game serves the purpose to test loading of old saves. So... will trunk keep the current title game?
21:04:51 <Ammler> well, it is just because we play mostly with trunk :-)
21:06:29 <frosch123> you do not look at the titlegame while playing
21:06:38 <frosch123> :p
21:07:11 <Ammler> true too, and with -n we don't see it mostly, anyway :-P
21:08:19 <frosch123> so, what a waste of time. lots of people work for weeks to create a nice game, then vote for them, but in the end YOU do not even look at it
21:11:12 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r19175 /branches/1.0/ (21 files in 7 dirs): (log message trimmed)
21:11:12 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: [1.0] -Backport from trunk:
21:11:12 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Change: Do not print the absolute path to AI script files in the AI debug window, use the relative path from /ai/ instead (r19166)
21:11:12 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Change: The Debian packaging; bring it in sync with the packaging used at Debian excluding package splitting (r19162)
21:11:13 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Fix: Buoys are no Stations, only BaseStations (r19174)
21:11:13 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: - Fix: Under some circumstances timidity (via extmidi) would not shut down
21:11:16 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: properly causing all kinds of trouble (e.g. blocked audio output). Try harder to
21:12:51 <TrueBrain> did you btw know that extmidi I think gives a weird stdout output if you don't have timidity installed on Gentoo?
21:14:04 <Rubidium> no
21:16:31 <glx> TrueBrain: but you have timidity now ;)
21:17:52 <TrueBrain> owh, it still does it: "Usage:program_name [address][:port]"
21:17:57 <TrueBrain> it throws that at random to my std... out?
21:18:11 <TrueBrain> yes, stdout
21:18:15 <TrueBrain> on exit of OpenTTD now
21:18:18 <TrueBrain> (normally it was on startup :p)
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21:21:35 <TrueBrain> kind of annoying it does it, as there isn't a \n at the end :p
21:21:58 <TrueBrain> running with "-snull -mnull" doesn't show the message
21:22:06 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: yexo * r19176 /trunk/src/industry_gui.cpp: -Fix [FS#3632] (r17859): when selecting "build many industries" in the scenario editor the "build" button wasn't enabled
21:22:16 <TrueBrain> should I make a FS out of it?
21:23:07 <Progman> sure
21:24:18 <TrueBrain> food for Rubidium: :p
21:24:57 <Rubidium> can't reproduce it :)
21:25:07 <TrueBrain> sucks :p
21:25:07 <Rubidium> so... can't fix it :)
21:25:11 <TrueBrain> means I need to trace it :(
21:25:50 <TrueBrain> suggestions?
21:26:22 <PeterT> start openttd with -snull -mnull
21:26:30 <PeterT> :-p
21:27:16 <Rubidium> not really :(
21:28:11 <TrueBrain> it comes from the SDL sound driver :s
21:29:38 <PeterT> is this normal?
21:30:33 <Eddi|zuHause> it is bad habit to link directly to an attachment, link to the post containing the attachment instead
21:31:11 <Eddi|zuHause> and that looks like a bug in the height calculation...
21:32:16 <PeterT>
21:32:39 <PeterT> Not sure why it was reported in the CargoDist thread
21:32:56 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: k, nothing OpenTTD can fix ... OpenTTD -> SDL -> PulseAudio -> esound -> problem
21:33:47 <Rubidium> oh... pulseaudio AGAIN?
21:37:37 <Eddi|zuHause> i have a weird caching (probably) issue on TT-Forums...
21:37:51 <Eddi|zuHause> when i open the forums, almost all images are broken
21:38:01 <Eddi|zuHause> when i hit ctrl+F5, they load fine
21:38:17 <Eddi|zuHause> and when i close the browser and open the forum again, the images are broken again...
21:38:57 <Eddi|zuHause> i even tried removing anything that looks like a browser cache, that only helped for a short while, and the errors are back again
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21:50:24 <ragzid> hi all, i'm just translating Translation of base sets ( Can anyone tell where and when is shown the message "You can find it on your Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM"?
21:50:35 <ragzid> (translating to czech language)
21:50:53 <PeterT> during install?
21:51:03 <PeterT> perhaps install.nsi
21:51:12 <ragzid> and "it" means single missing file?
21:51:45 <PeterT> It should be "them"
21:51:48 <PeterT> multiple files
21:52:37 <ragzid> ok, thanks a lot :)
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22:23:15 <Rubidium> ragzid: it's per file (i.e. a single file)
22:24:21 <ragzid> ok, i'll edit my post
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22:24:38 <Rubidium> it's basically
22:24:49 <Rubidium> file: it can be found at X
22:24:55 <Rubidium> file2: it can be found at Y
22:25:00 <Rubidium> file3: it can be found at X
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22:26:15 <ragzid> s/ je / jej
22:26:17 <ragzid> done :)
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22:58:37 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r19177 /trunk/src/stdafx.h: -Codechange: introduce INT8_MIN/MAX and UINT8_MAX for MSVC.
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23:01:22 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: glx * r19178 /trunk/projects/ (generate generate.vbs langs_vs80.vcproj langs_vs90.vcproj): -Fix: [MSVC] regenerate lang files on strgen change
23:02:15 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r19179 /trunk/src/ (strgen/strgen.cpp table/strgen_tables.h): -Codechange: make strgen do some checking on whether genders are valid for a command (e.g. we don't have genders for numbers)
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23:37:24 <mjk> This I couldn't find out via Google: How do I found a new town? I have
23:38:31 <Rubidium> first make sure the advanced setting to found new towns is enabled
23:38:43 <mjk> D'oh! It's setting dependant =)
23:39:18 <mjk> Okay, searching for it ...
23:39:34 <mjk> got it
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23:40:55 <mjk> Rubidium: Hmm ... okay, the setting is on (allowed, custom layout), but I can't find a GUI for it ... another hint, please! *beg* :-}
23:41:11 <glx> town list dropdown
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23:41:55 <mjk> Thanks!
23:42:15 <glx> logical place for this action ;)
23:42:23 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r19180 /trunk/src/ (strgen/strgen.cpp strings.cpp): -Add/Fix: (partial) support for genders for cargos, industries, vehicles, stations, ...; partial because you can't set a gender for a custom string.
23:42:35 <mjk> Ah, I had a few NewGRFs, and it didn't show up ... now I switched to "none", and the GUI is there, hooray!
23:42:44 <mjk> Rubidium, glx: Thanks for your help!
23:44:11 <mjk> Okay, too tired to play, I just was sooo curious about founding own towns. :-)
23:44:19 <mjk> Good night everybody!
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23:51:29 <OwenS> Hows the r20k countdown going now? :-P
23:51:46 <OwenS> As in, when do we estimate that the repository will hit it?
23:52:16 <Rubidium> passed it 155 revs ago
23:52:42 <OwenS> I presume thats counting the previous repository? :P
23:53:46 <Rubidium> if you want to know, plot the rate and determine how to extrapolate that
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