IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-11-12
00:13:49 *** KingJ has joined #openttd
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08:13:58 <nonsensical> is there an easy reason why I can't build any of the new train engines? I could in my last game, and they've been invented, but they don't show up, such as the SH40 and SH30 Electric ones
08:15:06 *** YWork has joined #openttd
08:15:34 <Forked> your depot is not electrified?
08:15:38 <Rubidium> electrification didn't hit your depots yet? You're playing in a climate without electric trains (tropic)?
08:19:21 <nonsensical> how do I get the depot electrified?
08:19:31 <nonsensical> one's several squares from a coal plant being fed coal
08:20:15 <Forked> you have to select the correct rail type
08:20:29 <Forked> same place you select maglev/mono .. the drop down list
08:22:17 <Forked> :)
08:27:08 <nonsensical> I see now, thanks :)
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08:56:21 <nonsensical> this is probably a stupid question, but how do you build planes, there's no depots for planes
08:56:30 <nonsensical> I have two airports already
08:56:39 <Noldo> the hangar in the airport is a depot
08:56:43 <Eddi|zuHause> the hangars are on the airport
08:57:21 <nonsensical> ah
08:57:23 <nonsensical> thanks
08:58:58 *** Rhamphoryncus has quit IRC
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11:26:40 * Rubidium wonders who would think that merging IS with trunk would mean that you can load cargodist games in trunk
11:26:51 <Noldo> :D
11:26:56 <Forked> at least one person it appears?
11:46:00 * Sacro hangs out in here with all the cool kids
11:46:30 <Rubidium> there are kids in here? Doesn't IRC require adulthood?
11:50:19 <Sacro> you wish
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12:01:57 <planetmaker> * Rubidium wonders who would think that merging IS with trunk would mean that you can load cargodist games in trunk <--- haha :-) Who and where? I'm curious :-)
12:06:49 <Rubidium>
12:07:20 <Noldo> maybe it's copy-pasted from IS page
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12:15:08 <planetmaker> ty :-)
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12:19:58 <fonsinchen> gah ...
12:20:11 <fonsinchen> of course I meant older versions of cargodist ...
12:20:34 <planetmaker> :-)
12:20:38 <planetmaker> obviously
12:21:12 <fonsinchen> but thanks for the hint
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13:33:33 *** z3rongod has joined #openttd
13:33:47 <z3rongod> Hello
13:35:15 <z3rongod> I've been here a few days ago asking for help with making a company value goal server
13:36:01 <Goulp> and did you get some help ?
13:36:08 <z3rongod> Oh hey Goulp
13:36:15 <z3rongod> Didn't have time until today to get on my PC. In any case i was wondering if anyone can help make a hello world example
13:36:45 <Goulp> with openttd ?
13:36:46 <z3rongod> In other words make a "/foo" and the server would print "hello world" in the chat
13:36:53 <z3rongod> Yeah
13:37:01 <z3rongod> a foo command
13:37:18 <Goulp> you have all stuff ready for compilling ?
13:37:28 <z3rongod> just need to open
13:37:29 <z3rongod> hold on
13:37:50 <Noldo> you need that command to use in the autopilot to get the current companyvalue?
13:38:07 <dihedral> ?
13:38:09 <z3rongod> As i recall you can't use autopilot to make a goal server
13:38:13 <dihedral> you highlighted me ^^
13:38:53 <z3rongod> OK ready when you are Goulp
13:39:25 <dihedral> z3rongod, makeing the server respond to chat can be done with autopilot
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13:39:42 <z3rongod> But ending the game and declaring the winner?
13:39:49 <Goulp> dihedral: that's not the only thing to do...
13:39:54 <z3rongod> s/But/but what about *
13:39:58 <dihedral> however autopilot / ap+ / avignon are no substitution to making a fully functioning goal server
13:40:10 <dihedral> Goulp, no kidding!!
13:40:23 <dihedral> z3rongod, ending the game is kind of easy ^^
13:40:26 <Goulp> who's kidding here ?
13:40:34 <dihedral> declaring a winner is not as easy
13:40:36 <z3rongod> so even if i code ottd i still need autopilot ?
13:40:40 <Goulp> no
13:40:43 <dihedral> no
13:40:47 <z3rongod> Thought so :)
13:41:14 <dihedral> unless you want to open another socket and controll the game through that
13:41:25 <z3rongod> Don't think so ?
13:41:42 <dihedral> so that external apps use other resources for doing their processing, rather than hindering openttd from doing what it is supposed to do
13:42:10 <dihedral> however, with regards to goal servers, i doubt you will get propper support in here!
13:42:22 <z3rongod> dihedral how come ?
13:43:10 <dihedral> because it's nothing that helps
13:43:26 <dihedral> you simply heavily patch the server and end result can be quite annoying
13:43:38 <z3rongod> annoying?
13:43:39 <z3rongod> Why ?
13:43:42 <z3rongod> I don't understand
13:43:46 <dihedral> i.e. end result being something like users who played on your server come here and complain that something did not work
13:43:50 <dihedral> and ho - it's not openttd's fault
13:44:00 <z3rongod> lol
13:44:05 <z3rongod> Don't think it will really be the case
13:44:16 <z3rongod> Not to mention that the server will be dedicated for Romanians only
13:44:17 <dihedral> you think....
13:44:25 <dihedral> so?
13:44:38 <dihedral> you think there are no romanians with irc access? or who speak english??
13:44:39 <dihedral> c'mon!
13:44:55 <z3rongod> i think only 5 % of the romanian ottd players have come to this channel
13:45:55 <dihedral> and by that you safely assume that not a single one person would come here to report an issue he/she/it experienced??
13:46:01 <dihedral> that is silly!
13:47:04 <Noldo> dihedral: what do you mean by proper goal server?
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13:47:13 <dihedral> heavily patched?
13:47:37 <dihedral> determin a 'winner' by some property not accessible from the console
13:47:57 <Noldo> sorry, 'fully functioning' was the term you used
13:48:05 <dihedral> pausing at certain game date in the middle of the year
13:48:26 <dihedral> s/year/year, month, week/
13:49:03 <z3rongod> dihedral if you want i'll print every year that #openttd does not offer support for this server / game mod
13:49:33 <dihedral> i do not really care what you do with your server ;-)
13:49:44 <Goulp> thanks for him...
13:49:47 <z3rongod> But you did care about people not joining this channel
13:49:59 <z3rongod> And asking for support in the wrong place
13:50:11 <dihedral> i care to whom i give help
13:50:32 <dihedral> and you wanted to know why you would not receive as much support for what you strive to do
13:50:38 <dihedral> answer provided :-)
13:50:54 <z3rongod> problem resolved though :)
13:52:35 <dihedral> then congratulations and have fun!
13:53:14 <Noldo> what kind of information autopilot can get from the server?
13:54:49 <planetmaker> basically everything which is accessible via console command or the "usual" and debug output of openttd
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14:05:32 <Belugas> hello
14:06:43 <Goulp> Hi Canada. is your weather nice overseas ?
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14:09:44 <Belugas> yup
14:09:55 <Belugas> it is STILL a nice weather
14:10:18 <Belugas> for the last... damned... i can't remember for how long it's been a nice one...
14:10:24 <Belugas> more than a week, i'd say
14:10:54 <Belugas> blue sky, above 0 celcius (some days WAY above)
14:11:02 <Belugas> gentle breeze
14:11:04 *** Sacro has joined #openttd
14:11:04 <Belugas> lovely
14:11:29 <Sacro> thanks :)
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15:06:18 * z3rongod is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 15 minutes
15:06:56 <Rubidium> z3rongod: please stop with that autoaway
15:07:17 * z3rongod is no longer away : Gone for 15 minutes 58 seconds
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15:12:05 *** Coco-Banana-Man is now known as Coco|awaych
15:13:41 <Rubidium> what is it with those away messages/nicks this hour?
15:16:56 <Paul2> man that's annoying!
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15:45:41 <Sacro> <- love that bug name
15:46:49 <petern> "This did not happen in future versions"
15:46:55 <petern> uh... right
15:47:13 <SpComb> maybe is an old version
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15:47:30 <SpComb> perfectly reasonable bug, there's more than one time reference!
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16:44:37 <pw-> it took me until november of 2009 to find out about transport tycoon and openTTD, i'm a bit ashamed of myself ._.
16:44:45 <Sacro_> <- omfg
16:44:51 <Sacro_> pw-: you should be :p
16:45:04 <pw-> the game's like crack, though
16:45:10 <pw-> even though i still have no clue what i'm doing
16:45:39 <Rubidium> Sacro_: about time you told us about that
16:45:53 <pw-> i'm having trouble making trains carry anything, every time i make a train it's just the train bit, no train cars behind it
16:45:56 * pw- hits the wiki
16:46:13 <Sacro_> hehe
16:46:16 <Sacro_> Rubidium: hm?
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16:47:04 <pw-> ah, i have to make wagons! it's so simple!
16:47:19 <Sacro_> ...
16:47:23 <Luukland> ....
16:47:25 <Sacro_> i was like that once :(
16:47:30 <pw-> shut it ._.
16:47:30 <Luukland> sam here
16:47:39 <pw-> i just found the game yesterday while looking for DOS games
16:47:40 <Sacro_> like... 12 years ago
16:47:52 <pw-> how i went from prince of persia to TTD i don't know, but i'm not regretting a thing
16:48:05 <Sacro_> omh
16:48:12 <Sacro_> i hate level was it 7?
16:48:23 <Sacro_> where you ran all the way along the bottom to the right
16:48:25 <Sacro_> then climbed
16:48:29 <Sacro_> and then back to the left
16:48:35 <Sacro_> and then get stabbed by a purple dude
16:48:36 <pw-> haha, yeah
16:48:43 <pw-> it's frustrating
16:49:11 *** Nite_Owl has joined #openttd
16:49:35 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
16:49:49 <pw-> o/
16:50:15 <petern> PoP rocked
16:50:20 *** Sacro_ is now known as Sacro
16:50:29 <dihedral> pw- try flightgear :-)
16:50:29 <petern> Sacro! openpop!
16:50:53 <Luukland> I am Owl hunter
16:51:41 <Sacro> petern: oh yes
16:52:34 <pw-> i will in a few weeks, dihedral, i'm all about TTD right now
16:52:55 <pw-> or, OpenTTD, rather, since TTD refuses to read my HDD, making it impossible for me to save
16:53:10 <Sacro> OpenTTD > TTD
16:53:14 <Sacro> TTO > OpenTTD
16:53:22 <pw-> TTO?
16:53:27 <Nite_Owl> No hunting allowed
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16:53:32 <Luukland> dang
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16:55:02 <Nite_Owl> <This room is posted. Hunters will be shot.>
16:56:39 <Luukland> Hunting season over :P
16:57:13 <Nite_Owl> All endangered species thank you
16:57:28 <pw-> i played the hell out of RCT in 1998, how did i not find out about TTD? =(
16:57:32 <pw-> so many years of my life wasted
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17:10:07 <pw-> i just made my first successfull coal run!
17:10:10 <pw-> i rock so hard
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17:12:11 <pw-> i built a train station next to a coal mine but it still says "accepts: nothing"
17:12:14 <pw-> how would i rectify this?
17:12:34 <Nite_Owl> that is normal
17:13:05 <pw-> how would i haul coal to this power plant, then? =\
17:13:27 <Rhamphoryncus> hit the supplies button to see what the station supplies
17:13:42 <glx> coal mine never accept stuff, they provide coal
17:13:43 <Rhamphoryncus> Well, except it won't show up there until the first time you load it
17:13:45 <Nite_Owl> coal stations accept nothing but supply coal
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17:19:21 <petern> i hate standards...
17:19:27 <petern> a) Data from card is 5B Hex (01011011 binary);
17:19:27 <petern> b) Extract the first nibble (0101) 05 Hex;
17:19:27 <petern> c) For values less than or equal to 09 Hex add 30 Hex giving 05 + 30 = 35 Hex;
17:19:27 <petern> d) Extract the second nibble (1011) 0B Hex;
17:19:27 <petern> e) For values greater than 09 Hex add 37 Hex giving 0B + 37 = 42 Hex;
17:19:29 <petern> f) 35 Hex is the character ‘5’ and 42 Hex is ‘B’ so 5B Hex becomes ‘5B’ as characters.
17:19:36 <petern> this is simplified somewhat to:
17:19:53 <petern> printf("%02x", data);
17:20:29 <Rhamphoryncus> heh
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17:23:18 <Nite_Owl> <Rhamphoryncus> "Well, except it won't show up there until the first time you load it" unless you set the advanced option that disables that behavior
17:23:52 <Rhamphoryncus> details :)
17:24:25 <Nite_Owl> true but they are valuable details
17:25:30 <Nite_Owl> especially if, like me, you dislike that behavior
17:27:40 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18048 /trunk/src/ (45 files in 2 dirs): -Change: make no distinction between unpausing because of a client aborting to join or actually joining
17:28:06 <welshdragon> i fancy playing with ITIM and Cargodist
17:28:30 <welshdragon> but I also have reading to do
17:28:32 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18049 /trunk/src/station_cmd.cpp: -Fix [FS#3310] (r16448): Crash when an articulated RV is turning on a drive through road station that gets forcefully (bankrupt) removed
17:44:16 <planetmaker> welshdragon: for every page you read you earn 15 minutes of playing time ;-)
17:44:39 <planetmaker> or maybe per double page :-P
17:45:02 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18050 /trunk/src/misc_cmd.cpp: -Codechange: disallow 'pause on join' paused when not in a network game
17:46:16 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18051 /trunk/src/ (misc_cmd.cpp network/network.cpp openttd.h): -Codechange: make the active clients pause use a separate bit in the pause mode
17:46:45 <welshdragon> planetmaker: i like :D
17:46:50 <welshdragon> i have 100 pages to read
17:46:59 <planetmaker> :-D
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18:01:09 <Rhamphoryncus> eh, I use cargodist, but I wrote my own patch so I could ignore timetables
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18:09:25 <petern> ignore? does something force you to use theM?
18:10:08 <Luukland> theM? does something force you to say theM?
18:10:30 <frosch123> M is the common part of AM and PM
18:10:55 <Forked> and lets not forget a most important part of
18:10:56 <Forked> Master Forked
18:10:57 <Forked> :-)
18:12:17 <Nite_Owl> Are timetables not an integral part of the cargodist patch ??
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18:31:04 <Rhamphoryncus> I mean I get well spread out vehicles without doing any management
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18:31:54 <Rhamphoryncus> What it tracks is the arrival frequency for that route
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18:54:35 <Rhamphoryncus> Not as pretty as a timetable.. I should figure out which has a faster time though
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18:58:44 <pw-> holy crap
18:58:48 <pw-> where did three hours go
18:58:54 <pw-> i only played for 5 minutes =(
18:59:07 <pw-> or so i thought, i guess =\
18:59:18 <pw-> this game is dangerous
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19:02:43 <Rubidium> pw-: come back when you are wondering why it is 'still' light outside
19:02:53 <pw-> hahahaha
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19:03:07 <pw-> i haven't had that happen since middle school
19:03:19 <pw-> when i faked being sick for two weeks straight to stay home and play CS 1.3 and EQ1
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19:22:19 <Belugas> translate Elucubration to english : raving
19:22:25 <Belugas> not sure if it has same impact
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20:17:57 <pw-> bah, i've yet to figure out how to make my company stop hemmoraging money
20:21:35 <ltsampros> lol
20:22:00 <ltsampros> I almost lost an entire school year casue of ttd and ufo: enemy unknown
20:22:29 <ltsampros> nice times.
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20:26:56 <Rhamphoryncus> pw-: I'd say "it's easy", but I have a lot of experience >.<
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20:33:47 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18052 /trunk/src/ (51 files in 4 dirs):
20:33:48 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: -Codechange/Fix: make the 'pause' chat message when actually executing the pause
20:33:48 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: command. This to prevent showing paused and especially unpaused to be shown when
20:33:48 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: the state doesn't change. Output now mentions whether pause changes keep the
20:33:48 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: game paused and what reasons for pausing there 'currently' are.
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20:39:19 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18053 /trunk/src/console_cmds.cpp: -Codechange: remove the manual pause/unpause limitation with min_active_clients
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20:42:46 <Terkhen> hello
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20:46:37 <Rubidium> hello España
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20:52:25 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18054 /trunk/src/network/ (network.cpp network_server.cpp): -Change/Fix [FS#3310]: make pause on join pause during the whole joining (including download) phase
20:52:48 <Rubidium> argh... wrong ticket :(
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20:57:39 <Terkhen> it is ironic that an made me configure UTF
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21:08:18 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18055 /trunk/config.lib: -Fix (r18045): ICC warning
21:08:53 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18056 /trunk/src/company_cmd.cpp: -Fix (r17737): compiling without networking failed
21:09:03 <Sacro> XD
21:09:04 <Sacro> <3 the irish
21:19:43 <Ammler> Rubidium: did you find a way around the bug we had on the time you removed pause thing?
21:21:00 <Ammler> it worked quite nice like it was now.
21:22:41 <frosch123> Ammler: it is all different now, you have to test from scratch
21:22:59 <Ammler> well, we have to see, how it works if you manually unpause when min_active_clients does pause.
21:24:30 <Ammler> if it does ignore the min_active_clients settings, I would like to request a switch to disable the unpause ;-)
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21:28:12 <Muxy> Sacro: Good Hammering, that's it
21:28:58 <Sacro> heh
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21:30:51 <Muxy> Sacro: it this a fake ?
21:34:28 <Sacro> Muxy: not sure
21:35:35 <Muxy> Sacro: anyway, it will make laugh a lot of people
21:36:20 <Sacro> hehe
21:36:22 <Sacro> he is short
21:36:43 <Rubidium> Ammler: you (still) can't override min_active_clients with unpause
21:36:57 <Muxy> and it seems to be already in
21:38:35 <Muxy> BUt has been identified as an irish fake
21:38:44 <Rubidium> and unpause will more or less tell you that
21:39:17 <Rubidium> you can however manually pause with min_active_clients and when there are enough active clients it will stay paused until you do unpause
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21:46:07 <Ammler> sounds nice, we used alias for !pause and !unpause (changing min_active_clients) to have the same effect.
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22:24:41 <Terkhen> good night
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23:31:08 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... i have a feeling this wikipedia war is going to escalate further...
23:35:07 <lugo> hope they'll put much effort in git-fork :D
23:36:00 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, i want to see if they are going to pull that through...
23:49:33 <TinoDidriksen> They're trying to get it deleted again? It was kept last year...
23:50:01 <Xaroth> I missed something I think
23:50:40 <TinoDidriksen> Xaroth,
23:51:12 <Eddi|zuHause> no, it's not about openttd
23:51:30 <Xaroth> I see PeterT is doing his share of additions to the page nowadays :O
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23:51:42 <TinoDidriksen> Oh, so that was just coincidental.
23:51:45 <TinoDidriksen> Then what?
23:52:23 <Eddi|zuHause> it's basically between the german wikipedia and the german blogosphere, and started as a discussion about criteria for "relevance"
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23:54:20 <Eddi|zuHause> it's been escalating over the past few weeks now...
23:55:16 <Eddi|zuHause> critisizing the internal structure of wikipedia-administration
23:55:52 <Eddi|zuHause> and one part standing in the room is a threat to fork wikipedia with a useful versioning structure (git-based)
23:58:01 <Eddi|zuHause> and there was a statement from wikimedia: "we don't see this whole discussion as a problem, as long as the donations are coming in"
23:58:37 <Eddi|zuHause> and apparently today there was a huge wave of "i reduce my [regular] donation from 20€ to 1€" donations