IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-11-13
00:00:22 *** JVassie has joined #openttd
00:09:27 <TinoDidriksen> There's been attempts every year for as long as it's existed...none have succeeded.
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00:44:16 <pw-> man, trains are retarded
00:44:22 <pw-> they constantly go where i don't want them to
00:44:48 <JVassie> waypoints?
00:46:06 <MyCatVerbs> Less track! :D
00:46:18 <pw-> waypoints are beyond my knowledge at the moment
00:46:35 <pw-> i have it set up like such:
00:46:41 <pw-> A-----B-----C
00:46:56 <pw-> the train meant to go from A to B constantly ends up between B and C somehow
00:47:54 <MyCatVerbs> What orders did you give the train?
00:48:07 <MyCatVerbs> I presume that your tiny ASCII diagram is of how the track is laid out?
00:48:20 <pw-> aye, more or less
00:48:27 <pw-> i figured it out, though
00:48:36 <pw-> the train breaks down constantly closer to B than A
00:48:55 <pw-> and there is a repair station between all three letters
00:49:09 <pw-> so it goes to the one between B and C because it's closer to where it broke down, or something
00:49:14 <pw-> or it's going for inspection
00:50:03 <pw-> i doubled the B station and made the B-C connection pull up to a different terminal
00:50:05 <pw-> should fix it
00:50:05 <Eddi|zuHause> pw-: try a "service at depot" option
00:50:19 <Eddi|zuHause> then it only ever uses that depot, no others
00:50:23 <pw-> ah, ok
00:50:52 <Eddi|zuHause> use the "go to" button, and Ctrl+Click on the depot
00:53:06 <Chrill> Are you an insane nutter? Are you interested in the planned logistics game P1Sim? Are you a fish? Join #P1Sim today!!
00:53:21 <TinoDidriksen> ...
00:53:39 <Chrill> It felt as though such a message would generate interesty
00:53:41 <Chrill> -y
00:53:51 <TinoDidriksen> Well, that's one channel added to my block list.
00:53:56 <Chrill> Your loss
00:53:57 <JVassie> :/
00:54:06 <JVassie> TinoDidriksen, thats a very immature attitude
00:54:12 <TinoDidriksen> So is spamming.
00:54:22 <JVassie> spamming is an attitude now?
00:54:48 <Chrill> Please take a look at and, TinoDidriksen
00:59:20 <TinoDidriksen> I don't actually have a block list, but I do feel it could have been announced in a better way that was less spammy...
01:00:45 <Chrill> Indeed, but it's 2am and we're tired and I think there's nothing wrong with some fun
01:01:39 <Chrill> P1Sim - Traffic, Logistics, City Building & More - feel free join #P1Sim and visit
01:01:43 <Chrill> happy?
01:01:57 <Eddi|zuHause> no.
01:02:10 <JVassie> Get help then?
01:03:37 <Eddi|zuHause> any message like this, that does not contain a personal component ["hey, i found this funny game:"] is automatically caught as spam
01:03:59 <Chrill> How was my first message NOT containing a personal component?
01:04:00 <Chrill> :P
01:04:28 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't see the word "I" in there...
01:04:33 <Chrill> oh sorry
01:05:06 <Chrill> "I think this concept looks promising. Visit #P1Sim or to find me, and the concept of the game!!"
01:05:09 <Chrill> now, happy? :P
01:05:12 <Chrill> 3rd time lucky, you know!
01:05:16 <Eddi|zuHause> plus, you could have said something about how an openttd-interested person might be interested in this game
01:05:47 <Chrill> Why are you guys analyzing the way I advertised this, instead of just laughing at the way it was done..? It's not the end of the world, now is it :P
01:05:49 <Eddi|zuHause> in a way that it's a less /amsg-y one liner
01:06:15 *** lobstar has joined #openttd
01:06:20 <Chrill> oh no, a lobstar
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01:14:27 <TinoDidriksen> Something like "I started this project: URLs and #channel -- what do you guys think about it?" to invite direct critique and comments.
01:14:52 <Chrill> I did not start it though
01:15:33 <Chrill> I'm not a developer or a graphics artist either
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01:59:58 <pw-> i have a problem
02:00:07 <pw-> two of my trains seem to have detatched from the wagons
02:00:10 <pw-> and won't go anywhere
02:00:39 <pw-> i can't call them back to the service station because they won't move, and i can't destroy the track because the train is in the way
02:00:48 <pw-> wut i do.
02:01:16 <Eddi|zuHause> post the savegame to, stating which version you play
02:08:00 <pw-> kk
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02:17:59 <pw-> bah, registration is down on the bug site
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04:42:34 <pw-> can i transport goods using a combination of vehicles?
04:42:49 <pw-> for example, use a truck to drive it to a train station, which takes it to a dock, etc?
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05:56:34 <Rhamphoryncus> pw-: a transfer order does that
05:57:10 <pw-> how do i do that?
05:59:14 <Rhamphoryncus> Open up the orders dialog, then select one of the orders. Hit the dropdown for "unload all" and select "transfer"
05:59:46 <Rhamphoryncus> You probably also want to set the "full load" dropdown to "no loading"
06:01:29 <Rhamphoryncus> Otherwise they might pick it back up again
06:28:52 <pw-> got it working =)
06:28:59 <pw-> are there any planes that can carry oil?
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08:32:00 <Xaroth> pw-: planes don't do oil afaik, unless you're using newgrfs
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09:22:20 <bartavelle> hello
09:29:52 *** Chrill has joined #openttd
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09:40:54 <Rubidium> hi
09:42:42 <planetmaker> moin
09:42:51 <Forked> cake
09:55:04 <Eddi|zuHause> delicious
09:56:01 <Forked> but a lie
09:56:40 <Eddi|zuHause> no, it's not!
09:57:01 <Eddi|zuHause> maybe everything but the cake is the lie?
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09:57:46 <Rubidium> but... but... then you statement might be a lie and the cake is the lie or this statement is a lie... waaahh... [stack overflow]
09:59:17 <petern> but the cake wasn't a lie
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10:56:20 <Bernoilli> Hello, is it possible to build Openttd Goal server with autopilot?
10:56:48 <Noldo> :)
10:56:51 <Johnmit> be there german speakers here?
10:57:32 <Noldo> Bernoilli: depends on the specifics
10:58:03 <Bernoilli> Explain please
10:58:29 <Bernoilli> is a "goal server" not specific enough?
10:59:37 <Noldo> autopilot can fetch some information from the server, if goals are based on that information and it's ok that it is only checked every game month or so then it should be doable
11:00:07 <Noldo> "goal server" is quite generic term, atleast to me
11:00:23 <Bernoilli> which part dont you understand?
11:00:28 <Bernoilli> the "goal" or the "server"?
11:01:56 <Noldo> goal can mean anything
11:03:38 <Bernoilli> A goal or objective is a projected state of affairs
11:04:00 <Bernoilli> In this case, some variables which can be reached ingame
11:04:06 <Noldo> and you think that definition is "specific" ?
11:05:00 <Noldo> weather it can be done with trunk openttd server and autopilot depends on the goals
11:05:33 <Bernoilli> I prefer to use Stable, or else ppl will start to report bugs which doesn't excist
11:06:08 <Noldo> if the goals are based on information the autopilot can't fetch from unmodified openttd server the it can't be done without modifying openttd
11:06:52 <Bernoilli> modifing the source you mean?
11:06:55 <Bernoilli> and recompiling
11:07:52 <Noldo> yes
11:08:04 <Bernoilli> ok thank you very much
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11:16:41 <JVassie> !slap Chrill
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11:21:49 <Chrill> why slap Chrill?
11:23:40 <JVassie> why not? :)
11:23:42 <JVassie> hehe
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14:08:31 <Belugas> hello boyz
14:08:48 <Noldo> hi Belugas
14:11:37 <Belugas> good <your part of the day>, Noldo
14:18:39 <Noldo> thanks, it's about 16:18 so I'd call it an evening, it's already dark
14:18:42 <Fast2> Good afternoon Noldo (CTCP time :))
14:20:33 <Fast2> You were idle for about ten minutes, but you write your time just in the moment I look it up.
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14:22:36 <Rubidium> Fast2: CTCP doesn't help very much in distinguishing between afternoon and evening
14:23:03 <Fast2> It tells you the local time.
14:23:36 <Eddi|zuHause> Fast2: but, for example, not the local daylight status
14:24:13 <Rubidium> but 16:18 doesn't tell much about whether it's afternoon or evening (afternoon: noon till sunset, evening: sunset till bed time)
14:25:16 <Paul2> Personally I dont think that applies tbh
14:25:21 <Paul2> Well not in the UK at least
14:25:31 <Fast2> Evening is after about 18 to 20 o'clock
14:26:11 <Noldo> :D
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14:26:44 <Fast2> Rubidium: I take the time, not the state of the sun.
14:28:28 <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: what about the time between sunrise and bed time?
14:29:00 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: then you're screwed!, according to Merriam-Webster
14:29:36 <Fast2> Eddi|zuHause: Sunrise is " Sonnenaufgang", isn't it?
14:29:51 <Eddi|zuHause> yes
14:30:53 <Rubidium> Oxford's dictionary seems to imply evening is from dusk till bedtime, although usually it's used for 'after 6pm'... since they deprecated sundials :(
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14:31:24 <Fast2> Eddi|zuHause: Then I wold call it "day". ;)
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15:06:51 <Eddi|zuHause> @base 10 2 -97
15:06:51 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: -1100001
15:07:16 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... does that bot do 2-complement?
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15:10:51 <Rubidium> probably not :)
15:11:21 <Rubidium> @calc base 10 2 159
15:11:21 <DorpsGek> Rubidium: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
15:11:25 <Rubidium> @base 10 2 159
15:11:25 <DorpsGek> Rubidium: 10011111
15:11:46 <Eddi|zuHause> @base 10 2 128-97
15:11:47 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: Error: Invalid <number> for base 10: 128-97
15:12:04 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc 256-97
15:12:04 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 159
15:13:33 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc (38*8+1)*4
15:13:33 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 1220
15:13:42 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc (38*8+1)*4*1024
15:13:42 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 1249280
15:14:23 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc 350*3
15:14:23 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 1050
15:17:37 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc ((38*8+1)*4-3*350)*1024
15:17:37 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 174080
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15:54:03 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: smatz * r18057 /trunk/src/ (industry_gui.cpp stdafx.h): -Codechange: replace assert_compile() by new one which works with gcc3.3 and removes the need of assert_tcompile()
16:09:57 <pw-> where are savegames stored?
16:10:27 <yorick> documents/openttd
16:10:53 <pw-> ty
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16:43:07 <pw-> is there a "replace all old cars with new" option? this one by one thing is tedious
16:43:12 <pw-> and i don't mean upgrade to a newer model
16:43:17 <pw-> i mean remake the same car
16:43:33 <Rubidium> autorenew
16:43:39 <Eddi|zuHause> yes
16:44:01 <pw-> oh man
16:44:06 <Eddi|zuHause> under advanced settings->vehicles->autorenew when old
16:44:16 <pw-> i just manually cloned and deleted like 40 cars one by one ='(
16:45:07 <Eddi|zuHause> and there is also an option to replace to a newer model ;(
16:45:09 <Eddi|zuHause> :)
16:45:10 <Alberth> there is also a 'sell all vehicles in the depot' button
16:47:26 <pw-> man, this made my life way easier
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17:05:05 <z3rongod> how do i get company name when c->name is null ?
17:09:02 <pw-> quick noob question: when i'm at the "replace vehicles" screen, am i replacing the model on the left with the one on the right. or the other way round?
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17:09:31 <Benny> Hay, welshie.
17:09:51 <Alberth> pw-: left -> right
17:10:31 <glx> z3rongod: GetString(STR_COMPANY_NAME) (with other required args of course)
17:10:56 <Alberth> pw-:
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17:14:19 <Goulp> Z3rongod: char company_name[NETWORK_COMPANY_NAME_LENGTH];
17:14:20 <Goulp> SetDParam(0, c->index);
17:14:20 <Goulp> GetString(company_name, STR_COMPANY_NAME, lastof(company_name));
17:14:49 <Goulp> From console.cpp - ConCompanies
17:15:02 <Goulp> console_cmd.cpp sory
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17:16:43 <glx> anyway never use c->name directly :)
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17:40:37 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18058 /trunk/src/ (bridge_map.cpp screenshot.cpp): -Fix: typos in parameter names
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18:17:58 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: alberth * r18059 /trunk/src/group_gui.cpp: -Codechange: Move some variable declarations to their use.
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18:45:50 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: translators * r18060 /trunk/src/lang/ (7 files): (log message trimmed)
18:45:50 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
18:45:50 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: finnish - 9 changes by jpx_
18:45:50 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: french - 9 changes by glx
18:45:50 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: german - 9 changes by Roujin
18:45:51 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: italian - 9 changes by lorenzodv
18:45:51 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: polish - 165 changes by silver_777
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19:19:21 <pw-> how would i go about installing OpenTTD on a mac? (graphics and all)
19:21:11 <welshdragon> pw-: install it ;0
19:21:15 <welshdragon> * ;)
19:21:25 <pw-> i found it on the wiki
19:21:39 <pw-> i meant getting the graphics from ttd to openttd
19:21:50 <pw-> since ttd is windows only
19:21:54 <pw-> but the wiki helped
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19:46:25 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18061 /trunk/src/dock_gui.cpp: -Fix: glitches with the dock GUI when the title is very long
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20:03:11 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18062 /extra/ottd_grf/split/ (openttdgui.nfo openttdgui.pcx): [OTTD_GRF] -Change: remove some unneeded blue pixels that only cause the sprites to be displayed too big if size is taken from the sprites
20:03:34 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18063 /trunk/bin/data/ (5 files): -Change: remove some unneeded blue pixels that only cause the sprites to be displayed too big if size is taken from the sprites
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20:10:25 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18064 /trunk/src/widget.cpp: -Codechange: make the sticky box size to the height of the title bar preventing glitches with larger fonts
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20:24:00 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: rubidium * r18065 /trunk/src/widget.cpp: -Codechange/Fix: account for the text in WWT_FRAMEs when determining the minimum width
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20:30:35 <Visitor_41820> .
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20:38:50 <mynetdude> quick question, is there a cheat for players to be able to override town authority other than planting trees and bribing?
20:39:16 <mynetdude> I did a search on the forums, there's a lot of info that doesn't exactly relate
20:40:00 <Alberth> there is a magic bulldozer if you want to remove stuff
20:41:31 <mynetdude> nah want to be able to add stuff
20:41:34 <mynetdude> the town wont' let me
20:41:52 <mynetdude> yeah I'm aware of the magic bulldozer unfortunately doesn't do what I want
20:43:07 <Alberth> there is a setting for how relaxed they should be, but that only goes up to 'permissive'. Other than that, I don't know any other ways besides waiting
20:43:45 <Alberth> ie go play with the neighbouring town instead :)
20:46:11 <mynetdude> ah was hoping there was a cheat, and again familiar with the settings switches as well. I read something else that might help thanks :)
20:50:40 * mynetdude sighs none of the tricks help
21:06:43 <mynetdude> how do I use a .patch file?
21:07:22 <Alberth> download the sources, apply the patch, compile, run the program
21:08:32 <Alberth> Most of it is extensively discussed at the forums and/or the wiki
21:09:15 <mynetdude> what sources? I downloaded the .patch file shouldn't everything I need be there or what?
21:09:24 <mynetdude> ok I'll check them out later
21:09:28 <Alberth> the sources of the program
21:09:44 <mynetdude> oh, so the patch itself does not contain the source... ok that makes absolutely no sense
21:09:45 <Alberth> the .patch only contains how to make changes.
21:10:04 <Alberth> open it with an editor.
21:10:16 <mynetdude> cool
21:10:21 <Alberth> lines with a - should be deleted, lines with a + should be added
21:11:55 <mynetdude> blah this is more complicated than I want... at least I tried.. thanks again Alberth
21:11:57 <Rubidium> and patches for OpenTTD contain the description for changes to the source code
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21:43:03 <CIA-4> OpenTTD: alberth * r18066 /trunk/src/group_gui.cpp: -Codechange: Make group gui window use pure nested widgets.
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21:54:37 <Belugas> bye
21:54:40 <Belugas> albert
21:54:43 <Belugas> not me
21:54:51 <Belugas> still linked to my chair
21:56:20 <Rubidium> Delphi has a linker?
21:56:43 <Rubidium> poor Belugas
21:56:47 <Belugas> yup. but Delphi is not my chair :)
21:59:43 <fjb> chair++
22:00:07 *** Uresu has joined #openttd
22:01:22 <Uresu> Hi all, does anyone know what I might have done wrong to leave me in a situation wher the only train I have available to buy is a "SH 40" at a massive £299 964.00
22:02:15 <Rubidium> you started with newgrfs and then removed them?
22:02:26 <Uresu> newgrfs?
22:02:39 <Uresu> (sorry I have only been playign a day)
22:02:50 <glx> or it's very late and you still don't use monorail or maglev
22:03:04 <Rubidium> glx: shouldn't asiastar survive then?
22:03:07 <Uresu> Ahh, that sounds more likely
22:03:11 <Uresu> thanks
22:04:02 <glx> Rubidium: maybe :) (I play very very rarely and not without newgrf)
22:05:23 <Uresu> Hmm, I just upgraded a section to maglev and the trains cost (from) £701,069.00 !
22:05:34 <Uresu> I must have done something wrong in this game :(
22:05:53 <Rubidium> nah, inflation is probably turned on
22:06:21 <Uresu> Well in that case I lose the game as I don't have that money.
22:07:03 <andythenorth> gah, I just lost the game :x
22:07:17 <Rubidium> in my game the cheapest maglev is ~2.4 million pounds
22:07:21 <Belugas> time to gooooooooooooooooooo now bye
22:07:25 <Uresu> Well, I almost the entire!
22:07:26 <Rubidium> night Belugas
22:07:32 <Xaroth> o/ Belugas
22:07:35 <andythenorth> me too
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23:02:42 <pw-> whoever told me about flightgear, screw you
23:02:47 <pw-> i had enough of a time sink with openttd
23:02:49 <pw-> and now this =\
23:03:02 <TrueBrain> bad dihedral, bad bad bad dihedral :p
23:03:34 <Rubidium> oh... poor US economy... one consumer less spending money
23:05:16 <pw-> this is insane, i'm flying over my home city =D
23:05:38 <TrueBrain> make sure not to crash .. IRCing while flying can't be good
23:05:57 <pw-> autopilot helps
23:06:28 <Rubidium> that reminds me of "Chuck vs the Predator"
23:16:43 <Terkhen> good night
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23:17:08 <pw-> i did something
23:17:12 <pw-> and the screen went dark
23:17:15 <pw-> on flightgear
23:21:01 <tiaz> was it crashing?
23:21:03 <tiaz> the thing you did
23:26:28 <fjb> Why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly?
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