IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-10-27
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00:01:13 <nicfer1> I've reinstaled it and followed the instructions but the command seems to be not recognized
00:01:43 <PeterT> ok, skip that direciton, go to the next and see what happens :)
00:02:14 <nicfer1> I can't compile wget after that
00:03:38 <nicfer1> althrough my processor is an amd athlon x2
00:04:01 <PeterT> I really don't know what to say...
00:04:19 <PeterT> did you get the versions mentioned on the wiki or newer versions?
00:05:41 <PeterT> I was actually just about to test MSYS on xp right now
00:05:47 <PeterT> on my brother's laptop
00:06:29 <nicfer1> I've installed mingw 5.1.6 since 5.1.4 tells me it's 'outdated'
00:07:13 <PeterT> I'm going to try updating on my bro's computer
00:07:26 <nicfer1> even if it's 'outdated'?
00:07:44 <PeterT> besides, you going to be using MSYS, not MinGW
00:07:52 <PeterT> even though mingw is compiling
00:08:39 <PeterT> the only thing that really matters is the svn version
00:10:54 <nicfer1> could I use tortoiseSVN instead of regular svn?
00:11:21 <PeterT> by the way, nicfer1, I'm really glad your taking the time to compile yourself, it's much less annoying than when users on yell (metaphorically) "binaries!!"
00:11:56 <glx> but it's better to also install svn CLI, else svn detection doesn't work IIRC
00:12:07 <nicfer1> I just wanted to compile cargo distribution
00:13:07 <nicfer1> installed 5.1.4 and still no gcc
00:13:33 <PeterT> yes, he's entering gcc -v
00:14:28 <PeterT> did you mess up when directing msys to your mingw installation
00:14:42 <PeterT> (I just thought of it because I am doing it now)
00:15:11 <nicfer1> I've input c:\mingw at that point
00:15:39 <nicfer1> not, only that there was not make.exe in mingw
00:16:17 <PeterT> yes "keep it that way" or something like that?
00:16:39 <glx> open <mysy_install>\etc\fstab
00:17:01 <glx> and replace all \ with / in it
00:17:44 <nicfer1> yay, it was the \ thing
00:18:48 <glx> Please answer the following in the form of c:/foo/bar. <-- but it's clearly explained ;)
00:20:58 <PeterT> isn't "foobar" a person?
00:21:46 <glx> foo and bar are usual dev things
00:23:23 *** Rubix`` has joined #openttd
00:26:36 <PeterT> I'm testing MSYS with 5.1.6
00:33:15 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
00:49:47 <CaptObvious> is there documentation on the protocol that the openttd client uses to fetch server data like number of companies, players, current date etc?
00:51:51 <CaptObvious> that's not relavent
00:52:20 <FauxFaux> Ignoring the fact that it's a client that connects to the server to fetch data like companies, players, etc., you are correct.
00:54:02 <CaptObvious> FauxFaux - is that your git repository?
00:55:40 <Eddi|zuHause> of course there's the canonical documentation!
00:57:13 <Eddi|zuHause> it's called along the lines of "network.cpp" or something
00:57:31 <CaptObvious> that project is pretty much what I was wanting to code
00:57:38 <CaptObvious> so I'm gonna compile it and see if it works :P
01:03:30 <CaptObvious> except I'm a linux noob and can't figure it out :P
01:05:18 <Eddi|zuHause> ooh, xkcd in geocities look ;)
01:05:32 <CaptObvious> Eddi|zuHause - how's your linux-fu?
01:06:02 <Eddi|zuHause> how's your meta-question-fu?
01:06:20 <CaptObvious> I have that on my linux box, extracted into a folder
01:06:24 <Eddi|zuHause> and what's a fu anyway?
01:06:39 <CaptObvious> how do I go about compiling it?
01:06:50 <CaptObvious> Eddi|zuHause - it's a meme. like google-fu
01:07:07 <CaptObvious> originates from kung fu
01:08:28 <Eddi|zuHause> i'd start with the files "README" and "INSTALL"
01:08:50 <CaptObvious> readme is 0 bytes
01:08:57 <CaptObvious> install is the generic makefile one
01:10:35 <Eddi|zuHause> then run bootstrap
01:11:10 <Eddi|zuHause> # Run this to generate all the initial makefiles, etc.
01:11:38 <Eddi|zuHause> and beat up the guy for providing useless information
01:12:28 <CaptObvious> every time I've got something as source in linux before it has already got the makefile etc
01:12:40 <KenjiE20> isn't README independant of make, I'd do another git pull
01:13:08 <KenjiE20> or is it, just blank in git?
01:15:04 <KenjiE20> btw, you know Autopilot, will act as an IRC bridge without having to mod, right?
01:16:22 <CaptObvious> never heard of Autopilot
01:19:32 <CaptObvious> that looks perfect
01:19:43 <KenjiE20> heh, it's not, but it's close :P
01:20:13 <nicfer1> now I'm trying to patch the source code but I'm having issues
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01:22:35 <nicfer1> I right click on the ottd's sources folder then in the tortoisesvn submenu I click on 'Apply Patch', select the diff I'm looking for but both sides of the window appear in blank
01:22:57 <KenjiE20|LT> likely a path issue
01:23:29 <KenjiE20|LT> check the diff with notepad, or similar, and find the relative paths it's using
01:25:23 <nicfer1> the relative paths tell that they want to go at './../src/whatever'
01:26:08 <Eddi|zuHause> tortoisesvn is not able to handle all diff styles
01:26:18 <KenjiE20|LT> sounds odd, but the diff should be in src then
01:26:28 <KenjiE20|LT> ^ also what eddi said
01:27:55 <PeterT> patch -p0 -i patchfile.diff
01:28:11 <Eddi|zuHause> or -p1 if applicable
01:28:14 <PeterT> (well, first, change to the directory)
01:28:35 <nicfer1> where should be put the .diff file?
01:28:52 <PeterT> in the main directory where trunk is
01:37:04 <CaptObvious> okay Eddi|zuHause
01:37:32 <CaptObvious> trying to run autopilot, got the OTTD_CONFIG env variable set and it still gives me "couldn't open "openttd.cfg": no such file or directory"
01:38:29 <nicfer1> I had to place the diff on the trunk directory with the -p1 switch
01:38:46 <PeterT> did you download trunk revision 17837, or the latest?
01:38:50 <PeterT> it won't work with the latest
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01:39:55 <WilliamC> Is there a place that can tell me how to run OTTD behind a router for multiplayer games?
01:46:23 <PeterT> nicfer1, is it working?
01:47:32 <CaptObvious> okay, got that problem sorted, now I have a new one
01:54:06 <Eddi|zuHause> WilliamC: generally, you need to consult your router/firewall documentation on how to open ports
01:54:08 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP port 3979 for server <-> client communication and UDP port 3978 for masterserver (advertise) communication (outbound)
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02:00:08 <Eddi|zuHause> CaptObvious: i can't help you with autopilot
02:12:50 *** Rubix`` has joined #openttd
02:13:08 <DorpsGek> CaptObvious: Brianetta was last seen in #openttd 1 week, 0 days, 13 hours, 8 minutes, and 41 seconds ago: <Brianetta> He should pick us a UK sim
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08:31:10 <Forked> falalalala in the moorning
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09:56:40 <dihedral> CaptObvious, wrt autopilot
09:56:50 <dihedral> what os are you running it on?
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10:41:28 <schuay> on medium difficulty with breakdowns set to normal, the trains break down every 2 tiles or so, even when entering a depot every round.. what am i doing wrong?
10:41:58 <boekabart> very old, worn trains?
10:42:09 <dihedral> long long tracks not servicing enough?
10:42:14 <schuay> don't think so, it happens right at the beginning of the game
10:42:21 <dihedral> breakdowns set to reduced is touch enough actually
10:42:55 <boekabart> using a graphics set? (custom trains)
10:43:14 <schuay> nope, everything at default :(
10:43:37 <boekabart> sorry, you're right
10:44:02 <dihedral> other than perfect, it's my favorite thing to be :-D
10:44:21 <schuay> by the way, another simple question - what is 'servicing'? are trains serviced every time they enter the depot? or do they need specific orders to service?
10:49:48 <SmatZ> they are serviced when they enter a depot
10:50:11 <SmatZ> and you can use service orders to force visit in certain depot
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10:59:06 <Yexo> actually you use a goto-depot order to force visiting a depot and a "service at depot"-order when you only want the vehicles to go to the depot when they need servicing
11:04:28 <schuay> ah ok that makes sense - and is it better to use goto depot or service at depot?
11:04:55 <planetmaker> depends upon what you want :-)
11:09:17 <schuay> im not sure what i want.. i'm just glad i got signals figured out. sort of :)
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11:10:54 <Yexo> it depends on how long your vehicle takes to finish all orders, if that's very long you might want to force a service (goto depot), if it's a very short time you'd use "service at depot" so the vehicle doesn't go to the depot every time but only when needed
11:13:44 <schuay> and "when they need servicing" is a fixed interval for every train?
11:16:02 <Yexo> you can change it in the vehicle details window
11:16:19 <Yexo> it's either a percentage of the maximum reliability or a fixed number of days
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12:03:25 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17884 /trunk/src/network/network_gui.cpp: -Codechange: remove (most) magic numbers from drawing the details of the network lobby and split detail drawing to its own function
12:12:06 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttd
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12:43:25 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17885 /trunk/src/network/network_gui.cpp: -Codechange: make the network lobby window nested
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13:44:46 <Belugas> shit.. almost a quarter lag...
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13:47:57 <Eddi|zuHause> it's the time shift
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14:11:57 <dihedral> reminds me of that squirrel in ... what's it called? 'over the hedge'?
14:17:48 <Eddi|zuHause> haven't seen that one
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14:18:30 <dihedral> i think it's a good one :-)
14:19:41 <Eddi|zuHause> dunno, sounded too much like a madagascar clone back then
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14:39:50 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17886 /trunk/src/network/network_gui.cpp: -Codechange: make the 'start server' window nested
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14:48:08 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17887 /trunk/src/ (48 files in 3 dirs): -Codechange: remove some (now) unneeded {SKIP}s
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15:32:26 <Rubidium> is that like legless chicken or so?
15:37:24 <Belugas> it's a bicycle running in a crowd of pedestrians
15:39:07 <Belugas> or, in my current situation, a programmer looking for an urgent data on a not so well defined spech bursting in his boss's office
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16:48:32 <joekeloekes> is there a way to ban ip ranges, it doesnt seem to like wildcards
16:49:00 <Rubidium> yes, use the CIDR notation
16:49:08 <Belugas> i've heard that it i using CIDR notation
16:50:03 <joekeloekes> hmm, heard the word, but dunno exactly how to. for banning the range 188.186.*.* would i have to ban something like 188.186.0/24.0/24 or so?
16:50:04 <Belugas> could be worse, you could by thirty
16:50:51 <joekeloekes> hmm ok, im going to try that to get rid of a frussian gang :)
16:51:14 <Eddi|zuHause> a friesian gang?
16:51:36 <Eddi|zuHause> are they that bad?
16:51:44 <joekeloekes> hehe, not frisian, cant say anything bad about them one of the admins on our server is from there
16:51:57 <joekeloekes> russian, thats just around the corner from there
16:52:45 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, the corner is called "Denmark" :p
16:53:49 <Rubidium> Eddi|zuHause: nah, Poland borders with Russia, not Denmark
16:54:09 <Rubidium> Denmark borders with Canada :)
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16:54:34 <Eddi|zuHause> Rubidium: but once you shipped around denmark, you can go straight ahead to russia
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16:54:48 <joekeloekes> why would someone wanna do that?
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16:55:06 <LordAzamath> why not use the Kiel channel
16:57:39 <joekeloekes> ahh, there's yorick
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16:59:05 <yorick> joekeloekes: what's with me?
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17:39:55 <yorick> night transform set does it
17:43:06 <planetmaker> got a link? I don't find it on grfcrawler
17:45:28 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: translators * r17888 /trunk/src/lang/ (dutch.txt german.txt serbian.txt):
17:45:28 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:28 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: dutch - 1 changes by habell
17:45:28 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: german - 1 changes by planetmaker
17:45:28 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: serbian - 1 changes by etran
17:48:11 <Belugas> damned i love that set...
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18:36:00 <nicfer1> would be possible to change the code in ottd to make night cycles dynamic rather than with a static grf?
18:36:34 <Alberth> if you change enough code, anything is possible
18:36:42 <Ammler> nicfer1: and how you make the cicle? 1sec day, 1sec night?
18:37:02 <frosch123> Ammler: it's called OTTDAtThePoles
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18:40:53 <nicfer1> 15 days sun, 15 days night
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19:22:00 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17889 /trunk/src/vehicle_gui.cpp: -Feature: double click on a item in the refit list refits without the need to click on the refit button
19:22:19 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17890 /trunk/src/newgrf_gui.cpp: -Feature: double clicking on a NewGRF opens the parameters window
19:56:12 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17891 /trunk/src/ (engine_gui.cpp lang/english.txt): -Feature [FS#1619]: Show maximum tractive effort in the 'exclusive test'/'early offer'/'engine preview' window
20:07:07 <Eddi|zuHause> three windows in one!
20:10:37 <CaptObvious> I like the feature updates in realtime
20:19:17 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17892 /trunk/src/autoreplace_gui.cpp: -Feature [FS#1760]: automatically select the railtype with the most engines for the autoreplace window/try to avoid showing an empty autoreplace list
20:19:18 <Rubidium> real time... it's lagging like... a lot
20:19:34 <kannerke> does someone know where to find the name of a station?
20:20:05 <frosch123> it's written in the sign above it
20:20:32 <kannerke> it's no part of the struct station?
20:20:45 <Rubidium> something with GetString
20:21:18 <frosch123> grep for SCC_STATION_NAME
20:21:19 <Rubidium> like SetDParam(0, st->index); GetString(buffer, STR_JUST_STATION, lastof(buffer); or so
20:22:10 <glx> it's partly in the struct (but I don't remember how it's done for renamed stations)
20:28:23 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: rubidium * r17893 /trunk/src/ (saveload/saveload.cpp settings_type.h table/settings.h): -Feature [FS#2633]: make it possible to disable background saving, only via the config file/in game console though
20:30:28 <rellig> can i increase the output of industry without using a cheat?
20:31:31 <Rubidium> you have the cheat menu opened?
20:31:49 <rellig> ... without using a cheat?
20:32:06 <rellig> its in a multiplayer game, anyway
20:32:21 <Alberth> for non-primary industries, give it more materials that it needs
20:32:23 <frosch123> default industries?
20:32:33 <kannerke> getting the source, multiply the amount of generated cargo and compile ;o)
20:33:05 <Rubidium> kannerke: and whine to us that he or all his clients get kicked because they desync?
20:33:07 <rellig> should be easy if i know where i find this amount (my server is runing gentoo)
20:33:49 <kannerke> ah, for multiplayer, I overlooked that
20:34:10 <Rubidium> rellig: easy yes, wanted in a network game: no, primarily because people will get kicked because they haven't got the same modifications as you have
20:34:20 <rellig> its just some friends and me
20:34:29 <Belugas> your friends will desynch too
20:34:36 <rellig> and we want to start a new map now
20:34:39 <Alberth> rellig: all programs involved in a MP game must do exactly the same things all the times
20:35:14 <Alberth> ie your friends need the same modifed version them
20:35:21 <frosch123> anyway, default primary industries increase are more likely to increase production than decrease when serviced with a rating >= 60%
20:35:42 <frosch123> newgrfs may provide production boosting cargos and other stuff :p
20:35:45 <rellig> yeah, bit its still boring sometimes ...
20:37:02 <rellig> is it possible that the output amount was changed since 7.0?
20:37:20 <planetmaker> rellig, what time do you live in?
20:37:55 <planetmaker> what year do you write? ;-) "changed since 7.0?"
20:38:07 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: frosch * r17894 /trunk/src/ (aircraft_cmd.cpp roadveh_cmd.cpp ship_cmd.cpp train_cmd.cpp): -Fix: Invalidate cache of vehicle vars 40-43 after testruns of certain commands, that change them temporarily.
20:38:09 <planetmaker> I have stable 0.7.3
20:38:38 <planetmaker> or 0.7.2? dunno. Never play stable ;-)
20:39:09 <rellig> but the last time i played ottd it was 7.0
20:39:09 <frosch123> planetmaker: it's october, so 0.x.3 time
20:40:03 <planetmaker> rellig, I'm sure your statements are wrong
20:40:28 <planetmaker> that's why I ask you about the year you write ;-)
20:46:38 <yorick> april 1th is usually 0.x+1.0 time :D
20:49:09 <Tefad> your engrish is frawress
20:50:55 <Sacro> "Players had to be either non-musicians, or if a musician, play an instrument that was entirely new to them."
20:51:00 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: alberth * r17895 /trunk/src/vehicle_gui.cpp: -Codechange: Move drawing code of the vehicle details window out of OnPaint, and remove hard-coded coordinate constants.
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