IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-07-15
00:01:04 *** CIA-2 has joined #openttd
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00:19:00 <KenjiE20>
00:19:41 <KenjiE20> not sure if that's replicatable, but it looks like forcing trains on a pbs block chokes
00:20:06 * TT1a1a1 hates that one house
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00:24:55 <KenjiE20> ^ that is replicatable
00:25:11 <KenjiE20> it's a depot'd train in a pre-signal block
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01:07:48 <PeterT> i didnt know that is a porn site :O
01:14:09 <Sacro> so it is
01:16:38 <PeterT> for a start up script does it need a specific name?
01:16:56 <PeterT> currently mine is
01:20:35 <Sacro> dunno
01:20:50 <PeterT> hm
01:23:07 <PeterT> lol, there is a peterz on the xchat forums
01:23:19 <PeterT> petert, petern, peterz
01:23:58 <Eddi|zuHause> "omg, there are more people named 'peter' who abbreeviate their surname by one letter"
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01:37:21 <Sacro>
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01:48:39 <PeterT> Sacro: thats an easy little trick with a jailbroken iphone and a little program from cydia called realVNC
01:50:16 <welshdragon> PeterT: it's actually installed on it
01:50:33 <PeterT> hmm then
01:53:01 <welshdragon>
01:55:14 <PeterT> hmm i see
01:55:19 <PeterT> cool
02:01:33 <welshdragon> what i'd like to know is how they got the Iphone to appear on the screen behind...
02:02:58 <TT1a1a1> how do you delete a station thats on a road that cant be deleted?
02:03:28 <welshdragon> you use the little bulldoze icon in the station menu
02:04:07 <TT1a1a1> thanks
02:05:11 <welshdragon> TT1a1a1: it's not on the station screen, you have to select the road stops button first, then the bulldoze icon will be available
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03:04:58 <PeterT> lol look at this topic, read all the way through to true brain's response:
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03:15:54 <TT1a1a1> my 'new train' menu only has 2 trains, whats up with that? carriages are all there
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03:21:01 <TT1a1a1> is it a bug or do some train depots only allow certain types of trains?
03:33:03 <TT1a1a1> guys?
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03:50:20 <PeterT> TT1a1a1: you still there, i can help you
03:54:22 <PeterT> if its a railroad depot, it can only show railroad trains, etc. (also specific to GRF)
03:54:46 <PeterT> try using all trains (toolbar at top)>avalible trains
03:54:52 <PeterT> that will show ALL trains in game
03:56:39 <TT1a1a1> still only 2 diesel trains?
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04:07:16 <PeterT> TT1a1a1: GRF problems?
04:07:42 <PeterT> take a screen shot of the availible trains, with your GRF window open
04:07:48 <PeterT> then send it to me
04:09:17 <DaleStan> Make sure the game date is visible too.
04:11:56 <PeterT> lol, thats what i thought too :)
04:51:01 *** PeterT has quit IRC
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05:00:59 <PeterT> ok, good night all :)
05:01:06 <PeterT> 1:00 AM here
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08:44:23 *** Betalord has joined #openttd
08:44:25 <Betalord> hello
08:45:18 <Betalord> I am just trying to do a simple isometric map engine in java that would look like the one in openttd, but I'm lazy figuring it out by myself :) is anyone aware of any tutorials or the way openttd does it?
08:45:37 <TrueBrain>
08:45:39 <TrueBrain> ;)
08:45:46 <Betalord> yeah I'm doing that as we spea k;9
08:45:51 <TrueBrain> but I guess a better source would be:
08:49:20 <Betalord> btw, where can I steal original ttd tiles from?
08:49:33 <Betalord> I just need it for testing
08:50:19 <TrueBrain> euh ...
08:50:28 <TrueBrain> you seriously asking us in a public channel how to do something highly illegal?
08:50:32 <TrueBrain> even in those words?
08:50:36 <TrueBrain> sorry, can't help you there
08:50:54 <TrueBrain> before I know you ask us how to murder the president or what ever :'(
08:52:42 <Betalord> heh... just a min
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08:53:29 <TrueBrain> asking me in a PM doesn't change a thing
08:53:43 <TrueBrain> buy the game legal
08:53:44 <TrueBrain> or be creative
08:53:50 <TrueBrain> but I am not going to help you do something that is not legal
08:54:26 <Betalord> okie dokie :)
08:56:24 <Betalord> ah it's ok, plenty of "legal" tiles here:
09:00:35 <TrueBrain> [11:00] <Betalord> one more question though, how can I get actual pictures out of a .pak file?
09:00:46 <TrueBrain> I would have no idea, as this is #openttd, not #simutrans
09:01:01 <Betalord> oh, I thought you use same format, my bad
09:01:32 <planetmaker> Betalord, get OpenGFX. Those sprites are GPL licensed
09:03:20 <Betalord> got it, thanks
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09:10:53 <Betalord> this is grf format though, what utility can I use to extract images from it?
09:11:46 <planetmaker> grfcodec
09:12:08 <planetmaker> or you visit the development repo of it:
09:12:18 <planetmaker>
09:24:45 <Betalord> works great, thanks
09:25:08 <planetmaker> you're welcome.
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09:55:11 <Eddi|zuHause> yay, i found my old dial-a-pirate...
09:56:20 *** Progman has joined #openttd
09:56:46 <TrueBrain> and, got any pirates on the line?
09:57:12 <Eddi|zuHause> no, but now i can play monkey island again ;)
09:57:23 <TrueBrain> :)
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10:52:05 <TrueBrain> DorpsGek: don't do that again, okay?
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11:05:46 <dragonhorseboy> hey
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11:29:28 <dihedral> helloses
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12:53:41 <Belugas> hello
12:53:47 <insulfrog> hi
12:55:09 <Patrick`> salutations
12:58:35 <edeca> greetings
13:01:53 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
13:08:46 <Forked> pancakes to all of you
13:08:49 <Forked> and a happy easter
13:11:43 <insulfrog> easter?
13:13:12 <insulfrog> we're in the middle of july here
13:13:31 <insulfrog> Easter is in april
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14:26:41 <Belugas> sometimes, i do think Delphi is too strict
14:27:10 <Belugas> if the var that receives a division of two integers is an integer, it should react as such
14:27:20 <Belugas> but i guess it's against the language itself
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14:32:53 <Belugas> and that is why we have "\" and "div"
14:32:55 <Belugas> mmh
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14:46:50 <Eddi|zuHause> what if you want to store the result of an integer division into a float variable?
14:47:18 <Belugas> there are no float in delphi
14:47:45 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, there are. they are called "real", "single", "double", etc.
14:47:58 <Belugas> real, single, double, extended, comp, currency
14:48:02 <Belugas> no float
14:48:16 <Eddi|zuHause> "floating point types" is the category
14:48:25 <Belugas> "/" requires a floating point variable as the reception var
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14:48:49 <Belugas> "div" required an integer variable as the reception var
14:48:51 <Belugas> althoug....
14:48:54 <Eddi|zuHause> yes. but div does not require an integer variable
14:49:04 <Eddi|zuHause> because integer can be automatically casted to float
14:49:59 <Belugas> indeed.
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16:52:21 <PostaL> hello guys
16:52:55 <PostaL> small question: if I want to host a server of open TTD, and I'm behind a rooter, what port should I gorward to my machine?
16:53:08 <PostaL> *forward
16:53:25 <PostaL> let me rephraze: on what port is the TTD server running?
16:54:37 <Sacro> 3979
16:54:39 <glx> @openttd port
16:54:39 <DorpsGek> glx: OpenTTD uses TCP and UDP port 3979 for server <-> client communication and UDP port 3978 for masterserver (advertise) communication (outbound)
16:54:50 <PostaL> thank you
16:56:25 <dihedral> for the rest of your questions :-P
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17:38:10 <Yexo> hello
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17:46:01 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: translators * r16832 /trunk/src/lang/ (5 files):
17:46:01 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:46:01 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: simplified_chinese - 54 changes by Gavin
17:46:01 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: german - 4 changes by Araxiel
17:46:01 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: korean - 31 changes by telk5093
17:46:02 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: brazilian_portuguese - 2 changes by Tucalipe
17:46:02 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: russian - 26 changes by Lone_Wolf, Unknown
17:46:43 <TrueBrain> Unknown?
17:46:46 <TrueBrain> that sounds ... wrong ...
17:47:01 <Rubidium> yeah, there're even 12 still pending
17:47:12 <TrueBrain> cool
17:48:36 <TrueBrain> haha, reverts
17:48:57 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
17:51:44 <TrueBrain> whoho, first real WT3 bug (well, not the Unknown, that isn't a real bug)
17:52:32 *** PeterT has joined #openttd
17:53:20 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: translators * r16833 /trunk/src/lang/ (4 files): -Fix: WT3 made its first bug .. it is growing up!
17:53:42 <frosch123> +[Website]
17:53:46 <TrueBrain> where?
17:54:09 <frosch123> in my mind
17:54:18 <TrueBrain> sure is a beautiful place there :)
17:59:57 <TrueBrain> I love websites
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19:26:29 *** Nite_Owl has joined #openttd
19:26:51 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
19:28:16 <Alberth> hello
19:32:21 <Nite_Owl> Hello Alberth
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19:44:28 <Belugas> shit... no more coffee... too late to make another pot
19:44:53 <Rubidium> doesn't StarBucks et al. deliver?
19:47:22 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: yexo * r16834 /trunk/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs): -Fix [FS#3034]: call the AI Save() function only once so AIs can't crash OpenTTD
19:47:33 <Nite_Owl> at the prices they charge they should deliver
19:49:48 * frosch123 does not get the "too late" part
19:50:11 <Rubidium> frosch123: takes at least 70 minutes to brew a pot of coffee
19:52:01 * frosch123 now wonders about the meaning of "pot"
19:53:06 <Rubidium> : a usually rounded metal or earthen container used chiefly for domestic purposes (as in cooking or for holding liquids or growing plants)
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19:54:43 <Prof_Frink> frosch123: Potentiometer.
19:55:24 <frosch123> hmm, Sacro: what does your potentiometer say
19:56:21 <Belugas> pot... recipient receiving the new coffee been filtered and so
19:56:30 <Belugas> the one i'm often glued to
19:56:44 <Belugas> we have Tim Horton on frist floor
19:56:49 <Belugas> too far for me, right now...
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20:29:59 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16835 /branches/0.7/ (22 files in 9 dirs):
20:29:59 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: [0.7] -Backport from trunk:
20:29:59 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: - Fix: Call the AI Save() function only once so AIs can not crash OpenTTD [FS#3034] (r16834)
20:29:59 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: - Fix: Use the palette of the vehicle being drawn instead of the one of the front vehicle (r16819)
20:29:59 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: - Update: language files
20:33:45 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16836 /tags/0.7.2-RC1/ (5 files in 3 dirs): -Release: 0.7.2-RC1
20:35:53 <planetmaker> uhhhh! new rc!
20:36:36 <Sacro> orly?
20:36:40 * Sacro flags Arch as out of date
20:37:33 <Sacro> :o
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20:37:35 <Sacro> it already is
20:37:40 <Sacro> openttd-rc :(
20:38:16 <Sacro> is currently at 0.6.2-rc1-2
20:38:32 <Rubidium> that's quite recentish
20:39:12 <Sacro> sigh
20:39:14 <Rubidium> only 364 days and a few hours
20:39:24 <Sacro> Arch still provides an openttd.desktop file
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21:03:08 <Belugas> and it's that time once again!!!
21:03:10 <Belugas> BYE!!!
21:03:22 <Nite_Owl> later Belugas
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21:15:46 *** TT1a1a1 has joined #openttd
21:16:39 <TT1a1a1> its 2017 and I only have access to the 'Dash' Diesel, how do I fix that/
21:17:04 <Rubidium> build an electrified depot
21:17:10 <Rubidium> or even a monorail depot
21:17:19 <Rubidium> and if you're really luck a maglev depot
21:17:43 <TT1a1a1> why didnt it keep the best trains?
21:17:59 <TT1a1a1> for normal reail construction
21:18:17 <Nite_Owl> you did not turn on the 'Vehicles never expire' option
21:18:37 <TT1a1a1> ah, didnt know about that
21:18:54 <TT1a1a1> no way to get them back without starting again?
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21:19:12 <Nite_Owl> first turn that option on
21:20:00 <Nite_Owl> Advance Settings --> Vehicles
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21:20:17 <TT1a1a1> got it
21:20:43 <Nite_Owl> when that is done open the console and type in 'resetengines' without the quotes
21:21:11 <TT1a1a1> perfect
21:21:13 <TT1a1a1> thanks
21:21:26 <Nite_Owl> no problem
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22:17:35 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: alberth * r16837 /trunk/src/ (5 files): -Codechange: Collect largest used index while constructing nested widget tree.
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22:51:50 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: alberth * r16838 /trunk/src/ (widget.cpp widget_type.h window.cpp window_gui.h): -Codechange: Fill Window::nested_array in SetupSmallestSize.
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22:55:55 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: alberth * r16839 /trunk/src/ (widget.cpp widget_type.h): -Codechange: Remove obsolete FillNestedArray().
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23:04:39 <CIA-2> OpenTTD: alberth * r16840 /trunk/src/town_gui.cpp: -Codechange: Small merge in town directory widget content method.
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23:44:47 <Ammler> good night silent #openttd :-)
23:45:00 <PeterT> good night in europe
23:45:11 *** Zahl has quit IRC
23:45:12 <PeterT> good day here in us
23:46:38 *** Progman has quit IRC
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