IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-06-14
00:06:48 <petern> er
00:07:01 <petern> well you can look it up in the local authority window
00:07:50 <SmatZ> you don't see exact value there
00:07:56 <SmatZ> just "Good / Excellent..."
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00:24:55 <HackaLittleBit> evenin
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00:29:18 <petern> SmatZ, from a user point of view, that is the value
00:31:52 <SmatZ> petern: true - I am playing with though
00:32:57 <petern> i am playing with my synths
00:34:51 <Belugas> i'm working on my work :(
00:35:14 <SmatZ> :)
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00:40:44 <HackaLittleBit> and i am going to sleep :)
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06:53:35 <andythenorth> morning.
06:54:00 <andythenorth> drinking coffee not tea today. only way to get through fixing so many sprite offsets :O
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07:14:03 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
07:14:26 <Alberth> and a good morning to all
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10:52:30 <dihedral> hello
11:01:47 <Alberth> hello
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11:08:25 <Chrill> Hey, I'm running the Total Bridge Renewal set. In some screenshots, I've seen this (I think this set) used with TTRS roads. Does anyone know how to achieve this?
11:08:35 <Chrill> I've tried to play around with parameters and similar, to no avail
11:12:41 * Alberth supplies dihedral with some pills to calm down (don't get so upset with SX!)
11:13:55 <dihedral> Alberth, i am not upset :-P
11:14:54 <Alberth> glad to hear that, as it is seems wasted effort :)
11:15:08 <dihedral> no - just the most amusing thread imo :-D
11:15:45 <dihedral> ssh <host> -l <user> -R 1022:localhost:22 <- why aint that working??
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11:17:14 <Alberth> you must be root to use 1022 ?
11:17:24 <dihedral> ah fuck it :_D
11:17:25 <dihedral> thanks
11:17:50 <Rubidium> if you're talking about ports, then yes... it's less than 1024
11:18:23 <dihedral> yes
11:18:25 <dihedral> sure is
11:19:12 <Alberth> I didn't know ssh could do this. Seems like a nice functionality.
11:25:49 <dihedral> you can even do it in an open ssh session
11:26:21 <dihedral> ~C on a fresh line will give you a local command line on which you can specify a -L or -R
11:31:49 <dihedral> "I wish you the best with your other and future projects, may they be as successful as this one." <- HAHA
11:31:54 <dihedral> like that ^^
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11:40:35 <Alberth> well, he defines success slightly different ;)
11:50:23 *** Brianetta has joined #openttd
11:51:31 <petern> what a knob
11:52:48 <petern> er, not Brianetta :)
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11:53:01 <petern> welshdragon
11:53:08 <petern> go and weed my garden, eh?
11:53:11 <Brianetta> hello (:
11:53:20 <dihedral> hello Brianetta
11:53:34 <dihedral> there is weed in your garden petern ?
11:53:34 * Brianetta just re-watched the OpenTTD Visualised video
11:54:02 <welshdragon> petern: no :P
11:54:49 <petern> dihedral, yup[
11:56:36 <dihedral> i'll visit :-D
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12:56:11 <Phazorx> me wonders who is responsible for webtranslator tool itself, and wether or not it is GPL?
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12:56:38 <Alberth> afaik TrueBrain has built it
12:57:07 <Phazorx> and where is allmight TL these days?
12:57:19 <Alberth> studying
12:57:45 <Phazorx> is there something he doesnt kno yet :o)
12:57:59 <Alberth> apparently :)
12:58:41 <Alberth> or he is just checking he knows everything :)
12:59:02 <Phazorx> one who knows everything should be aware of that fact and would not need checking
13:03:14 <Ammler> is wt3 already in action?
13:05:08 <Alberth> Ask at #openttd.wt3 :) (main page still links to WT2, so I guess not)
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13:08:57 <Rubidium> wt/wt2 were written by Miham
13:12:06 <glx> and fixed by Rubidium ;)
13:12:27 <Rubidium> please don't call it fixed
13:12:34 <dihedral> wt2 is current translator, afaik it is not under gpl
13:12:38 <glx> well hacked to work
13:12:45 <dihedral> hehe
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13:27:15 <Phazorx> heya Ammler
13:28:09 <Ammler> sali Phazorx :-)
13:28:21 <Brianetta> In the "OpnTTD Visualised" video, Rubidium is the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way
13:28:46 * Phazorx wonders if there are gpled webtranslators similar to wt2
13:28:59 <Ammler> not gpl, but free
13:29:01 <Rubidium> yeah, I'm not burning yet
13:29:27 <Phazorx> well whichever, i'm looking for one for widelands, which is oepnsource project
13:30:05 <Phazorx> similar to openttd i guess :)
13:31:07 <Phazorx> Rubidium, you should know wether or not wt is public domain and available
13:31:17 <Ammler> maybe this one might help:
13:32:00 <Phazorx> doesntmention svn integration there
13:32:07 <Phazorx> but thanks i'll look into it
13:32:09 <Rubidium> Phazorx: who am I to judge about that?
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13:32:51 <Phazorx> Rubidium: someone with a clue on how ottd developemtn happens in general?
13:33:06 <Rubidium> WT/WT2 were from before my time
13:33:14 <Phazorx> really...
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13:34:43 <petern> wt doesn't (didn't?) have svn integration
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13:35:24 <Phazorx> wt2?
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13:36:01 <glx> it's not a clean integration
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13:36:29 <Phazorx> in my very humble opinion it is better than none and it serves the purpose well
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13:36:47 <Phazorx> there can be a better/easier way but wt2 looks better thanother ones i seen
13:37:25 <Phazorx> which pretty much comes down to launchpad aside of custom solutions
13:37:27 <glx> did you ever try WT2 ?
13:37:46 <Phazorx> long time ago i did something with i
13:37:55 <Phazorx> but not sure wether it was wt or wt2
13:38:03 <Phazorx> beelike 2 years ago or so
13:38:12 <glx> btw it's tailored for openttd string system
13:38:24 <Phazorx> looking at interface now does not look same
13:38:29 <Phazorx> obviously
13:38:41 <Phazorx> tha's why i poundered about GPL
13:39:01 <Phazorx> with freedom to fix/tune for other projects
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13:47:39 <dragonhorseboy> any of you from germany or know about their railroad a bit?
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14:06:48 <dihedral> dragonhorseboy, just ask!
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14:11:40 <dragonhorseboy> fair enough - know what was the name of that one stretch of land bridge over a large expanse of water? i recall it was one rail with long banks on both sides .. probably also was one road parallel to it too
14:11:55 <dragonhorseboy> I recall seeing some photos and I'm sure it was in germany area .. re DB steam locomotives
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14:31:08 <dragonhorseboy> well have to go for a while now anyway
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15:00:14 <petern> something about his sentence mannorisms really annoys me :s
15:01:18 <Eddi|zuHause> it annoys me more that he disappears right before i am able to answer him
15:01:30 <Eddi|zuHause> basically every time he asks something...
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15:01:46 <petern> mannerisms, of course
15:07:10 <Eddi|zuHause> when he comes back, someone might answer him: he probably meant the "Hindenburgdamm" which connects the island Sylt to the mainland
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15:50:57 <Phazorx> 3
15:51:02 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: alberth * r16575 /trunk/src/widget.cpp: -Fix (r15760): Move resize sprite to the right when widget is lowered for RTL languages also.
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16:11:23 * Wolfsherz says hello to everyone
16:17:53 * Rubidium wonders whether Wolfsherz expects a hello from someone
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16:19:23 <Wolfsherz> i was just polite. i was tought to greet when entering a "room" ;)
16:20:03 <Wolfsherz> may i ask what the exact purpose of this channel is?
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16:21:37 <Rubidium> I'd say it has something to do with users and OpenTTD
16:23:03 <Tefad> it's like the OpenTTD forums but in realtime
16:25:09 *** strongfrakk has joined #openttd
16:25:41 <strongfrakk> hello , one question, how can i provide the cities with goods ?
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16:26:08 <Sacro> *transport* tycoon
16:26:29 <Eddi|zuHause> factories, saw mills and oil refineries produce goods, when provided with raw materials
16:26:56 <Eddi|zuHause> cities accept goods when they have enough office buildings
16:26:57 <strongfrakk> wait i
16:27:24 <Eddi|zuHause> typically that means 3
16:27:41 <strongfrakk> i have had a factory
16:27:56 <strongfrakk> it gets grain, etc
16:28:12 <strongfrakk> but how can i transport the good to the cities
16:28:21 <Alberth> lay a track?
16:28:24 <Eddi|zuHause> with a goods train
16:28:51 <strongfrakk> one more question
16:29:27 <strongfrakk> factory doesnt have summary about the goods, just it said 0 percent goods transported
16:29:55 <Alberth> do you have a station that accepts goods already?
16:30:06 <glx> did you effectively transported goods?
16:30:13 <strongfrakk> Alberth:you mean at city ?
16:30:19 <glx> yes
16:30:26 <Alberth> no at the factory
16:30:52 <strongfrakk> Alberth:can factory accept good ?
16:30:53 <glx> factory produces goods, it usually doesn't accept them :)
16:31:00 <strongfrakk> unlike it produces goods
16:31:24 <Alberth> it produces goods, and if you accept them, they get transported from the factory to your train
16:31:41 <strongfrakk> so i need two station with goods transport between the factory and the city
16:31:50 <Alberth> just like eg coal from a mine
16:32:11 <Phazorx> strongfrakk: think about it as a demand-supply scenario
16:32:11 <Alberth> yes, one at the factory and one at the city.
16:32:14 <glx> you can reuse the grain station
16:32:46 <Alberth> if you transport coal, you do the same. you have 1 station at the mine, and one at the power plant
16:32:50 <strongfrakk> ok thanks, i know the basic transport directions, but there is description about city and goods
16:33:21 <strongfrakk> i havent found guide for it
16:33:56 <strongfrakk> there is not :)
16:34:12 <Alberth> it is not different from any other cargo. It is just that it only gets manufactured if you supply the factory with raw materials
16:34:31 <strongfrakk> yes i have any supply
16:34:41 <strongfrakk> i have enough
16:35:01 <strongfrakk> ok im back to openttd
16:35:04 <strongfrakk> thanks again
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16:37:33 <strongfrakk> unfortunatelly, the factory said waiting : nothing
16:37:41 <strongfrakk> it means there is no available goods
16:38:10 <strongfrakk> but as i experienced the grain and livestock are transported well to factory
16:39:01 <strongfrakk> ups after one lap the goods has been apeared :)
16:39:11 <strongfrakk> i said nothing
16:39:31 <Phazorx> this is a failsafe measure to prevent station from producing something before you are ready to move it
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16:40:24 <Phazorx> industry will only consume cargo unti lthere is a somthing that takes what industry produces
16:41:20 <strongfrakk> who are you talking to ?
16:41:57 <Phazorx> as soon as you create a train/car/plane/ship that capable of carrying goods and make it load on station thatis within factories area of control it will start producing goods and you can move them
16:42:04 <Phazorx> apparently to an echo...
16:43:52 <strongfrakk> q: every broke down wehicle can reach to Depo ?
16:44:40 <Sacro> no, they need a valid path
16:45:02 <strongfrakk> at the first sight they may can
16:45:22 <strongfrakk> Sacro: you state that sometimes they cant ?
16:45:33 <Sacro> Yerp
16:45:47 <Sacro> if they don't have a route to a valid depot then they can't get there
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16:46:33 <strongfrakk> Sacro: but if they have they will reach
16:46:46 <strongfrakk> Sacro: this is the one and only term ?
16:46:50 <strongfrakk> condition
16:47:46 <strongfrakk> is it worth to deal with trucks ?
16:50:22 <andythenorth> strongfrakk: yes if you use a better vehicle set like eGRVTS
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16:51:13 <strongfrakk> andythenorth:what is that ?
16:51:19 <strongfrakk> i have never head of
16:52:04 <andythenorth> In the OpenTTD title screen, try the 'Check Online Content' button.
16:52:22 <strongfrakk> is there any good guide for winner strategy ?
16:52:27 <andythenorth> Pretty clever. Some smart people have made it easy to add things to the game.
16:52:49 <strongfrakk> im in game
16:53:12 <strongfrakk> i can reach it during the ongoing play ?
16:53:34 <strongfrakk> i have very thin income
16:54:43 <strongfrakk> after 4 years the income is more and more
16:54:53 <strongfrakk> it doesnt sound good
16:55:16 <guru3> 0.7.1... how time flies
16:55:45 <andythenorth> strongfrakk: go to the wrench icon, choose 'newgrf settings', then choose 'check online content'.
16:56:05 <Ammler> 7 years?
16:56:05 <strongfrakk> andythenorth:ok
16:56:08 <andythenorth> but you'd be better off starting a new game. You're probably going out of business anyway :P
16:56:33 <strongfrakk> andythenorth: i have a feeling you are right
16:56:46 <andythenorth> That's the game sometines ;)
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16:57:17 <guru3> feels like 0.3.5 was just yesterday
16:58:24 <strongfrakk> andythenorth: i have it : extended wehicle and tram set eGRVTS
16:58:53 <strongfrakk> I will use it in next game
16:59:27 <strongfrakk> how many kind of cooperative game exist ?
16:59:43 <strongfrakk> just competitive ?
17:00:56 <guru3> there's openttdcoop
17:01:07 <guru3> and banzai for ipv6!
17:01:25 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16576 /trunk/src/strgen/strgen.cpp: -Fix: show the line of the translation file that has the fault and not the line of the string in english.txt.
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17:01:48 <strongfrakk> guru3: can you explain them ?:)
17:02:13 <guru3> openttdcoop is a group of players that like to play cooperatively to build huge networks
17:02:22 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16577 /trunk/src/strgen/strgen.cpp: -Fix: signed/unsigned comparison
17:02:23 <guru3> there's nothing particularly defining about cooperative gameplay
17:02:30 <guru3> it all depends on the people playing
17:02:49 <strongfrakk> guru3:ok, i may know that i need more settings
17:03:16 <strongfrakk> guru3: in other words i may think it needs special game settings
17:03:22 <Wolfsherz> why have my trains breakdowns every few seconds?
17:03:36 <strongfrakk> guru3: you mean it depends on the players
17:03:37 <guru3> there are no special settings fo cooperative gameplay strongfrakk
17:03:41 <guru3> Wolfsherz: are you sending them to a depo
17:03:43 <guru3> strongfrakk: yes
17:03:49 <strongfrakk> guru3:thanks
17:04:00 <Wolfsherz> i already play with fewer breakdowns :/ yes, they are going to a depot on each roundtrip
17:04:10 <guru3> how old are they?
17:04:20 <guru3> what does reliability say in the train window?
17:04:24 <Wolfsherz> 3 years at max
17:04:37 <Wolfsherz> i'll check
17:05:00 <Wolfsherz> 82%
17:05:12 <strongfrakk> q:i have 2 underpopulated city how can i bust up the population ?
17:05:18 <strongfrakk> cities
17:05:30 <guru3> once a city has 5 stations being serviced they grow fast
17:05:55 <strongfrakk> you mean:has to have
17:05:58 <Phazorx> strongfrakk: provide local passanger and mail traffic to boost population growpth
17:06:03 <guru3> Wolfsherz: all of them?
17:06:09 <Phazorx> planing roads for cities also helps
17:06:29 <strongfrakk> i missed the mail tranportation , ehh my fault
17:06:32 <strongfrakk> im back :)
17:07:22 <Phazorx> and as far as cooperative play goes - #openttdcoop is the answer
17:07:26 <Wolfsherz> guru3, they are all between 79 and 83 % actually as this is a new game, its just 3 trains atm.
17:07:44 <Phazorx> they do things like or
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17:09:25 <strongfrakk> Phazorx: ok, thanks , i should have thought there have own room
17:09:38 <strongfrakk> join /#openttdcoop
17:09:43 <strongfrakk> ups sorry
17:09:55 <strongfrakk> join /openttdcoop
17:10:02 <Ammler> Phazorx: you should show older images ;-)
17:10:14 <Phazorx> Ammler: i'm a lazy clicker
17:10:26 <Ammler> I meant around 50
17:10:28 <Phazorx> and i can not alay reffer o something like psg #65
17:10:37 <Phazorx> although it is imo the best
17:10:42 <Ammler> lol
17:11:06 <Ammler> Phazorx: check pz5
17:11:56 <Phazorx> tl3 maglev?
17:12:00 <Wolfsherz> and why do industries lower production when i service them?
17:12:01 <Phazorx> that's easy mode
17:12:29 <Ammler> well, it is the only >2k trains game I know.
17:12:58 <Phazorx> i like to count cars rather than trains lately
17:13:21 <Ammler> Mark: introduced a coop-index for ;-)
17:13:38 <Phazorx> so 2k * 6 (pz5) vs 1.6k*10 (psg65)
17:13:45 <Phazorx> or really?
17:13:57 <Phazorx> i hope it i close to my way of calculating it :)
17:14:20 <Ammler> run @wiki ci there
17:14:40 <Mark> lats of fast, long, trains on a small map gives a low rating
17:14:42 <Mark> lots
17:14:43 <Phazorx> conideting i'm on wiki already i think there should be easier way to get there
17:15:08 <Phazorx> Mark: 65 is diesel DB on 1024x512
17:15:20 <Phazorx> ~1600 TL5 train
17:16:11 <Yexo> good evening
17:16:20 <guru3> good evening
17:16:42 <Phazorx> Mark: i also accoun for amount of gods transfered and waiting
17:17:14 <Phazorx> havent found a way to account for track length tho but would be good
17:17:26 <Ammler> Sali Yexo
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17:18:29 <Ammler> Phazorx: yeah, mr someone should make a patch to count the tiles with tracks on it ;-)
17:18:41 <Phazorx> Ammler: not exactly
17:18:57 <Phazorx> i count onl these that are used by trains
17:19:17 <Ammler> and which tracks aren't?
17:19:20 <Phazorx> prio structures and things like that should not be accounted
17:19:49 <Phazorx> basicaly i realied on old_track patch
17:20:07 <Ammler> hehe, that is your all time liked patch :-)
17:20:17 <Phazorx> criteria was - "real tracks" are these where grass does not grow
17:20:25 * Ammler wonders, what happens with.
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17:20:45 <Phazorx> well it makes sense and it shows useless tracks, often pointing out mistakes
17:20:51 <Phazorx> i posted it on TT
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17:21:14 <Ammler> you?
17:21:22 <Phazorx> modded version
17:21:37 <Phazorx> since it borked when yapf came about
17:21:39 <Ammler> but that is years ago, too?
17:21:41 <Phazorx> they used same bits
17:21:52 <Phazorx> abut ayear or so i gess
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17:22:55 <Hirundo> I assume that by 'yapf' you mean YAPP / PBS
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17:23:37 <Phazorx> hmm... i mean what was around year ago and were designated as Yet Another Path Finder in settings
17:23:44 <Phazorx> pretty sure it was YAPF
17:23:53 <Phazorx> pbs wast around then
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17:26:02 <strongfrakk> how can i copy and paste the bus orders ?
17:26:25 <strongfrakk> q:building road it is very efficient
17:26:29 <strongfrakk> way
17:26:32 <strongfrakk> s
17:26:47 <guru3> when you're setting the vehicules' orders, click on the vehicule you want to copy
17:27:10 <Phazorx> or ctrl click when it is in depot, to make identical one with same orders
17:27:25 <guru3> ctrl clicking makes shared orders
17:27:28 <guru3> be aware of the difference
17:27:29 <Phazorx> ctrl click duplications
17:27:40 <Sacro> guru3: vehicle's
17:27:46 <guru3> -_-
17:27:49 <Phazorx> yeah it is sared orders correct
17:27:50 <guru3> it always trips me up
17:28:54 <strongfrakk> Phazorx: ok, using one ctrl is one thing but how and when i should use with the 2 bus at the same time ?
17:29:20 <strongfrakk> Phazorx: they are on own way
17:29:23 <guru3> as far as i know you have to do each one individually
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17:29:39 <guru3> (or can you set the orders to multiple vehicules simultaneously?)
17:30:24 <Phazorx> strongfrakk: if you want to copy orders do it guru3's way
17:30:34 <Phazorx> which is at scheduling state
17:31:00 <Phazorx> if you wanto doit as i sugegsted - when creating new vehicle you ctrl click one you want a copy of
17:31:34 <Phazorx> difference is "shared orders" in my case which means that i you change original orders - copies will inherit changes as well
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17:31:45 <strongfrakk> Phazorx: i cant imagine when they are far away to each other should i open their orders panel at the same time ?
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17:32:08 <Phazorx> only order panel of new one needs to be open as i recall
17:32:32 <Phazorx> and you click on another vehicle itself
17:32:54 <Phazorx> after clicking add omthing to schedule button
17:33:06 <Phazorx> i guess i should fite up the game and see what is it called now :)
17:33:11 <Phazorx> since it has been a while since i played
17:33:39 <strongfrakk> i need time to practice it
17:33:57 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: translators * r16578 /trunk/src/lang/ (russian.txt simplified_chinese.txt traditional_chinese.txt):
17:33:57 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-06-14 17:33:27
17:33:57 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: russian - 39 fixed, 121 changed by Lone Wolf (160)
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17:35:29 <Phazorx> strongfrakk: game has may shortcuts and advanced controls, you will learn them with time and that will speed up building things for sure
17:35:48 <guru3> 1-2-3-4-r
17:35:52 <guru3> the most useful keys i think
17:36:03 <Phazorx> x is hany
17:36:08 <Phazorx> as well as "del" :)
17:36:17 <guru3> i tend to just leave it transparent
17:36:25 <strongfrakk> i have tried the x
17:36:25 <Phazorx> some people become addicted to A and R
17:36:32 <strongfrakk> x is really great
17:36:41 <Phazorx> strongfrakk: beter yet - there is ctrl+x
17:36:58 <strongfrakk> as experienced the one way can confuse the buses
17:37:14 <guru3> i never never knew about ctrl x
17:37:29 <Phazorx> guru3: you live you learn
17:37:35 <Phazorx> ;o)
17:37:46 <dihedral> guru3 just lives
17:37:52 <Phazorx> hola dih
17:37:56 <dihedral> at least nobody can prove he learns - he never says anything
17:38:00 <dihedral> hello Phazorx
17:38:02 <dihedral> :-)
17:38:04 <dihedral> nice to see you here
17:38:06 <Phazorx> still kicking?
17:38:09 <Phazorx> likewise :)
17:38:17 <guru3> learning would require i play a bit more often than i do
17:38:51 <dihedral> guru3: no sane person actually plays
17:39:02 <Phazorx> it's not amount of time, it's how you do it :)
17:39:07 <Phazorx> quantity vs quality...
17:39:19 <dihedral> yep, still kicking :-)
17:39:22 <guru3> i learned it all when i was pretty young so it's sort of ingrained in me
17:39:31 <guru3> it takes a lot of effort to crash a company into the ground
17:39:55 <Phazorx> it takes a lot of effort to keep thousands trains running :)
17:40:30 <guru3> i started playing when the limit was like... 127
17:40:39 <guru3> so i tend to avoid massive networks
17:40:50 <guru3> it shifts from "fun" to "work" at that point
17:40:56 <strongfrakk> can i maintain myself just from public transportation as a beginner ?
17:41:10 <guru3> if you've got a lot of patience you can
17:41:13 <guru3> but it's not easy
17:42:01 <Phazorx> strongfrakk: most efficient start is usualy a coal to powerplant on temperate
17:42:17 <guru3> oil, wood, and iron ore all work just as well
17:42:48 <Phazorx> find few relatively remote mines in same direction and drag lines to one powerstation, reusing tracks as much as possible
17:42:55 <strongfrakk> on temperate : i have never heard this english word :)
17:43:04 <guru3> temperate climate
17:43:12 <Phazorx> "default" climate called temperate in ottd
17:43:15 <guru3> areas like france, germany, the middle east coast US
17:43:27 <Phazorx> as well as tto/ttd actually
17:43:28 <strongfrakk> uhh mediterrain ?
17:43:47 <guru3> mediterrainen is just that :)
17:43:51 <Phazorx> strongfrakk: it has less o do with sea, more with calm stadey warm weather
17:43:59 <guru3> temperate climates are generally a bit cooler, ususally experiencing some snow
17:44:03 <strongfrakk> guru3: how long word , damn
17:44:14 <strongfrakk> ok i see
17:45:05 <Phazorx> guru3: oil and wood have lower starting output
17:45:35 <guru3> it tends to work out about the same i think
17:45:36 <Phazorx> and for ore - somehow i never i figured why but it is less income efficient than coal
17:45:47 <Phazorx> guru3: close but coal is still more efficient
17:45:54 <Phazorx> especially with smooth economy
17:46:07 <guru3> perhaps, but building either line is equally fun :3
17:46:30 <Phazorx> steel is better on long run
17:46:37 <Phazorx> since ten you can expand to factory
17:46:51 <Phazorx> but i came to adopt coopers point of view
17:47:04 <guru3> starting with coal eh
17:47:07 <Phazorx> where moneymakre is a steem train, one engy ninecars
17:47:13 <guru3> you know... that was my idea originally :3
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17:48:07 <Ammler> Phazorx: current coopers don't use coal anymore ;-)
17:48:11 <guru3> did sort of wonder why there was someone who so closely shared my views
17:48:19 <Ammler> they use pax
17:48:21 <Phazorx> Ammler: i don't believe you
17:48:24 <Phazorx> that's silly
17:48:37 <Phazorx> same coopers i used to know would not do a thing like that
17:48:39 <Ammler> well, we might be to old ;-)
17:48:42 <Ammler> +o
17:48:48 <Phazorx> i am for sure
17:48:51 <Phazorx> at least i been told so
17:49:27 <Ammler> but pax is the best MM, as you make income on both ways.
17:49:37 <guru3> pax?
17:49:41 <Phazorx> but you need faster and more expensive trains
17:49:52 <Phazorx> and you need to boost towns
17:49:58 <Phazorx> and have iternal pax in them
17:50:01 <Xaroth> passengers
17:50:09 <Phazorx> you end up with more on a long run
17:50:18 <Phazorx> but i'd rather sepnd that timeplannig :)
17:50:18 <guru3> coop has infinite time to start the game though
17:50:28 <guru3> so i could see why they do it
17:50:31 <Phazorx> guru3: lmited by fun factor
17:50:48 <guru3> well that's why i started the coal thing
17:51:00 <Ammler> you "walk" over around 4 towns which feeds the airport
17:51:18 <Ammler> then you use the 1/1 speed cheat
17:51:19 <Phazorx> oh... now we walk to do MM?
17:51:26 <Phazorx> and cheat?
17:51:32 <Ammler> coopers do :P
17:51:34 <Phazorx> this world is commin to the end i tell ya
17:51:56 <Ammler> indeed :-(
17:52:13 <Phazorx> and coopers i thought would be last to ad to mayhem
17:52:55 <dihedral> 1/1 speed for the speed of planes is not a cheat
17:53:01 <Ammler> well, money was never motivation for coopers, but we have some other gametypes, where could be interesting, like coopetition
17:53:15 <guru3> ah yeah that's moderately interesting
17:53:21 <guru3> i lost spectacularly the one time i played
17:54:08 <Ammler> that is also around 2-3 years ;-)
17:54:33 <Phazorx> brb, need to switch stations
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17:54:41 <dihedral> when is the next wwottdgd?
17:55:08 <Ammler> the scenario creator just left ;-)
17:55:19 <dihedral> ah - nice
17:55:41 <dihedral> how is the rest coming along
17:56:01 <petern> SHALL I HAVE A BEER?
17:56:07 <dihedral> YES
17:56:19 <Ammler> TOO EARLY
17:56:43 <andythenorth> HAVE A TEA
17:57:13 <petern> 7pm is not too early
17:57:43 <strongfrakk> there is no time when it is early :)
17:59:08 <strongfrakk> is there any more way to making profit from the population than public transportation ?
17:59:41 <Ammler> hmm, true for the uk
17:59:47 <guru3> mail
18:00:00 <glx> taxes :)
18:00:06 <glx> but that's not in ottd ;)
18:00:25 <strongfrakk> i have still missed the mail
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18:01:24 <strongfrakk> what kind of facilites serves as the endpoints of mail transfer ?
18:01:30 <strongfrakk> sorry my difficult english
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18:01:38 <glx> lorry bay
18:01:48 <Phazorx> mail acceopted and generated by same kind of buildings
18:01:50 <guru3> or train stations
18:02:13 <Phazorx> so if station you create accepts mail it will produce it as well and visaversa
18:02:49 <strongfrakk> Phazorx: i have only bus stations
18:04:22 <strongfrakk> i have bus station with 600 waiting passenger :)
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18:06:58 <Phazorx> strongfrakk: think about real life, how often you seen a bus to pickup mail on bus stations?
18:07:14 <Phazorx> and waiting pax impares your rating
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18:07:26 <Phazorx> which makes harder to build in same town
18:07:35 <strongfrakk> ok ok it is just 3th try with openttd
18:07:56 <strongfrakk> my income is just turned up
18:07:57 <Phazorx> i'm not blaming you, just pointing out less obvios things
18:08:08 <strongfrakk> Phazorx: ok i see
18:08:29 <Phazorx> game is not "real life" as much as many opther but common sense applies
18:08:46 <Phazorx> like there is a banking system that can give out loans
18:09:01 <Phazorx> and subsidies to earn a bit more (not really worth it)
18:09:25 <strongfrakk> i have to check : subsidy
18:09:34 <Phazorx> but interest on loan as well as track construction costs are factors to consider as well
18:09:40 <strongfrakk> in the dict. :)
18:09:53 <Phazorx> what is your native language?
18:10:10 <strongfrakk> hungarian
18:10:38 <Phazorx> t?mogat?s?
18:10:48 <Phazorx> cant do diactrics :(
18:11:59 <strongfrakk> support ?
18:12:10 <strongfrakk> i like using english
18:12:17 <strongfrakk> dont mind
18:12:44 <Phazorx> err.. a city counsil decdes that thye need something done and put up a project for open bidding
18:12:51 <Phazorx> like deliver this from here to here
18:13:10 <Phazorx> company what acomplishes this 1st get's a multiplier on income from this route
18:13:14 <strongfrakk> ok i get it, the dict said it is like support, financial support
18:13:19 <Phazorx> depending on game settings it could be x4
18:13:36 <Phazorx> it is financial support per say but it is for specific project
18:14:17 <strongfrakk> per say ?:)
18:14:36 <Phazorx> "sort of"
18:15:27 <strongfrakk> are they same ?
18:16:22 <Phazorx> not really but in this context "per say" and "sort of" have close meaning
18:16:42 <strongfrakk> Phazorx: ok, thanks
18:17:20 <strongfrakk> i can hold up myself just for public transportation, slowly but surely :)
18:17:55 <petern> not really
18:17:58 <petern> it's "per se"
18:18:01 <strongfrakk> it is good sign because i cant fail
18:18:54 <Phazorx> petern: latin versus american :)
18:19:17 <petern> no, correct spelling versus idiots
18:19:25 <Phazorx> isnt it same thing?
18:19:37 <Chruker> caring vs giving a damn
18:19:48 <Chruker> ;-)
18:19:57 <strongfrakk>
18:20:07 <strongfrakk> it is high for me
18:22:52 * Tefad sighs
18:22:56 <Tefad> l2spell
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18:34:37 <strongfrakk> how can i make a curve by railroad ?
18:34:52 <dihedral> ....
18:35:06 <dihedral> find all your questions answered by
18:35:08 <dihedral> :-P
18:35:53 <strongfrakk> oh, thanks i should have known
18:38:00 <strongfrakk> i have it the crossroad can have more position
18:39:12 <strongfrakk> building railroad is not to cheap construciton
18:39:22 <strongfrakk> too
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21:53:59 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
21:54:10 <Chruker> howdy
21:54:21 <nicfer> hey there
21:54:40 <Nite_Owl> Hello Chruker & nicfer
21:55:18 <nicfer> openttd has some 'air' of city building game
21:55:28 <nicfer> since you can make them grow
21:57:06 <Nite_Owl> yes but it is not a main goal unless you want it it to be
21:57:23 <nicfer> well, anyways openttd is a game with no goal
21:57:36 <nicfer> that's the best part of the game
21:57:43 <Chruker> blasfemi!
21:57:48 <nicfer> you decide what to focus on
21:57:54 <nicfer> this is madness!
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22:01:54 <petern> THIS IS SPARTA
22:02:07 <Rubidium> CHARGE!
22:02:35 <nicfer> *kicks persian into pit*
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22:10:52 <Nite_Owl> "So Bobby do you like gladiator movies?"
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22:25:07 <knl> am i the only one who can't go on :\
22:25:30 <Chruker> works here
22:25:36 <knl> huh... it worked now
22:25:37 <knl> o_o
22:25:47 <Chruker> its the gremlins
22:26:00 <knl> is it safe to update from >random nightly build
22:26:03 <knl> to 0.7.1
22:26:15 <knl> considering i have some ECS stuff
22:26:35 <Chruker> that I dont know
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22:29:12 <knl> also why won't the companies grow ever :(
22:29:53 <Chruker> The 0.7 versions doesnt have a default AI, you need to download one of those that are available in the online content browser
22:30:20 <knl> AI for enemies, or AI for everything?
22:30:25 <Chruker> enemies
22:30:36 <knl> i usually don't play with enemies so that's fine
22:30:47 <knl> though i was playing once and was amazed at how ridiculous they can be...
22:31:03 <knl> this one guy spent over 200k trying to build tracks from A to B
22:31:05 <Chruker> What do you then mean by companies wont grow?
22:31:14 <knl> i have this ECS steel mill
22:31:23 <knl> has tons of materials waiting to be processed
22:31:23 <Mist> ECS?
22:31:30 <knl> yet its production is really low
22:31:38 <knl> a lot of companies are like that
22:31:44 <knl> everytime i get a subsidy for, say, coal
22:31:50 <knl> i check the mine and it says 40tons/month
22:31:51 <knl> :|
22:33:51 <Chruker> Doesnt it go up when you start moving coal for it?
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22:35:09 <knl> i never really noticed if they do
22:35:21 <knl> i figured they would, but it's still really unstable
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22:43:45 <Nite_Owl> how much coal is waiting at the station
22:45:38 <knl> i dunno, train is loading
22:45:43 <knl> production went 10k one month, down 10k the next
22:45:47 <glx> knl: if your nightly is from after 0.7 branch, your savegames may fail to load
22:45:48 <knl> er 10 tons
22:46:00 <knl> I think my nightly is from before that
22:46:16 <knl> it's sort of hard to tell from version number but mine is 14757
22:46:22 <knl> pretty old :|
22:46:53 <glx> it's ok then (0.7 branch is 15734)
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22:59:00 <Phazorx> knl: with smooth economy more you tranport (higher rating at industry) more chance of production increase
22:59:49 <Phazorx> w/o smooth economy 66% raiting is a limitter, below it there is mroe chance of radical decrease, above same with increase
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23:16:47 <Ammler> good night tycooner
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23:21:44 <Eddi|zuHause> <nicfer> *kicks persian into pit* <- a persian carpet or a persian cat?
23:22:08 <nicfer> it was a 300 reference
23:22:22 <nicfer> I meant the persian dude that was kicked by Leonidas
23:22:57 <nicfer> only a joke, doesn't matte
23:23:27 <Eddi|zuHause> <knl> is it safe to update from >random nightly build to 0.7.1 <- NO. only nightlies before 0.7.0-beta can be updated to 0.7
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23:23:39 <Eddi|zuHause> all other nightlies are 0.8-alpha
23:23:54 <Eddi|zuHause> and would be a downgrade to 0.7.1
23:24:01 <Eddi|zuHause> which means savegames will not load, etc.
23:25:55 <Eddi|zuHause> <knl> also why won't the companies grow ever :( <- afair ECS requires over 70% transported for industries to increase production
23:26:10 <Eddi|zuHause> so a statue in the city might help
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23:33:43 <knl> hrm, and i suppose it depends on the city's size?
23:33:52 <knl> because the city said coal mine belongs to is pretty small
23:34:16 <Belugas> city lies
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23:41:30 <HackaLittleBit> evenin
23:41:42 <knl> evening
23:41:55 <SmatZ> late evening
23:42:08 <HackaLittleBit> very late
23:42:41 <SmatZ> HackaLittleBit: your time is 00:42?
23:43:00 <HackaLittleBit> correct
23:43:07 <HackaLittleBit> 0.43
23:43:16 <SmatZ> portugal is in different timezone?
23:43:34 <SmatZ> than most of Europe :)
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23:43:57 <SmatZ> ah, it is!
23:44:01 <SmatZ> I didn't know that
23:44:04 <SmatZ> interesting :)
23:44:13 <HackaLittleBit> It is terrible
23:44:18 * SmatZ feels like a fool now :-/
23:44:54 <HackaLittleBit> SmatZ: did anybody complain about game crash when oil platform is removed?
23:45:23 <SmatZ> HackaLittleBit: it crashes? :(
23:45:25 <SmatZ> in 0.7.1?
23:45:38 <HackaLittleBit> The only thing I can give you is safegame
23:45:46 <HackaLittleBit> trunk
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23:47:03 <HackaLittleBit> The thing is I am not shure if it is the reason of the crASH
23:48:02 <SmatZ> please submit a bugreport :)
23:48:09 <SmatZ> is it reproducible?
23:48:15 <HackaLittleBit> yes
23:48:28 <HackaLittleBit> 31 of november
23:48:35 <HackaLittleBit> ill send it
23:49:25 <SmatZ> ok, I can't reproduce it, valgrind doesn't complain :-x
23:49:31 <SmatZ> your savegame will be needed
23:49:45 *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
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23:51:11 <SmatZ> HackaLittleBit: are you opening a bugreport?
23:51:31 <HackaLittleBit> yes busy with that now
23:51:40 <SmatZ> thanks :)
23:53:57 <knl> smatz
23:54:01 <knl> why did you time me anyways
23:54:25 <SmatZ> knl: I was interested in if it's really "evening" for you
23:54:31 <knl> :|
23:54:32 <SmatZ> and I don't know you...
23:54:34 <knl> yes even in brazil
23:55:00 <SmatZ> maybe it would be easier if I whoised you :-/
23:55:10 <knl> xd
23:56:47 <HackaLittleBit> its there :)
23:57:01 <HackaLittleBit> #2979
23:57:09 <SmatZ> thanks, HackaLittleBit
23:57:25 <HackaLittleBit> ok good night, sleeping time
23:57:50 <SmatZ> knl: our family had a friend in Brasil (in Barretos), and we were planning to visit him someday, but he died already :-/
23:57:55 <SmatZ> good night, HackaLittleBit
23:57:58 <knl> D:
23:58:14 <knl> i'm sorry
23:58:24 *** HackaLittleBit has quit IRC
23:58:33 <SmatZ> thanks