IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-06-15
00:16:32 *** knl has quit IRC
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01:44:05 <Chruker> Any helpfull pointers on when to place a bouy ?
01:44:32 <Chruker> Mostly for dumb AIs
01:44:55 * Belugas points to a water area
01:45:09 * Belugas points next to his bed
01:47:29 <Eoin> any sprite masters here? :D
01:49:19 <Eddi|zuHause> Chruker: afaik, bouys are just there to take load off the pathfinder, so you can probably get away with placing one every 20 tiles or so, when plotting the path between two docks
01:49:50 <Eddi|zuHause> if you want to create a network of multiple docks, you might want to read up on steiner trees ;)
02:01:03 <Chruker> hmm, I wonder if turns or something like that also influence it
02:20:31 <Eddi|zuHause> the pathfinder is complete, so it will always find the correct path, the problem is it causes a huge load because water offers too many possible paths
02:20:54 <Eddi|zuHause> that's why the distance is limited
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05:31:12 <theholyduck> Eddi|zuHause, not to mention long distanceboat transports isnt especially cost effective
05:31:50 <theholyduck> like i was transferring a million litres or so of oil into trains that took it to refineries, but because the average speed was so slow compared to the distance
05:31:57 <theholyduck> it didnt actually generate any money
05:43:10 <De_Ghosty> lol
05:43:28 <De_Ghosty> ya boat is fail :o
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06:39:45 * dihedral waves an exhausted & tired "hello" into the channel
06:40:23 <Noldo> heaveno
06:40:50 <dihedral> hellyeah
06:41:34 <dihedral> the ottd+500 thread seems to be left without reply by SX
06:42:02 <Noldo> SX?
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06:42:24 <Noldo> as
06:42:26 <Noldo> *ah
06:43:02 <Noldo> that guy
06:43:18 <petern> wanker of huge proportions
06:45:46 <dihedral> :-D
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06:49:32 <petern> anyone writing a question and then adding a "Hmm?" to the end can fuck right off, imho
06:52:50 <dihedral> what do you mean by that, Hmm?
06:53:01 <dihedral> :-P
06:53:02 <petern> don't
06:53:22 * dihedral enjoyed teasing petern :-P
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07:29:43 <De_Ghosty> lol
07:29:51 <De_Ghosty> hmm
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09:53:23 <dihedral> <- hihihi
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10:58:00 <dragonhorseboy> hey
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11:08:53 <dragonhorseboy> hey welshdragon
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11:28:26 <dragonhorseboy> welshdragon were you playing IS2 before? just wondering
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11:47:48 <dragonhorseboy> hey glx
11:50:11 <welshdragon> drare you trolling>
11:50:16 <welshdragon> *dragonhorseboy
11:54:31 <dragonhorseboy> ?
11:54:55 <dragonhorseboy> welshdragon so is that actually you as '(CYM) welsh Transport' then i presume?
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12:00:39 <dragonhorseboy> welshdragon I just wanted to know thats all
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12:05:35 <dragonhorseboy> welshdragon if it is so .. I think you sorely need some boat upgrades .. 1000+ passengers waiting at appealing station rate :)
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12:28:48 * dihedral wonders if he has welshdragon in his ignore list...
12:29:04 <dihedral> ah - yes :-D i do
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12:31:22 <dragonhorseboy> heh :)
12:31:27 <dragonhorseboy> so what you doing dihedral?
12:31:52 <dihedral> working
12:35:06 <dragonhorseboy> ah ok
12:35:17 <dragonhorseboy> me just going clean up things and read a bit around here for today
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14:18:48 <Belugas> hello
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14:34:14 <Ammler> Heya old man :-)
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16:13:13 <Phazorx> are there known issues betwen static newgrfs and network games?
16:14:29 <Ammler> not anymore, afaik.
16:15:13 <Phazorx> Ammler: i just crashed on public with same symptom as before
16:16:33 <Ammler> public?
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20:59:23 <Belugas> night all
20:59:41 <Rubidium> run Belugas run... and enjoy your evening ;)
20:59:43 <Eddi|zuHause> good afternoon for you, too
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21:24:21 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
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