IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-06-11
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03:05:35 <kkb110> where can I check what revision exactly 0.7 and 0.7.1 are?
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03:48:05 <kkb110> or.. can someone just tell me what the revision is?
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04:11:21 <kkb110> I've found this page but it's still up to RC3
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05:09:40 <Smoky555> hi all
05:10:17 <Smoky555> i want to ask about newgrf-static section in config file.
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05:13:05 <Smoky555> russian2w.grf - file with russian glyphs. In old builds, when i add this file in newgrf-static section, game use this glyphs, not system fonts. But in 0.7.1 this settings ignored. What wrong i do OR something changed in game?
05:14:26 <Sacro> rtfm
05:14:46 <Sacro> which 'old builds'?
05:17:11 <Smoky555> 0.7.0, 0.7.1 RC1
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05:22:41 <Sacro> Hmmm
05:22:52 <Sacro> might wanna file a bug then
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05:28:44 <Smoky555> Sacro: it just use action12 ... can you look at it?
05:30:50 <Sacro> I'm no developer
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05:56:22 <Smoky555> RC1 - work fine (with russian glyphs)
05:56:27 <Smoky555> RC2 - fine
05:56:33 <Smoky555> RC3 - fine
05:56:45 <Smoky555> 0.7.1 final build - wrong :(
06:04:49 <Noldo_>
06:06:09 <SmatZ> Smoky555: probably the translator added strings that use gliphs not present in your file
06:06:15 <SmatZ> blame him :-p
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06:07:39 <SmatZ> Smoky555: you can try copying the lang file from older version (no new strings were added, so it should work - but backup your lng file first)
06:08:13 <Smoky555> SmatZ: hmm... someone change many string in russian language file... thanks, i'll try
06:12:07 <Rubidium> kkb110: what is do you intend to do with the 'revision of 0.7.1
06:12:11 <Rubidium> kkb110: what is do you intend to do with the 'revision of 0.7.1' information?
06:12:34 <Rubidium> check out trunk at that revision and assume it is the same as 0.7.1?
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06:15:00 <SmatZ> @seen Xyzzy
06:15:00 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: I have not seen Xyzzy.
06:17:54 <petern> hmm
06:18:08 <petern> 0.7.1 should technically be 0.7.1-RC3 which the version number changed
06:18:32 <petern> it is silly to make RCs and then still do changes for the final release
06:19:53 <Rubidium> oh, petern wants to do the releases. Go ahead with them ;)
06:22:17 <Rubidium> and given the amount of people actually testing RCs I doubt that this would've been found during the RC stages
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09:40:58 <TrueBrain> General Notice: the SSL Certificate of just updated
09:41:14 <TrueBrain> It now contains all the current subdomains, and also is valid for the next 6 months again ;)
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11:45:31 <alekibango> hello. how much is opengfx ready for Free release of openttd, for example on my live cd? when can i expect it to be ready?
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11:47:34 <Phazorx> hola
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11:48:20 <Phazorx> got a general SDL dev question - can you point me towards some reading on blitters and overall SDL gfx efficiency optimization?
11:49:13 <planetmaker> alekibango, when it's done :)
11:51:02 <petern> ?
11:56:08 <alekibango> planetmaker: that means its still not ready for public and that you have no idea when it can be, right?
11:56:51 <alekibango> hmm do you think it will be before winter?
11:56:54 <alekibango> :)
11:57:01 <Ammler> of course
11:57:20 <frosch123> winter 2090 ?
11:57:24 <Ammler> heeh
11:57:45 <Phazorx> petern: well i was hoping for more details in form of a guide on dos and don'ts
11:57:52 <Phazorx> like general practices
12:03:03 <Phazorx> what ottd team used as guidance for example... why sw surfaces not hw, why no ogl renderer?
12:04:19 <alekibango> Phazorx: imho there are still computers without GL capabilities
12:04:42 <Phazorx> alekibango: as well as computers that have DOS
12:05:00 <frosch123> you can compile ottd also with allegro instead of sdl
12:05:01 <alekibango> for live cd using free software it is more suitable without GL
12:05:35 <alekibango> Phazorx: licenses, bugs etc... i for one welcome the good old and working approach :)
12:05:50 <Phazorx> alekibango: it can be an option rather than mandatory renderer
12:06:00 <alekibango> oki :)
12:06:15 <alekibango> but i am not a developer here :)
12:06:35 <alekibango> gradual zooming would be nice too
12:06:41 <alekibango> (using gl)
12:06:53 <Phazorx> probaby will come at a price
12:06:57 <Phazorx> hefty price
12:06:58 <alekibango> and rotating...
12:07:17 <Phazorx> and rotating isnt really possible w/o changes to all gfx
12:07:55 <Phazorx> i was more thinking within lines of using gl surfaces and not doing bliting with cpu
12:07:57 <alekibango> few years of using blender could help
12:08:16 <Phazorx> well... that i a major change rather than what i was leaning to
12:08:42 <alekibango> :)
12:08:56 <alekibango> just few years of work... :)
12:09:07 <Phazorx> aint really worth it imho
12:09:14 <Phazorx> pixel gfx ftw
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12:23:10 <planetmaker> alekibango, well... all people on it work voluntarily. And only do what they like to do :) I think we need especially people who draw these damn faces...
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12:27:12 <planetmaker> it will be only really play-able when all sprites have been replaced by at least *something*
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12:41:55 <alekibango> planetmaker: ic. i am not a good artist, but i can test it, shipt it, create live cd...
12:42:13 <alekibango> and maybe create few faces using makehuman :)) but for now without hairs
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12:47:26 <planetmaker> alekibango, the faces need to be done in parts... it's not one image. They're kinda modular.
12:47:48 <planetmaker> Testing can be done by anyone who likes (and is appreciated a lot).
12:48:25 <alekibango> ic... you need someone who will finish the hard job. i know this is hard task for free software projects (i manage one)...
12:48:27 <planetmaker> Current development snapshots (nightlies) are available form the development site:
12:48:54 <petern> burp
12:48:56 <planetmaker> yes. The usualy *someone*
12:49:14 <planetmaker> He has unfortunately so many tasks already :P
12:49:20 <alekibango> yes :)
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12:57:38 <alekibango> btw nice european manager faces... but i think they are unnatural with naked shoulders... some clothes would be nice
13:01:30 <planetmaker> nah. That's the new trend in management. :P
13:02:10 <planetmaker> Less time spent on appearance, more spent on actual work. :P
13:02:21 <alekibango> lol, like topolanek and berlusconi :)
13:02:44 <planetmaker> see :) exactly :P
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13:03:00 <alekibango> hehe
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13:09:30 <Belugas> hello
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13:11:07 <petern> hi
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14:00:54 <Belugas> grrrr.. one day out of the office and see the mess that needs to be cleaned :S
14:00:57 <Belugas> lovely
14:02:17 <Eddi|zuHause> i see two solutions to the problem ;)
14:02:45 <Eddi|zuHause> a) never go out of the office
14:02:52 <Eddi|zuHause> b) never go into the office
14:03:11 <Yexo> c) make sure no-one else gets into the office
14:03:17 <alekibango> c) become trash cleaner
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14:04:50 <petern> d) play on the guitar
14:05:25 <alekibango> btw the music in original ttd is so nice!
14:05:35 <petern> the original ttd, eh?
14:05:35 <alekibango> i still am listening to it, even without playing
14:06:02 <alekibango> i even play my guitar along :)
14:06:17 <alekibango> (not right now, but wait few secs...)
14:07:14 <alekibango> do you hear my guitar? lol
14:07:30 <alekibango> :) this irc is obsolete, lets use mumble
14:08:16 <petern> we use ninjam
14:08:33 <alekibango> oh, it is really used? i was just reading about it
14:08:54 <Ammler> irc is better for ignoring...
14:09:09 <alekibango> ignore repeated comments
14:09:16 <petern> yes
14:09:20 <petern> it takes some getting used to
14:09:31 <alekibango> i have to try
14:09:42 <petern> as you don't play together but separated by a bar's (or two) latency
14:09:54 <petern> unfortunately the internet is not instant :(
14:11:05 <alekibango> i have been reading about some low latency internet audio jam server... forgot the name...
14:11:17 <alekibango> but i can imagine it is not as low latency as we need
14:11:52 <alekibango> is tehere ninjam irc chan?
14:13:08 <petern> dunno, not seen one
14:15:32 <Phazorx> damn... anyone got tes4 oblivion installed and some time?
14:15:34 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: yexo * r16561 /trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): -Fix [NoAI]: AIMarine::AreWaterTilesConnected didn't return true for bridge head<>neighbouring water tile
14:17:17 <alekibango> petern: what instrument do you play?
14:17:26 <petern> keyboard
14:17:38 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: yexo * r16562 /trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): -Revert (r16561)
14:18:53 <Belugas> i like b) solution
14:19:04 <Belugas> too bad it's impossible to achieve
14:19:16 <Belugas> and d) is my overall best :)
14:19:53 <Belugas> ninjam's lag is bareable
14:20:11 <Belugas> in fact, over one or two sessions, you get quite used to it
14:20:28 <petern> well it's not lag
14:20:33 <petern> it's by design
14:20:36 <Belugas> true
14:20:37 <alekibango> ic... listening
14:21:20 <Phazorx> are there any tools that can normally open installshield cab files?
14:21:37 <petern> # you fucking whore
14:21:40 <petern> # that's all you are
14:21:56 <alekibango> this recording is interesting ... even includes alex...
14:22:08 <Eddi|zuHause> Phazorx: yes
14:22:25 <petern> there's all sorts on the public ninjam servers
14:22:40 <petern> well mostly guitarists, but drummers, keyboardists and singers too
14:22:54 <alekibango> i can do percussions too
14:23:08 <alekibango> was singing, but lost my voice
14:23:23 <Belugas> the biggest problem, the really biggest one is not relevant to injam
14:23:29 <Belugas> it's a personnal issue
14:23:33 <Belugas> called time-zones
14:23:46 <petern> yeah
14:23:53 <alekibango> :)
14:23:55 <Belugas> fucking hurdle
14:24:03 <alekibango> too loud for people around... :))
14:24:06 <petern> playing with people you don't know is... just not the same
14:24:12 <Belugas> yup
14:24:37 <Eddi|zuHause> that's why i play in a real orchestra
14:24:53 <Belugas> see, alekibango, petern is on the european continent, while i'm on the american one
14:25:28 <Belugas> Eddi|zuHause, that's true, it's always better, but sometimes, having players with matching tastes is not really possible
14:25:35 <Eddi|zuHause> you know the people, and they are generally in the same time zone ;)
14:25:49 <petern> my kit is not portable either :/
14:26:00 <Belugas> ho... that too :D
14:26:15 <alekibango> so in ninjam you can play for example basic 12 blues and jam around it?
14:26:20 <Belugas> Eddi|zuHause "generally" is the keyword
14:26:25 <Phazorx> Eddi|zuHause: care to share a name of one that works?
14:26:29 <Belugas> alekibango : yup
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14:26:53 <alekibango> ninjam seems to be friendly to standards and classic blues :)
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14:27:21 <Eddi|zuHause> Phazorx: i forgot the name, but i believe when i tried cabextract, it told me the name
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14:27:38 <petern> hmm, although i guess i can manage fine on a laptop. maybe i should get a decent performing one
14:27:49 <Phazorx> i hve a few but they fail in this particular case
14:27:50 <alekibango> btw i would love to find people playing the style -- teh same as ttd music is... i found 1 who is now mostly not reachable...
14:28:01 <Phazorx> could be an issue of archive be split between many big files
14:28:21 <petern> hmm, are there any powerful netbooks? heh
14:28:43 <Eddi|zuHause> then i can't help you. Phazorx.
14:29:05 <Belugas> alekibango: ninjam is good for quite a variety of styles, in fact
14:29:15 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: yexo * r16563 /trunk/src/ai/api/ai_marine.cpp: -Fix [NoAI]: AIMarine::AreWaterTilesConnected didn't return true for bridge head<>neighbouring water tile
14:29:16 <Belugas> you just need a good inspiration
14:29:19 <petern> as long as it's repetitive
14:29:23 <Belugas> yup
14:29:43 <Phazorx> thanks anyway
14:30:59 <alekibango> i will try to install it... and i will come later to ping you if i will need sparing partner :)
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14:39:16 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: yexo * r16564 /trunk/projects/ (langs_vs80.vcproj langs_vs90.vcproj): -Revert (r16561, r16562): english_rev doesn't belong in trunk (and certainly not twice)
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14:43:58 <Belugas> damned... i want to JAM!!
14:44:05 <Noldo_> o!k
14:44:07 <Belugas> not WORK !!!
14:44:26 <Noldo_> i'm booting a virtual machine from the net
14:48:09 <petern> how exciting!
14:48:20 <alekibango> sorry for going OT, but make on my ninjam linux source (amd64 debian) -> ../njclient.cpp:169: error: cast from ‘WDL_HeapBuf*’ to ‘int’ loses precision
14:48:47 <petern> hehe
14:48:55 <petern> for a quick fix, change int to long
14:49:13 <petern> not technically right but it'll compile, ish
14:49:34 <alekibango> which int ? all ints? :)
14:49:46 <petern> just on that line
14:49:55 <petern> there's a cast to int
14:50:04 <petern> it's abusing pointers :/
14:50:10 <_ln> does someone know what insect this is:
14:50:59 <glx> we call it perce-oreille here, but I don't know the real name
14:51:19 <petern> earwig
14:51:43 <glx> Forficula auricularia
14:51:45 <alekibango> heh compiled finally
14:51:57 <petern> there's a bug in WDL/rsa.h too
14:52:00 <alekibango> petern: i am not a c guy. i love python
14:52:05 <petern> prevents authentication
14:52:10 <petern> they used longs instead of ints there :/
14:52:10 <alekibango> ?
14:52:19 <Noldo_> _ln:
14:52:24 <petern> but it works with anonymous user, so no problem
14:52:32 <alekibango> Noldo_: nice :))
14:52:38 <alekibango> i love this bug
14:53:07 <petern>
14:53:09 <_ln> glx, Noldo_: looks same, thanks
14:53:28 <_ln> bought some cherries from spain...
14:53:31 <alekibango> _ln: do not put it into your ears lol
14:53:37 <_ln> it died
14:54:02 <Phazorx> it actualy an underground creature dangerous mostly to potatos
14:54:03 <Noldo_> I just followed the wikipedia links from the name glx gace
14:54:06 <Noldo_> *gave
14:54:13 <alekibango> there are many urban stories about people going really mad after it went in the ear...
14:54:29 <petern> alekibango, my nan had to have one removed ...
14:54:40 <petern> they were like "oh, they don't really go in ears"
14:55:11 <petern> you'd go mad from the tickling, i bet
14:55:18 <alekibango> uh.... petern, thats ugly
14:56:40 <alekibango> petern: ... back to our bug in ninjam preventing the auth... is there a diff somewhere?
14:57:03 <alekibango> it would be nice to allow jackd to be used...
14:57:22 <petern> there's a version with jackd
14:57:25 <petern> support
14:57:35 <alekibango> would allow creox etc
14:59:15 <alekibango> petern: how did they get it out of the ear?
14:59:41 <alekibango> i would use our plum brandy -> ear... that would kill the bug
14:59:48 <alekibango> lol
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15:01:38 <petern>
15:01:50 <petern> dunno
15:02:41 <alekibango> petern: ty, compiled
15:03:26 <alekibango> it might be good idea to talk about ninjam on #ninjam
15:03:28 <alekibango> :))
15:03:34 * Belugas imagines snoring (therefor mouth opened) and swallowing a creaping thing
15:03:35 <Belugas> miam
15:03:42 <petern> Belugas, spiders
15:03:53 <Belugas> meunoum meunoummeunoummeunoummeunoum !
15:04:00 <Belugas> vitamin!!
15:04:06 <Belugas> Blood is Life
15:06:50 <Singaporekid> blood sugars
15:07:43 <Belugas> #Brown Sugar
15:07:49 <Belugas> #How come you taste so good!
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15:53:10 <alekibango> petern: obama like?
15:58:55 <petern> like trent
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16:17:50 <Belugas> :)
16:18:58 <Belugas> run for cover!!
16:19:05 <Belugas> Richk67 is back :S
16:19:25 <petern> oh fuck
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16:47:16 <Belugas> run away smurfs! here comes Azrael!!
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17:32:47 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: translators * r16565 /trunk/src/lang/ (russian.txt unfinished/serbian.txt):
17:32:47 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-06-11 17:32:14
17:32:47 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: russian - 3 fixed, 1 deleted, 209 changed by Lone Wolf (213)
17:32:47 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: serbian - 95 fixed by etran (95)
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18:25:20 <DJNekkid> guys ... a question ... is the Company Color completely random?
18:25:27 <DJNekkid> it seems to favor pink ALOT!
18:25:47 <Eddi|zuHause> it guesses your personality
18:26:02 <SmatZ> :-D
18:28:23 <DJNekkid> and on the serious side?
18:28:53 <SmatZ> it's 100% pseudorandom
18:28:58 <DJNekkid> i just did a test, started 10 new games, 5 turned out pink, 2 dark green, one of each red, light blue and orange
18:29:36 <Eddi|zuHause> and you think 10 is a "large number"?
18:29:43 <SmatZ> maybe there are more colours that are similiar to pink?
18:29:55 <DJNekkid> not large number, but i guess large enough to see a trend
18:30:56 <DJNekkid> you know, after 5 countries had given its votes, norway had a CLEAR lead in eurovision :p
18:31:11 <Belugas> it's a feature. Its goal is to make all males who are playing the game less prone to react on pink, therefor to kill homophobia
18:32:02 <SmatZ> :-p
18:32:27 <DJNekkid> lol...
18:32:28 <DJNekkid> well ...
18:32:53 <DJNekkid> i've just noticed that pink _seem_ to be favored during all testing i've done the last year or so ...
18:32:57 <DJNekkid> on newgrf i mean
18:34:22 <Belugas> it si a sign you have, therefor, not played the game long enough
18:34:29 <Belugas> keep on playing!!
18:34:56 <SmatZ> blue ; red ; orange ; red ; orange ; blue ; green ; blue
18:35:04 <Ammler> :-)
18:35:14 <SmatZ> started new game 8 times
18:35:16 <SmatZ> :-)
18:35:44 <DJNekkid> [20:24:23] <FooBar_> Yes, it appears so indeed. Half of the times I start a new test-game I end up being pink. And I don't like pink for screenshots :P
18:36:08 <DJNekkid> it's just not mee you see :)
18:36:16 <SmatZ> no pink for me, maybe because I don't have gay porn on my computer :-p
18:36:31 <SmatZ> (I hope)
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18:37:09 <DJNekkid> i guess it's because you actually do have gay porn... it senses it, and therefor no need for pink trains
18:37:53 <SmatZ> hmm do shemales count?
18:38:21 <DJNekkid> well ...
18:38:24 <Belugas> #You can't Always Get what you want
18:38:38 <SmatZ> static const byte _colour_sort[COLOUR_END] = {2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1};
18:38:45 <SmatZ> so some colours have priority
18:38:49 <frosch123> since when is smatz argueing about colours?
18:39:31 <SmatZ> frosch123: ;-) [20:29:41] <SmatZ> maybe there are more colours that are similiar to pink?
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18:40:47 <SmatZ> and COLOUR_ORANGE
18:41:50 <SmatZ> hmm the way company colours are generated is really too complicated
18:43:35 <petern> nah, it's easy
18:43:52 <petern> if (user == DJNekkid) colour = pink;
18:44:23 <petern> Belugas, should try some time
18:44:28 <petern> he might just find
18:44:31 <SmatZ> :-)
18:44:35 <petern> he gets what he needs
18:44:46 <Belugas> hehe
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18:47:25 <andreiro18> hy. can anyone tell me where can i find a patch or GRF with trolleybus
18:47:41 <andreiro18> i've searched entire web and found nothing
18:47:54 <andreiro18> please help
18:48:26 <andreiro18> i have open TTD 0.7.0
18:48:38 <andreiro18> latest stable ver from the main site
18:48:48 <petern> trams?
18:48:51 <Yexo> check again, latest stable is 0.7.1
18:49:25 <andreiro18> i'm sure 0.7.1 doesn't have trolleybuses to
18:49:25 <SmatZ> trolleybus = trams with empty track sprites :)
18:49:36 <SmatZ> I don't know if there is any GRF...
18:50:03 <andreiro18> i've searched on the forum and some users have posted pics with screenshots
18:50:17 <frosch123> I read several times the term "russian trolley bus", but they were just normal busses with a silly line drawn at the top
18:50:18 <andreiro18> and the posts are from 2005
18:50:26 <andreiro18> so loong time ago
18:50:44 <andreiro18> electric buses
18:50:53 <andythenorth> you could make one?
18:51:00 <andythenorth> grf coding isn't hard
18:51:00 <Yexo> andreiro18: it might help if you link us to those screenshots
18:51:06 <Yexo> maybe someone recognises them
18:51:13 <andreiro18> ok
18:51:16 <andreiro18> w8 a sec
18:51:37 * SmatZ w8s
18:51:41 <SmatZ> :-)
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18:51:53 <frosch123> how much do you w8?
18:52:06 <SmatZ> :^)
18:52:23 <Yexo> error: cannot convert 'sec' to 'kilogram' :)
18:52:33 <SmatZ> :-)
18:52:41 <Alberth> 'stone' then?
18:52:41 <andreiro18> weight a second
18:52:42 <andreiro18> :D
18:53:03 <SmatZ> :-D
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19:00:04 <andreiro18> here:
19:00:40 <andreiro18> in the middle of the page are 3 pics
19:00:40 <Yexo> that's not openttd but locomotion
19:00:43 <SmatZ> umm it's locomotion
19:00:44 <Yexo> a different game
19:01:04 <andreiro18> ohh...i can see my mystake now
19:01:06 <andreiro18> :D
19:01:09 <andreiro18> sorry
19:01:17 <SmatZ> no problem
19:01:18 <andreiro18> it's like tycoon?
19:01:26 <andreiro18> it seems like..
19:01:32 <Yexo> it's also a transport game
19:01:50 <andreiro18> what's the main difference between them?
19:02:05 <andreiro18> promise it's the last question
19:02:13 <andreiro18> :|
19:02:22 <SmatZ> maybe for me the reason why I prefer TTD is that I can be more megalomaniac there
19:02:32 <Yexo> no idea what the differences are exactly
19:02:36 <Yexo> never played locomotion
19:03:04 <andreiro18> ok..tanks for helping
19:03:57 <andreiro18> i'll give you 10 beers and a jack daniels in bucharest :P
19:04:54 <SmatZ> there aren't many romanian OTTD players
19:05:22 <frosch123> so locomotion "invented" trams?
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19:09:26 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
19:09:37 <Alberth> hello
19:09:51 <Noldo> ps
19:10:07 <SmatZ> Hello
19:10:18 <Yexo> there aren't many romanian OTTD players <- there are some annoying ones
19:10:33 <Nite_Owl> Hello Alberth & Noldo & SmatZ
19:10:43 <andythenorth> andreiro18: try talking to the romanian road vehicle set guys
19:11:06 <andythenorth> I'll find you the url
19:11:22 <andythenorth>
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19:12:01 <andythenorth> hi Zephyris
19:12:10 <Zephyris> hi, hi, hi!
19:12:57 <Nite_Owl> Hello Zephyris
19:13:05 <Belugas> [15:07] <andreiro18> i'll give you 10 beers and a jack daniels in bucharest :P <-- when is the next plane? I'll be there right away
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19:17:20 <kick52> hello
19:17:41 <kick52> I seem to be having trouble replacing vehicles in the depot or on the little list thing.
19:17:56 <kick52> if I get vehicles in the depot and click "autoreplace all vehicles" nothing happens :(
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19:24:30 * SmatZ has strong urge to /kick kick52 52
19:24:43 <kick52> >:(
19:24:48 <SmatZ> err hello
19:25:19 <kick52> literally EVERYONE does that little (immature) joke.
19:25:20 <SmatZ> do you have autoreplace rules set?
19:25:39 <kick52> oh, nope. I assumed the button just "worked"
19:25:52 <SmatZ> it doesn't know what should it be replaced to
19:26:05 <kick52> what are autoreplace rules set? sorry I only downloaded it today :S
19:26:09 <SmatZ> if you mean autorenew, vehicles have to be old
19:26:13 <kick52> hm
19:26:16 <kick52> no, just replace
19:26:23 <SmatZ>
19:26:32 <kick52> on the depot window
19:26:53 <kick52> also on manage list-> replace vehicles, nothing turns up on the right side so I can't do anything
19:26:54 <SmatZ> you have to set replace rules in the group/vehicle list window
19:27:21 <SmatZ> maybe you need to switch train type?
19:27:29 <SmatZ> (normal/el/mono/maglev)
19:27:44 <kick52> I only have trucks and shit at the moment :P
19:28:09 <SmatZ> good :-p
19:28:12 <kick52> the replace vehicles window is completely blank for me
19:28:27 <kick52> there is nothing on the right side, shouldn't there be vehicles I can replace them to?
19:28:30 <SmatZ> so you say you don't have any trains?
19:28:33 <kick52> ah, hang on. I need to revise for a bit
19:28:36 <kick52> nope, no trains
19:28:47 <SmatZ> you have to select train from the left panel
19:28:55 <SmatZ> *locomotiove
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19:29:02 <kick52> yeah, I did that
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19:29:10 *** sets mode: +ov Belugas Belugas
19:29:12 <kick52> nothing comes up on the right side
19:29:14 <SmatZ> then you can't replace it, the end :)
19:29:31 <SmatZ> maybe try switching type to el.rail
19:29:36 <Yexo> which year are you in and which train are you trying to replace?
19:29:40 <Eddi|zuHause> you broke it!
19:30:17 <SmatZ> you can try setting "Engines never expire" setting
19:30:22 <SmatZ> *the
19:30:49 <Nite_Owl> there may not be any road vehicles available to replace your current ones
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19:31:42 <kick52> so I can't use replace just to effectively clone my current, broken vehicles?
19:31:43 <kick52> :(
19:31:49 <Nite_Owl> in other words your current road vehicles may be the most up to date versions available and they are not so old as to need replacing
19:32:00 <kick52> is there a way I can just renew vehicles?
19:32:23 <SmatZ> we have a wiki, you know
19:33:19 <kick52> I don't have that set automatically though, and don't want it automatically :S
19:33:45 <Nite_Owl> then you have to replace them manually
19:34:09 <Nite_Owl> sell one - buy another one
19:34:20 <Nite_Owl> that way the orders get copied
19:34:44 <SmatZ> I think old vehicles (those "in red") will be renewed even when autorenew is disabled
19:34:53 <SmatZ> if you press "autoreplace all vehicles" in depot
19:34:57 <SmatZ> I am not sure though
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19:40:08 <Nite_Owl> I think that is dependent on the vehicle being replaced still being available - vehicles never expire option is OFF
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19:47:52 <frosch123> [21:35] <SmatZ> I think old vehicles (those "in red") will be renewed even when autorenew is disabled <- seems like autorenew needs to be enabled, but I guess that could be considered a bug :) manually triggering autorenew/replace should always replace old vehicles
19:49:08 <keikoz> Hi, have a little question: in order to take the entire production of an industry, do this industry has to be entirely in the catchment area of a station, or just a part is enough ?
19:49:54 <Nite_Owl> but if it is disabled and there are several possible replacements available which one gets chosen
19:50:35 <SmatZ> group replace, general replace, renew
19:51:07 <Alberth> keikoz: part should be enough, it is not taken into consideration afaik (read 'game mechanics' at the wiki for details)
19:51:33 <Yexo> part is indeed enough
19:52:16 <keikoz> Alberth : I already read it, it doesnt tell anything about it
19:52:33 <Nite_Owl> for primary industries - secondary industries have a specific tile
19:52:37 <keikoz> ok, thank you Yexo and Alberth
19:52:48 <keikoz> oh, Nite_Owl ?
19:53:51 <Nite_Owl> primary industries any one tile will do
19:53:56 <Belugas> use the query tool (the red question mark) and explore the industry tiles. You'll see some indications
19:54:11 <keikoz> Belugas already tried, doesnt tell anything :)
19:54:31 <Belugas> no indeed, it does not speak :) you have to read!
19:54:35 * Belugas runs away
19:54:54 <Yexo> Belugas: that's only for accepting cargo, not producing it iirc
19:55:17 <keikoz> ok, i'll make a test
19:55:45 <keikoz> two coal places, one with just one tile covered, another entirely :)
19:55:48 <Nite_Owl> secondary industries have a specific tile(s) that must be in the catchment area to accept cargo
19:56:13 <keikoz> Nite_Owl : yes, that"s only about accepting passengers, isn't it ?
19:56:58 <frosch123> quite some myths around here :)
19:57:17 <frosch123> however, the when bulding a station there is a "supplies" text shown in the gui
19:57:36 <andythenorth> keikoz: In recent versions of OpenTTD supplied cargo is shown, try using that
19:57:44 <andythenorth> oh frosch beat me :D
19:58:19 <keikoz> i know, but that doesnt tell me if I will get the entire production or not, depending by the area covered
19:58:22 <frosch123> I hardly beat someone, I only kicked benny once :p
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19:58:37 <Yexo> keikoz: if you get some production, you can get all
19:58:46 <Yexo> whether or not you get all depends on your station rating
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19:58:50 <keikoz> ok
19:58:50 <frosch123> keikoz: either you get nothing or you get the amount matching your station rating
19:58:57 <Nite_Owl> Did I get it wrong ?
19:59:04 <keikoz> ok
19:59:16 <frosch123> Nite_Owl: there are no specific tiles
19:59:22 <Yexo> Nite_Owl: you got the questino wrong, it was about producing cargo, not accepting it
19:59:52 <keikoz> thank you everybody
19:59:57 <Alberth> keikoz: if it doesn't say anything about tile counts, it is not a factor in the computation.
19:59:59 <Nite_Owl> true - i just took it further
20:00:02 <SmatZ> just the sum of "accepted cargo" of tiles in the coverage area has to be >= 1
20:00:26 <Phazorx> can you guys point me towards some reading on blitters and overall SDL gfx efficiency optimization?
20:00:48 * SmatZ has no clue :-/
20:00:53 <frosch123> he, I already read that question today, was that also you?
20:01:00 <Phazorx> hola SmatZ
20:01:06 <Alberth>
20:01:19 <frosch123> I also read that answer :p
20:01:21 <Phazorx> Alberth: they have decent docs but not guides
20:01:44 <SmatZ> hello Phazorx :) how are you doing?
20:01:56 <Phazorx> i'm iso for some common practices
20:01:56 <Belugas> could be Yexo, just that I though someone ( SmatZ ) did the change a while ago
20:02:18 <Phazorx> SmatZ: well, keeping bus to some extent, but okay in general i guess.. how about yourself?
20:02:42 <Sacro> the room is alive, with the sound of an IBM Model M
20:02:57 <Nite_Owl> so if you have just one tile of a factory in a stations catchment area it will accept cargo?
20:03:31 <SmatZ> Phazorx: good to hear :) I have a lot of things to do, too :)
20:04:20 <andythenorth> Nite_Owl: try it out, what do you see in the gui :P
20:04:20 <Alberth> Nite_Owl: don't know, when the station picker window says it does would be my guess.
20:04:56 <frosch123> Nite_Owl: to transfer cargo from station to industry you need 8/8 acceptance (shown in the "tile information" window) within the rectancle around all station tiles + catchment radius. to transfer cargo from industry to station you need one station tile in the rectangle containing all industry tiles + station catchment radius
20:04:56 <Nite_Owl> double checking now
20:05:00 <Yexo> Nite_Owl: that depends on whethe ror not that tile accepts 8/8 cargo
20:05:12 <Phazorx> Nite_Owl: sometimes it depends on idustry since not all tiles that belong to picture of it can produce the cargo you are looking for
20:05:44 <Phazorx> err... accept not produce
20:06:04 <Yexo> Phazorx: yeah :), lets add more confusion
20:06:06 <frosch123> note that all these "rectangles" might cause quite unexpected behaviour for non-rectangular industries and/or stations
20:06:42 <Phazorx> Yexo: i think we could have stopped with "if it says it accepts when you try to place it - it does" :)
20:07:04 <Yexo> maybe we should have
20:08:17 <andythenorth> hmm that one accepts/supplies one seems pretty self explanatory. the gui kind of has it covered. nice work whoever added that btw
20:09:05 <Phazorx> i wonder if there are any second tier industries that have tiles in them that produce 3rd tier but do not accept 2nd or vica versa
20:09:27 <Phazorx> that would be evil
20:10:06 <Alberth> that should be constructable <grin/>
20:10:11 <Yexo> at least ecs has several industries were not all cargos are accepted by all tiles
20:10:25 <kick52> SmatZ: sorry, revision break :S I tried hitting the "replace all vehicles" button in depot, but it doesn't do anything. is this a bug, d'you think?
20:10:44 <Yexo> tiles that don't producing anything are not possible as follow from frosch123 explanation
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20:10:49 <Phazorx> Yexo: that is acceptable but what i meant - you can have a station that is in acept area and can digest delivered but never gets any that are produced
20:12:03 <Phazorx> hmm... i guess i didnt read frosch123 right
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20:15:47 <Eddi|zuHause> <kick52> SmatZ: sorry, revision break :S I tried hitting the "replace all vehicles" button in depot, but it doesn't do anything. is this a bug, d'you think? <- it only does something if any replacement rules apply, you have to set them up first, and need to have enough money
20:16:45 <Nite_Owl> It appears to be industry dependent. Yes the GUI will let you know what is accepted. With the factory it 'accepts' on any tile. With the sawmill, power plant, and oil refinery the GUI 'accepts' only when specific tiles of the industry are in the catchment area.
20:18:48 <kick52> Eddi|zuHause: oh. how can I set up replacement rules?
20:19:01 <Eddi|zuHause> from the vehicle list
20:19:11 <Eddi|zuHause> manage list -> replace vehicles
20:19:19 <kick52> right
20:19:23 <kick52> I've tried that before
20:19:28 <kick52> and nothing comes up on the right panel
20:19:37 <kick52> when something on the left is selected
20:19:58 <Yexo> which year are you in and which train are you trying to replace?
20:20:13 <Eddi|zuHause> kick52: then try switching between conventional and electric rail?
20:20:15 <Yexo> and which newgrfs are you using (if any)?
20:20:18 <kick52> 1950ish
20:20:39 <kick52> I don't want to upgrade them, I just want to renew them because they are old and breaking down every second
20:20:49 <kick52> I can't upgrade them anyway
20:20:56 <Eddi|zuHause> oh, yes, autorenew is somewhere else
20:21:02 <Yexo> then go to "advanced settinsg-> autorenew"
20:21:06 <Eddi|zuHause> in the advanced settings -> vehicles
20:21:20 <kick52> oh, okay thanks. no manual autorenew
20:21:22 <Eddi|zuHause> -> replace vehicles when they get old
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20:22:54 <Nite_Owl> So I was not totally crazy
20:22:55 <Belugas> "manual" "auto" renew... that sounds a bit like antigonism t me
20:23:11 <kick52> I mean
20:23:18 <kick52> automatically renew stuff when you say
20:23:28 <kick52> instead of doing it when they get old and you don't know about it
20:23:47 <kick52> kinda confusing, since "replace" doesn't really imply "upgrade." at least, not to me :P
20:24:04 <frosch123> kick52: you have to enable the automatic autorenew to make the manual autorenew work
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20:24:17 <kick52> indeed. :(
20:24:18 <frosch123> you can disable that afterwards again
20:24:21 <kick52> yeah
20:24:30 <frosch123> however, I guess I am going to consider that a bug :)
20:24:37 <Yexo> kick52: "Autoreplace is a helpful feature implemented by Bjarni which allows you to upgrade your entire fleet of a certain kind of vehicle to a different type without having to sell and replace them individually." <- first sentence on wiki page about Autoreplace
20:24:59 <Eddi|zuHause> that is not entirely true anymore ;)
20:25:43 <kick52> Yexo: yeah, but I only wanted it once, and didn't know autoreplace would work manually once enabled
20:25:48 <kick52> right, I really have to go
20:25:58 <kick52> bye, thanks for the help :D
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20:26:29 <frosch123> what makes me wonder is, that manual autorenew would also need some definition when vehicle are old. i.e. the months-setting of autorenew would also get a meaning when automatic renewing is disabled
20:26:53 <frosch123> dragging a train on the autoreplace/renew button might also be useful :p
20:27:23 <frosch123> in which case it could completely ignore the age and also renew brand-new vehicles :)
20:27:30 <keikoz> oh, actually
20:27:38 <keikoz> are transmitters useful for anything ?
20:27:42 <frosch123> hmm, no, that sucks for trains when it would always renew all wagons
20:28:06 <Yexo> keikoz: yes, for limiting terraforming
20:28:09 <frosch123> keikoz: the only purpose of transmitters and lighthouses it to "be in the way" :)
20:29:25 <keikoz> oh , ok :-)
20:30:18 <Belugas> and look realistic too
20:31:07 <frosch123> no, afaik each lighthouse on the world has a individual coluring/lightning scheme
20:31:53 <frosch123> and Belugas: give me my keyboard back and take your old one back :p
20:32:38 <Alberth> looking realistic is just to avoid too many questions "what's that thing that's in my way?" :p
20:32:56 <keikoz> in fact i was used to play TTD some years ago, didn't play it so much
20:33:12 <keikoz> i retried with openttd some days ago, it's really great
20:34:15 <Belugas> :D
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21:48:21 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... i just found a ""
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21:49:50 <Eddi|zuHause> and some missing screenshots...
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21:54:39 <andy2309> hi can anyone help me install ttd on windows vista
21:54:57 <Yexo> ttd or openttd?
21:54:59 <andy2309> i try to install it and it says not available in full screen mode
21:55:05 <andy2309> ttd
21:55:12 <Yexo> ttd doesn't work under vista
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21:55:17 <Yexo> you need either ttdpatch or openttd
21:55:35 <andy2309> i have the ttd patch but i thought u need to instal it first to apply it
21:56:01 <Yexo> I think just extracting all files from the cd to some folder should do
21:56:23 <andy2309> ok il try that, cheers
21:56:38 <SmatZ> andy2309: also, #tycoon is related to ttd and ttdpatch better than #openttd :)
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22:00:37 <alekibango> petern: now i can see why the newgrf is still unfinished, LOL
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22:09:33 <andy2309> yexo-tried that then tried reinstalling it and had the same problem
22:10:01 <Yexo> andy2309: as SmatZ said, for help with ttdpatch go to #tycoon
22:10:26 <Yexo> if you want to install openttd (which I can suggest :p), feel free to ask for help here
22:12:01 <andy2309> how do i get openttd, is it just a patch
22:12:23 <andy2309> i dont understand how to use th patch on a programme i cant install
22:12:38 <SmatZ> openttd : ttdpatch :
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22:14:18 <Sacro> doom with a model m is loud as fook
22:14:36 <Nite_Owl> Chalk up another one for thedontreadme.txt
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22:44:26 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... this "sapphire united" guy is on a good way to become a candidate for the ignore list...
22:45:17 <Yexo> he hasn't made it yet?
22:45:32 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm a too forgiving person :p
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23:09:38 <Belugas> Eddi|zuHause, admit it, you like the battle too much to ignore him :)
23:15:29 <petern> hello belugas
23:23:58 <petern> hello belugas
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