IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-05-19
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03:04:24 <Zantor> howdy
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08:21:50 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: smatz * r16356 /trunk/src/core/mem_func.hpp: -Codechange: use 'size_t' instead of 'uint' as parameter of functions in mem_func.hpp
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08:26:21 <petern> size_t * size_t ?
08:27:22 <petern> it's not a size, it's a count :/
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08:58:26 <SmatZ> using size_t gives results in shorter code on amd64 machines, and doesn't matter for ia32 ones
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11:01:54 <arx> hey
11:02:24 <arx> Iv need some help im fan of transport tycoon and i cant play because i dont have file
11:02:59 <dih> touch
11:03:08 <dih> create an empty file
11:03:20 <dih> or copy the files from your transport tycoon cd-rom
11:03:32 <dih> as the readme states
11:03:38 <dih> or google if you search for that
11:04:09 <arx> so what program i need to do that empty file and after i rename that
11:04:42 <dih> hmmmm..... notepad, echo, touch?
11:04:56 <dih> en empty file, you cannot create an emtpy file with word!
11:05:02 <dih> *an
11:05:15 <arx> ok iv got notepad, but is that file must be emty ?
11:05:44 <dih> if you dont have that file, then you either need one from your transport tycoon cd or you can use an empty file
11:05:45 <arx> and where i must locate that
11:05:55 <dih> read the readme.txt please
11:05:59 <dih> there is one
11:06:04 <dih> there really is
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11:06:10 <dih> and it's named readme for a very valid reason
11:06:17 <dih> it wants to be read
11:06:18 <arx> ok i try
11:06:24 <dih> it feels so lonely if nobody reads it
11:06:36 <dih> and if you dont read it, it will stop you from playing openttd :-P
11:06:45 <arx> :D
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11:13:39 <Condac> is it posible to change company to my company when loading a multiplayer game in singelplayer? my company is #3 but the singelplayer use #1 :(
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11:14:21 <Condac> the move command only work in mp :(
11:15:53 <dih> did you search the forums, did you try google or the wiki?
11:16:15 <dih> i know the answer is there
11:16:23 <dih> it's out there, somewhere
11:16:37 <dih> in the wild wild web
11:17:01 <Condac> i looked through the list_cmds ingame
11:17:21 <planetmaker> use the cheat window ctrl+alt+c
11:17:31 <planetmaker> heya dih :)
11:18:24 <arx> hey still nothing
11:18:49 <dih> Condac, list_cmds is not the same as searching the forums, using google, or searching the wiki
11:19:32 <arx> but why they arent upload the game with file?
11:19:43 <arx> its easyer for peoples
11:19:49 <planetmaker> arx, the readme would tell you ;)
11:19:54 <Condac> dih: no i know that im not that retarded, but asking questions before googleing is slightly retarded
11:20:00 <planetmaker> the simple answer is: we don't do copyright violations
11:20:08 <arx> Ok
11:20:42 <arx> my english is so bad i cant understand that readme.file too long text and nothing helpful
11:20:45 <dih> Condac, i'd not say you were retarded :-P
11:20:49 <dih> never
11:21:05 <Condac> planetmaker: i have asked a similar question before, why dont openttd comes with an empty and opengrfx pre installed?
11:21:19 <dih> opengfx is not part of openttd
11:21:25 <planetmaker> Condac, the next simple answer: OpenGFX is not finished.
11:21:31 <dih> that too
11:21:34 <dih> :-P
11:21:41 <planetmaker> Shipping OpenTTD with OpenGFX would result in bug reports like "I have so many black boxes.."
11:21:43 <Condac> yea its lots of black stuff still
11:22:07 <planetmaker> I actually advocated for shipping OpenTTD with OpenGFX, though
11:22:14 <arx> Ok i dont have no original CD of tycoon :D
11:22:26 <arx> readme.html dont help me
11:22:28 <oskari89> Hmm. With OpenGFX finished, it would be totally free to play and share..
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11:22:40 <planetmaker> otho the current behaviour sorts out quickly the people who bother to look at the readme and those who don't.
11:23:15 <Condac> but some people are just lazy because there is trainsets with 10 times more trains avaible and still there is not an alternative to the original trains
11:24:01 <planetmaker> how do you mean?
11:24:20 <planetmaker> oskari89, with OpenGFX it is already now totally free...
11:24:27 <planetmaker> it's just that you have to install it yourself
11:24:48 <dih> uh - what a bummer :-P
11:25:17 * dih is not user friendly :-D
11:25:21 <planetmaker> well. I still think it'd been great to ship OpenGFX with 0.7.x.
11:25:25 <planetmaker> Indeed, it isn't.
11:25:31 <dih> :-D
11:25:38 <Condac> if i have a blank install with opengfx there is trains with black boxes, and there is less trains in the original game than with for example "north american". why dont ask some guy who have made 1000 trains to just copy wome to the opengfx
11:25:59 <dih> ...
11:26:04 <planetmaker> Condac, go right ahead...
11:26:15 <planetmaker> the OpenGFX team is sure happy to see help
11:26:20 <dih> Condac, opengfx is a base graphics set
11:26:29 <dih> not an extension
11:26:44 <Condac> planetmaker: im sory to say i havnt made 1000 trains or even 1, i wish i had
11:26:52 <dih> :-P
11:27:05 <planetmaker> Condac, well. Go and ask people whether you can use their work for the missing pieces of OpenGFX
11:27:21 <dih> not everybody will want to play with the north american train set or with 2cc
11:27:24 <dih> or ukrs
11:27:29 <dih> or whatever comes to mind
11:27:32 <planetmaker> Mind that dih is absolutely right that OpenGFX is only _base_ graphics. E.g. no extensions
11:28:01 <dih> ttd has a certain default set, which is still the same in openttd
11:28:05 <Condac> its hard to explain what i mean, my english is not that good but you didnt understand me right
11:28:22 <dih> that is what is meant with 'base'
11:28:28 <planetmaker> I *think* you mean: "there's plenty of graphics around. Why not use those?"
11:28:31 <planetmaker> correct?
11:28:36 <Condac> yes
11:28:44 <dih> e.g. rivers are possible, however the look like shit if you dont have the rivers.grf
11:29:01 <planetmaker> I say: go ahead and ask people who made those graphics. And include it yourself into OpenGFX
11:29:05 <Chruker> You want a graphic set that comes with the openttd download but which isnt copied from the original
11:29:06 <Condac> some one of those plenty 1000 trains must look similar to the ones in the base set
11:29:22 <dih> ah
11:29:31 <planetmaker> Condac, certainly true :)
11:29:36 <dih> a bunch of those sets are not licensed under the gpl
11:29:51 <planetmaker> dih, but people could be asked to re-license them :)
11:29:57 <Condac> dih: i know that but some are, and some people might just be kind if you ask
11:30:04 <dih> so you'd have a licensing issue, esp. as some authors are very keen on being acknowledged
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11:30:12 <planetmaker> Condac, the usual problem: *someone* has to do that.
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11:30:34 <dih> planetmaker, you know how some authors respond better than anybody else :-P
11:30:46 <Condac> planetmaker: i have no skillz in grf yet but if there is a grf for dummys that cant read i be willing to help
11:30:56 <planetmaker> hehe. True enough, dih :)
11:31:09 <planetmaker> Condac, I didn't have any until last week either
11:31:21 <Ammler> Condac: opengfx is for dummies, only sprite replacement
11:31:52 <planetmaker> And Ammler's right. Replacement of existing graphics is an easy nfo task
11:31:56 <dih> + often enough, if you do the drawing of the image, someone else can code it for you and turn it into a grf
11:32:10 <dih> esp on the opengfx team there are enough people who are willing to do that for that project
11:32:21 <Ammler> but a hard taks for the artist ;-)
11:32:26 <planetmaker> dih, I think currently there's something to code, but no coder with time.
11:32:42 <planetmaker> but I might we wrong with that
11:32:49 <Ammler> bmp->pcx
11:33:07 <Condac> how much coding is involved?
11:33:07 <Ammler> I once asked at for help ;-)
11:33:54 <planetmaker> Condac, a grf is usally 50:50 coding and drawing I think
11:34:22 <planetmaker> with experience in coding probably less coding.
11:34:23 <Chruker> Isnt somebody already heading a openttd base graphic project?
11:34:44 <planetmaker> Chruker, OpenGFX is a base graphics replacement
11:35:33 <Ammler> maybe the 32bpp replacement is finished before ;-)
11:35:46 * planetmaker yesterday changed successfully for the first time the stats of a vehicles in an existing newgrf :)
11:35:49 <Condac> but what coding is needed to replace an already moving black box? isnt it just adding a picture to that black box?
11:36:02 <Ammler> cheater!
11:36:05 <Chruker> meh, I'm confusing it with the NewGFX thingy
11:36:18 <planetmaker> Condac, yes. But that replacing needs to be coded in a way like
11:37:09 <planetmaker> replace image ID<xy> by ~/images/pcx/filename.pcx <xpos> <ypos> <xsize> <ysize> <xoffset> <yoffset>
11:37:18 <planetmaker> and that's the coding needed for base graphics mostly.
11:37:29 <planetmaker> adjusting a sprite such that it is shown in the correct place.
11:38:12 <planetmaker> so basically yes, it's "just" adding an image. But you have to tell which image with what dimensions at what position
11:39:05 <Condac> how many rotations does a train have?
11:39:45 <Condac> is it mirroring automaticly and stuff like that?
11:39:54 <planetmaker> 4 or 8
11:40:00 <planetmaker> 8, if they're not symmetrical
11:40:55 <planetmaker> if mirroring is possible, you'll certainly need to tell openttd to do that by means of programming the newgrf accordingly
11:41:10 <planetmaker> (I don't know whether it's possible)
11:41:35 <Ammler> you just use the same sprite twiche, maybe :-)
11:41:46 <planetmaker> Ammler, yeah, that's always possible, I guess :)
11:42:30 <planetmaker> <-- certainly looks very complicated, if you just read all that
11:42:48 <planetmaker> if you start with a well documented example, things start to get way clearer though.
11:44:09 <planetmaker> <-- you find some projects there where all the code and images are freely accessible and licensed under GPL or a CC license.
11:44:41 <planetmaker> the opengfx certainly has a freely accessible repository, too. I just dunno where
11:44:52 * planetmaker exercises monologues :P
11:46:01 * Forked destroys the monologue
11:46:03 <Forked> at least temporary
11:46:11 <planetmaker> oh no! ;)
11:47:18 <planetmaker> I actually can only advise not to be put off by the newgrf wiki I quoted above.
11:47:24 <planetmaker> it's easier than it looks :)
11:48:03 <Condac> but how does 32bpp work? can u use it in openttd directly or do you need some modded nightly?
11:48:16 <planetmaker> works out of box
11:50:37 <Condac> the main toolbar by Joed, Athanasios should be the one in the openGRF 8bpp also, it was much nicer i think
11:50:40 <dih> jack in a :-P
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12:02:18 <Ammler> Condac: the toolbar is the main reason, I wouldn't use opengfx as base grf.
12:03:16 <Condac> it was hard ass hell to describe by speach what button to push when i talked to a friend that just started playing, i thought it looked the same almost but it didnt
12:03:18 <Ammler> terrain and newwater is the best part of it.
12:04:57 <Condac> there is only 2 buttons in the menu that is good, the pause, fast forward
12:05:59 <dih> :-D
12:06:06 <dih> nicely said Condac
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12:38:56 <eekee> holas. I haven't updated my copy of trunk for a while (r15151 is my last) and when I try now I get an error about src/3rdparty/squirrel. Anyone know how to get past that error? I tried --force & --accept theirs-full but got the same error.
12:39:44 <planetmaker> well. That error didn't hurt here.
12:39:55 <eekee> ah ok
12:39:57 <planetmaker> But you get rid of it, if you do a clean checkout in a new directory
12:40:03 <planetmaker> It's the better solution.
12:40:09 <eekee> gotcha
12:48:00 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: smatz * r16357 /trunk/src/saveload/oldloader_sl.cpp: -Codechange: delete invalid depots in TTD savegames caused by improper SVXConverter conversions
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12:54:16 <Ammler> eekee: or just rm src/3rdparty before svn up
12:55:32 <eekee> Ammler: I had visions of the update dying a horribly messy death if I did that :}
12:56:21 <Ammler> hmm, well
12:56:50 <eekee> eh, I shoud have tried it
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13:10:04 <Belugas> hello
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13:17:13 <petern> hi hi
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13:21:14 <eekee> holas guys
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13:24:59 <Belugas> petern, there was some good stuff on yesterday's session :)
13:25:22 <Belugas> did not had the time to make some extracts, but it wasa a fun one (lucky i had it recorded)
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13:28:50 <Daann> hi can anyone help me with a problem?
13:29:30 <glx> only if we know what the problem is
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13:31:29 <Daann> its a very specific unloading of trains problem
13:31:56 <KingJ> Well... describe it
13:32:30 <planetmaker> the only way to get specific help is to describe a problem detailed and specifically
13:32:38 <Daann> alright here it goes
13:32:52 <Daann> my trains wont unload in their designated station
13:32:59 <Daann> wich accepts their kind of load
13:33:11 <Daann> they dont go to depots either
13:33:13 <planetmaker> use unload orders
13:33:31 <Daann> ive tried that but it just remains on the station
13:33:36 <planetmaker> and possibly no load orders.
13:33:57 <Daann> the station is only used for unloading
13:34:03 <planetmaker> then the station produces it either itself or doesn't accept the cargo
13:34:38 <glx> check the origin of fhe cargo in your train
13:34:45 <Daann> it does produce it itself aswell but it has always
13:34:48 <eekee> I always set no loading. I've had too many trains fill up unexpectedly when a station suddenly started to produce or was just not quite far enough from somehting producing
13:34:53 <Daann> and the problems only started recently
13:35:31 <Daann> ill try destroying the producing industry then
13:35:43 <glx> [15:34:43] <+glx> check the origin of fhe cargo in your train
13:36:30 <Daann> its iron ore to an oven
13:36:35 <eekee> you can destroy industries now?
13:36:39 <Daann> and its alot of trains
13:36:44 * eekee is curious, hasn't played for a while
13:36:57 <glx> Daann: I mean the name of the source station
13:37:00 <Daann> ive discovered u cant :P
13:37:19 <Daann> ok
13:37:32 <glx> are you using newgrf industries?
13:37:41 <Daann> no
13:37:47 <Daann> no plugins whatsoever
13:38:01 <Daann> and the origins seem fine
13:39:34 <Daann> brb
13:40:27 <eekee> aw crap, segfaults every time I try to start it. r16354
13:40:49 <glx> clean or patched?
13:41:19 <eekee> clean
13:42:39 * eekee rebuilds to check one tiny thing
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13:43:56 <eekee> no joy
13:44:20 * eekee tries 32bit
13:44:23 <Daann> ok back
13:44:39 <eekee> wb
13:44:57 <Daann> should i just clear the orders from the load unload parts
13:47:16 <eekee> same segfault in 32-bit
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13:47:33 <Daann> theres steel on that station aswell but ive never had a steel carrying train in that station
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13:49:22 <glx> eekee: what are you doing exactly?
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13:50:30 <eekee> glx: git-cloned fresh copy of trunk ; cp -a trunk r16354 ; ./configure && make -j 6 ; cd bin ; ./openttd
13:51:09 <eekee> the little thing I tested.. initially I omitted the .git tree to save a little space
13:52:25 <eekee> I have pure 64-bit & pure 32-bit systems & tried compiling in both. One thing I did notice is that it checks for sample cat before whatever's causing the segfault
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13:53:11 <petern> self compiled? can you not provide a backtrace?
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13:54:37 <eekee> quite possibly. can you walk me through getting it? I've hit my debugging limit lol
13:55:06 <eekee> actually I think I can do it
13:55:09 <glx> ./configure --enable-debug
13:55:14 <eekee> ah
13:55:15 <glx> cd bin
13:55:19 <glx> gdb ./openttd
13:55:29 <eekee> no make in betweeen those 2?
13:55:31 <glx> when it segfault: bt
13:55:46 <glx> of course make in between :)
13:55:55 <eekee> ok :D
13:56:03 <Daann> ive just moved the station out of the area with the producing industry, didnt help
13:56:19 <Daann> trains still dont unload there
13:57:05 <eekee> Daann: maybe something glitched with the savegame so the recieving industry somehow isn't working anymore
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13:58:56 <Daann> that could be :/
13:59:03 <Daann> thats not fixable is it
13:59:40 <planetmaker> that's something which is honestly several orders less likely than wrong orders and/or still accepted cargo or at least still remaining cargo
14:00:34 <eekee> glx:
14:01:41 <Daann> planetmaker i dont understand :P
14:01:48 <eekee> ah sorry
14:02:13 <petern> r16343 then
14:02:43 <petern> strdup on null is generally... bad
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14:03:41 * glx can reproduce :)
14:03:56 <planetmaker> Daann, if you set your trains to unload and not load at that station, they'll leave it empty. No matter what
14:04:37 <planetmaker> but if the station doesn't accept the cargo, you won't get paid. Therefor it's safer to just set no load orders.
14:04:48 <planetmaker> Cargo will be unloaded automatically, if the station accepts a cargo
14:04:55 <planetmaker> go and read the wiki on how to set orders
14:05:13 <planetmaker> and what the different orders imply / mean
14:05:23 <_ln>
14:05:57 <Daann> i have no unload orders
14:06:09 <Daann> anywhere in the game
14:06:33 <planetmaker> then the station doesn't accept the cargo...
14:06:40 <planetmaker> why do you then wonder that you don't unload?
14:07:02 <Daann> the walls of the steelmaking oven hit the walls of my station
14:07:15 <Daann> and ive got dozens of trains transporting ore there
14:07:31 <Daann> that wont unload
14:07:48 <Daann> some only get a small amount of money and leave halffull
14:07:57 <Daann> some just stop and keep driving on
14:08:08 <Daann> looks really random
14:08:56 <Daann> can i post a link with a screenshot here?
14:08:56 <Hirundo> are you using an industry newgrf (PBI?) ?
14:09:02 <Daann> no none
14:11:56 <eekee> the sometimes half-full, sometimes full thing sounds exactly like newindustries behaviour. bizzarre
14:12:01 <planetmaker> Daann, you should rather post the savegame.
14:14:05 <Daann> ill upload it
14:16:27 <Daann>
14:17:18 <eekee> petern: same thing with r16353
14:17:32 <Eddi|zuHause> _ln: nothing in there that i did not know before...
14:18:30 <Belugas> 32 pages
14:18:33 <Belugas> 125 test cases
14:18:40 <Belugas> and that's only the beginning
14:18:44 * Belugas cries
14:18:57 <eekee> ouch :{
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14:22:57 <_ln> Eddi|zuHause: good, it's apparantly a first year course.
14:23:25 <Eddi|zuHause> we had that in 10th grade, i think
14:24:29 <eekee> glx, petern: 32-bit backtrace:
14:25:18 <petern> ?
14:25:24 <petern> i already said what the problem is
14:25:53 <eekee> I dunno how you got that from the 64 bit bt is all :)
14:26:04 <glx> we know the code ;)
14:26:38 <eekee> ah :D
14:26:40 <petern> the code is the same...
14:27:54 <Daann> could u find anything planetmaker
14:34:00 <Hirundo> Trains load ore from a nearby mine at the steel mill station
14:34:26 <Hirundo> That causes them to gradually fill up with ore from that mine, as it is never unloaded anywhere
14:35:07 <Daann> yh i made the station smaller but that didnt make a difference
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14:35:38 <Hirundo> Setting your orders to 'No loading' + 'Unload' should fix things
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14:37:16 <Daann> thta didnt do it either
14:37:25 <Daann> wait
14:38:24 <Daann> it just leaves the ore at the station
14:38:25 <glx> petern: something like
14:38:37 <Daann> waiting to be picked up by another train
14:38:54 <Daann> its like the industry dosnt accept but cant figure out why
14:39:48 <petern> glx, all this complexity just because somebody demanded some free()s...
14:41:00 <eekee> doesn't unload merely dump the load in the station without passing it to nearby industries?
14:41:30 <glx> eekee: only if not accepted
14:41:37 <eekee> ahh
14:42:23 <Daann> what are the rules for accepting cargo then
14:42:32 <Daann> can u overload an industry?
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14:43:22 <eekee> Daann: have your trians had time to make a round-trip to the station they're supposed to load at?
14:44:33 <Daann> i havnt set any times
14:44:35 <eekee> on the code thing I'm wondering what the free()s are for, considering r15151 ran passably well on my 64MB Sharp Zaurus
14:44:45 <Daann> they are free to go wherever they need to
14:45:28 <eekee> yeah but have they, after unloading, gone back to whee they're supposed to load, loaded, and come back to unload again?
14:46:28 <eekee> that second unload is when they should start making money
14:46:30 <Daann> yeah
14:46:35 <eekee> and they're not?
14:46:57 <Daann> theyre allfilled p with ore now so they dont load either anymore
14:47:22 <Daann> but they do make the whole trip
14:47:54 <eekee> I need a working ottd so I can look at it & compare with you :)
14:48:34 <glx> eekee: you can use my patch for now :)
14:48:55 <eekee> glx: Ah I didn't realise. ty
14:49:27 <Daann> ok :p
14:49:48 <Daann> still have the link here if u want it
14:50:05 <eekee> got it ty :)
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14:51:57 <Daann> alrite
14:51:59 <eekee> yay it runs!
14:52:05 <Daann> party on!
14:52:14 <Hirundo> Daann: Using unload + no loading, the ore that was previously loaded at that station will pile up there and gradually disappear
14:52:33 <Hirundo> assuming that no further ore is delivered there by some mine
14:52:54 <Daann> shouldnt it all disappear at once?
14:53:33 <Hirundo> Do *you* have magic powers to make tons of iron ore disappear?
14:53:45 <Daann> if u give me enough dynamite :P
14:54:10 <Hirundo> Indeed, but that process takes some time :)
14:54:17 <eekee> make a station to dump it to then when your trains are clear demo the station
14:54:29 <eekee> Daann: whoa mine city!
14:54:38 <Daann> :D
14:54:50 <Daann> wanted to make a huge iron ore transit system
14:55:00 <Daann> but apparantly cant because i need more ovens
14:55:43 <eekee> default ovens (steel mills) should take all the ore you can throw at them
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14:56:42 <Daann> then somethings wrong
14:56:53 <eekee> train 9 is one of the problem trains, right?
14:57:00 <Daann> they all are
14:57:12 <Daann> all of the ore transporting ones
14:57:28 <Daann> the wood ones work perfectly
14:57:59 <Hirundo> your trains are / were loading ore from a nearby iron mine at the steel mill station
14:58:10 <Daann> yh were now
14:58:16 <Daann> for a while
14:58:56 <Eddi|zuHause> Daann: you misunderstand the problem
14:59:11 <Eddi|zuHause> ore cannot be delivered to the same station it came from
14:59:31 <Daann> and that causes all the trains to stop delivering
14:59:33 <Eddi|zuHause> so the ore generated by the nearby mine has nowhere to be unloaded
14:59:47 <Eddi|zuHause> and it will continually clog your system
15:00:01 <Eddi|zuHause> until it suffers a seizure
15:00:03 <Daann> so i have to delete that station and that trains
15:00:09 <Eddi|zuHause> which is what happens to you
15:00:15 <eekee> ok there's a little arrow between "Full load any cargo" and "Unload all". You need to click that & select "No loading" (the bottom one), and click the "Unload all" button too
15:00:24 <Eddi|zuHause> no, you have to make "unload and no loading" orders
15:00:35 <Daann> ok ill do that
15:00:40 <Daann> and see how it goes for a while
15:00:42 <Eddi|zuHause> this will remove the undeliverable ore from your trains
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15:04:32 <Daann> ok ill try it for a while
15:05:48 <Daann> i think its working cos my steel mill produces more
15:05:58 <Daann> but the ore stacks up aswell
15:06:06 <Daann> this shou;d gradually decrease right
15:06:52 <eekee> yeah the ore will pile up partly from the unload orders & partly because the station nnow has a reputation for taking ore, so neaby mines deliver to it
15:07:20 <eekee> it'll decrease slowly, yeah. Might not ever quite vanish
15:08:28 <glx> delete station and wait for the name sign to disappear
15:08:49 <glx> then rebuilt
15:08:53 <Daann> the nearb station or the accepting station
15:09:00 <Daann> ok accepint
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15:13:37 <Daann> ha it works
15:13:46 <Daann> ty all for helpin a stubborn person
15:14:04 <eekee> welcome :)
15:17:27 <eekee> sometimes helping someone becomes as big a puzzle as the game :o)
15:17:54 <Daann> yh i slightly understand why it happened
15:18:06 <Daann> but the important thing is that i know how to fi x t
15:21:17 <eekee> yeah
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15:27:27 <Belugas> fuck...
15:27:41 <Belugas> i just learned that the simulator loads up the card number on the chip
15:27:57 <Belugas> and whatever is on the mag stripe is irrelevant
15:28:02 <Belugas> duh...
15:28:28 <Belugas> marvelous world it is.. indeed indeed
15:30:14 <Daann> and now its all gone
15:30:24 <Daann> producing 2ktons of steel a month
15:31:28 <ccfreak2k> Which simulator would that be?
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15:42:00 <Belugas> Chip N Pin simulator test case management
15:42:03 <Belugas> lovely beast
15:42:05 <Belugas> kinda
15:42:11 <ccfreak2k> More like Chip N Dale.
15:42:53 <ccfreak2k> Is this definitive proof that magnetic card strips are fake?>
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15:47:27 <yorick> content server communication is not versioned?
15:47:28 <Belugas> no, only proof that you do not know what i am doing ;)
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15:56:15 <eekee> heh, 256 trains on a 256x256 map
15:58:02 <eekee> old game that one
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16:35:52 <dih> oing
16:35:55 <dih> *hachoo*
16:35:56 <dih> oink
16:35:58 <dih> oink
16:36:14 <Eddi|zuHause> strange... my "old games" never had more than 80 trains...
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16:56:48 <ccfreak2k> Belugas, that works.
17:05:05 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: glx * r16358 /trunk/src/openttd.cpp: -Fix (r16343): strdup doesn't like NULL
17:05:42 <frosch123> Belugas? Isn't he on holidays?
17:05:44 <TinoDidriksen> use strdup() ? That's asking for trouble.
17:05:59 <glx> why?
17:06:07 <glx> it's ok when done correctly
17:06:26 <TinoDidriksen> The memory allocated is not owned by the caller, which can cause segfaults when trying to free.
17:07:34 <TinoDidriksen> Across library boundaries it's especially bad. Terribly unsafe thing.
17:07:46 <glx> same happens with malloc
17:08:09 <glx> if you try to free mem allocated by a dll
17:08:10 <petern> "owned" ?
17:08:46 <glx> and as I said <+glx> it's ok when done correctly
17:08:49 <TinoDidriksen> Point is that strdup() you have no option of providing a safe preallocated buffer that you know you own.
17:08:59 <TinoDidriksen> Sure, it can be used safely...just ew.
17:09:17 <petern> ...
17:09:23 <petern> with strdup... you "own" it
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17:11:51 <TinoDidriksen> The allocation happens in the library, so you don't own it. The one in Linux may be different, or may be inline or whatever, but cross-platform strdup()'s result is now owned.
17:12:00 <TinoDidriksen> *not
17:12:41 <Belugas> ccfreak2k : what does work??
17:12:51 <Belugas> frosch123, no yesterday i was :( sadly
17:16:39 <petern> Belugas, go home
17:17:01 <dih> ^^
17:19:38 <Belugas> and of course, petern, i'll be authorized to do absolutely nothing at all, on the couch ;)
17:19:58 <Belugas> note that i'm so tempted to indeed go home...
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17:23:03 <petern> :s
17:23:21 <petern> btw
17:23:24 <petern> that key works now
17:24:55 <Belugas> whouhou!!
17:25:25 <Belugas> here's someting for you to do: grab the parts you like the most about yesterday's jam :D
17:33:42 <petern> dmesg
17:33:48 <petern> um :)
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17:43:12 <yorick> what's the char 0x92 and why is it in my content descriptions
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17:47:12 <Muxy> Hello from Goulp
17:47:46 <frosch123> Goulp make me think of the small dragon of Robert Asprin
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17:48:00 <frosch123> +2*" + s
17:48:03 <Muxy> dont know
17:54:36 <yorick> rather, what's it doing in the #303 North of England scenario
18:00:29 <Hirundo> yorick:
18:01:57 <yorick> Hirundo: where is it?
18:02:37 <yorick> nvm
18:03:20 * Hirundo hopes yorick picks a deep corner to hide in
18:04:54 * yorick hides beneath Hirundo
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18:18:08 <Chruker> o.O
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18:26:14 <z-MaTRiX> hi
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18:52:32 * Belugas thinks time is not running fast enough
18:53:02 <SpComb> 'tis not going to run any faster
18:53:20 <_ln> hit tab
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18:56:25 <z-MaTRiX> Belugas, buy a faster computer;>
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18:56:49 <Belugas> duh...
18:57:10 <Belugas> compuer has nothing to do with it
18:57:14 <Belugas> fucking long script
18:57:17 <Belugas> too many cases
18:57:21 <Belugas> too many problems
18:57:39 <z-MaTRiX> well problems are to be solved
18:57:41 <Belugas> too many minutes o an hour, wish it was laready over and time to go home
18:57:56 <Belugas> not problems! CERTIFICATION!!! TEST SCRIPTS!!!
18:58:11 <_ln> especially bad for you as you have those 65 american minutes per hour.
19:06:25 <ccfreak2k> Imperial and metric time.
19:06:37 <ccfreak2k> Did you know that the UK only has 6.4 days per week?
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19:24:31 <_ln> i didn't
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19:26:22 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: smatz * r16359 /trunk/src/misc_gui.cpp: -Codechange: don't abuse company 0 when determining 'cost to clear land' in the LandInfoWindow
19:27:55 <yorick> :):):)
19:30:36 <Belugas> abuse her
19:30:39 <Belugas> seduce her
19:30:50 <Belugas> reduce her
19:30:53 <Belugas> refuse her
19:31:02 <petern> ninjam her
19:31:19 <Belugas> :D
19:31:40 <Belugas> on ninjam servers?
19:32:33 * yorick can now request the content list from python :)
19:35:39 <petern> great
19:35:45 <petern> that is just what i needed
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19:42:16 <dih> yorick, and why would that be so hard?
19:42:30 <yorick> did I say it would be?
19:42:45 <dih> then you do you still think people want to know :-P
19:46:00 <yorick> is it me or does ClientNetworkContentSocketHandler::RequestContentList(uint count, const ContentID *content_ids) send identical packets when it needs more than one
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19:51:04 <Hirundo> it is you
19:51:29 <yorick> for (uint i = 0; i < p_count; i++) { <-- it starts at 0 again every time
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19:52:54 <Hirundo> content_ids += count;<< increments the pointer
19:53:58 <SpComb> actually, it increments it by count, which is somewhat confusing
19:54:03 <SpComb> as opposed to p_count
19:54:26 <Hirundo> I was looking at the same, I think it should indeed increment by p_count
19:54:47 <SpComb> if p_count is the number of sent ContentIDs, and it decrements count by p_count
19:56:08 <SpComb> it seems like it'll just go out of bounds for the content_ids accesses once there's more than one packet needed
19:57:25 <SpComb>
20:00:40 <Hirundo> !ticket
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20:01:44 <SpComb> but the code only ever calls that version of RequestContentList once, and that's with a count of one...
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20:21:03 <luckz> uhhhhm
20:21:04 <luckz> question!
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20:21:11 <luckz> if I combine multiple engines
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20:21:13 <petern> answer?
20:21:15 <luckz> do I only get running costs for one?
20:21:19 <petern> no
20:21:25 <luckz> but it displays them only for one.
20:21:25 <planetmaker> you get running costs for all.
20:21:29 <luckz> so.. how is that calculated?
20:21:37 <petern> no
20:21:39 <petern> you get the total
20:21:41 <planetmaker> depends upon the newgrf
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20:22:48 <planetmaker> @seen Truebrain
20:22:48 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: Truebrain was last seen in #openttd 1 week, 0 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes, and 8 seconds ago: <TrueBrain> you catched on on that? :)
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20:23:54 <luckz> planetmaker: well I'm using dbsetxl
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20:26:06 <luckz> so does that mean they are just not displayed or not calculated?
20:26:08 <Xaroth> planetmaker: he's hiding
20:26:32 <planetmaker> hm... you should normally pay for them. Did you check whether you do or don't?
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20:27:58 <luckz> well, how do I test that? should I build a train with six engines and let it drive in a circle for a year to see how much cash it wastes? and what if it still wastes that cash but does not display it?
20:28:08 <luckz> I can't really isolate anything in a system with 200+ vehicles
20:28:44 <petern> no
20:28:54 <petern> you look in the Running Cost: field of the train details window...
20:29:38 <luckz> ohh my bad, actually I just fail at basic maths. it display that stuff properly, sorry.
20:30:04 <luckz> now if my MP game just wouldn't disconnect all the time!
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20:30:10 <luckz> but that's not the game's fault.
20:30:35 <planetmaker> :)
20:30:38 <luckz> so uh, are there particular newgrf combinations that are actually reasonably balanced? because combining egrvts and dbsetxl wasn't a very smart idea.
20:30:57 <planetmaker> german road vehicle set might well fit dbxl
20:31:08 <luckz> aviators aircraft have rather high running costs, egrvts have near-zero running costs, dbsetxl trains are ridiculously expensive
20:33:10 <frosch123> dbsetxl engines are also ridiculously powerful :p
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20:33:40 <planetmaker> nah, it's all realistic. You have to play it like that, or you do it wrong :P
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20:35:40 <Ammler> br182 is the best engine of the whole TTD world ;-)
20:38:29 <luckz> but the prices...
20:38:43 <luckz> BR515 costs me 1/10 of what a BR150 or what costs.
20:38:54 <luckz> BR103 even costs over 15x more
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20:49:03 <planetmaker> luckz: do you honestly care about prices?
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20:54:18 <luckz> planetmaker: uhm, sure?
20:54:28 <dih> in ttd?
20:54:40 <dih> be honest, you did not even buy the ttd cdrom
20:54:42 <Belugas> buwhahahahah!!!!
20:54:51 <dih> :-P
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20:56:30 <z-MaTRiX> hey
20:56:39 <Eddi|zuHause> <planetmaker> nah, it's all realistic. You have to play it like that, or you do it wrong :P <- the set is realistic, the game physics are not
20:56:54 <z-MaTRiX> going to try out playing at real loan interest rate
20:57:09 <petern> real?
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20:58:11 <planetmaker> Eddi|zuHause: they aren't? Damn...
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21:02:34 <z-MaTRiX> meaning that percentage they want here in bank
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21:04:40 <Eddi|zuHause> z-MaTRiX: the loan interes is useless, because it just cancels out the inflation
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21:04:59 <Eddi|zuHause> you need a way to increase the loan interest separate from the inflation rate
21:05:09 <z-MaTRiX> hmm
21:05:28 <z-MaTRiX> btw why is there inflation?
21:05:43 <Eddi|zuHause> because there was a hen and an egg
21:05:54 <Eddi|zuHause> and scientists discussed which one came first
21:06:03 <Eddi|zuHause> and then they demanded more money
21:06:25 <z-MaTRiX> but that's insane
21:07:06 <z-MaTRiX> you can earn millions if you buy a cheezeburger for 5 million
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21:08:44 <Eddi|zuHause> 5 million is nothing...
21:09:13 <Eddi|zuHause>
21:09:39 <Eddi|zuHause> that's a 10 billion (long) bill
21:10:13 <Eddi|zuHause> meaning 10 million million
21:10:50 <z-MaTRiX> meaningless
21:11:30 <Eddi|zuHause> the official course was capped at 1$ = 4.6 billion (long) mark, i think
21:11:50 <Eddi|zuHause> the black market course rose up to 12, it was said
21:12:05 <z-MaTRiX> i know this was the situation with HUF long time ago
21:12:21 <dih> probably before you were born :-P
21:12:29 <z-MaTRiX> sure
21:12:34 <Eddi|zuHause> <- 20 billion (long)
21:13:26 <dih> inflation (in that case) merely did s/Mark/Billionen Mark/g
21:13:27 <dih> :-D
21:13:30 <z-MaTRiX>
21:13:33 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, there was said to be a hungarian hyperinflation right after WWII, which was said to be initiated by the communists
21:13:37 <dih> Eddi|zuHause, perhaps there is a 50 too
21:14:13 <Eddi|zuHause> dih: the difference was that tommorow you only got half a bread for that bill
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21:15:27 <Eddi|zuHause>!BQ73hH!Bmk~$(KGrHgoOKkMEjlLmYg(TBJ7fNUwmsw~~_1.JPG
21:17:46 <z-MaTRiX> so if you want inflation, then why doesn't it interfere with loan interest?
21:18:05 <planetmaker> why should it?
21:18:31 <planetmaker> it's a free market. People or banks surely will adopt, though
21:18:40 <Belugas> [16:59] <z-MaTRiX> going to try out playing at real loan interest rate <--- /me is rolling on the floor!!! man, you're so freaking funny!!!
21:18:43 <Eddi|zuHause> z-MaTRiX: a bank makes money by collecting more interest than the inflation costs them
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21:19:39 <z-MaTRiX> Belugas, why?
21:20:09 <z-MaTRiX> thought about increasing loan interest rate from default
21:20:18 <z-MaTRiX> nothing more
21:20:26 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16360 /trunk/src/ (11 files in 3 dirs): -Codechange: don't use _network_playas as a 'second' _local_company, but only as a storage location for the company you want to join in MP.
21:20:32 <Belugas> because you are. Because "real" interest does not exists in the game. Because your attempts to get reality in the game is laughable, because i'm tired etc etc
21:20:43 <z-MaTRiX> heheh
21:20:51 <Eddi|zuHause> vamos a la playa?
21:21:04 <Eddi|zuHause> network playa?
21:21:12 <Eddi|zuHause> is that where you start surfing?
21:23:29 <Belugas> and by the way, in OTTD, the inflation and interest rates are capped at 4 or 5 % (can't remember) due to the way the arithmetics are made for those. Good luck tryinh to balance it out nicely in another way
21:24:04 <E5|padshance> anyone here knows private websites with newgrfs?
21:25:11 <z-MaTRiX> ;<
21:25:31 <Belugas> private websites?
21:25:32 <CIA-3> OpenTTD: rubidium * r16361 /trunk/src/network/network_content.cpp: -Fix: pointer incremented with wrong count
21:27:08 <E5|padshance> Belugas yes
21:27:37 <E5|padshance> like pikkawiki or george.zernebok
21:28:28 <planetmaker> dih: still around?
21:28:37 *** Nite_Owl has joined #openttd
21:28:47 <Belugas> that is not private
21:28:53 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
21:28:54 <Belugas> what are you looking for exaclty?
21:29:10 <E5|padshance> new grfs
21:29:11 <E5|padshance> xD
21:29:14 <planetmaker> E5|padshance: bananas is private :P
21:29:19 <E5|padshance> like trains
21:29:23 <E5|padshance> and airplanes
21:29:25 <dih> planetmaker, yep
21:29:29 <planetmaker> and you know grf crawler?
21:29:30 <dih> what i can do for you?
21:29:36 <dih> yep
21:29:41 <planetmaker> can you compile nforenum on (your) mac?
21:29:42 <E5|padshance> grf crawler?
21:29:51 <dih> no
21:29:55 <E5|padshance> (i have bad english sorry im portuguese)
21:29:55 <planetmaker> I somewhat fail... :(
21:29:57 <dih> my mac broke :-(
21:29:57 <Nite_Owl>
21:30:00 * Belugas retreats away and goes home
21:30:03 <planetmaker> oh... :(
21:30:06 * dih cries
21:30:08 <E5|padshance> ohhhhhhh
21:30:11 <E5|padshance> :D
21:30:12 <E5|padshance> thanks
21:30:13 * planetmaker hugs dih
21:30:19 <dih> *sniff*
21:30:31 <E5|padshance> what does grf crwler?
21:30:34 <dih> cannot charge the battery anymore :-P
21:30:37 <E5|padshance> search many grf?
21:30:45 <Nite_Owl> I just happened to have the URL sitting on my clipboard
21:30:48 <planetmaker> well... does it work with a power cable, dih?
21:31:01 <Nite_Owl> go there and see
21:31:06 <planetmaker> E5|padshance: go and look
21:31:25 <E5|padshance> :D
21:31:26 <E5|padshance> okkk
21:31:28 <E5|padshance> ill see
21:31:28 <E5|padshance> xD
21:31:30 <E5|padshance> thanks
21:31:32 <dih> planetmaker, no - else i could charge :-P
21:31:39 <planetmaker> :P
21:31:58 <dih> my brother will try to repair it :-P
21:32:09 <planetmaker> he...
21:32:10 <dih> gravis wants something between 300 and 400 to repair it
21:32:16 <dih> and i aint gonna fork out that money for that
21:32:18 <planetmaker> whoot? That A LOT
21:32:39 <Nite_Owl> just needs a new battery no ?
21:32:52 <Ammler> my akku is broken either, seems virus going around eating akku s?
21:33:02 <planetmaker> yummy. Lithium
21:33:24 <Nite_Owl> only if you are bipolar
21:33:36 <Ammler> well, aber 2 years :-)
21:33:50 <dih> "or when you make breakfast, do you open the fridge, and throw all eggs, cheese, marmelade, salami, margarine, vegetables, milk, juice, barbeque sauce and mustard in a bowl, and then complain that the bowl is not big enough to hold the entire content of your fridge? do you think that'll even taste any good?" <- LOL @ Eddi|zuHause
21:34:09 <Eddi|zuHause> Nite_Owl: you like men and women?
21:34:37 <Nite_Owl> no polar bears
21:34:54 <Eddi|zuHause> dih: i had a similar one in the german forum just a few days ago
21:34:55 <Nite_Owl> usually in pairs
21:35:23 <dih> ploar bears in pairs?
21:35:31 <Eddi|zuHause> polar pairs?
21:35:37 <dih> in bares
21:35:41 <dih> *bears
21:35:49 <Eddi|zuHause> bare bears?
21:35:58 <dih> now that'd look funny
21:36:15 <Eddi|zuHause> i believe polar bears have black skin
21:36:27 <dih> now that's an amazing topic "Why do busses turn around?"
21:36:33 <planetmaker> yeah. And I trap polar bears by doing a coordinate transform to euclidean and then just pick up the square bears...
21:36:59 <dih> square polar bears pairs?
21:37:08 <dih> hihi
21:37:17 <dih> doing a line dance :-P
21:37:38 <Eddi|zuHause> planetmaker: i thought that only worked on lions
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21:37:55 <Nite_Owl> lithium is used to treat bipolar disorders - which is what started this digression
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21:38:36 <fjb> I need a diagonal waypoint. :-(
21:39:06 <Eddi|zuHause> fjb: try it... but it opens a big can of worms, because people will need two waypoints on the same tile
21:40:16 <Eddi|zuHause> would require a change to the way waypoint ids are calculated
21:40:41 <Eddi|zuHause> which means you might as well just remove waypoints and do diagonal stations instead
21:41:03 <fjb> I only need two of them, not on the same tile. Or something instead to put into the orders.
21:41:55 <Eddi|zuHause> or do the other idea: move waypoints to tile borders, and allow them to be placed on arbitrary rail tiles
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21:42:33 <fjb> That sounds interesting. But is no solution in my actual game.
21:43:01 <Nite_Owl> move the tracks or alter the terrain
21:43:12 <Nite_Owl> or both
21:43:37 <fjb> I don't want do move that Mountain...
21:43:59 <Eddi|zuHause> well, it's the only idea that gives a unique advantage of waypoints over go-via-stations
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21:44:33 <fjb> How far is the look ahead for nearest depot?
21:44:49 <Eddi|zuHause> 16 tiles. i believe
21:46:43 <planetmaker> ^^
21:46:59 <fjb> Hm, I would have to add another waypoint then, but that is not the problem. Putting just a tile into the orders would also be fine...
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21:57:56 <fjb> Or I need a landscape copy & paste patch.
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22:03:28 <luckz> is there any known issue with too many vehicles and/or cargo distribution causing clients to freeze during connection attempts?
22:03:49 <Eddi|zuHause> we do not support custom builds
22:10:14 <fjb> Hm, gosub and return would be a nice extension to the orders.
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22:21:26 <fjb> Problem is when an order "jumps" out of the subroutine and never uses return.
22:22:03 <fjb> Or recursive orders...
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22:23:25 <Eddi|zuHause> endless-looping orders are invalid even now, but with recursion it will be impossible to check
22:24:01 <Eddi|zuHause> early fortran versions limited the size of the call-stack, so you could only recurse up to depth 7 or so
22:24:30 <fjb> Some Basic interpreters did that too.
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22:27:56 <fjb> Hm, no gosub, but a function. Oders outside that function are not jumpable.
22:28:56 <Eddi|zuHause> you need a distinction between goto and gosub to decide if you need to push the return address on the stack
22:29:39 <fjb> That is the easy part. Just make two kinds of jump oders.
22:30:29 <fjb> The hard part is to enforce pulling the return address from the stack.
22:30:47 <Eddi|zuHause> that's why they call that "return"
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22:31:17 <Eddi|zuHause> goto-targets outside the current function are forbidden in any sane language
22:31:29 <fjb> But if the user doesn't use a return oder but jumps somewhere else?
22:31:52 <Eddi|zuHause> the jump target can be checked on compile time
22:32:09 <fjb> Do the orders get compiles?
22:32:30 <Eddi|zuHause> there are checking mechanisms in place, but i don't know what they do
22:37:00 <fjb> order_cmd.cpp: I love C++, you can freely mix multiple classes in one file.
22:37:49 <Eddi|zuHause> why would that be special?
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22:38:51 <theholyduck> how large of a map could i host for 2-3 players on a box with 64mb ram free?
22:38:57 <theholyduck> with openttd :P
22:39:08 <theholyduck> dedicated server obviously
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22:40:17 <Eddi|zuHause> 64mb ram? you hardly fit one map in there...
22:40:19 <Xaroth> depends a big deal on CPU as well
22:40:26 <Xaroth> but probably.. not that big of a map either
22:40:50 <theholyduck> well im running a 256x256 map currently
22:40:55 <theholyduck> alone on it
22:41:05 <Xaroth> how full is it
22:41:05 * theholyduck starts building rails and sees what happens with mem consumption
22:41:24 <theholyduck> 29mb left!
22:41:24 <theholyduck> :D
22:41:39 <theholyduck> ofcourse i dont have much in the names of trains or anything yet
22:41:41 <Eddi|zuHause> a 256^2 map uses about 1MB by itself (each tile uses 9 byte)
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22:42:19 <Eddi|zuHause> then you need additional space for the vehicles
22:42:25 <Xaroth> 576kb that be
22:42:28 <theholyduck> anyone wanna join up and just build stuff to see how far it will go
22:42:32 <Xaroth> +overhead
22:42:50 <PeterT> join what server
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22:43:17 <Eddi|zuHause> @calc 2**8*2**8*9
22:43:17 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: 589824
22:43:23 <theholyduck> PeterT, im seeing how much my box with 64mb of unused ram can handle :P
22:43:27 <theholyduck> in terms of openttd
22:43:43 <Eddi|zuHause> well, you have a town pool, etc.
22:43:45 <PeterT> lol
22:43:53 <Xaroth> @calc (2**8*2**8*9)/1024
22:43:54 <DorpsGek> Xaroth: 576
22:44:29 <Eddi|zuHause> 64MB is really not a lot...
22:44:37 <theholyduck> indeed
22:44:44 <theholyduck> its just some old box i dont use for anything
22:45:03 <theholyduck> i wanna see how far it can go before i have to switch to one of my server laptops
22:45:05 <Eddi|zuHause> TT original used about 4MB, but had limit of 360 vehicles, i think
22:45:19 <Eddi|zuHause> (that is, each wagon is a vehicle)
22:45:35 <theholyduck> how can you live with that :D
22:45:44 <Eddi|zuHause> you started to notice when getting towards that limits, that the steam engines stopped to "puff"
22:45:53 <theholyduck> in other news, pbs' has made me lazy
22:46:08 <PeterT> theholyduck: hasnt it to all of us
22:46:14 <theholyduck> now i can build all sorts of station layouts and junctions that actually sorta work
22:46:19 <theholyduck> instead of spending effort on it
22:46:40 <theholyduck> but then again, before that, better pathfinding made me lazy
22:46:45 <Eddi|zuHause> on my 386 DX 25 i hit that limit about 1940 (i.e. after 10 years of playing)
22:47:16 <theholyduck> no more building waypoints to make your trains use the correct tracks
22:47:18 <Eddi|zuHause> the game was sooo slow, that i never even saw electric engines, until i played it on a 486 pc
22:47:34 <theholyduck> Eddi|zuHause, old man is old?
22:47:39 <Nite_Owl> try making them efficient for a large amount of traffic
22:47:49 <Eddi|zuHause> there are older people than me around here ;)
22:48:09 <theholyduck> Nite_Owl, well i've never bothered over 200-300 trains usually
22:48:21 <Eddi|zuHause> that's the type of computers people were using when TT came out
22:48:25 <theholyduck> after a while you hit that point where you just wanna sit back and draw cocks
22:49:26 <Nite_Owl> I have never reached that point thank you very much
22:50:15 <theholyduck> Nite_Owl, actually last time i was playing. after i felt nice and happy about my netowrk. i spent the next 30 years of the game teaching newbies in how to use signals and build propper junctions
22:52:03 <Nite_Owl> Need to feed - later all
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22:56:49 <fjb> I'm getting other running costs after buying the vehicle in NARS 2.
22:59:05 <luckz> does vehicle amount increase the time it takes for a client to connect/sync?
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22:59:31 <PeterT> how do i PM again?
22:59:53 <PeterT> @seen Yexo
22:59:53 <DorpsGek> PeterT: Yexo was last seen in #openttd 4 days, 5 hours, 5 minutes, and 4 seconds ago: <Yexo> problem with that is that nearly all code uses the map. Effect: You're back without dual-core support
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23:03:04 <Zantor> anyone here?
23:03:35 <theholyduck> Zantor, no
23:03:44 <theholyduck> Zantor, if you want to say something why not just say it?
23:03:53 <theholyduck> who cares if you're talking to empty air :)
23:04:17 <Zantor> lol
23:04:20 <Zantor> hello
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23:06:50 <z-MaTRiX> hi
23:06:51 <z-MaTRiX> <;
23:06:57 <z-MaTRiX> Zantor, what's up?
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23:12:55 <PeterT> Zantor: hey
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23:16:43 <PeterT> what does "voice" mean?
23:16:51 <PeterT> ChanServ gives voice to tokai
23:16:53 <Zantor> hello
23:16:56 <PeterT> what does that mean
23:17:03 <PeterT> hi
23:17:11 <Zantor> umm
23:17:16 <z-MaTRiX> means you have rights to talk
23:17:21 <z-MaTRiX> :)
23:17:32 <Zantor> if someone has voice they can talk even if the channel gets locked down
23:17:38 <Zantor> in such a way that nobody can chat
23:17:54 <PeterT> oh
23:18:00 <PeterT> i understand
23:18:00 <Zantor> I wish I could find or build an external drive for <50 USD
23:20:16 <z-MaTRiX> hahah is it cool to start an OpenTTD game in 1650?
23:22:12 <PeterT> you cant even build anything
23:22:30 <z-MaTRiX> yep
23:22:41 <z-MaTRiX> just wondering how can i make money ;>>
23:23:18 <Zantor> heh
23:23:20 <Zantor> it's a toss-up
23:23:32 <z-MaTRiX> built 2 docks
23:23:35 <z-MaTRiX> without ships
23:23:36 <Zantor> I can get an enclosure and drive for about 60 USD or I can get an external drive for 50 or 60 USD
23:23:37 <z-MaTRiX> ;/
23:23:40 <fjb> Starting in 1830 is possible.
23:23:52 <z-MaTRiX> though i would higher some indians with some boats...
23:23:54 <z-MaTRiX> if į can
23:23:58 <z-MaTRiX> <;
23:24:02 <Zantor> think about when the steam locomotive was invented, and start then
23:25:10 <fjb> eGRVTS has vehicles from 1700 on. But that is not that much fun. NARS 2 has first steam locomotive in 1830.
23:25:50 <fjb> But you should disable inflation when starting that early.
23:27:12 <z-MaTRiX> wow terragenesis can do real continents
23:28:59 <z-MaTRiX> hehe
23:29:06 <z-MaTRiX> its interesting anyway
23:29:50 <Zantor> can terragenesis do parts of the US?
23:29:53 <fjb> My three coal mines got exhausted one after the other, almost at once. :-(
23:29:53 <z-MaTRiX> bank balance goes to negative by "other"
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23:30:23 <Zantor> or maybe I misunderstand
23:30:24 <z-MaTRiX> loan:0 bank-balance:0 and nothing
23:30:45 <z-MaTRiX> Zantor, it is random i guess
23:31:05 <z-MaTRiX> just generating some interesting things
23:32:46 <Eddi|zuHause> there is a general substraction of 100 pounds every month, or something
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23:33:20 <z-MaTRiX> sure i guess have to eat something :)
23:33:25 <Eddi|zuHause> just for the company being there
23:33:44 <Zantor> Eddi
23:33:56 <Eddi|zuHause> Zantor:
23:33:56 <Zantor> that is corporate license renewal in the real world
23:34:11 <Zantor> businesses pay oh so much per year to register them
23:34:14 <z-MaTRiX> and food
23:34:15 <Zantor> yes, Eddi?
23:34:16 <z-MaTRiX> :)
23:34:17 <Zantor> lol
23:34:25 <Eddi|zuHause> nothing
23:34:36 <Eddi|zuHause> i just wanted to return the favour of saying my name
23:34:49 <Eddi|zuHause> by saying your name
23:35:49 <Zantor> ok...
23:36:03 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, it's the monthly upkeep of the company coffee maker
23:37:33 <z-MaTRiX> btw
23:37:45 <z-MaTRiX> why can't i bring water from the nearby ocean to town?
23:39:31 <PeterT> because its salt water
23:40:22 <z-MaTRiX> they don't have to know that ;>
23:40:37 <Eddi|zuHause> that's a genious idea... the whole ocean is full of water, why not drink it?... why has nobody got this idea before?
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23:40:40 <glx> @mode +m
23:40:40 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +m
23:40:53 <glx> PeterT: voice is useful in this case :)
23:41:00 <glx> @mode -m
23:41:00 *** DorpsGek sets mode: -m
23:41:09 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +o SmatZ
23:41:13 <PeterT> @mode -m
23:41:13 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +v SmatZ
23:41:24 <PeterT> can i have a voice?
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23:41:43 <SmatZ> why?
23:42:31 <z-MaTRiX> :)
23:42:36 <Eddi|zuHause> you can have your voice back, if you give up your legs
23:42:50 <SmatZ> :-D
23:42:58 <PeterT> ok
23:43:10 <SmatZ> I can voice you now, but you will lose it when you disconnect
23:43:22 * PeterT gives his legs to Eddi|zuHause
23:43:23 <Eddi|zuHause> (i'm sure nobody actually got the "arielle" reference :p)
23:43:24 <PeterT> ok
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23:43:28 <PeterT> thanks smatz
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23:43:46 <glx> I can voice him too :)
23:43:47 *** SmatZ sets mode: +v PeterT
23:43:56 <SmatZ> you can unvoice him as well ;)
23:44:03 <PeterT> what do i do now?
23:44:18 <SmatZ> the same you could before
23:44:28 <SmatZ> unless this channel is +m
23:44:33 <SmatZ> and it isn't
23:44:38 <PeterT> @channel = +m
23:44:38 <DorpsGek> PeterT: Error: 'supybot.=' is not a valid configuration variable.
23:44:45 <PeterT> @channel
23:44:45 <DorpsGek> PeterT: channel [<channel>] <name> [<value>]
23:44:53 <Eddi|zuHause> "the same thing we do evry night, pinky"
23:44:55 <SmatZ> PeterT: you can't change channel modes
23:44:59 <PeterT> ok
23:45:01 <PeterT> can you?
23:45:05 <KenjiE20|LT> "Try to take over the world"
23:45:07 <PeterT> i want to try out voice
23:45:07 <glx> Eddi|zuHause: fail?
23:45:35 <Eddi|zuHause> glx: which part?
23:45:41 <SmatZ> PeterT: this isn't #test nor #flood nor whatever :-/
23:45:46 <PeterT> #test
23:45:49 <SmatZ> ...
23:45:53 <glx> it's the result of what they do every night
23:46:07 <SmatZ> join your own channel and test voice there :)
23:46:16 <SmatZ> /join #PeterTchan
23:46:18 <Eddi|zuHause> ?
23:46:20 <PeterT> my own channel?
23:47:21 <Eddi|zuHause> glx: you are speaking in riddles
23:47:30 <SmatZ> hehe
23:47:32 <PeterT> anyone care to join my server "! ! !SimulationNation World Map"
23:47:33 <Eddi|zuHause> and i am kind of ill, so...
23:47:43 <KenjiE20|LT> there once was a man from kentu... wait that's not right
23:47:57 <glx> I just did a quick jump to the end of the episode :)
23:48:09 <SmatZ> PeterT: there are more servers than players :(
23:48:15 <PeterT> cool
23:48:19 <PeterT> will you join mine?
23:48:25 <glx> devs don't play
23:48:27 <SmatZ> hehe
23:48:30 <KenjiE20|LT> ever
23:48:33 <Eddi|zuHause> hey, it's like 15 years ago that i watched that show...
23:48:33 <KenjiE20|LT> :P
23:48:38 <PeterT> SmatZ: players ONLINE, or players in total?
23:48:45 <Eddi|zuHause> and not even in english
23:48:46 <SmatZ> online
23:48:50 <PeterT> ok
23:48:54 <PeterT> thats probably true
23:49:00 <PeterT> how can devs not play
23:49:11 <PeterT> isnt that how you figure out bugs
23:49:17 <SmatZ> PeterT: Servers registered as on 2009-05-19 23:49:04 UTC. There are 81 clients, 150 IPv4 servers and 4 IPv6 servers.
23:49:19 <Eddi|zuHause> the more devs play, the less they dev
23:49:25 <KenjiE20|LT> ^
23:49:28 <SmatZ> at
23:49:33 <PeterT> k
23:49:34 <glx> and everytime a dev play he finds something to change
23:49:37 <SmatZ> hehe
23:49:45 <KenjiE20|LT> and then 10 people go WRY!!
23:50:09 <PeterT> SmatZ: how long would it take to code a search in multiplayer?
23:50:21 <glx> TMWFTLB
23:50:36 <Eddi|zuHause> what kind of search?
23:50:38 <SmatZ> as glx said
23:50:47 <glx> I guess it's player search
23:51:16 <PeterT> search like, search thourgh names of servers
23:51:31 <Eddi|zuHause> there is a server filter patch in the forum
23:51:45 <SmatZ> hmm as well as "filter signs" patch
23:51:52 <SmatZ> someone should really commit them :-p
23:52:03 <PeterT> i know the server filter patch
23:52:08 <PeterT> it doesnt have a search
23:52:11 <glx> someone's todo list is too big
23:52:22 <SmatZ> @seen someone
23:52:22 <DorpsGek> SmatZ: someone was last seen in #openttd 1 year, 16 weeks, 3 days, 4 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: * Someone here is gay
23:52:43 <SmatZ> he's not really active :-/
23:53:25 <Eddi|zuHause> but it's an awesome "last words" line :p
23:53:37 <Belugas> [19:52] <Eddi|zuHause> the more devs play, the less they dev <-- damned... petern, we should store away guit and synth and start deving...
23:53:37 <SmatZ> ;)
23:54:01 <SmatZ> hehe
23:54:11 <Eddi|zuHause> Belugas: yes, and give up wives and kids while at it :p
23:54:20 <Belugas> and kitty!!!
23:54:45 <Belugas> but i'll keep the beer, if you don't mind
23:54:49 <SmatZ> :-p
23:55:27 <Belugas> speaking of which (all of the above), it's time :D
23:57:05 <SmatZ> time for kid, wife, guitar and beer? at once? :-p
23:58:34 <Eddi|zuHause> you forgot kitty
23:59:07 <SmatZ> aww kitty :3