IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-04-28
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03:37:58 <kkb110> hi
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04:26:24 <el_en> don't touch the pigs.
04:31:29 <kkb110> I love pigs
05:07:18 *** Pikka has joined #openttd
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06:11:20 *** kingj is now known as KingJ
06:55:41 <dihedral> booooring
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06:57:34 <Noldo> do something
07:02:36 <dihedral> i am
07:02:42 <dihedral> playing with bespin :-)
07:02:48 <dihedral> version 0.2.0 is out ^^
07:02:52 <Xaroth> you can always go dance
07:02:56 <dihedral>
07:07:48 <petern> HTML 5, eh?
07:08:47 <dihedral> login - does not look that bad
07:08:59 <dihedral> though vcs support seems worse than in the beta :-P
07:11:14 <petern> firefox crashed :p
07:11:52 <dihedral> lol
07:11:54 <dihedral> ^^
07:12:28 *** maristo has joined #openttd
07:13:57 <dihedral> well, it worked when i grabed a copy and installed it on my vps
07:14:11 *** George has joined #openttd
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08:09:44 * dihedral is exhausted
08:13:34 <dihedral> do something!!
08:13:40 <dihedral> ^^
08:13:50 *** petern sets mode: +b *!*dih@*
08:13:50 *** dihedral was kicked by petern (ok)
08:14:21 *** petern sets mode: -b *!*dih@*
08:14:29 *** dihedral has joined #openttd
08:14:44 <dihedral> :-(
08:14:48 <dihedral> that was not very nice
08:14:53 <dihedral> :'(
08:14:57 <dihedral> :-P
08:15:40 <petern> you didn't say "do something nice"
08:15:45 <dihedral> Xaroth: <- is that Major.Minor.BugFix.VeryMinorBugFix?
08:15:53 <dihedral> petern: that's no excuse ^^
08:15:58 <dihedral> by the way
08:16:05 <dihedral> i love the music you and belugas made ;-)
08:16:14 <Noldo> petern: :D
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08:17:23 <dihedral> it marmalades ^^
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08:34:28 <nicfer> I think that trains and buses should have non-player-dependant accidents, like signal failures and crashes between them (in buses case)
08:36:09 <dihedral> never give up thinking! ^^
08:37:33 <nicfer> Oh, and where went the thread about dirty roads as separate track types?
08:38:43 <nicfer> I searched three pages on the ottd dev forum and I didn't find it
08:38:52 <petern> marmalades?
08:43:23 *** Yexo has quit IRC
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08:46:29 <dihedral> petern: jam ^^
08:46:41 <petern> oh
08:46:44 <petern> marmalade isn't jam :p
08:46:51 <dihedral> hihi
08:47:06 <dihedral> no
08:47:16 <Noldo> dihedral: what have you taken and can I have some too
08:48:04 <petern> also, who quoted that idiot-text yesterday?
08:50:01 <dihedral> Noldo: lack of sleep
08:50:04 <dihedral> and too much work
08:50:16 <dihedral> pushing 12 hour work days
08:50:29 <dihedral> (at work)
08:50:36 <dihedral> then going home and having more to do
08:51:14 *** Polygon has joined #openttd
08:51:20 <dihedral> if you want some, feel free!
08:55:50 *** Gekz has quit IRC
08:56:40 <TrueBrain> I never thought I would read this: "but it is 'just' a POSIX function [ so I will not use it ]"
08:56:42 <TrueBrain> ......
08:57:06 <TrueBrain> POSIX is the new EVIL! MSVC rules!
08:57:16 <dihedral> TrueBrain: there are people in the world who love win just a bit too much
08:57:18 * dihedral glances at petern :-P
08:57:34 <TrueBrain> 'win' as in 'windows'?
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08:58:32 <dihedral> TrueBrain: yes
08:59:09 <dihedral> and petern it was me on qdb :-P
08:59:13 <TrueBrain> dihedral: nothing wrong with windows :) Just MSVCs refusal to work with POSIX :) But todays leason of the forum is that POSIX is evil, and should be avoided, as MSVC doesn't support it :)
08:59:17 <dihedral> i could not resist :-D
08:59:30 <dihedral> eh...
08:59:34 <dihedral> i disagree
08:59:40 <dihedral> windows IS the evil part :-D
08:59:49 <TrueBrain> no no, you got that leason all wrong!!
08:59:52 <dihedral> there is a lot wrong with windows
08:59:57 <TrueBrain> now put on a memory card: POSIX evil
09:00:00 <TrueBrain> MSVC good
09:00:10 <dihedral> ouch ouch ouch
09:00:16 <TrueBrain> come on, say it out loud
09:00:17 * dihedral burnt his fingers
09:00:17 <TrueBrain> you can do it!
09:00:20 <dihedral> ^^
09:00:22 <dihedral> no
09:00:28 <dihedral> MMAAAAAACC
09:00:32 <dihedral> :-D
09:00:40 * dihedral hides
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09:07:31 <dihedral> zzz
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09:12:18 <petern> TrueBrain, you got the conversion the wrong way around ;p
09:12:24 <TrueBrain> damn, I just bit my ... side of my mouth .. how is it called ...
09:12:32 <petern> cheek
09:12:34 <TrueBrain> petern: how should I read it?
09:12:52 <petern> string to 64bit long integer
09:13:23 <petern> (as per subject, heh)
09:13:55 <TrueBrain> I don't get it :'(
09:14:26 <petern> you put "64bit long integer to string"
09:14:36 * petern smirks at DaleStan
09:15:09 <TrueBrain> petern: ah, there
09:15:13 <TrueBrain> need to look long :p
09:15:21 <petern> that's what she said
09:15:28 <TrueBrain> auch :)
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11:29:33 <fjb> Hello
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11:43:20 <den> hi
11:43:34 <TrueBrain> hello
11:43:42 <den> who started nightly versions in arch linux?
11:47:59 <petern> not us
11:49:27 <den> (
11:49:41 <den> have problem with libs
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11:59:42 *** glx has joined #openttd
11:59:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx
11:59:45 <TrueBrain> I have 2x 22" WS .. still I don't have enough workspace :(
11:59:56 <TrueBrain> @base 2 16 00101000
11:59:56 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: 28
12:00:56 <TrueBrain> @base 2 16 00110000
12:00:56 <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: 30
12:01:52 <glx> you need to use the bot for that ?
12:02:53 <TrueBrain> can you do that by head, being sure you got it right?
12:03:13 <glx> usually yes :)
12:06:21 <TrueBrain> I need to be 100% sure, so I use calculators ;)
12:06:25 <TrueBrain> avoids .... mistakes :)
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12:08:54 <TrueBrain> clear function naming: _aluriws
12:09:12 <TrueBrain> ghehehe :) alu-operation, to a reg, from an imm, wide (16bit), sign-extended
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12:28:06 *** Scuanor has joined #openttd
12:32:22 <Scuanor> hello. what do i do against that net_frame_freq error where a player gets kicked off the server? limiting things like citys and such doesnt work. and the setting is not saved in the cfg-files.
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12:36:31 <dihedral> <- this thread is rather amusing ^^
12:36:35 <Scuanor> no one knows that? oO
12:37:07 <glx> use smaller map
12:37:22 <Scuanor> seems no one reads what i write either
12:37:28 <Scuanor> "limiting things like citys and such doesnt work."
12:38:17 <TrueBrain> maybe because we need to say it again: use smaller maps
12:38:26 <glx> this error means your server requires too much cpu
12:38:45 <glx> and the kicked client can't follow
12:39:24 <dihedral> talking of kick ^^
12:39:26 <glx> so, or the map is too big, or there are too many vehicles (maybe boats ?)
12:39:39 <dihedral> it would kinda be cool if one could send custom strings to the client
12:39:50 <dihedral> i.e. kick <id> [<message>]
12:40:07 <glx> write an alias for say && kick :)
12:40:24 <dihedral> issue is, the message said is not in that sweet lil red box
12:40:30 <Scuanor> it is a fresh 512x512 map, no boats, no wateredges even. and that error had not occured to me in all the zears i play now ottd over the net
12:40:38 <dihedral> and not all users think as far as to read their clients console
12:40:56 <dihedral> i have used say, waited 5 seconds and then kick
12:41:00 <dihedral> they still did not get it
12:41:14 <dihedral> sad sods
12:41:22 <glx> and do you think they will read the kick message?
12:42:42 <Scuanor> always the same here... *sighs* well have a good daynightsumfin
12:42:48 <glx> Scuanor: 512x512 may be too big for some clients
12:42:57 <glx> any newgrfs loaded?
12:43:41 <petern> urgle
12:44:08 <Scuanor> only some GRFs and as said, it all ran fine but hey why care for a software that also runs on pcs that are NOT 4GHZ/monsters...
12:44:29 <petern> ...
12:44:35 <Scuanor> ...
12:44:46 <Scuanor> i knonw the waz out, no ned to kick
12:44:47 <glx> industry grf?
12:44:56 <Scuanor> no, glx
12:45:00 <petern> ...
12:45:07 *** Scuanor has left #openttd
12:45:23 <glx> nice
12:45:35 <petern> tantrum?
12:45:45 <glx> we try to help, but he didn't like the answer
12:46:21 <TrueBrain> most likely because he realised he did something terrible stupid :p
12:46:22 <TrueBrain> ghehe
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12:47:12 <dihedral> glx: i'd hope they would read the message
12:50:38 <glx> I have him on PM :)
12:51:02 <glx> [14:49:03] <Scuanor> he has a 3000 euro mac powerbook or so. with two 3GHZ cpus or so. <-- and I got useful info
12:51:31 <glx> it looks like the usual "mac is slow with 8bpp"
12:55:19 <TrueBrain> I somehow would refuse to talk to him in PM, and force him to get in here :p Ghehe :)
13:03:46 <Belugas> hey llo!
13:05:51 <Belugas> 8bpm... now.. that's slow indeed!
13:06:43 <petern> hehe
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13:10:10 <TrueBrain> poor Belugas
13:10:34 * petern curses the 3D Secure testing
13:11:08 <Belugas> me? why?
13:12:25 <petern> oh look, the test details didn't work
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13:16:38 <CIA-9> OpenTTD: yexo * r16181 /trunk/src/3rdparty/squirrel/squirrel/sqvm.cpp: -Fix [Squirrel]: the traps variable wasn't restored, causing try/catch blocks to be 'forgotten' during a suspend.
13:18:10 <el_en>
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13:22:26 <dihedral> hello Belugas :-)
13:25:11 <Yexo> Belugas:
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13:30:36 <dihedral> Yexo, what a twat! ^^
13:31:06 * dihedral waits patiently for sir Belugas' reply
13:34:35 <Xaroth> heh
13:37:51 <Belugas> Done
13:38:00 <Belugas> thatnsk for pointing it, Yexo
13:38:37 <Belugas> DAMNED!!!
13:38:40 <Belugas> LOCKED :S
13:38:52 <fjb> :-)
13:39:06 <Belugas>
13:39:09 <Belugas> anyway
13:39:24 <el_en> an excellent comment from peter1138.
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13:40:59 <fjb> An the next problem with "realistic" timing is that all the lenghts would have to be "realistic" too...
13:44:13 <Belugas> my finger hitches
13:44:31 <dihedral> go on Belugas :-P
13:44:39 <dihedral> give yourself a kick :-D
13:45:22 <TrueBrain> hitches? or itches?
13:45:30 <dihedral> itches
13:45:35 <dihedral> petern, love your reply :-D
13:45:42 <el_en> hitches like in hitch-hiking?
13:45:50 <TrueBrain> maybe he means that yes :p
13:46:05 <Belugas> These Are the Pros and Cons of itch-hiking!
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14:16:26 * dihedral yawns
14:20:31 <TrueBrain> yeah, you are boring :p
14:20:38 <dihedral> bitch ^^
14:20:48 <TrueBrain> lol, just wasted 3 commits on a 4 lines piece of code ... I wonder why I commit so often :p
14:20:55 <TrueBrain> (or why I change my mind so often ...)
14:21:49 <dihedral> ^^
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14:30:04 <petern> whew
14:30:11 <petern> 3d secure testing complete, now to submit my results
14:30:23 <petern> and then they'll probably come back and say it's all wrong
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14:40:50 <Belugas> 3d secure? /me searches
14:42:08 <Belugas> mmh...
14:42:17 <Belugas> have "fun" :)
14:44:13 <Belugas> as usual, "they" will ask me to certify that stuff in about 2-3 years, for the next month if ever possible :S
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15:04:59 <petern> yeah
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15:37:29 <jonty-comp> openttd on steam? :|
15:37:40 <Xaroth> eh?
15:37:47 <jonty-comp>
15:37:55 <jonty-comp> Steam as in the games download service
15:38:02 <jonty-comp> which confused me to start with
15:38:15 <Xaroth> yes
15:38:25 <Xaroth> read Rubidium's reply
15:38:37 <jonty-comp> quite
15:38:47 <jonty-comp> just seems like quite possibly the randomest idea I have ever heard
15:38:55 <Xaroth> not really
15:38:59 <Xaroth> loads of games have moved to steam
15:39:06 <jonty-comp> no free open source games though
15:39:12 <jonty-comp> that you can easily download anyway
15:39:16 <Xaroth> nope, because the steam license doesn't allow that
15:40:35 <TrueBrain> it doesn't allow open source?
15:41:04 <Xaroth> the steam license is incompatible with GPL
15:41:06 <Yexo> according to rubidiums reply it forbids copying the downloaded files, which is incompatible with the gpl
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15:41:16 <Xaroth> and not just on copying part
15:41:28 <TrueBrain> their loss
15:41:30 <Xaroth> yep
15:41:45 <Xaroth> i hate steam, i only have it because of COD4
15:41:52 <Xaroth> and i would gladly rip it off if i could :/
15:42:02 <Xaroth> heck, i'd even enjoy it
15:42:17 <glx> you could have COD4 without steam :)
15:42:39 <Xaroth> not if you bought it through steam :(
15:42:49 <Xaroth> saved me 25 euros tho
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15:47:53 <dihedral> but is that part of the Steam lisence not in connection with the user side of things
15:48:05 <dihedral> as in, you are not allowed to copy / modify stuff you have downloaded via steam?
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15:49:30 <De_Ghosty> u cand modify stuff u dl from stema
15:49:43 <De_Ghosty> it's just the source code u use to work with steam
15:49:48 <De_Ghosty> can't be distrivuted
15:49:52 <TrueBrain> you is spelled like 'you'
15:49:52 <dihedral> y cand you tybe probably
15:50:01 <De_Ghosty> cuz
15:50:04 <De_Ghosty> it's early
15:50:08 <De_Ghosty> and i had an exam
15:50:10 <De_Ghosty> and is tired
15:50:11 <dihedral> so?
15:50:13 <De_Ghosty> :o
15:50:16 <TrueBrain> I is spelled like 'I'
15:50:25 <De_Ghosty> is it?
15:50:25 <dihedral> you think somone wants to read such drivel :-P
15:50:30 <De_Ghosty> yes
15:50:32 <De_Ghosty> i do
15:50:40 <De_Ghosty> it makes for intresting reading
15:51:02 <De_Ghosty> can you decrypt what De_Ghosty is saying?
15:51:04 <De_Ghosty> it's a game
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15:51:24 <Xaroth> De_Ghosty: yes, and the GPL license insists on allowing people to modify the soruce
15:51:29 <Xaroth> as such, they clash
15:51:39 <De_Ghosty> yea
15:51:45 <Xaroth> you cannot distribute a GPL-licensed thing with anti-GPL restrictions
15:51:46 <De_Ghosty> the make u sign nda when u get on steam work
15:52:27 <Xaroth> nda's are besides the point anyhow
15:52:31 <Xaroth> it's their license vs GPL
15:52:33 <Xaroth> and they don't match
15:54:33 <el_en> De_Ghosty: English Only.
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15:55:59 <Belugas> [11:41] <Xaroth> loads of games have moved to steam <-- absolute and perfect argument.
15:56:02 <nicfer> one question, where's the patch that added a new road type?
15:56:14 <fjb> What is steam?
15:56:16 <dihedral> hehe
15:56:25 <dihedral> that thing that works cross platform so well
15:56:27 <Belugas> stuff that comes out of the steam loco
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15:57:08 <fjb> Ah, thank you Belugas, now knowing that the above discussion makes even less sense.
15:57:20 <Belugas> :)
15:57:49 <nicfer> I don't remember the name, but they looked like dirty roads
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15:59:00 <De_Ghosty> steam
15:59:07 <De_Ghosty> is where all the free stuff is going :o
15:59:14 <De_Ghosty> and the not so free stuff
15:59:24 <Belugas> fjb : honestly, all i can guess. if i wanted to know more about it, i would start to search. but i don't give a fuckton
16:01:08 <fjb> Never heard about it and I'm using almost only free stuff.
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16:03:38 <jonty-comp> fjb: that would explain why then
16:03:48 <jonty-comp> as it has no free stuff whatsoever on it
16:04:03 <jonty-comp> other than demos and mods
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16:06:04 <fjb> I found a wikipedia entry about it. Doesn't sound interesting.
16:07:01 <fjb> Windows only...
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16:10:31 <Belugas> #Give me steam
16:10:44 <Belugas> #and how you feel can make it real
16:10:54 <Belugas> #real as anythng you've seen
16:11:15 <Belugas> #get a liiiiiiiife with the dreamer's dream
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16:17:38 <fjb> Using a firewall with steam is not describing the network firewall setting...
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16:18:43 <fjb> Advise for using with a network firewall: disable it....
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16:37:36 <dihedral> @commit 16175
16:37:36 <DorpsGek> dihedral: Commit by yexo :: r16175 /trunk/src/network (3 files in 2 dirs) (2009-04-26 19:48:42 UTC)
16:37:37 <DorpsGek> dihedral: -Fix: Disable the join button in the multiplayer lobby for AI companies, since joining an AI company is not possible.
16:37:54 <dihedral> i thought that was once covered long ago
16:43:10 <Belugas> i'm bored...
16:43:15 <Belugas> i wanna go home
16:43:17 <nicfer> @commit 666
16:43:17 <DorpsGek> nicfer: Commit by darkvater :: r666 trunk/ttd.dsp (2004-11-17 20:30:34 UTC)
16:43:18 <DorpsGek> nicfer: -Added missing sprite.c for VS6 project file
16:43:29 <nicfer> I was just curious
16:43:58 <nicfer> @commit 1337
16:43:58 <DorpsGek> nicfer: Commit by tron :: r1337 /trunk (15 files) (2005-01-03 12:56:22 UTC)
16:43:59 <DorpsGek> nicfer: Use MapMax[XY]() (or MapSize[XY]() if appropriate) instead of TILE_MAX_[XY]
16:44:00 <DorpsGek> nicfer: While here replace one erroneous TILE_MAX_X with MapMaxY()
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16:48:08 <dihedral> @commit 1
16:48:08 <DorpsGek> dihedral: Commit by truelight :: r1 / (202 files in 13 dirs) (2004-08-09 17:04:08 UTC)
16:48:09 <DorpsGek> dihedral: Import of revision 975 of old (crashed) SVN
16:48:10 <dihedral> ;-)
16:48:20 <dihedral> that should happen more often :_D
16:48:20 <Belugas> <--- iranair777, the one who inspired me my signature's change...
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16:48:38 <Belugas> dihedral, you want more crash of svn??
16:49:23 <dihedral> yep
16:49:34 <Belugas> silly boy...
16:49:45 <dihedral> then marjaqu would clearly not be able to follow the project back further :-D
16:51:03 <el_en> @commit 0
16:51:03 <DorpsGek> el_en: Commit r0 doesn't exists
16:51:37 <Belugas> hiding something every one out there are totally aware?
16:52:33 <dihedral> true
16:52:35 <dihedral> no point
16:52:43 <dihedral> courts would not be interested :-P
16:53:09 <Belugas> indeed, my though actually
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17:01:04 <petern> @commit -1
17:01:04 <DorpsGek> petern: Commit r-1 doesn't exists
17:01:08 <petern> doesn't... exists?
17:01:48 <el_en> someone must has made a misstake
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17:24:23 <planetmaker> good evening
17:24:58 <planetmaker> I like your new tt-forums sig, Belugas :)
17:25:05 <planetmaker> so true, so true
17:25:13 <Belugas> :)
17:25:47 <Belugas> can I add "Don't call me dude" ?
17:26:19 <Belugas> hello planetmaker, by the way :)
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17:27:25 <planetmaker> :) he... I think I have to look up the meanings of "dude" in order to answer that :)
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17:27:47 <planetmaker> and searching for conotations is... difficult
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17:29:16 <fjb> I would translate it as "Kumpel".
17:29:20 <planetmaker> he... a less favourable word than I thought so far :P
17:29:32 <planetmaker> "Kumpel" is the most favourable I found ;)
17:29:37 <Eddi|zuHause> the typical translation of "dude" as greeting is "alter"
17:30:28 <Prof_Frink> Evenin' dudes.
17:30:52 <planetmaker> meh :)
17:31:02 <fjb> Where is Bjani when you need him...?
17:31:16 *** Prof_Frink was kicked by Belugas (bye dude)
17:31:20 <Eddi|zuHause> for example in lost, whenever hurly says "dude", it is translated by "alter"
17:31:28 <fjb> Thanks Belugas.
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17:32:13 <Xaroth> people watching too much Dude, where's my car...
17:32:13 <Prof_Frink> G'day mates.
17:32:15 <fjb> But the Beatles sang "Hey dude". "Alter" was not in use in that times.
17:32:27 <planetmaker> :)
17:32:42 <Xaroth> wasn't that Hey Jude?
17:32:42 <planetmaker> those were the times my friend... *lalalala*
17:33:07 <planetmaker> it was. But doesn't fit 'topic' ;)
17:33:10 <fjb> Really? I'm no Beattles fan, so I may be mistaken.
17:33:18 <Belugas> hey mate Frink
17:33:35 <Belugas> fjb, i guess we all were too young (or not there)
17:33:43 <Belugas> even me...
17:33:49 <planetmaker> he :)
17:33:53 <Prof_Frink> Ahoy thar Belugas
17:34:44 <fjb> Belugas: Don't say that. A female friend of aproximatly my age is a big beatles fan.
17:35:02 <Belugas> reincarnation
17:35:04 <Belugas> old soul
17:35:25 <fjb> Maybe. Better don't talk with her about music.
17:40:10 * petern is home
17:40:32 * fjb it too.
17:41:08 * fjb wonders why he doesn't see petern over here.
17:41:18 <petern> you are in the wrong home
17:41:23 <petern> HEY JUDE
17:41:25 <fjb> Oh.
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17:41:50 <petern> don't make it bad
17:41:55 <petern> take a sad song and make it better
17:42:01 <petern> originally called "hey jules" apparently
17:42:51 <petern> back when popular music had 7 minute tracks...
17:44:16 * fjb things about how old petern's soul may be.
17:44:30 <fjb> thinks
17:45:04 * petern is merely 31
17:48:38 * Belugas forgot his age
17:48:56 <qkr> is there any penalty for not replacing vehicles that are getting old?
17:49:13 <Belugas> apart reliablity yo mean?
17:49:21 <qkr> yea
17:49:22 <petern> if you have breakdowns off, no
17:49:26 <petern> well
17:49:40 <petern> you get a station rating bonus for new vehicles less than 3 years old
17:49:58 <petern> so, er, i guess the answer is yes :)
17:50:26 <qkr> ok, I have breakdowns off so I guess it's not a big deal then
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17:53:53 <Eddi|zuHause> i thought there was an additional malus for really old vehicles
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17:56:36 <Eddi|zuHause> must mix that up with something else
17:57:46 <Belugas> dunno
17:57:48 <Belugas> could be
17:58:00 * Belugas yawns
17:58:13 <Eddi|zuHause> suggestion: use model age instead of vehicle age, makes more sense and closes some loophole with repeatedly selling and rebuying the vehicles
17:58:45 * petern tries increasing buffer size
17:59:26 <Belugas> model age is not relevant. vehicle age is. like... imagine a car that is on dealer's show room for 2 years. it is brand new
18:00:03 <Eddi|zuHause> but the hype effect is for the first ICE, nobody cares for the 2412th ICE
18:00:16 <fjb> And some models are manufactures over a lot of years.
18:01:24 <Belugas> who cares about the hype? what's important is if yes or no the vehicle can do the job
18:02:22 <fjb> A nicer feature would be to declare an old vehicle historic, keeping its reliability by paying a much higher running cost.
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18:04:12 <Eddi|zuHause> a vehicle may only be declared historic if the model has expired and there is only one kind of this vehicle left
18:05:34 <Eddi|zuHause> but still, i think model introduction date is more useful for station rating
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18:05:58 <Belugas> i love when models are introduced to me
18:06:02 <Eddi|zuHause> didn't like the real world?
18:06:03 <Belugas> even more when nude
18:06:05 <Belugas> buwhahahaha
18:06:19 <Prof_Frink> Tits.
18:06:32 <fjb> Some models are looking better dressed...
18:06:33 <Belugas> skinna
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18:09:39 <nicfer> I remember that I saw a patch that added a new road type
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18:09:45 <nicfer> well, in a hackish way
18:09:51 <nicfer> where's that topic?
18:10:05 <Belugas> under the sun?
18:10:09 <Belugas> ho... topic...
18:10:12 <Belugas> not tropic
18:10:14 <Belugas> shit :(
18:10:28 <TrueBrain> hmm .. I have an int32 with the value 255 .. how do I cast that via an int8 to -1?
18:10:51 <TrueBrain> in the most logic way you can yhink of that ..
18:10:53 <TrueBrain> nevermind :)
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18:11:11 <petern> herr
18:11:21 <petern> that is a strange noise
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18:11:36 <fjb> The birds outside?
18:11:57 <petern> no from this synth :p
18:12:12 <Belugas> :D
18:12:15 <nicfer> I can't find that TOPIC in the forums
18:12:41 <Belugas> even if you cold, i guess it would be pretty much outdated, nicfer
18:13:11 <Belugas> unless you are talking about petern's stuff on newgrf railways
18:13:25 <petern> as 'published' here
18:13:27 <nicfer> I remember that I saw it a few days before
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18:13:38 <nicfer> but can't find it anymore
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18:14:00 <Xaroth> [TrueBrain]: hmm .. I have an int32 with the value 255 .. how do I cast that via an int8 to -1? << ... not?
18:14:24 <Xaroth> no wait, it's not an uint8..
18:14:25 <nicfer> it was some kind of dirty road which only allowed trucks to travel them
18:14:26 <Xaroth> then it might work :P
18:14:28 <TrueBrain> Xaroth: ........
18:14:44 <TrueBrain> that it was my brainfart, okay, but that you start to say it can't be done, now that is insane :p
18:14:48 <nicfer> don't remember the exact name
18:15:00 <TrueBrain> int32 v = 255; v = (int8)v; <- always work
18:15:17 <frosch123> nicfer: search in the heqs thead for references to it. maybe the patch was by roujin btw.
18:15:19 <TrueBrain> horray for sign-extend commands
18:16:34 <nicfer> it was trails
18:17:18 <nicfer> oh, and its a very old thread, don't remember how did I reach it
18:17:42 <nicfer> oh I remember, a link from other topic
18:19:32 <Belugas> petern, can't read it somehow. looks like mp3s are forbidden or blocked or else
18:24:39 <Sacro> god i love sacds
18:25:22 <frosch123> DaleStan: grfcodec: " error: 'INT_MAX' was not declared in this scope" needs "#include <limits.h>" for me
18:26:16 <qkr> why isn't autoreplace working for trains? I have 56 trains and it replaced 22 but then stopped
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18:26:52 <frosch123> not enough money? group replace protection? engine no longer available? ...
18:27:41 <qkr> none of those
18:28:12 <Belugas> any loan left?
18:28:15 <frosch123> is there any difference between the trains which got replaced, and those which were not?
18:28:39 <qkr> it's replacing now when I restarted it, but still going really slowly
18:28:49 <qkr> no loan or difference
18:29:16 <frosch123> "really slow"? they are only replaced when they enter a depot
18:30:02 <qkr> it replaced first 22 trains, then stopped and I restarted it, now it has replaced only 4 in a long time
18:30:41 <frosch123> enable "vehicle advice" in news settings, maybe it tries to tell you something
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18:31:08 <frosch123> or follow a vehicle which you expect to be replaced
18:31:20 <qkr> I have that's still replacing, it's just really slow...maybe that's normal
18:31:34 <qkr> trains just go past depots mostly
18:33:01 <Alberth> qkr: they don't look for depots for replacement. They have to visit them for some other reason first.
18:33:21 <Alberth> qkr: eg regular maintenance
18:33:25 <qkr> oh...
18:33:50 <qkr> that's the problem then, thx
18:34:34 <DaleStan> frosch123: Got it. Apparently my <ios> (so all <*stream> headers too) includes limits.h.
18:35:03 <Alberth> qkr: there is a button 'send all to depot'. not sure you want to use it, as it quite disrupts your services
18:35:16 <frosch123> thanks :)
18:35:19 <Yexo> Alberth: if they have no other reason to go to a depot (servicing is off and no goto-depot orders), they will go to a depot for autoreplace/autorenew
18:35:47 <Alberth> Yexo: oh. didn't know that. thanks for the info.
18:35:58 <qkr> I have servicing on, that's the prob
18:37:11 <Alberth> qkr: I like the behaviour, it makes replacement run nicely gradually. Just turn it on, and start doing other things.
18:38:15 <frosch123> [20:36] <Alberth> Yexo: oh. didn't know that. thanks for the info. <- see FS#1762 for the downsides :p
18:45:19 <Alberth> frosch123: hmm, one of my issues. You are right, autoreplacing is quite a mine-field. You must make sure you have all conditions matched otherwise the game may start doing weird things.
18:49:09 <Alberth> The dev blackbook about the window system is quite outdated. It still discusses window functions, and WE_* events. Hmm.
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18:51:02 <frosch123> the "dev blackbook" has been outdated long before I started with ottd :)
18:53:57 <Eddi|zuHause> there is a "dev blackbook"?
18:56:09 <Belugas> yup. contains names like yorick, jez and such fun people
18:56:37 <Sacro> me?
18:56:42 <Eddi|zuHause> that's a "blacklist" :p
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19:01:50 <frosch123> <- not really a book, more like a booklet
19:02:40 <TrueBrain> looks nice :)
19:03:24 <Alberth> It should be thicker, so people are sufficiently scared away.
19:03:51 <De_Ghosty> looks like a passport
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19:10:39 <Eddi|zuHause> i think in the long run we need some kind of QA layer in bananas...
19:11:08 <Eddi|zuHause> and if it's just a voting system...
19:11:31 <dihedral> voting aint good for qa
19:11:39 <dihedral> you can see that in the forums
19:11:57 <frosch123> or on fs :p
19:12:27 <Sapakara> Hi guys
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19:12:51 <Sapakara> dihedral I started my server as a Dedicated server
19:12:57 <Sapakara> and now it works
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19:13:18 <Alberth> oh dear
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19:15:18 <Sapakara> but I need some more info about the Dedicated server and wiki has minium info
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19:18:15 <dihedral> Sapakara, do i know you?
19:18:53 <Sapakara> You responded on myt forum thread :-)
19:19:25 <dihedral> ah... which one?
19:19:43 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... so i need an idea what to do the next half hour, before heroes is done
19:19:44 <dihedral> found it
19:19:49 <Sapakara> ok
19:19:50 <dihedral> congrats for getting it to work ;-)
19:20:16 <Sapakara> But were can I find more info about the dedicated server> Wiki has minimal
19:20:50 <Yexo> by searching the forums, if you can't find your answer, ask here/on the forums
19:20:56 <dihedral> what are you looking for?
19:21:03 <Sapakara> I like to know how can use the server company or isn't that possible?
19:21:28 <Yexo> on a dedicated server the server doesn't join a company, that would be pointless
19:21:42 <dihedral> dedicated servers are dedicated servers ;-)
19:21:57 <Sapakara> ok so only the clients play
19:22:18 <dihedral> yes
19:22:19 <Yexo> if you want to play on the server, that's possible, but then it isn't a dedicated server anymore
19:22:22 <dihedral> and the ai's :P
19:22:24 <Yexo> it's all in the name :)
19:22:25 <dihedral> sorry petern
19:23:09 <Sapakara> ok thx then I shall to play
19:23:21 <petern> ?
19:23:52 * Alberth waves 'hai, you're back!' to Eddi|zuHause
19:24:00 <dihedral> ^^
19:24:03 <el_en> out of the water!
19:24:08 <dihedral> ai's <- apostrophe
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19:24:40 <Alberth> hello Wolf
19:24:40 <el_en> hello Wolf01
19:24:44 <Wolf01> hello
19:26:03 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... how long ago did we have that discussion that the "two divers meet..." joke also works in finnish?
19:26:39 <el_en> maybe a month ago or so.
19:26:59 <Eddi|zuHause> i was not here a month ago... it's more like a year ago
19:27:36 <el_en> could be two months, but most certainly it was this year.
19:28:04 <petern> bah, now ninjam crashed :s
19:28:16 <TrueBrain> poor petern
19:28:21 <TrueBrain> maybe you should start development of that tool again
19:29:07 <Xaroth> o_O
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19:29:24 <el_en> Eddi|zuHause: it was 21st Feb 2009 at 23:56 CET.
19:30:40 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... i have no sense of time...
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19:34:22 <Alberth> Eddi|zuHause: you don't need it, computers are much better and accurate at remembering
19:35:02 <Eddi|zuHause> it's not about remembering
19:35:09 <Eddi|zuHause> it's about ordering the memories
19:39:21 <petern> aaaaan again
19:39:46 * petern blames xruns
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19:52:18 <Willisterman> evening
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19:57:30 <Willisterman> I've been searching the forums and wiki, but not found an answer, and thought I'd ask here before posting on the forum again
19:58:11 <Willisterman> is the a ./configure option for output dir? --install-dir doesnt seem to work
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19:59:05 <Noldo> --prefix-dir
19:59:22 <Noldo> and --help
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20:01:12 <Willisterman> i used --prefix-dir, and compilation crashed last time, so I assumed it was from that
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20:01:26 <Willisterman> but I'll try again, might have been something else
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20:05:58 <Xaroth> ./configure --help ?
20:06:59 <Willisterman> yup, i used configure --help to get all the other infomation, and from that tried both --install-dir and --prefix-dir, when both failed I started searching, and when that failed I cam here
20:10:12 <Noldo> the follow up might be "how did it fail?
20:10:13 <Noldo> "
20:11:08 <Willisterman> Last time i got a gcc error while using prefix-dir, which I assumed was related to it, but I'm giving that one another try :)
20:13:06 <Willisterman> hmm, still get nothing in the directory
20:13:11 <Willisterman> ./configure --enable-dedicated --personal-dir="" --prefix-dir="/home/craig/dedicated"
20:13:23 <Alberth> make
20:13:26 <Alberth> make install
20:13:27 <Willisterman> yes :-P
20:13:36 <Willisterman> make install?
20:13:45 <Willisterman> wiki just mentions make
20:13:51 <Willisterman> not make install
20:13:56 <Alberth> 'make' builds, 'make install' installs (copies to dest)
20:14:21 <Willisterman> aha!
20:15:23 <Alberth> make help gives you the make cmds
20:16:23 <Willisterman> make install was what I was missing, i'd been following the wiki, which only mentions make, which was fine at the start
20:17:35 <Willisterman> as it was ok for the output to be in bin before, but not now :) But thats for that
20:21:59 <TrueBrain> google is getting insane ... I can now add an address I want to see next time I search for something .................... isn't that like ... too late?!
20:25:40 <De_Ghosty> lol
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20:25:45 <De_Ghosty> missing make install?
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20:56:18 <Belugas> PA DSS compliancy... NOW... FUCK YOU*!!!!!
20:57:19 <TrueBrain> lol @ Belugas :)
20:57:33 <petern> PA?
20:57:39 <petern> i know PCI...
20:58:05 <petern> payment application... yum
20:58:14 <Belugas> Payment Application
20:58:16 <Belugas> yeah
20:58:24 <Belugas> that means me
20:58:26 <Belugas> in fact
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20:59:17 <Belugas> stupid bureaucracy
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21:00:57 <petern> god yes
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21:07:53 <fjb> Belugas has to be compliant to Belugas?
21:09:25 <Belugas> don't disturb grown ups, kid ;)
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21:11:29 <fjb> Belugas: :-P
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21:13:13 <Wolf01> ladies and gentlemen... good night
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21:13:27 * Belugas is joking, fjb
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21:20:01 <TrueBrain> the latest episode of Chuck is amazing :)
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21:23:14 <Willisterman> yay, my dedicated server now produces a linux client binary, which it zips up and makes available online, with the source, and a dedicated server binary, which it then starts, from the latest autosave
21:23:46 <Willisterman> I've now just got to look into cross-compiling windows binaries, and I think I'm all set
21:24:31 <Willisterman> but i think thats enough for tonight
21:24:33 <Willisterman> thanks all
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21:39:36 <planetmaker> hm... is it on purpose that I can build a drive-through station on roads owned by another company?
21:39:53 <Yexo> there is an advanced setting for that
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21:40:13 <planetmaker> oh, right. :)
21:40:51 <planetmaker> thank you, Yexo :)
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21:41:37 <TrueBrain> pfew, the ugly one has left
21:41:39 <TrueBrain> (ghehe)
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21:43:34 <fjb> Now this is a beauty channel again.
21:43:46 <TrueBrain> it only still stinks
21:43:55 <TrueBrain> but that is because Rubidium is still missing :p
21:44:18 <planetmaker> :O
21:44:32 * planetmaker quickly leaves with a good night wish for all :)
21:44:40 <TrueBrain> night planetmaker
21:45:06 <planetmaker> TrueBrain: when will the official transition to wt3 take place? :)
21:45:30 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: when I finish it :) Had enough of it last weekend .. maybe I continue next weekdn
21:45:40 <TrueBrain> in theory it is 'ready'
21:45:45 <planetmaker> oh, I thought you were done already... :)
21:45:55 <TrueBrain> there are only a few things that makes it more pretty, that aren't done yet
21:46:04 <TrueBrain> like a string glx keeps bitching about :p
21:46:17 <TrueBrain> or the fact that if a developer renames 1500 keys of strings, history and markers goes lost :p
21:46:18 <planetmaker> k :) I'm just curious :)
21:46:27 <TrueBrain> it misses a 'forum'
21:46:29 <planetmaker> hehe. Frenchmen.
21:46:39 <TrueBrain> and a way to read settings
21:46:39 <planetmaker> oh... that is bad... loosing stuff ;)
21:46:47 <TrueBrain> also the link to strgen to read the pragmas
21:46:59 <TrueBrain> and .. well .. most important maybe: user authentication and authorization
21:47:01 <petern> yeah, like losing a decent sql server for something shit
21:47:03 <TrueBrain> well .. that is the end of my list :)
21:47:21 <TrueBrain> omg ... does he start about that again?! Will he ever give that a rest?!
21:47:50 <planetmaker> he... why login. Free access for every fag ;)
21:48:01 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: yeah ... I just don't want to do the reverts :p
21:48:16 <planetmaker> hehe :)
21:48:49 <TrueBrain> after that there is the all known code-cleanup that needs to be done
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21:49:08 <TrueBrain> somehow I need to fix the slowness of walking through 'by changed time'
21:49:15 <TrueBrain> I now issues 169 queries for 1 page ...
21:49:19 <TrueBrain> might be a bit over-the-top :p
21:49:33 <petern> "your rod will be a faultless weapon"
21:49:37 <petern> ahh, spam
21:49:42 <planetmaker> hm... :) does it really matter?
21:49:44 <TrueBrain> hmm .. spam ...
21:50:01 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: 169 queries for 1 page? Every 'Next' click issues 169 queries?
21:50:04 <TrueBrain> I think tha tmatters, yes :)
21:50:11 <TrueBrain> takes 150ms to generate the page
21:50:23 <planetmaker> :) ok - a bit longer than a google page :)
21:50:50 <SpComb> rewrite in C
21:51:07 <TrueBrain> and then it doesn't issue 169 queries, I tihnk so too yes .. sigh ...
21:51:38 <TrueBrain> anyway, a simple solution would be to add a record which indexes and orders the translations in the correct order
21:51:50 <planetmaker> anyway... at worst you could still drop that option :)
21:51:58 <TrueBrain> but for that I need to rewrite parts of the javascript .. anyway .. you get the point :) Lots to do :)
21:52:16 <TrueBrain> but the construct is done, so I say 80% done :)
21:52:23 <planetmaker> he... wasn't aware that there's still so much in the pipe for a roll-out :)
21:52:34 <TrueBrain> that is why I share it ;)
21:52:40 <TrueBrain> oh, I forgot: also ened to add true saving :)
21:52:44 <TrueBrain> and automated commit
21:52:47 <TrueBrain> and commit-log creation
21:52:53 <planetmaker> :)
21:53:00 <planetmaker> nice :)
21:53:03 <TrueBrain> but that can be done in minutes :p
21:53:23 <TrueBrain> (saving is a missing, automated c ommit is amissing 'svn commit', and log creation takes a tiny bit more time :))
21:54:04 <TrueBrain> 7 python lines
21:54:18 <planetmaker> hehe. Bits and pieces... anyway. I should try to find my bed :)
21:54:18 <TrueBrain> yeah .. would take a tiny bit more time :) Ghehe :) Maybe I should write the lines instead of tihnking them up in my head alone :p
21:54:24 <TrueBrain> yeah, good night :)
21:54:32 * TrueBrain stores this conversation under the name: WT3 - TODO.txt
21:54:34 <TrueBrain> ghehehehe :)
21:54:40 <planetmaker> :)
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21:57:06 <TrueBrain> hmm .. bed .. good idea btw :) Night all!
21:57:23 <SmatZ> bye bye TrueBrain! :)
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