IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2009-03-24
00:03:13 *** mucht_home has quit IRC
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00:16:30 <Ammler> nightnight hard workers...
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00:33:31 <powell> hey guys
00:33:36 <eMjay88> hey hey
00:33:46 <powell> guess what?
00:34:12 <powell> GOD DOESNT EXIST
00:34:21 <eMjay88> I know right?
00:34:32 <powell> jesus was a fag
00:34:36 <powell> amiright?
00:34:43 <eMjay88> if he even existed :P
00:34:48 <powell> yea
00:34:57 <powell> fucking islam
00:35:05 <powell> is pretty gay amiright?
00:35:14 <powell> same with judeaism
00:35:19 <powell> stupid jews
00:35:20 <eMjay88> islam is no worse than christianity, judaeism etc
00:35:26 <Yexo> powell: please watch your language
00:35:29 <powell> :(
00:35:41 <powell> VExo
00:35:47 <powell> your a dirty NIGGER
00:35:56 <Yexo> @kban powell
00:35:56 *** DorpsGek sets mode: +b *!
00:35:57 *** powell was kicked by DorpsGek (Yexo)
00:36:05 <eMjay88> lol
00:36:18 <Rubidium> don't mess with the Yexo
00:36:35 <eMjay88> I'm fairly sure powell was trolling anyway :P
00:36:37 <Yexo> I'd have done the same if he said that about anybody else
00:36:57 <glx> probably a hidden chimpout guy
00:39:59 <Rubidium> the irony is that Powell is well...
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00:55:20 <Sacro> hehe
00:58:39 <FauxFaux> It's "you're", retard, and that's not a common contraction.
01:11:56 <energetic> I am sorry for those ppl
01:20:01 <svip> Jesus most likely existed, eMjay88, but his actual doings may have been exaggerated in the Bible.
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01:27:01 <eMjay88> svip: yes, most likely on both counts :)
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02:15:57 <Belugas> jesus existed? of course he did. jesus was (and still is) a very commun name.
02:16:08 <Belugas> so plenty of jesus in the universe alright
02:17:58 <Belugas> grrr... i'm so accustomed to have two screens at work...
02:18:50 <Belugas> now, at home, i've got my normal screen, plus a laptop opened. and i'm a bit surprised that my mouse form the screen of the right does not travel to the screen to the left :S
02:20:02 <Aali> so make it
02:20:43 <Aali> my mouse is not connected to this laptop
02:21:36 <Aali> and still it moves between it and my desktop just fine :)
02:27:16 <eMjay88> Belugas: google: synergy mouse
02:29:38 <eMjay88> Aali: is that what you use?
02:30:06 <Aali> synergy? yes
02:32:06 <Belugas> well... i cannot use that mouse. my cat is too big for that :D
02:32:45 *** magnum34r has joined #openttd
02:33:38 <Belugas> but. i'm reading and it seems very interesting :D
02:34:38 <magnum34r> ok, who here has a psp?
02:34:40 <Aali> just don't try to link up a windows machine with anything
02:35:24 <Aali> even using the latest beta with some additional fixes for windows stupidity, its still not working 100%
02:36:09 <magnum34r> does any1 here play openttd 4 the psp?
02:36:27 <Belugas> any one
02:36:33 <Belugas> please
02:36:41 <Belugas> and it's not 4
02:36:43 <Aali> no but we do play proper english on IRC
02:36:43 <Belugas> it's for
02:36:47 <Belugas> thanks
02:37:24 <Belugas> understood, Aali. I'll give it a try sometimes
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02:37:49 <Belugas> magnum34r, the vast majority of us are pc-users.
02:37:57 <Belugas> yeah:D
02:39:15 <Aali> another one bites the dust
02:39:16 <Aali> heh
02:39:32 <Belugas> yeah >:)
02:39:39 <Belugas> i hate those clowns
02:39:57 <Aali> who doesn't?
02:40:00 <Belugas> yo man. wazup
02:40:04 <Belugas> buttheads
02:40:24 <Belugas> Aali, obviously, those from the same tribes :D
02:41:36 <Belugas> eMjay88, i tried all day to find the difference with the FS and your interpretation of it, in regards to what is in trunk
02:41:41 <Belugas> i'm still... puzzled
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02:45:17 <eMjay88> first, let me thank you for your time
02:45:29 <eMjay88> what is your interpretation of it so far?
02:46:08 <Belugas> hem... that he wanted to be able to specify a certain % of load before leaving to the next order
02:46:11 <Belugas> i think
02:46:34 <eMjay88> yep, thats what I though
02:46:37 <eMjay88> thought*
02:47:30 <eMjay88> is that in trunk already?
02:47:43 <Belugas> that i'm insane? yes, thanks :) they all say that!
02:47:55 <Belugas> i really do think it's in trunk alright :D
02:48:16 <Belugas> and it's even in 0.7 betas/rcs too
02:48:22 <eMjay88> What happened yesterday was that I thought I'd have a look and see if it was there
02:48:40 <eMjay88> and I saw that enum that looked like it was related to a percentage of loading
02:49:16 <Aali> actually
02:49:18 <eMjay88> so I asked if it had been implemented, and then thought that perhaps that was part of the conditional command "goto stationX if less than x% load"
02:49:34 <eMjay88> and this is where the confusion arose :P
02:49:59 <Aali> I think he wants vehicles to leave instantly after X% load even if there's more cargo waiting
02:50:05 <Aali> which is not possible currently
02:50:32 <Tefad> why do that? why not reduce size of train
02:50:44 <Aali> you can skip an order based on load, but once the vehicle is in the station, it will take all the cargo it can
02:50:46 <eMjay88> maybe you have 3 suppliers on one train line?
02:50:47 <Tefad> reusing train from other run?
02:51:40 <Aali> personally, I think it's a very un-important feature :P
02:51:45 <Belugas> well... if it's the case, i guess he would ask to reopen the feature request. if ever he cares, since it's an year old one
02:51:50 <Belugas> i agree Aali
02:52:15 <eMjay88> in my interpretation it was "load until at least x%"
02:52:18 <Belugas> and the chances of it been implemented like he want are really really really really reallr..... small
02:52:44 <eMjay88> so if you have a really big train and not much supply you might order it to wait until it was 50% loaded
02:53:02 <Belugas> eMjay88, it does not change bu not much, don't you think?
02:53:12 <eMjay88> yes
02:53:16 <eMjay88> it does not change much :P
02:53:17 <Belugas> it's alomost a rethoric difference
02:53:29 <eMjay88> since the train costs you while running you may as well transport as much as you can when you can
02:54:11 <Belugas> mmh... kde on my ubuntu install... let see
02:54:33 <Belugas> costs? yu think it was all about costs???
02:54:51 <Belugas> you
02:54:53 <Belugas> sorry
02:57:01 <eMjay88> I mean running costs of the train
02:57:08 <eMjay88> don't they still apply while the train is loading?
02:57:23 <Aali> depends on the train set
02:57:29 <eMjay88> default?
02:57:52 <Belugas> not sure. i think defaults are always applying
02:57:52 <Aali> default trains don't do any newgrf trickery, obviously :)
02:58:22 <Aali> but 2cc for example lowers running costs alot when speed == 0
02:58:40 <Belugas> i guess i should play more often... only time i do, it's with my son, nowaday
03:02:46 <eMjay88> so if running costs still apply, waiting for a full (or partial) load is a waste of money
03:04:03 <Belugas> but... but... we need to have money pumps!
03:04:36 <Belugas> either way, having a full train waiting to be loaded at a station is totlly unrealistic
03:04:47 <Belugas> so it's very nice the way it is :D
03:05:13 <Belugas> so it's a bit useless to cry for a few bucks been laid out during load.
03:05:16 <Belugas> PLUS!
03:05:38 <Belugas> if you do not pay for the train controler, you have to play for the loading crew!
03:05:48 <Belugas> and in real life, they do use some locomotove
03:05:51 <Belugas> so...
03:06:02 <Belugas> i guess it's pretty close to real life
03:06:06 <Belugas> fuck... it's sad
03:07:32 <eMjay88> hahaha
03:07:49 <eMjay88> Belugas: see topic
03:07:50 <eMjay88> :P
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03:10:33 <Belugas> hum?
03:10:49 <eMjay88> "Discussion of realism is now a quietable offence" :P
03:11:43 <Belugas> hey... when it's me, it's allowed! I'm The unrealism master mind!
03:11:54 <eMjay88> I have noticed that
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03:13:59 <Belugas> hehe
03:14:03 <Belugas> so...
03:14:05 <Belugas> good night
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03:14:29 <eMjay88> good night Belugas :)
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06:59:32 <el_en> 'day
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07:16:24 <dihedral> morning lads
07:16:55 <Forked> morning..
07:17:13 <dihedral> :-)
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07:24:25 <planetmaker> morning
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07:25:34 <dihedral> <- HAHAHA
07:26:07 <dihedral> i gotta say, i love the 2 responses below ^^
07:28:13 <Forked> I bet he never opened up the wiki
07:28:26 <petern> the whati?
07:28:36 <dihedral> whatiki
07:28:44 <Forked> I'm tempted to reply: STOP! Wikitime.
07:29:13 <dihedral> i love that he asks where to get the source from :-P he'll probably not even try before someone replies :-P
07:29:20 <Forked> anyway.. I setup mingw again the other day following the whutsthisi .. and only had to improvise on one step
07:30:25 <Timitry> Hahahahahaha
07:30:42 <Timitry> And then Alain gives him the link to the binaries, not to the source :P
07:33:30 <Forked> "can some one please update this patchs and i am off to bed"
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08:22:05 <dihedral> Timitry, the source is there also!!
08:22:14 <dihedral> in the *source* files
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09:08:28 <energetic>
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09:21:01 <DASPRiD> dihedral, "is also there"
09:21:03 <DASPRiD> :P
09:21:13 <DASPRiD> or, "is there, too"
09:21:37 <dihedral> actually it's not incorrect ^^
09:21:54 <DASPRiD> i never heard it like that.. and it sounds pretty wrong ;>
09:22:05 <dihedral> you are 100% german!!
09:22:08 <DASPRiD> and? :P
09:22:26 <dihedral> how would you have heard that, your teachers were 100% german also <- hehe
09:22:34 <DASPRiD> my grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-father was probably englishman? :P
09:22:35 <dihedral> and they such :-P
09:22:47 <DASPRiD> dihedral, because i'm pretty often in the US? ;)
09:22:58 <dihedral> who said it's us-english?
09:23:08 <DASPRiD> :P
09:23:13 <dihedral> they don't speak english anyway
09:23:31 <DASPRiD> nobody speaks english, UK speaks british, US speaks something else
09:23:32 <DASPRiD> ;)
09:23:39 <dihedral>
09:23:53 <dihedral> further down to the bottom of the page
09:24:04 <DASPRiD> never trust open dictionaries *G*
09:24:14 <DASPRiD> there is a button at the top "fehler melden"
09:24:15 <DASPRiD> ;P
09:24:31 * dihedral clicks on DASPRiD's 'fehler melden' button ^^
09:24:49 <DASPRiD> dihedral, there is just a single example "open to non-members also"
09:24:56 <DASPRiD> all other examples go against you ;>
09:25:04 <dihedral> they dont 'go agains' me
09:25:10 <dihedral> they just define other usages
09:25:24 <DASPRiD> no, the correct one :x
09:26:17 <dihedral> go play some php ^^
09:26:26 <DASPRiD> :p
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09:32:10 <DASPRiD> dihedral, uhm. lol, since when is "cogito, ergo sum" english? :>
09:32:14 <DASPRiD> leo really sucks :>
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09:34:09 <planetmaker> use instead - or better: additionally
09:34:30 <planetmaker> sometimes they're complimentary
09:34:35 <planetmaker> *complementary
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09:50:41 <DASPRiD> planetmaker, i always use actually
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10:42:14 <Hendikins> Hrm, I like this "Australia" scenario
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10:46:25 <racetrack> muhaha
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10:46:34 <Forked> gurgl
10:46:37 <racetrack> finally got "go to depot" to work for drive through depots with yapf
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10:51:03 <Forked> =)
10:51:40 <racetrack> yapf is insane. I think I'm just starting to get my head around it but I've sunk many many hours into it
10:52:54 <petern> ah, coding wise
10:53:01 <petern> yes, it's "a bit" of a monster
10:53:11 <petern> alas, it was probably another thing rushed in :p
10:53:34 <racetrack> really? how so?
10:54:22 <racetrack> I understand some of why its been done the way it has. unfortunately that makes it difficult to poke at and learn from
10:55:16 <racetrack> that said, I'm not use to using gdb with hardcore c++ code .. there might be some things i can do with it to make life easier
11:02:12 <Hendikins> Ah, I remember my one major fault playing this game. I try to be too elegant.
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13:19:02 <welshdragon> argh, my eyes.....
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13:36:15 <dihedral> welshdragon, yes?
13:36:21 <dihedral> any post in specific?
13:36:27 <welshdragon> dihedral: top one
13:37:03 <Belugas> i guess he means that Alain has a very strong sens of colour highligh
13:37:10 <welshdragon> yes
13:37:29 <dihedral> ahhhh
13:37:51 <dihedral> he has a lot more ^^
13:49:46 <petern> pom te pom
13:51:12 <welshdragon> dum de dum
13:52:31 <Ammler> bim bala bim
13:57:28 <Belugas> # REPTILE!
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14:08:24 <Belugas> # God IS Dead
14:08:31 <Belugas> # And No One Cares
14:08:53 <Belugas> # If there is a hell
14:08:58 <Belugas> # I'll see you there!
14:09:04 <petern> # tryin' to save myself but myself keeps slipping away
14:10:04 <Rubidium> oh noes... are you trying to be powell?
14:18:01 <baldur> 1882: Nietzsche said "God is dead"
14:18:19 <baldur> 1900: God replied: "Nietzsche is dead"
14:18:30 <Belugas> so did Trent Reznor in 1994
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14:21:09 <petern> hmm, tea keeps running out
14:29:01 <Belugas> strange... so is coffee
14:29:33 <petern> could do with a beer
14:30:14 <Belugas> :D
14:30:16 * petern restarts VS
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14:41:46 <Belugas> # shout shout shout shout shout me
14:42:01 <Belugas> # me and my fucking gun!!
14:42:23 <dihedral> Belugas, shout??
14:42:30 <dihedral> or shoot
14:42:59 <Belugas> hem... right
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14:48:33 <petern> hmm
14:48:38 <petern> echo -e is not -n
14:49:06 <petern> and hence, | md5sum is not hte same
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15:08:19 <planetmaker> Even worse, it's a screenshot :) <--- glx, please tell me, that it isn't true :D (quote from )
15:08:38 <glx> it's true, I opened the .doc
15:09:47 <totalwormage> :o
15:09:56 <petern>
15:10:38 <totalwormage> yeah that one is nice :]]]
15:10:46 <totalwormage> i wonder how many people knew of it existence
15:10:55 * glx wonders if it's visible on google earth
15:11:27 <totalwormage> i was just chicking :D
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15:11:32 <totalwormage> checking*
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15:26:14 <planetmaker> My guess is that it's visible, but barely so.
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15:28:50 <petern> visible on aerial view, but not other wise
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15:31:53 <planetmaker> petern: depends on your lens you use :)look at
15:32:08 <planetmaker> it with another hubble pointing downward...
15:33:47 <Rubidium> you can't make very clear pictures of earth from space
15:35:34 <planetmaker> oh, sufficiently clear...
15:35:39 <petern> ...
15:35:44 <planetmaker> adaptive optics are your friend :)
15:35:53 <petern> but we were talking about *google*'s maps
15:36:05 <planetmaker> petern: I found my car on google maps...
15:36:15 <planetmaker> and it's definitely smaller than a house.
15:36:32 <petern> depends on the location
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15:37:46 <Rubidium> just slowly zoom in. If you see a (massive) colour change when going between levels you're going from the sattelite image to the image made from a plane
15:37:50 <planetmaker> sure it does. But I don't live in a region with particular high detail. Downtown Berlin is mapped better. Probably other big cities, too
15:38:09 <petern> oh i see
15:38:10 <petern> sorry
15:38:19 <petern> i didn't realise YOU had a GIANT PENIS on your roof
15:38:25 <planetmaker> :P
15:38:47 <petern> and, grrr, why is my ssh forwarding not working :(
15:38:53 <planetmaker> I'm not living in England. I don't need to paint that on my roof in order to show my masculinity :P
15:39:13 <Rubidium> petern: he meant that one couldn't see his because of blurry sattelite images
15:40:48 <williham> Damn sattelites, depriving us of roofs whereupon penises are pictured!
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15:41:13 <HackaLittleBit> 3347'16.82"S,15117'22.53"E
15:41:26 <HackaLittleBit> zoom in and find shark
15:41:37 <planetmaker> Rubidium: well, yeah, google's satellite images don't show it.
15:41:39 <HackaLittleBit> ggogle earth
15:42:06 <planetmaker> But given a resolution in sum - meter range _is_ possible from a low Earth orbit, one could see it :)
15:42:33 <planetmaker> *sub-meter
15:46:42 <petern> METRE
15:49:21 <Rubidium> metreman!
15:49:41 <planetmaker> tell that NASA :P
15:50:19 * Hendikins wonders if he's the only one having regular bouts of "WTF was I thinking?" when playing this game :P
15:52:14 <Rubidium> if it involves cars you should send it as a suggestion to Top Gear ;)
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16:11:45 <Belugas> mmh... i need more CDs than what this card can hold :(
16:15:09 <petern> :/
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16:19:54 <eQualizer> Is this a bug or feature that when competitors go bankrupt, there isn't any question about bying them?
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16:23:34 <Rubidium> eQualizer: playing with more than one competitor, right?
16:23:57 <eQualizer> Yeah.
16:24:07 <Rubidium> then it might very well be that the other competitors got asked whether they wanted to buy it
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16:24:13 <eQualizer> ...though, my competitor is AdmiralAI, does that have something to do?
16:24:28 <Yexo> yes, NoAI competitors can't buy opponents
16:24:35 <Yexo> so it might very well be a bug
16:26:46 <eQualizer> Oh wait, could it have something to do with the "Allow bying shares from other companies" patch?
16:26:57 <eQualizer> Let's try what hapens.
16:27:56 <Belugas> hoo... yexo is going to add an email client to openttd :D nice !
16:28:03 <Belugas> heheh
16:28:13 <Yexo> :)
16:28:25 <petern> as long as it doesn't need indented dropdown lists
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16:41:35 <Yexo> petern: if that really bugs you that much, please revert that commit now instead of keeping complaining about it
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16:45:46 <Ammler> one more thread in graphics, and OpenGFX isn't on the frist page anymore :-(
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17:08:40 <eQualizer> Is there a way to make trains just go trough stations without stopping?
17:09:05 <Yexo> give them a "via" order
17:09:26 <Yexo> that is, if you don't want them to stop at your destination station
17:09:40 <Yexo> if you don't want your trains to stop at stations in-between, give them a non-stop order
17:10:10 <eQualizer> I'm just doing this network, and I was thinking about buildin stations where tracks are, and I noticed trains just stop there, and continue.
17:10:30 <Yexo> use a non-stop order
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17:13:10 <eQualizer> Ok, thanks.
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18:34:46 <Dalton> so when i screw up and now have no vehicles to build.. what's the easy fix
18:36:08 <Yexo> what is your problem? Did you just start a new game? Did you go bankrupt?
18:36:14 <Dalton> just a new game
18:36:19 <Yexo> what year are you in?
18:36:22 <Dalton> i was trying to fix the AI dying
18:36:49 <Dalton> hmm
18:36:53 <Dalton> i did change that one time
18:37:05 <Dalton> maybe i'm too far back in time to have vehicles?
18:37:30 <Yexo> that depends on what year you are in and what newgrfs you use
18:37:36 <planetmaker> 1930 is save anyway
18:37:49 <planetmaker> Before that... use 2cc and egrvts
18:38:07 <planetmaker> some other train grfs may have early trains, too
18:38:20 <Dalton> i didn't touch the trains
18:38:26 <Dalton> i did go to 1900
18:38:31 <Dalton> k i'll check that
18:38:39 <Dalton> i guess it doesn't really matter what year it is
18:38:47 <Dalton> ty for the help guys :D
18:40:04 <Belugas> [14:40] <Dalton> i guess it doesn't really matter what year it is <--- guessed wrong ;)
18:41:06 <Dalton> sure did
18:41:07 <el_en> here's how one should write a bug report:
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18:43:00 <Dalton> that did it..
18:43:36 <Dalton> i'm very happy somebody else had the love for TTD, and glad it's being kept alive
18:43:57 <glx> el_en: I like the bug details ;)
18:44:17 <el_en> me too :)
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18:46:25 <Prof_Frink> Dalton: patchman!
18:50:17 <planetmaker> el_en: with the attached image it's quite clear what's going wrong...
18:51:00 <glx> the only thing I see is he uses the wrong font
18:51:53 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r15834 /trunk/src/lang/ (5 files):
18:51:53 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-03-24 18:51:22
18:51:53 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: bulgarian - 13 fixed by Ar4i (13)
18:51:53 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: korean - 2 changed by dlunch (2)
18:51:53 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: latvian - 2 fixed by silentKnight (2)
18:51:55 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: luxembourgish - 14 fixed by Gubius (14)
18:51:55 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: polish - 22 fixed by xaxa (22)
18:52:14 <planetmaker> glx: exactly :)
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18:52:26 <goodger> you'd have thought the fact that the actual _chat_ is rendering perfectly would alert him to the idea that it's only the UI that's problematic
18:53:28 * planetmaker feels reminded of something half-bred in the ~/ottd/fixing directory...
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18:57:00 <planetmaker> <--- seems like we have another "I have so many brilliant ideas but no knowledge to do anything about them" - person...
18:58:48 <Yexo> Belugas: <- seems he didn't like our replies :)
19:00:25 <planetmaker> poor chap :P
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19:01:15 <Belugas> FUCK!!!
19:01:27 <Belugas> that is so silly...
19:01:38 <Belugas> who are we to ever contradict his Highness???
19:02:15 <Rubidium> Belugas: uru
19:02:37 <Rubidium> that's how I'm supposed to write that, right?
19:03:40 <Dalton> i got your meaning... so sure
19:05:22 <Belugas> :D
19:06:54 <Belugas> but i guess he is really against eddi's reply. it was quite sarcastic :)
19:07:29 <Yexo> either that or against mine, not that I really care
19:07:44 <goodger> to be fair, the search function in phpbb is profoundly awful
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19:08:19 <goodger> I've ran quite a few permutations of a search string that might find something I'm planning to discuss before, then started a thread and been covered in "dupe!" messages
19:09:08 <Yexo> goodger: that's not nice indeed, are you talking about a specific thread now?
19:10:38 <goodger> it was a while ago...
19:10:39 <goodger> let me see
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19:12:19 <toresbe> hello
19:12:27 <Yexo> hello toresbe
19:12:27 <toresbe> 0.7.0-RC2 gives me this error:
19:12:36 <toresbe> /usr/src/OpenTTD/compile/src/station_cmd.cpp:599: failed assertion ` == st->rect.bottom'
19:12:50 <goodger> ah, my fifteen-year-old self is coming back to haunt me
19:12:52 <Yexo> you compiled openttd yourself?
19:12:54 <goodger> "The site should use XHTML 1.0 Strict & CSS 2.0, because unless you want to use SGML, run it through a 70s printing press, and then have the output displayed via a cine camera on a TV screen, there is no other way"
19:12:57 <toresbe> Yexo: nope.
19:13:23 <Yexo> can you reproduce that error?
19:13:48 <toresbe> Very quickly. It freezes within one second of the opening screen.
19:13:59 <toresbe> OS X, 10.5.6, Intel.
19:14:29 <toresbe> Some kind of a bird sound comes on the speakers, and then crashbang.
19:14:51 <goodger> I'm afraid I can't find the specific thread I mentioned
19:14:51 <goodger> it might easily have been in a completely different PHPBB forum
19:15:33 <Yexo> toresbe: do you know how to compile yourself?
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19:16:15 <toresbe> Yexo: Yes, but it would involve setting up a development environment on this Mac. It's a special-purpose machine, so it would not be social of me to do so...
19:16:24 <toresbe> (sorry!)
19:16:59 <Yexo> no problem
19:17:07 <toresbe> I'll download the Nightly.
19:17:43 <Yexo> did 0.7.0-RC1 gave the same error?
19:19:08 <toresbe> nightly crashes too
19:19:28 <frosch123> he, that is my assertion :)
19:20:05 <frosch123> toresbe: does the error occur after you/a competitior built some station, or does it happen after loading a game?
19:20:05 <toresbe> 0.6.3 works
19:20:16 <toresbe> frosch123: immediate upon startup
19:20:29 <frosch123> nice, then please post the game on
19:20:48 <toresbe> Not of a game, but of the program itself
19:21:04 <Yexo> frosch123: upon startup = opentitle.dat
19:21:04 <frosch123> you mean in the main menu?
19:21:11 <toresbe> genau
19:21:18 <planetmaker> :D
19:21:57 <frosch123> well, then post your opntitle.dat, but only after you found the modified one :)
19:22:23 <toresbe> modified one?
19:22:31 <SmatZ> hehe
19:22:33 <toresbe> 0.6.3 works with the same data files
19:22:40 <planetmaker> :)
19:22:45 <SmatZ> toresbe: 0.6.3 doesn't have that assert
19:22:51 <planetmaker> toresbe: don't be fooled be those guys :)
19:23:00 <toresbe> I'm tired and easily confused ;)
19:23:01 <planetmaker> *by
19:24:40 <planetmaker> yeah... if I'm in that state, my irony detector also fails frequently
19:24:46 <planetmaker> ;)
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19:26:59 <el_en> Does TVE Internacional have EPG?
19:27:00 <planetmaker> it will be helpful, if you can tell people which version fails to work for you and which doesn't, toresbe
19:27:18 <planetmaker> epg = electromagnetic pulse generator?
19:27:48 <Yexo> planetmaker: you can just as well ask frosch123 when he introduced that assert
19:28:00 * planetmaker goes and grabs some food before I continue to write nonsense...
19:28:12 <frosch123> last autumn
19:28:18 <toresbe> planetmaker: 0.6.3 works, 0.7.0-rc2 and up do not.
19:28:23 <Yexo> toresbe: can you search your harddrive for opntitle.dat, and compare all of them?
19:28:35 <planetmaker> Yexo: well... :)
19:31:42 <toresbe> toresbe$ crc32 openttd*/*/*opntitle.dat
19:31:42 <toresbe> 4c5a0541 openttd-nightly/data/opntitle.dat
19:31:42 <toresbe> 4c5a0541 openttd/data/opntitle.dat
19:31:42 <toresbe> 4c5a0541 openttdRC2/data/opntitle.dat
19:33:09 <Yexo> hmm, crc32 gives 9bf1eed0 for opntitle.dat on my system
19:34:00 <SmatZ> same here, Yexo
19:34:16 <SmatZ> 9bf1eed0 that is :)
19:34:40 <Yexo> toresbe: can you verify the checksums of the files you downloaded?
19:35:03 <SmatZ> 769fb2e9 openttd-0.3.1/data/opntitle.dat
19:35:04 <SmatZ> e6d8ea51 openttd-0.3.3/data/opntitle.dat
19:35:09 <SmatZ> except these
19:35:27 <toresbe> hrmmm, hang on.
19:35:32 <SmatZ> 4c5a0541 openttd-0.1.4/opntitle.dat
19:35:34 <SmatZ> hahaha
19:35:38 <SmatZ> found it :)
19:35:51 <toresbe> :D
19:36:02 <toresbe> toresbe$ tar -tf openttd-data-sound-norwegian.tar | grep opntitle
19:36:02 <toresbe> openttd/data/opntitle.dat
19:36:11 <toresbe> I guess I screwed up the tar file some time ago, then.
19:36:23 <SmatZ> :-)
19:36:38 <Yexo> do you know you can put all the data files in documents?
19:36:49 <toresbe> Nope.
19:36:51 <toresbe> :)
19:36:53 <Yexo> that way you don't have to copy them to every instalation directory
19:37:20 <Yexo> no idea what the exact directory is for mac osx, but that'll be in readme.txt
19:37:26 <SmatZ> since 0.6 ;)
19:37:41 <SmatZ> I think :-x
19:38:02 * Yexo never used openttd before 0.6 :p
19:38:04 <toresbe> What files take precedence, then?
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19:38:19 <SmatZ> toresbe: readme.txt
19:38:19 <Yexo> toresbe: that's also in readme.txt :)
19:38:59 <toresbe> Do NOT copy files included with OpenTTD into "shared" directories (explained in
19:38:59 <toresbe> the following sections) as sooner or later you will run into graphical glitches
19:38:59 <toresbe> when using other versions of the game.
19:39:05 <toresbe> *whistles innocently*
19:39:28 <petern> well
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19:39:39 <petern> opntitle.dat should still work, no?
19:39:46 <SmatZ> it's mostly about openttd*.grf
19:40:01 <SmatZ> petern: I am just trying to find why (if) it fails
19:40:29 <toresbe> crashes anyway with the nightly, in the same way
19:41:20 <frosch123> so 0.1.4 :) sounds like a task for smatz :)
19:41:26 <SmatZ> :o)
19:41:28 <toresbe> is opntitle.dat included in modern versions?
19:41:37 <Yexo> yes
19:42:45 <toresbe> 9bf1eed0
19:42:53 <toresbe> there we go
19:43:56 <toresbe> whaddyaknow.
19:44:12 <toresbe> Doesn't crash if I rm the file in ~/Documents, but does if I don't.
19:44:17 <SmatZ> probably there is somewhere incorrect savegame version for save data
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19:44:28 <SmatZ> it crashes when loaded as regular game too
19:51:42 <SmatZ> hmm
19:53:11 <frosch123> maybe something with buoys?
19:53:24 <frosch123> like a buoy part of a usual station or similiar
19:53:53 <SmatZ> nope
19:54:11 <SmatZ> it seems savegame version 1 stores train station width in a different way
19:54:16 <SmatZ> than version 0 and 2
19:54:41 <frosch123> of course... what else?
19:55:13 <SmatZ> hmm it's probably unsolvable by looking at savegame version
19:55:35 <SmatZ> now I created a game in OTTD 0.1.4, and it had correct "OTTD-like" dimensions
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19:55:44 <petern> does it load in 0.6?
19:55:44 <SmatZ> so probably that opntitle.dat is broken
19:55:47 <petern> hm
19:56:08 <frosch123> petern: that assetion is part of the tileloop
19:56:08 <petern> probably doesn't come from 0.1.4, heh
19:56:21 <petern> meh
19:56:26 <petern> does it crash in 0.6? :p
19:56:31 <SmatZ> no
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19:58:03 <SmatZ> I think it was caused by incorrect savegame conversion from TTD savegame
19:58:25 <SmatZ> in OTTD 0.1.x
19:58:28 <frosch123> SmatZ: if it is caused by a train station, maybe recomputing trainst_w and trainst_h helps
19:58:41 <petern> is it worth it? heh
19:58:47 <frosch123> why is that stored in savegame anyway...
19:58:49 <SmatZ> but I thought official support for TTD savegames was added in 0.3 :)
19:58:50 <SmatZ> hehe
19:59:00 <petern> is it a different intro game or was it really converted from ttd? :o
19:59:02 <SmatZ> frosch123: I agree :)
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19:59:21 <SmatZ> petern: it is very similiar to that one in TTD
19:59:30 <SmatZ> I think it is the same
19:59:35 <petern> not the same as the current one?
19:59:40 <SmatZ> no
19:59:42 <petern> ah
20:03:26 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: yexo * r15835 /trunk/src/ (52 files in 4 dirs): -Codechange: Prevent using the return value of DrawString as much as possible.
20:03:59 <SmatZ> hmm yes, definitely 0.1.4 converts that TTD savegame incorrectly
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20:20:49 <petern> hmm
20:21:13 <petern> there's a lot of y += 10 or y += 12 that should, i assume, eventually use the font height...
20:21:23 <Rubidium> yup
20:21:37 <petern> but no doubt you've already a patch for that :p
20:21:56 <Rubidium> I don't
20:22:48 <planetmaker> now that's interesting... a bug converting the title screen :)
20:23:30 <planetmaker> looks indeed like a task for the code-archaeologist SmatZ ;)
20:23:43 <el_en> gnnnnnn, the german Dr. House doesn't sound at all like House.
20:23:59 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15836 /trunk/src/station_gui.cpp: -Fix [FS#2762]: acceptance not shown in the station window (swapping top and bottom isn't a great idea)
20:25:35 <SmatZ> planetmaker: the problem was in 0.1.x, and fixed already :)
20:25:48 <SmatZ> that savegame is broken
20:25:49 <planetmaker> :)
20:25:59 <planetmaker> what? Titlescreen is broken?
20:26:10 <planetmaker> :D
20:26:26 <planetmaker> now, that's even more incentive for a title screen competition ;)
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20:26:34 <petern> no
20:26:45 <SmatZ> 0.1.4/0.2.1 title screen :-p
20:26:47 <petern> try reading :p
20:27:18 <petern> Rubidium, "1,this", "1, STR"? :p
20:27:22 <planetmaker> he ... :P
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20:28:10 <Rubidium> argh
20:29:32 <Alberth1> hello
20:29:53 <Yexo> hello Alberth1
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20:43:42 <petern> no i won't
20:43:44 <petern> hurt you mama
20:43:47 <petern> but it's getting so hard
20:43:48 <petern> ahhhhhhhhhhhh
20:46:26 <petern> it's always the same it's just a shame that's all
20:47:16 <Belugas> let's call it a quieter and less darkish mood :D
20:47:53 <petern> gotta have a bit of genesis-pop every now & then
20:47:55 <petern> well
20:47:57 <petern> i do :o
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20:50:01 <petern> so
20:50:05 <petern> hooooooooooooooome by the sea
20:50:13 <petern> * 4
20:53:18 <petern> damn, jackrack crashed :/
20:58:29 <Brianetta> My branch line just won a subsidy (:
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21:05:46 <petern> oh
21:05:53 <petern> rhythmbox crash'd
21:06:26 <el_en> cra'sh
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21:09:38 <Rubidium> hmm... that sounds like an oldie
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21:13:24 <Nite_Owl> Hello all
21:18:36 <SmatZ> hello Nite_Owl
21:18:52 <Nite_Owl> Hello SmatZ
21:20:31 <planetmaker> hello Nite_Owl
21:20:49 <Nite_Owl> Hello planetmaker
21:24:09 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15837 /trunk/src/ (gfx.cpp station_gui.cpp): -Codechange: support SETX(Y) with RTL text, swap alignment for RTL text.
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21:53:02 <Limpaar> Hello everyone
21:53:14 <SmatZ> hello Limpaar
21:53:18 <Limpaar> is there any forum admins?
21:53:25 <SmatZ> sure
21:53:44 <Nite_Owl> Hello Limpaar
21:53:48 <Limpaar> registered to forum but I did not recieve activation mail
21:54:11 <SmatZ> Limpaar: for how long have you been waiting?
21:54:24 <Limpaar> approx 5 min :D
21:54:33 <planetmaker> :D
21:54:38 <SmatZ> :-p
21:54:45 <SmatZ> wait for tommorow
21:54:54 <Limpaar> not used to wait for confirmation mail longer than 5 min :D
21:54:58 <SmatZ> with my freemail, sometimes emails are stuck for hours
21:55:05 <SmatZ> because they are "greylisted" or such
21:55:20 <SmatZ> waiting for "it's not a spamsite" validation
21:56:32 <Limpaar> well if my registration is processed by system then there should be no problem cos I'm using Gmail and it is recieving e-mails really fast... but if some person have to approve it then I might really wait till tomorrow
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21:56:56 <Yexo> Limpaar: nobody has to approve your email
21:57:02 <Rubidium> it's not manually approved
21:57:11 <Yexo> you should receive it immediatly, but like all email there sometimes might be a delay
21:57:13 <loxs> hi folks, I can't figure out how to start a dedicated server with the "africa and middle east" map. Could you help please?
21:57:38 <Yexo> loxs: make a savegame of that map, then start openttd with ./openttd -D -g savegame.sav
21:58:28 <Limpaar> hehee... I can't figure out how to upgrade my OTTD so that I can play server game :D .. rookie
21:58:36 <loxs> hm, thanks Yexo... If I save some specific game rules in that save, will they be available on the dedicated server after that?
21:58:57 <Yexo> loxs: yes, all game-relevant settings are stored in the savegame
21:59:14 <Yexo> Limpaar: most servers are still using 0.6.3, so you'll have to download that to play on those servers
21:59:22 <Yexo> in general you always need the same version as the server
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22:00:23 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15838 /trunk/src/ (disaster_cmd.cpp namegen.cpp): -Fix: MSVC 64 bits warnings
22:00:44 <Limpaar> yeah... I'm not used to be such an idiot... but I have no idea what are you talking about... it's just that lately server game that I have been playing became unaccesible for me due to version
22:01:14 <Yexo> Limpaar: what openttd version do you have yourself? And what server did you play on?
22:01:48 <Limpaar> good quiestions... where could I find the answers? where can I check the version?
22:02:04 <Yexo> start openttd and look at the title bar
22:02:07 <Limpaar> I was playing CyberCenny's map... I have no idea what server is it on
22:02:26 <Limpaar> yup.. 0.6.3
22:02:39 <SmatZ> ???? how do you know you can't join that server when you don't know what server it was?
22:02:41 <Yexo> List of servers, you'll see that CyberKenny is using 0.7.0-RC1
22:02:55 <Yexo> so you'll have to download 0.7.0-RC1 to play on that server
22:03:14 <Limpaar> teah.. now we made it to the point why I came here.. how can I update it
22:03:26 <Yexo> just download 0.7.0-RC1
22:03:35 <Yexo>
22:03:41 <Rubidium> you ran the installer for 0.6.3?
22:04:01 <Yexo> <- that's the windows installer
22:04:09 <Limpaar> I have no idea.. just downloaded the game and played until now :D
22:06:13 <Limpaar> wow... and should I download all win32 files?... I'm just wondering why noone is making all-in-one packs
22:06:24 <Yexo> Limpaar: no, just the second link I gave you
22:06:27 <Yexo> that's only 1 file
22:08:27 * Limpaar trying the stuff
22:09:17 <Limpaar> yehhouu.. it works... thanx Yexo :D
22:09:56 <Yexo> have fun playing
22:09:59 <HackaLittleBit> Hello Developers I have made big mistake in my post about splitting tunnels and bridges. I assumed that bridge ellement between bridge heads were class 9. This was the case in ttdPatch. Not so in Openttd. Apology for the confusion, feel bad about it. :(
22:10:12 <Limpaar> I guess I don't need the forum anymore (it is too huge anyway especially if you don't know what you are looking for)
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22:12:37 <HackaLittleBit> What would you like me to do. Post this info in the forum or leave that post alone?
22:14:12 <Yexo> HackaLittleBit: just don't worry about it, if you want to edit your original post, that's fine, but don't feel obliged to do so
22:14:48 <Yexo> adding the correct information to that thread (in one way or another) is the best you can do now, that prevent other people making the same mistake in the future
22:14:58 <HackaLittleBit> Ok will edit it
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22:17:30 <HackaLittleBit> thanks you all for the fabulous work. bye
22:17:33 *** HackaLittleBit has quit IRC
22:18:52 <CIA-1> OpenTTD: rubidium * r15839 /trunk/src/highscore_gui.cpp: -Fix: high score text was (partly) off-screen when using RTL and the window was wider than 640 pixels
22:22:12 <SmatZ> a nice person he is
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22:23:07 <Rubidium> Yoda you speak like
22:23:32 <Rubidium> like Yoda I spoke
22:27:55 <SmatZ> yeah :o)
22:28:52 <SmatZ> I feel a bit Jedish when I speak this way
22:31:13 <toresbe> Jews don't like Yoda speak.
22:31:35 <toresbe> actually, "a nice person he is"
22:31:41 <toresbe> *is* Yiddish vernacular.
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22:44:47 <eMjay88> morning all
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22:47:32 <SmatZ> morning for you, eMjay88
22:48:09 <Nite_Owl> Hello eMjay88
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22:50:05 <Sacro> What are the dependancies for OpenTTD?
22:50:12 <Sacro> I have libpng, sdl, fontconfig, icu
22:50:15 <Sacro> do I need boost?
22:50:24 <Yexo> only for cargodest
22:50:27 <petern> no
22:50:39 <Sacro> Ahh, right
22:50:41 <Sacro> not for trunk
22:50:43 <Sacro> that's cool
22:51:17 <Yexo> that page lists all libraries
22:51:42 <Yexo> except those you already have, that's zlib and freetype2
22:52:18 <Sacro> Yeah
22:52:19 *** thingwath has quit IRC
22:52:25 <Sacro> zlib is already covered
22:52:28 <Sacro> probably by fontconfig
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22:52:37 <petern> libpng
22:52:49 <Sacro> Ah
22:53:00 <Sacro> right, namcap flags no errors
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23:01:05 <Sacro> @seen snorre
23:01:05 <DorpsGek> Sacro: I have not seen snorre.
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23:20:51 <Belugas> ho hoo... that Limpaar sounds a bit like "i do not know what I'm doing and I can't be arsed to serach a little bit"
23:22:45 <welshdragon> argh
23:23:04 <welshdragon> the cargodest thread is getting spammed
23:23:22 <Yexo> s/cargodest thread/development forum/ :)
23:24:35 <Rubidium> s/development //
23:25:00 <welshdragon> yes, i blame 2007alain2007
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23:38:49 <Belugas> spammed... as if there was anything new being spammed...
23:44:30 <Belugas> and that Alain guy, more and more, sounds like Richk
23:44:45 <Belugas> can you update? i'm doing something else :D
23:46:05 <Rubidium> updating is easy; just do a svn up ;)
23:49:50 <Belugas> but.. i'm tooo tiiiiired... please.... do it.... for me....
23:49:55 <Belugas> hehe
23:50:23 <toresbe> Yexo: what was the conclusion about my halfwaybugreport?
23:50:31 <welshdragon> he's just a ;tard
23:51:03 <glx> <@Rubidium> updating is easy; just do a svn up ;) <-- but sometime there are conflicts ;)
23:51:31 <Yexo> toresbe: that you were using an invalid savegame as opntitle.dat
23:51:45 <toresbe> Yexo: ...shouldn't it not crash even if that is the case, though?
23:51:55 <Yexo> the opntitle.dat bundled with 0.1.4 and 0.2.1 was invalid
23:51:56 <toresbe> like a big "IDIOT! YOU ARE USING A BROKEN SAVEGAME!" sign?
23:52:12 <Yexo> it should, but currently it doesn't :)
23:52:26 <toresbe> Fair enough. :)
23:52:41 <toresbe> Thanks for the help though, i realize I didn't thank y'all, sorry.
23:53:23 <Yexo> + the fact that the savegame is invalid isn't detected during load time, but when running the game
23:53:47 <Yexo> as soon as the game is loaded the game doesn't know whether the crash was caused by a faulty savegame or by a programming error
23:54:48 <toresbe> What, specifically, is the problem with the file?
23:55:04 <Yexo> I don't know, ask SmatZ for the details
23:55:53 <Rubidium> glx: then assume svn up --accept postpone
23:56:27 <glx> anyway updating a patch requires knowledge and time
23:59:15 <toresbe> Yexo: I'll go to bed and check for scrollback. :)