IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2024-07-30
02:47:12 *** debdog has joined #openttd
02:50:34 *** D-HUND has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
03:05:20 <reldred> I'm going to be honest, I'm still really surprised when bluetooth actually works in a linux distro
03:10:25 <reldred> spoke too soon, audio cuts every minute or two briefly
03:45:16 <dwfreed> works fine on my debian bookworm system
04:07:35 <reldred> yeah these were airpods on an old gen 1 surface go
04:08:43 <reldred> which I'm surprised even runs linux considering what microsoft have been like with surfaces, at least ubuntu comes with the surface kernel
04:12:53 <johnfranklin> Will `sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root` on WSL destroy the Windows system too?
04:13:03 <reldred> shouldn't
04:13:30 <reldred> wsl is virtualized, it makes mount points back to the windows fs
04:13:40 <johnfranklin> The problem is windows system is listed in /mnt in wsl
04:13:48 <reldred> yeah that's not /
04:23:31 *** keikoz has joined #openttd
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04:26:39 *** Ox7C5_ has joined #openttd
04:26:59 <goddess_ishtar> reldred: it took a bit of finagling for my Arch install
04:52:20 *** gnu_jj has joined #openttd
05:03:36 <dwfreed> johnfranklin: exact effect will depend on whether Windows allows root within WSL to be considered elevated on Windows, but it will definitely still remove a lot of things you don't want removed, generally
05:03:50 <dwfreed> reldred: rm -r will cross mountpoints
05:04:39 <reldred> ooooh spicy
05:04:48 <reldred> didn't think it did
05:05:10 <dwfreed> need --one-file-system for that
05:06:42 <reldred> I mean, at that point if you're already running --no-preserve-root and adding --one-file-system you're already willingly committing unalive
05:07:01 <dwfreed> heh
05:08:32 <andythenorth> peter1139: forked from FIRS innit
05:55:34 *** Flygon has joined #openttd
06:36:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] eints-sync[bot] pushed 1 commits to master
06:36:40 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
07:56:43 *** SigHunter has quit IRC ()
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08:03:47 <peter1139> Well.
08:48:02 <peter1139> Hmm, `var` (`auto` in C++) is a blessing and a curse...
09:27:01 *** somesmurf has joined #openttd
09:27:01 <somesmurf>
09:27:01 <somesmurf> Would it be possible to have irregular map sizes? Or a way to I guess 'skip' loading certain portions of the map? Most of what I'll be doing is by the coast outside the red and it'd be nice to cut down on the world ticks, although I understand if it's not possible
09:37:42 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd
09:43:33 *** lobstarooo_ has joined #openttd
09:48:52 <peter1139> No. You can crop a heightmap to the area you want, but in game the world dimensions are always powers-of-2 (-2).
09:59:26 *** lobstarooo has joined #openttd
10:06:08 *** Ox7C5_ has quit IRC ()
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12:43:35 <johnfranklin> Someone with Traditional Chinese language said their openttd crashed after installing "Discord channel #openttdcoop NewGRF package" on bananas.
12:45:35 <goddess_ishtar> ...which one?
12:46:01 <goddess_ishtar> oh is that literally what it's called?
12:46:10 <johnfranklin>
13:14:06 *** nielsm has joined #openttd
13:23:35 <johnfranklin>
13:23:35 <johnfranklin> hmm
13:31:14 <goddess_ishtar> ...I'm pretty sure that's not a joke in the Anglosphere, no
13:31:26 <goddess_ishtar> or at least the parts I'm familiar with
13:31:44 <wensimehrp> johnfranklin: tell them to not use it. It's just a blank grf.
13:31:44 <wensimehrp> yagl_version: "v1.2.2-0-g679a0ca";
13:31:44 <wensimehrp> grf_format: Container1;
13:31:44 <wensimehrp> // Record #1
13:31:44 <wensimehrp> grf // Action08
13:31:46 <wensimehrp> {
13:31:46 <wensimehrp> grf_id: "MG\x05\x01";
13:31:48 <wensimehrp> version: GRF7;
13:31:48 <wensimehrp> name: "#openttdcoop NewGRF package 8.0";
13:31:50 <wensimehrp> description: "{new-line}";
13:31:50 <wensimehrp> }
13:31:52 <wensimehrp> // Record #2
13:31:52 <wensimehrp> properties<GlobalSettings, 0x0000> // Action00
13:31:54 <wensimehrp> {
13:31:54 <wensimehrp> // instance_id: 0x0000
13:31:56 <wensimehrp> {
13:31:56 <wensimehrp> grf_overrides: [ "\xDE\xAD\x02\x01" "TW\x01\x01" ];
13:31:58 <wensimehrp> }
13:31:58 <wensimehrp> }
13:38:13 <wensimehrp> I mean, almost blank
13:38:13 <wensimehrp> I cannot find `\xDE\xAD\x02\x01` on Bananas NewGRF list. Maybe it's in the openttdcoop archives
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14:02:07 <brickblock19280> That shouldn't crash the game thi
14:10:17 <merni> johnfranklin: Must be quite new if it refers to malls though
14:20:28 <johnfranklin> merni: "百货大楼" refers to somehow "old-style department store", but just for the rhyme
14:21:47 <wensimehrp> merni: Nah that saying is probably older than my grandparents
15:38:03 *** f_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
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16:11:53 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
16:25:30 *** akimoto has joined #openttd
19:28:06 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
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19:36:58 <_glx_> johnfranklin: looks like a scam package
19:38:04 <_glx_> ottdcoop uses many newgrf, and if they are not on bananas this pack won't help
19:41:31 <_glx_> or it's just the 0_info.grf from the archive
19:46:15 <goddess_ishtar> I assumed it was just a meta-package to download the others by dependency
19:46:52 <goddess_ishtar> but that makes no sense because OpenTTD installs grfs automatically when connecting to a server
19:46:55 <_glx_> ottdcoop pack is for grfs not available on bananas
20:00:27 <_glx_> ok it's actually not findable in bananas, I think it's a dummy saveload-only grf to provide the website to download full package
20:01:33 <_glx_> there's no way to install it without an openttdcoop savegame
20:03:00 *** lobstarooo has joined #openttd
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20:22:42 <_glx_> wensimehrp: \xDE\xAD\x02\x01 is ECS adapter for the US Set (which is TW\x01\x01)
20:51:32 *** Flygon has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20:57:29 *** lobstarooo_ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:08:30 <reldred> The pack is still available on the openttdcoop wiki, I downloaded it a couple days ago
21:44:27 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd
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21:50:38 *** keikoz has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
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21:52:32 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC (Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.)
22:39:10 *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:59:14 *** nielsm has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
23:02:12 *** tokai|noir has quit IRC (Quit: c('~' )o)
23:21:56 *** manu has joined #openttd
23:23:34 <manu> does this game have a campaign now?
23:23:40 <manu> i always felt kinda lost
23:23:52 <reldred> No
23:25:39 <manu> :/
23:32:47 *** manu has left #openttd (WeeChat 4.3.5)