IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2024-06-07
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01:27:54 *** Wormnest has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
02:02:02 *** herms6 has quit IRC (Quit: bye)
02:09:11 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai
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02:58:41 *** gnu_jj_ has joined #openttd
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04:23:04 *** Flygon has quit IRC (Quit: A toaster's basically a soldering iron designed to toast bread)
04:43:14 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
07:05:12 *** SigHunter has joined #openttd
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07:19:13 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
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08:43:39 <ahyangyi> peter1138: We need top-to-bottom languages π
08:43:59 <peter1138> That's an interesting challenge for UI design.
08:44:32 <peter1138> Computers have basically been designed only for horizontal languages.
09:07:14 <peter1138> Whatever changes you made, you wiped them out with your update.
09:08:01 <LordAro> those comments are perfect for variables, imo
09:08:11 <LordAro> rather than inline comments like that, which are a bit nasty
09:08:36 <peter1138> Inline comments inside if-conditions are a no from me.
09:09:58 <peter1138> I might. I have no yet.
09:10:52 <peter1138> Anything power-metery is π¦
09:11:15 <LordAro> pickpacket: much better
09:11:49 <LordAro> could even wrap the whole thing in an `if (cur == TACT_BRIBE)`
09:11:59 <LordAro> unless there's some surrounding code that would make more sense as a switch?
09:11:59 <peter1138> That whole loop is a bit weird.
09:12:37 <LordAro> peter1138: i still keep thinking about getting speedplays
09:12:43 <peter1138> "Loop through all the possible options, and then apply conditions based on its type"
09:13:00 <peter1138> Those are the weird round pedals
09:13:26 <LordAro> but they're supposed to be good for your knees, while still maintaining some amount of walkability
09:14:17 <LordAro> but they're still Β£expense
09:14:24 <peter1138> Compared to SPD-SL? I've always used SPD which have a bit of movement in them.
09:14:45 <peter1138> Yeah. More expensive even.
09:15:02 <LordAro> i've always used SPD too
09:15:54 <peter1138> Crank power meters also seem more popular, they're probably more robust than stuffing it all inside a pedal, although my riding colleagues often complain of problems with them.
09:16:16 <LordAro> pedals are certainly easier to swap between bikes
09:17:28 <peter1138> That is what I'm thinking.
09:17:45 <peter1138> Plus I do do MTB too, so buying the MTB pedals kinda makes sense for me.
09:17:59 <peter1138> Although not buying anything does too, because I don't actually need a power reading.
09:19:22 <LordAro> riding to HR has always done me fine
09:19:48 <LordAro> and occasionally asking the guy next to me how much power they're doing :p
09:21:02 <peter1138> My knee is still bad after 2 months, which is pretty concerning. So I'm wondering 1) what's the point, I'll never have the power I used to have, or 2) maybe it'll help me recover by not straining it.
09:21:02 <pickpacket> peter1138: I agree that it's weird having it in a loop like that. Some sort of mask would be better.
09:21:45 <LordAro> pickpacket: definitely best so far
09:23:31 <peter1138> I don't really know what pickpacket is solving here.
09:24:08 <peter1138> There's no need to test for `cur == TACT_BRIBE` twice
09:26:34 <pickpacket> peter1138: I don't do that in the latest version :) because, as you said, there's no need for it
09:27:08 <LordAro> hmm, lakes are looking a bit damp on sunday
09:32:54 <pickpacket> ugh... became a new PR for reasons
09:33:33 <peter1138> Because you originally did it on your master branch which is always a bad idea.
09:33:59 <peter1138> Would be nice if github could disallow master -> master PRs.
09:34:29 <peter1138> If (source_branch == target_branch) dont_be_silly();
09:34:57 <peter1138> You still have two `cur == TACT_BRIBE` tests.
09:35:43 <peter1138> And you still ignored our commit title rules π
09:35:58 <peter1138> And the PR template.
09:41:48 <pickpacket> I have a very good excuse for all that: I'm dumb
09:46:59 <pickpacket> I'm going to give it another test before updating the PR
09:47:09 <pickpacket> Make sure I haven't broken anything
09:59:22 *** peter1139 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
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10:24:17 <ahyangyi> peter1138: What about main -> master PRs π
10:24:38 <peter1138> Not the same branch so no issue.
10:55:25 <pickpacket> Speaking of highly intelligent beings; I could have compiled over lunch, but it didn't even occur to me
10:55:43 <pickpacket> at least I'm using my work laptop now. Lots quicker
11:13:49 <johnfranklin> I have no idea about "good GitHub habit" and always ```JohnFranklin523/China-Set-Trains/main -> OpenTTD-China-Set/China-Set-Trains/main```
11:14:06 <johnfranklin> What's the problem?
11:19:46 <Eddi|zuHause> pickpacket: if you do other things while the computer does automated things, how do you watch the computer doing automated things?
11:20:09 <pickpacket> Eddi|zuHause: this is true
11:20:39 <pickpacket> I have 11h of self-study time to use at work each month. Today is all about C++. I.e. OpenTTD
11:23:05 <peter1138> johnfranklin: You cannot update your local copy of main with the upstream version of main, because your changes are in i.t
11:32:36 <johnfranklin> Still don't understand
11:33:45 <peter1138> You make changes to your own "main".
11:33:54 <peter1138> Upstream makes changes to actual main.
11:34:31 <peter1138> You cannot update your own main with those changes because it's different.
11:35:41 <ahyangyi> But you can create a local branch `upstream` that tracks the upstream/main...?
11:35:59 <ahyangyi> or just don't have that branch
11:36:06 <johnfranklin> That is why after I PR to the project, it always says "your branch is 1 commit behind"?
11:36:08 <ahyangyi> and use `upstream/main` when necessary
11:36:54 <peter1138> True you can use a different branch name for your local main. But it's better to just use a branch for your changes and keep main the same.
11:40:32 <_jgr_> You don't have to have the upstream branch in a local named branch at all to do what;s necessary for a PR
11:41:25 <johnfranklin> So the good solution is... create a branch directly in `OpenTTD-China-Set/China-Set-Trains` and use this branch to do personal update?
11:42:13 <ahyangyi> for feature branches, usually naming the branch after the feature is a good idea
11:42:48 <ahyangyi> (admittedly I often change the goal halfway though, wanted to do A but did B instead because of reasons)
11:44:06 <peter1138> No, create a branch in JohnFranklin523/China-Set-Tains/<whatever>
11:57:14 <pickpacket> but why is the commit message not updated? :(
11:59:34 *** gelignite has quit IRC (Quit: Stay safe!)
11:59:48 <pickpacket> right, it is. It just doesn't reflect in the PR description
12:01:23 <pickpacket> I can close the PR and make a new one if that's better. You guys decided
12:02:21 <peter1138> You can edit the PR title...
12:20:50 <peter1138> tt-forums has profile space for Skype, ICQ and Yahoo Messenger. Such relevant.
12:31:26 <pickpacket> there we go. Very small and nigh invisible edit button. Also very few brain cells today
12:37:21 <ahyangyi> Does it support AIM?
12:39:23 <pickpacket> Skype sort of still exists
13:21:08 *** nielsm has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
14:18:55 <audigex> Skype exists but seems basically entirely unused since Teams became a thing
14:19:14 <audigex> If I log into Skype now thereβs literally nobody on my contacts list online
14:19:45 <johnfranklin> ICQ is said to be closed
14:21:25 <audigex> Yeah ICQ was a recent thing, Iβm not sure if itβs just closed or just about to, but one of the other
14:31:42 <pickpacket> I really liked ICQ back in the day
15:19:37 <Flygon> There's one person I know that refuses to move away from Skype.
15:44:57 <LordAro> i use it for family communications
15:45:04 <LordAro> no idea how Teams would work for that
15:45:16 <Flygon> Microsoft Teams for family communications sounds horrifying
15:45:33 <peter1138> Teams for anything is horrifying.
15:45:38 <Flygon> I'm concerned with how much Discord and Telegram has eaten up everything
15:46:15 <peter1138> Discord will be enshittenating for sure.
15:46:15 <Flygon> I realised Discord was approaching a potential "It's only going to get worse from here" point when I noticed a good chunk of my family began using it.
15:46:36 <peter1138> e.g. training LLM on our chats...
15:47:04 <Flygon> I remember being told 20 years ago, "If something is free on the internet, you are the product".
15:47:09 <Flygon> That's truer now than it ever was.
15:47:21 <LordAro> it's only become truer with time
15:49:02 <Flygon> If the move away from Skype was disruptive.
15:49:28 <Flygon> The eventual/inevitable move away from Discord (and to a lesser extent Telegram) is going to be...
15:49:33 <Flygon> I'm going to be honest
15:49:41 <Flygon> I can't visualise in my head how destructive it's going to be.
15:54:10 <LordAro> why would any of this be "destructive" ?
15:55:44 <_jgr_> In the long run very little of it would be really missed if it disappeared
15:59:30 <pickpacket> I have discord but given the option I'll choose IRC
16:02:01 <Flygon> Destructive to communities and interpersonal connections.
16:02:25 <Flygon> I'm someone that's talked with a lot of artists, and every IM platform shift results in severed connections that are not repairable.
16:02:43 <Flygon> Not great for communities that rely heavily on word of mouth and maintained social connections.
16:02:51 <Flygon> Those strings are more tenuous than one may assume
16:03:23 <Flygon> The point isn't the chat platform itself.
16:03:33 <Flygon> It's the social connections maintained on those.
16:07:17 <Flygon> In the past, this sort of thing was more stable because there was a sheer number of platforms people knew to contact each other by. The redundancy was a feature, not a bug.
16:07:27 <Flygon> Now there is no redundancy with sufficiently large numbers.
16:08:09 <Flygon> Discord has eaten the entire chat market, and the second place in Telegram is busily, uh... certainly making some interesting decisions.
16:09:40 <peter1138> TeamSpeak doesn't run on for me these days.
16:11:19 <peter1138> And nobody ever used mumble π
16:11:36 <Ox7C5> I did, about 15-20 years ago
16:13:08 <LordAro> found it much nicer than teamspeak
16:13:46 <Flygon> I'm still astounded how rapidly those dedicated voice speech apps died.
16:14:07 <Flygon> I was part of running a community that had an active Teamspeak server supplementing its IRC
16:14:47 <Ox7C5> People trended more towards multimedia and rich presence stuff
16:14:59 <Flygon> It's still the third biggest IRC channel on that IRC network
16:15:02 <Ox7C5> A lot of people find "setting up a server" easier on Discord
16:15:15 <Flygon> But it's now much "deader" than the two biggest chanenls
16:15:22 <Flygon> And the network itself lost 90% of its users.
16:16:15 <peter1138> Hmm, is 300% scaling "pixel-perfect"?
16:16:31 <peter1138> Of course, the answer is 'depends' :/
16:17:51 <peter1138> Only if all the graphics at 1x zoom level.
16:20:40 *** kelostone has joined #openttd
17:08:07 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
18:02:27 <andythenorth> sortable table grid view in story book?
18:02:38 <andythenorth> perhaps react.js? π
18:03:10 <andythenorth> can we run a browser in the game?
18:19:11 <peter1139> I can do the IRC thing too, so ner.
18:22:17 <andythenorth> I can write python to write GS that writes react to generate html and js
18:29:41 *** kelostone has quit IRC (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
18:33:47 <peter1139> I've not looked at Reddit for a while.
18:34:14 <peter1139> First thing pinned in /r/OpenTTD is a *14.0* release post.
19:39:43 <andythenorth> GSStoryPage.SPET_LOCATION
19:39:53 <andythenorth> "An element that displays a single line of text along with a button to view the referenced location."
19:41:28 <andythenorth> hmm we've got GSStoryPage.Show()
19:41:45 <andythenorth> have we got an event for hotkeys?
19:41:55 <andythenorth> debugging via the storybook involves a lot of clicking currently
19:42:25 <peter1139> Too busy watching This Old Tony.
19:43:23 <andythenorth> is it Big Clive, but different
19:43:44 <andythenorth> GSEventHotKey doesn't exist
19:44:06 <andythenorth> probably won't pass review, because GS doesn't do callbacks, and events are too slow for hotkeys?
19:44:53 <andythenorth> "can't imagine anyone ever complaining about that" π
19:52:08 <andythenorth> I have the GS log on alt-D
19:52:18 <andythenorth> I want a hotkey for my storybook debugger π
19:52:22 *** iateher has joined #openttd
19:52:56 <iateher> in new game options i dont have a "land generator" option
19:53:42 <andythenorth> hmm hotkeys.cfg has storybook
19:54:02 <andythenorth> and alt+S is next alt+D π
19:54:33 <andythenorth> Can we have hotkeys to cycle the storypage? There are next and previous buttons
19:57:14 * andythenorth trying to find where hotkey bindings are
19:58:19 <andythenorth> found `Hotkey(0, "story_book", MTHK_STORY)`
19:59:25 <andythenorth> so we'd need a HotkeyList for storybook page
20:04:41 *** iateher has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)
20:05:39 <andythenorth> maybe I should have patched so RefreshSelectedPage has GS command π
20:06:06 <andythenorth> GSStoryPage.RefreshPage?
20:13:29 <peter1139> I should change that chain.
20:13:41 <peter1139> But, uh, it's "cold" outside and...
20:23:31 <peter1139> Also I managed to drop a fork on my toe :S
20:59:58 <peter1139> I think that one was a casualty of my widget map changes, where previously sometimes invalid widget indices would just be ignored.
21:00:56 <_glx_> but it was wrong even if it used to work
23:25:16 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC (Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.)
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