IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2023-11-07
00:09:45 *** Alkel_U3 has joined #openttd
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01:23:50 *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
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07:53:35 <truebrain> I now have IPv6 offloading enabled, which makes IPv6 go broommmmm
08:43:31 <peter1138> Urgh, so many stashes :/
08:44:52 <LordAro> ikr
08:45:03 <LordAro> i've started giving mine names in an attempt to keep them under control
08:45:06 <LordAro> doesn't help
08:48:19 <peter1138> I tried committing to branches too, as that's the things with cheap branches...
08:48:21 <peter1138> But no.
09:16:14 *** nolep[m] has joined #openttd
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10:14:43 <peter1138> Searching for the word "net" in .Net source code is always fun.
10:25:30 <LordAro> hmm, RAID0 across 4 NVMe drives
10:25:32 <LordAro> this should be fun
10:34:36 <Eddi|zuHause> sounds like a terrible idea
10:44:59 *** thelonelyellipsis[m] has joined #openttd
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10:47:56 <peter1138> It does.
11:00:01 <peter1138> > ERROR: cannot drop columns from view
11:00:03 <peter1138> :(
11:02:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] NisheshTyagi opened issue #459: [hi_IN] Translator access request
11:06:55 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] NisheshTyagi commented on issue #459: [hi_IN] Translator access request
11:18:07 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] glx22 commented on issue #459: [hi_IN] Translator access request
11:29:04 *** D-HUND is now known as debdog
12:12:17 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] NisheshTyagi started discussion #11448: How to properly translate.
12:22:46 *** jinks has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC -
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13:54:16 <georgevb> Full animation does not work for me
13:54:19 <georgevb>
13:54:54 <georgevb> Is I the only person with this problem or somebody has it too?
13:55:24 <georgevb> Water is static (does not change )
14:02:28 *** Flygon has quit IRC (Quit: A toaster's basically a soldering iron designed to toast bread)
14:03:17 <peter1138> Works for me.
14:14:07 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #11447: Change: Show empty string drop down entries as divider.
14:21:42 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler approved pull request #11430: Change: Tweak depot/station/object picker windows for consistency.
14:28:32 *** magdalena[m] has joined #openttd
14:31:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #11447: Change: Show empty string drop down entries as divider.
14:32:58 <LordAro> parse_command_line is 900 lines long
14:33:06 <LordAro> and does things that are not parsing the command line
14:33:08 <LordAro> urgh.
14:35:04 <peter1138> I just had a "let's just go through the task planner" video call...
14:35:13 <peter1138> 1h30m later... :/
14:36:55 <talltyler> Oof
14:38:41 <peter1138> Funnily enough I've lost idea of what I was working on.
14:38:47 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler updated pull request #11435: Feature: Use seconds for timetables
14:42:49 <georgevb> peter1138: This string in the config causes it
14:42:49 <georgevb> blitter = "32bpp-optimized"
14:43:21 <peter1138> Yes, that would do it.
14:54:54 *** nielsm has joined #openttd
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15:33:09 <jfs> NisheshTyagiviaGitHu: wasn't there a translation guide on the old wiki? I'm not sure how to find that link now
15:34:41 <jfs> I found it
15:38:09 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on discussion #11448: How to properly translate.
16:01:03 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler updated pull request #11030: Add hotkey to focus filter box on town and industry directories
16:01:52 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #11030: Add hotkey to focus filter box on town and industry directories
16:02:35 <LordAro> good news everyone, Ada's getting string interpolation
16:06:47 <talltyler> Good for her
16:09:14 *** robamd64 has joined #openttd
16:09:14 <robamd64> Just for the record, the OpenTTD dedicated server runs surprisingly well on an 800mhz CPU running Alpine Linux i686 lol
16:09:37 <LordAro> robamd64: on a 64x64 blank map? :D
16:10:19 <robamd64> I think it loaded a 256x256 map, I offloaded my entire ~/.local/share/openttd folder onto the server via scp
16:11:10 <robamd64> I did notice some stuttering but that's because of the oddball Via Ethernet controller only putting through like 2mb/s
16:11:12 <peter1138> The game should fly tbh.
16:11:42 <peter1138> Although I guess we're not as efficient as the pre-C++ switch.
16:11:47 <LordAro> who's got TTD's requirements to hand?
16:12:38 <robamd64> The annoying part is for some reason I cloned the repository instead of using the most recent release, and it takes ages to compile natively
16:12:40 <goddess_ishtar> peter1138: it's hard to beat Assembly for computational efficiency :p
16:12:58 <peter1138> 486 25MHz 4MB, or something.
16:13:13 <FLHerne> yeah, I used to play OTTD routinely on a 350MHz PPC, it was my normal machine then
16:13:24 <FLHerne> and it ran acceptably on a 133MHz oe
16:13:26 <FLHerne> n
16:13:27 <robamd64> peter1138: Via C3 2000+ 800mhz with 1gb RAM
16:14:15 <robamd64>
16:14:15 <robamd64>
16:14:15 <robamd64> The "server" in question lol
16:14:31 <FLHerne> 512MB and 64MB respectively I think; current OTTD might struggle with the latter
16:15:01 <FLHerne> neat server
16:15:07 <peter1138> Hmm, maybe I should try an ARM docker container on my router...
16:16:16 <robamd64> Those are swappable hard drive bays by the way
16:16:19 <FLHerne> :D
16:16:37 <peter1138> Yes but not hot-swappable :)
16:16:40 <FLHerne> I think the only ARM device I've played OTTD on was my friend's OpenPandora
16:16:48 <robamd64> Yes definitely NOT hot swappable lol
16:17:21 <robamd64> I've been thinking about changing the spinning disk Samsung HDDs to quieter flash storage, maybe like an SSD
16:17:37 <FLHerne> 600MHz OMAP SoC
16:18:12 <peter1138> Aww, this one is ARM64 :/
16:20:05 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
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16:50:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TopherLee513 updated pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
16:50:29 <pickpacket> I often play on a RPi 3B+ (
16:56:49 <robamd64> Here's an hw-probe of the Via machine
16:57:36 <robamd64> I have it switched to the iGPU but it's all redundant now since it runs headless on my network
17:03:24 *** keikoz has joined #openttd
17:17:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
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17:55:22 <alfagamma7> Oof my laptop is falling apart
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18:19:56 <goddess_ishtar> wait
18:20:33 <goddess_ishtar> I don't know git that well, but if you don't allow merge commits how can anyone add things at all? is there some other way that doesn't involve merging?
18:22:31 <goddess_ishtar> oh you'd just use rebasing
18:26:23 <LordAro> yup
18:26:47 <peter1138> Rebase and merge or Squash and merge.
18:27:34 <peter1138> I dunno why, probably keeps some things simpler.
18:27:55 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN merged pull request #11430: Change: Tweak depot/station/object picker windows for consistency.
18:28:10 <ahyangyi> squash is a rebase strategy
18:28:29 <peter1138> I am aware.
18:29:07 <ahyangyi> Yep, I realized it was a stupid comment and deleted it from discord
18:29:55 <goddess_ishtar> I've only used Git for tiny personal projects so I don't actually have much experience with using it as intended :p
18:37:50 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] eints-sync[bot] pushed 1 commits to master
18:37:51 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
18:41:56 <robamd64>
18:41:56 <robamd64> Currently in the soul-crushing process of waiting for OpenTTD to compile on this garbage
18:43:49 <peter1138> Especially useful is that it's compiling the SSE code that is probably not much use on it :)
18:51:38 <LordAro> goddess_ishtar: the only place that uses it "as intended" is the linux kernel :p
18:54:09 <Rubidium> so even git abandoned the "as intended" way of using git? ;D
18:58:13 <peter1138> Emailing patches?
18:59:05 <goddess_ishtar> one of these days I'll remember to check if the program works before making the commit instead of making three commits after dedicated to fixing typos
18:59:24 <LordAro> git commit --amend
18:59:29 <peter1138> That was always fun with svn.
19:01:39 <goddess_ishtar> LordAro: *huh*
19:01:48 <LordAro> rebasing is fun!
19:02:21 <LordAro> some excellent recent git posts here
19:02:28 <LordAro> among many others
19:06:57 <peter1138> That's a narrow design :)
19:11:49 <peter1138> undoing a rebase... heh
19:12:06 <peter1138> I just just a new branch and do the rebase. Then I have both old and new.
19:12:34 <LordAro> then i have to remember to push the new branch
19:12:38 <LordAro> or rename/remove the old
19:13:06 <peter1138> I make a new branch but rebase the old branch.
19:13:13 <LordAro> ah
19:22:15 <_jgr_> I tend to just get the previous hash out of fit reflog if I make a mess of a rebase or similar
19:25:33 <_jgr_> Most of the time I use git revise instead because rebase dirties the working copy though, and compiling is slow enough already
19:26:56 <LordAro> i (properly) learnt about the 2 argument form of rebase recently, i.e. `rebase origin/main foo-branch`, which does the rebase on top of main without first having to check out the old branch
19:27:05 <LordAro> don't do git revise though
19:27:09 <LordAro> don't know *
19:27:14 <peter1138> git: 'revise' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
19:29:10 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TopherLee513 commented on pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
19:43:21 *** Tirili has joined #openttd
19:53:35 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
19:58:47 <peter1138> `git reset HEAD~1` is enough to undo the merge commit.
20:10:56 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
20:11:16 <talltyler> Thanks. Not sure if the author is here, so I shared that
20:11:17 <andythenorth> robamd64: how long does it take? (I am only asking so I can flex) 😛
20:12:28 *** sinas128 has joined #openttd
20:12:28 <sinas128> hello my fellas from the openttd development gang
20:12:28 <sinas128> I have a question
20:12:28 <sinas128> are railtype labels limited to four characters or not?
20:12:28 <sinas128> if not, what is their limit?
20:16:00 <peter1138> Yes
20:16:06 <Rubidium> technically it's exactly 32 bits, though the easiest way to create the label that you can communicate about is just using ASCII characters. But you're free to use 0xFDB97531 as label
20:16:40 <peter1138> Oops, think I burned my mouth/lips again :(
20:18:26 <goddess_ishtar> uhoh
20:18:29 <goddess_ishtar> too hot drink?
20:18:42 * andythenorth forsees a New Universal Railtype Standard
20:18:56 <sinas128> Rubidium: right I have an idea that could be cool, or terrible
20:19:12 <peter1138> This morning, yes. Just now it was too hot food... it had just come off the pan.
20:19:39 <peter1138> Anyway, this looks like a nice healthy salad-sandwich.
20:19:48 <peter1138> (It just happens to have a giant burger patty in it...)
20:20:49 *** gelignite has quit IRC (Quit: Stay safe!)
20:22:16 <_zephyris> Does anyone know where the agave-like scrub is used? Two tree sets, starting at sprite #1849? They're with the tropical sprites, but never seem to be used...
20:26:02 <peter1138> 0x739 is referenced 3 times in the tree tables.
20:27:32 <peter1138> (But I don't know how that table is used.)
20:34:09 <_zephyris>
20:34:09 <_zephyris> Hmm, they seem genuinely never to be used... Including in TTD. And I just lovingly drew some 4x sprites for them...🥹
20:41:36 <peter1138> Okay, so the tree tables say it's used only on one 3-tree tile, and two 4-tree tiles.
20:42:28 <_pruple> I use it on my fruit plantation, if that's any consolation 🙂
20:42:52 <peter1138> I've seen 1856...
20:49:03 <peter1138> Ok
20:49:13 <_zephyris> So just super rare!
20:49:52 <robamd64> andythenorth: Uh it's still compiling I think, but it's a few hours at least lol
20:56:07 <peter1138> And I've seen 1855
20:56:33 <peter1138> I wonder if it always appears behind a taller tree...
20:58:14 <peter1138> Hmm, actually
20:58:58 <Rubidium> _zephyris: in the scenario editor in the tree builder the middle row and then the second and third column. Building those trees do add the (what I think is agave) somewhat in the front when there are 3 or 4 trees, however it's random on the tile so you might have to try a number of tiles before actually getting them
20:59:38 <Rubidium> (and maybe more, but didn't look much further)
20:59:57 *** nielsm has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
21:00:05 <peter1138> tile 42734 -> 1849
21:00:09 <peter1138> Now, where's tile 42734 :D
21:00:28 <peter1138> scrollto
21:00:29 <peter1138> Duh :D
21:00:32 <Rubidium> scrollto 42734 ;)
21:01:01 <peter1138> tile 42734 -> 1850 damn it grew up :)
21:03:35 <truebrain> they grow up so fast!
21:06:32 <andythenorth> should I upgrade to M3 laptop?
21:06:42 <andythenorth> how fast will OpenTTD compile on it?
21:08:29 <_zephyris> peter1138: Pretty much yes. Both only appear on rainforest tiles, so tend to get completely lost in all of the tall trees
21:08:58 <_zephyris> And super rare, ~1/8 of tiles with 3 or 4 trees
21:12:41 <peter1138> Not sure, I'm looking at a tile which is meant to have 1850 on it, but I can't see 1850 in the sprite aligner...
21:12:50 <peter1138> Ah, found it.
21:13:05 <peter1138[d]>
21:13:11 <peter1138> It's behind the other three :(
21:20:25 <_zephyris> Poor little thing never stood a chance!
21:29:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TopherLee513 updated pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
21:33:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TopherLee513 commented on pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
22:03:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
22:10:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN opened pull request #11449: Codechange: Add 'sparse' window padding and simplify Help window.
22:15:26 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TopherLee513 commented on pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
22:16:31 *** keikoz has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
22:21:34 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
22:39:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler approved pull request #11449: Codechange: Add 'sparse' window padding and simplify Help window.
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22:40:09 *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:40:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TopherLee513 commented on pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
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22:48:02 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC (Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.)
22:59:16 <goddess_ishtar> python has spoiled me
22:59:28 <goddess_ishtar> I forgot how messy C's syntax is
23:03:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN approved pull request #11390: Add: LSB_RELEASE_ID Linuxmint to .deb package
23:09:09 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN merged pull request #11449: Codechange: Add 'sparse' window padding and simplify Help window.
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23:47:39 <robamd64>
23:47:39 <robamd64> OpenTTD build time results for an 800Mhz Via C3 2000+ with 1gb of DDR RAM
23:47:46 <robamd64> andythenorth
23:48:01 <dwfreed> only 6 hours? not bad
23:48:21 <robamd64> I'm a 2006 kid living the pre-2006 experience lol
23:51:03 <peter1138> It didn't take that long to compile in 2005 :)
23:52:29 <peter1138> Think I was on an Athlon 700 at that point with probably 256MB... less than 1GB for sure.
23:52:40 <peter1138> Stupid developers, bloating the code.
23:54:34 <robamd64> tfw codebases get larger to accommodate more features
23:58:15 *** m1cr0man has quit IRC (Quit: G'luck)