IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2023-08-24
01:57:23 *** Wormnest has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
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07:06:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth commented on pull request #10541: Feature: Industry production graph
07:41:18 <andythenorth> moin
07:44:39 <andythenorth> hmm if we had objects on track tiles
07:44:44 <andythenorth> and they could have underlay or overlay
07:45:13 <andythenorth> I could colour code routes
07:45:33 <andythenorth> then if grfs could also register transparency settings....
07:45:51 <andythenorth> it would be cool
08:04:44 <peter1139> RIP CloudNordic
08:09:41 <andythenorth> oof
08:13:56 <brickblock19280> Wouldn't objects on tracks and roads just be like bgt since you could have the behind train sprite cover the whole tile
08:15:43 <andythenorth> it's pretty much another way to do BGT
08:16:07 <andythenorth> it's decor tiles
08:16:11 <andythenorth> or something
08:16:57 <brickblock19280> I think it's better tbh since it isn't only for roads
08:17:10 <brickblock19280> But you lose road tunnels
08:17:38 <brickblock19280> But that can be done separately with tunneltypes
08:17:38 <andythenorth> if we had some way to explicitly set base tile and overlay separately
08:18:03 <andythenorth> there would be a lot less object sets repeating "building with concrete ground", "building with mud ground" etc
08:18:11 <andythenorth> less / fewer /s
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08:56:25 <emperorjake> Objects on roads and tracks would be a great way to do custom fences and sound barriers etc
09:33:29 <andythenorth> If only we weren’t limited to 255 objects per grf….oh wait
09:53:09 <brickblock19280> It would be very useful if you could do it with foundations on the objects
10:02:35 <andythenorth> I have an idea…
10:19:21 <pickpacket> andythenorth: tell us more
10:22:37 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on issue #11226: [Bug]: GS appears to be able to hang the game in Story Book
10:37:53 <andythenorth> we could try player-composable objects, so a UI that starts blank and offers 3 layers: foundation style, ground style, building style
10:38:15 <andythenorth> The resulting combination is ploppable like a normal object
10:39:08 <andythenorth> Previously used combinations are available in a palette/list window, and persisted in the savegame.
10:40:12 <andythenorth> Grf objects define which layers they provide sprites for
10:43:59 <andythenorth> I’m on my phone so I can’t sketch it but eh
10:46:44 <brickblock19280> I would do foundations as a part of the ground but that does also work
10:52:56 <andythenorth>
10:53:09 <andythenorth> Bad sketch, I’m in a park
10:54:20 <peter1139> What's BGT?
10:54:25 <peter1139> Britain's Got Talen?
10:54:27 <peter1139> +t
10:55:15 <andythenorth> Yes
10:55:30 <_glx_> But ground (and I forgot the T)
10:56:21 <andythenorth>
10:56:56 <andythenorth> I coukd never figure out a UI for it if it’s combined with road/rail building
10:57:18 <peter1139> Oh a non-existent thing.
10:57:28 <andythenorth> But UI for this with objects is fine
10:57:55 <andythenorth> Yeah PR is theoretical only
11:10:49 <talltyler> Groundt
11:29:37 <andythenorth> ComposT
11:49:03 <Eddi|zuHause> BeforeGamesTerminated
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14:13:11 <peter1139> Maybe I need to tweak the NAT rules :/
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15:55:50 <_zephyris> If I was foolish enough to try to set up newgrf parameter support, does anyone have any hints?
15:55:54 <_zephyris> I've found where the baseset extra grf actually gets loaded: `GRFConfig *extra = new GRFConfig(used_set->files[GFT_EXTRA].filename.c_str());` in `LoadSpriteTables()` in `gfxinit.cpp`. Injecting `param` in the `GRFConfig` instance, see `newgrf_config.h`, for the baseset extra grf would presumably work?
15:56:18 <_zephyris> The bigger question is how to implement it in `openttd.cfg`, in `settings.cpp`... Could have a baseset specific parameter list handled individually. Alternative would be to shoehorn it into the standard grf loading, `GRFLoadConfig` etc. in `newgrf_config.cpp`, but can't really see how.
16:06:03 <_glx_> my suggestion would be to store them directly in `graphicsset` ([misc] section of openttf.cfg), using something similar to parameters for drivers
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17:21:05 <_zephyris> _zephyris: Just realised I forgot to say "for base sets'!
17:30:40 <andythenorth>
17:30:40 <andythenorth> wait, someone added 'create group'?
17:30:48 <andythenorth> or did I just miss it for a long time?
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17:50:40 <_glx_> it's not that recent
17:52:23 <_glx_> <> 2 months ago
17:57:37 <talltyler> Just not in a release yet
18:04:28 <andythenorth> so much QoL groups stuff
18:04:36 <andythenorth> like the group name in the default train name
18:04:42 <andythenorth> really reduces yak-shaving
18:38:31 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] eints-sync[bot] pushed 1 commits to master
18:38:32 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
18:47:25 <andythenorth> well
18:47:27 <andythenorth>
18:47:40 <andythenorth> built 1922, age 41, but the game year is 1940
18:47:44 <andythenorth> prizes for the cause?
18:49:40 <peter1139> Shenanigans.
18:51:43 <andythenorth> yes
18:52:08 <andythenorth> you win the prize of winning
18:56:20 <peter1139> I also have a beer, again.
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18:56:38 <peter1139> (It's the second of the two I purchased yesterday. I know how to live...)
19:07:21 <_glx_> andythenorth: somebody cheated the date
19:11:43 <andythenorth> also a prize
19:11:54 <andythenorth> peter1139: I have wine, it's very pink
19:11:56 <andythenorth> the best kind
19:17:35 <peter1139> I had wine earlier in the week. I'm a complete drunkard.
19:24:40 <peter1139> Shall I buy an M2 Mac?
19:25:34 <alfagamma_0007> If needed and affordable for you, sure
19:25:51 <peter1139> Can it run Linux/Windows... Hmm..
19:27:04 <peter1139> Maybe I should buy a new bike.
19:31:01 *** geli has quit IRC (Quit: Stay safe!)
19:32:17 <andythenorth> peter1139: there'll be an M3 along any day now
19:32:18 <andythenorth> you wouldn't want to get left behind
19:34:40 <peter1139> That's true.
19:43:56 <andythenorth> I guess the same applies to bikes
19:44:08 <andythenorth> if you buy one, there'll be a new model
19:44:13 <andythenorth> then you'll feel silly?
19:44:30 * andythenorth wonders how much this is just an English conversation
20:03:14 <peter1139> Urgh, partner is trying to watch Twitch via WiFi tethering... buffer buffer buffer...
20:03:30 <peter1139> Unlimited data is no use if the data is sporadic.
20:08:59 <andythenorth> my Virgin Media keeps dropping
20:09:08 <andythenorth> maybe it's sunspots
20:10:56 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
20:10:56 <frosch123> sometimes people buy lighter new bikes to compensate them gaining weight
20:18:30 <peter1139> I would need a negative-mass bike.
20:22:16 <andythenorth> quak
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