IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2023-03-15
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05:31:07 <JohnFranklin> JGRPP 0.51.1 has a bug
05:31:44 <JohnFranklin> water does not spread in scenario editor
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08:49:51 <petern> If I touch grfcodec, can I reformat it to a sensible code style?
08:55:26 <LordAro> probably
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09:28:52 <Eddi|zuHause> why does that sound so naughty?
10:23:33 <petern> How dare we not like Dalestan's coding style...
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10:55:29 <andythenorth[d]> I think time has passed
10:55:35 <andythenorth[d]> about 15 years or so
10:55:36 <andythenorth[d]> 😛
11:17:46 <petern> Does that mean it's lunch time yet?
11:18:04 <Xarick> my trains are too short sometimes <>
11:19:52 <Xarick> wow i didn't know i could post images on gists
11:21:00 <Xarick> num_wagons is 13
11:21:08 <Xarick> and yet it fails to build 13
11:23:40 <Xarick> i better post the entire code
11:29:24 <Xarick> worse yet is that it even fails to detect the number of wagons aren't 13
11:32:06 <dP> maybe it's just superstitious
11:33:49 <petern> Does it leave wagons in depots?
11:35:14 <Xarick> no
11:35:30 <petern> Is num_wagons actually 13...
11:36:16 <Xarick> yes
11:36:28 <Xarick> it's a 7 tile train size
11:36:41 <Xarick> engine + 13 = 14
11:36:53 <petern> local num_wagons = this.m_engineWagonPair[2]; does not confirm to me that it is 🙂
11:37:36 <Xarick> that contains an array with information about engine and wagon pair
11:38:09 <Xarick> [0] is engine id of engine, [1] is engine id of wagon, [2] is num of wagons
11:38:25 <Xarick> [3] and [4] are something else, i forgot
11:39:07 <Xarick> m_engineWagonPair = null; // array in the form [engine, wagon, num_wagons, train_max_speed, train_capacity]
11:39:12 <Xarick> got it
11:53:58 <Xarick> num_wagons -= AIVehicle.GetNumWagons(wagon_chain);
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11:54:27 <Xarick> this has the problem of becoming an infinite loop
11:55:11 <Xarick> when the AI has no money to buy wagons, I rather want it to give up and sell, instead of waiting for money which could possibly never come
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12:01:23 <petern> Can you not calculate the build cost and store it in your m_engineWagonPair array?
12:01:35 <petern> Then you can simply check you have enough money before proceeding at all.
12:03:04 <petern> You'd need to take account of inflation though, so you might have to calculate it every time.
12:04:02 <Xarick>
12:04:02 <Xarick> i think i solved it
12:05:36 <Xarick> <> changed this part
12:10:24 <Xarick> guess i better change it again, because it's constantly buying and selling when it has no money
12:10:50 <Xarick> do as you say
12:34:17 <Xarick> it handles the situation much better now
12:34:20 <Xarick> <>
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13:31:51 <dP> hm, apparently every player action takes about 60ms to execute even with server run locally
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13:33:19 <glx[d]> IIRC server receive commands, put it in queue to handle it next tick
13:35:37 <petern> Hmm, is today a test-in-production day?
13:35:57 <dP> that's just half a frame on average before it's send back to client
13:36:24 <dP> but 60 ms is 2 full frames
13:37:25 <dP> oh, well, a problem for another day xD
13:49:29 <Xarick> i have a noob question
13:50:28 <Xarick> what's the diference between `class ABC extends DEB { stuff; }` and `class ABC { stuff; }`
13:52:39 <LordAro> Xarick: "extends DEB"
13:53:05 <Xarick> DEF
13:53:08 <LordAro> ask silly questions, get silly answers ;)
13:53:46 <glx[d]> when extending you get members of parent class plus your members
13:54:02 <LordAro>
13:54:20 <glx[d]> it's really basic OO stuff
13:58:10 <glx[d]> "When a derived class is declared, Squirrel first copies all base's members in the new class then proceeds with evaluating the rest of the declaration." <-- that part (the "first copies") is annoying, if you want to redefine an API object member from the script you have to redefine it in all derived classes
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14:01:32 <glx[d]> but I can understand why it's done that way
14:03:05 <Xarick> i'm trying to create a class named Caches, and i'm trying to figure out if i want `class Caches extends LuDiAIAfterFix` or just `class Caches`. purpose is to have it store engine capacities, costs, if they can attach to each other, their length. I'd like to have it accessible accross the entire AI
14:03:40 <glx[d]> does it extends LuDI or is it independent ?
14:04:05 <Xarick> it's independent, I guess
14:04:37 <glx[d]> so you do class without extent, then you create an instance of it in LuDi
14:05:09 <glx[d]> or a global variable
14:05:17 <glx[d]> whichever fits
14:08:47 <glx[d]> classic example for extends, `class Coord2D { x = 0; y = 0; }` then `class Coord3D extends Coord2D { z = 0; }`
14:10:18 <glx[d]> missing constructors and any other possible functions, but you should get the idea
14:39:56 <Xarick> i have to convert everything that is a AIList into a {} equivalent
14:40:10 <Xarick> really wish AIList could be saved
14:41:18 <Xarick> create an instance of a class hmm
14:42:13 <Xarick> something similar to railBuildManager = RailBuildManager(); like i have in main.nut?
14:42:21 <Xarick> caces = Caches(); ?
14:42:42 <Xarick> caches*
14:43:40 <Xarick> then how do i access the caches from somewhere else from another class that isn't LuDiAIAfterFix?=
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14:44:36 <Xarick> I do LuDiAIAfterFix.caches?
14:44:48 <Xarick> need to test
14:46:29 <Xarick> the way I do right now is Caches.GetLength(engine) for example
15:04:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] bscargo opened issue #410: [da_DK] Translator access request
15:25:06 <Xarick> why does the one with the array in _depot_tile works, and the other without doesn't? <>
15:26:56 <Xarick>
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16:11:30 <Xarick> i fail at this
16:11:56 <Xarick> I can't save caches for some reason
16:23:37 <Xarick> now i can't access Caches 😦
16:26:52 <Xarick>
16:27:19 <Xarick> it is an instance created in LuDiAIAfterFix
16:27:41 <Xarick> do i have to use LuDiAIAfterFix.caches? that's so ugly
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16:31:27 <petern> Do you get extra ops on load to recreate your caches?
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17:04:30 <Xarick> ah, like the compat files do
17:07:19 <Xarick> ` if (LuDiAIAfterFix().caches.CanAttachToEngine(wagon, engine, cargo, m_railtype, m_depotFrom)) {
17:07:19 <Xarick> engineWagonPairs.append(pair);
17:07:19 <Xarick> }`
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17:07:37 <Xarick> so sad how it looks, but okay, it's working now
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17:27:16 <Xarick> my rail pathfinder is terribly horribly slow
17:27:27 <Xarick> disappointingly slow
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17:49:56 <glx[d]> with `LuDiAIAfterFix()` you create a new AI instance
17:54:22 <glx[d]> so `LuDiAIAfterFix().caches` do stuff and immediately deletes the object
17:56:09 <glx[d]> means anything you may have cached is discarded
17:57:01 <Xarick> how come, it seems to be working
17:57:20 <glx[d]> it works but doesn't cache
17:58:41 <glx[d]> better put the cache in global scope if you need to share it with non member functions
18:03:10 <Xarick> when i remove routes, i have a `scheduledRemovals `<>
18:03:28 <Xarick> and I've been using it like <>
18:03:38 <Xarick> and i see my routes being cleared fine
18:06:42 <Xarick> demolition begins here: <>
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18:20:01 <Xarick> omg, you're right, something's not right, i'm massing depots
18:22:27 <Xarick> pff... how do i access it?
18:22:51 <Xarick> how do i do a global scope?
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18:33:40 <Xarick> ::main_instance like AdmiralAI do?
18:37:29 <glx[d]> Just declare the variable outside any class
18:43:01 <Xarick> ::main_instance didn't work
18:44:42 <Xarick> declare the variable outside any class... hmm
18:45:38 <Xarick> i'm lost
18:47:55 <Xarick> how would I save and load it?
18:49:09 <glx[d]> Global variables are table slots
18:53:30 <Xarick> <> I just don't understand these examples
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19:24:31 <andythenorth[d]> I declare globals using ::foo <- value;
19:24:36 <andythenorth[d]> which puts them in the root table
19:24:48 <andythenorth[d]> there may be other ways, but that way is reliable, predictable, and inspectable
19:24:58 <andythenorth[d]> it's explicit, and you can reason about the effect
19:34:11 <Xarick> ::caches <- Caches(); ?
19:34:21 <Xarick> how would i save it?
19:41:47 <glx[d]> Same as other variables
19:42:26 <glx[d]> You can add save and load functions to the object
19:42:56 <glx[d]> And call them from AI instance save and load handlers
19:46:50 <Xarick>
19:46:50 <Xarick> doesn't find it
19:48:44 <glx[d]> Where is SaveCaches defined and how is it called ?
19:49:52 <Xarick>
19:49:56 <Xarick> something like this
19:52:56 <glx[d]> Should work
19:53:34 <glx[d]> Unless ::caches is not the right object
19:57:50 <Xarick> seems to be working now, it appears to save and load without crashing
19:59:00 <Xarick> yeah!
19:59:06 <Xarick> only 1 depot
19:59:14 <Xarick> works now!
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20:13:38 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened pull request #10572: Fix #10568: "can savegame be loaded check" failed in dedicated server
20:26:58 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #10572: Fix #10568: "can savegame be loaded check" failed in dedicated server
20:28:35 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10572: Fix #10568: "can savegame be loaded check" failed in dedicated server
20:29:57 <dP> glx22viaGitHub: I usually comment the whole ternary because of its weird priority
20:30:17 <dP> comment -> add brackets to
20:31:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 approved pull request #10572: Fix #10568: "can savegame be loaded check" failed in dedicated server
20:35:38 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nikolas updated pull request #10499: Fix #10222: Line drawing bug, without regression error
20:42:55 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] glx22 commented on issue #410: [da_DK] Translator access request
20:54:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nikolas updated pull request #10499: Fix #10222: Line drawing bug, without regression error
21:00:57 <pickpacket>
21:07:57 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nikolas commented on pull request #10499: Fix #10222: Line drawing bug, without regression error
21:08:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nikolas closed pull request #10499: Fix #10222: Line drawing bug, without regression error
21:08:31 <pickpacket> DorpsGek: oi! You're drowning my vid with all your spamming :(
21:09:36 <Xarick>
21:09:36 <Xarick> crap
21:09:41 <Xarick> it finally crashed...
21:09:49 <Xarick> didn't reach 5000 trains
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21:14:34 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 merged pull request #10572: Fix #10568: "can savegame be loaded check" failed in dedicated server
21:14:37 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 closed issue #10568: [Bug]: Dedicated server: Loading a scenario, or a save with NewGRF
21:28:07 <pickpacket> I have 265 buses in one single town. It's a little bit of a lie because that town has grown to absorb two other towns, but still. the buses don't have any orders. I just let them lose and they drive around completely randomly and stop whenever they come across one of the 697 bus stations
21:31:42 <dP>
21:31:42 <dP> pickpacket:
21:32:21 <pickpacket> dP: I get that in my browser too, but when I download it I can play it in VLC without issues 🤷
21:32:28 <pickpacket> Don't know why it's like that
21:32:57 <glx[d]> wrong video codec inside mp4 container ?
21:35:11 <pickpacket> maybe. I use a program called kazam to record it, and apparently that's a bit buggy and possibly outdated. Going to install something else for it, but not tonight :)
21:37:26 <petern> Works in Chrome but not Firefox.
21:38:33 <pickpacket> Not in safari on ios
21:40:03 <pickpacket> Anyway. I have 265 buses and 697 bus stations. And the buses have no orders
21:40:24 <pickpacket> they all make more than £1,500 a year somehow
21:40:53 <pickpacket> even though the trips are generally around two or three squares long for the most part
21:59:44 <Xarick>
21:59:44 <Xarick> this is bad 😦
21:59:54 <Xarick> RailStructType is an enum
22:00:42 <Xarick> why can't it find it?
22:01:05 <glx[d]> is it in the current scope ?
22:01:13 <Xarick> i have no idea
22:01:33 <Xarick> it's in TrainBuildManager.nut
22:01:41 <Xarick> and I'm calling it from main.nut
22:02:12 <Xarick> require("TrainBuildManager.nut"); is in main.nut
22:02:24 <Xarick> so why does it fail
22:02:47 <glx[d]> require is not like #include
22:07:12 *** keikoz has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
22:07:40 <glx[d]> show the code, it may help
22:08:52 <Xarick> okay let me upload it
22:13:34 <Xarick> what the crap are these conflicts, omg...
22:13:39 <Xarick> i fail at github
22:16:22 <Xarick>
22:16:22 <Xarick> what is that path
22:18:48 <Xarick> I regret ever accepting pull request
22:18:56 <Xarick> i merged it and it screwed it entirely
22:19:06 <glx[d]> it looks fine
22:20:07 <Xarick> now im trying to push and i get conflicts
22:20:16 <Xarick> im trying to rebase and more conflicts
22:20:17 <glx[d]> pull first
22:20:40 <glx[d]> or make a branch
22:20:50 <glx[d]> yeah make a branch
22:25:38 <Xarick> i dont know what to do, i'm stuck with conflicts from eons ago that do not matter
22:25:53 <Xarick> pff...
22:26:07 <glx[d]> it's weird to have conflicts in master
22:27:03 <Xarick>
22:27:24 <Xarick> if i abort rebase, i can't push
22:27:41 <Xarick> i i rebase, i get conflicts, bah... i'm deleting it
22:28:09 <JGR> Just merge with whatever is in the remote branch, the npush
22:28:46 <glx[d]> your local master was not up to date with distant master
22:30:01 <glx[d]> make a branch, then you can try to fix master
22:30:01 <JGR> Or if there's nothing important in the upstream branch, you can force push and blow it away
22:31:35 <Xarick> I think i managed it to push
22:31:39 <glx[d]> but this shows it's better to work with branches than directly in master
22:32:01 <JGR> Working with branches is probably overkill for a one-man simple project
22:32:23 <Xarick>
22:32:43 <Xarick> okay where was I
22:32:43 <Xarick> something about RailStructType
22:32:50 <glx[d]> well master is fine if you keep distant and local in sync before touching local
22:34:01 <Xarick> I have the enum here <>
22:34:21 <glx[d]> yes found it 😉
22:34:52 <Xarick> and it crashes here <>
22:37:10 <glx[d]> it should work, maybe needs :: in front
22:43:54 <dP>
22:43:54 <dP> oops xD
22:44:02 <dP> apparently there are only 15 ranks...
22:44:48 <Xarick> didn't work
22:45:08 <dP> <>
22:45:36 <dP> any better way to extend them than adding a hundred or two more strings? xD
22:46:51 <JGR> Drop the ordinal suffix and just use {NUM} instead?
22:48:17 <dP> it's somewhat better with the suffix imo
22:48:42 <dP> makes it clear that's rank
22:51:04 <glx[d]> Xarick: I confirm it doesn't work
22:51:20 <glx[d]> maybe a bug in `require`
22:51:21 <Xarick> 😦
22:57:38 <glx[d]> weird `getconsttable` is not found, but it should be a built-in function
22:58:50 <glx[d]> oh it's disabled
23:01:36 <Xarick> where is it?
23:03:42 <glx[d]> not important, I wanted to do some debug
23:13:17 <Xarick> how do I enable
23:13:27 <Xarick> or why was it disabled
23:17:24 <glx[d]>
23:17:24 <glx[d]> it won't help, I needed it for
23:18:38 <glx[d]> so const (enums) are passed to required, but not from required
23:18:44 <glx[d]> interesting
23:21:22 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC (Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.)
23:40:13 *** gelignite has quit IRC (Quit: Stay safe!)