IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2023-03-04
00:46:16 *** MaverickFischer has quit IRC (Quit: Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.)
03:15:05 *** Wormnest has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
03:29:48 *** D-HUND has joined #openttd
03:33:09 *** debdog has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
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04:06:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] serg-bloim commented on pull request #10476: Copy wagon configuration to all trains in shared orders/group.
04:15:09 *** TROILUS has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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04:41:19 *** nielsm has joined #openttd
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05:15:48 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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05:50:39 *** Flygon has joined #openttd
06:08:07 *** MicrosoftPowerpoint2 has joined #openttd
06:08:07 <MicrosoftPowerpoint2> Hi all Beautifuls girl only here
06:08:07 <MicrosoftPowerpoint2>
06:26:40 *** keoz has quit IRC ()
06:36:18 <dwfreed> TrueBrain: ^^^
06:37:35 <dwfreed> if your discord bridge has the perms, you could add a hook that fires when I /kill an IRC puppet it bans the discord user from the server
06:40:42 *** keikoz has joined #openttd
07:07:13 *** TROILUS has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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07:52:26 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10519: Feature: Filter engine build menu by name and NewGRF extra text
08:21:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10519: Feature: Filter engine build menu by name and NewGRF extra text
08:34:17 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Tintinfan commented on discussion #10509: Removal of old tags hinders finding new content
08:34:39 <TrueBrain> dwfreed: Funny enough, the user is already gone from Discord. They too act quick 😄
08:35:16 <dwfreed> TrueBrain: they are still on IRC
08:35:18 <dwfreed> MicrosoftPowerpoint2
08:35:31 <dwfreed> (I tab-completed that)
08:37:32 <TrueBrain> Ah; well, the account is gone on Discord .. not sure I receive an event from Discord when such users are sent to another place :p
08:37:58 <dwfreed> I'll kill the IRC user
08:38:03 *** MicrosoftPowerpoint2 has quit IRC (Killed (dwfreed (No reason)))
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08:38:12 <dwfreed> bridge brings them right back
08:38:21 <TrueBrain> My bridge will try to rejoin them
08:38:32 <TrueBrain> As it doesn't know the Discord user is gone 😄
08:38:39 <dwfreed> it shouldn't for kills regardless
08:38:58 <TrueBrain> I agree .. Will need to check how that is received
08:39:22 <TrueBrain> Will check and fix today 🙂
08:39:24 <dwfreed> KILL <nick> :<reason> will arrive before the ERROR telling you the connection is closed
08:40:12 <dwfreed> eg irssi uses said kill to set a flag to disable the auto-reconnect when the error comes in
08:40:25 <TrueBrain> Yeah, makes total sense
08:40:42 <dwfreed> (so the trick if you want to force reconnecting anyway is to just stop the kill processing before it sets the flag)
08:49:00 <TrueBrain> the only thing that is really hard to prevent, is if a user is KILLd on IRC, but still active on Discord.
08:49:06 <TrueBrain> the bridge will be re-established after a while
08:49:19 <TrueBrain> but, given how spam-bots work in general, I think that is unlikely to happen
08:51:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 approved pull request #10408: Codechange: Store ObjectSpecs in std::vector
08:52:05 <dwfreed> like I said, use the /kill from IRC to trigger banning the person from Discord :D
08:52:15 <dwfreed> I'm only going to /kill spambots
08:52:42 <TrueBrain> yeah, that is a bit more complicated 😉 But Discord bans spambots too, so we should be good 🙂
08:53:44 <LordAro> would blocking messages that link to work?
08:53:59 <dwfreed> they aren't all bad
08:54:59 <LordAro> perhaps so
08:57:29 <Merni> could someone look at this again and tell me if there is any better way of solving this issue
08:59:20 <Merni> I tried also to look at wrapping text on the station purchase window, but couldn't figure out openttd gui code
08:59:41 <TrueBrain> owh, I forgot, I am no longer allowed to use mIRC for local testing of IRC .. ugh .. I need another IRC client I guess 😛
09:00:27 <Eddi|zuHause> what happened to mirc?
09:00:36 <TrueBrain> after N days, you have to pay
09:00:38 <TrueBrain> don't want to
09:01:29 <Merni> irssi?
09:01:29 <kamnet> Mibbit. 😛
09:01:59 <Rubidium> trueircc?
09:02:01 <andythenorth> moin
09:02:50 <dwfreed> irssi's good
09:02:59 <dwfreed> or for fun, you could write raw IRC with socat
09:03:43 <TrueBrain> now first the question .. how can I do a kill on my own IRC server .. hmm .. I didn't give it any config 😄
09:03:57 <dwfreed> just connect to here, I'll kill you :D
09:04:33 <TrueBrain> haha 😄 Wish I had IPv6s routed like that at home 🙂
09:04:57 <dwfreed> run irssi on the bridge server?
09:05:42 <TrueBrain> InspIRCd-2.0.29 .. guess it is time to find how configuration works .. as I assume not everyone can do /kill 😛
09:06:00 <dwfreed> correct, have to be oper, and probably need a kill perm on insp
09:12:33 <dwfreed> here's what the victim sees:
09:12:34 <dwfreed> :dwfreed! KILL some_body :(No reason)
09:12:35 <dwfreed> ERROR :Closing Link: (Killed (dwfreed (No reason)))
09:13:04 <TrueBrain> yeah, I have the code, just need to test it first 🙂
09:13:09 <dwfreed> and then this is what everyone else sees:
09:13:11 <dwfreed> :some_body! QUIT :Killed (dwfreed (No reason))
09:19:22 <TrueBrain> on the Discord side I indeed only see the user went offline .. I guess one can discover that the user never comes back, as there all of a sudden isn't a name anymore
09:19:32 <TrueBrain> but that is really hard to test, as I cannot remove users like that 😛
09:26:25 <LordAro> store it in a list of "killed users" that aren't bridged?
09:26:37 <LordAro> not perfect, but should work well enough to prevent rejoins
09:26:43 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain opened pull request #138: feat(irc): on kill, don't reconnect
09:26:45 <LordAro> doesn't need to be saved at all
09:27:11 <LordAro> which is more or less what you've done :D
09:27:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain opened pull request #139: fix(irc): also indicate a user left IRC on QUIT too
09:28:37 <TrueBrain> dwfreed: anything else worth changing while I am at it? 😄
09:28:57 <dwfreed> idk
09:29:07 <dwfreed> seems pretty fine most of the time
09:29:12 <TrueBrain> good 🙂
09:29:24 <dwfreed> and you're infinitely more responsive than >.>
09:29:48 <TrueBrain> 😄 Aim to serve 😉
09:30:12 <TrueBrain> after doing this bridge myself, I really don't like Matrix' implementation .. but I understand why they did it
09:45:08 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10384: Change #10370: Increased max length of vehicle type names
09:45:37 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain opened pull request #144: fix(irc): prevent async-tasks to be garbage-collected too early
09:46:03 <TrueBrain> now I need someone to click three times 😛
09:46:28 <Rubidium> done ;)
09:51:48 <TrueBrain> yeah, almost right .. just the wrong clicks .. so sad 😛
09:51:54 <TrueBrain> was hoping LordAro would just hit approve now 😄
09:55:18 <Rubidium> well, my python skills are not at a level where I could be confident about a review
09:57:33 <LordAro> i clicked 3 times, but that doesn't allow me to click "submit" :(
09:57:50 <Rubidium> :O
09:58:48 <Rubidium> I guess TB meant 14 clicks
09:59:06 <LordAro> i'm not sure i can stretch that far
10:00:37 <Rubidium> oh, it's even more: click url, click files changed, click review, click approve, click submit (=5 clicks) per ticket, and then 2 clicks to close the browser and go back to the chat client to get access to the next link
10:00:48 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: I only care about 3 of those clicks 😛
10:01:23 <TrueBrain> I also didn't mention you should keep on breathing etc 😉
10:01:26 <TrueBrain> ghehehe
10:01:44 <LordAro> well quite, i've got my own things to be dealing with
10:03:49 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: pff, no Python skills required .. these are easily enough understood from the context 😄 Hihi 🙂
10:05:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] LordAro approved pull request #138: feat(irc): on kill, don't reconnect
10:05:37 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain merged pull request #138: feat(irc): on kill, don't reconnect
10:05:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] LordAro approved pull request #139: fix(irc): also indicate a user left IRC on QUIT too
10:05:52 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] LordAro approved pull request #144: fix(irc): prevent async-tasks to be garbage-collected too early
10:06:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain merged pull request #139: fix(irc): also indicate a user left IRC on QUIT too
10:06:26 <TrueBrain> Tnx LordAro 🙂
10:06:37 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain merged pull request #144: fix(irc): prevent async-tasks to be garbage-collected too early
10:07:08 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/dibridge] TrueBrain created new tag: v1.3.0
10:11:06 *** JGR has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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10:13:52 *** TrueBrain has joined #openttd
10:13:52 <TrueBrain> right .. should work now 🙂
10:15:35 <Rubidium> by the way, that other dibridge PR might build if it gets rebased
10:17:02 <TrueBrain> awh, your command wasn't good enough 😦
10:17:16 <TrueBrain> would be nice, as all repositories have this dependency hanging
10:19:39 <TrueBrain> w00p, it passes CI! Tnx Rubidium 🙂
10:19:52 <Rubidium> looks like you have a lot more clicking to do ;)
10:21:38 <TrueBrain> first time to see how to add location for BaNaNaS content 🙂
10:29:22 <TrueBrain> I think what would work is to allow entering either a city, a subdivision, a country, or a region .. in other words: world city database, ISO 3166-2, ISO 3166-1
10:29:28 <TrueBrain> and only do the biggest 40k cities, to keep things sane
10:29:52 <TrueBrain> that covers all tags that existed, and makes sure people use the same spelling 😛
10:29:54 <LordAro> do we need cities at all?
10:30:08 <TrueBrain> currently we have some content that is about a specific city
10:30:29 <TrueBrain> things like Tokyo
10:30:34 <TrueBrain> New York
10:30:47 <LordAro> hmm
10:30:49 <TrueBrain> but it is a very small set
10:30:54 <argoneus> hello train friends
10:30:54 <LordAro> 40k seems like a lot
10:30:58 <LordAro> top 100?
10:31:27 <TrueBrain> the 40k is because I have a dataset of the biggest 40k cities 😛
10:31:32 <TrueBrain> but we can slim it down for sure
10:31:41 <TrueBrain> or just not do it
10:31:48 <TrueBrain> New York City -> New York State
10:31:54 <TrueBrain> people will still find it
10:32:01 <LordAro> mm
10:32:07 <TrueBrain> Tokyo -> Japan .. not ideal, but ..
10:32:27 <TrueBrain> there is also Shanghai
10:32:43 <TrueBrain> those are the only 3 😛
10:33:49 <TrueBrain> owh, there is also Washington, but not sure if they meant the city or state
10:34:04 <TrueBrain> for searching, it really doesn't matter
10:34:36 <TrueBrain> and ISO 3166-2 on its own is already HUGE
10:34:46 <TrueBrain> to get an impression
10:35:22 <TrueBrain> okay, you convinced me LordAro, let's limit it to subdivisions / countries / regions for now 🙂
10:43:59 <TrueBrain> 3166-2 alone is already 2MB of data, lolz
10:47:32 <Rubidium> that sub division code list is nice and inconsistent with the naming
10:47:40 <TrueBrain> yup
10:48:06 <TrueBrain> and ironically, it is what is used for shipping
10:48:11 <TrueBrain> might explain a thing or two 😛
10:48:25 <Rubidium> some are English, some have a variant with accents and without, others only with accents
10:48:54 <TrueBrain> they supply a table how to convert the accent-chars to ASCII chars 😛
10:49:31 <Rubidium> and for the fun, there are rows with two definitions on them, e.g. Cardiff
10:49:59 <Rubidium> depending whether you want English or Welsh (I'd guess)
10:49:59 <TrueBrain> welcome to world-politics 😄
10:51:10 <Rubidium> where are the good old days when the post was just French ;)
10:51:43 <TrueBrain> well, 3166-1 is also a bit funny
10:51:55 <TrueBrain> mostly okay, but some are just a bit weird
10:53:00 <TrueBrain> but now the question .. if you select, say, New York, should we also classify that as United State of America, Northern America and Americas?
10:53:10 <TrueBrain> so you can "zoom in" for your search?
10:54:05 <LordAro> for search purposes, i'd say so
10:54:32 <TrueBrain> yeah, I tend to think so too .. means people can easier discover material
10:54:46 <TrueBrain> so that leaves me with one last question .. do we store the codes, or the names, in the datastore? 😄
10:55:09 <LordAro> names can change, codes won't?
10:55:21 <TrueBrain> and codes would allow, strictly seen, translations
10:55:36 <TrueBrain> but, it also requires that every reader of the datastore, to have a lookup table
10:55:49 <TrueBrain> currently bananas-api and bananas-server, but if we bring the content to the client directly, also OpenTTD
10:56:26 <TrueBrain> ~2500 records
10:56:35 <LordAro> sounds like future work if requested :p
10:57:38 *** Xarick has joined #openttd
10:57:38 <Xarick> rubidium
10:57:56 <Rubidium> in the ISO3166-3 are definitely code changes, e.g.
10:58:16 <Xarick> <> shouldn't it be EnforceDeityOrCompanyModeValid(-1);
10:58:31 <Xarick> and in other places where it doesn't return a bool
10:59:23 <TrueBrain> owh, Debian has a package iso-codes, with all sets in there
10:59:27 <TrueBrain> that makes things a lot easier
10:59:53 <TrueBrain> if it is good enough for Debian, it has to be good enough for us too, right? 😄
11:00:44 <Rubidium> and then the question is, what is a code change for ISO3166-1; AN -> BQ, CW, SX?
11:01:48 <Xarick> line 107 shouldn't it be EnforceDeityOrCompanyModeValid(INVALID_TILE);
11:01:51 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: you are talking words, but not sure anyone actually understands what you are trying to say 😄 Sorry 😉
11:01:52 <Rubidium> Xarick: yeah, those look like bugs
11:01:55 <Xarick> and etc...
11:02:02 <Xarick> oki
11:04:46 <TrueBrain> maybe we should also switch to an ISO for our currencies
11:04:50 <TrueBrain> and be done with all the PRs about those 😛
11:05:05 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
11:05:05 <andythenorth> ISO for rail track gauges also?
11:05:06 <andythenorth> 😛
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11:05:18 <michi_cc[d]> With real-time conversion rates? :p
11:05:24 <Rubidium> TrueBrain: LordAro postulated that names change and codes don't, so I tried finding out whether that's actually the case. For ISO3166-3 there is clear evidence that codes change when the name doesn't. For ISO3166-1 I can't really find definite proof, but things get reorganised, as example those codes I just mentioned
11:05:29 <TrueBrain> 170 currencies in ISO 4217
11:05:54 <TrueBrain> Rubidium: well, last mutation was in 2006 .. and there are like, what, 10? 🙂
11:06:02 <TrueBrain> so I guess we can safely assume the codes "very rare" change
11:06:06 <TrueBrain> good enough for our goal, not?
11:06:38 <TrueBrain> michi_cc[d]: honestly I can set that up 😛
11:07:06 <Rubidium> true
11:07:33 <Rubidium> Xarick: if you could make a review with all the cases you find, that would be appreciated
11:07:42 <Xarick> ok
11:07:51 <TrueBrain> okay, let's get some lunch, and get to work 😄 Should be relatively easy ..
11:08:50 <TrueBrain> hmm, no, the only dataset I am missing is the country -> region lookup .. that is not in 3166-1 .. hmm
11:10:31 <TrueBrain> ah, the UN supplies that information
11:10:34 <TrueBrain> not part of an ISO, lol
11:10:45 <TrueBrain>
11:11:48 <TrueBrain> and ofc we need to insert "Mars"
11:20:41 <Xarick> I don't think GS'es can build bridges directly
11:20:51 <Xarick> they need to be in a company
11:22:36 <Xarick> oh, they can? interesting
11:22:38 <Rubidium> based on the documentation they can, but only road bridges as if they were a town
11:23:35 <Xarick> can GS's set the road type?
11:24:39 <Xarick> fantastic! I didn't know that
11:27:17 <Rubidium> I might even able to build hidden and non-existing ones...
11:34:33 <Xarick> ScriptGroup::GetNumEngines and ScriptGroup::GetNumVehicles and some other
11:34:52 <Xarick> need special handling, i guess
11:35:19 <Xarick> but as long as my code isn't merged, it's fine
11:40:52 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] merni-ns commented on pull request #10384: Change #10370: Increased max length of vehicle type names
11:50:37 <Xarick> you switched the evaluation order here EnforcePrecondition(false, ScriptCompanyMode::IsDeity() || size != TOWN_SIZE_LARGE)
11:56:01 <Rubidium> want to be funny when building roads as GS, build them with something like road type 10. It looks like normal roads, but... you as player cannot make branches nor can you vehicles drive on them
11:56:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick requested changes for pull request #10529: Add precondition checks for deity/company mode
12:03:41 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10529: Add precondition checks for deity/company mode
12:03:52 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10529: Add precondition checks for deity/company mode
12:09:31 <Xarick>
12:09:31 <Xarick> AroAI did it!
12:09:42 <LordAro> \o/
12:12:18 <Xarick> i need a league table idea that shows number of vehicles
12:13:08 <Xarick> there's no easy way to glance at the total number of vehicles per company in 1 place
12:17:12 <Xarick> got some ships lost
12:17:33 <Xarick> the terraform lord AAAHogEx
12:17:39 <Xarick> clearing rivers
12:17:47 <Xarick> where my ships would traverse
12:17:48 <Xarick> 😦
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12:20:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10529: Add precondition checks for deity/company mode
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13:12:43 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Kuhnovic commented on discussion #10002: Meetup 2022 / 2023 / 10k event
13:24:14 <TrueBrain> 5400 region-entries .. should be sufficient for now 😛 Right, now to wire it up in the frontend ..
13:32:30 <TrueBrain> 310KB of data over the API 😄 Hihi
13:39:31 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain opened pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
13:45:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] LordAro commented on pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
13:48:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain commented on pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
13:48:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #10529: Add precondition checks for deity/company mode
13:49:31 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] LordAro commented on pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
13:49:38 <Rubidium> so I copy-pasted the wrong example's code ;)
13:50:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain commented on pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
13:50:36 <TrueBrain> sorry LordAro, normally I would agree, but this to me is a different situation 🙂
13:50:45 <TrueBrain> I really don't want this file on my stdout 😛 Or anywhere else for that matter 😄
13:52:45 <LordAro> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
13:54:23 <TrueBrain> I rather added the source files and analyze it on startup, but that only sounds like more work to get working 😄
13:54:40 <TrueBrain> I might still do that ..
14:03:08 *** klote has joined #openttd
14:03:37 <klote> Hi, hope every one is having a good day.
14:04:10 <klote> I need some help understanding how to propperly setup openttd dedicated server on ubuntu cli
14:04:44 <klote> I have the server running but my savegame wont load. i think this has to do with newgrf files missing
14:05:27 <klote> I dont know how to upload them to the server. tried sftp but the map is not visible
14:05:53 <klote> Hope some one can help me?
14:06:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain updated pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
14:07:30 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain commented on pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
14:10:44 <LordAro> klote: have you had a read of ?
14:14:30 <klote> Yes i have
14:14:37 <klote> its not really helping wih my issue
14:14:56 <klote> Im also fairly new with linux
14:18:32 <LordAro> sftp should be a suitable solution, but i'm not sure what you mean by "the map is not visible"
14:19:01 <LordAro> you should be able to use sftp to upload the newgrf files to one of the places mentioned in the above document
14:22:18 *** glx has joined #openttd
14:22:18 <glx> you can also download content from the ingame console
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14:24:00 <Xarick> how do I get a list of vehicles stopped in a depot
14:24:15 <Xarick> i have the depot index
14:24:20 <Xarick> or tile
14:25:28 <klote> i can but how wil the dedicated server load the newgrf documents...
14:25:35 <klote> its not looking at that directory
14:25:47 <Rubidium> vehiclelist_depot + valuate on running or so?
14:26:01 <klote> its linux...
14:26:08 <glx[d]> Xarick: vehicle_list + valuate with vehicle.IsStoppedInDepot()
14:26:44 <klote> Do you have discord by any chance?
14:26:46 <glx[d]> klote: you are using -c ?
14:27:00 <klote> -c?
14:27:12 <Xarick> hmm, i wanted to avoid calling vehicle_list's
14:27:35 <glx[d]> klote:
14:28:15 <klote> ah yeah im in that dc
14:28:16 <klote> vc
14:28:43 <glx[d]> irc chat is mirrored in Discord channel #openttd-development
14:28:44 *** TallTyler has joined #openttd
14:28:44 <TallTyler> I think replies don't show up on Discord, but that's a link to the official OpenTTD Discord. About half the people here are actually talking in this channel via Discord — there's a bridge that sends messages between Discord and IRC.
14:28:56 <TallTyler> klote
14:29:01 <TallTyler> 🙂
14:29:03 *** klote[d] has joined #openttd
14:29:03 <klote[d]> haha
14:29:05 <klote[d]> hi
14:29:31 <klote[d]> Im hoping some one could help me with the basics
14:29:37 <glx[d]> so how do you launch the server ?
14:29:48 <klote[d]> Its running on a ubuntu server distro
14:29:53 <klote[d]> installed it via snap
14:30:07 <klote[d]> snap openttd-server install
14:30:10 <klote[d]> and now its running
14:31:01 <klote[d]> /snap/openttd-server/current/.local/share/openttd/save/ map
14:31:33 <klote[d]> and tried load via rcon but it wont load the map
14:31:45 <klote[d]> think this has to do with missing newgrf files
14:31:53 <klote[d]> because the server is vanilla
14:32:53 <glx[d]> `list_dirs` in the console should tell you where it looks for files
14:34:30 <klote[d]> getting not found errors
14:34:57 <klote[d]>
14:35:48 <glx[d]> just means some dirs don't exist, but not a real issue
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14:37:09 <klote[d]> So i looked up a command to download newgrf... content select all....
14:37:11 <glx[d]> anyway these are all the dirs checked for newgrfs on yout server
14:37:13 <klote[d]> but that doesnt work
14:37:33 <glx[d]> content select all has been disabled
14:37:40 <klote[d]> i cant access /.local with sftp
14:37:47 <glx[d]> for obvious reason 😉
14:38:18 <klote[d]> .local isnt even visible
14:38:32 <klote[d]> also tried force visibility
14:38:40 <glx[d]> yeah because it starts with a .
14:38:56 <Xarick> how do i hide voice channels
14:39:31 <klote[d]> glx[d]: so how do i acces it then?
14:40:22 <glx[d]> just put them in /usr/games/openttd/newgrf
14:40:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened pull request #10536: Simplify/unify company mode scope checks
14:40:50 <klote[d]> ah
14:40:55 <TallTyler> Xarick: You can right-click on the section header (`VOICE`) and select `Mute Category` -> `Until I turn it back on`
14:41:15 <Rubidium> is the folder not visible, or does it simply not exist yet?
14:43:03 *** Azusa has joined #openttd
14:43:03 <Azusa>
14:43:03 <Azusa> you can hide voice channels if you uncheck it in the "browse channels" menu
14:43:08 <klote[d]> it exists i can acces it via putty
14:43:13 <klote[d]> just not sftp
14:44:58 <Xarick> I can't hide General
14:45:04 <Xarick> there's klote in it
14:45:22 <Xarick> Active Now
14:45:46 <klote[d]> grr
14:46:00 <klote[d]> ok
14:46:43 <klote[d]> so i made the new folder /usr/games/openttd/newgrf still get notfound error
14:47:08 <klote[d]> does it matter if i do it as root?
14:48:11 <klote[d]>
14:48:18 <glx[d]> restarted the server ?
14:48:21 <klote[d]> yup
14:48:40 <klote[d]> wait let me try the snap restart command
14:49:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #10519: Feature: Filter engine build menu by name and NewGRF extra text
14:49:31 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler updated pull request #10519: Feature: Filter engine build menu by name and NewGRF extra text
14:50:00 <klote[d]> dint work :/
14:51:22 <klote[d]> can you join vc?
14:53:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 updated pull request #10533: Codechange: Use SQInteger for generic numbers in script API
14:54:07 <glx[d]> I'm not familiar with snap, and it seems to not use usual dirs
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15:01:50 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler opened pull request #10537: Codechange: [CodeQL] Disable CodeQL check on trivial switch statements
15:04:12 <TrueBrain> meh, it is that I don't have a lot of time, but rewriting the BaNaNaS frontend similar to what I did with TrueGRF would make things 20x easier 😛
15:04:56 <Rubidium> there is a bug report about snap and/or flatpack having issues with font folders not getting found, so it wouldn't amaze me if running something from snap also needs its stuff in the snap-file/folder/whatever itself
15:05:31 <Rubidium> I wouldn't even know to what extent it would write configuration and savegame files outside of that snap environment
15:06:02 <Rubidium> though I have no experience with snap or flatpack, so I can't help with solving your issue
15:09:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10537: Codechange: [CodeQL] Disable CodeQL check on trivial switch statements
15:09:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #10537: Codechange: [CodeQL] Disable CodeQL check on trivial switch statements
15:14:08 <klote[d]> Hmm ok
15:14:36 <klote[d]> Okey... so how would i go by setting this up without using snap?
15:14:54 <klote[d]> I will reset my server and start from scratch then
15:15:30 <glx[d]> download linux generic from
15:17:25 <glx[d]> probably also need (to be extracted in global basest dir)
15:20:45 <Xarick> is engine being replaced with itself when old a thing in 13.0, or will be in 13.1?
15:21:00 <Xarick> my AI might benefit from it
15:24:39 <TallTyler> That PR isn't tagged for backport, so unless that changes it will be released in 14.0
15:25:12 <Xarick> 😦
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15:39:12 <glx[d]> weird CodeQL only warns for but the same thing is done 4 times
15:42:12 <Rubidium> though ScriptListSorterValueDescending is called from the constructor
15:42:36 <glx[d]> yeah it's the default one
15:43:26 <Rubidium> and it probably thinks that there is a ScriptList somewhere on a stack or something
15:43:45 <glx[d]> we use weird construct sometimes 🙂
15:44:14 <glx[d]> but this one is safe
15:47:29 <klote[d]> men i dont understand any of this i give up back to windows
15:48:07 <glx[d]> the funny part is CodeQL marks it fixed then new
15:54:10 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] J0anJosep commented on pull request #9577: Feature: Multi-tile depots
16:16:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl opened pull request #10538: Show the number of hidden vehicles on the button
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16:17:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl updated pull request #10538: Show the number of hidden vehicles on the button
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16:19:37 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-frontend-web] TrueBrain opened pull request #165: Feature: add support for regions (add, edit, filter)
16:19:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-frontend-web] TrueBrain updated pull request #165: Feature: add support for regions (add, edit, filter)
16:21:26 <Xarick>
16:21:33 <Xarick> bad news
16:21:34 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] J0anJosep commented on pull request #9577: Feature: Multi-tile depots
16:21:38 <TrueBrain> sadly, as people wanted to have support for multiple regions, I cannot show the region in the list .. as that would take a lot of space 😛
16:21:58 <TrueBrain> lack of UI elements is hurting
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16:24:07 <petern> Alright, washed the mountain bike, now I can't ride it as it'll get dirty...
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16:24:45 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-frontend-web] github-code-scanning[bot] commented on pull request #165: Feature: add support for regions (add, edit, filter)
16:26:28 <petern> Hmm, time to try to not summon a Warden.
16:26:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-frontend-web] TrueBrain updated pull request #165: Feature: add support for regions (add, edit, filter)
16:26:52 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #10538: Show the number of hidden vehicles on the button
16:27:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-frontend-web] TrueBrain updated pull request #165: Feature: add support for regions (add, edit, filter)
16:28:13 <TrueBrain> okay, tonight we add support to bananas-server, so we can see how it looks&feels .. then we make everything pretty 🙂
16:31:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] J0anJosep commented on pull request #9577: Feature: Multi-tile depots
16:35:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #10536: Change: simplify/unify company mode scope checks
16:36:21 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl commented on pull request #10538: Show the number of hidden vehicles on the button
16:38:50 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl updated pull request #10538: Show the number of hidden vehicles on the button
16:40:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10536: Change: simplify/unify company mode scope checks
16:41:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10536: Change: simplify/unify company mode scope checks
16:41:58 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10536: Change: simplify/unify company mode scope checks
16:48:34 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] J0anJosep commented on pull request #9577: Feature: Multi-tile depots
16:49:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] J0anJosep commented on pull request #9577: Feature: Multi-tile depots
17:10:08 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #10538: Show the number of hidden vehicles on the button
17:19:24 *** dP has joined #openttd
17:19:24 <dP> ugh, openttd and it's ui...
17:22:00 <petern> Huh why does that vertical scrollbar look like that...
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18:26:21 <pickpacket> "Town growth can be accelerated by loading or unloading at least one item of cargo at up to five stations within town influence within a 50 day period." -- What does "up to five stations" mean in this sentence?
18:28:34 <Rubidium> that doing it to six or more stations doesn't improve town growth any further
18:33:02 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 updated pull request #10533: Codechange: Use SQInteger for generic numbers in script API
18:33:49 <pickpacket> Rubidium: thanks. Is town growth higher with 5 than with 1 station?
18:41:16 <pickpacket> also wondering what the difference between the blue and red squares in town coverage is:
18:41:18 <pickpacket>
18:44:13 <andythenorth> covered vs. uncovered
18:44:33 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] DorpsGek pushed 1 commits to master
18:44:34 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators)
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18:51:44 <gebik>
18:51:44 <gebik> is this a bug? see road gui bridge icon
18:54:05 <gebik> it is literally bridge with rails
18:54:35 <glx[d]> Looks fine (well it can be considered a baseset bug)
18:58:53 <Rubidium> base set, or a maybe newgrf that gives larger icons?
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19:00:57 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 updated pull request #10529: Add precondition checks for deity/company mode
19:03:37 <dP> iirc that comes from the original game, there is just no separate sprite for road bridge
19:03:49 <petern>
19:03:49 <petern> Baseset bug, the correct sprite looks fine.
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19:06:12 <PopeofMemes> dynamite
19:25:58 <TrueBrain>
19:25:58 <TrueBrain> Far from perfect, but at least it is functional .. I really need a framework to make this decent 😛
19:26:15 <TrueBrain> and yes, you can click on the right to add things on the left
19:28:13 <TrueBrain> now how to prevent people from adding everything because they didn't understand ... 😛
19:28:34 <TrueBrain> cap at 3?
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19:29:43 <kamnet> gebik: Funny, I was just looking at this yesterday and wondering if we needed to fix this eventually.
19:37:20 <pickpacket> andythenorth: does coverage have any impact on town growth?
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19:52:38 <andythenorth> no idea
19:52:50 <andythenorth> town growth is weird and opaque
19:52:56 <andythenorth> someone should make a GS that explains it 😛
19:52:59 <andythenorth> via story book
19:53:56 <pickpacket> I think the wiki page on it is good, but I don't know how exhaustive it is:
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20:15:55 <GeorgeVB> gebik: And why not to make river slopes without rocks? It would be interesting to have cheap transportation with ships in the early years.
20:18:00 <dP> pickpacket: no
20:18:18 <dP> there is a more technical article about town growth on coop wiki: <>
20:20:20 <Xarick> fixing AdmiralAI is gonna be difficult
20:20:45 <Xarick> the entire code rellies on towns being a fixed number
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20:23:07 <Xarick> he got code such as this if `(!::main_instance._town_managers[AITile.GetClosestTown(tile)].ImproveTownRating(AITown.TOWN_RATING_POOR))`
20:23:32 <Xarick> _town_managers[AITile.GetClosestTown(tile)] the town may not even be in the table
20:24:06 <Xarick> it needs to first check if it's in
20:34:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 opened pull request #10539: Fix: game scripts must not build with non-existing road types
20:36:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-frontend-web] TrueBrain updated pull request #165: Feature: add support for regions (add, edit, filter)
20:41:52 <glx[d]> Xarick: does it handle events ?
20:42:23 <Xarick> it handles industry opening and closing
20:42:40 <Xarick> but he has an entire class for towns
20:42:41 <glx[d]> then it can also check new town
20:44:02 <Xarick> he calls functions directly into _town_manager from anywhere
20:44:12 <Xarick> doesn't seem like an easy fix
20:45:11 <glx[d]> another option can be to add a wrapper around _town_managers access
20:45:24 <glx[d]> and if the town is not in the list add it
20:45:40 <Xarick> yeah, a wrapper seems like a good idea, albeit hackish :p
20:45:48 <Xarick> how do I do that again?
20:47:51 <glx[d]> _town_managers is a member of instance (::main_instance) so you can add a function `GetTownManager(town_id)` which will return _town_managers[town_id] but can also check for validity
20:49:15 <glx[d]> execution will be a little slower, but safer too
20:51:29 <TrueBrain>
20:51:29 <TrueBrain> w00p
20:52:09 <TrueBrain> I hope I didn't make (many) mistakes 😄
20:52:13 <TrueBrain> Korea vs North Korea is a tricky one 😛
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20:59:06 <glx[d]> similar area 😉
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21:03:38 <TrueBrain> there are a few .... "fun" onces in the set
21:03:42 <TrueBrain> 3166-1 defines Taiwan
21:03:46 <TrueBrain> UN M49 does not
21:03:51 <TrueBrain> 3166-2 does not
21:04:29 <Xarick> let's see if it works
21:07:07 <Xarick> nice, AdmiralAI seems to work in tandem with LuDiAI AfterFix
21:07:14 <Xarick> i create towns
21:07:23 <Xarick> he handles it fine now, apparently
21:08:59 <Xarick> `::main_instance._town_managers.rawget(town_to)` is the same as `::main_instance.GetTownManager(town_to)`
21:09:51 <Xarick> <>
21:17:59 <glx[d]> <> <-- nice documentation, but it's not in the api doc
21:21:49 <Xarick> NoCAB used to be king!
21:23:31 <Xarick> it's so sad seeing it underperform nowadays
21:26:25 <Xarick> got a crash
21:26:44 <Xarick>
21:26:51 <Xarick> probably my branch
21:27:00 <Xarick> and not on master
21:30:43 <Xarick> okay, crash is in clone orders
21:31:34 <Xarick> line 1534 order_cmd.cpp
21:32:21 <TrueBrain>
21:33:56 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on discussion #10509: Removal of old tags hinders finding new content
21:34:23 <Xarick> NoCAB issued a CloneVehicle
21:34:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain updated pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
21:35:09 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-frontend-web] TrueBrain updated pull request #165: Feature: add support for regions (add, edit, filter)
21:36:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-server] TrueBrain opened pull request #303: Feature: add support for regions, and send them as tags to the clients
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21:37:33 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain updated pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
21:38:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-server] TrueBrain updated pull request #303: Feature: add support for regions, and send them as tags to the clients
21:38:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain updated pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
21:38:57 <Xarick> something strange
21:39:23 <Xarick> <CommandCost result = Command<CMD_CLONE_ORDER>::Do(flags, (share_orders ? CO_SHARE : CO_COPY), w_front->index, v_front->index);>
21:39:30 <Xarick> share_orders is false
21:39:33 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain opened pull request #130: Feature: convert mentions of regions in tags to regions
21:39:41 <Xarick> so it gets CO_COPY, but then at the other end
21:39:53 <Xarick> it enters the CO_SHARE switch
21:39:56 <Xarick> why?
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21:41:04 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain commented on pull request #130: Feature: convert mentions of regions in tags to regions
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21:42:22 <Xarick> Variable is optimized away and not available.
21:42:25 <Xarick> 😦
21:44:48 <Xarick> I don't know what to make of it
21:45:10 <Xarick> but it doesn't look like it's my fault
21:46:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain updated pull request #130: Feature: convert mentions of regions in tags to regions
21:47:11 <TrueBrain> lol, I tried to run the same script on heightmaps as I did on NewGRFs .. total shitshow 😛
21:47:23 <TrueBrain> people have been throwing random tags on heightmaps it feels like 😛
21:49:17 <Xarick> looks like i can reproduce this crash reliably
21:49:24 <Xarick> let's try on 13.0
21:50:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/BaNaNaS] TrueBrain updated pull request #130: Feature: convert mentions of regions in tags to regions
21:53:41 <Xarick> no crash in 13.0 😦 Im puzzled
21:55:21 <glx[d]> if you can reproduce reliably you can put a breakpoint and run in VS
21:55:56 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-server] TrueBrain updated pull request #303: Feature: add support for regions, and send them as tags to the clients
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21:56:16 <TrueBrain>
21:56:16 <TrueBrain> WE HAVE MARS
21:56:18 <Xarick> crashes reliably on my branch
21:56:24 <Xarick> but not in 13.0, i wonder why
21:56:44 <dP> Xarick: can you check master, without your branch?
21:56:47 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-api] TrueBrain updated pull request #335: Feature: tag what region a NewGRF / Heightmap / Scenario is about
21:56:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/bananas-frontend-web] TrueBrain updated pull request #165: Feature: add support for regions (add, edit, filter)
21:57:03 <Xarick> gonna check master
21:57:40 <TrueBrain> should it be `Planet Mars` or just `Mars`? Hmm 🙂
21:58:31 <andythenorth> potato / planet potato
21:59:04 <TrueBrain> okay, I am rather happy with this, seems to work fine. Editing is still a bit meh, but it requires some drastic UI changes to overcome that meh feeling 😛
22:01:23 <Xarick> aha! crashed on master
22:01:29 <Xarick>
22:01:50 <Xarick> so, NoCAB builds 2 vehicles successfuly, then CloneVehicle probably to create a 3rd
22:01:56 <Xarick> and it asserts
22:02:55 <Xarick> line 1534 orders_cmd.cpp
22:03:07 <dP> hm... let me check
22:03:11 <dP> might have been my oversight
22:03:12 <Xarick> order_cmd.cpp my bad
22:03:48 <Xarick> but that's really strange that it only happens with NoCAB
22:04:08 <Xarick> all the other AIs i've been running thrroughout these days didn't crash
22:04:45 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 updated pull request #10533: Codechange: Use SQInteger for generic numbers in script API
22:06:54 <glx[d]> TrueBrain: and we all (not) like doing UI stuff
22:07:33 <Xarick> <vehicleID = AIVehicle.CloneVehicle(connection.pathInfo.depotOtherEnd, vehicleCloneIDReverse, false);> and <vehicleID = AIVehicle.CloneVehicle(connection.pathInfo.depot, vehicleCloneID, false);>
22:07:40 <Xarick> oops
22:07:56 <Xarick> anyway, in both cases, he doesn't share orders
22:08:08 <Xarick> but it reached in CO_SHARE somehow
22:08:42 <Xarick> there's no more CloneVehicle in his code, just these 2 cases
22:12:25 <TrueBrain> glx[d]: Just that Andy keeps saying he is going to do it .. :p
22:13:52 <glx[d]> Xarick: that's why breakpoints in debugger may help, it may not come here directly from clone command
22:16:22 <Xarick> running ais in debug mode is slowwww 😦
22:16:29 <Xarick> gonna wait for the crash
22:18:07 <dP> weird, I'm getting crash but in CO_COPY branch
22:18:28 <andythenorth> does bananas need to look like the OpenTTD site?
22:18:41 <andythenorth> for that matter...does the OpenTTD site need to look like the OpenTTD site? 😛
22:20:38 <dP> dP: was introduced in #10494 afaictt
22:21:12 <dP> it gets station before checking it's validity
22:21:34 <Xarick> it's in CO_COPY in debug mode
22:21:47 <Xarick> very strange
22:23:39 <Xarick> interesting
22:25:02 <glx[d]> is it a depot order ?
22:25:11 <glx[d]> ah yes it is
22:25:33 <glx[d]> yeah the bug is trying to get station from depot id
22:25:59 <glx[d]> dP: I can confirm
22:26:14 <glx[d]> (and I just read the commit)
22:26:28 <Xarick> im unsure
22:27:34 <Xarick> it's a CloneVehicle command
22:27:41 <Xarick> not sure what it has in the orders
22:27:49 <Xarick> but i recall NoCAB uses depot orders
22:27:55 <Xarick> so it might be that
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22:28:26 <glx[d]> easy to fix though
22:28:53 <Xarick> that's really odd that it only happens with NoCAB
22:29:06 <Xarick> pretty sure it's not the only AI that clones vehicles
22:29:14 <Xarick> my ai clones vehicles
22:29:22 <dP> it only happens if there are orders other than stations
22:29:31 <dP> in my crash it seems to be conditional order
22:30:06 <dP> glx[d]: are you doing the pr then?
22:30:21 <glx[d]> if you don't
22:30:23 <Xarick> me? no, im not sure what exactly's happening
22:30:33 <Xarick> need to check nocab in 13.0
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22:30:52 <dP> I kinda started so I guess I'll do
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22:33:53 <Xarick>
22:33:59 <Xarick> what he does
22:34:02 <Xarick> as orders
22:34:19 <Xarick> funny that it doesn't crash in 13
22:35:00 *** lobstarooo_ has joined #openttd
22:35:10 <glx[d]> the change is post-13
22:36:02 <glx[d]> <> <-- my try
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22:40:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl opened pull request #10540: Fix 3719f60: Crash when copying non-station orders
22:41:13 <Xarick> thank you
22:41:39 <dP> glx[d]: yeah, that was pretty straightforward xD
22:42:33 <Xarick> why did the debug pointed me to CO_SHARE in release build?
22:43:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 approved pull request #10540: Fix 3719f60: Crash when copying non-station orders
22:43:18 <glx[d]> because optimisations
22:51:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler approved pull request #10540: Fix 3719f60: Crash when copying non-station orders
22:52:34 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler merged pull request #10540: Fix 3719f60: Crash when copying non-station orders
23:04:41 <Xarick> nice
23:07:41 *** frosch has joined #openttd
23:07:41 <frosch> that un-m49 list is funny. all entries start with "001 world"
23:07:55 <frosch> not sure what "world" means, i expected "earth"
23:10:40 <Xarick> no more crash, NoCAB now can build fine
23:10:59 <frosch> also... a json listing country flags using emojis
23:33:52 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd
23:37:48 <andythenorth> oops
23:38:01 <andythenorth> trying to teach chatGPT to answer correctly about FIRS
23:38:16 <andythenorth> it starts well, then just keeps repeating well-intentioned non-facts
23:39:36 <andythenorth> it describes accurate things about OpenTTD and FIRS, then introduces spurious information from IRL
23:39:51 <andythenorth> which is factually true about RL industries, but not about FIRS or the game world
23:40:22 <andythenorth> I have asked it to relocate in the vector space so that the context is more definitively OpenTTD / FIRS
23:40:25 <FLHerne> andythenorth: it's just looking into the future and describing the future FIRS with enhanced realism
23:40:30 <andythenorth> lol
23:40:43 <andythenorth> I like talking to chatGPT, it's quite satisfying
23:40:48 <FLHerne> now get to making the future FIRS with enhanced realism :p
23:41:20 <andythenorth> I was trying to decide whether v5 Steeltown should be more or less realistic than the current test version 😛
23:41:22 <FLHerne> the fate of causality as we know it may pivot on this
23:45:17 <andythenorth> chatGPT is kind of suggesting dropping 'Alloy Steel'