IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2018-01-14
00:01:17 <Samu> @calc 150 * (1/8)
00:01:17 <DorpsGek> Samu: 18.75
00:01:49 <Samu> oops
00:02:07 <Samu> @calc 150 * 4 * (1/8)
00:02:07 <DorpsGek> Samu: 75
00:02:57 <Samu> @calc 150 * 4 * (1/25) + 150
00:02:57 <DorpsGek> Samu: 174
00:23:01 <Wolf01> 'night
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00:38:29 <Samu> i hate math
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00:49:19 *** Rybeast has joined #openttd
00:50:21 <Rybeast> Hello! I'm back to annoy again. Is it possible to auto-replace for the same vehicle? I'm wanting to replace my Chimeras on the Maglev, but it doesn't seem to let me choose another... I wouldn't mind doing manually, but I'd feel a bit meh by having to do that!
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00:54:50 <ST2> Rybeast: what year you're on? if too advanced, maybe that's the only train available
00:55:22 <ST2> if not using breakdowns, makes no sense replace with same vehicle, even if getting old
00:56:22 <ST2> to replace vehicles, there's a diff setting for that
00:56:28 <ST2> hope it helps ^^
00:57:13 <Rybeast> I'm able to buy the vehicles still, but I'm playing with breakdowns
00:57:23 <Rybeast> what's the setting to replace like with like?
00:58:43 <Alkel_U3> Autorenew in settings
00:58:48 <ST2> <<-- this 2 close to pointer
01:00:26 <Rybeast> thank you
01:01:27 <ST2> yw, if it helped, ofc :)
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01:07:09 <Rybeast> it kinda did. Just watched some trains go into their depot and nothing happened :')
01:07:30 <ST2> old ones?
01:07:57 <ST2> and you're inside cash balance? link above, close to pointer too
01:10:03 <Samu> are they old enough :p
01:10:47 <Rybeast> how old is old enough?
01:13:35 <Samu> 24 (25) or 25 (25)
01:13:43 <Samu> in vehicle details
01:14:44 <Rybeast> fml ha
01:14:47 <Rybeast> so long away
01:14:50 <Samu> i prefer 12 months before maximum age
01:15:29 <Rybeast> I've set it up for a year beforehand
01:15:43 <Rybeast> I'm currently at 20% on 60yrs old... Gotta get to 79 :(
01:16:47 <Samu> 20% on 60yrs old? what the heck?
01:16:59 <Samu> your engines last 79 years?
01:17:14 <Rybeast> it's one of the japanese maglev trains
01:17:48 <Rybeast> it says: Age 40 (80)
01:17:56 <Samu> ah
01:18:03 <Samu> it only gets old at 79 then lol
01:20:42 <ST2> yeah Rybeast, so vehicles aren't old... yet xD
01:24:14 <Rybeast> pfft :(
01:24:22 <Rybeast> as I say. 25% :/
01:24:35 <Rybeast> I'm gonna watch some YouTube vids and head to bed, thanks for your help!
01:24:36 <Rybeast> Also
01:24:48 <Rybeast> Anyone any idea how I find out what my username is for the forums?
01:24:55 <ST2> note: how frequently they visit a depot?
01:25:01 <Rybeast> loads
01:25:31 <Rybeast> it's in the service paths and the reliability and number of days is set high/low
01:25:46 <ST2> [00:24:56] <Rybeast> Anyone any idea how I find out what my username is for the forums? <<-- whatelse that yourself ^^
01:26:49 <Alkel_U3> the model can get prematurely obsolete although I'm not familiar with this set. If you buy a new vehicle, is it reliable?
01:27:29 <ST2> but I would suggest the Thread of that newgrf (forums)
01:27:43 <Rybeast> I can't get onto the forums to ask - I don't remember my username
01:27:52 <Rybeast> I'll buy another train and see if the reliability is better
01:27:57 <ST2> Rybeast: you started making questions here without stating all the facts
01:28:09 <ST2> that lead us to some goose chases
01:29:17 <Rybeast> What facts would you have liked beforehand?
01:29:35 <ST2> newgrf's used, client version, etc etc
01:29:39 <ST2> all those
01:29:55 <Rybeast> I shall bear that in mind for next time.
01:30:06 <ST2> thank you :)
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01:33:34 <ST2> another question Rybeast: was that on SP or a MP game? (Single Player | Multi Player)
01:33:47 <Rybeast> single
01:33:55 <ST2> ok
01:34:11 <ST2> check pages of the newgrf's used
01:34:30 <ST2> if something wrong with it, that's the place to post
01:35:02 <ST2> but from what I've seen, (40/80) aren't old
01:35:46 <Rybeast> I don't know my username :( I must have signed up years ago, but I can't remember what it is. The reset password feature needs bother username and email address so I'm a little stumped!
01:36:15 <ST2> know at leats the email used?
01:36:20 <ST2> least*
01:36:35 <Rybeast> yep
01:37:46 <ST2> and not the username?! kinda weird ^^
01:37:55 <ST2> well... keep trying ^^
01:38:32 <Rybeast> I've got lots of usernames
01:38:41 <Rybeast> didn't even remember openTTD untile the other day
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01:38:53 <Rybeast> but thanks. Thought there was going to be a miracle way to find it out
01:38:56 <Rybeast> thanks anyway
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08:45:19 <andythenorth> o/
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09:41:41 <Wolf01> o/
09:44:53 <andythenorth> hi Wolf01
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10:28:09 * andythenorth such ships
10:28:11 <andythenorth> drawing
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10:35:35 <andythenorth> I have a ships choice
10:36:19 <andythenorth> better overall shape?
10:36:22 <andythenorth> or more cargo visible?
10:42:15 <Wolf01> Both?
10:56:37 <andythenorth> I can draw the ship holds a few pixels wider than they should be
10:56:43 <andythenorth> which shows more cargo
11:03:52 <Borg> guys.. really
11:04:00 <Borg> there should be option from console to adjust GS parameters
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11:12:26 <andythenorth> bbl
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14:03:02 <Samu> hi
14:04:49 <Samu> the 4096x4096 tests will end in a few hours for the first 8 AIs
14:05:13 <Samu> i wonder if I test all AIs
14:05:26 <Samu> this consumed too much of my cpu
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14:14:42 <Samu> i got to say I'm kinda disappointed
14:14:59 <Samu> seems that 100 years is not enough time
14:15:23 <Samu> the map feels empty
14:15:32 <Samu> even with 500 trains and whatnot
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14:20:26 <Samu> how do I recompress a savegame, I want to convert to another format
14:20:40 <Samu> convert from zlib:1 to lzma:9
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14:32:34 <andythenorth> o/
14:34:43 <frosch123> moo
14:34:57 <andythenorth> so what enables CC on sprites then? o_O
14:35:09 <andythenorth> 1. I haven't checked if it's enabled already on catenary :P
14:35:21 <andythenorth> 2. I could probably reverse engineer it myself and probably should
14:35:39 <andythenorth> but eh, kids & chores :)
14:36:23 <frosch123> PAL_NONE means no CC
14:36:29 <frosch123> so, no CC for catenary
14:36:46 <andythenorth> it's just some kind of transform right?
14:36:51 * andythenorth guessing
14:40:15 <Samu> 648x898 to 68x79
14:40:40 <Samu> @calc 648-68+898-79
14:40:40 <DorpsGek> Samu: 1399
14:41:03 <Samu> nonocab built a maglev route with 1399 distance, impressive
14:42:10 <Samu> the first time i see it build maglev
14:42:20 <Samu> 2917 maglev pieces used
14:51:21 <Samu> ST2: hi, what is the hardest server u got there? 7?
14:51:33 <ST2> define hardest
14:51:43 <Samu> cfg file settings
14:51:58 <ST2> server #30
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14:52:11 <Samu> stuff like low loan, inflation, high costs, breakdowns, disasters etc
14:52:14 <Samu> ok
14:52:28 <ST2> for that, server #K3
14:55:16 <Samu> horrible terrain
14:58:18 <Montana> andythenorth: i've been translating FIRS and i miss some Strings. They are not even in english file
14:58:31 <Montana> They are : STR_CID_ for Rubber
14:58:55 <Montana> STR_CARGO_UNIT for rubber
14:59:13 <Montana> and STR_CARGO_NAME_ for rubber
14:59:19 <andythenorth> it's a default TTD cargo
14:59:33 <andythenorth> (usually) already translated
14:59:33 <Montana> Ah ok
14:59:52 <Montana> so i will not be able to modify it?
15:00:35 <Montana> Ok anyway
15:00:45 <andythenorth> you can do it through the OpenTTD translator
15:01:02 <andythenorth>
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15:05:38 <Montana> Well, thanks
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15:10:58 <Montana> by the way, i had some problems translating some station names
15:11:33 <Montana> i supose they are some kind of jokes, or pun
15:12:07 <Montana> like BARREL_AND_KEG
15:12:10 <Montana> ???
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15:14:07 <andythenorth> they're colloquial
15:14:12 <andythenorth> which is hard to translate
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15:14:22 <andythenorth> I was reading an Italian crime novel today
15:14:51 <andythenorth> wondering how the translator does Sicilian -> English sayings, and how much it affects the story
15:15:44 <Montana> hahaha ok
15:15:54 <Montana> can you speak italina?
15:15:58 <Montana> italian*
15:16:21 <andythenorth> nope
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16:11:42 <Samu> Wormnest: i'm configuring hard settings, which settings you want to see tested?
16:13:17 <Wormnest> Samu: Well it´s your test so you decide but test things you haven´t tested like low(er) limits
16:13:58 <Wormnest> e.g. limit number of vehicles, low station spread size, ...
16:14:19 <Samu> i see, yes, i'm gonna test that out
16:14:42 <Wolf01> [15:14:21] <andythenorth> I was reading an Italian crime novel today [15:14:49] <andythenorth> wondering how the translator does Sicilian -> English sayings, <- it's sicilian xor italian, can't be both :P
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16:16:44 <Wormnest> Or test with an industry newgrf like firs
16:16:49 <Samu> 40/400/20/50
16:16:55 <Samu> number of max vehicles
16:17:43 <Samu> station spread disabled
16:18:00 <Samu> max station size: 7
16:18:12 <Samu> it's enough for city airport i think
16:18:23 <Samu> max train size, 5
16:18:50 <Samu> hostile towns
16:18:53 <Samu> trees everywhere
16:19:05 <Samu> max bridge height: 1
16:19:10 <Samu> max bridge lenght: 12
16:19:20 <Samu> max tunnel length : 15
16:19:45 <Samu> disasters on
16:19:47 <Samu> breakdowns normal
16:19:51 <Samu> plane crashes normal
16:19:53 <Samu> recessions on
16:20:02 <Samu> inflation on
16:20:06 <Samu> rate 4%
16:20:25 <Samu> max loan £100k
16:20:34 <Samu> subsidy multiplier 1.5
16:20:43 <Samu> infrastructure maintenance costs on
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16:20:50 <Samu> running costs high
16:20:55 <Samu> construction costs high
16:21:11 <Samu> airports never expire off
16:21:15 <Samu> vehicles never expire off
16:21:25 <Wormnest> You don´t need to tell us all your settings
16:22:51 <Samu> cargodist: symmetric, asymmetric, asymmetric, normal
16:23:38 <Samu> unsure about map size yet
16:23:59 <Samu> 256x256?
16:24:02 <Samu> 512x512?
16:24:08 <Samu> 256x512?
16:24:14 <Samu> something around that
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16:27:44 <andythenorth> it's so many confounding variables
16:27:48 <andythenorth> what's the test? :P
16:28:22 <Samu> to test how resilient the AIs are, i suppose
16:29:44 <Samu> ST2: what's your [difficulty] number_towns value on server k3?
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17:20:43 <Wolf01> supermop
17:22:08 <Samu> i don't feel like continuing the 4096x4096 tests
17:22:30 <Samu> maybe another day
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17:25:23 <Samu> it feels like it needs more than 100 years
17:25:34 <Samu> maps are barelly filled
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18:54:07 <Samu> guys
18:54:12 <Samu> pick a number from 1 to 41
18:54:17 <Samu> then pick another from 1 to 8
18:54:18 <Samu> ty
19:01:44 <Samu> dead chat :(
19:02:24 <ST2> 1 and 1
19:04:22 <m3henry> 4 & 8
19:04:30 <Wolf01> 41 and 8
19:04:55 <ST2> hehe
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19:05:05 <ST2> hey Samu: dead chat, eh?!
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19:06:02 <Samu> ty
19:06:35 <Samu> 1 & 1 it is
19:07:01 <ST2> lucky you, maybe Wolf01 is busy with F :P
19:09:21 <Wolf01> Nah, just netflix
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19:09:55 <m3henry> is a useful rng
19:09:58 <Wolf01> But I could F anytime
19:10:58 <m3henry> Does anyone have a reccomendation for a GUI database application for Linux
19:12:18 <Eddi|zuHause> you mean something like access?
19:13:10 <Eddi|zuHause> also, you mean database administration, backend, data input?
19:13:37 <m3henry> yeah, it's not needed for anything server related, just for personal record keeping
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19:14:47 <Eddi|zuHause> i'd probably use python/qt with a sqlite database and roll my own gui
19:15:31 <m3henry> I'm not out to roll my own wheels :3
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19:15:49 <m3henry> But something using SQlite would be sensible
19:17:17 <Eddi|zuHause> a qt tutorial for database views doesn't take that long
19:17:44 <m3henry> I have work to do though xD
19:18:30 <LordAro> m3henry: local phpmyadmin instance, maybe?
19:18:45 <LordAro> or phpsqliteadmin, even
19:19:16 <LordAro> phpliteadmin looks more promising, on a brief search
19:19:28 <m3henry> Cheers, shall look into those
19:20:47 <LordAro> they're meant more for db administration rather than input or whatever, but could work
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19:27:53 <Samu> starting 8 servers, with 5 AIs each, except one with 6
19:27:56 <Samu> let's see who wins
19:34:14 <Samu> to be honest, I expect everybody to bankrupt
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19:47:48 <Samu> 8 PAXLink v14 - bankrupt 03-1951
19:47:56 <Samu> 5 Trans v130722 - bankrupt 03-1951
19:48:05 <Samu> 7 WormAI v7 - bankrupt 04-1951
19:49:06 <Samu> 3 TracAI v1 - bankrupt 06-1951
19:50:24 <Samu> 7 HeliFerry v3 - bankrupt 06-1951
19:51:15 <Samu> 4 NoCAB v499 - bankrupt 08-1951
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19:55:03 <Samu> 6 WmDOT v14 - sold to OtviAI 10-1951
19:56:18 <Samu> 4 EpicTrans v1 - bankrupt 11-1951
19:57:36 <Samu> 1 RoadAI v4 - 01-1952
20:02:01 <Samu> 5 FastPTPAI v4 - bankrupt 05-1952
20:03:13 <Samu> 2 MogulAI v5900 - bankrupt 06-1952
20:05:26 <ST2> Samu: testing with "hard" settings?
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20:07:55 <Samu> 6 OtviAI v418 - bankrupt 10-1952
20:07:57 <Samu> yes
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20:10:27 <ST2> well, you could PM'd me and I would give you the settings of our K3 server - but guess you managed it xD
20:10:44 <Samu> i made them worse than k3
20:10:46 <Samu> :(
20:12:14 <ST2> hehe, you naughty :P
20:15:02 <Samu> 7 PathZilla v6 - bankrupt 04-1953
20:21:10 <Samu> 3 BorkAI v23 - bankrupt 09-1953
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20:31:41 <supermop> yo
20:32:05 <supermop> trying to get some more steeltown time in andythenorth
20:32:21 <andythenorth> it's the ultimate economy
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20:38:23 <supermop> andythenorth kind of yeah
20:39:02 <supermop> even today, making steel is still pretty much the most fundamental aspect of the economy, after moving virtual money around
20:39:11 <andythenorth> it's also the most connected in FIRS
20:39:13 <andythenorth> intricate
20:39:58 <Samu> 2 Denver & Rio Grande v1 - bankrupt 01-1955
20:40:23 <supermop> little puzzled though as to why the carnegies of my little region have put the coke ovens so far away from the coal mines
20:41:11 <supermop> playing with zeph's 4x 8bpp houses
20:41:32 <supermop> makes me want to redraw unspooled for 4x
20:49:09 <andythenorth> supermop: coke ovens will be forced near blast furnace
20:49:19 <andythenorth> but I can't force near coal as well, map gen gets tricky
20:49:23 <supermop> this is true
20:49:24 * andythenorth considered it though
20:49:34 <andythenorth> I basically have to generate 5 or 10 maps for Steeltown
20:49:45 <andythenorth> I fixed it so it wasn't 30 or 40 though :P
20:51:23 <supermop> have yet to start making any vehicles
20:52:03 <supermop> making some pig iron and tiny bit of chlorine, and getting distracted by passengers
20:52:27 <supermop> as rail lines to the blast furnace had to run by a lot of towns
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20:55:23 <Samu> 8 SynTrans v15 - bankrupt 02-1956
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21:08:49 <Samu> i'm not even paying attention to AI crashing
21:09:13 <Samu> guess it doesn't matter
21:09:28 <Samu> if they crash, they will bankrupt sooner or later
21:10:55 <Samu> 2 AroAI v127 - bankrupt 03-1957
21:11:03 <LordAro> noo
21:11:58 <andythenorth> frosch123: "COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR(GetTileOwner(ti->tile));" o_O
21:15:01 <supermop> the only tire factory is on top of a mountain
21:15:49 <frosch123> andythenorth: for roads you will need GetRoadOwner, but otherwise fine
21:16:16 <andythenorth> supermop: does unspooled use 2CC on poles yet? o_O
21:17:49 <supermop> no but there is a stripe of CC blue on the galvanized poles
21:17:57 <supermop> so it would if it were possible
21:18:18 <andythenorth> actually it's just 1CC I think
21:18:28 <andythenorth> the 2CC was a typo :P
21:18:59 <supermop> well there is cc blue on the metal poles and 2cc green near the top of the creosote poles
21:19:12 <andythenorth> ok I'll try to patch
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21:22:02 <supermop> also - I still don't know why front poles don't show on U pieces:
21:22:03 <supermop>
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21:25:14 <andythenorth> Wolf01: need to patch L 1441 and 1442 of road_cmd
21:25:30 <andythenorth> I can't figure out the params for GetRoadOwner()
21:25:44 <Wolf01> Let me see
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21:26:34 <Wolf01> You need to change the palette, right?
21:27:42 <andythenorth> yup
21:27:50 <andythenorth> also learn C++ :P
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21:27:55 <andythenorth> oh it compiles now
21:28:27 <Wolf01> GetRoadOwner(ti->tile, ROADTYPE_ROAD);
21:29:35 <andythenorth>
21:29:40 <Wolf01> If you need tram, use ROADTYPE_TRAM
21:29:40 <andythenorth> compiles, but doesn't work
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21:30:22 <Wolf01> Mmmh
21:30:40 <Wolf01> You can get the roadtype from the rtid
21:30:46 <Wolf01> No need to pass it again
21:31:05 <Wolf01> GetRoadOwner(ti->tile, rtid.basetype)
21:32:27 <andythenorth>
21:33:32 <Wolf01> That's a colour in place of a palette, I don't really know how it works
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21:34:46 <andythenorth> the unspooled CC isn't :)
21:34:59 <supermop> hmm?
21:35:08 <supermop> you sure?
21:35:37 <andythenorth> yup
21:35:51 <Wolf01> Ok, COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR seem to be a PaletteID
21:36:01 <supermop> ok let me fire up photoshop
21:36:22 <supermop> unless you want to patch the game to recognize the blue I used as CC
21:37:11 <Wolf01> Anyway, andythenorth, use "PaletteID pal = COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR(GetRoadOwner(ti->tile, rtid.basetype));" and put "pal" in place of PAL_NONE, more readable :P
21:37:28 <supermop> almost a year since I drew these
21:37:38 <andythenorth> I'm testing locally supermop
21:37:46 <andythenorth> if I can remember how to work nmlc :P
21:38:27 <supermop> would probably layout this psd differently if I were to start over on this
21:39:00 <andythenorth> I got a syntax error on the compile
21:39:10 <andythenorth> I'll wait for you to send a new grf :)
21:39:43 <supermop> I might just repaint the pngs
21:40:48 <andythenorth> Wolf01:
21:40:56 <andythenorth> supermop: I just replaced the colour
21:41:03 <andythenorth> global fil
21:43:37 <supermop> currently nrt catenary only has 'front' and 'rear'
21:43:54 <Wolf01> andythenorth, yes, that will do it, but better move the pal declaration near the other ones so it won't do it if has nothing to draw
21:44:00 <supermop> so wires are part of front poles
21:44:09 <andythenorth> supermop: yes
21:44:28 <supermop> for stacking different wires might be helpful to separate those?
21:44:58 <supermop> and maybe give positions / bounding boxes to different parts?
21:45:10 <andythenorth> Wolf01: can't see a good place to put it :)
21:45:32 <andythenorth> supermop: sounds like overkill at the moment :)
21:45:43 <andythenorth> see what happens with more test grfs?
21:45:49 <Wolf01> There are 2, just over the 2 ifs or near the SpriteID ones a few lines above
21:45:50 <andythenorth> bounding boxes tend to be over-rated
21:45:52 <supermop> would allow poles in the middle of the street
21:46:59 <Wolf01> That would be cool
21:47:25 <andythenorth> Wolf01: better?
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21:49:08 <Wolf01> Yes, check the indentation and remove that whitespace at 1690 and it should work ;)
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21:55:24 <andythenorth> I can't fix the linebreak issue
21:55:32 <andythenorth> 1690
21:56:40 <andythenorth> seems there was extraneous whitespace
21:56:46 <andythenorth> which my editor is set to strip
21:57:15 <supermop> ('rear' poles have to have some amount of pixels on the 'front' layer, because the left most pole is rear for / but front for \
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22:10:52 <andythenorth> supermop: any new grf? o_O
22:11:01 <supermop> not yet
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22:13:51 <Snail> question… can I set “reliability decay” with CB36?
22:17:55 <Samu> i'm surprised there are still AIs that can still bloom in such hard settings
22:22:13 <andythenorth> Snail: newgrf docs suggest not
22:23:56 <Samu> uh uhm admiralai decided to build aircraft... :(
22:24:04 <Samu> incoming bankrupt
22:24:18 <supermop> andythenorth pmed
22:25:08 <Samu> what are your thought on infrastructure maintenance costs and inflation together?
22:25:13 <Samu> for airports
22:25:14 <ST2> I can imagine Samu's comments like a football enthusiasm xD
22:25:24 <Samu> ;)
22:27:29 <Samu>
22:27:59 <Samu> each server started with 5 AIs, except server 1, started with 6
22:28:10 <Samu> the missing AIs have already bankrupted
22:28:42 <ST2> leave away the CPU usage - that's for yourself ^^
22:28:54 <Samu> heh
22:29:23 <Samu> on 4096x4096, the usage was 90%+, peaking at 100% at times
22:29:40 <Samu> for this test, map size is 512x512
22:29:45 <Samu> size matters :(
22:30:12 <ST2> I have at home a dual Xeon's, 6cores each, with HT
22:30:35 <ST2> our servers are not that powerfull and manage games well
22:31:17 <Samu> ram usage was about 10 GB
22:31:25 <ST2> pfff
22:31:26 <Samu> when I was testing the 4096x4096
22:31:30 <ST2> only that?
22:31:47 <ST2> check K3 server
22:32:12 <ST2> usage is almost not noticed on CPU, RAM is around 200Mb
22:32:28 <ST2> serverside, I mean
22:32:36 <ST2> it has no graphics ^^
22:32:38 <Samu> 4096x4096 * 8 and then 8 more openttds spectating, so 16 openttd instances
22:32:58 <ST2> put that on a dedicated server
22:33:05 <ST2> without graphics
22:33:15 <ST2> and will not complain :P
22:33:46 <Samu> 8 instances were dedicated
22:33:53 <Samu> 8 were spectating
22:33:54 <ST2> read above
22:33:57 <Samu> :(
22:34:22 <Samu> ah, i didn't look in detail
22:34:28 <Samu> just the whole total
22:34:50 <Samu> then there was also AIs using ram as well
22:34:55 <andythenorth> supermop: works for road catenary
22:35:03 <andythenorth> did you change the trams also? o_O
22:35:06 <Samu> some are really hungry
22:35:21 <ST2> andythenorth and supermop: sorry the spam ^^
22:35:32 <andythenorth> [shrug]
22:36:05 <Snail> andythenorth: yes that’s whay I feared...
22:36:07 <Snail> any reason why?
22:36:10 <supermop> andythenorth yep
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22:36:28 <Samu> 1 AdmiralAI v25 - bankrupt 04-1960
22:38:02 <Samu> 6 CivilAI v6 - bankrupt 10-1959
22:38:07 <Samu> bankrupted before, nearly missed it
22:38:25 <supermop> I wonder if a 3 train line will be sufficient for running coal and ore along with a commuter passenger service
22:39:15 <supermop> andythenorth: vehicle dealer is cute
22:39:21 <supermop> just noticed it
22:40:29 <andythenorth> :)
22:40:41 <andythenorth> Wolf01: CC works for road catenary but not tram
22:40:45 <andythenorth> can't understand why :)
22:41:03 <Wolf01> Pics or didn't happen
22:41:20 <andythenorth> yeah, I tried another type
22:41:27 <andythenorth> supermop: still some wrong pixels :)
22:41:37 <supermop> on which tram type
22:42:12 <andythenorth>
22:42:30 <supermop> oh yeah
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22:42:43 <supermop> I forgot that modern catenary had blue
22:42:45 <andythenorth> well that works Wolf01
22:42:51 <andythenorth> push?
22:42:54 <Wolf01> Fine, push
22:43:01 <andythenorth> the whitespace was previously bad, my diff fixes it :P
22:43:06 <supermop> I only did the trolleywires on galvanized poles
22:43:10 <Wolf01> +1
22:43:18 <supermop> does 2cc on wood pole work?
22:43:41 <andythenorth> nope
22:43:53 <andythenorth> 2CC is probably possible, but I think it's overkill
22:43:58 <supermop> plans on making it work?
22:44:00 <supermop> ok
22:44:00 <andythenorth> afaik, depots, stations etc are 1CC only
22:44:02 <andythenorth> no plan here
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22:45:04 <Wolf01> 1CC should be enough
22:45:27 <supermop> X MB of RAM should be enough for anybody!
22:45:37 <andythenorth> pushed
22:45:43 <Wolf01> That was 486KB or so
22:46:21 <supermop> any clues as to why front pole doesn't show on U ?
22:46:37 <Wolf01> I have some clues, but I wasn't able to fix it
22:47:34 <supermop> really the U should have U shaped wires I guess, so I need to redraw it anyway
22:48:00 <supermop> with lots of weights and pulleys to tension the end of the run
22:52:48 <supermop> fwiw the green on the wood poles is not 2cc green
22:53:06 <supermop> its the more copper oxide-ish green
22:53:33 <supermop> which now that I think about it might have been intentional, so i'll leave it
22:54:14 <supermop> maybe if we get greeble for catenary later i'll add the occasional cc signpost
22:54:28 <supermop> along with tensioners, feedwires, etc
23:08:30 <supermop> Wolf01 it doesn't make sense, the missing pole and the wires are part of the same .png
23:08:43 <supermop> the wires are drawn in game, the pole is not
23:09:17 <supermop> the game must be cutting off a big chunk of the sprite
23:09:26 <Wolf01> Probably
23:09:30 <supermop> and only for those tiles
23:09:52 <supermop> as the regular / and \ sprites use the same template and show up fine
23:14:07 <Wolf01> Sprite aligner shows nothing?
23:17:58 <Samu> 8 LuDiAI v1 - bankrupt 03-1963
23:19:47 <Wolf01> BTW, must sleep now, 'night
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23:38:50 <andythenorth> is bed
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23:48:11 <Samu> 5 Chopper v10 - bankrupt 05-1965
23:50:44 <Samu> vehicles getting old for some AIs, more bankruptcies coming
23:50:53 <Samu> they don't renew, or don't have money to renew
23:51:19 <ST2> life... it's life: no money, no joy :P
23:51:54 <Samu> let me copy paste settings
23:53:03 <Samu>
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