IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-11-22
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00:03:40 *** orudge` has joined #openttd
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00:32:06 <Samu> i'm not too satisfied with my friendly river patch
00:32:19 <Samu> anyone expert enough that can understand Aystar?
00:33:17 <Samu> there's so many things i'd like to do yet, but they're so complicated, not really sure how to begin
00:34:16 <Samu> hmm that pseudo code might help
00:37:26 <Samu> do you remember my river patch glx?
00:39:04 <Samu> i made them fat to disguise my failure to connect the rivers
00:39:45 <Samu> I don't like fat rivers, wanted to work that out
00:40:28 <Samu> but for that, there's something I am yet to understand, and it's in the Aystar side of the code :|
00:40:58 <Samu> i dont understand penalties, or scores
00:41:29 <Samu> at the same time, the river is to be build with a degree of random
00:43:12 <Samu> needs a direction, i dunno, i am missing something
00:45:25 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
01:05:53 <Samu> river is not connected to the water stream on locks
01:07:41 <Samu> but i have ensured already that the terrain is "friendly", it is missing 1, or 2, or 3 river tiles to complete the connection
01:08:51 <Samu> no terraforming is needed
01:09:37 <Samu> what can i do to make aystar build a path that accounts for the water stream when building locks?
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16:52:41 <LordAro> Samu: fairly sure DorpsGek does not use 32bit integers
16:52:54 <crem> @calc 0xffffffffffffffff + 1
16:52:54 <DorpsGek> crem: 18446744073709551616
16:53:03 <crem> @calc 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff + 1
16:53:03 <DorpsGek> crem: 411376139330301510538742295639337626245683966408394965837152256
16:53:10 <LordAro> yeah, supybot is python
16:53:24 <crem> @calc 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ** 0xffff
16:53:24 <DorpsGek> crem: Error: The answer exceeded 1.79769313486e+308 or so.
16:53:42 <crem> @calc 1.79769313486e+308 + 1
16:53:42 <DorpsGek> crem: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
16:54:10 <LordAro> @calc (1 << (1 << (1 << 10)))
16:54:10 <DorpsGek> LordAro: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
16:54:26 <DorpsGek> LordAro: Error: Something in there wasn't a valid number.
16:55:57 <DorpsGek> crem: 100000000000000001097906362944045541740492309677311846336810682903157585404911491537163328978494688899061249669721172515611590283743140088328307009198146046031271664502933027185697489699588559043338384466165001178426897626212945177628091195786707458122783970171784415105291802893207873272974885715430223118336
16:56:00 <DorpsGek> crem: Error: The answer exceeded 1.79769313486e+308 or so.
16:56:24 <crem> I thought 10 ** 308 should be a round number though.
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16:58:52 <crem> @calc 10000000000000000 - 1
16:58:52 <DorpsGek> crem: 10000000000000000
16:59:32 <LordAro> crem: max double size
17:00:42 <crem> Yes I understand, but if it's python, why doesn't it use arbitrary size integers. Python does not fail on the same examples.
17:00:56 <LordAro> depends how supybot implements it
17:01:05 <LordAro> probably not just doing "10**308" in python
17:02:20 <DorpsGek> LordAro: The current (running) version of this Supybot is The newest version available online is
17:04:19 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
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17:05:14 <Samu> why is debug mode so terribly slow at generating a 4kx4k map?
17:05:45 <LordAro> probably because debug mode
17:07:28 <Samu> trying to test if my friendly river doesn't bug out, so decided to try that size
17:08:55 <Samu> it's already past river generation, didn't assert, so far so good, let's hope that everything is connected now
17:15:45 <Samu> it is a good things that rivers are generated before towns
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17:26:19 <Samu> aww crap, i found an issue
17:29:42 <Samu> river junctions are not properly dealt with, hmm how am i gonna fix this
17:29:53 <Samu> when a river joins another
17:30:47 <Samu> seems to be a very rare occurence, but it happened, hmm :(
17:48:03 <Samu> damn, how am i gonna detect a "yet-to-be-a-lock" tile
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19:50:59 <DorpsGek> frosch123: Error: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
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21:05:12 *** stefino has joined #openttd
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21:19:26 <stefino> oh :) okay, try to do that :) and maybe one question. I use some parts of code from Polish building set and he has here "switch_houses_cargo_type_accept", what is in graphics block too. But nml says that "Callback results are limited to -16384..16383 for signed number and 0..32767 fr unsigned number. Nml encountered 34515. What I have to change? O.o
21:23:24 <Eddi|zuHause> difficult to say without the code
21:33:53 <frosch123> you need to put the cargo labels PASS, MAIL, FOOD and GOOD to the front of your cargotabler
21:34:01 <frosch123> they must be within the first 32 items
21:34:24 <frosch123> "cargo_type_accept" can only return a selection of the first 32
21:36:50 <stefino> okay, it works :) now let's go change spriteset into spritelayout :)
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23:02:31 <Samu> it is soo hard to work with an imaginary lock
23:03:14 <Samu> if i build locks everywhere, things become easier to deal with, but ultimately, I don't wanna have locks there, I just have to imagine they're there...
23:03:47 <Samu> I'm coding for an imaginary lock
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