IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-09-11
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01:47:07 <Wolf01> So, bed early... ok... 'night :P
01:47:16 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC
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03:22:28 <Eddi|zuHause> ... if only going to bed would help
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13:28:36 <Wolf01> Moin
14:09:53 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
14:10:28 <Wolf01> o/
14:30:06 <Wolf01> "The new client appears to be incompatible with windows 10 creators update, we reccomend you to not update windows 10 creators update"... always blame others, yeah
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15:29:52 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
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15:30:00 <Alberth> o/
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15:37:33 *** supermop_ has joined #openttd
15:39:36 <supermop_> hello
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15:47:23 <andythenorth> hi
15:50:51 <supermop_> not too keen on being back
15:50:58 <supermop_> felt like i was gone a month
15:53:25 <supermop_> should quit my job and move to osaka
16:11:06 <Alberth> o/
16:16:28 <supermop_> hi Alberth
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16:45:37 <Wolf01> o/
16:45:43 <Wolf01> <supermop_> should quit my job and move to osaka <- me too
16:45:57 <Wolf01> But I liked more Kyoto
16:46:44 <supermop_> Wolf01: didn't go to kyoto this trip, but this was my first trip with significant time spent in osaka
16:48:19 <Wolf01> I visited Osaka for about one day, even if I stayed there for 4 days, there was a lot to see around there :P
16:50:34 <Wolf01> lol
16:57:37 <Alberth> silly file system :p
16:59:27 <supermop_> this trip was mostly korea, and then Seto inland sea
16:59:52 <supermop_> hiroshima, miyajima, okayama, naoshima, and teshima
17:00:04 <supermop_> then one day in Osak and one in Tokyo
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17:25:24 <supermop_> i was surprised at how many freight movements i saw down there
17:25:42 <andythenorth> japan set
17:26:07 <supermop_> there is still a ton of industrial activity in south/west honshu for a country in the 3rd decade of a recession
17:26:29 <supermop_> even was on on some single track lines
17:27:08 <supermop_> saw tones of JRF container rakes, DE10s hanging around yards, etc
17:27:37 <supermop_> in tokyo all the freight is on bypasses in other parts of town so you barely every see it
17:28:10 <supermop_> but down there a fast container train would blow through a station while you were waiting
17:56:29 <Wolf01> Bah, wanted to fix my app, sdk disappeared, probably because I installed vs2017
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18:35:17 <peter1138> Right, shall I do something useful, or start work on a 20km minecart track...
18:35:27 <andythenorth> 30km
18:35:30 <Wolf01> Minecraft track
18:35:36 <andythenorth> what’s not useful about that?
18:35:36 <peter1138> It's 20km back to spawn, so...
18:35:58 <andythenorth> you could do 1km, review a patch, say it’s crap, do another 1km
18:38:25 <Wolf01> Mmmh shit takes age to update :(
18:42:19 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't think track is the right approach to that kind of distance :p
18:42:29 <Eddi|zuHause> you should be looking into teleportation :p
18:43:17 <supermop_> so oddly enough, ktx highspeed trains in korea use lowlevel platforms
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18:44:03 <peter1138> Well, it's 2500 blocks in the nether but that seems... pointless.
18:51:04 <Wolf01> Did you try elitras and rockets?
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18:59:25 <peter1138> Nah
19:06:58 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
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19:39:17 <Wolf01> Quak
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19:40:00 <Wolf01> Mmmh, the right framework version was there but not installed O_o
19:41:00 <Eddi|zuHause> it might have eaten the config file
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19:42:31 <Wolf01> I want to set cathegories to my rss feeds, but I don't know how to filter them... icons in the sidebar?
19:44:06 <Wolf01> Double pivot might be an overkill
19:44:59 <frosch123> moin
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20:31:40 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27915 /trunk (8 files in 2 dirs) (2017-09-11 20:31:32 +0200 )
20:31:41 <DorpsGek> -Fix (r27730) [FS#6620]: Glyphs in range U+0020 to U+00FF may only be defined in orig_extra.grf, not in openttd.grf.
20:32:42 <frosch123> libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile <- anyone knows how to get rid of them?
20:32:48 <frosch123> open in gimp an resave?
20:36:46 <Alberth> "To get rid of it, remove the iCCP chunk from the PNG image." <--
20:37:26 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
20:37:51 <Alberth> "To remove the invalid iCCP chunk from all of the PNG files in a folder (directory), you can use ImageMagick's mogrify *.png, provided that your ImageMagick was built with libpng16 (run convert -list format | grep PNG to be sure of that)."
20:38:09 <Alberth> no idea what it does :p
20:38:18 <Alberth> o/ andy
20:38:54 <frosch123> apparently imagemagic's "convert -strip" is needed
20:40:46 <andythenorth> hi ho
20:41:03 <andythenorth> what’s the invalid iCCP chunk?
20:41:09 <andythenorth> is that the invalid colour profiles thing?
20:41:35 <andythenorth> CHIPS keeps reporting that on compile (grfcodec)
20:41:50 <andythenorth> I keep stripping them with photoshop batch actions, but they come back
20:42:11 <frosch123> hmm, -strip does too much
20:42:16 <frosch123> it also removes the palette :p
20:42:30 <LordAro> pfft, who needs that anyway
20:44:32 <andythenorth> I got bored of that libpng warning
20:45:01 <andythenorth> now I just ignore it
20:45:24 <andythenorth>
20:45:34 <andythenorth> they come back somehow, no idea how
20:45:46 <andythenorth> hmm child #1 calls python ‘snake’ :P
20:46:47 <supermop_> andythenorth: automate having child write .py for you
20:48:30 <andythenorth> would be .sn
20:48:32 <andythenorth> but yes
20:49:35 <frosch123> V is your child?
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21:21:55 <andythenorth> 1 less FS eh :)
21:22:10 <frosch123> enough for this year?
21:23:39 <andythenorth> enough for this week :)
21:23:50 <frosch123> month?
21:24:27 <andythenorth> well I could finish the speed patch :P
21:24:38 <andythenorth> I managed to make it crash, so that’s progress
21:24:39 <frosch123> what's that?
21:24:52 <andythenorth> re-arranging speed in the vehicle window
21:24:59 <frosch123> oh, that one
21:25:09 <andythenorth> wasn’t 1 line like I thought
21:25:16 <andythenorth> I found the other cases to handle
21:25:38 <frosch123> i thought people wanted a global setting to scale all vehicle speeds
21:25:43 <andythenorth> 'invalid'
21:25:56 <andythenorth> ottd is remarkably similar to our biggest work app
21:26:11 <andythenorth> even simple things become a tarpit of connected concerns
21:26:20 <andythenorth> and only a couple of people can code review
21:26:54 <SpComb> a C codebase orignally ported from asm written by a single guy, and then slowly suffered from the effects of many many peoppe porting it over to C++ over the years?
21:26:54 <andythenorth> is fun :)_
21:27:05 <frosch123> at my work i get a lot of chicken-egg problems, so it's at least different to ottd
21:27:11 <andythenorth> SpComb: kinda not
21:27:41 <andythenorth> more like a big Zope codebase, moved into Plone (a big CMS), then ported to ignore most of Plone while leaving it all in place
21:27:57 <andythenorth> worked on by 3 or 4 people who knew what they were doing, and 3 or 4 more who really had no idea
21:29:58 <andythenorth> like openttd, everything works, but progress on ‘new’ can be glacial
21:30:23 <frosch123> does the imperial shoe maker order system work?
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21:33:44 <andythenorth> only on certain days
21:34:34 <frosch123> related to moon phase?
21:36:12 <andythenorth> tides, so by abstraction, yes
21:38:18 <andythenorth> frosch123: imperial shoemaker is this?
21:38:23 <andythenorth> or something different?
21:39:04 <frosch123> <- no, the other thing you linked
21:39:30 <frosch123> i used that to tutor my brother
21:41:45 * andythenorth should remember own linls :P
21:41:48 <andythenorth> links *
21:44:25 <andythenorth> we need to move more things to be content, or use APIs
21:44:37 <andythenorth> sound like a familiar approach? o_O
21:47:06 <frosch123> case 31 is complicated
21:49:09 <andythenorth> it is
21:50:29 <andythenorth> there goes my evening :P
21:50:39 * andythenorth was going to play OpenTTD :”
21:51:16 <LordAro> what a preposterous idea
21:51:52 <peter1138> andythenorth, let's do it.
21:52:14 <andythenorth> MP :o
21:56:53 * andythenorth will have to go to sleep by time a game is configured :)
21:56:54 <andythenorth> lame
22:04:38 <frosch123> hmm, can i apply case 1 to coworkers?
22:06:48 <Wolf01> I need to find a way to save an object on the DataContainer for the persistent storage... I considered to serialize it but it doesn't like the "Serializable()" attribute :(
22:07:17 <frosch123> parallelize it
22:07:53 <Wolf01> Mmmh, don't tempt me to do that
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22:15:30 * andythenorth plays a game with broken newgrfs :P
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23:01:39 <frosch123> well, i can't get imagemagick to do what i want
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23:16:58 <Wolf01> @roll getting killed repeatly in fallout 4 survival mode | try to find the stuff I need with the right stats in diablo 3 | netflix and ... and nothing else
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23:47:43 <Eddi|zuHause>
23:51:52 <Wolf01> I could try netflix and sleep
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