IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-08-26
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00:12:45 <__3298> Wolf01, I've dealt with openttd windows resizing themselves before, perhaps you should check out how existing windows with that ability do it, e.g. the finances window
00:13:45 <__3298> as far as i remember, stuff gets hidden completely via SetDisplayedPlane(0) followed by a ReInit
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00:34:21 <Wolf01> __3298: could you see what it the problem?
00:35:05 <Wolf01> I'm just mocking it to learn how the ui works, I was used to the old one
00:39:18 <__3298> i think ReInit is missing after the SetDisplayedPlane calls
00:40:17 <Wolf01> I didn't see a ReInit on other UIs
00:40:26 <Wolf01> Maybe a finishInitNested?
00:41:51 <__3298> company_gui.cpp, struct CompanyFinancesWindow
00:43:19 <__3298> it doesn't even use NWID_SELECTION, but with some SetDisplayedPlane and ReInit it resizes itself to a tiny window and back to the full one
00:44:00 <__3298> scratch that, it does use NWID_SELECTION, i just missed it
00:45:13 <Wolf01> ReInit does nothing O_o
00:46:10 <__3298> maybe it's some secret ingredient in the construction. i know i copied it and got a transparency window with a working resize button
00:46:13 <Wolf01> Ok, it does change the window size
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00:46:18 <Wolf01> But I don't really wanted that
00:46:34 <__3298> ... what then?
00:47:02 <Wolf01>
00:48:16 <Wolf01> I get the same behaviour but with tabs vertically stacked
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00:49:07 <__3298> i think i need to compile that to understand
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00:52:39 <__3298> bah, base language changes, they always make the thing recompile everything. sooo slow
00:53:14 <Wolf01> Yes, that's why I asked if it was possible to use a string :P
00:53:58 <__3298> heh
00:55:18 <__3298> it is possible with those raw string thingy, but i think it's too much trouble because you need to make sure the parameter is set when the string is drawn
00:55:34 <__3298> ah, it finished compiling
00:56:53 <__3298> aaahhh, i see what you mean about vertically stacked
01:09:46 <__3298> i have a suspicion, currently recompiling to confirm/deny
01:11:51 <__3298> yup, that was it
01:13:16 <__3298> having three widgets of type NWID_SELECTION isn't the right way, one is what you need
01:14:02 <Wolf01> I started with one and named containers but got null pointers when trying to hide them
01:14:16 <__3298> then you stuff your tabs in it, one composite (is that the right term?) widget like NWID_HORIZONTAL per tab
01:14:46 <__3298> on the selection one you call SetDisplayedPlane with a parameter 0, 1, 2, ...
01:16:35 <__3298> the order window's delete/stop sharing button works that way (dunno why, they could have made it one button which changes text and checks the context in its Onclick, but instead it's two buttons that get exchanged via NWID_SELECTION)
01:18:04 <Wolf01> Ok, now it works
01:18:38 <__3298> great, glad to be helpful for once
01:18:41 <Wolf01> Thanks __3298
01:20:04 <__3298> it's been years since i last messed with that stuff, without grep i wouldn't have remembered that order window button, but that was the key
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01:22:32 <__3298> well, bedtime
01:23:27 <__3298> or, as andy would put it: /me -> bed
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02:02:31 <Wolf01> 'night
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08:14:58 <andythenorth> o/
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08:57:29 <V453000> iz
08:57:40 <V453000> andythenorth: seen the shit?
08:57:47 <andythenorth> yo
08:57:50 <andythenorth> iz trees
08:59:03 <V453000> iz
08:59:06 <V453000> iz thoughts?
09:00:56 <andythenorth> I like the one tilted on its side
09:01:03 <V453000> haha
09:01:30 <V453000> btw there is no growth stages so the screen will get a lot more busy ._. I will probably turn some trees into rocks or grass patches
09:01:35 <andythenorth> is unique look
09:01:36 <V453000> kind of hate grass patches though
09:01:53 <andythenorth> have grass fire
09:02:01 <andythenorth> and yeti with fire hose
09:02:07 <andythenorth> landscape is just...flames
09:02:49 <V453000> XD
09:02:55 <andythenorth>
09:03:23 <V453000> nice
09:03:55 <V453000> btw I was editing it to get a nicer conversion XD when the trees were darker the conversion looked more fucked
09:04:05 <V453000> it looks better overall though
09:04:50 <andythenorth> consistent tones eh
09:04:57 <andythenorth> don’t really want to notice trees
09:06:04 <andythenorth> is background foreground or is foreground background? Blah blah
09:06:14 <V453000> wot :D
09:06:18 <V453000> ah
09:06:26 <V453000> well I think trees are something in the middle
09:06:27 <V453000> GG
09:06:51 <V453000> terrain-trees-tracks-trains-gui
09:09:14 <andythenorth> “background is foreground” is some art quote
09:09:32 <andythenorth> I think it means - what’s behind the main subject, makes the main subject appear
09:09:47 <andythenorth> in game, main subject is…TRAINS
09:10:07 <andythenorth> also SHIPS
09:15:35 <V453000> yez I understand
09:15:37 <V453000> iz
09:15:56 <V453000> you don't want to see what I am going to do to ships
09:15:58 <V453000> you just wait
09:29:27 * andythenorth “k thanx bai”
09:29:49 * andythenorth bbl today or tomorrow…stuff to do :)
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10:20:00 <Wolf01> Moin
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13:16:14 <V453000> XD some time ago I was making a simple research on which tree goes where
13:16:20 <V453000> obviously most of it was wrong XD
13:16:26 <V453000> well not most
13:16:43 <V453000> but the thresholds of IDs between climates are borkd
13:20:18 <Wolf01> Yes
13:21:01 <Wolf01> Fuck I want an inline diff on VS
13:21:11 <Wolf01> Like the one on PHPStorm
13:21:31 <Wolf01> Maybe resharper has it... but 120€ license fuck me
13:25:17 <LordAro> Wolf01: have you tried CLion?
13:25:35 <Wolf01> Doesn't do c#
13:26:11 <LordAro> ah
13:26:37 <Wolf01> And it costs just 89€
13:27:18 <Wolf01> I'm considering the all-in-one pack for 250€... when I'll find a job which pays
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13:27:29 <Wolf01> I already have PHPStorm
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13:50:40 <Wolf01> Quak
13:50:52 <frosch123> hoi
13:52:07 <LordAro> o/
13:54:42 <Wolf01> I should work with alberth to make a UI designer which generates the NWidget structure
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14:13:03 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27899 trunk/src/depot_gui.cpp (2017-08-26 14:12:59 +0200 )
14:13:04 <DorpsGek> -Feature: Draw vertical separators at tile distance in the train depot GUI. This only applies if all vehicles use consistent lengths, i.e. either if only using default vehicles, or if only using NewGRF vehicles with 32px reference width. (based on patch by Wolf01)
14:13:48 <Wolf01> Andy would be happy ;)
14:15:20 <Wolf01> @summon andythenorth, alberth
14:43:29 <LordAro> :o
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17:31:54 <Wolf01> ;o; I forgot how to develop in javascript
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18:31:51 <Alberth> o/
18:32:43 <frosch123> moi
18:37:01 <LordAro> /o
18:39:47 <peter1138> that setting used to be global anyway
18:39:55 <peter1138> confusing if it is no longer :S
18:40:30 <peter1138> if it isn't global now, how it does work with mixed consists?
18:42:05 <frosch123> it's per grf
18:42:13 <frosch123> every vehicle sets its own length
18:42:17 <frosch123> in depot
18:42:39 <frosch123> when mixed, every train looks fine on its own
18:42:55 <frosch123> but two trains may look differently long in depot when they have the same length
18:44:34 <frosch123> but shortened vehicles generally fail when not using 32px
18:44:55 <frosch123> since int(29/2) + int(29/2) != 29
18:45:09 <frosch123> you can see that in nuts
18:45:10 <frosch123> blame nuts
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20:40:39 <Wolf01> I hate so much when I config a thing and it doesn't follow what I set... :|
20:42:57 <Alberth> :(
20:49:59 <Wolf01> Alberth: how well do you remember the base mechanics of the UI?
20:50:34 <Wolf01> I would like to try to make a UI designer, at least to generate the base structure
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21:26:03 <Alberth> it's not that difficult
21:26:36 <Alberth> not sure it's worth the trouble, but fair enough
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21:32:58 <Alberth> line 666 widget.cpp, line 808 widget_type.h it is probably dated, so treat it as mostly describing the global idea, with pointers to a subset of the widgets
21:33:44 <Alberth> I didn't implement zooming, and scrollbars changed considerably afterwards
21:35:40 <peter1138> < frosch123> but two trains may look differently long in depot when they have the same length
21:35:43 <peter1138> that is wrong
21:35:51 <peter1138> that's why it was always global
21:36:27 <LordAro> that does seem pretty wrong
21:36:29 <peter1138> the global setting could be set by any grf
21:36:42 <peter1138> it wasn't meant to be a per-grf setting
21:38:03 <Alberth> Wolf01: the very first document is dated from the time that nested widgets only existed at my computer
21:38:36 <LordAro> that is excessively detailed
21:38:36 <Wolf01> Good
21:38:37 <LordAro> i love it
21:38:53 <Alberth> :)
21:39:55 <Alberth> Space widget is somewhat obsolete, there are simpler methods now
21:40:19 <Alberth> main menu still is very much old-style iirc
21:42:24 <frosch123> peter1138: gaps between vehicles also look bad
21:43:27 <frosch123> also, 29px never worked correctly
21:43:53 <frosch123> 29 is not divideable by 8 or even by 2, so fractional length never add up to the whole
21:44:17 <frosch123> so with 29px "trains with same length have same depot length" never works
21:45:08 <frosch123> for example nuts early vehicles are 4/8+4/8 and shorter than the second generation
21:45:12 <frosch123> blame nuts btw :)
21:46:51 <frosch123> LordAro: see, back then patchers wrote pdf documents before they started coding :)
21:47:28 <LordAro> :)
21:49:05 <Alberth> filling is now much closer to resizing
21:58:08 <peter1138> gaps between is better than different lenghts
21:58:11 <peter1138> *lengths
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21:58:45 <andythenorth> iz
21:59:25 <frosch123> haha, andy show up at the same time as a mail notification :p
21:59:35 <andythenorth> depot lines ;)
22:00:02 <andythenorth> anyone know who Stampy?
22:00:36 <frosch123> did you get the reopen request from george?
22:00:42 <andythenorth> yup, sorted
22:01:10 <andythenorth> got a pm from george with required/not for all his requests
22:01:22 <andythenorth> mostly required, but closed a few
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22:09:06 <andythenorth> 402 FS left :)
22:09:27 * andythenorth has a tactic in work bug tracker
22:09:55 <andythenorth> "yes, but not a current goal (nobody will work on it"
22:10:15 <andythenorth> and then we set the bug tracker to hide those in queries :p
22:10:48 <andythenorth> and then it's more fun
22:11:40 <andythenorth> left alone, tickets tend to be opened faster than tickets can be closed
22:12:07 <andythenorth> fighting a losing war is very uninteresting :)
22:12:47 <_dp_> I think it's called "on hold" in some other trackers
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22:15:50 <andythenorth> flakey client :x
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22:17:13 <andythenorth> "on ice" was what I used
22:17:29 <andythenorth> now I just use "not in next 12 months"
22:17:42 <andythenorth> beyond then, who knows eh? :)
22:19:18 <andythenorth> I will lay a bet that none of is done by 2019 :)
22:20:30 <LordAro> well with that kind of attitude, no, it won't
22:21:00 <_dp_> one more reason to redo subtile movement
22:21:46 <andythenorth> lordaro we should start a betting market on fs tasks :D
22:21:57 <andythenorth> peer-to-peer
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22:30:09 <andythenorth> meh unstable connection :p
22:30:10 <andythenorth> bed
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22:32:54 <Wolf01> Me too :(
22:32:59 <Wolf01> Fucking ISP
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23:09:19 <peter1138>
23:09:37 <peter1138> definitely inspired by...
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