IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-07-11
00:00:34 *** Stimrol has joined #openttd
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03:13:04 <supermop_home> still trying to cook up exotic running costs
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03:14:06 <supermop_home> somehow just typing some arbitrary factor into each item block seems so boring, it feels like it should be computed from something for interest's sake if nothing else
03:14:49 <supermop_home> (((build_year)-1800)/4)+((num_vehs_in_consist)*10)+(cargo_capacity/10) )
03:14:59 <supermop_home> still seems pretty arbitrary though
03:16:04 <supermop_home> also doesn't make a new articulated tram built in any given year cost much more than an old tram built in the same
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03:16:43 <supermop_home> also if you play for 1000 years that build year part is going to make the factor too big
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03:18:27 <supermop_home> i wonder if I can do build_year) { 1800..1900: ((num_vehs_in_consist)*10)+(cargo_capacity/10) )*x
03:18:31 <supermop_home> etc
03:18:44 <supermop_home> put the math in the returned lines
03:18:49 <supermop_home> probably not
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03:39:59 <supermop_home> I guess I can
03:40:16 <supermop_home> but still can't think of a good rationale for how
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03:40:53 <supermop_home> idk how tram costs grow overtime in a world with no inflation
03:42:20 <supermop_home> they get bigger because the trams are bigger, but less because technology improves. the grow because labor is more expensive, but shrink because you need fewer staff on the tram
03:43:32 <supermop_home> does running an old tram today cost more or less in real costs than when it was new?
03:44:26 <supermop_home> and would a new tram built to same size and performance be more complex or more efficient
03:44:45 <supermop_home> should just make every tram have a running cost factor of 100 and leave it at that
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08:41:35 <nekomaster> So apparently I can't have 16 rail types in my GRF?
08:41:50 <nekomaster> Attempt to use Invalid ID (SPrite 3997)
08:43:12 <nekomaster> Er, more like I forgot to have High Speed Narrow Gauge in my Track set replace Monorail instead of have its own NBAN railtype
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08:44:23 <Eddi|zuHause> you should set NBAN as "alternate label" (did we implement these?)
08:44:29 <nekomaster> I did
08:44:57 <nekomaster> NBAN replaces monorail if High speed narrow gauge is enabled
08:45:15 <nekomaster> if not, then you get LAA3 for Monorail
08:45:47 <nekomaster> NAAN and NBAN are both set up in my track set to be compatible with NAAN, NBAN, MONO, MGLV, and LAA3
08:46:51 <Eddi|zuHause> you should probably not have MONO and MGLV in there
08:47:04 <nekomaster> I put that in there because its from NuTracks
08:47:10 <nekomaster> apparently NuTracks put that in there
08:47:25 <nekomaster> I guess so that people can't complain that they can't build Maglevs/Monorail
08:47:27 <Eddi|zuHause> nutracks is older than the "alternate label" feature
08:47:53 <nekomaster> Well its in ther from NuTracks -r252
08:48:00 <nekomaster> which was released I believe back in May
08:48:25 <Eddi|zuHause> no idea, did not follow nutracks development
08:48:46 <nekomaster> Nutracks 2 has been around for a while, basically a recode of the original Nutracks in NML
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09:25:39 <nekomaster> So for some reason Maglevs on LAA3 dont work?
09:25:44 <nekomaster> 2 km/h
09:25:47 <nekomaster> and 0 kN TE
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10:45:53 <Alkel_U3> Well, that was an original welcome after two week long vacation. Flooded laboratory. Lovely.
10:47:07 <Wolf01> o/
10:58:31 <Alkel_U3> o/
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15:56:28 <Alberth> evenink
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17:38:13 <peter1138> i guess an oculus rift probably won't work well on a q6600
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18:02:01 <__ln__> a q6600 isn't a gpu, so no
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20:15:48 <LordAro> hmm, no alberth
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21:02:07 <LordAro> frosch123: you'll probably know this - newgrf.cpp:4097 - are those switch cases supposed to fallthrough?
21:02:27 <LordAro> (also, why is that file over 9000 lines long?!)
21:03:01 <LordAro> oh, hang on, i can't read
21:03:03 <LordAro> carry on
21:03:47 <Eddi|zuHause> the first one says it does, and the other ones have a break
21:03:51 <LordAro> yeah
21:04:01 <frosch123> are you working on a patch for [[FALL_THROUGH]] ? :)
21:04:08 <LordAro> mebbi
21:05:10 <Eddi|zuHause> they could just add a "fallthrough" statement to c++, and warn if it doesn't get used...
21:05:39 <LordAro> they have :)
21:05:42 <frosch123> well, they did
21:05:43 <adf88> there is already in gcc 7
21:07:22 <frosch123> i wonder what the meaning of [[[ ]]] and <<< >>> will be
21:09:48 <LordAro> something really fancy, we can hope
21:18:15 <adf88> LordAro: Fact that A is powered on B implies that A is compatible with B
21:20:46 <adf88> A must be compatible with B (e.g A wagon must be able to travel on B tracks) so A is also powered on B (A locos have power on B)
21:25:17 <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds backwards
21:27:22 <frosch123> please drop that topic when andy is around :ßp
21:27:22 <LordAro> frosch123: hmm. i wonder whether it might just be better to use "/* FALLTHROUGH */", given i can't put a comment in a macro, and i'd want to default to that, if [[fallthrough]] is unsupported
21:28:06 <frosch123> LordAro: i would think the normal approach would be to add a FALL_THROUGH macro to stdafx.h
21:28:13 <frosch123> which expands to empty or the attribute
21:28:40 <LordAro> mm, probably
21:28:45 <frosch123> anyway, i think we discussed that before :p
21:29:03 <LordAro> wouldn't fix the warnings on unsupported compilers though
21:29:10 <LordAro> although they probably don't have the warning
21:29:34 <frosch123> i would very much assume that every compiler with that warning also has some method to suppress it
21:30:17 <LordAro> very good
21:30:30 <LordAro> now to work out how to detect it
21:30:45 <frosch123> for gcc it's 7.0
21:31:01 <frosch123> i wrote the same gcc version check in some header file at work :p
21:33:10 <LordAro> looks useful also
21:34:26 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27887 trunk/src/linkgraph/linkgraph_gui.h (2017-07-11 21:34:21 +0200 )
21:34:28 <DorpsGek> -Cleanup: Remove unused/unimplemented prototype (adf88)
21:34:45 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27888 trunk/src/fontcache.cpp (2017-07-11 21:34:41 +0200 )
21:34:46 <DorpsGek> -Fix: Member access coding style (adf88)
21:37:13 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27889 /trunk/src (company_gui.cpp engine_gui.cpp) (2017-07-11 21:37:10 +0200 )
21:37:14 <DorpsGek> -Change: Do not cancel headquarter construction and engine-preview-query when shift-clicking (adf88)
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22:01:27 <adf88> LordAro: are you working on a patch?
22:02:09 <adf88> because I have one :)
22:03:17 <adf88>
22:03:26 <adf88> perhaps you can pick something from it
22:04:53 <adf88> it needs some tweaks
22:05:03 <adf88> in stdafx.x
22:05:19 <adf88> compiler version check, other compilers etc.
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