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They asked whether I want to insure my smartphone against hacker attacks. :-\12:48:12 <FLHerne> Coolest thing was it being three days after the BulgariaSat launch, so there are now /two/ rockets floating about on the ocean12:48:21 *** Ammler has quit IRC12:48:49 *** Ammler has joined #openttd12:53:50 <LordAro> FLHerne: 2 different oceans though12:54:48 <FLHerne> Isn't that cooler?12:55:19 <FLHerne> Landing it on the same barge next to the first one would be best12:55:32 <FLHerne> (and impractical)13:00:30 <LordAro> FLHerne: haha13:00:46 <LordAro> i'm just waiting for the dual side booster landings from the FH13:03:39 *** Yexo has quit IRC13:03:49 *** Yexo has joined #openttd13:28:07 *** Gja has joined #openttd13:33:51 *** orudge has quit IRC13:33:52 *** orudge has joined #openttd13:44:39 *** chomwitt has joined #openttd13:50:47 *** Keridos has quit IRC13:50:54 *** Keridos has joined #openttd14:17:51 *** SpComb has quit IRC14:17:52 *** SpComb has joined #openttd14:31:57 *** Deactivated 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<trainman1432> whoosh17:15:40 *** trainman1432 has quit IRC17:31:40 <peter1138> just received 35 energy gels and 30 energy bars17:31:46 <peter1138> i could have a massive sugar rush right now17:32:34 <LordAro> no dying pls17:35:03 <peter1138> :D17:35:15 <peter1138> that lot should last me 6-12 months17:35:36 <peter1138> i feel that "3 gels every 60 minutes" that they recommend is far too much17:47:28 *** ToBeFree has joined #openttd17:48:10 *** synchris has joined #openttd17:55:08 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd17:55:18 <__ln__> the horse is the white of the eyes and dark within17:56:23 *** OsteHovel has quit IRC17:56:34 *** OsteHovel has joined #openttd18:10:53 *** Tharbakim has joined #openttd18:11:32 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd18:15:49 *** orudge has quit IRC18:18:50 *** Progman has joined #openttd18:51:42 *** glx has joined #openttd18:51:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx19:05:11 *** Biolunar has quit IRC19:05:34 *** orudge has joined #openttd19:17:34 *** chomwitt has 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