IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2017-03-27
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00:27:06 *** orudge` has joined #openttd
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01:14:48 <Samu> typedef CYapfOriginTileT<Types> PfOrigin; // origin provider
01:15:20 <Samu> i would have to use CYapfOriginTileTwoWayT, but that would require changing a ton of code
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01:17:36 <Samu> besides, water tracks don't have signals
01:17:59 <Samu> i'd need a slightly different version of CYapfOriginTileTwoWayT
01:18:44 <Samu> and i'm still unsure how to interpret this code
01:18:57 <Samu> i'm surprised I made it this far
01:19:12 <peter1138> nobody really understands the yapf code
01:19:18 <peter1138> not even the author
01:19:37 <peter1138> i mean, notice how the code style is totally different to the rest... :p
01:19:51 <peter1138> nobody dare touch it
01:20:42 <Samu> i see tons of template class, consts and whatever
01:21:03 <Samu> don't really know how it builds up nicely with each other
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01:24:00 <Wolf01> Man... I've just finished to set a custom highlight for locomotive basic
01:24:42 <peter1138> Hmm, just noticed the intro game in TTD is muted
01:25:01 <Samu> oops, i made the wrong copy paste
01:25:02 <Wolf01> Notepad++ is not really the right tool for custom highlights, I had to do some compromises
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01:26:27 <Samu> line 79 and 80 is invoking the pathfinder twice
01:26:43 <Samu> ideally, i should invoke only 1 pathfinder, which accents 2 origins
01:27:02 <Samu> it wouldn't be repeating some nodes
01:27:16 <Samu> which accepts* 2 origins typo
01:28:35 <Samu> path_found1 is the path that is found on the direction the ship is heading to, path_found2 is the path found starting on the opposite ship direction
01:29:23 <Samu> sometimes pf1 doesn't find a path, but on the reversed direction it does
01:30:02 <Samu> i retrieve the ship depot tile that it finds on pf2, but still let the ship take pf1 path, to maintain expected behaviour
01:30:17 <Wolf01> 280 i$=UPPER$(INKEY$):IF i$<>"Y" AND i$<>"N" THEN 280 <- maybe I'm tired
01:30:38 <Samu> and i still get a depot found
01:32:00 <Samu> the correct way to do this would be however with 1 pathfinder, 2 origins, not 2 pathfinders, each with 1 origin
01:33:16 <glx> <Wolf01> Man... I've just finished to set a custom highlight for locomotive basic <-- the amstrad cpc one ?
01:34:10 <glx> hmm missing GOTO on your 280 line I think :)
01:34:35 <Wolf01> It's the condition I can't understand
01:35:23 <Wolf01> Yes, but it can't be both
01:36:49 <Wolf01> And the Pirate DeMorgan will come to pull my feets this night
01:37:38 <glx> but yes basic DeMorgan stuff :)
01:38:36 <Wolf01> I don't know why but I've seen <> as ==
01:39:28 <glx> (not the best idea at that time)
01:39:38 <Wolf01> Yeah, it doesn't even exists == in loco basic
01:41:26 <glx> but using only <,> and = to write conditions probably simplified the parsing
01:43:01 <Wolf01> BTW, code is unreadable... it seem javascript with inline closures... full of subroutines mixed in the main loop
01:43:44 <glx> size optimisation for a big program ?
01:44:43 <Wolf01> I'm trying to fix the ocr errors
01:45:02 <glx> anyway basic is easily unreadable when you start to do some complex stuff
01:45:38 <glx> I remember the fun it was to enter lines of data :)
01:46:04 <Wolf01> Eh, I just passed one of the symbol definitions, and I have 2 pages of data at the end
01:47:04 <glx> usually data lines contained z80 asm stuff, but can also be music or graphics
01:47:43 <peter1138> urgh... screen burn
01:48:29 <Wolf01> 820 CLS:LOCATE 1,3:IN~ 6,0 <- here is one error... INK became IN~
01:51:32 <Wolf01> 1090 x=INT(RND*(maxx-minx+1»+minx <- yes, like I won't spot this one
01:53:37 <peter1138> BBC BASIC or get out
01:53:43 <Wolf01> Oh dear... FOR ;=1 TO objr... all "i" became ";"
01:55:24 <glx> I hope "j" detection was better
01:55:54 <glx> else good luck with the usual imbricated i and j loops :)
01:56:11 <Samu> max_search_nodes of 10000 is quite low :(
01:56:40 <glx> that's why buoys are recommended for ships
01:56:42 <Samu> on open sea that's like 15 tiles away max radius
01:58:01 <Samu> but when searching for nearest depot, i don't have buoys
01:58:11 <Samu> it's the pathfinder that is looking for it
02:00:28 <Samu> @calc 828 - 802 + 158 - 146
02:00:40 <Samu> well, 38 tiles away then
02:02:30 <Samu> perhaps i could try a mix of 2 different searches
02:02:49 <Samu> first, it tries to Find the closest reachable ship depot
02:03:18 <Samu> if it does not find it, then resort to using the original search, based on distance manhattan
02:05:19 <Samu> would be less cpu intensive in case the ship needs servicing and doesn't find any
02:05:34 <peter1138> Just make them sink.
02:06:23 <Samu> 38 is quite short, hmm let me see what the max distance was on the original
02:07:23 <peter1138> dosbox to the rescue
02:09:17 <Samu> maximum_go_to_depot_penalty / YAPF_TILE_LENGTH
02:09:57 <Samu> maximum_go_to_depot_penalty is something i can find on config file
02:13:11 <Samu> i still need a fallback to the old find method when I manually click the button to send a ship to depot
02:13:26 <Samu> i don't like the "cannot find local depot" error message
02:13:47 <Samu> either this, or increase max node search thingy
02:14:01 <Samu> but I don't know how to increase that
02:15:50 <supermop_home> need a cheap peaty scotch for cocktails
02:16:00 <supermop_home> ardbeg is way too $ here now
02:16:52 <Wolf01> Ok, I seem to have fixed all the errors... today I might try to get it to the emulator
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03:37:16 <nekomaster> Making sprites takes me way too long
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10:46:17 <peter1138> i don't need a lego cargo train do i?
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10:59:34 <Wolf01> Sadly that's not what she said :(
11:00:25 <Wolf01> Mmmh, looking for the CPC emulator I found I still have scout installed...
11:08:42 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
11:09:52 <Wolf01> Mmmmh, I really don't want to type all the code by hand
11:10:27 <Wolf01> Oh, autotype feature opened a textbox
11:29:14 <Wolf01> Good, only 1 error so far
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12:05:56 <Samu> wow, everytime the ship moves from a tile to another, it asks the pathfinder to chose track
12:06:21 <Samu> for the vast majority of time, the path is still the same
12:06:55 <andythenorth> the water tile might have changed
12:07:08 <andythenorth> it’s inefficient eh?
12:09:28 <Samu> i think it should be able to cache the path the first time it computes it
12:10:30 <Samu> the next time it is computing it, it could look at the cache first, see if all the nodes are still valid
12:11:17 <Samu> only if they're not, it would re-ask the pathfinder
12:12:07 <Samu> at least from my observations, that's what I think it should be doing
12:12:22 <Samu> but i'm no real programmer, i could be missing something obvious
12:15:16 <Wolf01> Nice, some buildings look like photoshopped, but sky and lights seem from an hdr photo
12:34:15 <Samu> max_search_nodes = 1000000
12:49:11 <dlite> Samu: couple of obvious things: If path is not computed at every tile, then the ship should at least check at minimum if the next tile in path is free to be moved to, if not, then compute new path
12:49:55 <dlite> this would lead to inefficient re-pathing if something changes midway, as the ship would first try original path and only then figure out a new, though i admit this is quite rare
12:50:38 <dlite> also, ship could always just check every now and then if the whole path it has is valid, this should be relatively quick compared to running whole pathfinder algorithm
12:51:30 <peter1138> Samu, yeah, that's why ship pathfinding kills performance
12:52:36 <peter1138> It should be possible to cache a path, and invalidate it if water is changed
12:52:51 <Samu> just tested 1000000 nodes, it is not enough to find a ship depot on the opposite corner of a 4096x4096 map :(
12:53:05 <Samu> and it stalls soooo much it's not worth it
12:53:21 <peter1138> this is partly why pbs for trains is not the performance hog that people claim. that reserved path is used instead of pathfinding
12:53:45 <andythenorth> reserved ship paths
12:54:02 <peter1138> need to stop ships from crashing into each other
12:54:05 <andythenorth> apply rule of the sea
12:54:18 <andythenorth> don’t go on reserved tiles
12:54:25 <peter1138> that might even work :p
12:54:32 <andythenorth> no need for collision detection or crap
12:54:38 <peter1138> just reserve say a dozen tiles ahead
12:54:39 <andythenorth> which is handy when we don’t have ship sizes
12:54:45 <peter1138> when it gets to the end, pathfind again
12:55:05 * andythenorth looks forward to ships going round in circles near an isthums :)
12:55:21 <andythenorth> how close can a ship follow another ship?
12:57:32 <dlite> implement path-finding as a gpu-shader on OpenCL to take the load out of the poor cpu
13:00:58 <andythenorth> does that make 1-tile canals one way?
13:01:04 <peter1138> andythenorth, hmm, yeah, 12 tiles may be too much, but 2 tiles wouldn't give much benefit.
13:01:11 <andythenorth> ha we could do it like railroad tycoon
13:01:11 <peter1138> andythenorth, yeah it would
13:01:25 <peter1138> how did that do it?
13:01:28 <andythenorth> make it so ships can pass through each other as long as one is stopped
13:01:36 <andythenorth> in RT 3, one train had to yield
13:01:46 <andythenorth> so it would unreserve at that point
13:02:05 <peter1138> damn it, i'm at work and now i want to implement this :p
13:02:34 <peter1138> also multistop docks
13:02:49 <peter1138> place dock tiles the same way as station tiles
13:02:57 <peter1138> and then any water next to a dock tile is dockable
13:03:25 <peter1138> unnecessary of course
13:03:35 <andythenorth> unnecessary but much better
13:04:35 <peter1138> maybe if the water tile next to the dock tile has a special flag, then it would be better for pathfinding
13:04:44 <peter1138> heck could even just be a station tile itself
13:05:57 <peter1138> someone archive this convo please, for 5 years time when i decide to revisit it
13:06:25 <andythenorth> I’ll put it on the github :P
13:07:26 <peter1138> "rivers have a flow direction, more powerful ships go faster upstream"
13:07:41 <peter1138> ^ that's why samu's patches for rivers and locks are a bit weird
13:08:01 <peter1138> i mean, river boats exist
13:08:24 <peter1138> but locks aren't usually used to block a river
13:09:38 <andythenorth> I think samu’s attempt to only generate lockable rivers is good
13:10:35 <peter1138> and wider rivers, though that didn't work too well in the pics :)
13:10:40 <peter1138> it's a good aim though
13:11:10 <andythenorth> if someone teaches the pathfinder to go diagonally, I’ll draw the sprites
13:11:18 <andythenorth> I did draw some, but I had a rage quit about it
13:11:26 <andythenorth> then deleted them as a kind of door-slam-flounce
13:12:37 <peter1138> i may have a patch for it
13:12:52 <peter1138> that would've been a manually placed one i guess
13:12:57 <andythenorth> I particularly like how the river ignores gravity in that example
13:13:21 <peter1138> also the broken graphics on the last slope
13:13:33 <peter1138> although i like the winding bit and the double thick curve
13:13:49 <andythenorth> you’re enlarging the S-bends?
13:13:58 <andythenorth> like a geography GCSE project
13:14:05 <peter1138> i assume i placed it all by hand
13:14:06 * andythenorth did a lot of river traversing, in wellies
13:15:03 <peter1138> half-size gui sprites
13:15:55 <peter1138> don't think that ever made it
13:16:28 <peter1138> why did i add joystick support?
13:18:58 <peter1138> That one looks shopped
13:19:16 <andythenorth> it is a painting with crayons
13:19:34 <peter1138> wonder if i still have the patch for halftile rivers
13:25:26 * andythenorth cba to build shiny stations any more
13:25:29 <peter1138> that's one way to do it
13:27:45 <peter1138> problem with my dock plan is savegame conversion ;(
13:28:03 <peter1138> hmm, probably not insurmountable
13:28:54 * andythenorth could get boring saying that
13:29:16 <andythenorth> I have nothing :P
13:30:40 <peter1138> ok, some bits in m3 can be used to store ship path reservation
13:31:53 <peter1138> dunno if the docking part should be MP_WATER or MP_STATION. if it's MP_WATER then things like river/canal state still work.
13:33:15 <andythenorth> it doesn’t need any newgrf crap, right? It’s just a tile;
13:33:26 <andythenorth> or does it need a bouy or something on it?
13:34:12 <peter1138> no it's just a blank water tile that ships stop on
13:34:27 <peter1138> my previous attempts all failed because the dockable tile wasn't actually a thing
13:34:37 <peter1138> so it has to be looked up all the time from neighbouring tiles
13:45:33 <andythenorth> can it show animated seagulls? o_O
14:01:49 <Wolf01> peter1138, that's why I failed with the multitile docks too :(
14:13:28 <Wolf01> frosch is right also, we'll need a generic station type, accessible from every gui, and not just train station
14:13:43 <peter1138> not fussed about gui :D
14:14:02 <peter1138> i had a patch for docks that mostly worked, it was the one that abused roadstops to list the dockable tiles
14:14:25 <peter1138> and each pathfinder call had to iterate the roadstop list to calculate the dockable location
14:14:41 <peter1138> animated seagulls. well.
14:15:38 <peter1138> animated segfaults are more likely
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14:18:53 <andythenorth> so instead of docks, we get docking points?
14:18:59 <andythenorth> single tile, built on water?
14:19:15 * andythenorth was hoping docks would die :D
14:20:46 <peter1138> well that may be possible but not immediately what i'm thinking
14:21:13 <peter1138> docking points are automatically placed at water adjacent to dock tiles
14:21:23 <peter1138> initially that'll be adjacent to the existing dock layout
14:21:34 <peter1138> but could easily be a single tile, or a tile on water
14:22:11 <peter1138> this gives you multiple docking points, without any pathfinder trickery needed to find them
14:24:29 <peter1138> no external arrays as it's on the map
14:25:14 <Wolf01> You could mark those tiles with a buoy or... seagulls
14:25:41 <peter1138> Wolf01, i'm more thinking of them being implicit tiles
14:26:01 <peter1138> but i suppose custom graphics are not impossible
14:27:19 <peter1138> Can I fix broken strings these days?
14:27:54 <Wolf01> Could those tiles allow to be modified at any time? Terraforming, adding new station parts over water
14:28:07 <peter1138> Wolf01, yes they would be treated as water tiles
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15:08:11 <Samu> broken down vehicles still call the pathfinder
15:08:28 <Samu> do they really have to?, i mean they're basically stopped
15:16:02 <peter1138> probably shouldn't if they're stopped
15:20:07 <Wolf01> Mmmh, I should trim my beard :/
15:25:17 <peter1138> it's better looking homeless
16:02:05 <Wolf01> I should finish that patch for NRT but I don't even know what it should do exactly
16:04:36 <Wolf01> Or at least it does the right thing at the wrong place
16:06:11 <Wolf01> Like... disabling the construction of roadstops and depots because no vehicle is defined for that roadtype, but the roadtype is compatible with others, so vehicles for it exist anyway
16:19:54 <supermop> Wolf01: which patch?
16:20:18 <Wolf01> Rework of check to build roadtype infrastructures
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17:06:35 <Wolf01> Mmmh, shouldn't the check for building infrastructures check on existing vehicles first and then on possible new ones?
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17:11:38 <Alberth> I guess you want both checks, order isn't very relevant, as it's not likely a user will try to overbuild on a vehicle, imho
17:12:15 <Alberth> unless you have other infrastructure in mind than I have :p
17:12:52 <crem> /msg nickserv identify <`5hb6��!8�Z�ͭd=ݔ$�$Etdl*ܲ��o�s�^�/��\���f��d+�Z:=Ŏ�!ǿ��(�W�b�zgh������Kx*�W���(gpg�fҧӓ���<��
17:13:40 <Wolf01> I should start to put arabic chars too
17:14:05 <Wolf01> Maybe even something like... щ(ಥДಥщ)
17:15:54 <Alberth> "please tell password" "I can't, but I can draw it for you"
17:17:15 <Wolf01> Ok, 55 minutes of work even today and I fixed part of the problem
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17:49:14 <marrenarre> Hi. Is there any way to run an AI on a server as a client? What I mean is, can I connect to a server and have the game play for me based on an AI.
17:49:47 <Wolf01> andythenorth, peter1138, about ship pathfinding iirc somebody once tried to make it with super cells like map chunks, let's say 32x32, looking first if the bodies of water were connected so it could reach the destination, then for the exact path it suggested something like pbs but only in the 32x32 cell and just to reach the exit pont
17:51:23 <Wolf01> marrenarre, usually AIs aren't really multiplayer safe, but there might be some exceptions
17:52:29 <planetmaker> marrenarre, no, AIs are a server-side extension. As client connecting to a server you cannot run an AI which plays for you
17:53:09 <marrenarre> planetmaker: So I would have to modify the game to do that? Is there any way to script my gameplay without modifying the game?
17:53:57 <planetmaker> no, I don't think there is a script interface for the client-side
17:54:25 <peter1138> Wolf01, why would it desync?
17:54:39 <planetmaker> the usual argument against that is "why have the game play itself?"
17:54:50 <planetmaker> desyncs with AI are or should be no issue
17:55:18 <peter1138> Might be a nice competition
17:56:11 <peter1138> Damn it, my belt is losing inches but I'm still not losing weight :S
17:57:02 <Wolf01> <peter1138> Wolf01, why would it desync? <- in fact, it shouldn't
17:58:51 <Wolf01> Eh, when I tried to do some gym I even gained some weight... which I dropped again when I finished the subscription... I have a black hole in my stomach
18:04:20 <marrenarre> planetmaker: Okay, thank you.
18:18:11 <Alberth> JPS may outperform it, as that add nodes only at 'interesting' points, and never in the middle of sea
18:19:07 <Alberth> hmm, except for back-navigation, so not entirely never
18:35:08 <andythenorth> coffee estate is tricky
18:35:52 <Wolf01> Don't forget a civet farm
18:36:30 <Wolf01> 0.1t/year of coffee production
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18:54:03 <andythenorth> coffee bushes + tree cover
18:55:14 <Alberth> like the vineyard, but an open space with trees near the house?
18:56:30 <Alberth> more different is perhaps better, darker green for the coffee-'vine' ?
18:57:13 <Alberth> or the colour of the small tree in the coffee-estate
19:02:44 <peter1138> ^ adds missing colour codes in translations
19:04:12 <supermop> andythenorth: sometimes they use nets
19:10:10 <Alberth> peter1138: bit tricky that, but I guess translators will fix it again if it is wrong
19:12:23 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: tnx for email
19:12:29 <TrueBrain> totally and fully forgot we run Atlassian software
19:15:47 <peter1138> Alberth, yeah... using --word-diff at least shows nothing in the translation itself is changed
19:16:18 <peter1138> although it adds "[- -]" and "{+ +}" to show changes
19:16:23 <peter1138> which also makes it harder to grok :p
19:19:43 <andythenorth> kind of a wall of green
19:20:11 <andythenorth> basically I like it, but need to try other trees
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19:59:58 <TrueBrain> there will not be any nightly today (in case anyone was waiting for one)
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20:38:37 <peter1138> Couldn't get registers: No such process.
20:38:41 <peter1138> Well, that's less useful ;(
20:48:58 <Alberth> a bit too many big trees, not?
20:50:02 <Alberth> I like it better than the first attempt
20:50:26 <Alberth> that one is so flat, so similar to the vine yard
20:55:32 <peter1138> Well that was weird.
20:55:50 <peter1138> Could not debug it. Could not close debugger. Could not kill openttd.
20:55:56 <peter1138> Could not cleanly reboot...
20:59:06 <peter1138> On the other hand, multiple docks was working for a second ::p
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21:03:27 <andythenorth> Alberth: #2 is too flat?
21:03:46 <andythenorth> it appears in same economy as vineyard, so it needs to look different :)
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21:06:18 <Pikka> whatever happened to notfields
21:12:45 <Alberth> I meant the "coffee_estate_improved.png" was too flat. Still a lot of trees on this one as well, but maybe it's better, it looks more different that way
21:14:03 <Alberth> hopefully not notideas :p
21:14:38 <Alberth> some sort of fence could make it look different too
21:14:50 <Alberth> or some earth wall-ish
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21:44:16 <andythenorth> you broke the internet nekomaster
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21:46:12 <andythenorth> or some kind of object trickery
21:46:21 <andythenorth> beyond my understanding :P
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21:57:42 <nekomaster> Are things fixed now ._.
21:57:56 <nekomaster> is IRC Armageddon over?
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22:32:16 <peter1138> hmm, why is the intro game loaded twice?
22:35:25 <frosch123> peter1138: before grf scan and after grf scan
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22:35:58 <frosch123> to activate static grfs or something
22:36:06 <peter1138> such a silly concept
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22:37:02 <Wolf01> frosch123, I tried to fix the build infrastructure check today, I actually fixed it so it behave like the default NRT but last time you said about a lot of cases missing
22:38:03 <frosch123> i guess there is stuff on paste
22:38:39 <Wolf01> Yes, that's implemented, but only that one, I should figure out the missing cases
22:44:53 <peter1138> hmm, right, oil rigs...
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22:56:45 <Samu> bah, i made ships able to service on competitor ship depots, i don't want this
22:58:22 <Wolf01> Add a d->owner == _local_company
22:58:52 <peter1138> still no idea how it works
22:58:57 <peter1138> templates, structs, typedefs...
22:59:25 <Wolf01> Maybe I could understand that, I do weird stuff
23:01:02 <peter1138> hmm, multiple inheritance
23:02:16 <Wolf01> That's my kind of stuff
23:02:37 <Samu> i need a way to make yapf test vehicle owner is the same as the tile owner at the destination
23:05:21 <michi_cc> peter1138: The template and inheritance stuff is kinda misleading. Overall, it is simply some kind of object composition (which I'm sure has some fancy pattern name :P).
23:05:43 <Samu> Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2065 '_local_company': undeclared identifier openttd D:\OpenTTD\trunk\src\pathfinder\yapf\yapf_ship.cpp 246
23:05:47 <peter1138> michi_cc, thing is i spend an hour figuring it out
23:05:52 <peter1138> then never have to touch it
23:05:57 <peter1138> so when i look again, i've no idea
23:06:00 <Wolf01> You should have seen my html forms framework... somefields had 6 levels of inheritance
23:06:19 <peter1138> i do c#, no multiple inheritance
23:06:24 <michi_cc> peter1138: For each kind of pathfinder, combine an origin provider, an destination provider, a cost function, and a node follow, spice up with a generic A* base and voila, YAPF is born :)
23:08:06 <peter1138> the weird naming and code style doesn't help :)
23:08:32 <peter1138> m_ isn't used anywhere else
23:17:15 <Samu> i have a problem, yapf destination tile doesn't have tile owner, hap
23:17:51 <Samu> looks like ship depots are very unique, in that vehicles of any companies can go into
23:18:04 <Samu> but not actually stop to service on there
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23:20:32 <peter1138> if you have the dest tile you can get the owner
23:22:21 <Samu> i have the dest tile, but v->owner isn't being accepted :(
23:25:53 <Samu> bool bDest = IsShipDepotTile(n.m_segment_last_tile) && IsTileOwner(n.m_segment_last_tile, v->owner) && GetShipDepotPart(n.m_segment_last_tile) == DEPOT_PART_NORTH;
23:26:11 <Samu> 'v': undeclared identifier
23:27:59 <peter1138> TILE_ADD TileIndexDiffC
23:28:27 <Wolf01> I remember the old macros
23:30:13 <Wolf01> There is also BEGIN_TILE_LOOP somewhere or it was definitely removed? XD
23:32:52 <peter1138> That got replaced with TileArea or something like that.
23:33:27 <Wolf01> It was weird somewhat, the END_TILE_LOOP was "}}" IIRC
23:33:39 <peter1138> yeah, annoying macros
23:34:12 <Wolf01> At least now is more resembling a custom construct
23:36:53 <peter1138> I think TileArea was something I created originally for newgrf stations
23:37:24 <Eddi|zuHause> isn't that what iterators are for?
23:38:15 <Eddi|zuHause> not that i would have any clue how an iterator looks in C++
23:38:25 <peter1138> Good to see code from 2004 still lying around
23:39:12 <peter1138> ^efaeb27 station_cmd.c (truelight 2004-08-09 17:04:08 +0000 196) #define M(x) ((x) - STR_SV_STNAME)
23:40:03 <Eddi|zuHause> wow i have not read that name in ages
23:40:17 <peter1138> Yeah, I wonder whatever happened to him...
23:40:51 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: I have not seen truelight.
23:41:22 <Wolf01> Bah, useless bot... parse old logs :P
23:41:26 <peter1138> nice that git knows about moving files around and renaming...
23:42:55 <Wolf01> Mmmh, I only have logs from 2009 in this machine
23:50:58 <Samu> bool bDest = IsShipDepotTile(n.m_segment_last_tile) && IsTileOwner(n.m_segment_last_tile, Yapf().GetVehicle()->owner) && GetShipDepotPart(n.m_segment_last_tile) == DEPOT_PART_NORTH;
23:52:40 <supermop> hmm recruited wants to call me about job i applied for that i am 99% sure i cannot get
23:53:47 <Eddi|zuHause> and why do you apply for jobs you're 99% sure you can't get?
23:53:47 <supermop> that's the problem with recruiters instead of applying directly with the employer. Employer will take one glance, know they do do want to hire you, and then not waste any of your time
23:54:20 <supermop> recruiter has noting else to do all day but throw huge numbers of candidates at jobs
23:54:43 <supermop> Eddi|zuHause: not seriously looking for new jobs just yet, so just for warm up
23:54:55 <Samu> yep, it's heading to the correct company depot now
23:55:11 <Eddi|zuHause> well, i wouldn't know how that works...
23:55:22 <Eddi|zuHause> i didn't technically "apply" for my job
23:55:26 <supermop> also apply to 200 jobs that i have a 1% chance of getting, and maybe i get two offers to choose from
23:55:32 <Wolf01> supermop, at least you have that 1% of chance
23:55:34 <Eddi|zuHause> nor my previous job
23:56:36 <supermop> Wolf01: may be less - i am probably a bit under-qualified, and according to linked in, there are already 300 applicants
23:56:55 <supermop> also linked in job listing are mostly a joke
23:58:07 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't know how linked in works
23:58:19 <Eddi|zuHause> and i have no intention of finding out any time soon
23:59:14 <supermop> vast majority of hires do not come from there, or company already has someone in mind, but need to interview a few more people just to be sure
23:59:37 <Wolf01> Here they look for people under 30 to hire as apprentice, also I'm already qualified (even if I don't have all the knowledge) for every possible IT job, because that's how it works in Shitaly, it doesn't matter if you repaired printers or you were a developer... you have the same qualify, so you can't be an apprentice anymore
continue to next day ⏵