IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2016-10-17
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00:57:48 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd
00:59:25 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
02:58:18 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
03:49:33 *** lamehusband has joined #openttd
03:50:20 <lamehusband> can someone tell me where is the file opntitle.dat is generated?
04:00:32 *** Flygon_ has joined #openttd
06:02:21 *** lamehusband has joined #openttd
06:04:13 <lamehusband> can someone tell me where is the file opntitle.dat is generated?
06:04:16 <lamehusband> I wanted to re-compile openttd and I want to change optitle.dat .. like how
06:30:53 <Sylf> What are you exactly trying to do with opntitle.dat?
06:31:57 <Sylf> you don't need to do anything
06:32:10 <Sylf> you can replace it at any point without recompiling anything
06:32:32 <Sylf> it's just a .sav file, renamed to opntitle.dat and placed at the right place
06:41:12 <lamehusband> well like if I wanted to customoze it
09:00:32 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd
09:45:06 *** markjones has joined #openttd
09:48:10 *** CompuDesktop has joined #openttd
09:50:25 *** Smedles has joined #openttd
09:51:51 *** fiatjaf has joined #openttd
09:51:51 *** dustinm` has joined #openttd
09:51:51 *** Clockworker has joined #openttd
10:05:18 *** Clockworker has joined #openttd
10:11:50 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd
10:46:08 *** Flygon_ has joined #openttd
10:47:19 *** JacobD88 has joined #openttd
11:27:38 *** Flygon_ has joined #openttd
12:35:14 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
12:56:30 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd
12:56:31 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai|noir
15:12:50 <Samu> my system crashed a while ago while I was testing 8 AIs... t.t
15:13:05 <Samu> i'm afraid I can't keep on testing Ais for 100 years
15:23:00 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd
16:35:18 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd
17:00:55 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
17:00:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth
17:06:35 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
18:06:18 *** TheMask96 has joined #openttd
18:14:19 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
18:22:42 *** Stimrol has joined #openttd
18:54:41 <Wolf01> Anybody could help me with a little vector2 and rotation matrix problem? I need to create an object on the correct side of a square and I can't even figure it :P
18:57:54 <Wolf01> I did this: Vector2 p = Vector2.Add(_center, Vector2.TransformNormal(new Vector2(32), Matrix.CreateRotationZ(_direction)));
19:15:05 <Alberth> rotationZ sounds like 3d?
19:17:56 <Wolf01> I'm on 2d, but it rotates along z axis
19:19:57 *** umgeher_ is now known as umgeher
19:23:17 <Wolf01> Ok, it was right, the vector should have been "Vector2(32, 0)"
19:30:41 *** Flygon__ has joined #openttd
19:41:42 <Alberth> and it didn't complain? :o
19:54:20 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
20:15:46 *** Progman has joined #openttd
20:18:34 <Wolf01> Ahah, no, just overloaded constructor, some other classes have even 16 different constructors
20:19:40 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd
20:35:19 <argoneus> good evening train friends
20:36:35 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd
20:36:46 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd
20:40:31 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
21:15:07 <andythenorth> just 8 trams left to draw
21:15:17 <Alberth> electric catenary for steam tramz :)
21:15:39 <Alberth> I disabled drawing of catenary to fix it :p
21:16:05 <andythenorth> Alberth: have you heard, there’s a patch for it? o_O
21:16:39 <Alberth> yes, looks like a valid use case :)
21:17:29 <Alberth> also, narrow gauge haz a bit of a problem climbing tiles, but nothing that cannot be solved with moar steam enginez
21:19:06 <andythenorth> screenshot? o_O :)
21:25:37 <andythenorth> sometimes I end up with 3 or 4 engines
21:25:46 <andythenorth> with 5 or 6 tile trains
21:25:58 <andythenorth> :o long for tramz
21:26:59 <Alberth> as production rises, I guess I'll need to switch to a proper train at some point :)
21:31:38 <Supercheese> and suddenly, trams, hundreds of them
21:33:54 *** JacobD88 has joined #openttd
21:42:15 <Alberth> for me, the main feature is to conditionally jump to other states, in particular be able to select between multiple jumps
21:44:18 <Alberth> you'd want co-routines for this kind of state machines :)
21:47:53 *** gelignite has joined #openttd
21:55:47 <andythenorth> 4/8 tram is hard to make look good
21:55:53 <andythenorth> very short in / \ views :P
21:58:28 <Alberth> narrow gauge wagons are also very short, you need loads before you get some length :)
22:02:23 <andythenorth> it’s quite pleasingly balanced against ‘normal’ rail
22:02:31 <andythenorth> without any real effort put into it :)
22:18:22 <Alberth> I find it difficult see the differences between both track types, I had a number of cases where I tried linking the wrong kind of track together :)
22:19:08 <andythenorth> should narrow gauge be smaller?
22:20:03 <Alberth> not sure, maybe I am just getting old :p
22:20:41 <andythenorth> you’re not the only one :P
22:31:31 <andythenorth> Alberth: they do look quite similar to me
22:31:37 <andythenorth> maybe I should redraw NG a bit
22:32:25 <Alberth> in the up_hill screenshot, there is normal track right next to it
22:33:11 <andythenorth> also the tracks are wider than the trains
22:33:40 <Alberth> normally, you are just trying to make a connection, and different track types is not the primary concern, until they don't fit :)
22:35:32 <andythenorth> hmm termite doesn’t build for me
22:37:16 <andythenorth> not sure how to start debugging that :P
22:37:58 <Alberth> looks like a Makefile problem
22:38:30 <Alberth> there was a variable for switching to verbose mode
22:39:33 * andythenorth tries changing the value
22:40:22 <andythenorth> hmm there’s a python 2.7 script being called
22:42:22 <Alberth> python -c "from datetime import date; print (date($REPO_DATE)-date(2000,1,1)).days" ?
22:43:07 <Alberth> line 97
22:43:35 <andythenorth> needs a python 3 port then
22:43:35 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd
22:44:38 <Alberth> could check tomorrow morning
22:45:41 * andythenorth tried the BB one
22:46:00 <Alberth> maybe the problem is earlier, in $REPO_DATE
22:46:40 <andythenorth> VERSION=`python -c "from datetime import date; print (date($REPO_DATE)-date(2000,1,1)).days"`
22:46:53 * andythenorth added parentheses for the print
22:46:55 <Alberth> the line above is different
22:46:56 <andythenorth> seems to work now
22:47:16 <Alberth> ah, print() good point
22:47:54 <andythenorth> thanks for finding the line :)
22:48:24 *** andythenorth has left #openttd
23:12:00 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd
23:17:59 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd
23:29:17 *** Extrems has joined #openttd
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