IRC logs for #openttd on OFTC at 2013-08-06
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00:05:32 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
00:19:33 *** fjb is now known as Guest2445
01:02:16 *** amiller has joined #openttd
01:05:45 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
01:15:34 *** montalvo has joined #openttd
01:32:12 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
02:10:44 *** amiller has joined #openttd
04:25:17 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
04:56:17 *** Eddi|zuHause has joined #openttd
05:05:41 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
05:43:02 <Supercheese> Forum's givin' me 500 - Internal Server Error
06:29:43 <dihedral> michi_cc, you maniac ;-) that was a run of commits last night :-)
06:30:15 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
06:30:41 <dihedral> good morning to everybody else
06:35:00 <dihedral> Xaroth, the office i mentioned we have in NL is in leiden
06:35:19 <dihedral> the university of leiden is our customer there too
06:49:27 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
06:56:47 *** Alberth has joined #openttd
06:56:47 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth
06:59:42 *** LordAro has joined #openttd
07:00:50 <LordAro> everyone else getting a 500 error on the forums?
07:01:29 <Supercheese> I was, it's now working
07:01:32 <Alberth> I didn't wait that long :)
07:01:53 <Supercheese> Still kind of laggy
07:11:07 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
07:59:10 *** oskari89 has joined #openttd
08:03:34 *** Ristovski has joined #openttd
08:23:34 *** eQualizer has joined #openttd
09:10:50 *** kais58|AFK is now known as kais58___
09:12:23 <roboboy> LordAro, I was. See my post in FOrum Suggestions and Feedback
09:28:18 *** tokai|mdlx has joined #openttd
09:30:00 *** montalvo has joined #openttd
10:41:03 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
11:01:36 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
11:16:39 <NGC3982> I had to kill my server. :-(
11:16:58 <Alberth> it's thorouhly dead now?
11:18:25 <NGC3982> I was to paint the port chiffon it stands on, and there was not enough cord to move it still running.
11:18:57 <NGC3982> First world problems..
11:19:00 <Alberth> good excuse to update everything :p
11:26:23 <NGC3982> Did not really have to, though.
11:32:51 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd
11:41:59 *** insulfrog has joined #openttd
11:51:15 <insulfrog> might post some screenies of my curent ottd network on the forums but the last post of my screenshots thread in the screenshots forum is from October 2009, is it worth posting in that thread because the revival of old topics is usually frowned upon or do I create a new thread?
11:52:19 <Alberth> if it is the same topic, and you have new information, I see no problem in posting in the same topic
11:53:10 <Alberth> most grave digs are "is there any news on this", or "this would be lovely" or similar useless comments
11:53:45 <Alberth> on the other hand, this is the moment to distantiate yourself from that old stuff :p
11:55:10 <V453000> put it this way, most forum posts are useless and most threads are meant to be useless :P
11:55:38 <V453000> -> you cant feel bad about adding stuff which is actually worth something ;)
11:56:12 <V453000> actually you cant feel bad about doing anything on the forums
11:56:16 <Alberth> good point, if only my "thread skip" algorithm was somewhat better at filtering
11:58:16 <insulfrog> oh what the devil - I'll just post my screens of my new network in it and see what happens, what's the worst that can happen :p
11:58:59 <LordAro> V453000, i took a look at the pro-game - very awesome, impressive, huge and laggy :)
11:59:11 <Alberth> insulfrog: owen can ban you from the forums? :D (nothing new of course he always can :) )
11:59:23 <Alberth> insulfrog: but I think it's not a problem
11:59:34 <V453000> LordAro: thanks, I have been playing it for about a year :)
11:59:53 <roboboy> insulfrog, Just stick in your own thread
12:00:04 <V453000> and it isnt really a pro-zone game ... it just was on the server for a while, but it is more of V-game :P
12:00:07 <insulfrog> well, yeah - there is that :p
12:00:32 <roboboy> Generally those threads we don't care about post dates and who the last poster was if it is for screenies
12:01:06 <Alberth> insulfrog: you just got permission from an official forum moderator :)
12:02:15 <Alberth> I am always hoping that people post anything else than pretty eye-candy pictures, but that never happens
12:03:35 <V453000> people who actually build things dont waste time with forums :P
12:04:22 <V453000> but to be fair our people do not update the junctionary pictures either
12:05:23 <Alberth> how do you build, you plan so good that it is right at the first build?
12:05:51 <Alberth> I always do a lot of incremental improvements on the network as the game progresses
12:06:12 <Alberth> which in its own could be interesting for a screenie thread
12:06:33 <V453000> well obviously you need to have a not-brutally-screwed-up-start to make things good for future, but if I do, I just rebuild it and continue
12:07:08 <V453000> I understand and I actually do have an almost finished article regarding game progress and stuff :P coming Soon (tm)
12:09:35 <V453000> I was even playing a special game for it, but I forgot to make the saves at correct times so I need a new game ... probably this weekend :)
12:10:05 <V453000> atm I have a save with like 20 trains going into a save with serious holyshit already
12:10:16 <V453000> which ... doesnt quite demonstrate "progress" :D
12:12:40 *** Devroush has joined #openttd
12:16:24 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
12:16:26 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
12:16:34 <andythenorth> large map, cdist, low industry count?
12:17:24 <andythenorth> also - GS idea - provide collection service to all primary industry?
12:18:09 <Alberth> that's a lot of work :)
12:18:47 <LordAro> main hub station in the centre of the map primary cargo -> main hub -> secondary industry
12:18:54 *** roboboy has joined #openttd
12:19:14 <Alberth> I want to try that too one time :)
12:19:26 <andythenorth> why is auto-refit broken?
12:19:29 <andythenorth> am I doing it wrong?
12:19:50 <andythenorth> I have an explicit order to auto-refit to Food, and this ship is just not doing it
12:20:08 <andythenorth> It is refittable to Food
12:20:09 <Alberth> and manually you can?
12:20:14 <V453000> autorefit is broken by design
12:20:30 <andythenorth> I really find it pretty useless in current incarnation :)
12:20:45 <andythenorth> it makes set design hard, and it seems to add nothing to gameplay, if it works at all
12:20:49 <Alberth> I have not played with auto-refit yet
12:20:49 <andythenorth> shame, nice idea
12:21:15 <V453000> it makes set design easy, do not support it :)
12:21:49 <Alberth> nah, support refitting to just cargo :p
12:22:05 <V453000> refit isnt autorefit :)
12:22:12 <V453000> e.g. universal wagons :)
12:24:39 *** SamanthaD has joined #openttd
12:26:03 <Alberth> pretty good, except my Python program is a bit big, 477 lines and it does nothing useful yet :p
12:26:35 <SamanthaD> what's it SUPPOSED to do?
12:27:03 <V453000> evil things as always I Bet
12:27:05 <Alberth> synchronize language files between your newgrf project and the Eints translation service
12:27:43 <SamanthaD> as always, the problem is probably way more complex than the synopsis ;)
12:28:01 <SamanthaD> but don't worry, in five days you'll have the program refactored into twenty lines ;)
12:28:06 <Alberth> currently you have to do that manually from the web pages, which is bad for scripting it
12:28:55 <Alberth> nah, urllib with Python3 :)
12:30:35 <Alberth> but it's fun finding out how to script http access
12:32:02 <SamanthaD> I'm working on my own programming problem :p
12:32:03 <Alberth> me neither, Eints is my first web application, and this script is my first http client program :)
12:32:14 <SamanthaD> right now I'm trying to figure out of my language of choice can even do what I need it to do
12:32:51 <Alberth> preferably shorter than turing-completentess suggests :)
12:33:57 <SamanthaD> according to the language's freenode channel the answer is a "no"
12:34:19 <SamanthaD> I'm writing a program with a cryptographic element and I want to make sure that security-sensitive memory won't swap to disk
12:34:42 <Alberth> hmm, wouldn't that be an OS thing?
12:35:19 <Alberth> ie some call saying "keep this data in memory at all times" ?
12:35:52 <SamanthaD> yes, it would. But there's a C function known as "mlock" that implements that in any well behaved OS
12:36:04 <SamanthaD> Haskell doesn't support mlock :p
12:38:14 <Alberth> wrap a C program with mlockall() around haskell?
12:40:59 <SamanthaD> have you SEEN what a misbehaving haskell program does to memory usage?! ;)
12:44:59 <Alberth> never done any Haskell, but I have written a compiler in ASF (another functional language), which tended to explode in size when converting it to C code :)
12:45:04 <NGC3982> Haskell is a good name for a dystopian novel.
12:46:34 <SamanthaD> Yeah, in Haskell you trade never having to ever see your program core dump with "oh god it just ate four gigs of memory in three seconds!"
12:47:40 *** NeuhNeuh has joined #openttd
12:47:54 <Alberth> my case did that mostly in an hour or so, since after 1G, it ran out of physical memory :p
12:49:13 <SamanthaD> Huh... I can't find anything on ASF
12:49:28 <SamanthaD> I'm pretty sure it's not "Australian Sign Language"
12:49:41 <SamanthaD> (I hear Australian Sign Language has a GOTO command)
12:51:13 * SamanthaD gives Alberth a nerd medal for coding in a language that even my search engine doesn't know about!
12:51:50 <SamanthaD> NeuhNeuh: You're a musician?
12:52:01 <NeuhNeuh> SamanthaD: Musician with a big "" :)
12:52:12 <NeuhNeuh> I create music for the lol :)
12:52:20 *** montalvo has joined #openttd
12:53:22 <NeuhNeuh> SamanthaD: If you want to listen, I can send a link to a music in private message or here
12:53:23 <SamanthaD> some people get too serious about their music and forget the lol
12:55:02 <SamanthaD> 80's pop is the musical equivalent of a computer virus
12:55:20 <SamanthaD> once you listen to it it runs in a continuous loop, consuming all your mental resources
12:55:47 <NeuhNeuh> I Like Justin Bieber's music :D
12:56:11 <SamanthaD> nothing wrong with liking shitty music, NeuhNeuh
12:56:23 <SamanthaD> damnit... where's my headphones?!
12:57:13 <SamanthaD> NeuhNeuh: perhaps I should add a conditional... Nothing wrong with liking shitty music provided you use headphones ;)
12:57:18 <NeuhNeuh> I want to give a response to this ask, but My brain say "stop now please"
12:57:49 <NGC3982> Isn't Haskel a programming language?
12:58:07 <SamanthaD> NGC3982: Indeed it is!
12:58:31 <SamanthaD> the finest programming language ever devised by insane mathematicians
12:58:53 <Alberth> ah, that explains all the missing parentheses :p
13:00:00 <SamanthaD> and the lack of variable assignment ;)
13:00:38 <Alberth> oh, that's not so much of a problem :)
13:02:13 <Alberth> I still have an algorithm that I want to understand, but the only sufficiently precise definition is the implementation in Haskell which is so unreadable to me, as I cannot see what the functions and what the parameters are
13:02:35 <SamanthaD> Alberth: Link? Maybe I can explain it to you?
13:03:04 <SamanthaD> though... it's been a while since I've actually used the language
13:03:06 <SamanthaD> I just really love it
13:03:14 <SamanthaD> so, I want to use it
13:12:15 <SamanthaD> *tears her hair out*
13:12:46 <SamanthaD> my project has two conflicting requirements ;_;
13:20:09 <Alberth> it does difficult type graph manipulation to derives types in Haskell programs
13:20:39 <LordAro> latex always looks so nice :3
13:20:42 <V453000> tearing hair clearly makes a point to me
13:20:58 <V453000> latex is awesome unless you mean the software
13:21:20 <Alberth> you just love the stuff at your wall :p
13:26:09 <SamanthaD> LaTeX: preventing pregnancies since the 80's
13:34:04 * roboboy goes to get a chocolate biscuit then ban all the birthday bots
13:35:42 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd
13:46:31 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
13:51:25 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd
14:50:46 *** Polleke has joined #openttd
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15:23:58 <insulfrog> well, my screenshots are up but already recieved a negative comment (not very constructive though - probably because u
15:25:38 <LordAro> well, no it wasn't very helpful, but there are much better ways to take screenshots ;)
15:25:50 <LordAro> try the top right toolbar menu
15:26:02 <LordAro> and "zoomed-in screenshot" (or similar)
15:26:13 <LordAro> much easier to see what's going on
15:26:59 <LordAro> also, that seems to be a very small window? you might want to increase the size (i assume you're not actually using a screen that tiny :P )
15:27:12 <insulfrog> *probably becaused i used print screen rather than the in-game screenie system, (i usually tend tu use the alt+print screen anyway as the ottd window is resizeable to the forum's screenshot size rule without extensive editing after the ingame screenie is took)
15:27:59 <LordAro> i really wouldn't worry about keeping to 800x600, it really doesn't matter too much these days
15:28:14 <LordAro> oh, and remember to turn trees back on - looks nicer :)
15:28:14 <Alberth> just make the window size fit the tt-forums rule?
15:28:36 <insulfrog> my actual montor resolution is 1360 X 768 so the screenshot will look small anyway
15:29:01 <Alberth> insulfrog: I think the main problem is that you cannot see any details, which is basically why you look at screen shots
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15:30:48 <V453000> insulfrog: if you expect Alluke to give you anything useful, constructive, or not idiotic, good luck :D
15:32:44 <V453000> but there isnt too much visible in the zoomed out version, that is true ... I would attach a savegame
15:33:14 <V453000> btw there exists "take default zoom screenshot" under the "?" menu on the right
15:43:59 <insulfrog> just taking some sampe shots and playing around with the system, just to see what's the best areas to screenie-ise
15:54:53 <V453000> still, even with small screens you can take large screenshots with the "?" tools
16:00:52 <insulfrog> I think its because I don't play that often that I do forget that there are built-in screenshot tools available :p
16:09:10 *** TrueBrain has joined #openttd
16:15:38 <insulfrog> I see what you mean about big screenshots :p , just took one at my big junction and it took an image that is 12800 X 9600 from an 800 X 600 window (are you sure that the forum can handle an image that big or do I have to crop it? )
16:25:54 <insulfrog> disregard that, used default zoom screenie on it - image size is better - plus it won't slow my computer down when it comes to fourm sizeable
16:28:24 <V453000> well you can always downsize the image in photoshop easily :)
16:29:22 <insulfrog> that would be fine if i had photoshop :p (I think I might have something similar)
16:39:16 <Zuu> Though, depending on the program, it may use quite a lot of memory to open the image. Especially if it is a non-CLI program that will try to display the image when it's opened.
16:40:24 <Zuu> Eg. GIMP will probably try to allocate a 12800x9600 32bit bitmap in memory and load the png to this image surface.
16:41:29 <Zuu> At best it will go for 8 bit as the PNGs from OpenTTD are 8 bit if you don't use 32 bit rendering.
16:42:09 <insulfrog> I got something called IrfranView which is already loaded in and I think I got Coral Paint Shop Pro disc somewhere (I must reinstall that at some point)
16:43:18 <Zuu> Hmm that said 12800*9600*8 is ~120 MB and with 32 bit, that become ~480 MB. So not impossible to load on todays often much larger memory banks.
16:47:08 *** Progman has joined #openttd
16:47:16 <insulfrog> I went for a more suttle 3200 X 2400 as I think it maybe more easier to handle :)
16:47:50 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
16:47:56 <Alberth> nah, sometimes you should test system limits :p
16:48:35 <insulfrog> I don't want to crash it :p
16:49:01 <Alberth> just by loading a big image? :o
16:50:37 <insulfrog> well, its my tea time so maybe bbl, cyas :)
16:53:19 *** Midnightmyth has joined #openttd
16:53:34 *** megakacktus has joined #openttd
16:56:12 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
16:59:54 *** ntoskrnl has joined #openttd
17:09:51 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
17:15:01 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
17:15:10 <frosch123> i should script this :p
17:18:23 <Alberth> just remove the highlight :p
17:18:51 <frosch123> i removed the highlight for earthquake
17:19:38 <Alberth> adn we don't even have that in openttd :)
17:19:43 <megakacktus> So I finally got my filter editbox to work... sort of
17:20:13 <frosch123> i updated the wiki yesterday wrt the editbox
17:20:19 <frosch123> no idea whether it is complete :p
17:20:45 <megakacktus> the box doesn't actually filter anything yet :(
17:22:19 <Alberth> doesn't it need some label in front?
17:22:38 <megakacktus> Alberth: I was thinking of adding that
17:23:00 <Alberth> perhaps add it above the list, you have more room there
17:23:17 <Alberth> and people won't confuse it with the save dialogue
17:23:58 <Alberth> hmm, that may be too optimistic, let's say "less people would" :)
17:25:14 <frosch123> yay, i love it when bug reports prove that some newgrf feature was never used :p
17:25:30 <Alberth> remove it immediately :p
17:26:47 <megakacktus> Ok, I'll move it up and add a label
17:26:59 <megakacktus> Then I'll implement filtering
17:29:47 <frosch123> oh, it was actually used
17:31:23 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r25695 trunk/src/vehicle.cpp (2013-08-06 17:31:16 UTC)
17:31:24 <DorpsGek> -Fix [FS#5700] (r24882, r25648): Vehicle::MarkDirty must be called for the front engine.
17:32:05 <Alberth> just a bit glitchy :)
17:33:00 <frosch123> i guess it only happened if you use the newgrf in a way not as realistic as the author intended
17:33:43 <Zuu> Hmm, shouldn't this pannel above the save list be just one column (above the list). Ie. Have strict two columns. One for the list + filter and current path, and one for information about selected item.
17:33:56 <Zuu> but I guess, the current solution was choosen to display long paths.
17:34:35 <frosch123> yup, and it looks ugly to not align the game details header with the list header
17:35:17 <DorpsGek> Commit by michi_cc :: r25696 /trunk/src (gfx_layout.cpp gfx_layout.h) (2013-08-06 17:35:11 UTC)
17:35:18 <DorpsGek> -Fix (r25651): Missing function in the non-ICU paragraph layouter.
17:35:20 <Zuu> But it would also look ugly to have list filter + path take more width than the list.
17:35:48 <Zuu> I guess, as long as you can figure out how it works then, don't bother if it is not the most beautiful dialog :-)
17:36:23 <Zuu> If aynyone wants something to do, I'm always find in a bit silly that my folder "#openttdcoop" is sorted above the ".." link/button.
17:39:57 <Alberth> there are more such puzzles with order of sorting :)
17:40:25 <Alberth> but then again, a more sane order is not always apprecoated :p
17:40:45 <frosch123> i think if you start a folder name with a #, it's ok to get punished
17:41:39 <Zuu> OTTDAU picks the folder name "#openttdcoop Public Server" automatically if you select that release target.
17:42:21 <frosch123> blaming your own child?
17:44:33 <Zuu> Not really, but thanks to that, I may not be the only one with an "#" in the start of an OpenTTD folder.
17:45:54 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r25697 /trunk/src/lang (6 files) (2013-08-06 17:45:41 UTC)
17:45:55 <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:56 <DorpsGek> catalan - 6 changes by juanjo
17:45:57 <DorpsGek> simplified_chinese - 2 changes by siu238X
17:45:58 <DorpsGek> traditional_chinese - 2 changes by siu238X
17:45:59 <DorpsGek> english_AU - 2 changes by mrtux
17:46:00 <DorpsGek> estonian - 3 changes by KSiimson
17:46:01 <DorpsGek> polish - 1 changes by p0358
17:46:20 <Wolf01> it's so cold here I'm thinking to move on Mercury to get some heat from the Sun
17:47:33 <LordAro> cold? what is this madness? :L
17:48:23 <Alberth> turn off the airco :p
17:51:34 <Wolf01> ok, that's a proof a joke in different languages has really different results
17:51:35 <frosch123> the thunderstorm today was the best thing in weeks
17:52:26 <Alberth> Wolf01: what would you say?
17:53:22 <Wolf01> I was saying that Earth is still warm than Mercury, even with this high temperature
17:56:33 *** Aristide has joined #openttd
18:07:30 <Pinkbeast> LordAro: Totally blank with NoScript
18:08:00 <Pinkbeast> LordAro: The source loads some junk I don't want to see, I assume it's been nobbled by squatters
18:08:14 <LordAro> yes, it looks like it :/
18:09:58 <LordAro> seems to be relatively recent, i can't find anything mentioning it being hijacked
18:12:14 <LordAro> hmm, nope, wayback machine shows same ad page from May 31
18:13:46 <Eddi|zuHause> the thunderstorm "was"?
18:14:05 <frosch123> sunny already again
18:14:20 <Eddi|zuHause> so there is still hope that the world will not end :p
18:15:06 <Eddi|zuHause> it's a really crazy thunderstorm. first it's dark, then it's thundering endlessly, then it's windy, then it's raining like crazy, then it's flashing endlessly, ...
18:15:07 *** TheMask96 has joined #openttd
18:15:34 <Rubidium> that thunderstorm is so yesterday
18:19:38 <frosch123> one of those xkcd i did not understood :)
18:23:23 <frosch123> didn't they give up?
18:48:37 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd
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19:05:58 <megakacktus> even though it is just a filter editbox :P
19:06:09 <Supercheese> Eeeeeew, .jpg compression is the exact opposite of beauty
19:07:26 <megakacktus> Now I just need to actually implement savegame filtering, but that shouldn't be ridiculously hard
19:26:16 <Zuu> Create a filter method and use the GUIList filter support
19:32:32 <andythenorth> so what to do what to do
19:32:35 <andythenorth> play more cdist?
19:32:41 <andythenorth> cdist is bonkers :P
19:32:59 <Supercheese> add troll features
19:34:24 <Supercheese> you can troll with that too ;)
19:34:49 <andythenorth> GS is more learning than I want to do right now :)
19:34:59 <andythenorth> I have to get a bit obsessive to learn things :P
19:35:05 <andythenorth> right now I have a lot of other work to do :)
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19:36:27 <Zuu> andythenorth: you could start small - and will eventually will have a GS
19:36:35 <andythenorth> one day I will :)
19:37:05 <andythenorth> so I want to play a US game with big (100 car) manifest (mixed cargo) freights
19:37:18 <andythenorth> which cdist makes easier
19:37:27 <andythenorth> but refitting individual wagons is a lot of work
19:37:33 <andythenorth> and there is no consist management
19:37:36 <Zuu> I have started to update my Minimal GS to fix things that people have asked about. But not realeased that yet.
19:37:39 <andythenorth> and autorefit just seems to not work properly
19:38:00 <Supercheese> and NARS doesn't support autorefit, sadly
19:38:07 <Zuu> Or you could dive into OpenTTD code and fix autorefit :-p
19:38:08 <andythenorth> that's ok, autorefit doesn't work anyway :)
19:38:20 * andythenorth finds autorefit code
19:38:24 <andythenorth> I want to know how it works
19:38:45 <andythenorth> for 'autorefit to available cargo' <- but which is chosen? In alphabetical order? CTT order? Most waiting? Highest value?
19:39:07 <glx> <andythenorth> I want to know how it works <-- easy if it doesn't work ;)
19:39:19 <andythenorth> "I want to know how it doesn't work" :P
19:41:30 <frosch123> it refits to the most available cargo
19:41:51 <andythenorth> that is accepted at next station?
19:41:54 <andythenorth> comments suggest so
19:42:08 <frosch123> whatever wants to get on the train
19:42:25 <andythenorth> so if next order is implicit?
19:42:34 * andythenorth is reading economy.cpp
19:42:45 <frosch123> don't confuse cdist and autorefit :p
19:42:55 <frosch123> first comes cdist, then autorefit
19:43:15 <andythenorth> so am I reading cdist code in economy.cpp?
19:43:17 <frosch123> though if you have multiple parallel routes, autorefit might affect link capacity and trigger different routing :p
19:44:58 <Pinkbeast> With any kind of conditional order you can easily set up a nice mad feedback loop
19:46:31 * andythenorth tries to figure out if autorefit is specifically broken for ships
19:48:41 <andythenorth> also the autorefit that doesn't work is to a specific cargo
19:50:00 <andythenorth> so I have a ship on a simple route A-B (forget cdist influence, this is simple)
19:50:06 <andythenorth> A and B have pax waiting
19:50:14 <andythenorth> A also has food, which is accepted at B
19:50:41 <andythenorth> orders are: go to A, full load with autorefit to food; go to B, with autorefit to passengers
19:51:36 <andythenorth> A also has mail waiting
19:52:07 <frosch123> if you autorefit to a specific cargo, then it does not autorefit to most available :p
19:52:07 <andythenorth> if I send the ship to depot, and manually refit to any cargo except PAX or mail, it will refit and load food at A
19:52:30 <frosch123> so, does the vehicleset forbid autorefitting?
19:52:37 <frosch123> it must not cost anything for example
19:52:40 <andythenorth> if the ship is refitted for passengers or mail, it arrives at A, *doesn't* refit to food, and loads passengers or mail
19:52:59 <andythenorth> it then arrives at B and refits to passengers as per order
19:53:32 <andythenorth> so if any of the currently refitted cargo is waiting, the explicit refit order is ignored
19:53:51 <andythenorth> so does cargo start loading before the refit happens?
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19:57:03 <andythenorth> frosch123: the vehicle set refits
19:57:24 <andythenorth> there are no problems if the currently refitted cargo is not waiting
19:58:49 <frosch123> ah, so, does it work in earlier revisions?
20:02:11 * andythenorth tests trunk with cdist off
20:05:20 <andythenorth> using manual distribution, I can't reproduce this issue
20:13:35 <andythenorth> src/fontcache.cpp:194: error: ‘>>’ should be ‘> >’ within a nested template argument list
20:14:05 <frosch123> add a space then :p
20:15:55 * andythenorth needs a faster laptop
20:15:58 <andythenorth> compiling is boring
20:16:24 <frosch123> i choose the specs of my machine just for compiling ottd :p
20:16:30 <frosch123> though these days i run vms on it :p
20:18:22 <andythenorth> frosch123: issue is present in 25494
20:18:36 <frosch123> oh, so it was broken earlier
20:19:05 <andythenorth> do I have to go to flyspray? :(
20:19:22 <frosch123> likely, ideally attach the 1.3.0 savegame
20:19:23 <andythenorth> I have been trying to understand order code
20:19:28 <frosch123> so someone can bisect with it
20:22:19 <andythenorth> issue doesn't affect road vehicles
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21:01:20 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r25698 /trunk/src (train_cmd.cpp vehicle_cmd.cpp) (2013-08-06 21:01:14 UTC)
21:01:21 <DorpsGek> -Fix [FS#5700]: Autoreplace/renew also refits free wagons.
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21:21:30 <frosch123> does you phone ring "moin"?
21:33:25 *** DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
21:33:34 <frosch123> as long as it does not do the ttd level crossing sound
21:33:43 <frosch123> hmm, sawmill might be interesting
22:03:39 <Eddi|zuHause> the most disturbing sound i encountered in OpenTTD was when pikka's industries used the "explosion" sound for the quarry
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23:58:23 <Nat_aS> what are those giant south african steam engines called
23:58:33 <Nat_aS> there is a word for that type of engine I just forgot it
continue to next day ⏵